Cluster Dynamics Largely Shapes Protoplanetary Disc Sizes: Kirsten Vincke and Susanne Pfalzner

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Cluster dynamics largely shapes protoplanetary disc sizes

arXiv:1606.07431v1 [astro-ph.GA] 23 Jun 2016

Kirsten Vincke and Susanne Pfalzner

Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Auf dem H
ugel 69, 53121 Bonn, Germany

It is still on open question to what degree the cluster environment influences the sizes of
protoplanetary discs surrounding young stars. Particularly so for the short-lived clusters typical
for the solar neighbourhood in which the stellar density and therefore the influence of the cluster
environment changes considerably over the first 10Myr. In previous studies often the effect of the
gas on the cluster dynamics has been neglected, this is remedied here. Using the code NBody6++
we study the stellar dynamics in different developmental phases - embedded, expulsion, expansion
- including the gas and quantify the effect of fly-bys on the disc size. We concentrate on massive
clusters (Mcl 103 6104 Msun ), which are representative for clusters like the ONC or NGC6611.
We find that not only the stellar density but also the duration of the embedded phase matters.
The densest clusters react fastest to the gas expulsion and drop quickly in density, here 98% of
relevant encounters happen before gas expulsion. By contrast, discs in sparser clusters are initially
less affected but as they expand slower 13% of discs are truncated after gas expulsion. For ONClike clusters we find that usually discs larger than 500AU are affected by the environment, which
corresponds to the observation that 200AU-sized discs are common. For NGC6611-like clusters
disc sizes are cut-down on average to roughly 100AU. A testable hypothesis would be that the
discs in the centre of NGC6611 should be on average 20AU and therefore considerably smaller
than in the ONC.
Subject headings: protoplanetary disks planetary systems galaxies: star clusters: general



Similarly, simulations that model the expansion

history of massive clusters in the solar neighbourhood find that the SFE of these clusters must have
been of the order 30% (Pfalzner & Kaczmarek
2013b). In comparison, the SFE for an entire
molecular clouds is much lower, only of the order of just a few per cent at most (see e.g. Murray
2011; Garca et al. 2014).
At the end of the star formation process the
remaining gas is expelled through various mechanisms such as, for example, the explosion of a
supernova (Zwicky 1953; Pelupessy & Portegies
Zwart 2012), bipolar stellar outflows (Matzner &
McKee 2000), or stellar winds of the most massive
stars (Zwicky 1953; Dale et al. 2012; Pelupessy
& Portegies Zwart 2012; Dale et al. 2015). It is
expected that ultimately supernovae will remove
any remaining gas from the cluster, but probably

Most stars are born in stellar clusters, which

in turn form from dense cores in Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs). At least for massive clusters
(Mcl > 103 M ), it is known that they are highly
dynamical structures and follow well-defined evolutionary tracks, depending on their initial mass
and size (Pfalzner & Kaczmarek 2013b). At very
young ages they are still embedded in their natal gas; the duration of this embedded phase is
thought to last between 1 3 Myr for clusters
in the solar neighbourhood (Leisawitz et al. 1989;
Lada & Lada 2003; Portegies Zwart et al. 2010).
Comparing the gas and stellar content in nearby
star forming regions, observations find that the
fraction of gas in a GMC which is turned into stars
(referred to as star formation efficiency - SFE) lies
in the range of 10% 35% (Lada & Lada 2003).

other processes like wind are more important, as

clusters are already found to be gas poor at 1-3
Myr, whereas even supernova with 25MSun need
already 7 8 Myr until they explode. The gas expulsion itself is thought to happen on time scales
smaller than or of the order of the dynamical times
of the cluster (Geyer & Burkert 2001; Melioli &
de Gouveia dal Pino 2006; Portegies Zwart et al.
2010). Gas expulsion is supposed to happen earlier in massive than in low-mass clusters due to
the larger number of high mass stars.
The gas expulsion leaves the clusters in a supervirial state and they react by expanding with
a simultaneous loss of a considerable portion of
their members. The cluster dynamics after gas
expulsion investigated thoroughly in the past (e.g.
Lada et al. 1984; Goodwin 1997; Adams 2000;
Geyer & Burkert 2001; Kroupa et al. 2001; Boily &
Kroupa 2003a,b; Fellhauer & Kroupa 2005; Goodwin & Bastian 2006; Baumgardt & Kroupa 2007;
ughausen et al. 2012; Pfalzner et al. 2014, 2015).
Within the clusters their members interact with
each other, influencing already formed protoplanetary discs. Processes like external photoevaporation (Johnstone et al. 1998; St
orzer & Hollenbach 1999; Scally & Clarke 2002; Matsuyama et al.
2003; Johnstone et al. 2004; Adams et al. 2006;
Alexander et al. 2006; Ercolano et al. 2008; Gorti
& Hollenbach 2009; Drake et al. 2009), viscous
torques (Shu et al. 1987), turbulent effects (Klahr
& Bodenheimer 2003), and magnetic fields (Balbus & Hawley 2002) are capable of reducing the
discs in size, mass and/or angular momentum.
However, here we concentrate on the effect of
the gravitational forces acting during close stellar
fly-bys shape the discs resulting in loss of angular
momentum (e.g. Pfalzner & Olczak 2007) and/or
mass (e.g. Clarke & Pringle 1993; Hall 1997; Scally
& Clarke 2001; de Juan Ovelar et al. 2012).
Ideally one would simulate the entire cluster
with each of the stars surrounded by a disc using smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods. In
this case effects like viscous spreading of the discs
and multiple fly-bys would all treated in a selfconsistent way. Still, even with modern supercomputers this is extremely challenging. Rosotti et al.
(2014) performed a direct theoretical investigation
of disc sizes in clusters by combining N-body simulations of a low-mass cluster (100 stars) with
smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simula-

