Material Turn Bibliography
Material Turn Bibliography
Material Turn Bibliography
BENNETT, Tony, JOYCE, Patrick, (2010), Material powers: cultural studies, history and the
material turn, London [u.a.] : Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-60314-0.
Abstract: This edited collection is a major contribution to the current development of a material
turn in the social sciences and humanities. It does so by exploring new understandings of how
power is made up and exercised by examining the role of material infrastructures in the
organisation of state power and the role of material cultural practices in the organisation of
colonial forms of governance. A diverse range of historical examples is drawn on in illustrating
these concerns from the role of territorial engineering projects in seventeenth-century France
through the development of the postal system in nineteenth-century Britain to the relations
between the state and road-building in contemporary Peru, for example. The colonial contexts
examined are similarly varied, ranging from the role of photographic practices in the constitution
of colonial power in India and the measurement of the bodies of the colonised in French colonial
practices to the part played my the relations between museums and expeditions in the
organisation of Australian forms of colonial rule. These specific concerns are connected to major
critical re-examination of the limits of the earlier formulations of cultural materialism and the
logic of the cultural turn. The collection brings together a group of key international scholars
whose work has played a leading role in debates in and across the fields of history, visual culture
studies, anthropology, geography, cultural studies, museum studies, and literary studies.
BERGTHALLER, Hanne, (2014), Limits of Agency: Notes on the Material Turn from a SystemsTheoretical Perspective: Iovino S. & Oppermann S. (Eds.), Material Ecocriticism Indiana
University Press, pp. 37-50.
Reviews: "References and engages with the major works and writers on the new materialism
with its focus on material entanglements and material agency... The quality of the essays
ensures that this will be a useful volume for both undergraduate and graduate courses."
Anne Elvey, Monash University
"The contributions to this collection are consistently well-written, balancing technical
language, poetic vividness, and accessibility. Of interest to literary scholars and readers
throughout the environmental humanities and theoretical sciences." Scott Slovic, Idaho
State University
"An extremely valuable resource for anyone seeking an advanced introduction to the
conversations and controversies animating the new material turn in ecocriticism."
Lawrence Buell, Harvard University
"This book is not an extension of spirituality to the boring domain of materiality, and it is not
the opposite either, the humbling appeal to material infrastructure in order to dampen the
dreams of scholars, priests, ecologists, and militants for a more uplifting world of meanings
and beauties. It is the exploration of how many dimensionsmany indeed spiritualhave
been lost in not taking materiality seriously enough. A move that meets scientists half way to
help them profit from their science so as to explore in common what geophysicitsis now call
'critical zones.' Critical zones indeed!" Bruno Latour, Universit Sciences Po Paris
"With its wide array of topics and theoretical influences, Material Ecocriticism is a helpful
starting point for those wondering how new materialist thinking can inform ecocriticism; it
would also serve as a pertinent addition to graduate seminars." Interdisciplinary Studies in
Literature and the Environment
First Paragraph: If one had to choose an epigraph for the new materialisms, one could do
worse than settle for the closing lines of The Order of Things. The new materialist thought
takes as a given the crumbling of the conceptual foundations of modern humanism that
Foucault anticipated; its intellectual project is a redescription of the world that dissolves the
singular figure of the human subject, distinguished by unique properties (soul, reason, mind,
free will, or intentionality), into the dense web of material relations in which all beings are
enmeshed. This move cuts two ways. On the one hand, the new materialists...
Part I. Material Ecocriticism: Theories and Relations
1. Serpil Oppermann.- From Ecological Postmodernism to Material Ecocriticism: Creative
Materiality and Narrative Agency
2. Hannes Bergthaller.- On the Limits of Agency: Notes on the Material Turn from a
Systems-Theoretical Perspective
3. Hubert Zapf.- Creative Matter and Creative Mind: Cultural Ecology and Literary
4. Wendy Wheeler.- Natural Play, Natural Metaphor and Natural Stories: Biosemiotic
5. Heather Sullivan.- The Ecology of Color: Goethes Materialist Optics and Ecological
Part II. Narratives of Matter
6. Serenella Iovino.- Bodies of Naples: Stories, Matter, and the Landscapes of Porosity
7. Lowell Duckert.- When It Rains
8. Simon C. Estok.- Painful Material Realities, Avoidance, Ecophobia
9. Timo Maran.- Semiotization of Matter: A Hybrid Zone between Biosemiotics and Material
Part III. Politics of Matter
10. Catriona Sandilands.- Pro/Polis: Three Forays into the Political Lives of Bees
11. Dana Phillips.- Excremental Ecocriticism and the Global Sanitation Crisis
12. Stacy Alaimo.- Oceanic Origins, Plastic Activism, and New Materialism at Sea
13. Eli Clare.- Meditations on Natural Worlds, Disabled Bodies, and a Politics of Cure
Introduction: Theorizing Materiality in the Age of Biopolitics
CLEVER, Iris, RUBERG, Willemijn, Beyond Cultural History? The Material Turn, Praxiography,
and Body History: Humanities, Volume 3, DOI: 10.3390/h3040546, pp. 546-566.
