Head To Toe Assessment NRS 111
Head To Toe Assessment NRS 111
Head To Toe Assessment NRS 111
Cardiovascular Status
Apical and radial pulse equal and regular, strong
Peripheral pulses palpable and equal 2+
No tachycardia (>100) or Bradycardia (<60)
Nail bed capillary refill lass than 3 seconds
No edema
Extremities warm and dry
Respiratory Status
Respirations quiet and regular
Effort: easy or unlabored
Symmetrical expansion of chest
Denies any S.O.B. or difficulty breathing
Lungs sound clear to ausculation: Anterior
Posterior, and Lateral chest regions
Disoriented, forgetful
Responds to pain only
Speech mumbled, slurred, aphasic
Gastrointestinal Status
Bowel sounds auscultated in all 4 quadrants
Passing flatus
Denies nausea
Abdomen soft,non-tender, non-distended
Bowel movements w/in client's normal pattern,
color and consistency: Last BM__________
Continent of stool
Diet Served:___________________________
Intake: % of food eaten on meal tray __________
Tolerance for food: no nausea/emesis
Oral fluid intake:__________________cc
Urinary Status
Urine clear, yellow to amber: By history or by
Voids without difficulty
Continent of urine
No strong/unusual odor to urine
Output: ________________cc
Musculoskeletal Status
Ambulatory and independent
Balanced gait
AROM X 4 extremities: w/in client's norm &
symmetrical strength
Bilateral Homan's Sign: Negative
Able to perform leg exercises: ankle circle, toe
points & quadracept isometric contraction
Plexi-pulse, Pnuematic sequential TEDS or other
anit-thrombotic/embolic devices properly applied
and in use at the bedside
How far did they ambulate?__________________
Skin / Mucous Membrane Status
Color within client's norm
Skin warm, dry, intact, normal turgor
Requires assistance:Specify amount/type
Gait unsteady
ROM_____ decreased_____ assymetrical
Positive Homan's Sign:
Unable to perform leg exercises: reason:
Refuses to wear/use anti-thrombotic equipment
Incision Status
Location: ___________________________
Incision dry, intact, edges approximated with
Staples, sutures, or steri-strips
Free of drainage, erythema, edema, eccchymosis
Open to air or coverd with:___________________
Client instructed not to touch incision wth hands
Presence of protective dressing: Duoderm,
Elastogel, other:
Absence of acute and / or chronic pain
Location: ___________________________
No surgical pain
No headache
No backache
No leg pain
Medications PRN:
Venous Access
Type: Peripheral, CVC-TL, PICC, Port, Hickman
Infiltration S&S:__________________________
Infection/Phlebitis S&S:_____________________
IV site: clean, dry, intact; no redness, swelling
or pain at insertion site
Date IV needs to be changed: ______________
Date of IV tubing change:____________________
IV changed to INT: Y or N
IV intake ______ pump cleared Y/N Credit____cc
Chart where patient is left:______________________
Side rails (# up_____)
Restraints reapplied
Wound Care
HOB _____________
IV rates correct
Oxygen at proper flow rate____________
Bed in low position
Bed locked
Environment clean/fresh water/Kleenex/phone in reach
Enough gloves/equipment for next nurse
MAR & Nurses' notes in proper place
I&O and VS recordered on PCT sheet
Reported off to nurse
Physician Visits
Labs and Diagnostic tests done:
Left floor to smoke?
Procedures Done