Practical Application Activities in Mathematics

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Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 1

Can students understanding of mathematics concepts improve if the curriculum contains

practical application activities ?
By: Juan Bottia, Aaron OBrien, Tiffany Rampey

National Louis University

ESR 505 - Graduate Research: Mixed Methods
Instructor: Dr. Erika Burton
October 12th, 2014

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics


Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 2

Cheng and Wang (2012) equates the teaching of phonics to foster reading comprehension
to the instruction of number sense to develop the understanding of all mathematical concepts.
We agree with this statement; as a result, we decided to focus this study on the Number and
Operation of Base Ten domain. To achieve mastery in this domain students must develop an
understanding of the meanings of multiplication and division of whole numbers. Also, students
have to use properties of operations to estimate products and quotients of whole numbers
(Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2012). These skills represent an obstacle for students
in the elementary grades because it requires them to have a number sense of the Hindu-arabic
numeral system. Additionally, the obstacles are bound to increase like a snowball effect if it is
not remediated before middle school.
In the school district where this study was conducted (Orchard Place elementary, located
in Des Plaines, Illinois), teachers are required to use the Pearson enVision math curriculum to
teach the CCSS for mathematics. The lesson plans and student-exercises available in this
program delineate a clinical or linear curriculum for teachers to follow. However, we were
convinced that in order to design practical application activities to teach number sense, it is
important to integrate other skills students need to better understand their environment. To do
this effectively, mathematics cannot be taught in isolation. To the contrary, it should be
instructed using circular knowledge of other disciplines.
Social studies and science are disciplines that can provide the blueprint to design
practical application activities in mathematics. In a study conducted by Gopalsingh and
Bhagyalakshmi (cite), 115 high school core subject teachers answered a self-developed
questionnaire, which demonstrated that they perceived their students with low proficiency in

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 3

science. Some of the reasons were because this subject required students to use higher cognitive
skills, and they were never fully developed due to AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) indicators
that had more emphasis on language arts and mathematics. Based on this results, the study
encouraged the integration of English, math, social studies, and science curriculums to enable
students to transfer learned skills and information across subjects. According to the research by
Drake and Burns (2004), an integrated curriculum helps students make connections to real life or
even across disciplines. It also offers repetition and a fulfilling learning environment.

Purpose of Study
The goal of this study was to find trends that indicated that practical application activities
in mathematics positively impacts the learning of thirty third grade students. The findings were
analyzed through interviews, quantitative assessments, and one rubric and a survey. This study
used the Number and Operations in Base Ten domain of the CCSS (Common Core State
Standards) to assess the samples knowledge on this strand. Standards 3.NBT.A.1 (Use place
value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100) and 3.NBTA.3 (Multiply
one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range from ten to ninety {e.g., 9 80, 5 60}
using strategies based on place value and properties of operations) were used in the assessments.

Problem Statement
Can students understanding of mathematics concepts improve if the curriculum contains
practical application activities?

Literature Review

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 4

Mathematics is a subject that is linear and clinical by nature. However, we are convinced
that this discipline cannot be taught in isolation in the elementary grades. Before students reach
middle school, we think that they should learn the basics of mathematics through practical
application activities that involve circular knowledge of other subjects. Similar to a narrative,
mathematics should be taught to elementary school children with elements that surround their
environment. Subjects like science and social studies, which teaches students about their society
and its intricate interactions, lend themselves to use a student-centered approach to teach
mathematical concepts in elementary school classrooms. We hypothesized that this curriculum
integration practice will provide a student-centered approach that will have a positive impact on
our samples foundation of number sense, their written articulation of the process through which
they solve mathematical problems, and their academic vocabulary.

Student-Centered Mathematics
The literature around creating a child centered math curriculum is difficult to find. Most
of the research that has been done seems to be in regards to professional development for
teachers. In an article entitled Connection Levers: Supports for Building Teachers' Confidence
and Commitment to Teach Mathematics and Statistics Through Inquiry by Katie Makar at the
University of Queensland in Australia (2007), teachers who were open to the idea were given the
support and resources necessary to attempt teaching their math curriculum through inquiry as
opposed to more traditional methods. The research indicates that teachers who commit to an
inquiry based approach, who focus their methods on being responsive to students, and who are
reflective in their learning found success in teaching in this new way. In another article entitled
Going Beyond the Math Wars in the journal Teaching Exceptional Children (2010), research was
done to address the discrepancy of instruction between regular education and special education

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 5

teachers. The article clearly states that students respond well to a student-centered, self-directed
type of learning, based on many different educational studies, but that most special education
teachers are instructed to teach with a more direct instruction approach. The article concludes
that due to the integration of special education students into regular ed classrooms, most students
benefit from a combination of teaching approaches. Overall, the research around studentcentered learning is vague, but we hope our current study can add depth to the conversation.

Articulation of Mathematical Processes

Much research has been conducted to address the most effective and impactful ways for
students to articulate their learning when working mathematically. One study, conducted by
Krawec, Huang, Montague, Kressler, and Melia de Alba (2012) studied effective ways for
middle school students to learn how to articulate their mathematical thinking when problem
solving. The study intended to evaluate the effectiveness of a program entitled Solve It! which
teaches systematic strategies for approaching word problems. Students are taught a four step
process to be followed when approaching any word problem. The study found that there were
significant gains in the ways students communicated their mathematical thinking after using the
Solve It! program, especially students with learning disabilities. Krawec et al (2012) stated
that there needs to be further research to understand how the Solve It! program affects students
of different cognitive abilities. It clearly has a positive impact on students with learning
disabilities, but the study did not go deep enough to understand how different students are
affected differently. This study serves as a positive sign that we will be able to increase student
understanding of basic base tens skills through the use of systems that would be consistent across
the board.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 6

