Lec 6

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Communication Engineering

Prof. Surendra Prasad

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture - 6
Fundamentals of Analog Signal Transmission
Our topic of discussion today now is, we are now getting into the mainstream of
communication theory and the first thing that we like to understand is some basics about
analog signal transmission. Then, to keep this discussion simple, we will use a base band
model, we look at the base band signal propagation or transmission through a
communication channel. Now, suppose we look at the block diagram of a base band
communication signal, transmission system.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:43)

As we know, we must have a transmitter and the transmitter has a, this block has
everything it that is required, input to this is the message signal m of t, I will denote the
message signal, most of the time by the notation m sub t m of t. Output is output of the
transmission transmitter is, a waveform or a signal x of t which typically in the base band
context would be a suitable scaled version of m of t, appropriately amplified so as to
drive the communication channel appropriate, nicely.
The channel here, in general can be modeled by two parts, a part which embodies the
effect of distortion that it might introduce and that part can be modeled conveniently as

some kind of a filter, some kind of a linear filter. What do you mean by that, because the
channel can modify the amplitude of the various frequency components or it can modify
the phase of the various frequency components. All these effects can be nicely modeled,
if you think of the channel as a, filter of some kind.
So, very simple and convenient model for a channel, communication channel and that is
true for every kind of communication channel, is to think of this as a filter, with some
transfer function H sub c f, so this models if channel. The second part of the channel
model, will consider the effects like noise, you know that, noise gets transmitted, noise
gets added to the signal at various part, various points of the communication system;
starting from the transmitter, going up to the receiver.
All these effects again will be clubbed into the channel and therefore, the channel will
have a second part, which is denoted like this. So, this here this block here, is essentially
an adder which adds to the output of the channel, some noise of an appropriate kind,
which is suitable for use and that is what you receive at the receiver. So, the received
signal, suppose you were to call it y of t, contains effect of transmission this through this
This filtering that is affected by the channel, of some kind and some additional some
noise and the receiver is supposed to work on this input y of t to produce, so this is your
receiver. To produce replica of your transmitted message waveform m sub t, m of t
together with, a small amount of noise which it cannot eliminate. So there is an input
noise n of t and the receiver will try to eliminate as much of this noise as possible and
also, but there may be some residual noise still left, which were denoting by n sub o t.
The receiver has to process the incoming waveform y of t, so as to remove the distortion
that might have been affected by the channel, might have been introduced by the channel
and also to eliminate as much noise as possible that is the job of the receiver, main job of
the receiver. Now, so this is the model, this is a framework in which we have to, we will
carry out the discussion for today, most of them todays class. Now, our first you see, we
have been talking about channel introducing two kinds of things.
One is this effect, the other is this effect, this essentially carries out what you say
distortion, distortion of the signal. This is additive noise; this adds on to the signal, so
first let us concentrate, in fact in todays class. Let us first discuss only about the

distortion part what we like to ideally have is, what we call distortion less transmission.
And in this discussion we will ignore the presence of noise, let us assume that noise is
not there at all.
So, from we will assume n t is equal to 0, because we want to concentrate on what kinds
of distortion the channel can introduce and understand their nature and see whether we
can do something about it, at the receiver, just to simplify the discussion. Now, in this
case, your received signal y of t, which is basically the transmitted signal x t, convolve
with the filter impulse response x c t, the filter which models the channel, is what you
will get as y t.
Now, suppose you forget about the channel for a minute, suppose you would like, this
signal here or that the input to the receiver, to be a replica of the transmitted signal
without distortion. That is the ideal thing you would like to have, y of t should be replica
of x of t without distortion. So what, how can we express this relationship in the most
general form, what kind of effects we can tolerate and what kind of effects we cannot
You can tolerate a scaling effect, if the signal gets attenuated, it does not matter, and that
is not distortion, if it simply gets attenuated because I can compensate for attenuation
very simple by, suitable amplification. The other thing that I can tolerate is, some delay
that propagation delay. After all, the signal has to physically transmit physically
propagate from one point to another point and no matter what is the form in which it
propagates. So it will take a finite amount of time to do so and therefore, there will be
some delay.
So, as long as the received signal, differs from the transmitted signal, only in terms of a
scaling factor and a constant delay, that is acceptable to me, as a received signal, as a
replica of the transmitted signal, you agree with that. So, ideally speaking by distortion
less transmission, we mean that the received signal y of t, is some constant k times x t,
which is delayed by some amount t sub 0. So, this is the condition for distortion less
If this happens, if your channel only introduces a scaling factor and a delay, it is an ideal
channel, nothing could be better, when channel is a friendly channel and that is the kind
of channel I am looking for, physically. Now, let us look at this effect of frequency

