Ulllted States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 6,114,278: Karim Et Al. (45) Date 0f Patent: Sep. 5, 2000

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Ulllted States Patent [19]

[11] Patent Number:


Karim et al.


Sep. 5, 2000


Date 0f Patent:





8/1978 Lauder ............................... .. 423/2135

1/1980 Lauder ...... ..



3/1993 Bartek et a1. ......................... .. 562/542



11/1995 Kim et al. ............................. .. 502/311

.. 423/213.5

Subrai Bhat,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Syed Irshad
Zaheer, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;

0 608 838 A2
0 608 838 A3


European Pat. Off. .

European Pat. Off. .

Abdullah Bin Na?sah, Riyadh, Saudi



[73] Asslgnee: 22121.12??? Industnes Corporatlon

au 1

a la

[21] Appl. No.: 09/193,015




Int. Cl.7 .................................................... .. B01J 23/00

US. Cl. ........................ .. 502/312; 502/240; 502/246;

Field of Search ................................... .. 502/240, 246,

502/247 248 254 255 257 261 262
305, 303, 306, 307, 308,311, 312


ration of Acrolein and Acrylic Acid by Catalytic Oxidation

of Propane . . . , Chemical Abstract No. 12812046212, Feb.

17, 1998.

Nov. 16, 1998

502/247; 502/248; 502/254; 502/255; 502/257;

502/261; 502/262; 502/303; 502/305; 502/306;
502/307, 502/308; 502/311

Jpn. Kokai Koho JP 10 45,643; Ushikubo, Takashi, Prepa

References Cited

Primary ExaminerEliZabcth Wood

Attorney, Agent, or FirmWhitman Breed Abbott &

Morgan LLP


Amixed metal OX1de MO_V_Ga_Pd_Nb_X (Where X=La, Te,

Ge Zn Si In or W) catal tic s stem rovidin a hi her

. .




Lauder .................................. .. 423/594

g .

selectivity to acrylic acid in the loW temperature partial

oxidation of propane With a molecular oxygen-containing

29 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

U.S. Patent


Sep. 5, 2000

Sheet 1 of2


U.S. Patent

Sep. 5, 2000



Sheet 2 of2






It Would be desirable to provide a catalyst designed in

such a Way that a single catalyst selectively produces acrylic
acid and acrolein from propane Without the signi?cant
production of intermediates such as propylene.



1. Field of Invention

It is an object of the invention to overcome the above

A novel mixed metal oxide catalyst for the production of

acrylic acid through catalytic vapor phase partial oxidation


identi?ed de?ciencies.
It is another object of the invention to provide an

of propane and its use for one stage selective production of

improved catalytic system for the catalytic oxidation of

acrylic acid and acrolein at loWer temperatures.

2. Description of Related Art
Several publications are referenced in this application.

propane to acrylic acid.

It is a further object of the invention to provide an

improved catalyst system for the single stage oxidation of

These references describe the state of the art to Which this 15 propane to acrylic acid.

invention pertains and are hereby incorporated by reference.

The tWo stage vapor phase oxidation of propylene for the

It is a still further object of the invention to provide

methods of making and using the improved catalytic system.

The foregoing and other objects and advantages of the

production of acrylic acid is knoWn to the art. HoWever,

there is no commercial process that exists based on propane

oxidation to acrylic acid. The production of acrylic acid

invention Will be set forth in or be apparent from the


folloWing description.

from propane Would be more attractive because of the


signi?cant price difference betWeen propane and propylene.

