Legal Technique Finals
Legal Technique Finals
Legal Technique Finals
October 27, 2014
Same Sex Marriage: Why? Why Not?
Under the Family Code, the family includes a husband and a wife 2. And if there is
ambiguity in the roles of a homosexual couple, how can there be clarity in family
roles? This creates an unclear picture of family, especially as provided by law.
And while it is true then that being parents means the capability of loving their
family, having enough capacity to rear their kids and giving sufficient resources for
the sustenance of every family member, the most important thing in family life is
having the setup of a mama and papa in the family. The reason why the family code
recognizes a man and a woman in union for matrimony is for procreation and
continuity of generations in the country. This is very much harmonious with the
natural law. The natural law clearly states that a man is for a woman and a woman
is for a man. And it is in our imprint to procreate and nurture. Then if we let LGBT
marry, how can they procreate? Surely, there is science and adoption to solve the
problem. But more to that, a child would generally look for their biological parents
because it is in our human nature. Are science, adoption, love and commitment
enough for marriage? No. While it is true then that we need it in a family, the
natural law insists that this basic unit is composed of a heterosexual partners who
are bound to have offspring and rear together. This, generally, is the basic equation
of marriage. I am not discriminating homosexual marriages, but this is reality. This
is human nature.