domain, what are we saying therefore, what are the characteristics of the channel for a
distortion less transmission. Look at the, what is the if you have to express the same
relationship in frequency domain, this will be y of f equal to, k times e to the power
minus j 2 pi f t naught into x of f. So, what are we saying about the transfer function x
here, it is equal to k times e to the power minus j 2 p f t naught.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:18)

So, the ideal channel H c H sub c f, has a transfer function given by constant k into e to
the power minus j 2 pi f t naught. If you were to characterize this ideal channel, in the
terms of frequency domain plots, then what is the magnitude characteristic we are
expecting from this. A constant k for all values of the frequency f, for all frequencies f
and what are we expecting, from which in terms of case characteristics. Anyone, what
will be the angle of H c f?
Student: ((Refer Time: 11:12))
What kind of characteristics we are expecting as a function of frequency?
Student: ((Refer Time: 11:18))
The exponent here.
Student: ((Refer Time: 11:21))

Whereas minus j f j to pi f t naught, as a function of frequency what kind of, it is a

straight line, with a negative slope. The angle is0at 0, it is positive for positive frequency
negative for positive frequencies and positive for negative frequencies and the slope will
be equal to minus 2 pi t naught, where t naught is a delay that; that is a slope, slope of the
straight line.
So, basically what are we saying, that for a signal to be transmitted without distortion,
the ideal channel would have a flat magnitude transfer characteristics, magnitude transfer
function and a phase function, which is linearly dependent on the frequency. So, that
every frequency component present in the signal, undergoes the same amount of delay.
Basically what we are saying is, every frequency component goes through the same
amount of delay and for same amount of delay the phase shift, is a linear function of the
frequency, required phase shift.
So, that is the ideal characteristic, of course, this kind of an ideal channel is too much to
expect, to be available in practice. It is not even required, if you really look upon it
because, in real terms you will be transmitting the signal of finite bandwidth, not of
infinite bandwidth. So, in that case, our concept of an ideal channel can be made less
stringent, in as much as these characteristics hold, within the bandwidth of the signal, we
should be quite happy.
Because what happens outside is of no interest, is of academic interest, because the
signal does not have any frequency components, beyond those values beyond some
values. So, therefore we can make these conditions less stringent, by saying that these
conditions should hold, within the message bandwidth. So let us say, if the message
bandwidth is B, we would like that the transfer function magnitude is constant, equal to k
between minus B to plus B.
Whether it is constant beyond that, is not of any interest to us. That may or may not be,
because the signal does not have any frequency components there, so it would not bother
us. Similarly, these linear characteristics should hold between minus B to plus B, after
that it should become slightly non-linear or something else happens to it. It is not a
straight line after this, it does not bother us very much, because the signal does not have
any components in that frequency, is that clear? So, an ideal channel, in a practical

situation would be one which has these kinds of characteristics within the message
bandwidth at least, is that good, any questions?
(Refer Slide Time: 15:13)