There are feW references reported in the literature relating
to the production of acrylic acid from propane. US. Pat. No.
5,198,580 discloses a process for partial oxidation of pro


pane to yield acrylic acid, propylene, acrolein, acetic acid

and carbon oxides by the reaction of propane in admixture
With a molecular oxygen-containing gas in a reaction Zone

With a catalyst containing BibMoCVVAaDdEeOx; Where A is

one or more of K, Na, Li, Cs and Tl; D is one or more of Fe,


reaction at temperatures of 150 C. to 450 C. and at

pressures from 150 bar. This is achieved using a novel

catalyst With a calcined composition of MoaVbGaCPddNeXf

Ni, Co, Zn, Ce and La; E is one or more of W, Nb, Sb, Sn,
P, Cu, Pb, B, Mg, Ca and Sr; values for a, d and e are from
0 to 10, b is from 0.1 to 10, c is from 0.1 to 20, v is from

X=at least one element selected from the group consisting

of La, Te, Ge, Zn, Si, In and W;

0.1 to 10, c:b is from 2:1 to 30:1 and v:b is from 1:5 to 1 to

8. The acrylic acid yield achieved using the bismuth molyb

The invention relates to an improved catalyst system for

the selective oxidation of propane and methods of making
and using the same. According to one preferred embodiment
of the invention, propane is selectively oxidiZed With
molecular oxygen to acrylic acid and acrolein in a gas phase


a is 1;

date type of catalyst is 5.4% at 19% conversion of propane

b is 0.01 to 0.9;

at a pressure of 20 psig and a temperature of 400 C.

European patent EP 0 608 838 A2 to Takashi et al.
discloses a method of producing an unsaturated carboxylic

d is 0.0000001 to 0.2;

acid, mostly in the explosive regime of the propane, air and

c is >0 to 0.2;

Water mixture at 380 C. in the presence of a catalyst

containing a mixed metal oxide of MoVTeXO, Wherein X is

The numerical values of a, b, c, d, e and f represent the

at least one element selected from bismuth, cerium, indium,

tantalum, tungsten, titanium, Zirconium, chromium,

manganese, iron, ruthenium, cobalt, rhodium, nickel,
palladium, platinum and antimony, Wherein the proportion


The improved catalyst system is preferably prepared by

the procedures disclosed in the examples.
Furthermore, this invention also relates to a selective loW

propane, preferably in the non-explosive regime.

Other objects as Well as aspects, features and advantages
of the present invention Will become apparent from a study



Thus, none of the prior art discloses or suggests catalysts

Which provide for the selective production of acrylic acid

and acrolein at loW temperatures through a gas phase partial
oxidation process of propane.

of the present speci?cation, including the claims and speci?c


3.5% to acrylic acid at 12% propane conversion.

The above-referenced catalysts disclosed in the literature

result in loW yields of acrylic acid at relatively high tem

peratures and produce propylene as one of the signi?cant
by-products. Propylene can be expensive to separate, espe
cially in a recycling mode of operation.

temperature catalytic process for the production of acrylic

acid or acrolein or both by the vapor phase oxidation of

are molar fractions of Mo, V, Te and X.

Recently, Takashi et al. disclosed in another JP Patent No.

10 45 643 [98 45 643Feb. 1998] the formation of acrylic

acid and acrolein in the presence of PaMobVcWdXeOn
(X=Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, Sb; if a=1 then b=118, c=04, d=04 and
e=0.0520) at 380 C. achieving a yield 0.9% to acrolein and

relative gram-atom ratios of the elements Mo, V, Ga, Pd, Nb

and X, respectively, in the catalyst. The elements are pref
erably present in combination With oxygen in the form of
various oxides.

of the respective essential components are based on the total

amount of the essential components exclusive of oxygen and

satisfy the folloWing formulae: 0.25<VMO<0.98,

0.003<Vv<0.5, 0.003<Vx<0.5, Wherein VMO, Vv, VTZ and Vx

e is >0 to 0.2; and

f is >0 to 0.5.


FIG. 1 is an XRD pattern of a catalyst according to one

embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 2 is an XRD pattern of a comparative catalyst.



