Vortex Generation in Protoplanetary Disks With An Embedded Giant Planet

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A&A 471, 10431055 (2007)

DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20077169
c ESO 2007

Vortex generation in protoplanetary disks

with an embedded giant planet
M. de Val-Borro1,2 , P. Artymowicz3,2 , G. DAngelo4 , and A. Peplinski2

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

e-mail: mdeval@cfa.harvard.edu
Stockholm University, AlbaNova University Center, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada
NASA-ARC, Space Science and Astrobiology Division, MS 245-3, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA

Received 25 January 2007 / Accepted 18 June 2007


Context. Vortices in protoplanetary disks can capture solid particles and form planetary cores within shorter timescales than those
involved in the standard core-accretion model.
Aims. We investigate vortex generation in thin unmagnetized protoplanetary disks with an embedded giant planet with planet to star
mass ratio 104 and 103 .
Methods. Two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of a protoplanetary disk with a planet are performed using two different
numerical methods. The results of the non-linear simulations are compared with a time-resolved modal analysis of the azimuthally
averaged surface density profiles using linear perturbation theory.
Results. Finite-difference methods implemented in polar coordinates generate vortices moving along the gap created by Neptunemass to Jupiter-mass planets. The modal analysis shows that unstable modes are generated with growth rate of order 0.3 K for
azimuthal numbers m = 4, 5, 6, where K is the local Keplerian frequency. Shock-capturing Cartesian-grid codes do not generate very
much vorticity around a giant planet in a standard protoplanetary disk. Modal calculations confirm that the obtained radial profiles of
density are less susceptible to the growth of linear modes on timescales of several hundreds of orbital periods. Navier-Stokes viscosity
of the order = 105 (in units of a2 p ) is found to have a stabilizing effect and prevents the formation of vortices. This result holds
at high resolution runs and using different types of boundary conditions.
Conclusions. Giant protoplanets of Neptune-mass to Jupiter-mass can excite the Rossby wave instability and generate vortices in
thin disks. The presence of vortices in protoplanetary disks has implications for planet formation, orbital migration, and angular
momentum transport in disks.
Key words. planet and satellites: general accretion, accretion disks hydrodynamics instabilities methods: numerical

1. Introduction

The stability of differentially rotating disks has been considered analytically and numerically in the purely hydrodynamical case (Papaloizou & Pringle 1984, 1985; Goldreich et al.
Papaloizou & Pringle 1987) with applications to circumStability of rotationally supported gas disks is an area of active
disks and galactic disks. A rotating isentropic torus with
research, motivated among other reasons, by a need to undera
of specific angular momentum is found to be unstand the origin and stability of hydrodynamics turbulence underlying the so-called anomalous viscosity in accretion disks. stable to low-order non-axisymmetric perturbations due to the
The concept of -turbulence in accretion disks was introduced Papaloizou-Pringle instability. Several mechanisms have been
more than three decades ago by Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) to proposed that are able to sustain purely hydrodynamical turbuaccount for the angular momentum transfer and explain accre- lence and generate an anomalous -viscosity in accretion disks
tion onto the central object. The magnetorotational instability (Li et al. 2000; Klahr & Bodenheimer 2003; Mukhopadhyay
(MRI) has been proposed to explain the enhanced viscosity in et al. 2005). Dubrulle et al. (2005) studied non-axisymmetric inhot and sufficiently ionized accretion disks with a Keplerian an- stabilities in stratified Keplerian disks using numerical and analinear instability appears for Reynolds numgular velocity profile threaded by a weak magnetic field (Balbus lytical methods. A
& Hawley 1991; Balbus et al. 1996; Balbus & Hawley 1998). bers of order 10 and perturbations with characteristic scales
However, in the context of cold protoplanetary disks, the ioniza- smaller than the vertical scale of the disk, assuming the angular
tion by cosmic rays and stellar radiation is limited to the surface velocity decreases with radius. These results suggest that despite
layers of the disk while the so called dead zone in the vicinity the stabilizing effect of the Coriolis force, a Keplerian flow may
of the central plane is expected to have low ionization (Gammie undergo a transition to turbulence. Nevertheless, some of those
1996). In some astrophysical systems such as cataclysmic vari- mechanisms may depend on boundary or edge effects.
ables and outer regions of active galactic nuclei the coupling beRossby waves in thin Keplerian disks have been studied in
tween the magnetic field and the gas is also weak and MHD the linear approximation (Lovelace et al. 1999; Li et al. 2000)
and with fully non-linear numerical simulations (Tagger 2001).
effects may be negligible.
Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20077169