So, we call here, we could say then say that the ideal channel transfer function, instead of
say qualifying unconditionally this being equal to minus j 2 pi f t 0, will say that this
should be so far, mod of f less than B, that is our condition for distortion less
transmission. A t sub 0 denotes the propagation delay and B here is the message
bandwidth and k is the attenuation constant. Now this is what the ideal channel is
supposed to do.
Real channels unfortunately do not in practice even meet these less stringent conditions,
even within the bandwidth of interest, the magnitude transfer characteristic function is
not necessarily a constant value, there variations and the phase characteristics are not
necessarily, linear functions of frequency. So, when that happens; the received signal
would or would not be a replica of x of t, it would not be a replica of x of t, because it
will now go through a convolution of x of t with the impulse response h of t.
For the ideal case, what is the impulse response like; the impulse response is an impulse
function. That is why whatever signal you transmit, it gets in the same form to at the
receiver. But in this case it will not be so, if these conditions are not satisfied, so what
kind of distortions can be introduce, so let us discuss types of distortion. Incidentally,

these kinds of distortion that I am discussing here, we also refer to them as linear
Linear because they are arising from the non ideal characteristics of a linear filter, which
is being used to model the channel. The ideal characteristics are, it should be a linear
filter but besides linearity you want, the magnitude transfer function should be constant,
the linear filter may also have magnitude transfer function which is not constant. Any
filter usually will not have that, so when that is not so, then one kind of distortion is
If the phase characteristics are not linear with respect to frequency that leads to another
kind of distortion, but both these kinds of distortion are linear distortions, because they
are arising from non ideal characteristics of a linear filter, which is modeling the channel.
So, there are two kinds of linear distortion, which are though linear distortion here, one is
called the amplitude distortion and this arises, when this condition that the magnitude
characteristic should be constant is not satisfied, over the bandwidth of interest.
If the magnitude characteristic of the channel is not constant, equal to some value k,
which is which denotes the attenuation. Then we say that, over the bandwidth of interest
we say that, the channel is introducing amplitude distortion. In the sense, that the
different frequency components present in the message waveform m t, are being
amplified or attenuated differently, by the channel and the ideal channel would treat all
frequency components in the same way.
So, that to keep their relative magnitudes, the same as the receiver, but in this case
certain frequency components may be attenuated less, certain other frequency
components may be attenuated more and this relative difference in treatment, in terms of
attenuation causes amplitude distortion. So, this amplitude distortion does not refer to,
does not tell us what kind of effect takes place on the output waveform. This is a
characterization of the frequency domain.
But in the frequency domain, the channel does not treat all frequency components, with
the same attenuation characteristics, that what it means. So, do not think of any other
connotation of amplitude distortion other than the one implied in the frequency domain.
It does not tell us anything specific about what kind of waveform you might see, that

should be very clear in your mind. For example, I will give you typical attenuation
characteristics that you might see.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:31)

In the telephone channel for example, usually these characteristics, magnitude

characteristics are plotted on a log scale, so I am plotting here minus 20 log of H c f,
what is it call?
Student: Decibels.
Decibels, so, you are plotting the amplitude response in decibels, so the units are
decibels, so a typical characteristic that you might see, may look something like this. So,
you can see that there is a lot of variation, let us call this delta, in the amplitude or the at
amount of attenuation difference between frequency components, may go through. I am
plotting here only for positive frequencies, you can replicate for the negative frequency
axis and for a, so we are going to see characteristics like this, which are not flat, which is
((Refer Time: 21:42)) what you ideally like to see.
As long as this delta is small overall variation is small, you can ignore it, it does not
matter, and effectively it does not matter very much, what is the extent to which you can
tolerate it. When this variation is within a dB or so, within one decibel or so, that is a rule
of thumb for you to remember, so if the variation of the attenuation as a function of