tions of protoplanetary discs and determined the

disc sizes. Even for such a low-mass cluster he
could only model the first 0.5 Myr of the development and had to make the artificial assumption
of the stars to be of equal mass due to computational constraints. Thus, for the time being direct
modelling of massive clusters and even more so a
parameter study for those is completely out of the
Therefore the standard procedure is a two step
approach: First, N-body simulations of the cluster dynamics are performed where the fly-by history of each star is recorded and, second, results
from parameter studies are used to post-process
the data and determine the effect on the discs
(e.g. Scally & Clarke 2001; Olczak et al. 2006;
Pfalzner et al. 2006; Olczak et al. 2010; Steinhausen & Pfalzner 2014). These studies concentrated on the disc frequency, average disc mass
and angular momentum in the embedded phase of
the cluster. However, non of these studies considered the gas content as such or the effect that the
gas expulsion process has on the cluster dynamics. Here we want to concentrate instead on the
disc size, because (a) it is the most sensitive indicator for the cluster influence (Rosotti et al. 2014;
Vincke et al. 2015), (b) with the advent of ALMA
a direct comparison with observation is possible,
and (c) it gives limits on the sizes of the potentially
forming planetary systems that can be compared
to exoplanetary systems.
There have been a few studies that investigated
the influence of fly-bys on the disc size. However,
they were usually based on the results from parameter studies of fly-bys between equal-mass stars
(Kobayashi & Ida 2001; Clarke & Pringle 1993;
Adams 2010). A real cluster contains a wide spectrum of masses and therefore equal-mass fly-bys
are the exception rather than the rule (Pfalzner
& Olczak 2007). Others proposed to convert the
disc-mass criterion of Olczak et al. (2006) directly
into a disc size (de Juan Ovelar et al. 2012). Nevertheless,Breslau et al. (2014) showed that this approach is error prone and devised a relation for the
disc size after an fly-by which is valid over a large
range of mass ratios between the star and the perturber.
Vincke et al. (2015), in the following referred to
as VBP15, used this more appropriate description
of the effect of fly-bys on the disc size to perform

study on embedded clusters of different mass and

stellar density. They found that fly-bys in the embedded phase are capable of reducing discs to sizes
well below 1 000 AU and that the median disc size
strongly depends on the stellar density. However,
they again as all previous studies did not take into
account the presence of the gas in the embedded
phase and the effect of gas expulsion on the cluster
In contrast to previous studies, we include here
the effect of the gas on the cluster dynamics and
model all the evolutionary stages of the clusters
self-consistently - the embedded phase, the gas expulsion, and the expansion phase. We quantify the
differences between the fly-by history in the embedded phase and the expansion phase. More importantly, we will demonstrate how the differences
in cluster dynamics and time scales influence the
fly-by dynamics and the final disc-size distribution
in dense and sparse clusters.

distribution (Olczak et al. 2010) with a flat core

which is representative for the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) which is just at the onset of gas expulsion and one of the best studied massive clusters
in the solar neighbourhood. A detailed description
of the density distribution, including an illustration of the initial density distribution as a function
of the cluster radius (their Fig. 1), can be found
in Olczak et al. (2010). Any potentially existing
substructure would make close encounters more
common, so that the here presented results can be
regarded as lower limits for the importance of the
cluster environment on the protoplanetary discs.
In contrast to VBP15 and most previous work here
we take into account the potential of the gas component, too. The total mass of the system Mcl is
Mcl = Mstars + Mgas with Mstars being the stellar
component of the cluster, therefore, the gas mass
is given by
Mgas =


Mstars (1 SFE)


where SFE is the star formation efficiency

which is assumed to be 30%. Various studies
have shown that such SFEs are characteristic for
massive clusters like NGC 2244, NGC 6611 etc.
in the solar neighbourhood (for example Lada &
Lada 2003). The stars are initially still embedded
in the remaining gas. Note that the gas density
profile was chosen to be of Plummer form (Steinhausen 2013) with a half-mass radius similar to
that of the stellar profile (1.3 pc), because King
gas profiles lead to numerical difficulties.
Apart from Rosotti et al. (2014), all previous
studies of this kind did not include the gas component, including it here basically results in a different velocity dispersion compared to the gas-free
case. It is assumed that the cluster is initially in
virial equilibrium. The stellar velocities and the
individual stellar masses are sampled randomly,
the former from a Maxwellian distribution, the latter from the IMF by Kroupa (2002) with a lower
stellar mass limit of 0.08 M and an upper mass
limit of 150 M . The embedded phase of clusters
is thought to last between 1-3 Myr (Leisawitz et al.
1989; Lada & Lada 2003; Portegies Zwart et al.
2010). Accordingly, we simulated clusters with
an embedded phase lasting temb = 2 Myr, but also
performed an additional set of simulations for the
densest cluster with temb = 1 Myr (model E51).