M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

The existence of unstable modes has been found to be associated

with radial gradients of an entropy-modified version of vortensity. Rossby waves in disks break up forming vortices in the nonlinear limit (Li et al. 2001) in agreement with the predictions
from linear theory. The dispersion relation of this Rossby Wave
Instability (RWI) is analogous to the one for Rossby waves in
planetary atmospheres. Reynolds stresses produced by the RWI
can yield outward transport of angular momentum and accretion onto the central star. Varnire & Tagger (2006) have discussed the generation of Rossby waves in the dead zones of
protoplanetary disks where they may enhance the accretion rate
of solids and favor planet formation. The angular momentum
transport in disks around supermassive black holes at the center
of galaxies can also be explained by the formation of Rossby
vortices when there is a steep enough density gradient (Colgate
et al. 2003). The angular momentum transfer due to vortices in
galactic disks is found to be greater than in an -viscosity disk.
Recently, Tagger & Melia (2006) have described a magnetohydrodynamics version of the RWI and applied it to the study of the
quasiperiodic oscillations in Sgr A*. Rossby waves can also appear in thin planetary atmospheres with solid rotation leading to
the formation of vortices like Jupiters Great red spot (Marcus
Long-lived vortices are able to capture solid materials to
form massive bodies and speed up the formation of planetary
cores (Barge & Sommeria 1995; Bracco et al. 1999; Klahr
& Bodenheimer 2006). The stability of three-dimensional vortices in a three dimensional stratified disk has been studied by
Barranco & Marcus (2005, 2006) using spectral anelastic hydrodynamics simulations. They find that vortices are hydrodynamically stable for several orbits away from the mid-plane of the
disk. The formation of vortices in the corotation region excited
by a protoplanet has been studied numerically by Balmforth &
Korycansky (2001) including the saturation of the corotation
torque and the effects of dissipation in the non-linear dynamics
of the flow.
Several numerical schemes studied by de Val-Borro et al.
(2006) show vortex formation but the aim of the study did not
include a detailed investigation of vortex generation. In this paper, we intend to look at this formation process in more detail.
We also wish to check that codes that do not predict vortex generation do not artificially damp unstable modes due to the numerical viscosity. Some simulations produce waves and vortices
at the edge of the gap, which could in principle interact with
the wake to cause semi-periodic disturbances propagating away
along the shock. In simulations using the Piecewise Parabolic
Method (hereafter PPM), low-m perturbations are observed at
the edges of the gap (Ciecielag et al. 2000). Wave-like disturbances with mode number 5 are observed at the edge of the
gap created by a Jupiter-size planet in the numerical results presented by Nelson & Benz (2003). Instabilities close to the planet
or along the edges of the gap created by a giant planet, as well
as the time variability of the flow near the Roche lobe may affect
the speed and direction of planetary migration.
In this paper, we study the effect of an annular gap cleared
by a planet on the stability of a protoplanetary disk. We consider non-axisymmetric linear perturbations to the inviscid and
compressible Euler equations. In Sect. 2, we present the semianalytical methods used to study the stability of disks. We describe the numerical codes in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4 we present the
results of the numerical simulations and the perturbative linear
analysis. We discuss the results in the context of protoplanetary
disks in Sect. 5. Finally, the numerical diffusivity in our numerical codes is calibrated in Appendix A.

2. Modal analysis
We perform a modal analysis of analytical and numerically obtained density profiles, in order to see if there is agreement between the vortex generation in the simulations and growing unstable modes in the linear stability analysis. Linear perturbative
analysis provides a valuable tool to study the stability of disks.
The solution of the linearized Euler equations is treated along the
lines of the work of Lovelace et al. (1999) and Li et al. (2000),
where the stability can be evaluated solving a numerical eigenvalue problem for a given profile. Alternatively, the growth of the
initial perturbations can be determined by solving the equations
as an initial value problem.
We consider non-axisymmetric small perturbations sinusoidally varying in azimuth to the inviscid Euler equations

u) = 0
+ (


+ (u )u = P


where is the surface mass density, P the vertically integrated

pressure, u the velocity of the flow and is the gravitational potential. The perturbed quantities have the form = +(r, , t),
P = P + P(r, , t) and u = u + u(r, , t) with perturbations in the disk plane depending on the azimuthal angle as
exp i(m t) , where m is the azimuthal mode number and
= r + i is the complex mode frequency. The initial velocity
component in the radial direction is neglected and the angular
velocity is obtained from the force balance between gravity,
pressure gradients and centrifugal force
1 1 dP d
r dr
we use a barotropic equation of state, P with adiabatic
index = 5/3, to perform the modal analysis on the analytical
disk profiles studied by Lovelace et al. (1999).
A locally isothermal equations of state is used to calculate
unstable modes from the numerical simulations described in
Sect. 3. The vertically integrated pressure is given by
P = c2s ,


where cs is the sound speed. The temperature can be calculated

from the ideal gas equation of state



where R is the gas constant and is the mean atomic weight. The
initial unperturbed density is uniform in our simulations and the
temperature has a fixed profile r1 for the isothermal calculations, where r is the distance from the rotation axis. The sound
speed profile of the disk is that of a standard slightly flaring solar
nebula with constant aspect ratio
cs = 0.05
where G is the gravitational constant and M the mass of the
central star.
The linearized equations can be reduced to a second order
differential equation for the enthalpy of the fluid, = P/,
in the general case when the pressure is a function of both

M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

density and temperature (Lovelace et al. 1999; Li et al. 2000;

de Val Borro & Artymowicz 2004).
00 + B(r)0 + C(r) = 0


where the coefficients B(r) and C(r) depend on the radial

B(r) =

1 F 0 0


C(r) = k2


2 2




2 2
1 L0s B(r) + 4k / k cs / 1

Ls Lp


F (r) =

c2s /(Ls Lp )


k =



2 =

1 dl2
r3 dr


(r) = r + i m(r)


where is the epicyclic frequency, l = r is the angular momentum per unit mass, cs the adiabatic sound speed and Ls , Lp
are the equilibrium length scales of variation of entropy and
pressure changes, given by:

1 dln(P/ )



1 dln(P)

p =
Ls and Lp are calculated numerically from the averaged profiles
obtained in the simulations using Eq. (4).
The growth of the unstable modes can form vortices or
Rossby waves in the nonlinear regime (Li et al. 2001). The
Rayleigh criterion states that the disk will be stable to axisymmetric perturbations when the specific angular momentum increases with radial distance. For a Keplerian disk the epicyclic
frequency is always positive, 2 = 2K , where the Keplerian angular frequency is given by K = (GM /r3 )1/2 , and therefore
axisymmetric waves will be stable. However, when the pressure
effects are taken into account it is possible to have axisymmetric
instabilities for a sufficiently large pressure gradient according
to the Solberg-Hiland criterion,
2 (r) + Nr2 (r) 0