frequency. Let us call that delta is within a dB, within one decibel, the amplitude
distortion is negligible, and then we can ignore it.
But if it is more than a dB, it becomes significant and we have to take that into account,
so that is, what amplitude distortion is all about. As against this, we have the second kind
of linear distortion which we call by the name of phase distortion or sometimes also
called delay distortion. These two things typically mean the same thing and as the name
implies, this kind of distortion arises when your channel has phase transfer function
which differs from the required ideal transfer function.
What is the required ideal phase transfer function?
Student: ((Refer Time: 23:34))
A linear function of frequency passing through the origin, odd function it has to be of
any real feature will have the phase function as an odd function, that is not an issue. So,
if it differs from that linear characteristics within the bandwidth of interest, we get the
phase distortion, so if angle of H f is not equal to, minus 2 pi t naught f. Actually, it
would not matter, if it is this plus minus tell me something, plus minus how much?
Student: multiple of pi.
A multiple of pi, is it not, if it is a multiple if I, if you go back to this equation that we
were looking at.
Student: ((Refer Time: 24:27))
If I put an e power minus j m pi or e power plus j m pi where m is an integer, this will be
a constant value equal to either plus 1 or minus 1, which could be absorb in the
attenuation factor. So, it does not really, make any difference to the basic phase
characteristics, so the required condition therefore, really speaking is, this plus minus m
So, if this is so, ((Refer Time: 25:05)) then what is, over the bandwidth of interest, for f
mod of f less than b, if this is not so, that is that causes phase distortion or delay
distortion, if this is so, what is the amount of delay introduced at frequency f, t naught
and it is the same for all frequencies. If this is not so, basically what it implies it implies

is, that different frequency components undergo, different amounts of delay and that is
why when they combine together all these frequency components the other end, the
output, the signal does not appear to be the same as we started with.
So, if this linear characteristic does not hold, it implies different delays for different
frequency components and that is why, we also call it delay distortion. If every
frequency component present in the message signal undergoes a same amount of delay,
there is no delay distortion, no phase distortion. If different frequency components
undergo different amounts of delay, there is a delay distortion. Now fortunately, in
analog signal transmission like speech particularly speech, delay distortion is not of
much consequence.
Reason is very simple, our ear is insensitive to delay distortion, this happens to a
property of our perception, hearing, but for speech, this is the exceptional situation. For
pictures for example, that is not true, delay distortion matters, because the eyes are not
insensitive to, the way I see a picture is not insensitive to phase information or delay
information and similarly for data, delay distortion has can cause havoc.
Student: ((Refer Time: 27:19))
I will repeat that.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:24)

So, this is just a practical observation that I am giving here, that delay distortion, not very
important in speech transmission, when your message signal is basically your speech
signal. What we are saying is, if the message signal happens to be speech signal and if
the channel introduces delay distortion, we are not too much worried about it. And the
reason is, because ears are insensitive to this kind of distortion, so to understand, why
that is so of course you have to go into, how the ear perceives the signal.
We do not have, we are not going to go that, into that now, and that is just a matter of
information for you. On the other hand, delay distortion becomes fatal if it is present,
when you are doing a particular data transmission. So data transmission is highly
sensitive to delay distortion, similarly for video, similarly for pictures, it is highly
sensitive to the delay distortion. So, I will repeat ((Refer Time: 29:00)) also, in any kind
of pulse transmission, which data transmission is a special case of that, delay distortion is
going to be fatal.
It causes a very severe kind of distortion and if you do not compensate for if you, if you
do not take that into account, in designing your receiver, you will not be able to do a
good digital communication. So, this these are two kinds of distortion, which fall within
the domain of what I have mention as linear distortion, which whether we have
amplitude distortion or phase distortion or both, we are talking about linear distortion
One important characteristics of linear distortion is, that basically the existing frequency
components the message signal, will get treated differently by the channel, either in
terms of their attenuation characteristics are different frequencies or in terms of, delay
characteristics have different frequencies, so that is linear distortion. One nice thing
about the linear distortion is, that at least in theory, in concept it is very easy to
compensate for it, is it not, it is obvious.
What should we do at the receiver?
Student: put a filter ((Refer Time: 30:28))
Put a filter, which is the reciprocal of the channel transfer function.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:38)