Cluster simulations

The cluster simulations are performed using the

code Nbody6++ (Aarseth 1973; Spurzem 1999;
Aarseth 2003). We model clusters of different
mass, which is realised by performing simulations of clusters with different numbers of stars:
1 000 (E0), 2 000 (E1), 4 000 (E2), 8 000 (E3),
16 000 (E4), and 32 000 (E52, E51). However,
the initial size of the clusters is kept fixed at a
half-mass radius of rhm = 1.3 pc which allows to
study clusters of different density. Clusters depicted e.g. in Lada & Lada (2003) usually have
somewhat smaller radii (< 1 pc) as they still form
stars. There are strong indications that clusters
sizes increase with age during the star formation
process and are typically about 1-2 pc by the time
star formation is finished (Kroupa 2005; Pfalzner
& Kaczmarek 2013a; Pfalzner et al. 2014).
Currently it is not clear to which extent massive clusters are subject to substructure. Any
potentially existing substructure is quickly erased
in the star formation phase (Bonnell et al. 2003;
Parker et al. 2014), at the latest the gas expulsion will eliminate any left-over substructure in
the presented extended clusters. For simplicity,
we assume here an initial stellar number density
distribution according to a relaxed, smooth King

bourhood, the ONC, disc radii in the range from

27 AU up to 500 AU were found by several
surveys (McCaughrean & Odell 1996; Vicente &
Alves 2005; Eisner et al. 2008; Bally et al. 2015).
However, the ONC is already 1 Myr old. Whether
these measurements are representative for the primordial disc-size distribution or whether photoevaporation or fly-by processes have already altered the sizes remains unclear. In other clusters
disc sizes up to several thousand AU have been reported. Therefore, there is no information about
a typical initial disc size or a disc-size distribution
in embedded stellar clusters.
For this reason, and for simplicity, all discs in a
cluster are set up with the same initial size rinit , ignoring any possible dependency of the disc size on
the host mass (cf. Hillenbrand et al. 1998; Vicente
& Alves 2005; Eisner et al. 2008; Vorobyov 2011;
Vincke et al. 2015). We performed a numerical
experiment, setting the initial disc size to a very
large value of rinit = 10 000 AU. The interpretation of this large initial disc size will be discussed
in Section 3 and Section 4.
In our simulations we determine the size of the
protoplanetary discs around the cluster members
after each stellar fly-by using the equation

This allows us also to study how the length of the

embedded phase influences the final distribution
of protoplanetary disc sizes. For a more detailed
summary of the set-up parameters see Table 1.
In contrast to previous work, we take into account that the gas expulsion process typically happens after 1 3 Myr. The gas expulsion itself happens on short time scales, typically smaller than or
of the order of several dynamical times tdyn of the
cluster (Geyer & Burkert 2001; Melioli & de Gouveia dal Pino 2006; Portegies Zwart et al. 2010)
which is given by

tdyn =




The dynamical time scales for the cluster models E0-E52 are very short, between 0.8 0.14 Myr,
see Column 7 of Table 1. Therefore, and for better comparability of our cluster models, we assume
the gas expulsion process in all clusters to be instantaneous. This immediate removal of the gas
mass after t = temb leaves the cluster in a supervirial state, so that the cluster expands in order to
regain virial equilibrium. We will discuss the consequences of such an instantaneous gas-expulsion
on the results compared to a longer expulsion time
scale in Section 4. We follow the cluster expansion until 10 Myr have passed since the cluster
was fully formed.

0.28 rperi m12
, if rdisc < rprevious
rdisc =
rprevious ,
if rdisc rprevious ,
given by Breslau et al. (2014), where m12 =
m2 /m1 is the mass ratio between the disc-hosting
star (m1 ) and the perturber (m2 ), rperi the periastron distance in AU, and rprevious the disc size
previous to the fly-by in AU. This equation is valid
for coplanar, prograde, parabolic fly-bys. This
type of fly-by is more destructive than inclined,
retrograde or hyperbolic fly-bys (Clarke & Pringle
1993; Heller 1995; Hall 1997; Pfalzner et al. 2005b;
Bhandare & Pfalzner subm.). However, the effect
of inclined, retrograde and hyperbolic fly-bys is
much less investigated. First results by Bhandare
& Pfalzner indicate that non-coplanar encounters
have nevertheless a considerable effect on the disc
size. Thus, the here presented result has to be
regarded as lower limit of disc size, but will not
be considerably smaller than it would be in the
inclined case.
Viscous forces, which might lead to disc spread-

In each simulation, the fly-by history for each

individual star was tracked and the fly-by properties recorded. For each cluster model, a campaign of simulations with different random seeds
was performed in order to improve statistics and
minimise the effect of the initial individual set up
of a cluster on the results. The number of simulations for each set-up is given in Column 3 of
Table 1.

Disc size development

Ideally one would start out the simulation with

an observed primordial disc size. However, observationally it is challenging to measure disc sizes
directly especially in embedded clusters. In contrast to the disc fraction, disc size measurements
are usually performed in (nearly) exposed clusters
which have expelled most of their gas. For the
best observed stellar cluster in the solar neigh4

ing (Rosotti et al. 2014), and self-gravity between

the disc particles are neglected in this model because the discs are set up containing only mass-less
tracer particles. Every star in the cluster was surrounded by such a mass-less disc, therefore, each
fly-by event is actually a disc-disc fly-by. Capturing of material from the disc of the passing star is
disregarded in our approach as well. The formula
above only holds for star-disc fly-bys, where only
the primary hosts a disc. Nevertheless, Pfalzner
et al. (2005a) found that a generalisation of discdisc fly-bys to star-disc fly-bys is valid as long as
the discs have a low mass and not much mass is
transferred between the two. For a more detailed
description of the disc-size determination, its approximations, and the resulting influence on the
results, see, Breslau et al. (2014). At the end of the
diagnostic step the resulting fly-by and disc-size
statistics are averaged over all simulations within
one simulation campaign.
Before presenting the results, we want to elucidate some definitions used in the following. We use
the term fly-by in our study for gravitational interactions between two stars which a) reduce the
disc size by at least 5% (rdisc /rprevious 0.95).
The term strongest fly-by or disc-size defining
fly-by describes the fly-by with the strongest influence on the disc in the whole simulation - or
for certain periods of cluster evolution. Note that
as Equation 3 takes into account the mass ratio
of the perturber and the host star, the strongest
fly-by is not necessarily the closest one.