1 dP d  P 
dr dr

is the square of the Brunt-Visl frequency in the radial

The eigenproblem for the perturbed enthalpy is solved using two semi-analytical methods. One way of finding the complex eigenfrequency is the shooting method, where the integration proceeds from the disk boundaries to an intermediate fitting
Nr2 (r) =


point, where continuity of the eigenfunction and its first derivative is required. Our implementation uses a leapfrog method to
integrate the equation from the boundaries to the fitting point.
The values of the entalphy and its derivative at the starting points
are specified based on several prescriptions using outgoing spiral
waves (Li et al. 2000) and vanishing eigenfuntion at the boundaries. We find that the obtained growth rates do not depend sensitively on the choice of boundary conditions. Several root finding
algorithms in the complex plane can be used to find the unstable
modes. The winding number theorem uses closed-path integrals
(e.g. Kargl & Marston 1989) to find the number of roots inside a
closed contour.
The winding number theorem states that for a complex analytic function f () defined inside a contour C
I 0
f ()
2i(N P) =
f ()
where N is the number of roots and P is the number of poles
inside the contour C, and the integral is defined in counterclockwise sense. We look for contours that comprise a single root and
are not located close to solutions or singularities on the real axis.
There are singularities in Eq. (7) at the corotation resonance
= 0 and when a modified form of the Lindblad resonance
for non-barotropic flow is satisfied, 2 2 c2s /(Ls Lp ) = 0.
It is important to avoid branch points close to the contours since
the winding number method would not give the right number of
roots. In the case of analytical density profiles given by hyperbolic trigonometric functions the branch points do not affect the
contours used to find solutions with positive growth rate.
The solutions are then calculated by


j =

f 0 ()
f ()


where i are the zeros and j the poles of the complex function f (). The mode frequency can be determined in a contour
with a single root. A multidimensional Newton-Raphson method
(Press et al. 1992) is then employed to locate the roots with arbitrary accuracy.
Another approach to solve Eq. (7) involves discretizing the
equation on a finite grid and use appropriate boundary conditions to reduce the problem to finding numerically the roots of
the determinant of a complex tridiagonal matrix (e.g., Laughlin
et al. 1998; Li et al. 2000). We solved the determinant using the
previous root finding algorithm and obtain the radial profile for
the eigenfunction (r) and the perturbed variables.
We checked these two methods on the axisymmetric analytical step jump profiles in surface density studied by Li et al.
(2000). We considered azimuthal mode numbers from m = 1
to 10 and calculated the growth rates of the unstable modes and
the corresponding eigenfunctions. For analytical density profiles
with various shapes both our methods agree with the results of
Li et al. (2000). We tested the dependence of the solution on
the shape of the pressure profile and aspect ratio of the disk.
The eigenfunction for density profiles with a locally isothermal
equation of state is obtained by solving the discretized Eq. (7).
In Fig. 1, we show the real part of the mode frequency as
a function of the azimuthal number for the averaged density
profiles of a simulation (see Sect. 3) at nr n =
256 768 resolution after 10 orbits. Figure 2 shows the growth
rate as a function of the mode number for the same averaged
density profile, after 10 orbital periods when the threshold for
the excitation of the instability is reached. The density slope in


M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

Fig. 1. Real frequency of the most unstable modes for a gap opened by a
Jupiter-mass planet after 10 periods as a function of the azimuthal mode
number. The solid line shows the mode frequency at the outer edge of
the gap and the dashed line is the mode frequency at the inner edge
divided by mK (r0 ) where K (r0 ) is the Keplerian angular frequency at
the planet position.

Fig. 3. Radial profile of the eigenfunctions for the outer edge of the
gap at t = 10 periods and mode number m = 5. From top to bottom
the pressure perturbation and radial and azimuthal perturbed velocity
components are shown. The dotted and dashed lines are the real and
imaginary part of the eigenfunctions. The amplitude is shown by the
solid line which peaks at the position of the edge for the eigenfunction
of the perturbed pressure.

Fig. 2. Growth rate for a gap opened by a Jupiter-mass planet after

10 orbits against the azimuthal mode number. The solid line shows the
growth rate at the outer edge of the gap and the dashed line is the growth
rate at the inner edge. The growth rate of the instability peaks at mode
numbers 56.

the simulations is described using two parameters. The depth of

the gap is calculated with respect to the unperturbed density in
the inner and outer disk. The length scale over which the density
varies is estimated to be the difference between the local maximum and minimum at both inner and outer disks. An analytical
jump function is fitted to the averaged profiles.
The local maximum at the planet position in the averaged
profiles is not expected to change the growth rates significantly.
In addition, most of the gap is clean, apart from the material
close to the planet position and at Lagrangian points L4 , and L5 .
In the simulations with an initial gap the averaged profiles do not
have local maxima inside the gap after 100 orbits.
The larger growth rates in Fig. 2 correspond to the more unstable modes of Eq. (7) that will dominate the solution. The inner
edge of the gap opened by a planet, shown by the dashed line, has
higher growth rate than that of the outer edge, represented by the
solid line, at a given time. This difference can be due to the fact
that the inner boundary is closer to the location of the instability
in the inner disk than it is the outer boundary to the corresponding instability outside the planets radius. The real frequency of

the modes correspond to a radial location just outside the corotating region where vortices are formed in the simulations after
about 10 orbits. The number of vortices in the numerical results
is consistent with the growth rates peaking at m = 46.
In Fig. 3 the real and imaginary parts of the radial eigenfunction of the perturbed variables at the outer edge of the gap
are plotted for azimuthal mode m = 5. The eigenfunction corresponds to a time when the gap becomes deep enough to generate
modes with positive growth rate. The middle and bottom panel
show the eigenfunctions of the perturbations of the velocity components. The radial eigenfunctions at the inner edge of the gap
after 10 orbits for azimuthal mode m = 5 are plotted in Fig. 4.