So, in theory it is possible to remove the distortion through a process called equalization
and that of course, will have to be done at the receiver. So, what we are saying is, the
message signal goes through a channel, that the transfer function H c f, sowhat we must
do at the receiver, have a filter with transfer function let us say H, sub e q f, where the
product of these two, together appear as a distortion less channel.
So, if this is an actual channel and this is your equalizer what we like to have is, that the
equalizer should have this kind of transfer characteristic, so that the product of these two,
appears like an ideal channel. The product of these two are net transfer function that the
signal will see, the message will see, that should be equal to k times e to the power minus
j 2 pi f t naught, prime let us say, some other value of propagation delay. Of course, this
is required only for mod of f less than the bandwidth.
So, that the product, the you can think of the product as some kind of an equivalent
channel, satisfies the ideal characteristics, so in theory it is possible to take care of linear
distortion perfectly. Of course, things are not as simple as they appear here, theory is
perfectly fine here, but in practice you can imagine, there will be lot of difficulties in
actually implementing such an equalizer. Can you think of some difficulties, there are
two major difficulties that will come up?
One is, we assuming, that we know what channel transfer function is high, in reality you
will very rarely know anything about what the channel is doing, you are transmitting the

message. What you see at the output of the channel, is the received or the distorted
message, you know nothing about the channel. So, unless you do something special,
unless you make a special effort to learn about the channel characteristics, there is no
question of trying to equalize for it.
So, that of course means, more complication, to learn the channel characteristics, sothat
you can implement an equalizer filter, which is of this kind is a non trivial effort, non
trivial job. The second problem, that may arise, even if you knew the channel transfer is,
suppose you knew the channel transfer function, is due to the fact that we have ignored
another very important component which is present in the channel, noise. Suppose the
channel H c f has a null or in the range of some frequency components, within the pass
band, within the message bandwidth of interest.
For a few frequencies or in the neighborhood of some frequencies, the channel exhibits
very deep attenuation, very large attenuation, suppose it happens it can happen. Then,
what will be the required equalizer characteristics of those frequencies, very large
amplification of those frequencies and if you implement that, you can do that. What you
are also going to do is, amplify the corresponding noise part, noise components there. So,
you may undo the effect of distortion, but you may be introducing or enhancing the
effect of noise, which may not be desirable.
So, in theory this is all fine, but in practice one has to work out a solution, which takes
care of these concerns. We will not go into further details of this moment; this is a
subject which is properly dealt with in a course in digital communication.
Student: Transfer function which are always constant and ((Refer Time: 25:02)) will they
vary with time.
We are assuming in this, that is a good question, the question is, the channel can we
assume the channel to be having a constant transfer function for all time or in other
words, is it proper to think of the channel as a linear time invariant system. The question
can be rephrased like this, because I talk about linearity, but I did not talk about time
invariance. It is a good question; the answer to this question is yes, in some channels, no
in some other channels.

The discussion that we are doing now is for those channels where it can be modeled as a
LTI filter. There can be channels, in which it cannot be modeled as it can be modeled as
a linear filter, but not necessarily time invariant. For example, a wireless channel in
which there are lots of reflections on various objects in the propagation path and these
object keep moving or you keep moving. Obviously, it is a linear characteristic, but it is
not time invariant, so linear time variant characteristics.
Then of course, our discussion has to, this equalization business becomes even more
difficult, because not only you do not know, it keeps varying with time. So, how to
handle it both theoretically as well as practically becomes a very major issue, but these
are issues which are beyond the scope of this course. At the moment we will not discuss
this, but at least you know, that it can be done and what the concerns are. Any other
Student: ((Refer Time: 36:34))
So, that is as far as our discussion on linear transform linear distortion is concerned, now
I am I have been emphasizing this concept, I mean this adjective linear.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:56)

And that is because, we can also have a kind of non-linear distortion and as the name
obviously implies, this kind of distortion would arise in a communication system, in
which, in some part of the communication system or the other, there is some kind of