Dependency to Use Technology
Something that we investigated was the idea that students are too dependent on
technology in their number sense development. According to a study by Heidi Pomerantz (1997)
there are many myths surrounding the use of calculators in the mathematics classroom. One of
the myths was that Calculators are a crutch: They are used because students are too lazy..
(Pomerantz). Pomerantz argues that there is barely any mathematical thinking in rote
computation. Rather a real understanding of math is displayed by being able to comprehend what
a math question is asking. Used correctly, calculators enhance learning and thinking. In another
study by Campbell and Stewart (1993) their research showed that students who use calculators
developed their basic understanding of mathematical operations instead of hindering it. Another
study by Suydam and Brosnan (1993) showed that using calculators promoted achievement,
improved problem-solving skills, and increased understanding of mathematical ideas. Through
the research that we went through it would appear that the use of technology in the development
of number sense was not a hindrance but rather a powerful tool that enabled higher order math

Academic Vocabulary in Mathematics

In regards to academic vocabulary in mathematics, a well-known molecular biologist
named John Medina explained in his book, Brain Rules, that the capacity of memory is only
about 30 seconds (2008). Therefore, if the information is not being repeated more than once then
it will most likely be forgotten. It is to no avail that the more often information is repeated and
the more interesting it is, the more likely it is to stay in the long term memory. Consequently, if
disciplines and their corresponding vocabulary are taught in isolation, content knowledge
becomes an archipelago of ideas without a real life connection. A study by Files and Adams

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 7

(2010) compared the integrated and isolated instruction for vocabulary development of English
Language Learners from a university. The statistical analysis demonstrated that the retention of
vocabulary was more effective when it was targeted in isolation and also taught in context. Both,
led to higher learning rates when they were taught together.

In reviewing the associated literature, curriculum integration with mathematics seems to
be most successful when students have a strong number sense, are able to articulate their
mathematical thinking, and work on continually building their math vocabulary. Overall, the
literature on our topic is missing any substantial research on math integration with other subjects,
particularly when looking at the way integration affects student learning. Our research aims to
fill this gap in information.
Research Questions

Can students understanding of mathematics concepts improve if the curriculum contains

practical application activities?

How can we teach students to articulate the process through which they solve
mathematical problems?
To what extent is the development of intellectual vocabulary in mathematics important?
What types of teaching practices, in mathematics, most closely align with the primary
learning objectives for elementary school age children?
Is the teaching of math in isolation more difficult for students to comprehend?
How can we develop a program in which mathematics become student-centered?
How can we develop a number sense to overcome the dependency to use technology?

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 8

The sample population for this study was thirty 3rd grade students from Juan Bottias
classroom at Orchard Place Elementary. Orchard Place Elementary is part of the Community
Consolidated District 62 located in the city of Des Plaines. The sample was contacted by the
instructor through a letter of consent, which explained the purpose of the study in addition to
other key factors of the study.

Data Collection
In regards to data collection, we used the scores of NWEA and TenMarks to benchmark
the samples comprehension of mathematical concepts. Both of these assessments provide a
variety of questions chosen randomly to give students the opportunity to demonstrate
comprehension of concepts.
We also used a standardized rubric to assess our sample's mathematical reasoning skills.
This rubric cannot be used through NWEA or TenMarks, however, it can be applied in the
assessments available in Pearsons enVision math program. Aside from a standardized rubric, we
also used a survey and interviews to gather data for this study. Our goal was for the data in each
to delineate the types of teaching practices, in mathematics, that the sample prefers.

We hypothesized that practical application activities in mathematics are not only
preferred by the sample, but are also beneficial for their understanding and mastery of number
sense. We also wanted to investigate that effective real-world application of mathematics should
be derived from the samples social studies and science curriculum. We hoped to see positive

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 9

results in the assessments in TenMarks which should have had a laser-like focus on the Number
and Operations of Base Ten strand. Furthermore, we hypothesized that the standardized rubric to
assess the articulation of mathematical reasoning would indicate the importance of using
academic vocabulary in mathematics. Additionally, we wanted to see that the interviews and
survey indicate that students like to learn best through practical application activities in
Data Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
In order to analyze our qualitative data for analysis, we used a color and letter coding
system to find commonalities among our samples responses. First we created a code of words
that tied into our research questions. These coded words were organized into categories
according to the different research questions from our study. Each category was then color
coded. Within these color-coded categories, we created sub categories that demonstrated more
detail for each category.
Once our categories and color codes were set, we used the code to go through all the
transcripts from the student interviews. In order to maintain discretion, we gave each of our
students a number and kept their responses anonymous. Our study included the interviewing of
four students, so they were given the labels S1-S4. We changed the text color of their responses
according to our coding system. We did the same thing with the survey questions that asked
students to respond by explaining their thinking.

Quantitative Data
In order to analyze our quantitative data we used the scores of NWEA (Northwest
Evaluation Association) and TenMarks to assess the samples ability level in mathematics.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 10

Twenty-five students from the sample completed this assessment at the beginning of the school
year. This study used these assessments to analyze the samples performance in Numbers and
All the students in the sample were given a survey, which was later coded and graphed
for further analysis. We also used a standardized rubric to assess the mathematical reasoning
skills of five students in the sample. To choose these five students randomly from the sample, we
gave all participants a number from one to thirty. From here, we randomly chose a starting
number, and counted up 10 participants. Every 10 participant was chosen.

Three times a year the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) uses the Measure of
Academic Progress (MAP) to benchmark the sample in mathematics and English language arts.
Figure 1 shows the results of the fall 2014 MAP math assessment. Twenty-five students from the
sample took this assessment at the beginning of the school year (Fall 2014). 72% scored low or
low average in the Number and Operations strand. The deficiency in number sense affected the
performance in the Operations in Algebraic Thinking strand and the Measurement and Data
strand. The overall score indicate that 76% of the twenty-five students in the sample are low or
low average in 3rd grade mathematics.
(Figure 1)

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 11

Figure 1: Math Assessment results (2014 NWEA MAP Report)

The sample was also benchmarked in TenMarks. This online program allows instructors
to choose specific skills to assess. The questions in TenMarks are drawn from a bank that
contains over one hundred questions pers skill. Figure 2 shows that the sample scored an average
score of 22.7% in the Number and Operations in Base Ten domain.

(Figure 2)

Figure 2: TenMarks Assessment/Number and Operations in Base Ten (Fall 2014)

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 12

Both quantitative assessments demonstrate that the samples math deficiency is in
Number and Operations. From this point forward, our data analysis is aimed to search for trends
that indicate better structures to teach number sense.