3. Numerical codes
We performed 2-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations using
two independent grid-based codes, implemented in cylindrical
and Cartesian coordinates. The simulations were run on a uniform grid for 100 orbital periods Different boundary conditions
were tested to avoid reflection of waves at the boundaries.
3.1. Initial setup

The computations were performed in the radial domain 0.4a

r 2.5a where a is the planet semi-major axis. The disk is

M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks


locally isothermal equations of state, (Lin & Papaloizou 1985)

with constant aspect ratio H/r = 0.05.
The vortensity or potential vorticity is calculated in the corotating frame:
= ( u + 2p )/


where p is the orbital frequency of the planet.

We perform our simulations in the inviscid limit. In addition, a few cases with physical viscosity = 106 and 105 a2 p
are considered in order to estimate a threshold for the formation of vortices. Artificial viscosity is not needed to smooth the
shocks in our codes, which is important to study the formation
of vortices. The codes are also able to resolve the large density
contrast between the corotating region and the rest of the disk.
Diffusion into the gap opened by the planet may result from numerical viscosity or shocks. The numerical viscosity in our codes
is estimated in Appendix A for inviscid runs without tidal perturbations. These tests confirm that numerical diffusion is not
affecting our results.
The initial density was uniform and the gravity of the planet
was introduced gradually with the formula
M(t) = Mp sin

Fig. 4. Radial profile of the eigenfunctions for the inner edge of the
gap at t = 10 periods and mode number m = 5. From top to bottom
the pressure perturbation and radial and azimuthal perturbed velocity
components are shown. The dotted and dashed lines are the real and
imaginary part of the eigenfunctions.

assumed to be geometrically thin and the fluid equations are

solved using vertically-integrated variables:
p(r, , z) dz (21)
(r, , z) dz,
P(r, ) =
(r, ) =

where H is the vertical scale height.

The planets gravitational potential was given by the formula

s2 +  2


where  is the gravitational softening and s is the distance from

the planet. The softening is defined as  = 0.6Hp , with Hp the
disc scale height at the planet location. This softening was introduced to reproduce the torque cut-off due to 3-dimensional
effects at distance from the planet larger than Hp . The softening length is comparable in size to the characteristic size of the
Roche lobe (along the planets orbit) and thus it is likely to affect the flow dynamics in the corotation region but it is unlikely
to strongly affect the dynamics in the regions where we observe
vortex formation. Initially, the gas rotates with Keplerian angular frequency around the central star. The mass ratio had the
values = Mp /M = 103 and 104 , corresponding to Jupiter
and Neptune masses when the stellar mass is one solar mass.
Self-gravity of the disk was not included in the simulations. The
planet was kept in a coplanar, circular orbit at a = 1. We did not
consider the accretion of disk material onto the protoplanet.
We assume that the disk radiates efficiently the thermal energy generated from tidal dissipation and viscous heating. In the
absence of a radiation mechanism the gas would heat up and the
disk could become geometrically thick. In our models, we use a

we have used timescales between 510 orbital periods to introduce the gravity from the planet. Although the time when the
instability appears depend on how the gravity is started, there
is agreement between the modal analysis and numerical simulations for timescales of 5 and 10 orbits. The results presented in
Sect. 4 use a switch-on time of the gravity of 5 orbits.
In some of the calculations we use an initial gap profile derived under the WKB approximation (e.g., Lubow & DAngelo

f q2 a2 p a 3
0 (r) = exp
9 p

where we use f /p between 1.7 104 and 1.8 104 and p is

the maximum of H and |r a|. This gap profile allows us to
check whether a rapid formation of the gap is necessary for the
presence of instabilities.
The Cartesian implementation of was run on a uniform non-rotating grid at resolution n x ny = 320 320, and
n x ny = 640 640. The computational domain was 2.6a
x 2.6a and 2.6a y 2.6a.
For computational convenience the unit of time used in the
simulations was the orbital period at the planet location, Pp =
2[a3 /G(M + Mp )]1/2 = 2, where G(M + Mp ) = 1 and a = 1.
Therefore, the angular frequency of the planet was p = 1 in our
We used solid boundaries with wave damping zones next
to the boundaries to avoid wave reflection that can create artificial resonances. The damping regions were implemented in the
simulations at 0.4a r 0.5a and 2.1a r 2.5a, by
solving the following equation after each timestep:
x x0

where x represents the surface density and velocity components,

is the orbital period at the corresponding boundary, and R(r)
is a parabolic function which is one at the domain boundary
and zero at the interior boundary of the wave killing regions.
simulations were also run using alternative boundary
conditions to check that the gap profiles and vorticity in the corotating region do not depend strongly on boundary conditions.


M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks


Our implementation is based on the original version

of the code by Ziegler & Yorke (1997). The Navier-Stokes
equations are solved using a directional operator splitting upwind scheme which is second-order accurate in space and semisecond-order in time.
uses a staggered grid where scalar quantities are
stored at the center of grid cells and vectors are stored at the cell
boundaries. The frame is centered on the center of mass of the
star-planet system and rotates with the same angular frequency
as the planet orbits the central star. The code was run with both
non-reflective boundary conditions described above (see also
Godon 1996) and wave-killing zones close to the boundaries
(de Val-Borro et al. 2006). These two types of boundary conditions provide consistent results since in both cases wave reflection in the boundaries is reduced. A Courant number of 0.5
was used in the simulations.
Two grid resolutions were considered in which the number
of cells in the radial and azimuthal directions were nr n =
256 768 and 512 1536, respectively, with uniform spacing in
both dimensions. Therefore, the cells around the planet position
were approximately square.

boundaries x = 2.6a and y = 2.6a. and there was free gas

flow inside 0.4a.
The cylindrical implementation used a frame centered on the
star with resolutions nr n = 256 768 and 512 1536 and
wave-damping zones close to the inner and outer boundaries.
The Coriolis force, centrifugal force, and indirect terms due to
the fact that the center of the frame is displaced from the center
of mass of the system are included in the equation of motion.