One aspect of the invention relates to an improved cata

lytic system for the selective oxidation of propane. The


catalytic system preferably comprises a calcined composi

tion of MoaVbGaCPddNbeXf Wherein:

Preferably, the other metals are introduced into catalyst

slurry in the form of salts of oxides, acetates, chlorides,
nitrates, or the like.
Preferably, the niobium is used in the form of oxalates or
hydrate oxides. Other sources of this metal in soluble form

X=at least one element selected from the group consisting

of La, Te, Ge, Zn, Si, In and W;

a is 1;

b is 0.01 to 0.9;

include compounds in Which the metal is coordinated,

bonded or complexed to a beta-diketonate, carboxylic acid,

c is >0 to 0.2;

an amine, an alcohol, or an alkanolamine.

d is 0.0000001 to 0.2;
e is >0 to 0.2; and
f is >0 to 0.5.
According to one embodiment of the invention, the cata

According to one preferred embodiment, the catalyst is

prepared by the folloWing general procedure. Aqueous solu


lyst composition comprises MoaVbGaCPddNbeXfOy, Wherein

y is a number determined by the valence requirements of the

other elements in the catalyst composition. The catalyst of

the invention can be used With or Without a support. Suitable 15

supports for the catalyst include alumina, silica, titania,

Zirconia, Zeolites, silicon carbide, Mo carbide, molecular
sieves and other micro/nonporous materials, and mixtures
thereof. When used With a support, the supported catalyst
usually comprises from about 10 to 50% by Weight of the

tions of vanadium and molybdenum are prepared separately.

The vanadium solution is mixed With the molybdenum
solution at a speci?ed temperature and pH. The remaining
required components are sloWly added to the combined gel
solution. After mixing, the resultant gel is dried to incipient
Wetness With continuous stirring.
After drying the resultant gel mixture at 120 C. for 16
hours, the resultant catalyst is heated to about 350 C. at a
rate of 2 C. per minute and calcined at this temperature in

air for 4 hours to produce the desired oxide composition.


catalyst composition, With the remainder being the support

Another aspect of the invention relates to a method of

using the inventive catalyst system for the selective oxida

tion of propane to the acrylic acid.

Another aspect of the invention relates to methods of

The raW material used as the source of the propane can be

a gas stream Which contains at least three volume percent of

making the improved catalysts. The choice of the com
propane or a mixture of propylene/propane. The gas stream
pounds used as Well as the speci?c procedures folloWed in 25 can also contain some amounts of the C2 or C4 alkane and
preparing a catalyst can have a signi?cant effect on the
alkenes, preferably less than thirty volume percent of each.
performance of a catalyst. The elements of the catalyst
The gas stream can also contain major amounts, more than
composition are preferably in combination With oxygen as
?ve volume percent, of diluents such as nitrogen/argon,
carbon dioxide, and Water in the form of steam.

Preferably, the catalyst is prepared from a solution of


of each of the metals. The solution is preferably an aqueous

system having a pH of 1 to 10 and more preferably a pH of
1 to 7, at a temperature of from about 30 to about 100 C.

Generally, a mixture of compounds containing the ele


ments is prepared by dissolving suf?cient quantities of

soluble compounds and dispersing the insoluble compounds

achieved. The ratio of propane to oxygen varies With the


by applying proper measures to avoid explosion problems.

of the hydrocarbons in the feed.

Preferably, the molybdenum is introduced into the solu

The reaction can also be affected especially in the pres

ence of diluents such as argon, nitrogen or steam. The ratio
of propane to diluents can be in the range of 1/51/1.
The Water vapor or steam may be used as a reaction
diluent and as a heat moderator for the reaction. It also can

tion in the form of ammonium salts such as ammonium

paramolybdate, or as organic acid salts of molybdenum such

as acetates, oxalates, mandelates, and glycolates. Other

partially Water soluble molybdenum compounds Which may

be used include molybdenum oxides, molybdic acid, and
chlorides of molybdenum.