Research Findings
1. Can students understanding of mathematics improve if the curriculum contains
practical application activities?
Figure 3 shows that 100% of the interviewees thought that the math equation was easier
to solve than the word problem. Even though both asked students to use the same mathematical
process to get the answer, all participants still said that solving the equation was easier.

Figure 3: Preferences (4 students interviewed)

One of the participants explained that to solve the equation you just have to add and not
really think. This evidence demonstrates that equations in isolation do not have much contextual

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 13

meaning to students. Another participant said that the first one was easier but it really doesnt
tell you what a fraction is. All the participants knew how to solve the equation, but when the
same problem was placed in a complex scenario, they did not have the metacognitive strategies
and stamina to solve the problem. The obstacle these students face is that all standardized math
assessments that they will take throughout their schooling assesses knowledge through complex
scenarios. So for example, instead of simply asking students to round a number to the nearest
ten, the student is actually given a grocery list with the prices of each item. The problem will ask
to round all the numbers to the greatest place value and then make an estimate of the total. If the
student is not exposed to such format, most likely the answer will be incorrect.
Figure 4 shows the results of one of the word problems in the survey. This word problem
involved subtracting whole numbers. 33% of the sample incorrectly answered this word problem.
Even though the sample knows the procedures on how to subtract whole numbers, they again
struggled to do this when a complex scenario was added instead of an isolated equation.

Figure 4: Word Problem Results

In our opinion, in order to get students exposed to complex scenarios more frequently, it
is necessary to integrate the curriculum of other subjects. For example, this school year the

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 14

sample studies matter in science. This module, Measurement Matter, could be integrated with
the Measurement and Data domain of the CCSS (Common Core State Standards). This will help
the instructor to create practical application activities that can have real world meaning. In Figure
11 it demonstrates that only 3.6% of the sample would not like to learn about social studies and
science during math. Both, social studies and science, are subjects that innately get students to
think at higher-levels. Also, hands-on learning can be easily applied to its content. This could be
one of the reasons why students have a positive outlook toward those subjects.
While this study was being conducted, the sample was reading biographies in social
studies. Students read about famous individuals while also searching for evidence that indicated
how they made the community stronger. In the survey we decided to incorporate a question that
encouraged students to applied mathematical concepts to one of the biographies they read during
social studies. The question asked students to think about the ways Babe Ruth used math
throughout his career. Most of the sample directed their answers toward counting things like
money, home runs, and hit. However, there were certain students that were able to apply deeper
mathematical concepts. One of the students explained that Babe Ruth could have calculated the
ball speed. In our opinion, this is the type of example that makes mathematics come alive in a
classroom. It is within this rational where instructors can apply practical application in
mathematics in order to make it more relevant for students. Figure 5 shows that 43% of the
sample was unable to answer this question:

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 15

Figure 5: Math in Social Studies

2. How can we teach students to articulate the process through which they solve
mathematical problems?
One factor that was evident in the data of the interview, survey, and the standardized
rubric was that the lack of math vocabulary affected the sample from articulating mathematical
processes. Question 3 explores more in depth the impact of academic vocabulary in math.
However, after the data was analyzed it was evident that one of the pillars that support the
articulation of mathematical processes is vocabulary. Other pillars were found through the
standardized rubric.
In the interview 50% of the participants were able to compare the Hindu-arabic and
Babylonian numeral system because they used words like different bases, and also numerals.
The other 50% could not answer this question mainly because they did not recall the key
vocabulary to articulate this answer This was also evident in Figure 6. 50% of the sample could
not satisfactorily express what they did to solve the word problem because they didnt use words
like subtracted, took away, difference, added, and addition.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 16

Figure 6: Articulation of Mathematical Reasoning

The information from the standardized rubric indicated that most of the students scores
were brought down because of their inability to interpret data in the word problem Due to this
significant obstacle, 60% were unable to apply the math concepts into formulas. 80% of them
could draw conclusions. However, the heavier load of a word problem lies within the data
interpretation and how it can be manipulated into a formula. If this is not achieved, then the
students cannot achieve a score over 70%.

Figure 7: Standardized Rubric

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 17

To teach students to better articulate their mathematical reasoning, it is critical to create
an environment that lends itself for this type of metacognitive practice. Everyday students need
to be exposed to specific academic vocabulary, which can help them articulate their reasoning to
solve word problems. For example, if students are learning to solve multiplication word
problems. Then it is important to expose them to words like array, multiplier, multiplicand, and
groups.Additionally, students also need to use mathematical models to interpret the data in a
word problem. These models act as a scaffold to help students create formulas. The combination
of targeted vocabulary, models, and formulas should facilitate the articulation of mathematical
3. To what extent is the development of intellectual vocabulary in mathematics
Something that we found in the interviews was that intellectual vocabulary was integral
for the students understanding of mathematics. For example, in a student interview, one students
was asked about the difficulty between an equation and a word problem, the student responded
saying, The (word problem) was more difficult because I didnt understand the words Just
looking at this, it would seem that word problems make math more difficult; however the student
had more to say about the word problem. When asked which question helped them understand
fractions better the student went on to say, The (word problem) because it has words, and
because the words gives you more details about the fraction.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 18

Figure 8
Figure 8 shows that the 3rd grade students did well when asked to find the difference
between 8 and 3 as well as the product of 5 groups of 2; however when asked to use the words
multiplicand or multiplier, none of them could explain the equations using those words. A lot of
times math is a subject that focuses on rote memorization rather than comprehension. When
students understood some of the vocabulary, as they did in figure 9, then their answers became
more consistent.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 19

Figure 9
It will be vital to investigate how much math vocabulary crosses over into science and
social studies vocabulary. In the samples elementary school the classroom teachers teach
science, social studies, and math everyday. We think it might be beneficial for students if they
could be exposed to the same vocabulary across the board.
As already described in question 2, the importance of vocabulary doesnt only help
students answer basic math questions, but it also helps them articulate mathematical processes.
This is a vital skill to have in order to have success in a curriculum molded by the CCSS
(Common Core State Standards). As described on the standards, students must use assumptions,
definitions, and previously established results to construct arguments. In our opinion, these
arguments cannot be satisfactory if the student lacks the academic vocabulary to explain the
procedures and findings.