4. Results

We carried out modal growth analysis on the density profiles

of protoplanetary disks perturbed by an embedded giant planet
ranging from a Neptune to a Jupiter mass. The time resolved
linear analysis was performed on the azimuthally averaged density profiles obtained from calculations, using a locally isothermal equation of state. In the following description, we will show
the results of inviscid runs at different resolutions with an embedded Jupiter-mass protoplanet using different boundary conditions. Results from runs with physical viscosity will also be
The real frequency and growth rate of the most unstable
modes, as a function of time, are plotted in Fig. 5 for
and polar simulations with resolution nr n = 256 768
3.3. FLASH
and wave-damping boundary conditions. The threshold for the
The code (Fryxell et al. 2000) is a fully parallel AMR im- appearance of the instability occurs after about 5 periods when
plementation of the PPM algorithm in its original Eulerian form1 the gap is sufficiently deep and the growth rate becomes pos(Woodward & Colella 1984; Colella & Woodward 1984). itive. The edge of the gap in the simulations becomes nonhas been extensively tested in various compressible flow prob- axisymmetric at this time and depressions in vortensity appear
lems with astrophysical applications (Calder et al. 2002; Weirs along the gap with m = 56 symmetry which coincide with the
azimuthal number of the most unstable modes shown in Fig. 2.
et al. 2005).
Small vortices are observed in the inner and outer disk shortly
Our implementations of the code used both polar co- afterwards with the same angular distribution.
ordinates and the original Cartesian formulation of . The
In the bottom panel of Fig. 5, the growth rate from the inpolar version of was run in the corotating coordinate sysner disk edge, represented by crosses and circles for the diftem while the Cartesian implementation was run in the inerferent models, is larger than the growth rate at the outer disk,
tial frame. Our implementations were based on release 2.5 of
represented by dots and stars. This difference may be artificial
with customized modules for the equation of state and because the inner boundary of the grid is closer to the planet
gravity forces, explicitly ensuring the conservative transport of
location that the outer boundary is. The mode frequencies and
angular momentum in the angular sweep. This is particularly
growth rates for and polar agree within 10%.
important when large density gradients are present in the disk.
This is in agreement with the vortex sizes obtained from the
The Coriolis forces were treated conservatively as described by
Fourier analysis of the gravitational torques on the planet. In
Kley (1998). The isothermal Riemann solver was ported from
the end of the simulation, the growth rate of the instability is
the AMRA code (Plewa & Mller 2001). Courant numbers of
a fraction of the angular velocity at the edge of the gap. The disk
0.7 and 0.8 were used in the simulations.
becomes unstable to axisymmetric perturbations at time 40 orThe Cartesian grid was centered in the center of mass of bits for the Jupiter simulations according to the Rayleigh critethe system and the orbits of the planet and the central star rion (Eq. (17)). The RWI grows exponentially in agreement with
were integrated using a simple Runge-Kutta method. The grid the linear analysis during the first orbits (Li et al. 2001) and procells were sized to give the same radial resolution in both im- duces vortices that can be sustained by interaction with the spiral
plementations, although since the grid went to r = 0 in the arms generated by the planet.
Cartesian simulations, the grid size had to be larger to achieve
The linear analysis of Cartesian averaged profiles
the same resolution. The Cartesian code was run at resolutions
shows the presence of unstable modes in the inner and outer disk
n x ny = 320 320 and 640 640. To improve the angular
with growth rates of 0.2K (r0 ). In some Cartesian runs
resolution close to the central star, an additional level of refine- there are mode solutions with
large growth rates that appear at
ment was used in the inner disk in the Cartesian implementalate times, when the gap is becoming deeper. At the same time
tion. Different timesteps were used for each level of refinement
there are indications that some mild instability is happening in
to speed up the simulation.
the disk. However, these are not the fast-growing modes found
The damping condition described in de Val-Borro et al. in the polar grid calculations with azimuthal number m = 46.
(2006) was applied in the ring 2.1a r 2.5a close to the outer We do not find stationary solutions with positive growth rates
boundary but not in the inner disk for the Cartesian im- that remain for a time of order of the growth timescale in the
plementation. A free outflowing boundary was used at the outer Cartesian grid models. This is consistent with the fact that no
vortices appear in the edges of the gap in these simulations after
tens of orbital periods, as shown in Fig. 9.
is available at http://www.flash.uchicago.edu/

M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

Fig. 5. Real frequency and growth rates of the unstable modes with azimuthal number m = 5, as a function of time, for and polar
simulations with resolution nr n = 256 768. In the top
panel, the crosses represent the mode frequencies at the outer edge of
the gap and the dots are the mode frequencies at the inner edge for
. The circles are the mode frequencies at the outer edge of the
gap and the stars are the mode frequencies at the inner edge for polar . The frequencies are divided by mK (r0 ), where K is the
Keplerian angular frequency and r0 is the radius at the edge of the gap.
The crosses in the bottom panel are the growth rates at the outer gap
edge and the dots are the growth rates at the inner edge for a
calculation. The circles are the growth rates at the outer edge of the gap
and the stars are the growth rates at the inner edge for a polar
calculation. Growth rates are divided by the Keplerian frequency at the
edge of the gap.