linearity. Can you think of any kind of non-linearities which can cope up in a
communication system, which are the components which can give rise to some nonlinearity?
Student: amplifiers.
Amplifiers, very correctly said, particularly power amplifiers, not the voltage or a current
amplifiers, but power amplifiers. You have done some course on power amplification,
some discussion on power amplification class B, class C amplifiers. And these are
dependent on, let us say let us take one of the these power amplifiers, whatever
knowledge you have is sufficient for discussion, under what conditions do they work
most efficiently or very well?
Student: ((Refer Time: 38:10))
They can they are supposed to work very well; they work very well, if your amplitude in
the input signal remains constant. If the amplitude fluctuates a lot, first of all they do not
work very efficiently, but that is not our concern here, efficiency is not what is what we
are considering here. We are more concerned about the fact, that if the amplifier gives
different amounts of amplification, depending on the amplitude of the input signal. It
((Refer Time: 38:44)) reaches the low amplitude signals in some way and the high
amplitude signals in some other way, then we have a kind of non-linearity.
So, if you were to typically, so let me first mention what non-linear distortion is, so this
arises due to non-linear. Now, this is, please note what I am writing, non-linear transfer
not transfer function, because non-linear systems, I cannot study in terms of transfer
functions, I cannot study the sense I mean the, we are not talking about frequency
domain here. I am saying due to non-linear transfer characteristics, what are transfer
characteristics of a device, like an amplifier.
How do you show the transfer characteristics, these are the devices which can exhibit
non-linearity. Amplifiers, mixers etcetera, we still have to talk about mixers, we will talk
about them later, let us talk about amplifiers, so when I say transfer characteristics of an
amplifier if we were to plot it, what is the plot that I make?
Student: ((Refer Time: 40:03))

I simply plot output versus input, output y against input x and we are here referring to
the amplitude of the output versus amplitude of the input. So, in fact ignore the time
variable here that is of no consequence, what will be the output input characteristics or
transfer characteristics of an ideal amplifier?
Student: ((Refer Time: 40:31))
Straight line is it not, input is small output should be small; correspondingly, if the input
is large, the corresponding output should be large simple, nothing beyond that. So, it is a
constant times the input, y of t should be equal to, ideally y of t should be equal to, some
A times x t, where A is the amplification factor, that is for characteristics. Now, practical
power amplifiers will exhibit a kind of non-linearity, which is very commonly
encountered called the saturation non-linearity.
You know the effect, it is basically arises because you have some finite value of the
power supplies and because of this, as your input signal becomes larger and larger in
amplitude, instead of being linear like this, you get into this non-linear or situation mode
like this. It does not remain linear for all values of the input amplitudes. So as long as
your input signal is within the linear range, you are fine, but if your input signal goes
beyond the linear range, then the output is no longer proportional to the input, y of t is no
longer A times x t and that is a non-linearity.
Now, basically if you were to model this non-linearity, you can see that you cannot
model it as a straight line, a straight line kind of a relationship. A linear kind of
relationship of this kind, you have to introduce, can you suggest some model for this
curve that you have here, some suitable parametric model?
Student: ((Refer Time: 42:14))
For example, we can possibly model it as a polynomial of some kind, we can find out
suitable coefficients of a polynomial, such that the resulting curve would look like these
characteristics. And that is the usual thing that is done to model non-linear components,
non-linear devices, and use polynomial models.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:37)

So, a typical model for example, or such non-linear things, would be that y of t is a 1
times x of t, which would have been the ideal thing. But you also have additional terms
like a 2 times x square t, plus a 3 times x cube t and so and so further and theoretically it
is possible to find a set of coefficients a 1, a 2, a 3 etcetera. With the polynomial of some
degree suitable degree, such that this resulting characteristics, resemble the actual curve
that we have plotted, y versus x curve that we have plotted.
Suppose, that is the case, suppose let us take very simple suppose we take a very simple
non-linearity of the kind a 1 x t plus a 2 x square t. One thing is clear, that the output is
not a replica of x t and therefore, there is a distortion, because we would like the output
to be simply proportional to x t, but we have additional components like x square x cube
and so and so further. So, therefore there is a kind of distortion here, but how does this
distortion differ from the linear distortion, that we have discussed.
In one very important and very significant way, if you remember, I had made a comment
more when we talked about linear distortion. That linear distortion, which arises due to
non-ideal characteristics of this channel, in terms of it is transfer function, can only do
something good or something bad relatively to different frequency components that exist
in the message signal. So, but it cannot create additional frequency components, is it not?
A linear filter essentially affects whatever frequency components are present in the
message signal. It will amplify them differently, attenuate them differently or delay them