The oxygen concentration in the feed gas mixture can

vary Widely, from 0.1 to 50% or higher of the feed mixture

Air is the preferred source of oxygen in the feed. The amount
of oxygen present may be a stoichiometric amount, or loWer,

about 250 C. to about 450 C. in air or oxygen for a period

of time from about one hour to about 16 hours to produce the

desired catalyst composition.

oxygen, air and oxygen-enriched air, depending on the

economics of separation and the hydrocarbon conversion

desired conversion and the selectivity of the catalyst, but

generally is in the range of 1/55/1.

so as to provide the desired gram-atom ratios of the elements

in the catalyst composition. The catalyst composition is then

prepared by removing the Water and/or other solvent from
the mixture of the compounds in the solution system. The
dried catalyst is calcined by heating to a temperature from

In carrying out the process, the reaction mixture generally

contains one mole of propane, 0.01 to 2.0 moles of molecu
lar oxygen either as pure oxygen or in the form of air, and
Zero to 4.0 moles of Water in the form of steam.
Molecular oxygen sources for the feed include puri?ed

soluble compounds (salts, complexes or other compounds)


Preferably, the vanadium is introduced into the solution in

act as a desorption accelerator of the reaction product in the

vapor phase oxidation reaction. Other gases may be used as
reaction diluents or heat moderators such as helium, nitro
gen and carbon dioxide.

The liquid products of the reaction can be separated from

the form of ammonium salts such as ammonium metavana
date and ammonium decavanadate, or as organic salts of 55 the unreacted feed hydrocarbons by condensation or

scrubbing, usually by Water or dilute acid.

The gaseous components of the reaction mixture prefer
ably include propane, oxygen or oxygen and diluents, and
these components are preferably uniformly admixed prior to
being introduced into the reaction Zone. The components

vanadium such as acetates, oxalates, and tartrates. Partially

Water soluble vanadium compounds such as vanadium
oxides, and sulfates of vanadium can also be used. To
achieve a complete solubility, a certain amount of oxalic or
tartaric acid can be added.


Preferably, the gallium is introduced into the catalyst

slurry in the form of salts of gallium such as oxide, chloride,
nitrate, and the like.

Preferably, the palladium is introduced into the catalyst

slurry in the form of Pd on activated charcoal or alumina or 65
as a solution of salts of palladium such as acetates, chlorides,

nitrates, and the like.

may be preheated, individually or after being admixed, prior

to being introduced into the reaction Zone Which should have
a temperature of from about 150 C. to about 450 C.
The reaction Zone generally has a pressure of from 1 to 50
bar, preferably from 1 to 30 bar; a temperature of from about
150 C. to about 450 C., preferably from 200 to 300 C.; a
contact time betWeen the reaction mixture and the catalyst of
from about 0.01 second to 100 seconds, preferably from 0.1


second to 10 seconds; and a space hourly velocity of from
about 50 to about 50,000 h_1, preferably from 100 to 10,000
b1 and most preferably from 200 to 3,000 h_1.
The contact time is de?ned as the ratio betWeen the

Ammonium metavanadate (Aldrich Chemicals, Assay=

apparent volume of the catalyst bed and the volume of the

gaseous reaction mixture feed to the catalyst bed under the
given reaction conditions in a unit of time.

99.0%) in th e amount of 7.6 grams Was added to 80 ml of

distilled Water and heated to 90 C. With stirring. 3.4 grams

The space velocity is calculated by determining the total

of niobium oxide (80% NbZOS), 28 grams of oxalic acid, and

28.8 g ammonium paramolybdate tetra hydrated (Aldrich

reactor outlet gas equivalent in liters of the total effluent

evolved over a period of one hour divided by the liters of
catalyst in the reactor. This room temperature volume is

Chemicals A.C.S.-12054-85-2) Were added to the vanadate

solution to make a gel mixture. The required amount of

converted to the volume at 0 C. at 1 bar.