Abstract: The body came to be taken seriously as a topic of cultural history during the
corporeal or bodily turn in the 1980s and 1990s. Soon, however, critique was raised
against these studies conceptualization of the body as discursively shaped and socially
disciplined: individual bodily agency and feeling were felt to be absent in the idea of the
material body. This article critically analyzes new approaches in the field of body history,
particularly the so-called material turn. It argues that the material turn, especially in the
guise of praxiography, has a lot to offer historians of the body, such as more attention to
material practices, to different kinds of actors and a more open eye to encounters. Potential
problems of praxiographical analyses of the body in history include the complicated
relationship between discourses and practices and the neglect of the political and feminist
potential of deconstructive discourse analyses. However, a focus on the relationship between
practices of knowledge production and the representation of the body may also provide new
ways of opening up historical power relations.
COOTER, R., STEIN, C., (2013), The New Poverty of Theory: Material Turns in a Latourian
World, In Writing History in the Age of Biomedicine, Yale University Press, pp. 205-228.
Abstract: This chapter presents an analysis of an essay on the material turn in history. It
offers a commentary on Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood and
criticizes Patrick Joyce's February 2010 article in a leading history journal which was meant
to be a historiographically cutting-edge overview of the material turn in history. It considers
Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and the dominance of neoliberal philosophy of
history in the academy.
Keywords: material turn, history, Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake, Patrick Joyce, Bruno
Latour, Actor-Network Theory, neoliberal philosophy.
DOLPHIJN, Rick, VAN DER TUIN, Iris (2012), New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies,
Ann Arbour: Open Humanities Press, University of Michigan Library, Series: New Metaphysics,
ISBN-10 1-60785-281-0.
DRAZIN, Adam, KCHLER, Susanne (Eds.) (2015), The Social Life of Materials. Studies in
Materials and Society, Bloomsbury Academic, ISBN: 9781472592637, 336 pp.
Abstract: Materials play a central role in society. Beyond the physical and chemical
properties of materials, their cultural properties have often been overlooked in anthropological
studies: finished products have been perceived as 'social' yet the materials which comprise
them are considered 'raw' or natural'. The Social Life of Materials proposes a new perspective
in this interdisciplinary field. Diverting attention from the consumption of objects, the book
looks towards the properties of materials and how these exist through many transformations
in a variety of cultural contexts.
Reviews: During a moment in which materiality is casually invoked across the humanities
and social sciences, this vibrant volume demands that we take seriously both the specific
properties of materials themselves and the social relationships activated through their
technical use and circulation. It thereby firmly stakes a place for anthropology and
ethnographic methods in the so-called material turn. Aaron Glass, Bard Graduate
Center, USA.
