Do 022 S2013 PDF
Do 022 S2013 PDF
Do 022 S2013 PDF
Republic of the Philippines
FEB 21 2013
Series of 2013ab>'-w'/~
It has been observed that road widening projects are being confused with paving of
shoulders. Hence, for clarification and common understanding on the difference between
road widening and paving of shoulders, the following definitions/clarifications are hereby
prescribed :
Road widening is a network development project which aims to increase the capacity
of the existing highway/road or to improve the safety aspects of the road. Widening
shall be primarily considered along road sections with Volume Capacity Ratio (VCR)
of more than or equal to 0.60 as prescribed in the Department's Highway Planning
Manual. The improvement of the road shall only be considered "road widening" if
the increase in the carriageway width is equal or more than the minimum lane width
of 3.05m, designed as part of carriageway width, with the same thickness as the
existing carriageway width and should be provided with shoulder or sidewalk.
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Potential new roads and bridges are usually identified using traffic assignment models with
input from origin-destination
surveys conducted at the roadside to arrive at spatial traffic
volumes between zonal pairs. Based on the so-called desire lines between zones, traffic can be
assigned between alternative routes according to assignment-choice
criteria such as "all or
nothing" or more sophisticated capacity constraint models; all using least travel time or vehicle
operation costs as assignment criteria parameters.
Existing traffic service levels for all road sections are determined using traffic data from the
Road Traffic Information
Applications (RTIA) or the Road and Bridge Information
(RBIA). Future service levels for each road section are identified using a transport model (e.g.,
assigning projected transport demand to the network) or using simpler methods of projection of
traffic volumes by section at the regional level (e.g., using traffic growth rates at the regional
The RBIA is also the repository for data related to road geometric and operational
such as pavement type, carriageway width (m), number of lanes, and
roughness, measured in units of the International
Roughness Index (IRI). These constitute the
basic road information required for running the HDM-4 applications. This information,
with baseline traffic data and future traffic, is required to establish the existing and future traffic
service level for each road section to pinpoint so-called hotspots of traffic congestion measured
as the hourly design traffic volume over the road section's .asic !jourly ;;.apacity in ;;.arunits
(BHCC), called the y:olume ;;.apacity Ratio (VCR). The VCR calculation system is illustrated
One of the important parameters in the VCR is road capacity, which according to the Highway
Capacity Manual, Highway Research Board, Washington D.C., 1965 (subsequent editions still
use the essence of that generic definition),
is defined as follows: capacity is the maximum
number of vehicles, which have a reasonable expectation of passing over a given section of a
lane or a roadway in one direction or in both directions during one hour under prevailing road
and traffic conditions. The traffic volume at the upper E level is per definition equal to THE
CAPACITY. The borderline between levels E and F is also referred to as VCR= 1.00. The levels
are defined as follows:
Level A: free flowing traffic,
Level B: relatively
Level C: moderate
Level D: moderate/heavy
Level E: Heavy traffic,
Level F: Saturation
At level F, capacity
The hourly capacity
will actually
traffic volumes,
is influenced
by the following
Number of lanes;
or lane width;
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Lateral obstructions
of total traffic;
Roadside friction.
The degree of roadside friction
None: Few or no buildings
is described
as follows:
Light: Buildings and/or road intersections along and close to the road, 100-200 meters
between these objects, pedestrians and non-motorized
traffic observed occasionally;
Medium: Scattered roadside development,
50-100 meters between buildings and/or
pedestrians and non-motorized
traffic observed frequently;
Heavy: Continuous roadside development with less than 50 meters between buildings and/or
road intersections,
pedestrians and non-motorized
traffic tend to disrupt the motor vehicle
traffic and reduce travel speed to below 35 km/hr even at low traffic volume.
A number of road capacity and speed studies were carried out in the Philippines in the late
1970s, including the Iloilo City Bridge study in 1975, the Luzon Speed study in 1976-1977 and
the Rosario-Cainta (Manila East Road) study in 1979.