The reaction pressure may be initially provided by the

feed of the gaseous reactant and diluent and after the
reaction has commenced, may be maintained by the use of
a suitable back-pressure controller placed on the reactor
outlet stream.

palladium folloWed by telluric acid and gallium oxide Were

added sloWly to gel mixture. The gel mixture Was stirred
vigorously to achieve a homogeneous gel mixture Which
Was then dried sloWly to incipient dryness With continuous


The resulting solid Was put in a China dish and dried

catalyst bed Within a tubular converter having Walls placed

additionally in an oven at 120 C. The dried material Was

cooled to room temperature and placed in a furnace Where

in a furnace heated to the desired reaction temperature.

the catalyst is calcined at 350 C. for 4 to 16 hours. The

The reaction temperature is provided by placing the

One surprising advantage of the catalyst systems of the
invention is the higher yields of acrylic acid achieved.

temperature Was raised from room temperature to 350 C. at


Preferably, the oxidation can provide at least a 30% yield of

acrylic acid.
The oxidation performed according to the invention pref
erably provides a selectivity to acrylic acid of at least 50%
per single pass through the reaction Zone, more preferably at
least 70%.


Preferably, less than 1% propylene is formed using the

catalyst system. More preferably, no detectable propylene is
formed as a by-product.

The process is generally carried out in a single stage With

all the oxygen and reactants being supplied as a single feed


With non-reacted initial reactants being recycled. HoWever,

The methods of using the catalyst of the invention are not

limited to the oxidation of propane to acrylic acid and

COx sel. (%): 47


The overall reaction products shoWed 53% oxygenated

product and 47% total oxidation product.


The procedure Was the same as Example 1 except the

required amount of lanthanum nitrate Was also added in the

acrolein. The catalyst may also be used for oxidiZing n/iso

C4, C5 in the vapor phase With molecular oxygen to produce

the corresponding alpha-beta unsaturated carboxylic acids.

The folloWing examples are illustrative of some of the

last step of preparation.

products and methods of making the same falling Within the

scope of the present invention. They are, of course, not to be
considered in any Way limitative of the invention. Numerous
changes and modi?cations can be made With respect to the


The catalyst samples prepared in the examples Were

evaluated by using the folloWing method.

Catalyst Testing:

gen:nitrogen (20:10:70). The reaction product shoWed the

folloWing results:
Propane Conversion (%): 26.45
Acrylic acid sel. (%): 31
Acrolein sel. (%): 1
Acetic acid sel. (%): 21

multiple stage addition of oxygen or hydrocarbon to the

reactor can be used and/or recycling of un-reacted gases
With purge mode can be applied to improve the overall

productivity and/or yield of the desired products.

the rate of 20/min and thereafter held at 350 C. for four

The calcined catalyst Was formulated into uniform par
ticles of the 4060 mesh siZe and evaluated for the propane
oxidation reaction. The catalyst Was evaluated at a tempera
ture of 300 C. using a feed mixture containing propane:oxy


Catalyst evaluations Were carried out in a stainless steel

?xed bed tubular reactor under standard process conditions.

The calcined catalyst Was formulated into uniform par

ticles of the 4060 mesh siZe and evaluated for the propane
oxidation reaction. The catalyst Was evaluated at a tempera
ture of 300 C. using a feed mixture containing propane:oxy

gen:nitrogen (20:10:70). The reaction product shoWed the

folloWing results:
Propane Conversion (%): 21.21
Acrylic acid sel. (%): 21
Acrolein sel. (%): 1
Acetic acid sel. (%): 13

The gas feed compositions used for the evaluation of the

catalysts contained propane, oxygen and nitrogen. Reactions

COX sel. (%): 65

Were carried out at a temperature of 300 C., pressure of 15 55

The overall reaction products shoWed 35% oxygenated

product and 65% total oxidation product.

psig and at space velocity of about 1,090 h_1.