Kaczmarek 2013a) due to their shorter dynamical

time scales, see Table 1. As a result their stellar density declines faster than in the lower-mass
clusters - the density in the most massive cluster
(triangles and asterisks) drops to 10% of its initial value already t = 0.3 Myr after gas expulsion,
whereas low mass clusters need up to t = 2 Myr
after gas expulsion for such a decline.
Note that around t = 3 4 Myr the cluster
models E0, E2, and E52 are indistinguishable in
terms of their stellar mass density within 1.3 pc,
while having a very different density history.
Naturally, the total number of fly-bys increases
with cluster density which in our case is equivalent to the cluster mass. In the least dense cluster
roughly 1 300 fly-bys that change the disc size take
place during the 10 Myr simulated here whereas
in the densest cluster model the number of fly-bys
is approximately 150 000 (see Figure 2). However,
this increase is by far not as much as one would
expect from a roughly 32 times higher density of
models E51 and E52 in the embedded phase (see
Figure 1). The reason is that we only consider flybys that lead to a smaller disc size than previous
to the fly-by, see Sect. 2. For the dense clusters the
disc sizes are reduced very quickly to very small
sizes so that even closer disc-size changing fly-bys
are rare at later times. Similarly, the number of
fly-bys per star increases with cluster density. In
model E0 each star undergoes on average a little
more than one disc-size changing fly-by as defined
above, whereas in model E52 its between four and
five. Although the difference in density (within
the half-mass radius) between these two models is
almost a factor of 100, the average number of flybys increases almost linearly by a factor of four
due to the criterion mentioned above.
This is also reflected in the temporal development of the number of disc-size changing fly-bys.
Figure 3 (a) depicts the fly-by history in the different cluster models. It shows the cumulative fraction of fly-bys as a function of time, where the vertical lines mark the time of gas expulsion (1 Myr
for model E51, dotted blue, 2 Myr all other models, solid black). The steeper slopes for the most
massive clusters indicate that the discs are processed faster. For example, more than 50% of
all disc-size reducing fly-bys in model E52 occur
within the first 0.2 Myr whereas in model E0 it


The cluster evolution, namely the same mass

and radius development - confirm previous work.
However, here we have a closer look at the density evolution because this determines the here investigated fly-by history. Our simulations show
that, as long as the clusters remain embedded
in their natal gas (temb = 2 Myr, for model E51
temb = 1 Myr), the stellar mass density basically
stays constant (see Figure 1). When the gas is
expelled instantaneously at t = temb , the clusters
respond to the now supervirial state by expanding
leading to a significant drop in the stellar density.
The more massive clusters regain their virial
equilibrium much faster than the less massive clusters (Parmentier & Baumgardt 2012; Pfalzner &

takes four times as long ( 0.8 Myr) for the same

portion of fly-bys to happen.
As to be expected, the majority of fly-bys happens in the dense embedded phase. However,
there are differences between the different cluster
types, see Figure 3 (b). Whereas in the most massive clusters disc-size changes happen nearly exclusively ( 98%) in the embedded phase (black)
- and most even within the first few 100,000 years in the least dense clusters only 87% of all disc size
changes occur in this phase. The reason is that in
the latter case the density decreases more slowly
so that a higher fraction of about one seventh of
disc-size reducing fly-bys happen in the expansion
phase (grey).
Obviously the length of the embedded phase
plays an important role. In model E51, the gas is
expelled after 1 Myr, whereas for model E52 the
gas expulsion happens after 2 Myr. The earlier
drop in cluster mass density in model E51 results
in the total number of fly-bys in model E52 being
roughly 15% larger than in model E51 (151 000
compared to 131 000). Again the reason why the
number of fly-bys does not double for a twice as
long embedded phase is that most of the discs have
been reduced to a small disc size during the first
Myr and therefore the cross section for a disc-size
changing fly-by has been reduced. This means the
early embedded phases largely determine the disc