differently, that is all it can do, that is the linear distortion. Non-linear distortion on the
other hand, has a potential to generate a frequency components in the output message
signal, which were not even present in the input signal and that is the very important way
in which non-linear distortion differs from the linear distortion.
Let me give an example, suppose the input signal can is a pure sine wave, just for the
sake of appreciating this point, pure sine wave of frequency, let us say f 1. Now, what are
the components present here, this will be a 1 cosine 2 pi f 1 t plus a 2 cosine 2 pi f 2 t
whole square cosine square. So, cosine square you can write as, 1 plus cosine 4 pi f 1 t,
sonow what are the components present in the input in the y of t, they are f 1 and 2 f 1, 2f
1 was not present.
Input was containing only f 1, so the input signal contains, let us say a frequency
component f 1, output contains f 1 as well as 2 f 1, this is a very simple situation.
Suppose, now the input signal contains two components f 1 and f 2, what will you have
now, we will obviously have f 2, sorry f 1, 2 f 1 you will also have f 2, 2 f 2. In addition
you will have f 1 plus minus f 2, you can see that. It is a matter of just, writing down the
trigonometry and seeing that you will get terms, which is cosine of 2 pi into f 1 plus f 2
times t and 2 pi f 1 minus f 2 times t.
So, these additional frequency components that are getting generated is the real problem
in non-linear distortion and that, we call these components we call, inter modulation
components and this non-linear distortion, is for this reason also called harmonic
distortion or inter modulation distortion. Because different frequency components
modulate with each other, modulate each other to produce additional frequency
components. So, therefore another name for non-linear distortion is, rather set of names
in fact.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:39)

Harmonic distortion, because additional frequency components are being present or inter
modulation distortion and that is, is that good or is that bad, that is very bad and why is it
bad, can you appreciate?
Student: ((Refer Time: 48:10))
Can you suggest?
Student: ((Refer Time: 48:12))
Power is an issue, but it is less of an issue, it is creating components outside, suppose
you have a signal of bandwidth b, your distorted signal will have components much
beyond b and obviously, you are going to speak into somebody else is band. Suppose,
you are allotted a certain frequency band to work with, you are transmitting outside that
band; your received signal contains components outside the band. If your receiver was
now trying to look for a signal in that frequency band, they will not only see that, but
will also see, some components from this and this will cause a kind of cross talk. So, this
will call what is called radio, it is also called co-channel interference or sometimes also
simply called cross talk.
Student: ((Refer Time: 49:13))

Student: ((Refer Time: 49:14))

Yes please.
Student: So, if it is highly dependent, what will be the fundamental frequency at that time
((Refer Time: 49:21))
Yes, because you can see that these characteristics, ((Refer Time: 49:29)) that will not
depend on the value of these coefficients. So, how the power gets divided into different
frequency components, will depend on the values of these coefficients in the model of
Any other questions?
Student: If no frequency which we got, so that will create problem only if they are in the
order of the original frequency which we got, suppose ((Refer Time: 49:53)) actually I
am taking left out second order, when the frequencies are too much high compared to
this one, whether it ((Refer Time: 49:58))
What you are saying is, if f 1 and f 2 f 1 plus f 2.
Student: Comparing to f 1 and f 2, only there are ((Refer Time: 50:05))
The point is, you are not only going to, see you are definitely going to create a distortion
for yourself that is obviously happening. So, within the frequency band, you have some
frequency components and you are having, you are generating additional frequency
components. These additional frequency components may lie within the bandwidth of
interest or they may lie, outside the bandwidth of interest, they will typically have both
kind of situations, f 1 minus f 2 will typically lie, within and f 1plus f 2 will lie outside.
So, both kinds of things are bad, f 1 minus f 2 creates distortion for us, f1 plus f 2 creates
distortion for somebody else, cross talk for somebody else and soon and so further, we
will stop here and let us ((Refer Time: 50:54)).
Thank you very much.

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