Reaction products Were analyZed on-line by gas chroma

tography. Oxygen, argon and carbon monoxide Were ana

lyZed using a 2.5 m by 3 mm column of 13X molecular
sieve. Carbon dioxide, propane and propylene Were ana
lyZed using a 2 m by 3 mm column packed With material

The procedure Was same as described in Example 1


sold under the trade name HAYESEP Q. Liquids products

(acrylic acid, acrolein, acetic acid and Water) Were collected

for a certain period in the cold trap and Were analyZed using
a 2 m by 3 mm column packed With material sold under the
trademark PORAPAK Q. In all cases, the conversion and
selectivity calculations Were based on the reaction stoichi



except the required amounts of Zinc nitrate and telluric acid

Were also added in the last step of preparation. The calcined
catalyst Was formulated into uniform particles of the 4060
mesh siZe and evaluated for the propane oxidation reaction.
The catalyst Was evaluated at a temperature of 300 C. using
a feed mixture containing propane:oxygen:nitrogen

(20:10:70). The reaction product shoWed the folloWing



Propane Conversion (%): 20
Oxygen Conversion (%): 100
Acrylic acid sel. (%): 26

The BET surface area for the catalysts described in above

Examples 16 varied from 20 to 35 m2/g.

An XRD pattern for a catalyst according to one embodi
ment of the invention is shoWn in FIG. 1. The catalysts
disclosed in the present invention preferably have a structure

Acrolein sel. (%): 1

Acetic acid sel. (%): 15

Which produces diffused or poorly crystalliZed patterns With

a strong re?ection peak at 22 (4.00

COX sel. (%) 58

The overall reaction products shoWed 42% oxygenated
product and 58% total oxidation product.

and a very broad

peak at 27 (3.57
tWo theta values. Generally, to obtain
this structure, a catalyst has to be prepared by the methods
described above. The very broad peak at 3.57 A is a kind of
diffused peak and is di?icult to attribute to any one phase.
HoWever, When these types of catalysts are calcined at

higher temperatures other Well de?ned re?ections appear

The catalyst is same as described in Example 1. The

calcined catalyst Was formulated into uniform particles of

and these are not active for the activation of alkanes to

the 4060 mesh siZe and Was evaluated at a temperature of

300 C. using a feed mixture containing propane:oxygen

(95.25:4.75). The reaction product shoWed the folloWing


Propane Conversion (%): 4.22

Oxygen Conversion (%): 100
Acrylic acid sel. (%): 45.5
Acrolein sel. (%): 5.5


2. The oxidation of propane shoWs loWer AT of 1015 C.

LoWer AT can have a positive impact on the reactor design.

Acetic acid sel. (%): 12

COX sel. (%): 37


and feed composition (alkane, oxygen, steam, nitrogen).



gen (90:10). The reaction products shoWed the folloWing


Propane Conversion (%): 9

Oxygen Conversion (%): 100
Acrylic acid sel. (%): 35.5
Acrolein sel. (%): 3.5


Acetic acid sel. (%): 10

COX sel. (%): 51

3. Relative selectivity to oxygenated products (acrylic

acid, acrolein and acetic acid) depends on the catalyst
composition, reaction temperature, space velocity, pressure

The overall reaction products shoWed 63% oxygenated

product and 37% total oxidation product.

The catalyst used for this example is same as in Example

1. The calcined catalyst Was formulated into uniform par
ticles of the 4060 mesh siZe and evaluated for the propane
oxidation reaction. The catalyst Was evaluated at a tempera
ture of 300 C. using a feed mixture containing propane:oxy

oxygenated products, as shoWn in Example No. 7 (beloW).

The catalysts of the present invention shoWed an optimum
redox behavior resulting a high activity and high selectivity
toWards the partial oxidation products. Based on catalytic
data, the folloWing general characteristics can be concluded
for the catalysts disclosed in the present application.
1. The catalysts shoW high selectively to acrylic acid at
loW temperature.


The overall reaction products shoWed 49% oxygenated

product and 51% total oxidation product.

