Mobot Report Guidelines
Mobot Report Guidelines
Mobot Report Guidelines
The final report is an individual report - independently written by each person. The report should
be submitted as a single PDF file. Your InteractiveC program code must be included in an
Each report must have an official school continuous assessment cover page.
The recommended length for the report is approximately 10 typed A4 pages. This should include
diagrams and photographs where appropriate. Your IC code for your robot should be included in
an Appendix. The report must be divided into numbered sections and subsections, with suitable
headings, for example:
1. Introduction
2. Development
2.1 The HandyBoard
2.2 Lego Chassis Design
2.2.1 Gearing Ratios
and so on.
The overall format must include the following major sections (the approximate mark allocation,
from the total 40% for the report, is shown in brackets):
1. Introduction (3%)
This should briefly outline the project as it was originally presented to you. This should
encapsulate your understanding of the project and its objectives and not just a re-statement of
these notes!
2. Development (15%)
This should record your team's experience in developing your robot and how you worked
together. It might have subsections for the HandyBoard, the motor arrangement, the sensors, the
software etc. It should clearly present the specific problems you encountered, and what
measures you took to overcome them--and should clearly state whether problems were, in fact,
solved. You discuss the final status of your robot. This should clearly explain the extent to which
your robot finally met the requirements of the project. Avoid wild or sweeping statements (``it
worked flawlessly''). Just confine yourself to specifying what tests of the overall functionality you
carried out, and and what the results of such tests were. This is where you can reflect on your