Using Advanced Design System To Design An Mmic Amplifier: Keysight Eesof Eda
Using Advanced Design System To Design An Mmic Amplifier: Keysight Eesof Eda
Using Advanced Design System To Design An Mmic Amplifier: Keysight Eesof Eda
Application Note
Two-Stage MMIC Amplifier Design....................................5
Branch-Line Coupler Design........................................... 16
Conclusion......................................................................... 29
Appendix A Using the Advanced Model Composer
to Create a Library of Inductor Models........................... 30
Appendix B Running the Design Rule Checker.......... 37
General References
on Balanced Amplifiers
Microwaves and RF Circuits: Analysis, Synthesis and Designs, Max W. Medley, Artech House, 1993, pp 509-541.
Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design,
T.C. Edwards, John Wiley and Sons, 1981, pp. 242-244.
There are many design steps required for the development and
manufacture of MMIC circuits, as illustrated in the MMIC Design
Flow. Advanced Design System (ADS) is a central part of the
complete MMIC design flow, and is used throughout this process.
This application note illustrates, through the design of an MMIC
amplifier, several of the common problems faced in designing,
simulating, and producing a physical layout of an MMIC circuit,
as well as the validation steps that are needed to verify that the
physical layout still produces the desired result. It is beyond the
scope of this note to describe all possible design specifications
for an MMIC circuit, but it does include enough specification and
design steps to address many common design challenges.
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The amplifier design process depends on
a number of factors, including desired
specifications, availability of device models, designer preference, and more. This
application note describes one of many
potential sequences. We assume that two
stages of amplification will be required:
an output stage for power and an input
stage to attain sufficient gain. The design
is a balanced amplifier, consisting of
two parallel, two-stage amplifiers, with
branch-line couplers at the input and
output implemented as lumped element
equivalent circuits, to split the signal at
the input and recombine it at the output
after amplification.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the balanced amplifier topology. Figure 2 outlines
how the impedances to present to the
devices were chosen.
The design flow begins with several simulation steps and proceeds with physical
design steps, with some simulations for
verification of the physical design. Three
main design tasks are required to complete the amplifier: design of the firststage (preamplifier), design of the second
stage (power amplifier), and design of the
branch-line couplers.
1st FET
Figure 1. Balanced amplifier block diagram, utilizing two, two-stage amplifiers in parallel.
1st FET
Figure 2. Choosing impedances. (a) Choose source Z for minimum noise figure, as long as gain
remains reasonable. (b) Choose load Z for conjugate matching, after choosing source Z (although a
slight mismatch was found to give a higher 1-dB gain compression output power). (c) Choose source
Z for conjugate matching, after choosing load Z. (d) Choose load Z for maximum power delivered.
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Two-Stage MMIC
Amplifier Design
This section outlines the general steps for
two-stage MMIC amplifier design.
Figure 3. The FET_Gm_Calcs schematic, for simulating a devices transconductance versus bias.
Figure 4. Plot of drain current, IDS, versus gate voltage, VGS, and transconductance, Gm.
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Figure 5. The FET_SP_NF_Match_Circ schematic, for simulating a devices S-parameters, gain, noise
figure, and stability versus bias.
Figure 6. The gain, noise, and stability circles are plotted for the bias point selected by marker mBiasPt.
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Figure 7. Optimization of feedback and shunt R, L, and C values to attain stability without degrading
noise figure and gain too much.
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Figure 9. Discrete value optimization results, using components from the DemoKit.
Figure 10. Simulation to determine the optimal source and load impedances for gain or minimum
noise figure for the first stage device with stabilization network.
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Figure 11. Gain and noise circles and optimal source and load impedances for minimum noise figure.
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Figure 16. Input matching circuit schematic, with design kit elements and a DC bias network.
Figure 17. Corresponding input matching circuit layout, with design kit elements and a DC bias network.
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Figure 18. The interstage matching network, including design kit elements and DC bias inductors.
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Figure 21. Determining the impedances looking both directions, at the input and output of the first stage FET.
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Figure 22. Source and load impedances close to the desired values are being generated by the
matching networks.
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Figure 24. Source and load impedances close to the desired values are being generated for the
second-stage device, and the stability conditions are satisfied.
Figure 25. Simulating the gain compression and power-added efficiency of the two-stage amplifier.
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Branch-Line Coupler
Branch-line couplers are used at the input
and output, to split the signal to be sent
through two parallel, identical two-stage
amplifiers and then to recombine the
signals at the output. One of the advantages of this approach is that the input
and output matches of the overall amplifier are good, even though the two-stage
amplifier may be mismatched at the input
or output. Also, you potentially can obtain
3 dB higher output power than a single
amplifier could provide by itself.
Branch-line couplers may be implemented
via quarter-wavelength transmission lines
as shown in Figure 26. But at 10 GHz,
these lines would be 2-3 millimeters long.
So instead, the transmission lines are
replaced by C-L-C pi networks, as shown
in Figure 26. The values for the inductors
and capacitors are given by the equations
in the figure.
Figure 26. The Branch-line coupler, implemented as transmission lines, can be implemented using a
-network equivalent circuit for each l/4 section, using the equations shown [Reference, "Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design," T.C. Edwards, John Wiley and Sons, 1981, pg. 10.]