It is important to note that we do not expect real

discs to be generally as large as nearly 1 700 AU.
The median disc size here only reflects the degree of the environments influence on the discs.
For example, as long as the discs are initially
> 100 AU, they are reduced in size in the densest
cluster model. By contrast, in the ONC model
only discs that are initially larger than 500 AU
are affected. A real initial disc size distribution
would be necessary to further constrain this, for a
more detailed discussion see Sect. 4.
What does the spatial disc size distribution at
the end of embedded phase look like? Figure 5(a)
shows the median disc size as a function of the distance to the cluster centre of the stars for different
cluster models at t = 2 Myr (open black symbols).
In the inner part of the ONC-like cluster (E2) for
example, within a sphere of the initial half-mass
radius (1.3 pc) the median disc sizes are considerably smaller than for the clusters outskirts. The
difference is even larger when one compares the
extremes - the median disc size rises from 50 AU
at 0.1 pc to 2 000 AU at 4 pc. This is due to the
higher density in the cluster core and the resulting
higher fly-by frequency.
These trends have already been seen in simulations where the gas content was neglected
(VBP15), however, there are quantitative differences. Figure 5(b) compares the median disc size
as a function of the distance to the cluster centre
after 2 Myr of simulation time for the ONC cluster model (E2) obtained in VBP15 (open squares)
and in this work (circles). Including the gas mass
explicitly leads to a higher velocity dispersion in
the embedded phase and thus stronger encounters. Therefore, the median disc sizes presented in
this work are much smaller than in VBP15. For
example, at the rim of the cluster core (0.3 pc)
the median disc size in the work here is more than
a factor of four smaller than in VBP15 ( 108 AU
compared to 470 AU). At a distance of 1 pc
the situation is even more extreme, as in our work
the median disc size is roughly 400 AU whereas
in VBP15 more than half of the discs are not
influenced at all and still retain their initial size.
If we consider the first 10 Myr of cluster evolution, which includes the embedded, gas-expulsion,
and expansion phase (black symbols in Figure 5),
In general, the denser the cluster is, the smaller
the median disc size remains. Nonetheless, after

The distinct clusters have very different influence on their protoplanetary discs, reflected for
example in the overall median disc size (Figure 4).
This median disc size is about thirteen times
smaller in model E52 (32 000 stars) than in
model E0 (1 000 stars) as not only the number
of fly-bys increases significantly with cluster density, but they are on average also closer or the
mass ratio is higher. For the densest clusters
most fly-bys happen at the beginning of the embedded phase, thus, the median disc sizes are
nearly the same at the end of the embedded
phase ( 108 AU, open squares) and at the end
of the simulations ( 104 AU, dots). However,
for model E0 the median disc size is significantly
larger ( 1 670 AU) at the end of the embedded
phase (2 Myr) than at the end of the simulations
( 1 350 AU) as roughly one seventh of the close
fly-bys occur in the expansion phase.

10 Myr the median disc size is nearly constant (at

least for models E2 and E52) within 3 pc from the
cluster centre. This is not so much due to mixing, but basically mostly caused by the expansion
of the cluster - the value of the median disc size
in the cluster outskirts is now similar to that in
the centre at the end of gas expulsion (2 Myr).
While during the embedded phase most stars do
not move significantly in radial directions and the
dependence of the median disc size on the distance
to the cluster centre is preserved, after gas expulsion only about 10% of stars remain bound to the
cluster and the rest leaves the cluster very quickly
(Fall et al. 2009; Dukes & Krumholz 2012). The
still bound stars largely move to positions more
distant from the cluster centre than they were
originally. That is the reason why the median
disc size throughout the cluster in the expansion
phase is similar to the median disc size in the inner
cluster region shortly before gas expulsion. This
means that when older clusters are observed they
work like a microscope showing us the central area
of enlarged versions of younger clusters.

tration on the cluster centre is problematic, especially so for clusters after gas expulsion, which
span large areas. Taking our results as a guideline the observed median disc size in an ONC-like
cluster 10 Myr after cluster formation, for example, would be 50 AU in the cluster core (0.2 pc)
whereas the overall median disc size is more than
nine times as large ( 460 AU, dotted horizontal
line in Figure 4).
Choosing initially artificially large discs of
10 000 AU has the advantage that the obtained
results can be applied any smaller, real disc size.
Thus, Figure 7, tells us, for example, that if all
stars had an initial disc size of rinit 500 AU,
about half the stars had their discs severely truncated by fly-bys to disc sizes below 500 AU. An
initial disc size of more than 500 AU is a realistic scenario as surveys found discs in the ONC
with radii of 30 500 AU (McCaughrean & Odell
1996; Vicente & Alves 2005; Eisner et al. 2008;
Bally et al. 2015). Note, that at an age of approximately 1 Myr even those might already have been
reduced in size through photoevaporation and/or
fly-bys. In the case of more massive clusters like
NGC 6611 (E52 model) there are more and closer
interactions, so that independent of the initial disc
size (as long as rinit > 100 AU) the resulting median disc is 110 AU, see Fig. 4.

If observations of older clusters work like a microscope, what would an observed disc-size distribution in a cluster at different ages look like?
To answer this question, we investigate the ONCmodel cluster (E2) at different ages with an artificial fixed Field of View (FOV) (rF OV = 1 pc)
to mimic observations. Note that the FOV for
observations are usually squares whereas here we
present spheres with a radius of rFOV , centred on
the cluster origin. Figure 6 shows the resulting
disc-size statistics for an ONC-like cluster at 1 Myr
(white), 2 Myr (grey), and 10 Myr (black). The total number of small discs increases much stronger
than the number of discs with sizes of several hundreds of AU. The reason is that in the embedded
phase discs which are already influenced but still
a few hundreds of AU large still reduced in size by
follow-up encounters. In comparison, the shape of
the disc-size distribution barely changes between
the end of the embedded phase and the end of the
Observations usually study only the central areas of a cluster, because their the stellar density
of cluster members is so high that member identification is relatively easy - basically the rate of
false-positives is very low. However, this concen-

In summary, observed disc sizes or disc-size distributions in massive clusters are a strong function
of the cluster age, its evolutionary stage, its initial conditions, and the FOV of the instrument.
One has to act with caution when comparing and
interpreting such results.