Comparative Example 7: [Mo1V0_39NbO_125TeO_23]

The catalyst composition and procedure Were the same as
described in EP patent publication no. 0 608 838 for com
parative purposes. The catalyst Was calcined at 600 C. as

described in the EP patent publication. The XRD pattern of

the catalyst, FIG. 2, shoWs all Well de?ned re?ections at
22.1, 28.2, 36.2, 45.2 and 50 at tWo theta values, as
described in the EP patent publication. The calcined catalyst
Was formulated into uniform particles of the 4060 mesh
siZe and evaluated for the propane oxidation reaction at
temperatures of 300 and 380 C. With a feed mixture

containing propane:oxygen:nitrogen (20:10:70). The cata

lyst Was not active at both temperatures.
The above description of the invention is intended to be
illustrative and not limiting. Various changes or modi?ca
tions in the embodiments described may occur to those
skilled in the art. These can be made Without departing from
the spirit or scope of the invention.
What is claimed is:

1. A catalyst system for selective oxidation of propane to


acetic acid, said catalyst system containing a catalyst com

The procedure for the preparation of the catalyst is same

position comprising MoaVbGaCPddNbeXfOy

as described in Example 1 except different amounts Pd and

tellurium Were added. The calcined catalyst Was formulated

into uniform particles of the 4060 mesh siZe and evaluated

for the propane oxidation reaction. The catalyst Was evalu


b is 0.01 to 0.9;
c is >0 to 0.2;

d is 0.0000001 to 0.2;

COX sel. (%): 76

e is >0 to 0.2;

f is >0 to 0.5; and

y is a number determined by the valence requirements of

the elements in the catalyst composition,

Acetic acid sel. (%): 10

The overall reaction products shoWed 24% oxygenated

product and 76% total oxidation product.

X=at least one element selected from La, Te, Ge, Zn, Si,
In and W;
a is 1;

ated at a temperature of 300 C. using a feed mixture

containing propane:oxygen:nitrogen (20:10:70). The reac

tion products shoWed the folloWing results:
Propane Conversion (%): 17.14
Oxygen Conversion (%): 100
Acrylic acid sel. (%): 13
Acrolein sel. (%): 1

oxygenated products including acrylic acid, acrolein and


Wherein the numerical values of a, b, c, d, e, f, and y

represent the relative gram-atom ratios of the elements

Mo, V, Ga, Pd, Nb, X and O, respectively, in the

catalyst composition.


and Wherein said catalyst composition is made by a
process comprising the steps of:

2. A catalyst system for selective oxidation of propane to

oxygenated products including acrylic acid, acrolein and

(a) combining the elements Mo, V, Ga, Pd, Nb and X

acetic acid, said catalyst system comprising a Mo-V-Ga-Pd

Nb-X-O catalyst composition made by a process comprising
the steps of:
(a) combining the elements Mo, V, Ga, Pd, Nb and X to

to form a mixture; and

(b) calcining said mixture thereby incorporating oxy

gen to form said catalyst composition.
11. The catalyst system of claim 10, Wherein the catalyst
composition exhibits tWo X-rays diffraction peaks at the

form a mixture in the folloWing ratio:

MoaVbGaCPddNbeXf, Wherein:

folloWing tWo theta values: a strong peak at 22 (+0.3) and a

X=at least one element selected from La, Te, Ge, Zn, Si,
In and W;

very broad peak at 27 (+0.5).

12. The catalyst system of claim 10, Wherein said catalyst
system is a supported catalyst comprising a support.
13. The catalyst system of claim 12, Wherein said support
is selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica,


a is 1;

b is 0.01 to 0.9;
c is >0 to 0.2;

d is 0.0000001 to 0.2;


e is >0 to 0.2; and

14. The catalyst system of claim 12, Wherein said sup

f is >0 to 0.5; and

b) calcining said mixture thereby incorporating oxygen to

form said catalyst composition.
3. The catalyst system according to claim 1, Wherein the
catalyst composition exhibits tWo X-rays diffraction peaks at
the folloWing tWo theta values: a strong peak at 22 (+0.3)
and a very broad peak at 27 (+0.5).
4. The catalyst of claim 1, Wherein said catalyst is a

supported catalyst system comprising a support.

