Centricity Pacs Quick Guide
Centricity Pacs Quick Guide
Centricity Pacs Quick Guide
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If the login fails, check the Caps Lock key; usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Also check
the pop-up bar to allow ActiveX controls, or add the Dynamic Imaging demo server as a Trusted Site
in the Security settings panel of the Internet Options dialog.
Use the paging buttons on the toolbar above the tabs to navigate forward or backward through the
Study List.
Use the icons next to each study for a quick grasp of that studys status:
Denotes that the study is selected.
Click here to view the study. (Note: That if this icon is yellow, the particular study is already
open. This feature is available to radiologists only, as recognized by their login, and is
designed to help radiologists make updates to only one copy of a study.)
Indicates the note/report status:
The gray notepad indicates that no note or report is attached to the study.
If the notepad icon is yellow, then a note has been attached to the study. (Pale
yellow indicates an internal note.)
If the notepad icon is green, then a final (dictated) report has been attached to the
study. (Pale green indicates a preliminary report.)
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Indicates the read status. A study may have a large checkmark (the study has been read
and dictated by a radiologist), a small checkmark (the study has been reviewed but not
dictated, or it has been read by a resident), both or neither.
Patient Folder
In the Image Viewer, click the toolbar button
for the Patients Folder, which displays information
for all the studiescurrent and priorthat have been performed on that patient. The Patient Folder
may be set to launch automatically when a study is opened; see the administrator.
The top portion shows a list of the patient's studies, with the current study highlighted in blue and the
other studies listed chronologically. The middle pane allows privileged users to write a note or report
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to the study. The bottom pane shows all orders for the study, communicated to Centricity PACS-IW
by the RIS, and other information such as key images.
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3. Enter the diagnostic data in the text pane. Click the Done button below the pane when complete.
4. Click the Done button at the bottom of the dialog to exit, or select another button to add a new
note/report. The Note/Report icon updates to a new color (yellow for a note, green for a report) in
the Study List.
Exiting a Study
Click the Done button
in the Image Viewer toolbar. The default operations are performed and
the study is closed. Users other than referring physicians can click the down arrow next to the Done
button to select different actions for the application to take when it closes.
Key Images .....................................Use ctrl to page
Zoom.............................Use middle mouse to pan
Pan............................. Use middle mouse to zoom
Windowing.......... Middle mouse opens presets
For 1.00 zoom........................................................Shift
Refresh Study List.................................................... F5
Jump to first image ........................................ Home
Jump to last image.............................................. End
Patient Folder ............................................................ F1
Triangulation.............................................................. F2
Cine................................................................................... C
Done................................................................................. D
Exit .....................................................................................X
Magnifying Glass........................................................ G
Insert Key Image .......................................................... I
Key Image Page...........................................................K
Labels................................................................................ L
Measurements ............................................................M
Page/Scroll .....................................................................P
Rotate .................................................................. 0 (zero)
Sharpen ...........................................................................S
Invert .................................................................................V
Window/Level mode ...............................................W
Zoom .................................................................................Z
My PC has two monitors. Does Centricity PACS-IW support dual monitor configurations?
Yes. The second monitor must be configured in a specific way so that images dont straddle the
monitor boundary. See the administrator or call support. Numbers are at the bottom of this
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I dont like to see CT images in stacks. Can I see them as if they are on sheets of film?
I'm not sure whether I changed the brightness or contrast, but the image is unrecognizable.
How can I fix it?
Right-click the image, select Pre-Set Window and then Automatic, or hit the spacebar on the
keyboard. The image updates to the optimum windowing level.
I'm used to seeing x-rays with lots of information displayed around the image. Can I see that
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