Figure 6 shows the density distribution for Jupiter inviscid

simulations in logarithmic scale using different boundary conditions for and models. The left panels show the
density contours at t = 50 orbital periods and the right panels
after t = 100 orbits. There are two vortices moving along the
outer edge with different phase velocities in all the simulations
at t = 50 periods. Those vortices will merge and form a large
vortex at a later time producing strong oscillations on the torque
exerted on the planet.
In Fig. 7 we show the growth rates with azimuthal number
m = 5 for the outer edge of the gap using an initial density with
a gap given by Eq. (25). The gap shape tends to a steady state
towards the end of the simulation. The growth rates agree within
5% (by the end of the simulation) with the results obtained using
an initial uniform density.
Figure 8 shows the profiles averaged over the azimuth for the
simulations using various boundary conditions. The
slope of the gap is steeper at the inner edge than at the outer edge


for the cylindrical schemes. The density peak in the inner disk is
about 50% of the peak at the outer gap edge. The overall jump
in density is larger at the inner edge despite the fact that the gap
is slightly deeper just outside the planets orbit. This produces a
larger growth rate inside the corotation region (see Fig. 2). In the
cylindrical simulation, the mass loss at the boundaries is
greater but this does not affect the results of the modal calculation. The Cartesian results have a deeper gap and smaller
density peaks at the edge of the gap. However, the growth rate
of their most unstable modes is about 50% compared with that
provided by the polar simulations.
The size of the peaks in the power spectrum of the torques
on a Jupiter-mass planet, from different regions in the disks, are
shown in Tables 1 and 2. The torques are calculated excluding
the material inside the Roche lobe of the planet, where the resolution may not be good enough to resolve the circumplanetary
disk. calculations have a larger peak, which correspond
to the amplitude of the vortices moving along the edge of the
gap. This is consistent with larger vortices being observed in the
density distributions of calculations in Fig. 6.
calculations have PDS peaks which are between one and two
orders of magnitude smaller. The frequencies in the corotating
frame are close to the local Keplerian angular frequency at the
edges of the gap. The difference in the peak amplitudes agrees
with the results from the upwind and Godunov schemes studied
by de Val-Borro et al. (2006). This correlation suggests that vortices can be formed by the non-linear evolution of Rossby waves
in protoplanetary disks.
The evolution of the vortensity in the simulation
with resolution nr n = 512 1536 is shown at several times
in Fig. 10. The vortensity and Bernoulli constant are conserved
for a barotropic inviscid fluid in the absence of discontinuities in
the flow. In our case, the vortensity is roughly conserved along
the streamlines in regions outside the Hill radius of the planet.
Shock dissipation close to the protoplanet can lead to vortensity
generation. As the gap is opened and strong trailing shocks are
formed, the vortensity grows at the edge of the gap and along the
spiral arms. The vortensity at 10 orbital periods shows small cavities outside the peaks at the edge of the gap. These depressions
break in 45 differentiated vortices when the growth rate of the
RWI becomes positive. The vortensity peak at the outer gap edge
and close to the outer spiral arm are corrugated while at the inner edge the vortensity is more stable. As explained before, this
is probably an artificial effect due to the inner edge of the gap
being closer to the inner boundary than the outer gap edge is
to the outer boundary. The minima of vortensity rotating along
the edge correspond to vortices observed in the density maps. In
the bottom right panel of Fig. 10 there is one single vortensity
depression which is associated with a vortex located at azimuth
after 100 orbits. The vortensity inside the corotating region
is considerably perturbed as the vortex moves along the gap.
In Figs. 11 and 12 the azimuthally averaged vortensity in
the inertial frame is shown. The initial vortensity profile for
a disk with uniform density, 0 r1.5 , has been subtracted.
The Cartesian code has a large vortensity excess in the
corotating region where the gap is more depleted than in the
cylindrical codes. The averaged vortensity in the outer disk is
also greater in our Cartesian model. calculation
shows vortensity peaks at the gap borders with a larger spike in
the inner disk.
The velocity fields plotted over the density contours in logarithmic scale at t = 100 orbits is shown in Fig. 13. The velocity
vectors are calculated in the corotating frame of the local maximum of pressure that coincides with the center of the vortex.


M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

Fig. 6. Surface density contours for cylindrical

simulations in logarithmic scale. From top to
bottom, simulation using a damping
wave region as described in Sect. 3 (see also
de Val-Borro et al. 2006), simulation
using outgoing-wave boundary conditions defined by Godon (1996) and polar . The
left panels show the density after 50 orbital periods and the right panels show the density after
100 orbits with the same color scale. The resolution is nr n = 256 768 and the planet
is located at x y = (1, 0) a. There are two
elongated vortices forming next to the outer gap
edge at 50 orbits that move with different velocities. The vortices merge in both simulations
and one large vortex is observed in the outer
disk at 100 orbits.

The rotation in baroclinic sense is very clearly visible in the vortex close to the inner edge of the gap. The vortex in the outer
disk interacts with the spiral wake created by the planet and is
perturbed at this particular time. In Fig. 14, the streamlines are
shown in the frame corotating with the vortex core. They show
baroclinic rotation that is perturbed by interaction with the spiral
wakes created by the planet.
4.1. Dependence on physical viscosity

In this section we compare the unstable modes obtained from

simulations including Navier-Stokes viscosity = 106 and 105
(in code units, see Sect. 3).
In Fig. 15 we show the growth rates in the outer disk of the
unstable modes with m = 5 as a function of time for = 106 .
The frequencies of unstable modes are calculated using perturbations on the inviscid Euler equations for simplicity. The growth
rates at the outer edge of the gap agree within 20% with those

obtained from inviscid simulations (see Fig. 5). However, notice

that the linear analysis gives only an estimate of the growth rates
in the viscous case.