Drazin and Kchler have assembled an innovative collection which consolidates and extends
work in this new "science of the concrete". Collectively, the authors succeed in showing the
value of looking beyond objects and things to the materials which constitute them. The
theoretical and empirical work presented here establishes a rich and authoritative range of
intellectual innovations and approaches. It will interest researchers across the social sciences,
arts and design studies, and the humanities. Ian Woodward, University of Southern
Denmark, Denmark,
During a moment in which materiality is casually invoked across the humanities and social
sciences, this vibrant volume demands that we take seriously both the specific properties of
materials themselves and the social relationships activated through their technical use and
circulation. It thereby firmly stakes a place for anthropology and ethnographic methods in the
so-called material turn. Aaron Glass, Bard Graduate Center, USA,
The Social Life of Materials proves beyond a doubt that anthropologists cannot rest with an
anthropology of objects because objects are compositions and transformations of materials
that have their own biography, meaning, and morality. The chapters here are a successful
commencement of a much richer anthropology of materials. Anthropology Review
Part I: Introduction
1. To Live in a Materials World
Adam Drazin, University College London, UK
Part II: On Materials Innovation
2. What's in a Plant Leaf? A Case Study of Materials Innovation in New Zealand
Graeme Were, University of Queensland, Australia
3. Pharmaceutical Matters: The Invention of Informed Materials
Andrew Barry, Oxford University, UK
4. Towards Designing New Sensoaesthetic Materials: The Role of Materials Libraries
Mark Miodownik, University College London, UK
5. The Science of Sensory Evaluation: An Ethnographic Critique
David Howes, Concordia University, Canada
GRAVES-BROWN, P. M. (Editor) (2000), Matter, Materiality and Modern Culture, New York:
Routledge, ISBN: 0-415-16705-1
0. Paul Graves Brown.- Introduction
1. Bruno Latour.- The Berlin key or how to do words with things
2. Beth Preston.- The functions of things: a philosophical perspective on material culture
3. Tim Ingold.- Making culture and weaving the world
4. Micheal Brian Schiffer.- Indigenous theories, scientific theories and product histories
5. Emma Williams & Alan Costall.- Taking things more seriously: psychological theories
of autism and the material-social divide
6. George Nash.- Pomp and circumstance: archeology, modernity and the corporatisation of
death: early social and political Victorian attitudes towards burial practice
7. A.J. Schofield.- Never mind the relevance? popular culture for archaeologists
8. Paul Graves-Brown.- Always crashing in the same car
HICKS, Dan, BEAUDRY, Mary C. (eds.) (2010), The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture
Studies, New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-921871-4.
Dan Hicks & Mary C. Beaudry.- Introduction: Material culture studies: a reactionary
2. Dan Hicks.- The Material-Cultural Turn: event and effect
3. Ian Cook and Divya P. Tolia-Kelly.- Material geographies
4. Robert Saint George.- Material culture in folklife studies
5. Ann Brower Stahl.- Material histories
6. John Law.- The material of STS
7. Andrew Pickering.- Material culture and the dance of agency
8. Michael Dietler.- Consumption
9. Gavin Lucas.- Fieldwork and collecting
10. Hirokazu Miyazaki.- Gifts and exchange
11. Howard Morphy, Art as action, art as evidence
12. Rosemary Joyce with Joshua Pollard.- Archaeological assemblages and practices of
13. Kacy L. Hollenback and Michael Brian Schiffer.- Technology and material life
14. Andrew M. Jones and Nicole Boivin.- The malice of inanimate objects: material
15. Chris Fowler.- From identity and material culture to personhood and materiality
16. Zo Crossland.- Materiality and embodiment
17. Tatyana Humble.- Material culture in primates
18. Lesley Head.- Cultural landscapes
19. Sarah Whatmore and Steve Hinchliffe.- Ecological landscapes
20. Roland Fletcher.- Urban materialities: meaning, magnitude, friction, and outcomes
21. Carl R. Lounsbury.- Architecture and cultural history
*HICKS, Dan (2010), The Material-Cultural Turn: Event and Effect, Mary C. Beaudry & Dan
Hicks (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/
Abstract: The terms material culture and material culture studies emerged, one after
another, during the twentieth century in the disciplines of archaeology and socio-cultural
anthropology, and especially in the place of intersection between the two: anthropological
archaeology. The purpose of this article, however, is to excavate the idea of material culture
studies, rather than to bury it. Excavation examines the remains of the past in the present and
for the present. It proceeds down from the surface, but the archaeological convention is to
reverse this sequence in writing: from the past to the present. In the discussion of the history
of ideas and theories, a major risk of such a chronological framework is that new ideas are
narrated progressively, as paradigm shifts. The main argument of the article relates to the
distinctive form taken by the cultural turn in British archaeology and anthropology during
the 1980s and 1990s.
Keywords: material culture, material culture studies, anthropological archaeology, cultural
turn, socio cultural anthropology,
MILLER, Daniel, (Editor), (2005), Materiality, Durham NC, Duke University Press, ISBN
Abstract: Throughout history and across social and cultural contexts, most systems of belief
whether religious or secularhave ascribed wisdom to those who see reality as that which
transcends the merely material. Yet, as the studies collected here show, the immaterial is not
easily separated from the material. Humans are defined, to an extraordinary degree, by their
expressions of immaterial ideals through material forms. The essays in Materiality explore
varied manifestations of materiality from ancient times to the present. In assessing the
fundamental role of materiality in shaping humanity, they signal the need to decenter the
social within social anthropology in order to make room for the material.