The above described simulations required some

approximations, which we discuss in the following.
In this study we neglect potentially existing
initial substructuring of the clusters. In clusters
with low velocity dispersions the substructure will
be erased quickly (see e.g. Goodwin & Whitworth
2004; Allison et al. 2010; Parker et al. 2014). Most
probably, substructure will be erased at the end of
star formation (Bonnell et al. 2003), which is when
our simulations start.
The cluster models were set up without primordial mass segregation. Many clusters show signs

of mass segregation, but it is unclear whether this

property is primordial or if dynamical evolution
caused the observed mass segregation. If we included primordial mass segregation, the most massive stars would reside in the cluster core where
the density is highest. Therefore, they would undergo more fly-bys, leading in turn to smaller discs
around these stars. Furthermore, stronger gravitational focussing would lead to an increase in the
overall fly-by frequency in the cluster centre and
thus smaller discs.
All stars in the clusters were set up to be initially single excluding primordial binaries. Observations show that the multiplicity, that is the
fraction of binaries, triples or systems of higher order, increases with stellar mass (K
ohler et al. 2006;
Duchene & Kraus 2013, and references therein).
The most massive stars would most probably be
part of a binary then, losing their own disc quite
quickly or not even forming one depending on
the separation. Additionally, the gravitational
focussing in the cluster due to multiple systems
would be stronger than for a single, massive star,
leading to an increase in the fly-by frequency and
overall smaller discs.
One major difference to previous work is that
we studied different evolutionary stages starting
with the embedded phase, continuing with the
gas expulsion, and the following expansion phase.
Due to the uncertainty in the age determination
of clusters, the duration of the embedded phase
is not well constrained by observations. Here we
modelled the duration of the embedded phase as
2 Myr. However, for the most massive clusters
this is probably too long, as at that age massive
clusters are already largely devoid of gas. As most
of the disc-size reducing fly-bys occur during the
early stages of the embedded phase, with only 12%
of fly-bys happening in the second half of the embedded phase for the most massive clusters, our
results should be not very sensitive to the assumed
duration of the embedded phase.
The assumption of instantaneous gas expulsion is most likely justified for the most massive
clusters in our investigation (e.g. Geyer & Burkert 2001; Melioli & de Gouveia dal Pino 2006;
Portegies Zwart et al. 2010). Nevertheless, for
the lowest mass clusters this is less certain. In
this case a slow gas expulsion lasting several million years would give the cluster more time to

adjust to the gas-mass loss and fewer stars would

become unbound. Furthermore, the stellar density would remain higher for a longer time span,
allowing the stars to undergo more fly-bys and
resulting in smaller discs than in the presented
results. The influence of only the embedded phase
was studied in VBP15. Comparing this to our
current work, we find that the duration of the embedded phase e.g. for the lowest density cluster1
is strong. At the end of the embedded phase in
VBP15 - lasting unrealistically 5 Myr - the mean
disc size is roughly 300 AU inside 0.6 pc, compared to 670 AU) for the here adopted 2 Myr
long embedded phase. If the gas was expelled
slowly, a more realistic median disc size would lie
between these two extremes. Further studies with
an implicitly modelled gas-expulsion of a few Myr
are necessary to constrain this rough estimate.
Here all fly-bys were assumed to be prograde,
coplanar, and parabolic. Those fly-bys have a
stronger effect on the discs than their retrograde,
inclined counterparts (Clarke & Pringle 1993;
Heller 1995; Hall 1997; Pfalzner et al. 2005b;
Bhandare & Pfalzner subm.). However, Pfalzner
et al. (2005b) found that for fly-bys with inclinations of < 45 the final disc properties do not
differ much from the prograde coplanar case. This
was confirmed by Bhandare & Pfalzner (subm.),
who found that even retrograde fly-bys can have a
strong effect on the disc size. Discs after inclined
fly-bys would be larger than the ones presented
here, but at most by a factor of 1.5 1.8.
We only considered parabolic encounters, however, the typical eccentricity of a fly-by depends
on the cluster density: the higher the density, the
more eccentric are the fly-bys, see Fig. 8. As
pointed out by Pfalzner (2004) such hyperbolic
fly-bys have less influence on discs than parabolic
fly-bys, making the here presented disc sizes again
lower limits. A detailed parameter study of hyperbolic fly-bys and their influence on the disc size
would be necessary to extend our study.
In this work we did not include photoevaporation, which is also capable of reducing discs in size
or destroying them completely (Storzer & Hollenbach 1999; Scally & Clarke 2002; Johnstone et al.
2004; Adams et al. 2006; Alexander et al. 2006; Er1 model