5. The catalyst of system claim 2, Wherein said catalyst is
a supported catalyst comprising a support.
6. The catalyst system of claim 4, Wherein said support is
selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica, titania,
Zirconia, silicon carbide, Mo-carbide, Zeolites, and molecu

titania, Zirconia, silicon carbide, Mo-carbide, Zeolites, and

molecular sieves.


ported catalyst comprises from greater than 0 to 50% by

Weight catalyst composition and 50 to 95% by Weight
15. The catalyst system of claim 2, Wherein the catalyst
composition exhibits tWo X-rays diffraction peaks at the
folloWing tWo theta values: a strong peak at 22 (+0.3) and a


very broad peak at 27 (+0.5).

16. The catalyst system of claim 5, Wherein said support
is selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica,

titania, Zirconia, silicon carbide, Mo-carbide, Zeolites, and

molecular sieves.


17. The catalyst system of claim 5, Wherein said supported

catalyst comprises from greater than 0 to 50% by Weight
catalyst composition and 50 to 95% by Weight support.
18. The catalyst system of claim 4, Wherein said support

lar sieves.

is selected from the group consisting of microporous mate

7. The catalyst of system claim 4, Wherein said supported

catalyst comprises from greater than 0 to 50% by Weight
catalyst composition and 50 to 95% by Weight support.
8. Aprocess of forming the catalyst composition of claim
1, comprising the steps of:
a) forming a mixture containing the elements Mo, V, Ga,
Pd, Nb, and X in solution;

rials and nanoporous materials.




perature from about 250 to 450 C. in air or oxygen for

period of time from about one hour to about 16 hours.

10. Acatalyst system for selective oxidation of propane to

oxygenated products including acrylic acid, acrolein and


position comprising MoaVbGaCPddNbeXfOy


X=at least one element selected from La, Te, Ge, Zn, Si,
In and W;


b is 0.01 to 0.9;
c is >0 to 0.2;

d is 0.0000001 to 0.2;

f is >0 to 0.5; and

y is a number determined by the valence requirements

of the elements in the catalyst composition,

Wherein the numerical values of a, b, c, d, e, f, and y
represent the relative gram-atom ratios of the elements

is a solution of soluble compounds of each of the elements.

23. The process of claim 21, Wherein the solution is an
aqueous solution having a pH of 1 to 10.
24. The process of claim 21, Wherein the solution is an
aqueous solution having a pH of 1 to 7.
25. The catalyst of claim 2, Wherein said calcining is at a
temperature from about 250 C. to about 450 C.

26. Aprocess of forming the catalyst composition of claim

1, comprising the steps of:
a) forming a mixture containing the elements Mo, V, Ga,
Pd, Nb, and X in solution; and
b) calcining to form said catalyst composition.
27. The catalyst system of claim 3, Wherein said catalyst
system is a supported catalyst comprising a support.
28. The catalyst system of claim 27, Wherein said sup

a is 1;

e is >0 to 0.2;

rials and nanoporous materials.

21. The process of claim 8, Wherein said mixture is a
solution of soluble compounds of each of the elements.

22. The catalyst system of claim 2, Wherein said mixture


acetic acid, said catalyst system containing a catalyst com

rials and nanoporous materials.

20. The catalyst system of claim 12, Wherein said support

is selected from the group consisting of microporous mate

b) drying said mixture to form a dried solid material; and

c) calcining said dried solid material to form said catalyst
9. The process of claim 8, Wherein said calcining com
prises heating said dried solid material to a calcining tem

19. The catalyst system of claim 5, Wherein said support

is selected from the group consisting of microporous mate


ported catalyst comprises from greater than 0 to 50% by

Weight catalyst composition and 50 to 95% by Weight
29. Aprocess of forming the catalyst composition of claim
1, comprising the steps of:
a) forming a mixture consisting essentially of the ele
ments Mo, V, Ga, Pd, Nb, and X in solution; and

b) calcining to form said catalyst composition.

Mo, V, Ga, Pd, Nb, X and O, respectively, in the

catalyst composition,

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