Considering topics as diverse as theology, technology, finance, and art, the contributors
most of whom are anthropologistsexamine the many different ways in which materiality
has been understood and the consequences of these differences. Their case studies show that
the latest forms of financial trading instruments can be compared with the oldest ideals of
ancient Egypt, that the promise of software can be compared with an age-old desire for an
unmediated relationship to divinity. Whether focusing on the theology of Islamic banking,
Australian Aboriginal art, derivatives trading in Japan, or textiles that respond directly to their
environment, each essay adds depth and nuance to the project that Materiality advances: a
profound acknowledgment and rethinking of one of the basic properties of being human.
(*) Daniel Miller.- Materiality: An Introduction / 1
Lynn Meskell.- Objects in the Mirror Appear Closer Than They Are /51
Michael Rowlands.- A Materialist Approach to Materiality / 72
Fred Myers.- Some Properties of Art and Culture: Ontologies of the Image and Economies of
Exchange / 88
Matthew Engelke.- Sticky Subjects and Sticky Objects: The Substance of African Christian
Healing / 118
Bill Maurer.- Does Money Matter? Abstraction and Substitution in Alternative Financial
Forms / 140
Hirokazu Miyazaki.- The Materiality of Finance Theory / 165
Webb Keane.- Signs Are Not the Garb of Meaning: On the Social Analysis of Material
Things / 182
Susanne Kuchler .- Materiality and Cognition: The Changing Face of Things / 206
Nigel Thrift.- Beyond Meditation: Three New Material Registers and Their Consequences /
Christopher Pinney.- Things Happen: Or, From Which Moment Does That Object Come? /
MILLER, Peter N., (Editor) (2013) , Cultural Histories of the Material World, University of
Michigan Press, ISBN 978-0-472-02935-8.
Abstract: All across the humanities fields there is a new interest in materials and materiality.
This is the first book to capture and study the material turn in the humanities from all its
varied perspectives. Cultural Histories of the Material World brings together top scholars
from all these different fieldsfrom Art History, Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics,
Folklore, History, History of Science, Literature, Philosophyto offer their vision of what
cultural history of the material world looks like and attempt to show how attention to
materiality can contribute to a more precise historical understanding of specific times, places,
ways, and means. The result is a spectacular kaleidoscope of future possibilities and new
Reviews: This sparkling and provocative collection showcases the range and innovation of
scholarship on material culture today. It should appeal to scholars already working in the
field, and to their students looking for the sorts of questions that can be asked of objects, and
LATOUR, Bruno, (1993), We have never been modern, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
ISBN: 9780674948396
(*)LATOUR, Bruno. Pandoras Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard UP, 1999.
RAPPAPORT, Erika, (2008), Imperial Possessions, Cultural Histories, and the Material Turn:
Victorian Studies, Vol. 50, No. 2, Papers and Responses from the Fifth Annual Conference of the
North American Victorian Studies Association, Held Jointly with the Victorian Studies Association
of Western Canada, Winter, pp. 289-296.
TOREN, Christina (1999), Mind, Materiality and History. Explorations in Fijian Ethnography,
New York: Routledge, ISBN: 0-415-19576-4.
1. Ruth M. Van Dyke.- Materiality in Practice: An Introduction
2. Sule Can.- Talk to It: Memory and Material agency in the Arab alawite (Nusayri)
3. Erina Gruner.- Replicating Things, Replicating Identity: The Movement of Chacoan
Ritual Paraphernalia Beyond the Chaco World
4. Tanya Chiykowski.- Animay of the everyday: Materiality, Bundling, and the Production of
Quotidian Ceramics
5. Rui Gomes Coehlo.- An Empire of Clay: Ceramics and Discipline in the early Modern
Portuguese Empire
6. Brittany Fullen.- Quotidian Agency and Imperial Agendas: A Study of Andean Middle
Horizon Huamanga Ceramics
7. Halona Young-Wolfe.- The Work They Do: Phenomenology and Monumentality in the
Late Archaic of Peru
8. Jessica Santos Lpez.- From Banned Bodies to Political Subjects: Immigrants in Protest
9. Mark W. Hauser.- Materiality as Problem Space.