D0 in VBP15, equivalent to model E0 here

colano et al. 2008; Gorti & Hollenbach 2009; Drake

et al. 2009). In the embedded phase the stars are
still surrounded by the clusters natal gas which
makes the external photoevaporation ineffective.
When the gas is expelled the discs are prone to
the radiation from nearby massive stars. Nevertheless, the stars move outwards and may become
unbound after the gas expulsion, the stellar density decreases significantly making it less probable
for stars being very close to their most massive
companions. Only for the small fraction of stars
which have a close fly-by the radiation would further reduce the disc in size making the final discs
sizes smaller than presented here.
Here we study the effect on low-mass discs. In
this case viscosity and self-gravity of the disc can
be neglected during the encounter as such. However, viscosity would lead to disc spreading in the
long-term. Rosotti et al. (2014) performed combined Nbody/SPH-simulations of low-mass clusters including viscous discs and found viscous
spreading a) counteracting the size reduction due
to stellar fly-bys and b) making the discs prone to
follow-up more distant fly-bys. Recently, XiangGruess (2015) compared the results of Nbody
and SPH simulations of discs after stellar fly-bys,
showing that viscosity can result in warped disc
structures whereas those features are not visible
in mass-less (purely Nbody) discs. A disc-size determination in those cases would be more complicated than in the flat, mass-less discs used here.
We did not consider any dependence of the disc
size on the hosts mass (cf. e.g. Hillenbrand et al.
1998; Vicente & Alves 2005; Eisner et al. 2008;
Vorobyov 2011). If the initial disc size did depend
on the stellar mass, the more massive stars should
have started out with larger discs than the less
massive stars. Vorobyov (2011) performed simulations of discs around Class 0 and Class I stars.
They set a density threshold of < 0.1g cm2 for
material belonging to the discs and found disc sizes
between roughly 100 AU for low-mass stars up to
a little more than 1 000 AU for solar-like stars. If
confirmed it would mean that discs around massive stars are more prone to size changes by the environment than low-mass stars. Furthermore, this
would mean that in all clusters, except model E0,
more than half of the discs around solar-like stars
would be influenced strongly by stellar fly-bys, see
Fig. 4.

Recent simulations have tried to determine the

fraction of planets that become affected by the
cluster environment and either move on an eccentric orbit or become unbound (Hao et al. 2013;
Li & Adams 2015). However, these simulations
concentrate on the initially much denser clusters
that become long-lived open clusters. This type of
cluster will be studied in a follow-up paper.

Summary and Conclusion

In this paper we studied how the cluster environment changes the sizes of discs surrounding
young stars. In contrast to previous work we took
the cluster development during the first 10 Myr
explicitly into account. Starting with initial conditions typical for young clusters at the end of
their formation phase in the solar neighbourhood,
we modelled the cluster dynamics from embedded
throughout the expansion phase and determined
the effect on the effect of gravitational interactions
between the stars on the disc sizes. These type of
simulations were performed for clusters of different
mass and density.
Our findings are the following:
1. It is essential to include the gas dynamics in
this kind of simulations, as the larger velocity dispersion leads to more encounters and
significantly smaller disc sizes than in a gasfree treatment.
2. The majority of disc-size changing fly-bys
always takes place in the embedded phase.
However, the slower expansion phase in
lower mass clusters means that here still
12% of disc-size changing fly-bys happen, in
comparison to just 2% for high-mass clusters.
3. For ONC-like clusters basically only discs
larger than 500 AU are affected by fly-bys,
whereas in NGC 6611-like clusters, cutting
discs below 100 AU happens for 50% of stars.
4. However, in all investigated cases the disc
sizes in the dense cluster centres are much
more affected than the average suggests. For
example, in the NGC 6611-like case the median disc size is 54 AU.

5. The duration of the embedded phase influences the final median disc size, but not as
strong as one would expect, because early
fly-bys reduce the disc size already, leading
to smaller cross sections for later fly-bys. In
the densest cluster the median disc size after
1 Myr is already 155 AU, at the end of the
embedded phase 108 AU, which is very close
to the final median disc size of 104 AU.

tionary phases and their different time scales for

dense and less dense clusters show that a comparison is much more complex.
All these effects of cluster properties and observational constraints make it quite challenging to
compare disc-size distributions in different clusters
with each other. It does not make sense comparing the properties in clusters of different densities
as long as one does not take into account their
evolutionary stage and their history.

Often disc sizes and frequencies (e.g. Haisch

et al. 2001; Mamajek 2009, and references therein)
of clusters of different present density are compared to obtain information about to what degree
the environment influences these properties. However, clusters are highly dynamical and their current density is not necessarily representative for
the past development. We showed that between
3 4 Myr even the most extreme cluster models
of E0 and E52 have very similar cluster mass densities within a sphere of 1.3 pc2 , see Fig. 1. The
faster evolution of massive clusters leads this situation where the density in massive clusters and
low-mass clusters of the same age can be similar,
but the clusters themselves are in very different
evolutionary stages. This means that at this specific point in time and in this sphere of 1.3 pc flybys are equally likely in all of these initially very
different clusters. However, if we compare the median disc sizes in these equal-density clusters at
this point in time (t = 4Myr), they differ considerably. In the least dense cluster the median disc size
is roughly 480 Myr whereas it is 270 AU for the
densest cluster model. The reason is that the most
massive clusters where once much denser than the
lower mass clusters and therefore their disc sizes
are reduced to a larger degree.
The different expansion of the clusters - slow
for low-density and fast for high-density systems
- leads to very distinct fly-by histories and, consequently, different median disc sizes and disc-size
distributions. If one looks only at the embedded
phase there seems to be a direct relation between
stellar density and the disc size: the higher the
density, the smaller the median size. Thus it seems
that this is easily testable against observations.
However, taking into account the different evolu2 Note