5. Discussion
We have studied vortex formation in protoplanetary disks with
an embedded giant planet, with mass ratios 104 and 103 , using numerical simulations and linear perturbation analysis. The
modal calculation is done following the strategy of Lovelace
et al. (1999) for a locally isothermal equation of state in a
vertically-averaged disk. Vortices are formed in the cylindrical
and 2-dimensional simulations in agreement
with the linear analysis of non-axisymmetric perturbations. The
growth rates calculated for and polar as a function of time agree within about 10%. The results of the linear
analysis are consistent with the absence of rapidly growing vortices near the edge of the gap in our Cartesian-grid PPM simulations, which is thus not due to artificial numerical damping of

M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks


Table 1. The frequency in the corotating frame and magnitude of the

maxima of the PDS of the gravitational torques from the inner disk are
shown for the Jupiter simulations. The values are sorted by the magnitude of the PDS at the maximum. The magnitude of the PDS is related with the amplitude of the oscillations at a given frequency. Polar
codes have larger maxima and the frequencies correspond roughly to
the Keplerian frequencies at the gap edges.
Flash polar
Flash Cart.

Fig. 7. Growth rates of the unstable modes with mode number m = 5,

as a function of time divided by the local Keplerian frequency. Dots
represent a calculation with resolution nr n = 256 768
and stars are obtained from a calculation with resolution nr n =
128 384.


2.81 105
8.96 108
2.19 107

Table 2. The frequency in the corotating frame and magnitude of the

maxima of the PDS of the gravitational torques from the outer disk are
shown for the Jupiter simulations.
Flash polar
Flash Cart


1.11 103
4.82 106
3.65 106

Table 3. The frequency and magnitude of the maxima of the PDS of the
torques from the inner disk for the Neptune case are shown sorted by
the magnitude of the PDS at the maximum. calculations have
larger maxima with frequencies close to the Keplerian frequencies at
the outer gap edge.
Flash polar
Flash Cart.

Fig. 8. Azimuthally averaged surface density profiles for the Jupiter

simulations after 100 orbital periods. The solid line is the simulation with resolution nr n = 256768 and damping wave boundary
conditions and the short dashed line is the simulation with resolution nr n = 256 768 and outgoing-wave boundary conditions.
The profiles are averaged over 5 orbits.

unstable modes. This type of code does not produce the necessary steepness of the surface density profile and does not support
growing non-axisymmetric perturbations.
Both our numerical schemes have very low numerical diffusion, which is estimated in Appendix A. Runs with an explicit Navier-Stokes viscosity were also performed. The unstable modes in the outer disk calculated for = 106 have growth
rates 0.25K at 100 orbits, which are 20% smaller than in the
inviscid calculations.
We speculate that the Cartesian-grid implementation may be
more diffusive for this problem than polar geometry (in which
the unperturbed Keplerian disk flows along the mesh structure)
hence damping the growth of Rossby waves. The linear theory
predicts that unstable modes will be present in the Cartesian
simulations after the gap is sufficiently deep but these modes
have smaller growth rate than those obtained from and
polar simulations. The growth rate for the inner edge of
the gap is larger than it is at the outer gap edge. This may be artificial because the inner boundary is closer to the planet position
that the outer boundary is to the outer gap edge.


4.67 109
3.57 108
3.99 108

Table 4. The frequency and magnitude of the maxima of the PDS of the
torques from the outer disk for the Neptune case are shown sorted by
the magnitude of the PDS at the maximum.
Flash polar
Flash Cart


1.11 107
5.27 108
5.411 107

We observe a correlation between the growth rate of the unstable modes in the linear analysis and the size of the peaks in the
power spectrum of the gravitational torque on the planet exerted
by the disk. This correlation suggests that vortices in protoplanetary disks can form close to the gap, produced by an embedded giant planet, from the collapse of Rossby waves. Vortices
may grow and be sustained for long timescales by interaction
with the planetary wake (Koller et al. 2003; Li et al. 2005). The
two-dimensional approximation for the disk flow is anticipated
to give qualitatively correct results although a three-dimensional
analysis is needed to understand heat dissipation in the vertical direction and refraction effects in radially propagating waves
(Lin et al. 1990). An important restriction of our simulations is
that the planet is kept on a fixed circular orbit. It would be of
interest to study how the vortices rotating along the edge of the
gap affect the migration rate of a freely moving protoplanet embedded in a 3-dimensional disk.
In summary, the linear analysis confirms that Rossby waves
are formed in a thin protoplanetary disk with a giant planet
with mass ratio between = 104 103 , within tens of orbital


M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

Fig. 9. Surface density distribution after 100 orbital periods for on the left hand side
and on the right hand side using the
same logarithmic color scale. Both models use
the same wave damping condition in the outer
disk between 2.12.5 a. while does not
have a damping condition in the inner boundary. has density enhancements close
to the gap opened by the protoplanet.
has a smooth density distribution and a larger
density peak at the planet position which is saturated in the image.