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4. What types of teaching practices, in mathematics, most closely align with the
primary learning objectives for elementary school age children?
Figure 10 shows that the samples favorite tools to learn in math are flashcards, iPads,
cubes, tests, and base ten blocks. Four out of five of these tools are manipulatives.

Figure 10: Favorite Tools

This is evidence that the sample prefers to learn about math through a hands-on learning
approach. This correlates with the positive effects of the integration of subjects like science into
the math curriculum. Experiments in science gives teachers the opportunity to connect higherorder thinking skills, hand-on learning, and mathematical concepts in one unit. In subjects like
science and math, students can have the opportunity to observe and record data. Additionally,
they can measure, develop, discuss, evaluate, and even justify the merits of their explanations.
These are all hand-on learning practices that students prefer to use in order to learn about their

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 21

In the interview 75% of the participants prefered to learn about math using hands-on
learning tools. One of them recalled having fun doing math while doing experiments and also
using flashcards. Another participant mentioned that he had fun using blocks and measuring
things. The interview also asked the sample about an idea they have in order to make math more
meaningful. 50% of the participants mentioned that blocks or base ten blocks made math a fun
subject. It was interesting that one participant in the interview mentioned that taking more tests
would be fun if they could use blocks and other tools instead of just using paper. This was an
interesting statement because it took us into the idea of using performance tasks in math. We
think that students should definitely be given the chance to demonstrate what they have learned
about math through flexible learning paths. Again, we think that subjects like science and social
studies provide the right platform to assess learning in such way.

5. Is the teaching of math in isolation more difficult for students to comprehend?

This question is multifaceted and proved difficult to fully answer in such a short study.
The two routes we took to gather data on this subject were to look at student opinion on the
topic, as well as their performance on isolated versus integrated questioning.
The first approach we took to answering this question was to ask our sample how they
felt about learning math while integrated with either science or social studies. This question was
both hypothetical and vague. The students werent presented with examples, thus our results are
subject the their interpretations of the question. As you can see in the chart below (Figure 5), the
majority of the students surveyed, 16 out of 30, said they would like to have math integrated with
science and social studies All the Time. The other large portion of the respondents, 7, said
they would like integration Sometimes. Only one of the students showed no interest in an
integration of these disciplines. This data insinuates that the students surveyed have previous

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 22

experience with an integrated curriculum, and enjoyed learning math in such a way that allowed
for practical application of their skills.

Figure 11: Science, Social Studies, and Math

Our second approach to this research question was to present students with a new
mathematical concept in two ways; one asked them to learn the concept in isolation, whereas the
other took a more practical and integrated approach using a word problem format. The students
interviewed had keen reflections regarding the use of math both in isolation and in practical
application . When asked which problem was more difficult (with the first being the problem in
insolation and the second being integrated), the first student said, The second one was more
difficult because in the second one it is hard to understand. It says one out of 7 and that is
difficult to understand. This student was also asked the follow-up question, Which one do you
think will help you better understand fractions? He or she responded, The second one because
it has words, and because the words gives you more details about the fraction. The student was

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 23

able to recognize, as were two of the other students surveyed, that even though the word problem
may have been more difficult, it was likely more beneficial for their learning, as they were able
to gain a deeper understanding of the fractions and their uses. In the limited interviews we
conducted, it seemed as though students preferred the more straight-forward and isolated way to
learn a new concept, but were aware of the benefits of the integrated approach.

6. How can we develop a program in which mathematics become student-centered?

This question is critical in developing a mathematics curriculum that is practical and
integrated. In order for students to see the practicality of learning math in context, it is important
for them to be invested in the process and also be able to recognize the uses in their daily lives.
We collected quantitative data in this area by asking the sample to indicate ways in which
they use math in their daily lives. (Figure 6) They were able to select as many answers as they
thought applied, and were also able to choose other as long as they indicated what they meant
by entering a response. Most of the respondents to this question stated that counting was one of
the math concepts used in their daily lives. Handling Money was another response that most
students could identify as a math tool used in their daily lives. Most of the students who
responded with other wrote in a response of either multiplication or some variation of
statement saying that they use math to complete problems in math class.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 24

Figure 12: Math Skills Used Daily

In order to collect qualitative data on this topic, we asked the sample three separate
questions regarding their personal interest in math. The questions in the student interview were,
Think of an example of when youve had fun doing math. Why did you have fun? and What
kind of math is the most fun for you, and why? and finally, What is one idea you have for
making math more fun? Throughout the student responses to these question we found five
themes that were reoccuring: games, facts, collaboration, hands on learning, and technology.
Generally, as students answered these questions, they had several reasons or memories about
math being enjoyable. Student three told us, I had fun using blocks and measuring things. I had
fun because I got to work with my friends. Similarly, student four responded by saying I like
doing centers and computers to learn about math. It is fun also to learn math in science, in
experiments. Like yesterday we measures our desks. Flash cards are fun too. Consistent with
students this age, most of the respondents seemed to discuss things that happened in their recent
memory, indicating that there are a large amount of things they enjoy in math. These students are
likely not including the entire breadth of things they have ever enjoyed. Additionally, in

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 25

analyzing our interview responses, the most common response in regards to student math interest
had a theme of hands on learning. While this is probably appreciated by students in every
discipline, it seems to be most effective for learning in the math realm.
7. How can we develop a number sense to overcome the dependency to use technology?
A good sense of numbers is developed by discussing students understanding of numbers,
encouraging them to think about numbers and use operations in new ways, exposing them to
different representations of numbers, and linking mathematics they use every day to the
mathematics they are learning in the classroom. Calculators should just act as a tool to help the
metacognitive process when solving math problems. As much as technology can assist students
in their learning, it is still just a tool and not an answer machine. Figure 13 shows the responses
of students who were asked if they needed calculators to solve difficult word problems. A little
over half of the students believed that they needed calculators for complex word problems. One
student said, "If it is a math word problem just type the numbers, but first you need to know the
type of math you are doing. So first you have to think." Just like a carpenter who uses power
tools to get his job done quickly and accurately, the same can be said of using technology when
using math.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 26

Figure 13
Future Research
The fact that this study was short in length and was a first attempt for all three as
researchers, it is clear to us what we would extend this research if we were to do it in the future.
Our primary objective would be to compare two groups of students learning a completely new
math concept. One of the groups would learn the concept in a more traditional way, being
introduced to the idea in isolation with traditional algorithms. The other group would learn the
concept in a more contextual and integrated way. Ideally, one teacher would teach both groups
of students, so as to avoid communication discrepancies in the study. This type of research
would be most effective if the concept were taught early in the year, assessed directly after the
unit, then assessed again at the end of the school year to see how concept retention related to the
method of learning.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 27

Additionally, this study could be improved upon if we could interview each one of the
students that were surveyed. Due to time constraints, we were only able to interview 4 students,
but extending these interviews to the entire scope of children would provide more reliable
qualitative data.