that the given simulation time is not synonymous with

cluster age, as the star formation phase is not covered by
out simulations



Fly-by velocity and eccentricity

The characteristics of stellar encounters change significantly with cluster density. For example, the relative
velocity between two encountering stars increases for denser clusters. Figure 8(a) depicts the average relative
encounter velocity - that is the velocity of the perturber relative to the host star at the time of periastron
passage - for three cluster models E0 (squares), E2 (dots), and E52 (triangles). This encounter velocity can
directly be correlated to the eccentricity of the perturbers orbit via:
The eccentricity e is directly related to the relative encounter velocity of the two stars at the time of
periastron passage:
G(m1 + m2 )
venc = (1 + e)
where G is the gravitational constant, m1 is the mass of the host star, m2 the mass of the perturber, and
rperi the periastron distance, all in SI units. The eccentricity distribution for cluster models E0, E2, and E52
are shown in Fig. 8(b) for fly-bys leading to disc smaller than 500 AU.
In this study we assumed all fly-bys to be parabolic. This approximation only holds for the least dense
cluster model, as the encounter velocities and therefore the eccentricities clearly increases with cluster density
(see also Olczak et al. 2010). For the denser cluster models (especially E52) a detailed study of the influence
of hyperbolic fly-bys on disc sizes would be favourable. Previous studies suggest that their influence on
the discs (in these cases the disc mass and angular momentum) is much smaller than the one of parabolic
encounters (for detailed discussions see e.g. Pfalzner et al. 2005b; Olczak et al. 2010, 2012). Therefore, the
disc sizes presented here might be lower limits.
At very high densities, that is especially in cluster model E52, fly-bys are no longer 2-body encounters
but many-body interactions. This leads to the extreme eccentricities of e > 100. Especially for this type of
fly-by we expect the disc-size change to be smaller than for the here assumed prograde, coplanar, parabolic



stellar mass density [M_Sun*pc^(-3)]





simulation time [Myr]

Fig. 1.: Stellar mass density within 1.3 pc (initial half-mass radius) as a function of time for clusters of
different densities: E0 (dots), E2 (squares), E51 (asterisks, blue), and E52 (triangles). The duration of the
embedded phase is temb = 1 Myr for E51 and temb = 2 Myr for all other models.

160 000

120 000
100 000

80 000

60 000
40 000

number of fly-bys per star

number of fly-bys in cluster

140 000

20 000
1 000

2 000
4 000
8 000 16 000 32 000
number of stars in cluster

Fig. 2.: Number of fly-bys per cluster (grey boxes, left y-axis) and per star (black diamonds, right y-axis)
for the different cluster models. The black line only serves to guide the eye.






embedded phase
expansion phase

fraction of fly-bys


simulation time [Myr]











cumulative fraction of fly-bys






1 000

2 000

4 000
8 000
16 000
number of stars in cluster

32 000

Fig. 3.: (a) Cumulative fraction of fly-bys as a function of time for the cluster models E0 (squares),
E2 (dots), E51 (asterisks, blue), and E52 (triangles). The vertical lines depict the points in time of gas
expulsion for model E51 (1 Myr, dotted blue) and for all other models (2 Myr, solid black). (b) Fraction of
fly-bys as a function of the number of stars in the cluster for the embedded phase (black) and the expansion
phase (grey).


end of simulation
end of embedded phase
end of embedded phase within 1.3 pc


median disc size [AU]




number of stars in cluster


Fig. 4.: Overall median disc size for all stars for different cluster models at the end of the simulation
(10 Myr, dots), at the end of the embedded phase (2 Myr, squares), and at the end of the embedded phase
within a sphere of 1.3 pc (initial half-mass radius, triangles).




embedded expansion


median disc size [AU]

median disc size [AU]


this work








distance to cluster centre [pc]



distance to cluster centre [pc]

Fig. 5.: Median disc size as a function of the distance to the cluster centre (a) for different cluster models
(E0 squares, E2 circles, and E52 triangles) at the end of the embedded phase (2 Myr, black symbols) and
at the end of the simulation covering the embedded, the gas expulsion, and the expansion phase (10 Myr
(red symbols); (b) for the ONC model (E2) in this work, i.e. with gas mass (circles, same as in (a)), and in
VBP15, i.e. without gas mass (squares). The lines in (a) and (b) only serve to guide the eye.

1 Myr
2 Myr
10 Myr


number of stars












Fig. 6.: Disc-size distribution in the ONC-like cluster model (E2) for a fixed virtual FOV (1 pc) and
different time steps: 1 Myr (white), 2 Myr (grey), and 10 Myr (black).


>= 500 AU
300 AU
100 AU

median disc size [AU]






distance to cluster centre [pc]


Fig. 7.: Median disc size at the end of the simulation (10 Myr) as a function of the distance to the
cluster centre for cluster model E2 for different initial disc sizes: 100 AU (circles), 300 AU (triangles), and
500 AU (dots).





fraction of fly-bys [%]

fraction of fly-bys [%]



relative encounter velocity [km/s]






Fig. 8.: (a) relative encounter velocity distribution - that is the perturbers velocity relative the the hosts
velocity at the point of periastron passage - of all fly-bys and (b) eccentricity distribution of fly-bys leading
to a disc size < 500 AU as fractions of the total number of fly-bys for three cluster models: E0 (squares),
E2 (dots), and E52 (triangles).


Table 1:: Cluster model set-up and dynamical time scales.





1 000
2 000
4 000
8 000
16 000
32 000
32 000




[M ]
1 192.2
2 358.1
4 731.2
9 464.8
18 852.6
18 839.2

[M ]
1 969.2
3 973.9
7 860.3
15 770.6
31 549.3
62 842.0
62 797.3


Note.Column 1 indicates the model designation, followed by the initial number of stars in the cluster Nstars , the number
of simulations in campaign Nsim , the duration of the embedded phase temb , the initial half-mass radius rhm of the cluster, the
stellar mass of the cluster Mstars , the total cluster mass (including the gas mass) Mcl , and the resulting dynamical time scale
tdyn . For calculation of Mcl and tdyn , see text.


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