Fig. 10. Vortensity in polar coordinates is

shown at times t = 10, 20, 50 and 100 orbital
periods from left to right and top to bottom. The
simulation has resolution nr n = 512 1536.

periods. The unstable modes with larger growth rates generate

a non-axisymmetric perturbation, with mode number m = 4
6, which breaks into vortices in the nonlinear regime producing
a non-axisymmetric density distribution. At the time when the
growth rate becomes positive, small depressions in vortensity
appear along the gap. These results do not depend on resolution
or boundary conditions. Simulations with an initial gap also generate vortices close to the edge of the gap. The growth rates estimated from the linear theory agree with the growth rates at later
times in simulations with an initially flat density distribution. A
protoplanetary disk with a giant planet becomes populated with
vortices and spiral shocks that can efficiently transport angular
momentum. This effect can be important in disks that are not

sufficiently ionized to sustain turbulence via the MRI instability. We conclude that vorticity generation in protoplanetary
disks with an embedded giant planet is a robust mechanism
that can lead to planet formation and radial transfer of angular

Acknowledgements. M.d.V.B. was supported by a SAO predoctoral fellowship and a NOT/IAC scholarship. G.D. acknowledges support from the NASA
Postdoctoral Program. We thank Artur Gawryszczak for providing his numerical
code and enlightening discussions. The support of the RTN Planets funded
by the European Commission under agreement No. HPRN-CT-2002-0308 is
acknowledged during the course of this project. The code used in
this work is developed in part by the US Department of Energy under Grant

M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

Fig. 11. Vortensity profiles averaged over azimuth at different times

t = 10, 20, 50 and 100 orbital periods for the simulation at
resolution nr n = 256 768.

Fig. 12. Vortensity profiles averaged over azimuth at different times

t = 10, 20, 50 and 100 orbital periods for the FLASH simulation in
Cartesian coordinates.


500 tracer (massless) particles released in the disk. The equation of motion of each particle is integrated every hydrodynamics timestep by interpolating the velocity field at the particles
location and advancing in time its position by means of a secondorder Runge-Kutta method. The spatial interpolation of the velocity field is also second-order accurate. Hence, trajectories are
formally second-order accurate in both space and time.
We assume that the viscosity is constant in a radial interval
r = 0.1, which contains about 25 equally-spaced tracer particles and is orders of magnitude larger than their diffusion length
scale. We measure the averaged length travelled by the particles
in each radial interval, over about 50 orbits (at r = 1), and estimate the amount of numerical viscosity under the assumption
that the particle drift velocity is

dr = 3n
Experiments executed at resolutions nr n = 256 768 and
512 1536 provide very similar results.
The largest numerical diffusion is observed close to the inner
grid boundary, where n 107 (in code units, see Sect. 3.1) at
r 0.55 and 108 at r 0.65. In the radial domain between
r 0.75 and r 1.75, n lies between 1010 and 109 . In
the outer part of the simulated disk, the numerical viscosity is
comprised between 109 and 108 .
The numerical viscosity in is calibrated using a
2-dimensional local patch of a Keplerian disk with a massless
sink hole in the center of the domain The sink hole has radius
equal to the Roche radius
 q 1/3
RR = a
for a protoplanet with mass ratio q = 103 . The dimensions of
the shearing box are 20RR 20RR . We use local Cartesian coordinates in the Hill approximation corotating with the sink hole.
The horizontal axis corresponds to the radial direction and the
vertical axis to the direction of motion of the flow. Initially, the
unperturbed surface density is uniform and the velocity of the
matter flowing into the computational domain has only a vertical component given by the linearized Keplerian velocity

vy = K x.
We implement periodic boundaries in the vertical direction. Our
units in the simulation are the Roche radius, RR , the initial surface density, 0 , and the Keplerian angular frequency, K , at the
center of the shearing box. A cavity is produced at the orbital
Appendix A: Calibration of numerical viscosity
radius of the sink hole while the gas in the vicinity of the hole is
The calculations presented in this paper are based on inviscid pulled into it on the viscous timescale.
Euler equations. However, even though neither physical nor arThe equation of viscous diffusion for a thin accretion disk
tificial viscosity terms enter these equations, each numerical can be obtained in the asymptotic limit assuming constant nuscheme has some intrinsic diffusivity that can be interpreted as a merical diffusivity (Pringle 1981; Bryden et al. 1999). Using the
numerical viscosity, n .
boundary conditions = 0 at x = 0, and /x = 0 at x = xout ,
To calibrate the numerical viscosity in each of the hydrody- where xout = 10RR is the distance from the center of the shearing
namics codes, we use the numerical setup described in Sect. 3.1 box to the outer radial boundary, the surface density distribution
with mass ratio q = 0. Tests are performed at two different res- for positive x is given by
olutions to check for consistency of the results. Numerical vis!
cosity is bound to depend on the flow properties. The values re- (x, t) = 0 exp 3 n t sin x
ported in this Appendix apply to disks in quiescent conditions
and may therefore represent lower limits for numerical diffusion
The kinematic viscosity can be evaluated from the ratio of surin models with uniform initial density and fast gap formation.
face densities at different times
In the case of , a time-averaged measure of the
(t1 )
numerical diffusivity is obtained over a 50 orbit period, as a
function of the radial position, by analysing the trajectories of n = 32 (t2 t1 ) ln (t2 )
No. B523820 to the Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes at the
University of Chicago. Some of the calculations reported here were performed
on Columbia, operated by NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, at NASA
Ames Research Center. We thank the anonymous referee for comments that improved the manuscript.


M. de Val-Borro et al.: Vortex formation in protoplanetary disks

Fig. 13. Velocity vectors in the corotating frame after 100 periods for the simulation at resolution n r n = 512 1536. The left panel
shows the vortex at the inner gap edge and the right panel shows the vortex at the outer gap edge.

Fig. 14. Streamlines in the corotating frame of

the inner and outer vortices plotted in Fig. 13.
The radial extent of the vortices is about
0.15a. Spiral arms created by the planet and
weaker shocks associated with the vortices are


Fig. 15. Dependence on time of growth rates of modes with m = 5 for

simulations with resolution nr n = 256 768 (dots) and

with resolution nr n = 128 384 (stars). The Navier-Stokes

viscosity is = 106 .

We estimate values of n between 108 and 107 using the surface density profiles averaged in the vertical direction at times
close to 50 orbits and grid resolutions of n x ny = 320 320 and
640 640.

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