Writing Lesson Planner
Writing Lesson Planner
Writing Lesson Planner
Date: _3/01/16__________
Identified Needs
Jaekob Campos- speech IEP
Arian Starr- speech IEP
9 SLL students
Jaekob Campos- struggling
Give student more time to think
before formulating a spoken
Provide sentence fames. Provide
representations and visuals.
Provide sentence frame, visuals,
representations, and echo or
shared reading
B. Objectives
C. Assessments:
Informal assessment strategies you will use during class (What evidence will you see and/or
hear and how will you note it?)
During the small discussion I will note how students briefly describe a fuzzy stick, looking
to see what kinds of adjectives they think of. While students work I will monitor to see how
theyre beginning to think about the object they have been given to describe.
Written assessment you will use to determine, for each individual student, to what extent
they have met your learning objectives. (What evidence will you collect?)
Each student will complete a circle map and a small paragraph describing an object (fuzzy
stick). Each individual map and paragraph will be assessed to see what kind of adjectives
students used, if the adjectives were appropriate for the object, and if the adjectives on the
bubble map were used in the paragraph about the object.
Adjectives charts
Class created chart of previous days lesson
Writing paper
Fuzzy sticks
Body of the Lesson (__20____ minutes): Describe step-by-step what the teacher and the students will
be doing during the lesson.
Ask students if they remember when they described the pom pom.
Bring out the poster from Monday (the one with the pompom bubble map and paragraph)
Remind the students that the first thing they was complete a bubble map describing the pom pom.
Show students on the chart the different adjectives they thought of when describing the pom
Have students read with you (Shared reading) the different adjectives they used to describe the pom
Remind them that after completing the bubble map they used the words on the map to write a paragraph
about the pompom.
Ask students to read the short paragraph about the pom pom with you (shared reading).
Now tell students that they will be doing the exact same thing we did on Monday as a class but they will
be doing it individually.
Pull out a fuzzy stick, tell students that in each table there will 2 fuzzy sticks.
Explain to them that they will create a bubble map to describe the fuzzy stick
Students will need to have at least 7 adjectives describing the fuzzy stick.
Have students practice with the fuzzy stick youre holding
Remind students of the adjectives charts they may use as reference.
Give them the sentence frame: El palito es_____________.
Students think pair share.
Choose 2 students to provide adjectives.
On the projector show students what their paper is to look like.
o Draw a small bubble map with the word El palito and 7 joining bubble.
o Then provide the sentence frame El palito es_________.
o Remind students that they must have at least 7 adjectives and 3 sentences but may do more if
they wish.
o Keep the example on the projector.
Choose 2 students to pass out the paper
Dismiss students by color to their desks.
Monitor students as they work
Closure (___5___minutes): Describe how you will prompt the students to summarize the lesson and
restate the learning objective.
Call students back to the carpet when the majority have finished their work
Tell students that now they will be sharing their sentences with their partner.
Demonstrate how good listeners listen to others.
Have a student come up with you and model how we listen.
Students pair share.
Choose 3 students to share their paragraph with the class.
Students will be doing an individual task in which they look at an object, brainstorm the different
attributes of the object using adjectives. After they brainstorm 7 different adjectives they will use
their bubble map to write a paragraph about the object. This task is closely related to the standard
because it has students actively describing using adjectives.
2. Language Function: How will students be communicating in relation to the content in the learning
task(s)? Identify the specific function (purpose or genre) you want to systematically address in
your lesson plan that will scaffold students to stronger disciplinary discourse. The language
function will always be a verb. Some examples are: describe, identify, explain, justify, analyze,
construct, compare, or argue.
3. Language Demands: Looking at the specific function (purpose or genre) your students will be
using, what are the language demands that you will systematically address in this lesson?
Key to this lesson: adjectives, describe, and paragraph.
Syntax1: El palito es______, _______ y _____. Tambin es__________. El palito se siente
_________. El palito se ve _________.
Discourse2: Students will write adjectives to describe a fuzzy stick they will use these
adjectives to formulate a written paragraph. Students will also share with a partner their
paragraph about their object.
4. Language Objective: What is/are the language objective(s) for your lesson? (The students will
For example: The students will compare different types of parallelograms using transition words
such as similarly, different from or by contrast. Note: be sure to copy and paste this into the top of
the lesson planner.
5. What does your language objective sound like/look like for different levels of language learners?
Ask yourself, What would the students say/write when using the language function. Remember
to consider the language demands while creating sample language that the students might use.
6. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach the
specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent practice?
Sentence Frames
Shared reading
Adjectives chart
Guided Practice
Sentence frames
adjectives chart
Stick to look at and feel
Independent Practice
Adjectives chart
sentence frame
stick to look at and feel.
1Use of a variety of sentence types to clarify a message, condense information, and combine ideas, phrases, and clauses.
2 Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how member of the
discipline talk, write, and participate in knowledge construction.
7. Be sure to incorporate your ideas in #6 above into your actual lesson plan!