On the Iloilo City Bridge about 28,000 vehicles per day were observed on a 7 meters wide
carriageway with sidewalks, while around 32,000 vehicles per day passed a 7 meters wide
carriageway with minimal shoulders and heavy to medium roadside friction on the RosarioCainta road section. The results of the speed studies are shown in the Highway Planning
Manual, 1982 version, Volume 5 of a total of 8 Volumes.
These traffic volumes may be regarded as extremes, which can only happen when the peak
hours are stretched out to most of the day with near-congestion
situations most of the day.
However, they also show 3f4 and this is supported by the other surveys in Luzon 3f4 that level E/F
capacity under Philippine conditions is about 20 percent higher than that reported in the
Highway Capacity Manual, which relates to a U.S.A. database. This could be due to the fact that
the average passenger car unit in the Philippines is smaller than its US average counterpart and
to different driver behavior, with the Philippine average driver often tailgating the vehicle in
When calculating VCR, the first step is to determine the Passenger Car Equivalent Factors
(PCEF ), which here are related to the basic vehicle types' PCEF in the absence of quality data
on such features as shoulder width, gradients and their lengths, lateral obstructions along the
roadway and roadside friction, all of which have a constraining influence on basic capacity. The
traffic volume by type (see Chapter 3 in the National Road Traffic Survey Proqram Desiqn
Report, November 2002) multiplied by the respective PCEF constitutes the passenger car units
(PCU), which in this context are not speed related.
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Calculation ofPCtl's
o rneters
The rationale
Car, passenger
is as follows:
PCEF = 2.5, because this slow-moving
vehicle (25-30 km/hour as normal
speed) causes considerable
queuing on roads particularly
along areas with
heavy roadside friction where stopping to load/unload
passengers is frequent;
and their condition would have an impact on the PCEF since the presence of a good paved
2111_traffic _capacity.htm
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shoulder would attract these slow-moving vehicles. The stopping on the carriageway
cause other vehicles to slow down and even stop and therefore the motor-tricycles
jeepneys and buses) have a reducing effect on road capacity.
Jeepney and small bus: PCEF = 1.5, because of relatively slow-moving
and frequently
stopping to loadjunload
passengers, particularly along heavy roadside friction areas (the
heavier the roadside friction the more the potential for passengers and therefore the more
stops). Running speed is at least higher then the motor-tricycle.
Large bus: PCEF = 2.0 in flat terrain. Roadside friction is a factor to consider as for
jeepneys, motor-tricycles
and small buses. Shoulders normally do not have any impact as
large buses usually stop at will on the pavement. Gradients would have a lowering impact
on bus speeds. Carriageway and shoulder widths impact on road capacity for buses and
trucks, especially for pavement widths of less than 6 meters. Lack of or limited shoulder
and its condition also limit road capacity because it would imply the similarity of lateral
Trucks: PCEF = 2.0 for a rigid truck and 2.5 for a semi- or trailer-truck
trucks do not stop regularly roadside friction is not a restraining factor but gradients
their lengths have a substantial effect on heavily loaded (or overloaded) trucks.
The daily capacity in both directions for a 7 meters (m) wide carriageway with adequate
shoulder width (2-2.5 m on either side) in good condition and light to medium roadside friction
would in flat terrain be about 16,000 vehicles at multiple peak-hour traffic, each one of no more
than 8 percent of daily traffic. A similarly configured expressway (two lanes composing a
should be able to carry around 20,000 vehicles in both directions (a road with dual
carriageway with median would have a capacity around 40,000 vehicles in both directions in
rural areas). Traffic volumes exceeding these capacities could occur but only at low shares of
heavy vehicles or by sacrificing the desirable travel hour to avoid heavy flows.
Capacity estimations have several purposes such as input to economic evaluation and forecast
of VCR levels. A VCR of around 0.60 is considered the trigger for alerting the planners to think
heavily about remedial measures (traffic management,
road widening or
road construction)
to be implemented over the next five years to
relieve congestion.
Overleaf are attached diagrams from the Cebu Pilot Test showing
and bridge widths related to road capacity and VCR.
GIS examples
of carriageway