There were several limitation on this study, starting with the fact that all three of the
researchers had no experience doing a study of this kind. The research project was laid out
clearly, but as first-timers it was difficult to write research questions that lead us to the kind of
results we were aiming to obtain. Our overall research topic was one that lends itself to a longer
study, perhaps even over the course of several years. With the limited data we collected, it is
difficult to say that the results of our study are at all conclusive. In addition to the fact that our
study was conducted over a short period of time, we were also limited by the fact that we only
had one classroom of student from which to draw our information. The demographic of this
class was representative of the school in which our study was conducted, but may not be an
accurate portrayal of all students in the area. Finally, it was difficult for the researcher who
conducted the surveys and interview to find the time to conduct all the necessary research while
also teaching his prescribed curriculum. Despite these limitations, we were still able to make
conclusions on the research that we had the time to conduct.

Our hypothesis stated that practical application activities in mathematics are not only
preferred by the sample, but are also beneficial for their understanding and mastery of number
sense. According to our quantitative and qualitative data there is evidence that the sample

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 28

prefers to learn math through practical application practices. The assessments from NWEA and
TenMarks also provided evidence that the sample struggles the most with the Number and
Operation strand, which is closely aligned with the development of number sense. We can also
conclude through this study that in order to develop number sense, it is critical to get students to
use manipulatives, along with complex scenarios that can help students develop the articulation
of mathematical processes.
The standardized rubric validated our next hypothesis, which indicated that the
articulation of mathematical reasoning would indicate the importance of using academic
vocabulary in mathematics. Based on our quantitative and qualitative data, vocabulary is an
important element in order for students to successfully articulate their mathematical reasoning.
This study uncovered the importance of learning the skill of interpreting data to formulate
equations. This is a vital process for students to successfully articulate the mathematical
processes used to solve a word problem.
Since our sample prefers to learn about math through practical application activities that
involve hands-on learning, we think that integrating the social studies and science curriculum in
math can provide the learning environment utopia that can help students master critical math
skills in the elementary grades. This curriculum integration provides the full package for
academic vocabulary acquisition, hands-on learning, real-world connections, practical
application activities, modeling, communication, and collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
This type of pedagogy ensures that students rely more on their metacognitive abilities rather than
thinking that answers to complex problems could be found solely in calculators.

Appendix A: References

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 29

Campbell, P. F., & Stewart, E. L. (1993). Calculators and computers. In R. Jensen (Ed.),
Early childhood mathematics: NCTM research interpretation project (pp. 251-268).
New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.
Cheng, Q., & Wang, J. (2012). Curriculum Opportunities for Number Sense
Development: A Comparison of First-Grade Textbooks in China and the United
States. International Journal For Mathematics Teaching And Learning,
Drake, S., Burns, R., & Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, A. A.
(2004). Meeting Standards through Integrated Curriculum. Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.
File, K., & Adams, R. (2010). Should Vocabulary Instruction Be Integrated or Isolated?.
TESOL Quarterly: A Journal For Teachers Of English To Speakers Of Other
Languages And Of Standard English As A Second Dialect, 44(2), 222-249.
Gopalsingh, B. (2010, August 1). Teacher Perceptions of High School Students
Underachievement in Science. Online Submission,
Krawec J., Huang J., Montague M., Kressler B., Melia de Alba A. (2012). The effects of
cognitive strategy instruction on knowledge of math problem-solving processes of
middle school students with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly,
36(2), 80-92.
(2012). Grade 3 Number & Operations in Base Ten | Common. Retrieved October 16,
2014, from
Makar. (2007). Connection levers: Supports for building teachers' confidence and
commitment to teach mathematics and statistics through inquiry.Mathematics
Teacher Education and Development,8, 48-73.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 30

Medina, J., Medina, J., & Medina, J. (2008). Brain rules: Brain rules for baby. Seattle,
Wash: Pear Press
Pomerantz, H. (1997). The role of calculators in math education research. Retrieved
August 31, 2005,
Suydam, M. and Brosnan, P. (1993). Research on mathematics education reported in
1992. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 24, 329-377.
(2010). Going beyond the "math wars". Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(4), 14-20.

Appendix B: Letters of Consent


Dear parent or guardian,
Your child has been selected to participate in a study conducted by myself and two other graduate
students. The study is entitled: Practical Application Activities in Mathematics: Can students
understanding of mathematics concepts improve if the curriculum is integrated with the content area
The purposes of the study is to gain insight about the following areas in math: (1) The types of teaching
practices, in mathematics, that most closely align with the primary learning objectives for elementary
school age children; (2) the importance of vocabulary development in mathematics; (3) the articulation of

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 31

mathematical processes;(4) curriculum integration in mathematics; (5) dependency of technology to solve
mathematical equations; (6) developing a curriculum that is student-centered.
I consent for my daughter or son to participate in a research project conducted by myself, Juan Bottia, and
two colleagues Aaron OBrien and Tiffany Rampey, both educators enrolled in the NLU (National Louis
University) graduate course entitled: Educational Inquiry and Assessment
I understand that my childs participation will consist of one survey conducted online with the use of
Google Forms. The answers to this survey are confidential and will only be visible to the three educators
conducting this research. However, the results of the research will be shared with the class instructor and
other graduate students enrolled in this course. I also understand that my child may be additionally
chosen for a short math interview with his or her teacher to gather further data.
I understand that my participation is voluntary and can be discontinued at any time without prejudice until
the completion of the research report.
I understand that only the researcher(s), Juan Bottia, Aaron OBrian, and Tiffany Rampey will have
access to a secured file cabinet in which will be kept all transcripts, taped recordings, and field notes from
the interview(s) in which I participated.
I understand that the results of this study may be published or otherwise reported to scientific bodies, but
my childs identity will in no way be revealed.
I understand that in the event I have questions or require additional information I may contact the lead
researchers: Juan Bottia, Aaron OBrien , or Tiffany Rampey
If I have any concerns or questions before or during participation that I feel have not been addressed by
the lead researcher, I may contact the NLU course instructor at

I understand my rights as outlined above as an interviewee.

