Terracog Case Analysis
Terracog Case Analysis
Terracog Case Analysis
BUSA 305-02 Behavior in Organizations
Austin Miller
on development time and costs, they decide to redesign their existing GPS
After a couple of meetings with the higher-ups of the company, they
find that the redesign is going to cost them a lot more than originally
anticipated. The pricing team states that $475 is the lowest they can sell
Aerial for and still meet the margin. The sales team thinks that price is way
too high and suggests a price of $425 to capture the market share that
TerraCog has lost as of late.
Basically, the decision has come down to Emma Richardson, the
recently promoted Executive Vice President. TerraCog needs a go or no-go
decision, and Richardson needs to push them to one side or the other.
There are a few definite problems within TerraCog that are making
things more difficult than they need to be. After reading the case, it is clear
that during their meetings there is no clear cut leader. Conversations are free
flowing and you also have people calling others out, such as when Ed Pryor,
the vice president of sales, calls out Becky Timmons, the CFO, for not
understanding how competitive the market is. At times, the conversations
have even split off into smaller groups, even though they were all at the
same meeting sitting at the same table.
Another problem was how quickly they wrote off BirdsI. They could
have done more research after BirdsI was announced showing that people
wanted satellite imagery in their GPS. They ignored the buzz the product was
getting and waited almost an entire year to respond with their own ideas.
Another mistake was not being as innovative as they probably could
be. They decided to just redesign their existing GPS system to save time and
money. The problem is that TerraCog is known for their high-quality products.
It wouldnt be surprising if their customers did not care for Aerial, since it was
the same product, just upgraded a bit. With their resources, TerraCog could
have designed the next big thing in the GPS market.
Ed Pryor also seems to cause a minor problem because he end of the
first meeting, he says he wont even try to sell the product if the price is not
lowered. It makes it seem like he cares about his own goals more than the
The main problems going forward with Aerial is that there is a rush to
market before the holiday season and also because they have been lagging
behind their competition for almost a year now. They need to decide on a
price soon or they are just going to hurt themselves further.
One organizational behavior theory you can apply to this case is the
negotiation process. The negotiation process is a five-step theory t
negotiation tactics. First, you want to start with preparation and planning. To
do this effectively, it helps to goal set. TerraCog could have executed this
step better by laying out a plan detailing how to respond to BirdsI. When
they first heard of it, they mistakenly wrote it off as a fad and did not bother
to come up with any ideas of how to compete with it. They were determined
that it would just go away, and that is not a successful plan to lead a
business with.
The next step of the negotiation process is to define the ground rules.
TerraCog partly did this in their first meeting, stating that they want to get
Aerial on the market quickly, making clear that the processing speed of
Aerial was not an issue and also saying that Aerial would have all the same
features of their current GPS products. Once Aerial was designed, though,
they were surprised by the cost that was required to build it. They could have
laid down ground rules about how much they can or cannot spend.
After the ground rules are laid it is important to take the next step and
make sure everyone is on the same page. Clarification and justification are
necessary, but TerraCog did not do a great job of it in their meetings. At
times, things got a little confrontational even. People kept bringing up the
same things that had already been talked about, such as the processing
speed of Aerial and telling the designers to cut back on costs again when
they had already done everything they could.
Bargaining and problem solving is the next step in the negotiation
process. In the meetings when TerraCog is trying to decide on a price for
Aerial, no one seems to have a solution to the problem. $475 is much too
high for the sales team to even consider, but its hard to push the price down
Roth. TerraCogs reputation is too much to risk if they chose another option.
With this decision, TerraCog would maintain their status as high-quality
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2015). Organizational Behavior (16th ed.). N.p.:
Beer, M., & Yong, S. (2008, April 11). TerraCog Global Positioning Systems:
Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial. In harvard.edu.