Exact values for the Ls and Cs are computed on the BLC_LumpedIdeal schematic, shown in Figure 27. (It is useful to have
an ideal branch-line coupler, because it
can be used to determine the best performance that the amplifier is capable of
achieving, and to determine whether time
and effort should be expended on improving a physical branch-line coupler design
or on the two-stage amplifier.) These
Ls and Cs were converted to design kit
components, with a resulting degradation
in performance.
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Figure 28. Setup for optimizing the branch-line coupler performance. The optimizable variables are
defined in the subcircuit, as shown in Figure 30.
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Figure 31. Simulating the gain, power, and power-added efficiency of the preliminary balanced amplifier.
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Figure 37. Design Parameters dialog box, allowing you to specify that
the layout representation be used for the simulation.
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Figure 38. The two-stage amplifier performance results, with interconnect traces modeled as
transmission lines.
Figure 39. Branch-line coupler re-optimization results, including transmission line effects.
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S21 = 2Z 0
jwL + 2Z 0
( )
Figure 43. DemoKit inductor layout, including mesh for Momentum simulation.
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Figure 45. Branch-line coupler simulated using Momentum, after removing capacitors.
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Figure 46. Original Metal1-to-Metal2 via structure at left, and after simplification for more efficient
meshing, at right.
Figure 47. Reusing the Momentum simulation results in a circuit simulation of the branch-line coupler,
which includes DemoKit capacitors.
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Figure 49. Layout of revised branch-line coupler, after optimizing inductor and capacitor parameter
values, using a parameterized inductor model generated using the Advanced Model Composer.
Figure 50. Simulation results of the revised branch-line coupler, after optimization.
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The results from the Momentum simulation of this improved branch-line coupler
are shown in Figure 51. The agreement
between this simulation and the optimization results is now quite good.
The results of a simulation of the amplifier
with the re-optimized branch-line coupler
are shown in Figure 52. This used the layout look-alike component and Momentum
simulation results for the branch-line
coupler. The output power at the 1-dB
gain compression point is about 27 dBm,
and the saturated output power is about
28.3 dBm. While the output power at the
1-dB gain compression point meets the
0.5 Watt specification, there is no margin,
so this specification would not be met
over all temperatures and over variations
in the manufacturing process. Changes to
the design, such as using a larger device,
a different bias point, a less lossy power
combination circuit, or different impedance matching circuits would be necessary to achieve a design that could be
manufactured with high yield.
Figure 52. Performance of the balanced amplifier, including the revised branch-line coupler.
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This application note demonstrates the use of ADS in a complete, front-to-back design
process. ADS has numerous capabilities to facilitate MMIC design, including:
Device evaluation (Gm versus bias)
Load pull
Impedance matching tools
Tests for stability
Linear and nonlinear simulations, including DesignGuide setups to simulate gain
compression, power-added efficiency, intermodulation distortion, and numerous
other characteristics of interest (only a few are shown in this application note)
Discrete and continuous optimization
Yield optimization (although not included in this application note)
Use of foundry design kits
Use of Advanced Model Composer to create models that can be simulated with the
speed of standard circuit simulators yet provide the accuracy of EM simulation
Physical design tools including a design rule checker and check representation, that
checks for differences between a schematic and layout representation of a circuit
Different ways of including parasitic transmission lines
Electromagnetic simulation-to-model coupling
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We assign different parameters by selecting Momentum > Component > Parameters... Figure A-2 shows the dialog box
after defining parameters W, SP, and N,
the width, spacing, and number of turns,
respectively. The Type has been set to
Subnetwork, not Nominal/Perturbed, because all of the vertices change as these
parameter values are changed. You must
set each parameters default value equal
to the value used to create the layout
as drawn for proper mapping between
the defined parameter and the physical
32 | Keysight | Using Advanced Design System to Design an MMIC Amplifier - Application Note
After defining the new components parameters, you need to edit the component
instances parameter box and replace the
initial, fixed parameter values with the
new parameter names you have just defined. This is necessary to complete the
mapping of the newly-defined parameters
to those of the components physical
representation/compiled model. Figure
A-3 shows the components parameter
dialog box (select the inductor, then do
an Edit > Component > Edit Component
Parameters... ) after replacing the original
parameter values with the newly-defined
parameters. For example, the width, w,
was originally set equal to 4 m.
Now we are ready to generate a layout
component, which is necessary to use the
Advanced Model Composer. To do this,
select Momentum > Component > Create/
Update... The Create Layout Component
dialog box is shown in Figure A-4. Set the
simulation parameters in this dialog box
as desired, and click OK. You should see
a message window saying that the layout
component was created successfully.
Figure A-3. Component parameter dialog box after replacing the original, fixed
parameter values with newly-defined parameter variables.
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Figure A-6. Defining discrete lists of values for the width, spacing, and number of turns.
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Figure A-7. Dialog box that appears just before you start the model generation
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Figure A-12. Insert components from the design kit using the library browser.
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Appendix B Running
the Design Rule Checker
The Demo design kit has a set of layout
design rules, and they may be used to
check layouts for violations. This appendix
briefly shows the steps required to run
the design rule checker. More detailed
information about running the DRC, writing design rules, etc. is in the ADS Design
Rule Checker manual.
Figure B-1. Dialog box for running the DRC, after selecting a rules file.
Figure B-2. Dialog box, showing that the rules file has been compiled.
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Figure B-3. Message that appears after the DRC has been run.
Figure B-4. Message that appears after the DRC results have been loaded.
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Figure B-6. A highlighted DRC error, showing two bond pads less than 100m apart.
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