Students Name ____________________________________________
Please print clearly
Guardians Name ____________________________________________
Please print clearly
Guardians Signature _________________________________________

Researchers Name____________________________________________
Please print clearly

Date _____________

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 32

Researchers Signature_________________________________


Return signed to Mr. Bottia

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------English to Spanish Translated Version
CONSENTIMIENTO INFORMADO - ENTREVISTA / participante de la encuesta
Estimado padre o tutor,
Su hijo ha sido seleccionado para participar en un estudio llevado a cabo por m mismo y otros dos
estudiantes de posgrado. El estudio se titula: Aplicacin de actividades prctica en Matemticas: Los
estudiantes pueden mejorar la comprensin de matemticas si el plan de estudios est integrado
con el contenido de otras materias?
Los propsitos del estudio son para obtener una perspectiva sobre las siguientes reas de matemticas: (1)
Los tipos de prcticas de enseanza, en las matemticas, que se alinean ms con la mejor instruccin para
ninos; (2) la importancia del desarrollo del vocabulario en las matemticas; (3) la articulacin de los
procesos matemticos; (4) la integracin de otras materias en matemticas; (5) la dependencia en la
tecnologa para resolver ecuaciones matemticas; (6) el desarrollo de un plan de estudios que est
centrado en el estudiante.
Doy mi consentimiento para que mi hija o hijo participe en un proyecto de investigacin llevado a cabo
por m mismo, Juan Bottia, y dos colegas Aaron O'Brien y Tiffany Rampey, ambos educadores estn
inscritos en el curso NLU (National Louis University) posgrado titulado: Investigacin y Evaluacin
Entiendo que la participacin de mi hijo consistir en una encuesta realizada con el uso de Google Forms.
Las respuestas a esta encuesta son confidenciales y slo sern visibles para los tres educadores que llevan
a cabo esta investigacin. Sin embargo, los resultados de la investigacin sern compartidos con el
instructor de la clase y otros estudiantes de posgrado matriculados en este curso. Tambin entiendo que
mi hijo puede ser elegido para una entrevista de matemticas con su maestro.
Entiendo que mi participacin es voluntaria y se puede interrumpir en cualquier momento sin perjuicio
hasta la finalizacin del informe de investigacin.
Entiendo que slo el investigadores, Juan Bottia, Aaron O'Brian, y Tiffany Rampey tendrn acceso a un
archivo asegurado en el que se mantendr todas las transcripciones, grabaciones grabadas, y las notas de
campo de la entrevistas en que particip.
Entiendo que los resultados de este estudio podrn ser publicados o informados de otro modo, pero la
identidad de mi hijo ser de ninguna manera revelada.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 33

Entiendo que, en caso tengo preguntas o necesita informacin adicional puedo contactar con los
investigadores principales: Juan Bottia, Aaron O'Brien, o Tiffany
Si tengo alguna inquietud o pregunta antes o durante la participacin, usted puede contactar al
investigador principal: Erika Burton,
Entiendo mis derechos como estaa indicado en este documento:
Nombre del alumno ____________________________________________
Por favor escriba claramente
Nombre del Guardin ____________________________________________
Por favor escriba claramente
Firma del Guardin _________________________________________ Dia_____________

Nombre del Investigador: ___________________________

Firma del investigador:_________________________________ Dia _________

Por favor regresar al Sr. Bottia

Appendix C: Key for Interview and Survey Coding

UC: Understanding/Comprehension
E: Easier
H: Harder
ET: Explaining Thinking
EV: Using Explicit Vocabulary
BK: Background Knowledge
F: Formulas
MV: Math Vocabulary
N: Necessary for Comprehension
UN: Unnecessary
CI: Concepts in Isolation
E: Easier
H: Harder
SC: Student Centered
G: Games
F: Facts

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 34

C: Collaborative
HO: Hands On
T: Technology

T: Technology
H: Is helpful
N: Is necessary
UN: Is unnecessary
A: Answer
I: Incorrect

Appendix D: Coded Student Interviews

If this is a new idea, try your best! Here is how you add fractions:
(These top numbers are added together)

___ + ___

= ____

____ + ____ = ____


(If these bottom numbers are the same, they stay the same)

Now you try:



___ + ___

= ____

____ + ____ = ____

Was this a new idea to you?

S1: Yes. I think it was easy because the first number is the only one that you need to add, and the second
one stays the same.(E) The numbers at the top are the only ones that change
S2: Yes it was, I have heard of fraction but have never learned about fractions.
S3: Yes. I have never learned about fractions.
S4: Yes

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 35

Question: Seven ships sailed across the Atlantic Ocean towards America. If one out of seven
ships arrived in September, and two out of seven ships arrived in October, how many ships out
of the five arrived in September and October?
_________ ships
Use that information to complete the number sentence below:

___ + ___

= ____

Which problem was more difficult? Why? Which one do you think will help you better understand
S1: The second one was more difficult because in the second one it is hard to understand.(H) It says one
out of 7(EV) and that is difficult to understand.(H) (Which one do you think will help you better
understand fractions?) The second one because it has words (EV), and because the words gives you
more details (EV) about the fraction.
S2: The first one is easier (E) because you just have to add and not really think (E) about the answer. It
also doesn't have words.(EV) (Which one do you think will help you better understand fractions?) I
think showing a word problem it is easier because you can use an example. Like 1 out of seven ships,
and you can put that as a fraction. (E)
S3: The second one was more difficult because it has words and a story. Word problems are hard
because of the words, and there are words I don't understand.(H) (Which one do you think will help
you better understand fractions?) The first one was easier but it doesn't really tell you what a fractions
is (E). But the other one has more words and details about the problem. Maybe the second one because
it has words, and you can see how fractions can be words.
S4: "The word problem was more difficult because I didn't understand the words (H)" (Which one do you
think will help you better understand fractions?) "I think first students need to learn like the first
questions and then the second one."
Think of an example of when youve had fun doing math. Why did you have fun?
S1: In second grade. We played a game that we had to put cards down and guess a number with our
eyes closed. It was fun because it was a game.(G)
S2: In first grade we had a test on Fridays, and when we passed the test we went to the next one. I like
taking test because it helps me learn more about math facts.(F)
S3: I had fun using blocks and measuring things.(HO) I had fun because I got to work with my friends. (C)

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 36

S4: I like doing centers and computers(T) to learn about math. It is fun also to learn math in science, in
experiments. Like yesterday we measures our desks. Flash cards are fun too. (HO)
What kind of math is the most fun for you, and why?
S1: Multiplication, because it helps me to know more about numbers.
S2: Multiplication because I think it gets easier (E) and you get better as you practice more and more.
S3: Math is fun when you can work with other friends.(C) I like to measure things(HO) and go outside and
learn math there.
S4: Multiplication because you have to know addition and subtraction. Knowing multiplication also helps
you solve word problems with multiplication. (E)
What is one idea you have for making math more fun?
S1: Doing math that helped me learn new numbers with blocks (HO) and stories.
S2: I would teach multiplication first, and explain how multiplication really is I will also use word problems
because then you have to read and use numbers. Because in the real world you have to use both, and it
will be more easier for you.
S3: Taking more test. But it will be fun if in the tests(F) we could use blocks (HO) and other things for
math instead of just doing it on paper.
S4: Play games (G) about math. Play with other friends.(C) Count money games.(G)
Do you need a calculator to help you solve equations? Why?
S1: Sometimes because they are too hard. Like when you have to solve problems in the table of 6
multiplication (N)
S2: No, because my sister did not teach me how to use a calculator and the calculator I use is in my
S3: Not really. Well, sometimes, it depends on the problem. Like if the problem has big numbers (N) then
S4: Sometimes because the answer might be like 1,000 divided by 24 and you need a calculator for
How can a calculator help you solve a word problem?
S1: Because we don't have enough fingers to count big numbers (H)

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 37

S2: If it is a math word problem, just type the numbers but first you need to know the type of math you are
doing. So first you have to think (UN)
S3: It can help you but you need to know what to do first.(H)
S4: If you don't know the answer, the calculator can help you.(H) But you have to decide what to do, so it
is up to you.
Explain how you solved the following equation: 6 x 5
S1: I solved the problem by counting by 5's.
S2: I know it was thirty because if you can skip count by 5.
S3: I counted 6 five times.
S4: I added six five time.
Explain how you solved the equation in question 13. This time use the words Multiplier and
S1: Student cannot explain because she doesn't know the vocabulary.(N)
S2: I do not know(N) those words.
S3:Observation: Student could not explain using the vocab(N) because she doesn't know the words.
S4: Observation: Student cannot explain the answer because he doesn't know the vocabulary (N)

Compare the Hindu-arabic and Babylonian numeral systems?

S2: The Babylonian numbers have different shapes,and also a different base.(EV)
S3: We have a base 10(EV) and they (babylonian) have a base 60(EV)
S4: Observation: Student could not answer the question.
How does knowing about the Roman and Babylonian numeral systems help you understand the
Hindu-arabic numeral system?
S1: Yes, because we get to compare other numbers with our numbers.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 38

S2: In some clocks there are Roman numerals(EV) and in the beginning of books (BK), so now when I
see them I am going to understand the answers.
S3: Because like Roman numerals (EV) are everywhere and now you know what they mean. The
Babylonian do not exist anymore, but they help us track time with their base. (BK)
S4: The Roman are cool because I see them in clocks.(BK) Now I know what they are. I don't know how it
helped me understand, but it has different rules than ours.

Appendix E: Coded Student Survey Story Problems

The following was the portion of our data coding that was used for the story problems included in the
student survey.
ET: Explaining Thinking
EV: Using Explicit Vocabulary
BK: Background Knowledge
F: Formulas
MV: Math Vocabulary
N: Necessary for Comprehension
UN: Unnecessary
A: Answer
I: Incorrect
Survey Question: Carlos went to the store with $20. He bought a pencil for $1.50 and a stapler for $8. How
much money did Carlos have left after leaving the store?

S3: $1.50. The way I did it was I used subtraction!(BK) My answer is $1.50(I)
S4: You can use Subtraction like you have 20 and he spends nine dollars so you do 20-9=11 but you still
have 50cents(F) so its 11.50(I) because you add the 50!
S5:I got it for doing the equation and twenty dollars minus eight dollars minus one dollar fifty cents (F) is
S5:Carlos took back$11.50 because I - 9.50 to $11.50.(I)
S7:It is 10.50(C). I found it doing subtraction.(BK)
S8: $11.50 is my answer.(I)I subtracted $20 from 8 and I got 12 and subtracted 1 dollar and and added
50 to the end and 12-1=1.So thats how I got $11.50(F)

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 39

S9: first carlos gave 20.00$ to the lady he used 9.50 so he got 11.50 in all.because you start to 9 and
count to many fingers you have is how much money you get plus the 50 cents.(BK) so you have
S10: Carlos has $11 dollars left. I used a paper to solve the problem. I subtract and draw a picture.(BK)
S11: Carlos had $10 because 20-9=11 and 11-1=10(F) so that means that he had 10.00 (I)
S12:Carlos brought back $1.78 after leaving the store . It is true because i did $20 plus $1.50 plus $8
(BK) equals $1.78(I) .
S13:The answer is $11.50(I). I found out because I subtracted $20 from $8. Then I subtracted $1.50(BK)
S14:He left with $11.50 (I)because $20 - $8 = $12 and $12 - $1.50 = $11.50. At the last part, I subtracted
$1 - $12 and it gave me $11. Then I subtracted $11 - $0.50 and it gave me $11.50.(F)
S15:The answer is $11.50.(I) I found out because I subtracted $20 from $8. Then I subtracted $1.50(BK)
S16:Carlos brought back 10 dollars.(I)What I did to answer this question is that you have to subtract(BK)
S17:After leaving the store he had eleven fifty left,(I)of buying a stapler and a pencil.
S18:22 how i got the to 22 I knew that he had $20 there was a pencil that was $1.50 and he didn't have
enough for that but he did have enough for the stapler and that was for $8 he had 20 and than take away
8 (BK) and now he has $8 dollars (I)thats how I got the awnser.
S19: My answer is 11.22(I)
S20:my answer is 11,22(I)
S21:eleven dollars and fifty cents(I) because i added eight dollars plus one dollar and fifty cents and i got
nine dollars and fifty cents then i subtracted twenty dollars minus nine dollars and fifty cents and i got
eleven dollars and fifty cents(BK)
S22:I don't now.
S23:Carlos has $11.50 now(I) because he gave $1.50 then $8 1+8=9 so he has $9.50 so $20-$9=11 so
he has $11.50(F)
S24:Carlos had 20$ when he went to the store. Then, he left with 10.50$(C) after shopping at the store. I
got this because I wrote it on a piece of paper but first, I counted it in my head then I ended up with
10.50$. After that, I checked if the equation was incorrect but I guess I didn't. That's how I got the answer:
S25:Carlos has left 7.30(I) and i got the answer by taking away the money.(BK)
S26:Carlos went home with 11 dollars.(I)Because 20 minus 8 minus 1 = 11.(F)
S27:he has left 11 dollars and fifty cens.(I)I kwon that is truth because Carlos has 20 dollars and he
wasted nine dollars and fifty cens. (BK)
S28: Carlos got $11.50(I) left because I subtracted $20-8=$12-1.50=$11.50 (F)
S29:Carlos has $11.50 now(I) because he gave $1.50 then $8 1+8=9 so he has $9.50 so $20-$9=11 so
he has $11.50 (F)
S30:My answer is 12(I) because I sobtrac. (BK)
Questions:How did Babe Ruth use math throughout his career?
S3:I think he used it by how many homers he made plus his team and world Series!
S4:i don't know?
S5:So he could get good grades and play baseball
S6:he calculated the balls speed and hit the ball as hard as he can and made 60 home run world record.
S8: I think he used math when he spent money for his motorcycle and when he rebuild St.Marys and took
the St.Marys band to the game to play.

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 40

S9:he used math to know and count his baseball homers
S10: i think he counted the home runs he did.
S11:he used math when he had to see how much power he needed for his hits
S12:He used math because to know how much home runs and points .
S13:He used it to count all his money.
S14:To count how many homers and home runs he made in his career
S15:He used it to count all his money.
S16:To know how many home runs he hit.
S17:do not no
S18:i don't know
S19:He used math to figure out his angel of hitting the ball(N)
S20:he used math to figure out his angel of hitting the ball(N)
S21:he used to count his money because each time he played they paid him more money and more
S22:A lot of mony!
S25:he is going to school of math and he is learning more math.
S26:He used math by counting how many home runs he did in the season.
S28: ?
S29:i dont know
S30: He used math for adding his home runs
Questions: There were 152 men who tried out to be on the New York Yankees baseball team. Only 38 men
made the team. How many guys did not make the team?
S3:114.(C) I also used subtraction(BK)
S4:114 People didn't make the team(C) because there are 152 men and 38 made the team so 11438=114 that should be your answer (F)
S5:Because one hundred fifty two minus thirty eight (BK) is 114 (C) thats how much people that didn't
stay to make the team
S6:114 (C)men did not go because I - 152-38=114.(F)
S7:IT IS 114(C). doing it agen
S8:My answer is 114(C).I got my answer by subtracting 152 from 38 (BK)and got 114.It was easy.
S9:one-hundred-fourteen people didn't make it(C)
S10:in the team theres 114 poeple that could not particapate on the new york yankees(C)
S11: 126 people (I) because 5-3=2 and 2-8=6 and there are 100 people left so then you have to add
100+26=126 so that means that 126 people are left.(F)
S12:16 , because you subtract 152 and 38 and then you get(BK) the answer 16 .(I)
S13:The answer is 114.(C) I found out because I counted backwards 38 from 152.(BK)
S14:114 because I subtracted 152 to 38 and it gave me 114.(BK)
S15:The answer is 114(C). I found out because I counted backwards 38 from 152.(BK)
S16:114 men failed to make the team.(C)You subtract 152-38.(F)
S17:114 guys did not make it on the team.(C)
S18:114 i counted back 38(BK)
S19:There are 114 left(C)

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 41

S20:there are 1,14 leaf(C)
S21:one hundred fourteen(C) because i subtracted one hundred fifty two minus thirty eight(BK)
S22:114 men did not(C)
S23:the answer is 114(C) because 152-38=114 (F)
S24:I was trying to do it in my head but I got confused so I wrote it on a sheet of paper laying next to me. I
did the equation 152-38=?. When I was doing the equation, I used regrouping to help. I used regrouping
when I came across 2-8=?. The number was 3-digits so I put a 1 above 5-3 because I was regrouping the
numbers. I got 3 on 6-3 (5-3). 1-0 was simple for me because its a beginner equation for like Pre-Kinder.
(BK)Finally, I ended up with the answer: 136(I). That is what I got from the equation. I think I maybe
incorrect because regrouping for subtraction(N) is pretty confusing because tens is confusing me.
S25:there was 126 that made the team on Yankees baseball team.(I)
S26:126 people did not join the team(I) because 152 minus 38 = 126.(F)
S27:one hundred fifty men had not did it(I).Because 152 maines 38.(BK)
S28:152-38=126pleople (I)
S29:the answer is 114(C) because 152-38=114(F)
S30: My answer is 114 (C)because i sobtrac.(BK)

Appendix F: Survey

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 42

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 43

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 44

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 45

Appendix G: Rubric to Assess Mathematical Reasoning

Practical Application Activities in Mathematics 46

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