Committee: UNHCR
Delegate: Nick Joseph
The refugee crisis at hand, being the worst since world war 2, must be met and dealt
with efficient, humanitarian aid. At the end of 2014 there were 19.5 million refugees and, of this
astronomical number, a mere 14 percent are being hosted by developed countries. This is a
number we must strive to change for it is our duty, as prospering countries, to open our arms
and graciously extend assistance and opportunity where it is righteously deserved. Just, swift,
implementation of action is owed to the men, women, and children fleeing lives condemned to
war, trepidation (terror), and intimidation only to be treated unjustly and left to migrate by
dangerous avertible means in which last year, 3,500 estimated migrants died crossing the
mediterranean sea alone.
National Actions:
The Federal Republic of Germany has been a pioneer in this devastating issue to both
developing and developed countries alike. In 2015 alone we accepted 80,000 refugees, 50,000
of whom were Syrian, the most of any country. Not only this, but we also pledged to double our
funding to 4 billion euros per regional state to better improve conditions for the influx of
migrants(bbc). It is no secret that the refugee crisis has begun to divide the EU but, Germany
has been able to sustain a leadership role while increasing funding to the UN, create better
cooperation with Turkey, and assist the balkan states. However, much to our dismay the EU
also pushed to strengthen borders against migrants in an attempt to evade EU law
implementation. We as a nation feel passionate about the drasticity of this issue and look at it as
a symbiotic relationship, to the contrary of the negative stigma placed unrightfully upon migrants
and asylum seekers. Foreigners in Germany, these neighbors and colleagues, on average have
contributed to our society and economy wholeheartedly paying 4,127 dollars more in taxes and
social security than in benefits took and, generated upwards of 21 billion euros in a single year.
It is undoubted that Germany has been a key aspect in the fight for refugees; forging the
initiative that every abled country should follow to bring relief and aid to the impoverished, war
stricken families of the world.
International Actions:
The United Nations and UNHCR are not new to the refugee crisis. Founded in 1950
(UNHCR) we have been at the worlds peak of protecting the rights of refugees. Most
significantly I would like to call upon the 2009 policy of refugee protection and solutions in urban
areas as most refugees find themselves in urbanized or growingly urban places. This policy
states that it is UN mandate to protect the rights of refugees and to find solutions to their plight
It also notes that this document fully recognizes the need for the policy to be adapted to the
specific circumstances of different countries and cities. This policy statement is based on the
ideology that the rights of refugees and the governing body's responsibilities towards them are
not affected by their location, the means which they arrived in and the means of their legal
status. The policy treats urbanized places as legitimate homes for refugees to enjoy their rights,
including those stemming from their status as refugees as well as those that they hold in
common with all other human beings.
The international community can assist in a numerous amount of ways to host countries
adapting to the influx of refugees. The UNHCR can help in a multitude of ways currently, but
does not have the power to make long term change besides providing aid. We need to unify in
our effort to bring just unbiased systems to process and protect the rights of migrants from a
humanitarian aspect. A common framework will be vital in the process of correcting the refugee
crisis. There are thousands of examples of the failed, arguably corrupted refugee system and if
we as a whole, can implement a system of common framework, then, and only then, will we be
able to eradicate this problem. Countries in the WHO European Region have agreed to prepare
a common framework for coordinated collaboration and action on refugee and migrant health,
based on unity in action and mutual assistance whereby "no one should be left behind". Not
only this but also, the economic restrictions placed on refugees in many countries, including
prohibitions on the right to work and limitations on movement away from camps, lead many
individuals to pursue irregular secondary migration after being granted refugee status, in search
of economic opportunity and sometimes even basic physical security. In light of this reality,
pursuing labor freedom policies for refugees makes sense for both political and humanitarian
reasons, offering the chance to better refugee protection while reducing the many costs
associated with long-term refugee hosting. This implementation along with the EU ideology
(district without borders) will create a just, efficient common framework without loopholes or
reason to pursue illegal non monitored activities (for migrants and host countries alike).
"UNHCR Policy on Refugee Protection and Solutions in Urban Areas."UNHCR News. N.p., n.d.
Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
"Asylum and Refugee Policy in Germany." Bundesministerium Des Innern. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar.
"Germany Struggling to Cope with Migrant Influx - BBC News." BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar.