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Peer Review Report

Phase 2
Implementation of the Standard
in Practice

Global Forum
on Transparency
and Exchange
of Information for Tax
Purposes Peer Reviews:
Gabon 2016

July 2016
(reflecting the legal and regulatory framework
as at May 2016)

This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD.

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and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Please cite this publication as:

OECD (2016), Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer
Reviews: Gabon 2016: Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice, OECD Publishing, Paris.

ISBN 978-92-64-25878-5 (print)

ISBN 978-92-64-25879-2 (PDF)
Series: Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews
ISSN 2219-4681 (print)
ISSN 2219-469X (online)

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Table of Contents

About the Global Forum  5

Abbreviations  7
Executive summary 9
Introduction 13
Information and methodology used for the Peer Review of Gabon 13
Overview of Gabon14
General information on the legal and tax system 15
Overview of the financial sector and the relevant professions17
Recent developments 19
Compliance with the Standards 21
A. Availability of information 21
Overview 21
A.1. Ownership and identity information 23
A.2. Accounting records 50
A.3. Banking information 58
B. Access to information 63
Overview 63
B.1. Competent authoritys ability to obtain and provide information 64
B.2. Notification requirements and rights and safeguards 74
C. Exchanging information 77
Overview 77
C.1. Exchange of information mechanisms 78


C.2. Mechanisms for exchanging information with all relevant partners 85
C.3. Confidentiality 87
C.4. Rights and safeguards of taxpayers and third parties 91
C.5. Speed of response to requests for information  92
Summary of determinations and factors underlyingrecommendations 97
Annex 1: Jurisdictions response to the review report 101
Annex 2: List of Gabons exchange of information mechanisms 102
Annex3: List of all laws, regulations and other material received 108
Annex4: Persons met during the onsite visit111



About the Global Forum

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for
Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area
of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over
130jurisdictions, which participate in the Global Forum on an equal footing.
The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer
review of the implementation of the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are
primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of
Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article26 of the
OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004. The standards have also been incorporated into
the UN Model Tax Convention.
The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the
domestic tax laws of a requesting party. Fishing expeditions are not authorised
but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank
information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence
of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.
All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by
the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is
undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdictions legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while
Phase2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some
Global Forum members are undergoing combined Phase1 and Phase2
reviews. The Global Forum has also put in place a process for supplementary
reports to follow-up on recommendations, as well as for the ongoing monitoring of jurisdictions following the conclusion of a review. The ultimate goal is
to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of
transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
All review reports are published once approved by the Global Forum
and they thus represent agreed Global Forum reports.
For more information on the work of the Global Forum on Transparency
and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, and for copies of the published review reports, please refer to and


Abbreviations 7


National Agency for Financial Investigations (Agence

nationale dinvestigations financires)


Uniform Act on General Commercial Law (Acte uniforme

relatif au droit commercial gnral)


Uniform Act on Commercial Companies and Economic

Interest Groups (Acte uniforme relatif au droit des
socits commerciales et du groupement dintrt


Uniform Act on the Organisation and Harmonisation

of Business Accounting (Acte Uniforme portant
organisation et harmonisation des comptabilits des


Bank of Central African States (known by its French

acronym BEAC)


General Tax Code (Code Gnral des Impts)


Central African Economic and Monetary Community

(known by its French acronym CEMAC)


Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets

(Confrence Interafricaine des Marchs dAssurances)


Medium-sized company tax centre (Centre des Impts

des Moyennes Entreprises)


Central African Banking Commission (known by its

French acronym COBAC)


RegionalCommission forInsuranceSupervision
(Commission Rgionale de Contrle des Assurances)


Information Exchange Unit


8 Abbreviations

Department for Large Corporations (Direction des

Grandes Entreprises)


Directorate-General for Taxation (Direction Gnrale des



Exchange of Information


Exchange of Information on Request


Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of

Terrorism (Lutte contre le Blanchiment et le Financement
du Terrorisme)


Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in



Trade and Personal Property Credit Register (Registre du

Commerce et du Crdit Mobilier)


Public Limited Company (socit anonyme)


Private Limited Company (socit responsabilit



Simplified Joint-Stock Company (socit par actions



Limited Partnership (socits en Commandite Simple)


General Partnership (Socits en Nom Collectif)


Terms of Reference


International Information Exchange Unit (Unit

dEchange International des Renseignements)


Executive summary 9

Executive summary
The present report summarises Gabons legal and regulatory framework
for transparency and exchange of information as well as its implementation
and effectiveness in practice. The international standard, which is set out in the
Global Forums Terms of Reference to Monitor and Review Progress Towards
Transparency and Exchange of Information, is concerned with the availability
of relevant information within a jurisdiction, the competent authoritys ability
to gain access to that information and, in turn, whether that information can be
effectively exchanged with its exchange of information partners.
Gabon is committed to implementing the international standard on
transparency by joining the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of
Information for Tax Purposes in 2012.
Generally speaking, Gabons legal and regulatory framework ensures
the availability of information about the ownership of companies and other
entities. Companies and other legal persons are required to register with the
public authorities, including the tax authorities. This report has retained two
recommendations from Phase2 regarding the elementA.1:

Firstly, Gabon must improve its system for monitoring compliance

with obligations to declare the identity and ownership of companies
under OHADA law and under taxation laws.

Secondly, the Gabonese authorities must monitor the effective

implementation of the new tax obligations concerning public limited
companies (SA), SAS and assimilated companies, namely to hold a
register of registered shares at their registered office, and to enforce
the relevant sanctions if necessary.

Company law permits the creation of bearer shares in public limited
companies and simplified joint-stock companies, but since the end of 2014
has required all corporate securities to be dematerialised. However, there
is not sufficient information about the practicalities of the process to guarantee dematerialisation of all bearer shares, including those created before
the new legislation came into force. Dematerialisation has not yet been put
in place in practice. During the peer review period, there was no applicable


10 Executive summary
obligation regarding the identification of the owners of bearer shares issued
by Gabonese public limited companies. It is recommended that Gabon take
the necessary measures to ensure the dematerialisation of all bearer shares.
Under accounting and tax law, accounting records and the underlying
documentation must be kept for a minimum of ten years. These obligations
are respected by operators in practice, under the supervision of the tax
Banking and anti-money laundering regulations in Gabon guarantee
the availability of banking information.
The Gabonese Tax Code gives the tax authorities, which are the competent authority, extensive powers to gather information, including banking
information, which may be used for information exchange purposes without
any restriction related to domestic tax interest. There is no right of notification in Gabon, and tax disputes may neither prevent nor delay the response
to an information request made under an information exchange agreement
in force in Gabon. In practice, these powers were only implemented at the
national level, as Gabon did not receive any requests during the peer review
Since signing the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance
in Tax Matters as amended (the multilateral Convention) in July 2014, Gabon
has had an extensive network of exchange of information agreements covering 98jurisdictions. Several tax treaties are also being negotiated or in the
process of ratification.
Since 2013, Gabon has deployed many human and financial resources
and has made substantial efforts to conform to international standards of
information exchange. Thanks to these efforts, at the end of the peer review
period, an exchange of information (EOI) unit was operational and had adequate resources. Gabon has also drawn up an EOI Manual. It is recommended
that Gabon ensures that, within the framework of the new EOI organisation
in place, requests from EOI partners are dealt with in a satisfactory manner
and within a reasonable timeframe.
Gabon has been rated on each of the 10 essential elements, and has
also been given an overall rating. The ratings for the essential elements are
based on the analysis contained in this report, taking into account the Phase1
determinations and the recommendations formulated with regards to the
legal framework in Gabon and the effectiveness of the information exchange
in practice. On this basis, Gabon has been rated as follows: Compliant for
elementsA.2, A.3, B.1, B.2, C.1, C.2, C.3 and C.4; largely compliant for elementC.5 and partially compliant for the elementA.1. Given the rating for
each of the essential elements taken as a whole, the overall rating for Gabon
is Largely compliant.


Executive summary 11

A follow-up report on the measures taken by Gabon in response to
the recommendations made in the present report must be presented to the
Secretariat in June 2017 and then in subsequent years, in accordance with
the procedure set out in the Methodology for the Second Round of Reviews.


Introduction 13


Information and methodology used for the Peer Review of Gabon

The assessment of Gabons legal and regulatory framework as well as
the implementation and effectiveness in practice of this framework was based
on the international standards for transparency and exchange of information
on request as described in the Global Forums Terms of Reference and was
prepared using the Global Forums Methodology for Peer Reviews and NonMember Reviews. The assessment was based on (i) the laws, regulations
and exchange of information mechanisms in force on 1May 2016, (ii)on the
observations made during the onsite visit to Libreville from 18-20January,
(iii)on Gabons responses to the questionnaires for Phase1 and Phase2 and
other material provided by Gabon and (iv)information supplied by partner
This analysis incorporates the evaluation of Phase1, published in
October 2015, on the legal framework in Gabon and the evaluation of Phase2,
on the practical application and effectiveness of this framework during the
three-year evaluation period between 1January 2012 and 31December 2014.
The Terms of Reference break down the standards of transparency
and exchange of information into 10 essential elements and 31 enumerated aspects under three broad categories: (A)availability of information,
(B)access to information and (C)exchanging information. This review
assesses Gabons legal and regulatory framework against these elements
and each of the enumerated aspects. In respect of each essential element
the review concludes whether (i)the element is in place, (ii)the element is
in place but certain aspects of its legal implementation need improvement,
or (iii) the element is not in place. These conclusions are accompanied by
recommendations for how certain aspects of the system in Gabon could be
Recommendations are made on the practical implementation of each
of these essential elements by Gabon. Each element can be given a grade,
as follows: (i) compliant, (ii) largely compliant (iii) partially compliant or


14 Introduction
(iv)non-compliant. As indicated in the Assessment Criteria note, at the end
of a phase 2 evaluation of a jurisdiction, an overall rating is given in order
to illustrate the overall situation of the jurisdiction.
The assessment was conducted by a team consisting of two expert
assessors and a representative of the Global Forum Secretariat: Nisrine
Roudies, Head of the Office to Monitor Implementation of International
Tax Conventions, General Directorate of Taxes, Morocco; Pascal Feurtet,
Inspector, Tax Services Directorate, Monaco; and Sverine Baranger for the
Global Forum Secretariat.

Overview of Gabon
Gabon, officially called the Gabonese Republic, is a country situated
on the Equator in central Africa. Its neighbours are the Republic of Congo
to the east, south-east and south, Equatorial Guinea to the north-west and
Cameroon to the north. A former French colony, Gabon has been independent since 1960. Extensively covered in rainforest, its fauna and flora are
preserved and protected by 13 national parks, including Lop National Park,
a UNESCO World Heritage site. Gabon had 1800000 inhabitants in 2013.
According to the United Nations, Gabon has the highest human
development index in sub-Saharan Africa and the second highest income per
capita, behind Equatorial Guinea and ahead of Botswana.
Gabons official language is French. The currency is the African
Financial Community franc, called the CFA franc (currency code: XAF).
One euro is worth XAF655.957. Gabons economy is based on the extraction of oil and the exploitation of natural resources, especially forestry and
mining (manganese). Oil and gas account for nearly 50% of GDP, 60% of tax
revenues and 80% of exports. Gabon had GDP of USD19.34billion in 20131.
GDP rose by more than 6% per year over the period 2010-12.
The separation of powers (executive, legislative, judicial) is a constitutional principle. Gabon has a presidential system with a President of
the Republic, who is the head of the executive and Head of State, and a
government headed by a prime minister. Gabon is a member of the Central
African Economic and Monetary Community (known by its French acronym CEMAC). A sub-regional international organisation, CEMAC emerged
from the community construction process in Central Africa instituted by the
Ndjamena Treaty of 16March 1994, which entered into force in 1999. With
six Member States (Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial
Guinea, the Central African Republic and Chad), it is the outcome of a

World Bank.


Introduction 15

historical process begun in June 1959. Its activities are now based on the
Regional Economic Programme, which aims to make CEMAC an emerging
integrated economic area where security, solidarity and good governance
prevail for the benefit of human development.
Unlike CEMACs founding treaty, which needed to be ratified by the
Member States before it could enter into force, secondary CEMAC legislation, including all anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, is incorporated
into the law of contracting States as soon as it takes effect, without any prior
formality. Article21 of the CEMAC Treaty states that all laws and regulations adopted by the Community should be directly applied by all Member
Gabon is also a member of the Organisation for the Harmonisation
of Business Law in Africa (known by its French acronym OHADA), created
by the Treaty on the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa, adopted on
17October 1993 and revised on 17October 2008.

General information on the legal and tax system

Legal system
As Gabon is not a federal state, its legal system is based on a single
corpus of law which applies in all provinces and local authorities with the
same binding force.
The Gabonese legal system is based on a hierarchy of norms. The
Constitution, established by the Constitutional Act of 18January 1996 as
amended, is at the top of the hierarchy, followed by international conventions and treaties duly ratified by Gabon. Under Articles113 and 114 of
the Constitution, international conventions do not apply until it has been
verified that they are consistent with it. If there is a conflict between the
Constitution and an international treaty, the Constitution has to be amended
when the international treaty is ratified. It is the role of the Constitutional
Court to verify the conformity of the international treaty with the Gabonese
Constitution within a 30-day period, reduced to eight days in case of urgency.
National laws and equivalent statutory instruments, i.e.ordinances ratified by
Parliament, rank below international conventions and treaties2. In the hierarchy of norms, regulations are one tier below national laws. This category
covers decrees, which the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister


This hierarchy stems from the reading of articles113 and following of the
Constitution. The Constitutional Court has confirmed this interpretation in an
opinion No027/GCC of 13August 2013.


16 Introduction
are empowered to enact, ministerial orders, prefectural orders, which apply to
a department, and municipal orders, which apply to a commune.

Business law
Gabons ratification of the treaty instituting the Organisation for the
Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa strengthened the predominance of
a system based on the civil law tradition. The purpose of the OHADA Treaty
is to harmonise business law in contracting states through the preparation and
adoption of simple, modern common rules suited to their economic situation,
the introduction of appropriate legal procedures and the encouragement of
arbitration to settle contractual disputes. The Treaty allows for the issuance
of legislation in the business sphere, known as Uniform Acts. Thus, OHADA
contracting states share the same rules in business, company and accounting
However, the criminal penalties for infringing Uniform Acts are
determined by the criminal law of each contracting state. Article5 of the
OHADA Treaty states that Uniform Acts may include provisions to give
rise to criminal liabilities. Contracting states commit themselves to enforce
sentences of offences. Thus, each contracting state must pass domestic legislation to sanction infringements of Uniform Acts.
Under Article10 of the OHADA Treaty, Uniform Acts are directly
applicable and obligatory in the contracting states notwithstanding any prior
or subsequent provision to the contrary in domestic law. There is thus no
need to transpose them into domestic law. In addition, OHADA law prevails
over domestic law in case of conflict.
The Uniform Act relating to commercial companies and economic
interest groupings (Uniform Companies Act) and the Uniform Act on the
organisation and harmonisation of the accounting systems of undertakings
(Uniform Accounting Act) govern legal persons and other arrangements in
Gabon. The Uniform Companies Act defines the corporate forms available
in OHADA contracting states, how they are instituted and how they operate,
procedures for the appointment and dismissal of senior managers and for
winding up companies. The Uniform Accounting Act institutes standards
for keeping accounts and defines book-keeping procedures, accounting principles and rules for evaluating and determining business profits and losses.

Tax system
The Gabonese tax system is based on the provisions of the Gabonese
Tax Code, which lays down rules for the taxation of income, assets and transactions in Gabon.


Introduction 17

Corporate tax is levied on the income generated in Gabon by
Gabonese and foreign companies and other legal persons. In accordance with
the territoriality principle, income generated by Gabonese companies in other
countries through foreign subsidiaries is exempt from taxation in Gabon.
However, resident companies are taxable on passive income (dividends,
interest, royalties, etc.) of both Gabonese and foreign origin. Subject to the
provisions of international treaties, the earnings of legal persons whose activity or operations are located in Gabon are taxable at their registered office or
principal place of business.
Corporate tax is levied on the earnings generated over a twelvemonth period corresponding to the calendar year which runs from 1January
to 31December. The standard rate is 30% and 35% for mining companies.
The assessment base is determined in accordance with the relevant accounting requirements under OHADA law.
Partnerships are not liable to corporate tax unless their partners
decide to opt for it. The option is irrevocable; it must be agreed by all the
partners and notified to the relevant tax centre within three months of the
start of the tax year.
Personal income tax is levied on the taxpayers total net income.
The annual total net income on which income tax is levied is the sum of net
income per category minus deductible expenses, without prejudice to specific
provisions applicable to certain categories of income.

Gabon introduced VAT in 1994.

Gabon joined the Global Forum in 2012 and is committed to implementing international transparency standards. Its network of tax treaties
includes six double tax treaties, two of which are regional treaties, and
covers 10jurisdictions. Further, Gabon signed the Convention on Mutual
Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters as amended (the Multilateral
Convention) on 3July 2014, considerably expanding its treaty network from
10 to 99jurisdictions. The Multilateral Convention has not yet been ratified
by Gabon.
The competent authority in Gabon is the Minister of Economy, who
has delegated this power to the Director General of Tax.

Overview of the financial sector and the relevant professions

Through its membership of CEMAC, Gabon is part of the CFA zone
of countries whose common currency is the CFA franc. They have a common
central bank, the Bank of Central African States (known by its French
acronym BEAC). Commercial banks are regulated by the Central African


18 Introduction
Banking Commission (known by its French acronym COBAC) and insurance
companies by the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (known by
its French acronym CIMA). There is also a stock exchange which is managed
and coordinated by the Central Africa Stock Exchange (known by its French
acronym BVMAC).
Six commercial banks, a development bank and a housing bank
currently have an establishment in Gabon. There are also six main insurance companies with branches throughout the country. In October 2015,
the total net asset value of the banks in Gabon amounted to XAF185billion (EUR384560000). The number of bank clients in Gabon stood at
407000individuals, for some 627000bank accounts.

The stock market is organised, operated and supervised as follows:

the supervisory authority is the Central African Financial

Market Supervisory Commission (known by its French acronym
COSUMAF), which regulates the operation and activity of the stock
market (Article11 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation no. 06-03 relating
to the organisation, operation and supervision of the Central African
Financial Market);

BVMAC manages and coordinates the stock market (Articles3 and

27 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation no. 06-03). There is also another
stock market in Cameroon, the Douala Stock Exchange (DSX). Steps
are being taken to merge the two stock exchanges;

the Regional Securities Depositary (CRDV) acts as both central

depositary and clearing house. Under Articles3 and 46 of CEMACCAMU Regulation no. 06-03, it is the custodian of transferable
securities listed for trading. It also acts as the settlement and delivery

BEAC is the bank of settlement (Article3 of CEMAC-CAMU

Regulation no. 06-03);

stock market intermediaries are mostly subsidiaries of CEMAC zone

credit institutions. They have a monopoly on securities trading on the
market for own account and for their customers (Article38 et seq. of
CEMAC-CAMU Regulation no. 06-03).

Measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) in CEMAC countries are based on the adoption in 2002 of
the statute of the Task Force on Money Laundering in Central Africa (known
by its French acronym GABAC), set up to lead and coordinate the introduction of AML measures. Considerable progress has been made recently,
especially in 2012 with the start of the first cycle of peer reviews (beginning
with reviews of the systems in Gabon, Cameroon and the Central African


Introduction 19

Republic, which had been reviewed by the World Bank in 2008 and 2010
respectively) and adoption by the CAMU Council of Ministers of the manual
of procedures for peer reviews, published in the CEMAC Official Journal on
2October 2012. As a result, GABAC was able to gain observer status with
the FATF in February 2012.
The financial intelligence unit is the National Financial Investigation
Agency (ANIF), which is empowered to investigate financial transactions of
any kind. The agency carries out supplementary assignments to those of the
Community task force, GABAC. In addition, the National Commission for
the Fight against Illicit Enrichment (known by its French acronym CNLCEI)
has powers relating to financial investigations and unlawful enrichment.
Gabons FIU is operational and has been accepted as a member of the Egmont

Recent developments
Gabon ratified the Multilateral Convention on 15June 2015 by way
of the simplified procedure provided for in the Gabonese Constitution.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 21

Compliance with the Standards

A. Availability of information

Effective exchange of information requires the availability of reliable
information. In particular, it requires information on the identity of owners
and other stakeholders in an entity or arrangement as well as information on
the transactions carried out by entities and other organisational structures.
Such information may be kept for tax, regulatory, commercial or other reasons. If such information is not kept or the information is not retained for
a reasonable period of time, a jurisdictions competent authority may not
be able to obtain and provide it when requested. This section of the report
assesses the adequacy of Gabons legal and regulatory framework on availability of information as well as its implementation in practice.
Gabon has a sound legal and regulatory framework as regards the
obligation to ensure that information concerning the identity of shareholders
in partnerships and registered shareholders in companies is available.
All Gabonese companies are required to register in the Trade and
Personal Property Credit Register (registre du commerce et du crdit mobilier,
RCCM) within one month of their creation by filing a copy of their articles of
association at the registry of the locally competent court. Information about
the owners of partnerships and limited liability companies is available from
the register and kept up to date. Information about the identity of the shareholders of public limited companies (SA) and simplified joint-stock companies
(SAS) is available from the RCCM only when the company is created. In


22 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

practice, during the peer review period, the RCCM did not have a system in
place to monitor whether these ownership obligations were being respected.
The RCCM operated with limited resources which did not allow for an optimal functioning or an efficient archiving of registered data. It should be noted
that the practical impact of these shortcomings is reduced by the applicable
tax obligations.
Under Gabonese law, there is no requirement to notify the RCCM
of changes to shareholders. However, information about the owners of registered shares in SA and SAS companies is available from the registers they
are required to keep at their registered office. Before 2016, there were no
penalties for failing to keep registers of shareholders. Since 2016, Gabon has
introduced appropriate penalties into its tax legislation for failing to keep a
register of registered shares in SA and SAS companies and foreign companies with a subsidiary in Gabon, which are treated for registration purposes
as Gabonese SA and SAS. In addition, a new obligation to make an annual
declaration to the DGI has been introduced, enforced by sanctions.
Gabonese law permits the creation of bearer shares in public limited companies. Following an amendment to company law in January 2014,
all corporate securities, including bearer shares, must be dematerialised.
However, the law as it stands is unclear on the practicalities of dematerialisation, especially the status of bearer shares that have not been dematerialised
on expiry of the permitted two-year transition period (May 2016). Although
draft legislation is in the process of being adopted, it is not yet in force. In
addition, the Gabonese authorities are still working on the practical modalities of the dematerialisation.
Gabonese law does not permit the creation of trusts and the country is not a signatory of the Hague Convention of 1July 1985 on the Law
Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition. However, there is nothing to
prevent a trust from being administered from Gabon, or to prevent a foreign
trust from owning assets located in Gabon. Under AML/CTF legislation,
persons acting as trustees in a professional capacity are required to retain all
information about their customer, including information about the settlers
and beneficiaries of foreign trusts. In practice, these people are subjects to
the same declaration obligations at the RCCM and with the tax authorities
as any other person carrying out an economic activity in Gabon. Since 2016,
a declarative obligation has been included in the CGI. However, during the
peer review period, the authorities had not yet registered any declaration of a
foreign trust administered in Gabon.
Information about the ownership of other relevant entities, such as
economic interest groupings, cooperatives, non-trading companies and foundations, is available in Gabon.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 23

All natural and legal persons liable to corporate tax, tax on industrial,
commercial and agricultural profits and tax on non-commercial profits are
required to keep accounts, accounting data and the related supporting documentation for at least ten years. Under tax law and AML/CTF legislation,
associations, foundations and other entities not liable to taxes and duties are
also required to keep accounts and retain the related documentation. In practice, the tax authorities ensure that companies registered in Gabon respect
their accounting obligations, by carrying out regular accounting checks,
which give them the right to verify the existence, compliance and exactitude
of all the accounting documentation that companies are required to maintain,
thus ensuring that this accounting information is available.
Banks and financial institutions are required to know their customers
and to keep information about transactions carried out by them for 10years.
The COBAC is responsible for supervising banks, mainly through desk-based
inspections and onsite visits (Bank inspection).
During the peer review period, Gabon did not have the opportunity
to respond to a request for information that would have allowed the availability of information to be tested in practice.

A.1. Ownership and identity information

Jurisdictions should ensure that ownership and identity information for all relevant
entities and arrangements is available to their competent authorities.

The OHADA Uniform Companies Act (AUDSGIE) provides for
seven types of company:

three types of company with share capital, described in SectionA.1.1

companies with share capital: public limited companies SA), limited
liability companies SARL) and simplified joint-stock companies

three types of partnership, described in SectionA.1.3 Partnerships:

limited partnerships (socits en commandite simple, SCS), general
partnerships (socits en nom collectif, SNC) and joint ventures
(socits en participation, SP); and

economic interest groupings (EIG).


24 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Companies with share capital (ToRA.1.1)

Companies with share capital must fulfil publication and registration
formalities on their formation, comply with requirements to keep information
and file tax returns, ensuring the availability of information about ownership
and identity.

Types of company
Company law in Gabon mostly derives from OHADA law, especially
the Uniform Companies Act, which was adopted in 1997 and amended in
2014 to include a new form of company, the simplified joint-stock company,
and to provide for the dematerialisation of all transferable securities.
Three different types of company with share capital may be created
under OHADA law.

Public limited companies (socits anonymes, SA) are companies

whose shareholders are liable for corporate debts only up to the
amount of their contribution; their rights are represented by shares
(Article385 of the Uniform Companies Act). Under Article386,
a public limited company may have only one shareholder. On
22April2016, there were 1853SA registered with the tax authorities.

Limited liability companies (socits responsabilit limite,

SARL) are companies whose members are liable for corporate debts
only up to the amount of their contribution; their rights are represented by shares. Some of the organisation rules of SARLs are of
public order to protect the strong intuitu personae, which is prevalent
for this type of company. They may be instituted by a natural or legal
person or between two or more natural or legal persons (Article309
of the Uniform Companies Act). On 22April 2016, there were
18311SARL registered with the tax authorities.

Simplified joint-stock companies (socits par actions simplifies,

SAS) are a new form of company introduced by the revision of the
Uniform Companies Act, which came into force on 5May 2014. They
may be created by one or more members, who are liable for corporate
debts only up to the amount of their contribution. The organisation
and operation of the company are defined in the articles of association, subject to the mandatory provisions of the Uniform Companies
Act. Members rights are represented by shares (Article863-1 of the
Uniform Companies Act). On 22April 2016, no SAS was registered
with the tax authorities.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 25

Publication, registration and maintenance formalities for ownership

The following developments cover the registration and maintenance
of ownership information for SA, SARL and SAS with the RCCM, the tax
authorities and the ANPIG (previously CDE).

Registration and maintenance of ownership information with the

The creation of companies with share capital is governed by the
Uniform Act on general commercial law (the Uniform Commercial Law Act).
Under Article27, incorporation is conditional on the companys registration
in the RCCM one month at the latest after its formation. The RCCM receives
applications from legal persons for registration, amendments and removal
from the register.
Under Article317 of the Uniform Companies Act, the identity of
the founding members of companies with share capital is available in the
companys articles of association at the time of its registration in the RCCM.
However, only SARLs are required to inform the RCCM of subsequent
changes to their membership. Under Article52 of the Uniform Commercial
Law Act, an application for an amendment or addition to the register must be
made within 30days of any such change.
The information contained in each RCCM is centralised in a national
database. Under Article36 of the Uniform Commercial Law Act, the information contained in each national database is centralised in a regional
database kept by the OHADA Common Court of Justice and Arbitration. The
RCCM in Gabon and the information used to establish it are transmitted to
OHADA for publication in its official journal or in a journal carrying legal
notices (national daily newspapers).
Registration in the RCCM is done at the CDE for newly created companies. The CDE is a single window that includes the RCCM and the Social
Security Fund. The process for registering with the CDE is described below
in the section entitled Registering with the CDE in practice.

Operation of the RCCM in practice

During the peer review period, the RCCM clerks were assigned to the
Court of First Instance. One RCCM clerk was present at the CDE, while four
other clerks worked within the Court of First Instance to register all commercial acts and to register transfers of shares in SARLs and partnerships.


26 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

During the peer review period, supervision of the RCCM was carried
out by the District Court (Tribunal de Grande Instance), to which the RCCM
was attached. The RCCM worked slowly due to a shortage of resources. The
RCCM was not computerised; archiving was done manually and in chronological order. In addition there was inadequate supervision of companies
in general regarding their compliance with declarative obligations under
OHADA law. However this shortcoming was reduced by the spot checks
carried out on documentation at the time of registration and the filing of acts.
After the peer review period, the RCCM experienced shortfalls in
means and resources. During 2015, the RCCM operated with reduced means
as a result of supervision problems. Order No 15/PR/2015 of 11August
2015 on the organisation and functioning of the Judicial Activities in Gabon
provided for a change in competency, with the RCCM being attached to the
Commercial Court. However this Order was invalidated by the Constitutional
Council. During this interim period (from October 2015 to February 2016),
only the clerk of the CDE stayed in post. The four other clerks working at the
Court of First Instance were not posted elsewhere, and the RCCM did not
operate. This situation created a backlog in registrations and the archiving
of documents. Since the invalidation of the Order, the RCCM returned under
the supervision of the Court of First Instance. The initial situation has been
reinstated since February 2016.
Gabon has put in place an action plan to correct the shortfalls in
means and resources of the RCCM. In the short term, it is planned for the
RCCM to move its archives to a larger and more functional room. In addition,
software should be developed based on the software existing at the DGI. This
software will be developed to manage registrations and modifications to articles of association, and to build a computerised database. This is scheduled
to be operational by June 2016. In the longer term, the plan is to move the
RCCM to a separate building from the Court of First Instance, to increase its
staff and to define the status (and outline a career plan) of the employees of
the RCCM.
To conclude, ownership information about Gabonese companies at
the time of registration is available from the RCCM but the operational and
resource difficulties of the RCCM means the research takes a long time and
the availability of the information is more uncertain. In addition, during the
peer review period, the RCCM did not have a system in place to monitor
whether the obligations regarding changes in ownership over the lifetime of
the company were being respected.
During the peer review period, Gabon did not receive any requests
for ownership information. The Gabonese authorities have indicated that their
own experience shows that information was available from the RCCM. For
example, the RCCM responded within 10days to a request from the Court of


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 27

Auditors regarding information relating to companies who had been awarded

public procurement contracts. This request covered seven companies.
With regards to the inadequate resources of the RCCM and the
absence of supervision by the Court of First Instance, it is recommended
that Gabon improves its system for monitoring ownership information
obligations, in order to ensure that this information is kept up to date for all
companies in Gabon.

Registration and maintenance of ownership information with the tax

Information on company ownership is gathered by the tax authorities
(i)when the company is registered, (ii)during the company lifetime when
there is a change in ownerships and, since 2016, (iii)through the annual tax

Registration with the tax authorities

Under Article P-817 of the Gabonese Tax Code, any legal or natural
person liable as a taxpayer for the payment of a tax must register with the tax
authorities within two months of starting their activities. This requirement
also applies to foreign taxpayers who carry on economic activities in Gabon
without having a registered office there. Those concerned must appoint a
solvent representative accredited to the tax authorities.
In practice, the tax administration intervenes twice during the creation of a company:

Firstly, the company articles of association have to be registered with

the Registration Unit, before they go before the CDE (see the section below entitled Registration with all ANPIG administrations in

Secondly, the company has to be registered with the tax authorities

before it goes before the CDE.

Acts subject to the registration obligation

All acts modifying the statutes of a company notably the transfer of
shareholdings in a SARL or a partnership must be made before the notaries
and be registered. A fixed or variable fee is payable for the registration of
these acts.
There is a Registration Unit in Libreville, Port Gentil and Franceville.
Around 75% of the registrations are made in Libreville. The Libreville


28 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Registration Unit has 20employees, and has eight offices with computers.
The Unit is divided into five departments: company deeds, leases and property deeds, banks, judicial acts and extrajudicial acts.
The Unit registers the date of the act or the operation subject to the
registration requirement, the name of the parties on the contract, the object
of the act being registered, and the amount of the fixed or proportional fee.
The Unit keeps a copy for archiving. All operations are archived in registers
in chronological order. They are then physically archived. Updates on the
ownership of SARLs and partnerships are recorded in the LIIR software.
The following table shows the registrations of company articles of
association (registration of articles of association and changes to articles of



Acts registered regarding the articles of association of companies (registration

of articles of association or modifications to articles of association)



The taxpayer must respect the deadline for registration of acts (article473 et seq. of the CGI) or risk the application of penalties which are often
equal to the amount of the fees payable (articleP-1011 et seq. of the CGI).
The Registration Unit checks that the notaries have registered the
acts that were subject to registration. On a quarterly basis, notaries have to
deposit their register and minutes, so that the Registration Unit can check
that they are compliant. The Registration Unit in Libreville confirmed that
cooperation with notaries is satisfactory.

Registration of taxpayers
Once the CDE formalities have been completed, the company or the
individual entrepreneur must register with the registration department of the
DGI. This department is centralised for all of Gabons provinces and consists
of a director and seven employees.
Once the file has been completed, the tax authoritys software (LIIR)
automatically assigns the taxpayer with a number. This identification number
(numro didentification fiscale, NIF) is unique and applies for both direct
and indirect taxes, customs and public procurement.
Registration is compulsory for all Gabonese companies, subsidiaries
of international companies, individual entrepreneurs, foundations, associations and international organisations. The tax file is sent to the appropriate
management centre. A copy is sent to the taxpayer. The other part of the
paper file is sent to the management centre.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 29

Maintenance of ownership information by the tax authorities

Any material change affecting operations, such as a change of senior
manager or of the place of business or disposal or cessation of the business, must also be notified to the tax authorities within 15days of the event.
However, this obligation does not apply to changes of shareholders in SAs,
SASs and SARLs, which are recorded in the shareholder registers (for SAs)
or in the RCCM (for SARLs).
Before 1January 2016, the tax authorities carried out some verifications on the shareholder register during their tax audits. This verification
would be carried out along with checks regarding the amount of dividend
withholding taxes levied on dividend distributions. The tax authorities did
not keep track of specific sanctions or reassessment made on this particular
aspect, as the sanctions mentioned in elementA.2 for audits includes all reasons for tax reassessments. Since 1January 2016, SA, SAS and assimilated
entities (i.e.foreign companies assimilated to Gabonese SA and SAS) are
required by the tax authorities to maintain a shareholder register, with failure
to do so punishable by a fine (see sectionA.1.6 Implementation of measures
to ensure the availability of information). The DGI has confirmed that tax
declaration forms will be changed to include an annex in which should be
listed all the shareholders at the start and the close of the tax year. In doing
so, the Gabonese authorities have indicated their intention to create a centralised tax register on company ownership.
In addition, any statutory change of partners within a SARL (or a
partnership) is subject to registration with the tax authorities. In practice,
information on the transfer of shares in a SARL or a partnership is also available from the Registration Unit of the DGI. With regards to the transfer of
shares (drawn up by private persons, and required to be registered), the tax
payer must produce the document authorising the transfer, the transfer agreement, the updated statutes, the company accounts and the previous articles
of association, so that the total number of partners or shareholders is known.
Updates in company ownership are registered in the LIIR software.
The following statistics represent the registration of share transfers
during the peer review period:
Number of share transfers








30 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Incorporation of companies with the CDE

The Business Development Centre (CDE), established by Decree
no. 730/PR/MECIT of 21June 2011, is a public body whose role is to help
companies with the administrative procedures and formalities of incorporation. Every company, regardless of its legal form, is required to register with
the CDE. The CDE has been replaced by the national investment promotion
agency, ANPIG (lAgence National de promotion des Investissements du
Gabon), under decree 311/MPIIHAT of 25September 2014 on the creation
and organisation of the ANPIG which will only become operational at the end
of 2016. For the purposes of this report, reference is only made to the CDE.
The procedure for creating a company in Gabon involves the following stages:

certification of the articles of association at the CDE (this applies

only to those drawn up by private deed, in accordance with the
Uniform Companies Act);

registration of the articles of association with the tax authorities. The

articles of association certified by the CDE, notarised copies and the
minutes of the constitutive shareholders meeting are registered with
the relevant department of the General Tax Directorate against a fee;

filing of the applications at the CDE single point of contact and issuance of a file number;

registration in the RCCM;

allocation of a tax identification number;

certification by the Director General of the CDE;

registration with Gabon Centre for Industrial Property (CEPIG) and

the national social security fund (CNSS);

publication in accordance with OHADA law in the journal of official

notices of the Gabonese Republic.

Registration with the CDE in practice

There are a number of registration steps with the authorities to follow
to incorporate a company in Gabon. These steps mainly involve the CDE.
1. The articles of association of the company to be formed firstly are
sent to the Registration Unit of the DGI where they are subject to
stamp duty. During this compulsory step, the Registration Unit
keeps a hard copy of the articles of association which are archived in
chronological order.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 31

2. Within the CDE, the process is as follows


Constitution of the file, which includes the identity of the managers, and the articles of association duly registered by the tax

A study of the articles of associations compliance with OHADA

law; and

Computer registration and attribution of a unique number for the


3. Once the formalities with the CDE have been completed, the
company or the individual entrepreneur must register with the registration department of the tax authorities.
Once the company has been created, any subsequent modifications
are recorded in the RCCM. In particular, this includes changes to the name,
the activity, the head office, the directors, an increase in capital and transfers
of shares in SARLs or partnerships.
The RCCM only checks companies at the time they are created.
The registration number can only be attributed to a new company if the file
includes all the documents required by the law. The various documents must
include the mandatory provisions prescribed by OHADA law. After companies have been created, the DGI has broad powers to check that companies
are respecting their tax and accounting obligations. This starts with the
obligation to declare the existence of new companies. The practical implementation of these powers is analysed below, as part of the tax requirements.
The following statistics show the number of companies with share
capital registered with the CDE during the peer review period:









Operation of the CDE in practice

During the peer review period, the CDE was not computerised and
archiving was done manually, by number and by year. This lack of computerisation made it harder and slower to find information.
During the transition period (2015), a number of structures merged.
The CDE includes the commercial registry which is part of the Court of First
Instance and registers the acts in the RCCM, the OGAPI (non-commercial)
and the national social security register.


32 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Information available from the company

Commercial law requirement
Under Article317 of the Uniform Companies Act, the articles of
association of SARLs, kept at the registered office, must state the identity of
members. Share transfers inter vivos must be recorded in writing and registered
in the RCCM. SAs and SASs, unlike SARLs, are not required to publish the
identity of their shareholders in the RCCM. However, that information must be
recorded in the register of shareholders which such companies are required to
keep, though the requirement applies only to the holders of registered shares
(Article746-1 of the Uniform Companies Act). Registers of registered shares
issued by a company are drawn up by the company or by a person authorised
by the company for that purpose. The register contains information about transfers, conversions, pledges and escrow arrangements, inter alia; the date of the
transaction; the name, first names and domicile of the old and new holder of
the shares, in the event of transfer; and, where bearer shares are converted into
registered form, the name, first names and domicile of the holder of the shares.
In the event of transfer, the name of the previous owner of the shares
may be replaced by an order number whereby the name can be located in the
registers. All entries in the registers must be signed by the companys legal
representative or his delegate. Under Article746-2 of the Uniform Companies
Act as amended, companies are required to keep their share registers up to
date. The auditors report presented to the annual shareholders meeting
must ascertain the existence of the registers and give an opinion on their
compliance with record-keeping requirements. A statement from the companys managers certifying that the registers are kept in compliance with the
requirements is attached to the auditors report.
Article744-1 of the Uniform Companies Act, introduced in January
2014, provides for the dematerialisation of all transferable securities, whatever their form. However, dematerialisation is not yet effective in practice.
The rules relating to dematerialisation are described and analysed in
SectionA.1.2 Bearer shares.

Tax law
Until 1January 2016, there was no direct requirement in tax law to
keep a register of shareholders. Since 1January 2016, SA, SAS and assimilated entities (i.e.foreign companies assimilated to Gabonese SA and SAS)
are required to create and hold at their registered office a register of registered shares (new articleP-820(2) of the CGI). This new obligation comes
with sanctions (see SectionA.1.6 Implementation of measures to ensure the
availability of information).


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 33

Company law ensures that information on the identity of the holders of registered shares in companies with share capital is available. For
SARLs, the information is available from the RCCM and the DGI both on
incorporation of the company and on transfers of shares. Information about
shareholders is available from the register of shareholders which those companies are required to keep, and since 2016 from the DGI.
In practice, the incorporation procedure in Gabon and the requirement
to notify any subsequent changes means that information is available on the
identity of company shareholders, either from the RCCM or the DGI. However
the RCCM experienced resources and operational problems during and after
the peer review period. These shortcomings have not allowed the RCCM to
establish a system for supervising and monitoring the declarative obligations
applicable under OHADA law. Although the tax authorities have monitored
ownership obligations in Gabon, this has not always been a systematic element
of accounting checks and tax audits of taxpayers. Furthermore, during the peer
review period, the RCCM did not have a system in place to monitor whether
ownership obligations were being respected. It is recommended that Gabon
improves its system for monitoring obligations on ownership information for
tax purposes and under OHADA law, in order to ensure that up-to-date ownership information is held for all companies in Gabon.

Foreign companies
The terms of reference require foreign companies to hold information
about their shareholders where they have a sufficient link with a jurisdiction.
That is the case in particular where the company is resident for tax purposes
in that jurisdiction/in Gabon, for example because it has its centre of effective
management in Gabon.
100. Information on the ownership of foreign companies carrying out
business activities in Gabon is available as a result of business or tax reporting requirements.

Commercial law requirements

101. Under Articles119 and 120-4 of the Uniform Companies Act, foreign
companies with an office or subsidiary in Gabon must register their establishments in the RCCM. Under Articles116 to 120 of the Uniform Companies
Act, subsidiaries of foreign companies must incorporate as Gabonese companies after four years. Consequently, some information about the shareholders
of foreign companies established in Gabon (see below) is available from the
RCCM on registration.


34 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

102. The rules for registering subsidiaries of foreign companies in the
RCCM are the same as for Gabonese companies. The registration application
filed with the Business Development Centre includes a form which states,
inter alia:

t he name of the foreign company which owns the subsidiary or establishment; its trade name; its acronym or brand name; the activity
or activities carried on; the form of the company or legal entity; its

t he address of its registered office; where applicable, the name, first

names and personal domicile of shareholders or members indefinitely
and personally liable for corporate debts;

t he name, first names, date and place of birth of the natural person
domiciled in Gabon empowered to represent and manage the

103. As the foreign company is thus treated in the same way as a Gabonese
company, the registration of subsidiaries of foreign companies means that
information about their ownership is available from the RCCM if they are limited liability companies or partnerships, because these types of entities must
mandatorily provide updated information to the RCCM. If they are companies
with share capital (SA and SAS), information about their ownership will not
be available from the RCCM. However, this information will be available in
the share register which the subsidiary is required to keep in the same way
as any company with share capital under Gabonese law (Article7461 of the
Uniform Companies Act).
104. As mentioned in SectionA.1.6, there are no penalties in Gabonese
law for failing to comply with the obligation to keep a register of

Tax requirements
105. The Gabonese Tax Code does not give any definition of residence
for tax purposes in relation to corporate tax, in contrast to personal income
tax. Under Article7, Gabon levies corporate tax on a territorial basis, such
that earnings liable to corporate tax are determined taking into account only
the profits generated by enterprises operated or transactions carried out in
Gabon, subject to the provisions of international conventions.
106. Under Article P-87(4), foreign companies liable to corporate tax on
a territorial basis must appoint a solvent representative accredited with the
tax authorities. The General Tax Directorate issues a definitive single identity number after the taxpayers effective location has been certified. The


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 35

penalties set forth at Article P-1002 apply in the event of non-compliance

with these obligations (see SectionA.1.6).
107. Since 1January 2016, SA, SAS and assimilated entities (i.e.foreign
companies assimilated to Gabonese SA and SAS) are required by the tax
authorities to maintain a shareholder register, with failure to do so punishable by a fine (see sectionA.1.6 Implementation of measures to ensure the
availability of information).
108. Gabon has confirmed that the legal representative is required to
provide the DGI with all the information they may request in order to assess
a tax, including information held by the foreign company, especially in connection with the control of transfer prices (Article14-2). However, there is
no direct obligation on foreign companies to keep information about their
shareholders in Gabon.
109. In conclusion, information about the ownership of foreign companies
carrying out business activities should be available either from the RCCM or
from the foreign company, subject to the application of appropriate penalties
(see SectionA.1.6).

Application of commercial and tax law requirements in practice

110. In practice, the commercial registration procedure (with a number
being attributed by the RCCM) and tax registration procedure (attribution of
a tax identification number) for Gabonese subsidiaries of foreign companies
is the same as for Gabonese companies. The same information is thus available in Gabon, notably information about the owners of the subsidiary.
111. Statistics for the registration of Gabonese subsidiaries of foreign
companies with the CDE during the peer review period are as follows:
Subsidiaries of foreign companies







Information held by nominees

112. There are no specific provisions in Gabonese or OHADA law relating to the common law concept of nominee. On the contrary, OHADA law
uses the term mandataire (authorised person), which is a civil law concept.
Under OHADA law, in certain specific cases a companys shareholders may
be represented for various purposes by authorised persons. However, even if
commercial law does not recognise the concept of nominee, persons acting
as such in a professional capacity are covered by AML/CTF legislation and
must identify their customers.


36 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Commercial law
113. Under Article315 of the Uniform Companies Act, any shareholder
may be represented by a person of their choice on formation of the company
or at a shareholders meeting. In such a case, the authorised person acts
expressly and publicly on a shareholders behalf and does not have shareholder status with regard to third parties.
114. The authorised person must obtain a power of attorney from the principal, containing information about the principals identity. Under Article538
of the Uniform Companies Act, the power of attorney must state the principals
name, first name and domicile, the number of shares and voting rights held and
the shareholders meeting for which it is given. It must be signed by the principal, preceded by the words bon pour pouvoirs [good for power of attorney],
and state the date. Consequently, although an authorised person acts for the
principal, the beneficial owners identity is known.

In practice
115. In practice, the representative of the CDE and the Registration Unit
of the DGI have confirmed that the articles of association are received during
the creation of a business always contain the identity of partners or shareholders in person and never those of an authorised person. This information is
checked against the list of partners or shareholders that is required as one of
the supporting documents of the business creation process.

Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism

(AML/CTF) legislation
116. Although the common law concept of nominee does not exist in
Gabonese law, AML/CTF customer identification requirements may be
helpful in order to determine the identity of shareholders using a nominee
to conceal their identity. These identification requirements apply only to a
nominee acting as such in a professional capacity (a lawyer or notary, for
example). They are set out in CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03 on the
prevention and suppression of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Professionals of this type are subject to a know-your-customer (KYC)
requirement. Nominees acting in a professional capacity are covered by the
requirement, which covers notaries and other members of the independent
legal professions. The customer identification form and the suspicious activity report linked with the KYC requirement have boxes for the name and first
names, address and residence of the persons to whom the report relates. In
practical terms, the professionals concerned must know the identity of the
natural or legal persons to whom they provide services.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 37

117. Under Article10 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03, professionals

covered by a KYC requirement must satisfy themselves of the true identity
of persons on whose behalf an account is opened or a transaction performed
when they consider that the persons asking for the account to be opened or
the transaction to be performed may not be acting on their own behalf. In
addition, a customer who is a lawyer, an accountant or a nominee acting as
a financial intermediary may not invoke professional secrecy as grounds for
refusing to disclose the beneficial owners identity.
118. As these requirements apply only to professionals, there is no means
of obtaining the identity of a shareholder using a nominee who does not act
in a professional capacity. However, as the concept of nominee does not exist
in Gabonese law, this situation is unlikely to arise in practice.

In practice
119. The supervision of legal professions likely to practice their activity as a nominee is carried out by the National Agency for Financial
Investigations (Agence nationale dinvestigations financires (ANIF)).
The ANIF is present in each member state of the CEMAC. The ANIF is a
financial information unit operating under the authority of the Ministry of
Finances. Its main duty is to prevent, detect and stop money laundering and
the funding of terrorism. It is mandated to receive, process and transmit to
the competent legal authorities a report on the operations that are the subject
of a suspicion activity report, accompanied by all supporting documents other
than the suspicion activity report\ itself. In addition, an additional mission is
to raise awareness and train professionals in combating money laundering
and the funding of terrorism.
120. By law, the ANIF supervises persons subject to AML legislation
who do not have their own supervisory bodies (such as accountants, the legal
professions and notaries). However, in practice, there is no plan to supervise
the legal professions due to resource constraints.
121. The ANIF includes four analysts, two investigators and information technology specialists. Since last year, a plan to strengthen the ANIF
is in place, with an increase of both human and material resources and the
development of international cooperation based on technical assistance.
In particular, ANIF has benefited from trainings organised by the Egmont
Group, of which Gabon has been a member since 2012.
122. The ANIF only rarely applies sanctions as it does not have enforcement powers. The ANIF produces preliminary enquiries. Its objective is to
observe and gather evidence, which it then transmits to the State Prosecutor.
The State Prosecutor is the authority that will follow up on any lapses in procedures/findings surfaced by the ANIF.


38 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

123. As Gabonese law is based on the civil law tradition, the common
law concept of nominee does not exist in Gabonese law, which uses the civil
law concept of authorised person. In these specific cases, the shareholders
identity is known and the authorised person acts publicly on their behalf. The
Gabonese authorities have confirmed that they have never encountered a case
of nominees as the concept is unknown in domestic law.

Bearer shares (ToRA.1.2)

124. The Gabonese legal framework includes obligations for identifying
the holders of bearer shares under both commercial and tax law. However,
these obligations do not guarantee identification in all cases.
125. The Gabonese authorities have indicated that bearer shares are not
often used by Gabonese operators. The DGE surveyed public limited companies with a sample representing 363SA supervised by the Large Business
Directorate (Direction des Grandes Entreprises (DGE)) over a total number
of 1853SA registered with the DGI, This sample corresponds to roughly 20%
of all SA known to the DGI. Over the 363SA under the supervision of the
DGE, 16SA provided in their articles of association for the issuance of bearer
shares. In practice, only one SA effectively issues bearer shares. This sample
survey appear to support the position of the Gabonese authorities, according
to which the use of bearer shares is very rare in Gabon,

Commercial Law
126. Article745 of the Uniform Companies Act states that transferable
securities may be in bearer or registered form and issued in return for contributions in cash or kind. It also states that provisions of the Uniform Act or the
companys articles of association may require them to be issued in registered
form only. Thus, only SAs and SASs may issue bearer shares; SARLs may
only issue registered shares.
127. Before January 2014, Gabon had no arrangements in place for identifying shares or bearer shares. The rules applicable to transferable securities
in the OHADA area depended on whether the instruments representing them
were in registered or bearer form (former Article764-1).

for registered shares, the holders rights derived solely from their
registration in the companys registers, since the certificate delivered
by the issuer did not in itself confer title;

for bearer shares, the bearer of the share was deemed to be its owner
and shares could be transferred by hand.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 39

128. However, companies making public offerings had the option of

dematerialising their shares, i.e.registering their shares (whether in registered
or bearer form) in an account opened in the owners name and kept either
by the issuer or by a financial intermediary approved by the Minister for
the Economy, transmission then being effected by transfer from account to
account (former Article7642).
129. Since January 2014, under Article744-1 of the Uniform Companies
Act as amended, transferable securities, whatever their form, must be registered in an account in the name of their owner. They are transmitted by
transfer from account to account. Transfer of title to transferable securities
results from the registration of the transferable securities in the acquirers
securities account. Thus, bearer shares, like registered shares, must now be
dematerialised (paper shares should no longer exist) and their owners should
be identifiable.
130. Under Article919 of the Uniform Companies Act as amended, as a
transitional measure companies were given two years as of its entry into force
to bring their articles of association into line with the new rules, including
those on the dematerialisation of securities. All bearer shares issued before
5May 2014 (the effective date of the new Uniform Companies Act) may
remain in paper form until 5May 2016 at the latest.
131. However, the new Uniform Act makes no provision for specific
penalties against issuers or holders of bearer shares created before its entry
into effect which are not registered in an account on expiry of the transitional
period. According to the Gabonese authorities, bearer shares that have not
been dematerialised on expiry of the transitional period will no longer be
legally valid. The holders of such bearer shares would not be able to exercise
their rights, especially the right to vote at shareholders meetings and the right
to dividends. However, that penalty is not expressly stated in any legal text.

Tax legislation
132. Under Article191 of the Tax Code, persons liable to corporate tax
must provide a statement explaining the conditions under which their earnings are distributed or shared between partners, limited partners, managing
partners, co-participants or board members in consideration of their functions
or contributions. Article192 allows the Gabonese tax authorities to know
the identity of the beneficiaries and details of the amounts allocated to them.
The statement of sums paid in respect of dividends provided to
the tax centre gives the tax authorities information about the
beneficiaries identity and hence of all the shareholders, except
where the claimant is acting for another person. However, the tax
authorities consider that in practice authorised persons would


40 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

have to disclose the beneficial owners identity in order not to be
bound by the resulting tax obligation. The authorities would thus
have information about the holders of bearer shares, provided
that dividends are paid.

133. In light of the foregoing, information about the owners of bearer
shares in SAs should be available in Gabon, from the tax authorities if dividends are paid and, in all events, from the company or a central depositary
(for listed companies). However, that is possible only if all companies actually
dematerialise their securities as required under the Uniform Companies Act
as amended, including those which had issued bearer shares before the new
legislation came into force. Although a draft law is in the process of being
adopted, it is not yet in force. In addition, the Gabonese authorities are working on the practical application of dematerialisation. Gabon is recommended
to take steps to guarantee dematerialisation of all bearer shares in existence before 5May 2014, the date at which the new version of the Uniform
Companies Act came into force.

Partnerships (ToRA.1.3)
134. The Uniform Companies Act distinguishes the following types of

Limited partnerships (socits en commandite simple, SCS), which

have one or more partners who are indefinitely and jointly liable for
the partnerships debts (managing partners) and one or more partners
who are liable for the partnerships debts only up to the amount of
their contribution (limited partners). The capital of an SCS is divided
into shares (Article293 of the Uniform Companies Act). On January
2016, there were three SCS registered with the DGI;

General partnerships (socits en nom collectif, SNC), of which all

the partners are traders and indefinitely and jointly liable for corporate debts (Article270 of the Uniform Companies Act). On 1January
2016, there were 13SNC registered with the DGI

Joint ventures (socits en participation, SP), where the partners

agree that the company will not be registered in the RCCM and will
not have legal personality. Joint ventures are not subject to a publication formality.

135. Information about the owners of partnerships and foreign partnerships having a subsidiary in Gabon (see A.1.1 regarding foreign companies)
is available from the RCCM and the tax authorities.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 41

Commercial law requirements

136. Partnerships, with the exception of joint ventures, are required to
register in the RCCM in the same way as companies with share capital. Under
Articles46 and 52 of the Uniform Commercial Law Act, the following information is kept in the RCCM:

the name, first names and personal domicile of partners who are
indefinitely and personally liable for corporate debts, together with
their date and place of birth and nationality;

the name, first names, date and place of birth and domicile of managers, executives, directors or partners with a general power to commit
the legal person or grouping;


the address of the registered office and, where applicable, the principal place of business and each other establishment;

amending, supplementing and secondary information.

137. Changes of partners must be notified to the RCCM. Thus, information on the identity of partners of partnerships is kept and regularly updated
in the RCCM. That information is also available from the partnership, as
partnerships must maintain an up-to-date shareholder register.
138. Because joint ventures do not have to be registered, they do not
appear in the RCCM. However, their managers are required to register in
the RCCM if they carry on a commercial activity. Under Article856 of the
Uniform Companies Act relations between the partners of joint ventures are
governed by the rules applicable to general partnerships.
139. The following figures show the very low number of partnerships
registered with the CDE during the peer review period.
Types of partnership







Tax requirements
140. Under Article P-817 of the Tax Code, partnerships, like companies
with share capital, must register with the tax authorities and report material
changes affecting their operation (change of senior manager, disposal, cessation, change of the capital or shareholder structure).


42 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

141. SCSs, SNCs and joint ventures may be liable to corporate tax, but
only if all the partners agree to choose that option. Once exercised, the option
is irrevocable. Under Article5 of the Tax Code, where a partnership has not
opted for corporate tax liability, limited partners in SCSs and partners in
SNCs and joint ventures that are not indefinitely liable or whose names and
addresses have not been provided to the tax authorities are subject to tax on
a personal basis. The share of earnings of general partners in SCS is subject
to corporate tax, even in the absence of option to be subject to corporate tax.
142. In practice, the company creation and registration procedure in
Gabon is the same irrespective of the type of company (see above, for companies with share capital). This procedure means that information on the
identity of partners in partnerships is available in practice and is updated in
the RCCM, the DGI database and the taxpayers files. Because of the problems affecting the RCCM mentioned in A.1.1, the RCCM had no monitoring
system in place during the peer review period. However, a monitoring system
is in place and carried out by the DGI, particularly given that information on
the ownership of partnerships is essential for gathering taxes. Checks are the
maintenance of the shareholder register is carried out by the DGI during tax
audits (see A.2 for statistics on tax audits).

143. In conclusion, information about the owners of partnerships is
available through commercial and tax reporting requirements. The same
observations as those made in A.1.1 on the activities of RCCM and the DGI
in practice are applicable to partnerships.

Trusts (ToRA.1.4)
144. There is no law on trusts in Gabon and the country is not a signatory
of the Hague Convention of 1July 1985 on the Law Applicable to Trusts and
on their Recognition. Consequently, it is impossible to create a trust or similar structure in Gabon. However, there is nothing in Gabonese law to prevent
a trust created in a foreign country from being administered in Gabon or to
prevent assets located in Gabon from forming part of a foreign trust. In such
cases, there is no provision in commercial or tax law which requires the managers of foreign trusts or fiducies domiciled in Gabon to disclose the identity
of the settlers or beneficiaries of the trust. However, record keeping requirements apply under AML/CTF legislation, but these requirements only apply
to professionals subject to that AML/CTF legislation.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 43

Commercial law requirements

145. Where a trust governed by the laws of a foreign country is administered in Gabon, there is no specific requirement to register with the public
authorities. Under the prevailing legislation, however, all natural and legal
persons, whether Gabonese or foreign, who carry on a commercial activity
in Gabon are subject to a reporting requirement, which also applies to foreign
trusts. Accordingly, persons or entities acting as trustees in Gabon must register with the RCCM if they engage in business activities. In such cases, the
same information that is required of any persons (being individuals carrying
on a business or an entity) on registration must be submitted to the Register.

Tax law requirements

146. Since 2016, a new obligation has been included in the CGI (articleP-832bis) according to which any person established in Gabon who has
formed an entity under a foreign law that could be classed as a trust by a
foreign jurisdiction linked to Gabon by a tax agreement or a mutual administrative assistance agreement, must make a declaration to the EOI Unit. This
declarative obligation also applies to beneficiaries of foreign trusts who are
resident in Gabon.
147. The declaration has to include certain information, notably including the identity of the trustee, the owner and the effective beneficiary of any
income taken from the trust, the bank details of the trust and the constituent
party. As this is a recent obligation, it is recommended that the Gabonese
authorities ensure the practical monitoring of this obligation.
148. In practice, the Gabonese authorities have never come across the
case of a foreign trust operating in Gabon or with a trustee resident in Gabon.
They have, however, indicated that any person acting as a trustee in Gabon
within the framework of their professional activity is required to register
with the RCCM and the tax authorities. This procedure should allow the DGI
to access information on other people implicated in a trust administered in
Gabon. In effect, if the trustee resident in Gabon does not reveal the identity
of the constituent party or the beneficiary, the DGI will consider the income
generated by the trust as being that of the trustee and it will be taxed accordingly. This information should be updated when the annual statement of
accounts is made.


44 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Anti-money laundering legislation

149. Article5 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03 covers notaries
and members of other independent legal professions where they constitute,
manage or direct fiducies or similar structures. In such cases, those persons, acting as trustees, must comply with KYC rules.
150. Regulation no. 0004/CIMA/PCMA/PCE/SG/08 applicable to insurance
and reinsurance companies and brokers operating in the CIMA area contains
the same requirements as AML/CFT legislation to guarantee the availability of
information about the identity of members of a trust if, through a trustee, it is
involved in insurance business. Non-compliance may incur the disciplinary and
pecuniary sanctions set forth at Articles534-2 and 545 of the Insurance Code.
151. In practice, the ANIF, which supervises legal professions subject to
the AML/CFT regulations, does not have enforcing powers, but can hand over
its files onto the judicial authorities. These may in turn prosecute the taxpayers
should there be serious shortcomings in their AML/CFT obligations.

152. Although Gabonese law does not permit the creation of trusts in
Gabon, it does not prevent a trust created under the laws of a foreign country
from being administered in Gabon. In such a case, commercial, tax and AML
legislation ensures the availability of information about the members of the
trust (settlers, trustees or beneficiaries) However, this situation is rare in a
country with a civil law tradition and has never been seen in practice.

Foundations (ToRA.1.5)
153. Gabonese law permits the creation of foundations with a generalinterest and non-profit purpose. Foundations are governed by Ordinance 2/99
of 30July 1999, ratified by Act 2/2000 of 18August 2000.
154. Under Article9 of the Ordinance, there are two classes of foundation:
those that have a public-interest purpose and those that do not. Foundations
are required to operate in accordance with their purpose. Under Articles17
and 22, they must therefore not seek to make a profit, failing which they are
liable to penalties. The State may oppose the activity of a foundation under
the conditions set forth at Article22.
155. Foundations differ from associations insofar as their existence is based
on the irrevocable allocation of assets. However, they are subject to the same
tax rules. The 2011 Budget Act provides for an exceptional tax regime applicable to sponsorship or patronage. This applies to associations, foundations and
all other similar structures governed by Act 35/62 on associations.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 45

Legal requirements
156. In order to be approved, foundations must register with the Minister
of the Interior and the minister responsible for the planned activity. They
approve their articles of association and rules of procedure, which are submitted together with a list of the foundations members giving their civil status
and functions. Foundations have a board of directors and a management body.
157. Foreign foundations wishing to carry on an activity in Gabon must create
a Gabonese foundation in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 2/99.

Tax requirements
158. Foundations must register with the tax authorities if they are liable
for any tax or duty. Consequently, they are subject to the same reporting
requirements as companies. Generally speaking, foundations register with the
tax authorities because they are legally liable for wage, social and employers
159. Since 2016, a new measure has been included in the CGI (new
articleP-817bis) to require foundations, associations and other assimilated
organisations to register with the tax authorities within one month of obtaining their authorisation. The new articleP-818ter of the CGI specifies that
declarations must include the first and last names and addresses of the legal
owners and the final recipients, or be declared inadmissible. This obligation,
although already applied in practice, is recent. It is therefore recommended
that the Gabonese authorities monitor the application of this obligation.
160. The information required to register with the tax authorities is limited to identification of the president and of the manager, plus the articles of
association and rules of procedure.

161. In light of their characteristics, Gabonese foundations are not relevant with regard to the exchange of information for tax purposes. However,
information about their ownership is available in Gabonese law from both the
administrative and the tax authorities.

Other entities
162. Other relevant entities and arrangements are non-trading companies, non-governmental organisations and cooperative societies. The issues
regarding the availability of ownership, identity and accounting information
are similar to those discussed in relation to companies with share capital and


46 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Non-trading companies (socits civiles)

163. Non-trading companies (socits civiles) are generally defined in
opposition to commercial companies and generally carry on a non-commercial
activity such as an intellectual, professional or real-estate activity. A distinction
is drawn between real-estate companies and professional companies.

Real-estate companies have a real-estate purpose and are intended

to hold property assets acquired or contributed by the members in
order to facilitate the management and/or transmission of the assets
or optimise their yield.

Professional companies have a professional purpose and are intended

to allow natural or legal persons to carry on a regulated profession
in common.

164. In all events, under Article45 of the Uniform Commercial Law Act
non-trading companies, whatever their nature, are governed by the same rules
on creation as other types of company and must register in the RCCM (see
SectionA.1.1). They must also keep an up-to-date shareholder register.
165. From a tax standpoint, non-trading companies are generally regarded
as transparent, though there are some broad exceptions. Under Article5 of
the Tax Code, non-trading companies are liable to corporate tax where:

they carry out an activity or operations of a commercial, industrial,

craft or agricultural nature;

their members include one or more companies with share capital; and/or

they have opted for corporate tax liability.

166. They are subject to reporting and payment requirements similar to those
of companies with share capital and partnerships. The same penalties also apply.

Cooperative societies
167. Cooperative societies are governed by the OHADA Uniform Act on
the law of cooperative societies adopted on 15December 2010.
168. Article4 of the Act defines a cooperative society as an autonomous
grouping of persons, voluntarily united to fulfil their common economic,
social and cultural aspirations and needs through a jointly-owned and managed enterprise where power is exercised democratically and according to
cooperative principles. Under Article9, it must keep a register of members,
stating for each one the membership number, name, first name, identity
document references, address, profession, number of shares subscribed and
number of shares paid up.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 47

169. A cooperative society is formed by drawing up articles of association in a private deed, which have the same function as those of a company.
The society must apply for registration in the register of cooperative societies kept at the prefecture of the place where it has its registered office
(Article70 et seq.). Cooperative societies are liable in principle for corporate tax, though some of them (those involved in the production, processing,
conservation and sale of crop and livestock farming products) are exempt for
certain specific activities.
170. Reporting requirements and tax penalties are similar to those for
companies with share capital.

Enforcement provisions to ensure the availability of information

171. Various penalties are available under Gabonese commercial, tax or
AML/CFT law to ensure the availability of information on the identity of the
owners of entities in existence in Gabon. However, penalties for failing to
dematerialise transferable securities remain to be defined.

Penalties for failure to register

172. Under Articles114 and 115 of the Uniform Companies Act, a company that fails to register in the RCCM is considered to be either a joint
venture or a de facto company without legal personality and hence governed
by the provisions of Articles864 et seq. of the Act. There are no specific penalties in Gabonese law at present for failing to register in the RCCM.
173. In contrast, under Article P-1002 of the Tax Code, a flat-rate fine
of XAF250000 (EUR380) is imposed for failing to register with the tax
authorities as required at Article P-817.

Requirements to keep information about ownership

174. The Uniform Commercial Law Act does not set a specific time for
which information contained in the RCCM must be kept. Article20 merely
provides for the creation of a national RCCM database. The Gabonese
authorities have confirmed that information about registered natural and legal
persons is kept without any limitation.
175. The identity of the members of an SARL must be stated in the companys articles of association, which are kept at the registered office. Under
Article317 of the Uniform Companies Act, share transfers inter vivos must
be recorded in writing and registered in the RCCM. There are at present no
penalties in Gabonese law for failure to register transfers of shares in an


48 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

SARL in the RCCM. Under Article P-1002 of the Tax Code, however, the
penalty for failing to file changes to information used for an initial registration is a flat-rate fine of XAF250000 (EUR380). The Gabonese authorities
have confirmed that they interpret this article to mean that members of an
SARL who fail to inform the tax authorities of a change of membership
would be liable to a penalty. In practice, the Gabonese authorities have
confirmed that the obligation to declare a change in partner in a SARL is
respected by taxpayers, particularly given that the new partner is listed in the
form on the distribution of dividends.
176. Under the Uniform Companies Act, SAs and SASs are required to keep
a register of registered shares at their registered office. Until the dematerialisation of corporate securities becomes fully effective in Gabon (see SectionA.1.2),
this register is the only source of comprehensive information on the ownership
of registered shares. The requirement to keep a register of shareholders also
applies to foreign public limited companies or simplified joint-stock companies
which have a subsidiary in Gabon. However, there is no penalty for failing to
keep such a register. However, since 1January 2016, the tax laws require a register to be kept (see sectionA.1.1). This obligation, which applies to SA, SAS
and assimilated entities (i.e.foreign companies assimilated to Gabonese SA and
SAS) is accompanied by sanctions for non-application. New articleP-1010bis
of the CGI states that failing to hold and maintain a register of registered
shares at the registered office will result in a flat rate fine of XAF10million
(EUR15200). This fine rises to XAF50million (EUR76000) for companies
with a turnover that is equal to or greater than XAF500million (EUR760000).
Given that this obligation and its penalty are recent and have not yet been tested
in practice, Gabon is recommended to ensure the monitoring of both the effective implementation of the tax obligation requiring SA, SAS and assimilated
entities to keep up-to-date a register of nominative shareholders at their registered office, as well as the associated sanction for failing to do so.
177. The tax authorities require all documents in respect of which they
may exercise their right of audit to be kept for at least ten years as of the date
of the last transaction or the date at which the documents were drawn up
(Article P-821 of the Tax Code). These documents include share transfer registers and attendance sheets and minutes of shareholders meetings. However,
as there are no penalties in Gabonese law for failing to keep the register of
shareholders, it is not certain that these documents are kept in all cases.

Penalties for failing to comply with AML/CFT requirements

178. Even though the concept of nominee does not exist in Gabonese law,
KYC requirements for AML/CFT purposes may be helpful in order to identify beneficial owners using a nominee to conceal their identity. The KYC
requirements apply only to a nominee acting in a professional capacity, such


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 49

as a notary or lawyer. Under Article18 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03,

persons who fail to comply with KYC requirements are liable to prosecution
or to disciplinary procedures under the rules governing the profession in
question (lawyers, notaries and accountants) on the initiative of the relevant
disciplinary authority.

Penalties for failing to dematerialise bearer shares

179. The revised version of the Uniform Companies Act does not stipulate
any specific penalties for issuers or holders of bearer shares created before
it came into force who fail to register them by the time the transition period
expires. Likewise, the practicalities of dematerialisation are not defined, this
being a matter for individual contracting states.
180. Gabon has not yet introduced penalties for failing to comply with
dematerialisation requirements, or defined practical arrangements for dematerialisation. Gabon is recommended to take steps to implement the revised
version of the OHADA Uniform Act in order to ensure the dematerialisation
of all bearer shares on expiry of the two-year transition period allowed to
companies for that purpose.
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place, but certain aspects of the legal implementation
of the element need improvement.
Factors underlying
The new version of the OHADA
Uniform Act on commercial companies
and economic interest groupings provides for the dematerialisation of securities and allows companies a two-year
period in which to comply. However, it
does not precisely define the status of
bearer shares which are not dematerialised on expiry of the transition period.
There is currently no other provision in
Gabonese law clarifying the terms and
conditions of dematerialisation. Only
16SA registered with the DGI may
issue bearer shares under their articles
of association, and only one SA has
effectively issued bearer shares.


Gabon should take appropriate
steps to implement the new version
of the OHADA Uniform Act in order
to ensure the dematerialisation of
all bearer shares on expiry of the
two-year transition period allowed to
companies for that purpose.

50 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Phase2 Rating
Partially compliant
Factors underlying


Although there have been efforts

made to monitor ownership
obligations in Gabon by the tax
authorities, this monitoring has not
been systematically applied during
the accounting and tax inspections
of the taxpayer. In addition, over the
peer review period, the RCCM did not
have a system in place for monitoring
the compliance with ownership

It is recommended that Gabon

improves its system for monitoring
obligations to provide ownership
information under both tax law and
OHADA law, in order to ensure
that information is up to date for all
companies in Gabon.

Although during the peer review

period, no sanctions were applicable
regarding the obligations of SA,
SAS and assimilated companies to
maintain a register of shareholders,
Gabon recently adopted a tax
provision that requires SA, SAS and
assimilated companies to maintain
a register of registered shares
at their registered office, subject
to penalties for non-compliance.
However, it was not possible to test
the implementation of this measure in

The Gabonese authorities must

ensure effective monitoring of the
tax obligation applicable to SA, SAS
and assimilated entities to maintain
an up-to-date register of nominative
shareholders at their registered office
and apply the appropriate sanction in
case of non-compliance.

A.2. Accounting records

Jurisdictions should ensure that reliable accounting records are kept for all
relevant entities and arrangements.

181. The Terms of Reference define standards for keeping reliable

accounting records and for how long such documents should be retained.
They recommend that reliable accounting records should be kept for all relevant entities and arrangements. In order to be reliable, accounting records
must (i) correctly record all transactions, (ii) be such that the financial
situation of the entity or arrangement may be determined with reasonable
precision at any time, and (iii)enable the preparation of financial statements.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 51

Accounting records must also be supported by underlying documentation,

such as invoices, contracts, etc., and be retained for at least five years.
182. With regard to the keeping of accounting records, Gabonese law
requires legal entities and other entities to respect transparency requirements
that comply with international standards as regards formal requirements for
account-keeping, the documents which must be kept and the length of time
for which they must be retained.

General requirements (ToRA.2.1)

183. Companies having their registered office in Gabon are required to
keep accounts. The obligation is instituted by company law (Article137 et
seq. of the Uniform Companies Act), tax law (Article17-1 of the Tax Code)
and accounting law (Article1 of the Uniform Accounting Act). These rules
also apply to foreign companies and partnerships having a subsidiary in

Accounting requirements and penalties under OHADA law

184. OHADA law contains accounting requirements which apply to all
Gabonese entities, with penalties for non-compliance.

Accounting requirements under OHADA law

185. Under Article13 of the OHADA Uniform Commercial Law Act, all
traders, whether natural or legal persons, must keep a register in which their
commercial transactions are recorded day by day. They must also keep a
general ledger, with a trial balance, and an inventory register. These registers
must be kept in compliance with the Uniform Acts provisions on the organisation and harmonisation of business accounts.
186. Article1 of the Uniform Act on the organisation and harmonisation
of business accounting systems (Uniform Accounting Act) states that undertakings must establish an accounting system to provide information for both
internal and external use, to which end it must:

classify, record and enter in its accounts all transactions that entail
value movements which are carried out with third parties or are
recorded or executed as part of its internal administration;

after suitable processing of such transactions, render the accounts

which it is required to draw up by law or pursuant to its articles of
association, along with other information required to meet the needs
of the various users.


52 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

187. Under Article2, the following entities are required to establish a
general accounting system:

undertakings governed by the provisions of commercial law;

state-owned corporations, parastatal organisations and semi-public


cooperatives and more generally entities that produce marketable or

non-marketable goods and services, if they are habitually engaged in
a principal or ancillary economic activity irrespective of whether or
not financial gain is derived from that activity.

188. Companies and professionals acting as trustees of foreign trusts are

required, as traders, to comply with the above-mentioned requirements of
OHADA accounting law.
189. Under Article15, the accounting system must ensure timely and
complete recording of basic information on a day-to-day basis, processing of
the recorded data at the appropriate time and delivery of mandatory reports
to users within specified legal time limits. Article3 is clear on the role of the
accounting system, which must be accurate, reliable and transparent.
190. The accounting documents to be kept must comply with these
requirements, even if they are not identical under the different accounting

Under the minimal cash-basis system, companies must keep a record

of income and expenditure.

Under the simplified system, companies must prepare a balance

sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements.

Under the normal system, companies must prepare a balance sheet

(showing assets and liabilities separately and in detail), an income
statement (showing revenue and expenses, clearly distinguished), a
table of source and application of funds (showing financing flows
and capital expenditure) and notes to the accounts (describing material items not shown in the other financial statements and containing
a statistical report where relevant).

191. Banks, credit institutions and insurance companies are subject to

additional accounting requirements arising from COBAC regulations for
banks and credit institutions and CIMA regulations for insurance companies.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 53

Depositing accounts with the RCCM

192. Since 5May 2014, OHADA law (article269 of AUSCGIE) requires
commercial companies (SA, SAS and SARL) to deposit their annual summary financial statements to the RCCM of their registered office within one
month following approval of the annual accounts. The summary financial
statements include the balance-sheet, the income statement, the statement
of source and expenditure of funds and annexed statement. Should any
interested party make a request, the competent jurisdiction can require the
director of any commercial company to submit the documents outlined above,
where the request has gone unheeded for thirty days.

Penalties for non-compliance

193. Article111 of the Uniform Accounting Act institutes penalties for
company managers who:

for each accounting period, fail to draw up annual financial statements and, where applicable, a management report and social audit;

knowingly draw up and disclose financial statements which do not

give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial situation and profit or loss for the period.

194. Under Article890 of the Uniform Companies Act, managers who, on

expiry of each accounting period and in order to conceal the companys true
situation, knowingly publish or present to shareholders or members summary
financial statements which do not give a true and fair view of the companys
transactions, financial situation, assets and liabilities for the period are
liable to imprisonment for one to five years and a fine of XAF1000000 to
XAF100000003 (EUR1524 to EUR15244).
195. Apart from these criminal penalties, OHADA law does not specify
any penalties for non-compliance with accounting obligations, leaving it up to
contracting states to determine them. There are not at present any penalties in
Gabonese commercial law for failing to comply with accounting obligations,
though there are penalties under tax law (see below) and criminal law.


Article8 of Act 2003-008 of 8July 2003 on the suppression of offences contained in certain OHADA Uniform Acts.


54 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Tax requirements and penalties and implementation in practice

196. Under Article17 of the Tax Code, taxpayers must keep their accounts
in accordance with the OHADA accounting system. Under Article18, if they
fail to do so their accounts will be deemed irregular and non-probative.
197. Article P-819 requires taxpayers liable to tax to declare their income,
supported by the necessary accounting documents to determine the basis
of assessment. Foreign trusts are taxed under the territorial principle, so
that only activities carried out by the foreign trusts in Gabon are taxable in
Gabon. Foreign trusts are subject to withholding taxes at source levied by the
trustee. The trustee is taxed on income derived from his professional trustee
activities in Gabon.
198. A taxpayer who fails to file a return is served official notice to do
so and has seven days in which to rectify the situation, failing which the
tax authorities may make a discretionary assessment. Discretionary assessments are made inter alia where accounts are not kept or taxpayers fail to
present all or some of their accounts or supporting documents, as ascertained
in an official report. The burden of proof in such a procedure is reversed,
since the taxpayer must prove that the tax authorities assessment is unjustified, whereas in a normal procedure the burden of proof lies with the tax
199. In addition, under Article P-996, where the tax authorities have had
to make a reassessment on account of deficiencies, omissions or inaccuracies
which affect the assessment basis or elements of taxation, penalty interest is
charged at 1.5% per month, up to a maximum of 50%, calculated on the basis
of the tax charge to the taxpayer. Under Article P-997, the amount of tax payable is increased:

by 100% in the case of bad faith; and

by 150% in the case of fraud, without prejudice to the criminal penalties set forth in the Book of Tax Procedures.

200. The penalties for failure to file a return are harsher, since under
Article P-999 the tax payable is increased by 100% (and 150% for a repeat
offence). Various fines of up to XAF250000 (EUR380) may also be
201. A fine equal to 100% of the value of the transaction, with a minimum
of XAF500000 (EUR760), is imposed on any sale of goods or provision
of a service for which an invoice has not been issued. The fine is reduced to
XAF50000 (EUR76) for an erroneous or incomplete invoice issued or used
by a professional.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 55

202. As far as criminal penalties are concerned, under Article P-1025 any
person who fails to make or to cause others to make accounting entries or
causes inaccurate or fictitious entries to be made in the day books or stock
books provided for by OHADA Uniform Acts or in the documents that replace
them, and any person convicted of preparing or helping to prepare false balance sheets is liable to imprisonment for 15days to one year and a fine of
XAF500000 to 5000000 (EUR760 to 7600) or one only of those penalties.

Availability of accounting information by the tax administration in

203. The various departments in charge of direct taxation, whether
they deal with taxpayers or companies, examine the accounting situation
of the taxpayer during their tax inspections. If the accounts are not being
maintained correctly, the tax administration will apply a flat-rate tax on the
taxpayer. This rate applied is calculated according to the taxpayers standard
of living and other factual elements.

The tax inspection department is organised into a number of units:

Tax inspection of private persons, individual companies and employees.

The tax inspection unit of the CIME (centre for medium-sized

enterprises) which covers companies with a turnover between
XAF400000 and XAF5billion. The number of taxpayers managed
by the CIME stood at 1487 in 2012, 1595 in 2013 and 1655 in 2014.

The inspection unit of the DGE (Department for Large Corporations),

for companies with a turnover in excess of XAF5billion. The number
of taxpayers managed by the DGE stood at 400 in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

205. The following tables show the rate of compliance by measuring

the number of declarations received compared to the number of taxpayers
registered with the DGE and the CIME. The companies registered with the
DGE represent 80% of the tax revenue collection. The DGI has carried out
an awareness campaign from September to December 2015, which should
improve the compliance rate for the CIME.
Compliance statistics for the DGE
Types of tax declaration




Value Added Tax (VAT)




Statistical and Tax declaration (DSF)




Annual payroll declaration (DAS)





56 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Compliance statistics for the CIME
Types of tax declaration




Statistical and Tax declaration (DSF)




Annual payroll declaration (DAS)




206. The tax inspectors of the DGE and the CIME perform two types of
tax inspection: (i)desk inspection and (ii)on-site inspection.
207. During a desk inspection, the inspectors examine the coherence
between the declarations and the payments made, without giving the taxpayer
prior notice. Any unjustified incoherencies result in a tax adjustment. In 2013
and 2014, 424 desk inspections were carried out each year by the DGEs tax
inspectors. The CIME tax inspectors carried out 107 inspections in 2012, 105
inspections in 2013 and 123 inspections in 2014.
208. During an on-site inspection, the inspector examines the accounts
at the companys registered head office or on its main site. The taxpayer
receives prior notice of this inspection and has 20days to provide comments.
209. The companys accounts are the starting point for the tax inspection.
The DGI only accepts accounts based on OHADA standards, written in French
and drawn up in XAF or EUR (as there is a fixed exchange rate between the
two currencies). The tax inspection is based on the preparation of a precise road
map, which is updated as the inspection progresses. If the accounting is done
by a third party company, it is possible for the tax inspection to take place on
the premises of this service provider. Any unjustified incoherencies, inadequacies, inaccuracies or omissions will give rise to adjustments.
210. The statistics for on-site inspections by the DGE between 2012 and
2014 are shown below:






Number of on-site inspections

Underlying documentation (ToRA.2.2)

211. Under Article19 of the Uniform Accounting Act, the mandatory
books of account and supporting documents are day books, the ledger, the
general trial balance and the annual accounts book. The underlying documentation must also be kept, including invoices, quotes, consignment notes
and delivery slips. Article17 lays down the general principles for a proper
accounting system. Inter alia, it states that accounting entries must be supported by dated receipts which are classified and filed in an order stipulated
in the document describing the accounting system and procedures; they must


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 57

bear references to corresponding supporting documents and are deemed to

have probative value.
212. These requirements ensure that mandatory accounting records in
Gabon (see SectionA.2.1 for commercial and tax accounting obligations and
the related penalties) are sufficiently supported by the necessary documents
to evidence the transactions performed.
213. In practice, during accounting audits, the tax administration ensures
that taxpayers are not only maintaining ledgers but that these are accompanied
by the appropriate documents. Accounting vouchers form part of the accounting documents, and failure to maintain them correctly is punishable in the same
way as not maintaining accounting documents (see above). In addition, any cost
that cannot be justified by an accounting voucher is not tax deductible.

Document retention (ToRA.2.3)

214. The system in place ensures that entities situated in Gabon keep
accounting information.
215. Under Article P-821 of the Tax Code, accounting documents must be
kept for ten years from the date of the last recorded transaction or the date on
which the documents were drawn up.
216. Under Article24 of the Uniform Accounting Act, accounting records
and documents and the supporting documentation for accounting entries must
be retained for the same period of at least ten years from the end of the period
217. In practice, the tax authorities confirmed that all taxpayers respect
the obligation to keep accounting documents for a period of 10years. The
inspectors have not yet come across any failure to respect this obligation.

218. Gabonese commercial and tax law contains requirements for keeping
accounting documents (including underlying documentation). Appropriate
legal arrangements are in place in Gabon, including penalties to enforce
accounting requirements.
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating


58 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

A.3. Banking information

Banking information should be available for all account-holders.

219. Access to banking information is of interest to the tax authorities

only if the bank has useful and reliable information on its customers identity
and the nature and amount of financial transactions.

Record-keeping requirements (ToRA.3.1)

220. The financial sector in Gabon mainly comprises credit institutions,
financial institutions, microfinance institutions (MFI), insurance companies and foreign exchange and money transfer operators. The savings and
credit activities of banks and MFIs are supervised at Community level
by the Central African Banking Commission (COBAC), which is responsible for supervising credit activity in the CEMAC sub-region. CEMAC
Regulations, and notably all AML/CFT regulations, have direct effect into
the domestic law of the CEMAC Member States as soon as these regulations enter into force, without any other formal requirements (article21 of
the CEMAC Treaty). COBAC issues licences to carry on these professions
and ensures that their operations are lawful. The Ministry of Economy also
has a supervisory role with regard to banks, as the monetary authority, and
foreign exchange dealers. Banking activity is governed by the Convention
Harmonising Banking Regulation in Central African States (Banking
Regulation Convention). Money transfer activities are mainly governed by
postal legislation (Act of 29December 2008 governing postal activity in
221. Banks and financial institutions are subject to the same accounting requirements as other companies. These requirements are strengthened
by Community banking regulations. Thus, Article32 of the Annex to the
Banking Regulation Convention states that banks and financial institutions
must comply with rules relating to the consolidation of accounts and the disclosure of accounting documents and other information intended both for the
competent authorities and for the public. Article36 goes further, stating that
they must provide all information, clarifications and justifications helpful for
the exercise of regulatory or technical oversight.

Anti-money laundering legislation

222. CEMAC AML regulations applies to financial institutions, defined
as credit institutions (banks and financial institutions) including branches,
intermediaries in banking operations, the financial services of the Post
Office, microfinance institutions, insurance and reinsurance companies and


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 59

brokers, stock markets, organisations acting as central depositary or settlement bank, asset management companies, undertakings offering investment
services and undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities
(UCITS) and their management companies4.
223. CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03 on the prevention and suppression of money laundering and the financing of terrorism stipulates a
double requirement to identify customers (Article9) and beneficial owners
(Article10). Non-compliance is punished by the penalties set forth at
Article46 of the Regulation. Thus, attempting, aiding or abetting or inciting such offences is punished by imprisonment for five to ten years and a
fine of up to five times the amount of the laundered sums and not less than
XAF10000000 (EUR10254).
224. Article13 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03 states that documents relating to the identity of regular or occasional customers or to
transactions performed by them must be kept for at least five years as of the
closure of accounts, cessation of relations with the customer or performance
of the transaction. Non-compliance is punished by the penalties set forth at
Article46 of the Regulation. Thus, attempting, aiding or abetting or inciting such offences is punished by imprisonment for five to ten years and a
fine of up to five times the amount of the laundered sums and not less than
XAF10000000 (EUR10254).

Supervision of banks in practice

225. Gabon has 10banks and three financial institutions, which are supervised by COBAC. The COBAC has a range of powers and competencies with
regards to the regulation and organisation of banking activities, the most
important of which include:


Giving their approval on individual licensing and authorisation

procedures which remain the prerogative of the national monetary
authorities. The COBAC can take provisional measures by placing a
credit institution under provisional administration and is authorised
to appoint a liquidator for institutions that lose their licence.

Establishing the accounting procedures applicable to credit establishments as well as establishing prudential standards for management
(solvability, liquidity, division of risks, transformation, equity-toasset ratios, etc.).

Article6 of CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03 on the prevention and suppression

of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.


60 Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information

Supervising and monitoring the respect of banking regulations by

credit institutions. To do this, the General Secretariat organises and
carries out on-site and desk inspections of these establishments. It
is empowered to carry out any emergency inspections and simply
reports the results of these inspections to the national monetary
authority. The members of COBAC and people acting under its auspices are bound by professional secrecy requirements.

Sanctions. COBAC is also a jurisdictional body and can apply sanctions, without prejudice to the sanctions applied by the national
judicial authorities. The sanctions available include : warning, blame,
a ban on carrying out certain operations or any other limit to banking
activity, the suspension or revoking of statutory auditors, the suspension or automatic resignation of management and, finally, withdrawal
of the establishments licence.

226. COBAC has indicated that it carries out an on-site inspection roughly
every three years. The inspections are based on an auditing programme. The
onsite visits last around four weeks, although this may be extended. The
statistics for on-site visits by COBAC to Gabonese banks and credit establishments during the peer review period are as follows:
On-site inspection




227. The Gabonese credit institutions were audited by different services

of the Permanent control Department, within variable timeframe depending
on the themes reviews, including:

the collection, analysis, processing and exploitation of information

and data of any kind by the banks and financial institutions;

physical record keeping and electronic databases of banks and financial institutions;

monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations related to

previous audits; and

application by the banks and financial institutions of the legal and

regulatory provisions in force.

Tax requirements
228. Under Article17 of the Tax Code, banks and financial institutions
must present their accounts for tax purposes in accordance with the sectorial
chart of accounts approved by UDEAC Act4/79 as supplemented by UDEAC
Act 2/80.


Compliance with the Standards: Availability of information 61

In practice
229. Gabon did not receive any requests during the peer review period.
However the Gabonese authorities indicate that they received and responded
to two requests after the peer review period. These pertained to banking
information (see sectionB.1.5 and C.5 for more details).

230. The prevailing laws ensure the availability of information on bank
accounts (account holders identity and transactions performed) in Gabon.
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 63

B. Access to information

231. A variety of information may be needed in a tax enquiry and jurisdictions should have the authority to obtain all such information. This includes
information held by banks and other financial institutions as well as information concerning the ownership of companies or the identity of interest holders in
other persons or entities, such as partnerships and trusts, as well as accounting
information in respect of all such entities. This section of the report examines
whether Gabons legal and regulatory framework gives the authorities powers
that cover all relevant persons and information and whether taxpayers rights
and safeguards are compatible with the effective exchange of information.
232. The DGI have extensive powers under the Tax Code (CGI) to access
information relating to the assessment, audit and collection of tax. In particular, those powers allow the authorities to request information from any
taxpayer or third party likely to be in possession of information required to
assess income or collect tax.
233. Under the same provisions, banks, financial institutions, insurance
companies and any natural or legal person taking on deposit or holding funds
or assets for third parties are also required to provide the tax authorities on
request with all information necessary for the assessment, audit and collection of tax.
234. There is no legislation in Gabon which grants the tax authorities
specific powers to collect information solely for international exchange
purposes. However, the CGI allows DGI tax officials to use their domestic
information-gathering powers for administrative cooperation purposes. The
DGI uses the same powers for the international exchange of information.
235. There is no restriction in the various information exchange agreements concluded by Gabon relating to the exchange of banking information.
Likewise, professional secrecy is not an obstacle to information exchange in


64 Compliance with the Standards: Access to information

236. The rights and safeguards applicable to individuals in Gabon are
compatible with effective information exchange. There is no requirement in
Gabonese law for the DGI to inform the taxpayers concerned of requests for
information received from foreign authorities.
237. The penalties for failing to provide information or documents appear
sufficiently dissuasive to ensure that the Gabonese tax authorities can obtain
the relevant information. Thus, the Gabonese authorities can have access to
all types of information that must be retained by persons located in Gabon.
238. During the peer review period, the DGI did not use its access powers
for EOI purposes. Nevertheless, the Gabonese authorities have satisfactory
experience in collecting information for domestic purposes, using the same

B.1. Competent authoritys ability to obtain and provide information

Competent authorities should have the power to obtain and provide information that is the
subject of a request under an exchange of information arrangement from any person within
their territorial jurisdiction who is in possession or control of such information (irrespective
of any legal obligation on such person to maintain the secrecy of the information).

239. Under the tax treaties concluded by Gabon, the competent authority for the exchange of information is the Minister of Economy or his duly
appointed representative. By virtue of Ministerial Order No 23 of 15July
2015, the Director General of Tax, who is the head of Gabons tax authorities,
has been empowered by the Minister of Economy for information exchange
purposes. The tax authorities are under the aegis of the Minister of Economy.
240. The Gabonese tax authorities information-gathering powers stem
mainly from Articles P881 to P-885 of the Tax Code, which institute a right
of discovery and information in favour of the tax authorities which may be
used to answer requests for information from foreign jurisdictions. Thus, taxpayers, banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and in general any
natural or legal person who has custody of or holds funds or assets for a third
party are required to provide the tax authorities upon request with the books
that must be kept under OHADA business law and all accounting documents
and receipt and expense vouchers which must be drawn up or issued under
the prevailing regulations.
241. The Gabonese tax authorities may also obtain information by using
their power of audit set forth at Article P-833 et seq. of the Tax Code.


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 65

Ownership and identity information (ToRB.1.1)/Accounting records

242. The Gabonese authorities have four different rights giving them
access to ownership and identity information, accounting information and
tax information, except where it relates to medical records or national security. They are (i)the right to information, which is the most important for
domestic purposes; (ii)the right of discovery, which is the most used in EOI
situations, introduced by the 2015 Budget Act, (iii) the right of audit and
(iv)the right of investigation.

Powers of investigation and access to information

243. The two main means whereby the tax authorities can answer information requests are the right to information and the newly introduced right
of discovery, which essentially enable the authorities upon request to obtain
the documents and information they require for tax purposes. The Gabonese
authorities have two other legal means namely the right of audit and the right
of investigation. However, these two rights are not often used for information
exchange purposes, with the exception of the right of investigation which
only applies to indirect taxes, all access powers can be used concurrently for
domestic or EOI purposes.
244. Under Article P-881 of the Tax Code, taxpayers are required to provide the DGI upon request with all mandatory documents and accounting
records, together where relevant with accounting items specific to the nature
of the activity carried on, to enable the authorities to determine the accuracy
of the information contained in their tax returns. This requirement applies to
all taxpayers, to the accredited representatives of foreign companies having
an economic activity in Gabon and to the managers of trusts, fiducies and
other similar structures domiciled in Gabon.

Right to information
245. The right to information is a legal means of gaining access to tax
information for enquiry, cross-checking, programming and informationgathering purposes. It consists in the collection of information or copies
of documents without an audit. No particular guarantee is extended to the
person from whom the information is obtained since the right to information
is neutral for them and cannot per se give rise to a reassessment. A notified
person may not be the subject of an audit following a request made under
the right to information. For that reason, the right to information generally
applies to third parties.


66 Compliance with the Standards: Access to information

246. Officials of the DGI having at least the rank of inspector may exercise the right to information, which indicates a certain degree of flexibility.
247. Under Article P-881 of the Tax Code, the right to information is very
extensive and applies to natural or legal persons, public agencies, persons
performing insurance transactions, banks, custodians of public documents
and companies required to keep a register of shareholders. It may be exercised by correspondence or on-site. In all events, the authorities may make
copies of hardcopy or computerised documents at its own expense.
248. The only restriction on exercise of the right to information is professional secrecy (see sectionB.1.5). The books, registers, documents and other
information in respect of which the authorities may exercise their right to
information must be kept for ten years as of the date of the last transaction
recorded in them or the date at which they were drawn up.

Right of discovery
249. Article P-907bis as amended of the Tax Code, introduced by the 2015
Budget Act and in force since 1January 2015, institutes a right of discovery
in favour of the tax authorities. This enables them to request information and
documents about a taxpayer who is the subject of a request for information
from a partner jurisdiction. It is exercised under the same conditions, in the
same forms and within the same time limits as the right to information, though
independently of any audit procedure and without any requirement to notify
the taxpayer concerned beforehand.
250. Officials of the DGI having at least the rank of inspector are
empowered to obtain information and documents held by the persons and
organisations listed at Articles P-881 and P882 in order to update their tax
files independently of any tax audit procedure. Such information and documents may be communicated under Gabons treaty obligations relating to the
exchange of information for tax purposes, with no requirement to notify the
taxpayer concerned beforehand.
251. The right of discovery is exercised in the same forms, under the same
conditions and with the same penalties as the right to information.

Right of audit
252. Under Article P-833, the tax authorities have all powers to assess
and audit taxes payable by a taxpayer. They audit tax returns and the various deeds or documents used to establish taxes, duties, contributions and
fees of whatever kind. The purpose of an audit is to verify the accuracy
and reliability of tax returns submitted by taxpayers and, where relevant, to
make adjustments. The right of audit is used if the taxpayer concerned by


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 67

an information request is undergoing an audit procedure or if the authorities

consider that the content of the information requested requires the means of
discovery available in a tax audit. The right of audit may be exercised in three
ways: on a documentary basis, requests for clarifications and justifications,
or on-site.
253. A documentary audit enables the tax authorities to audit tax returns
submitted by taxpayers in their own offices, without notifying the taxpayer
beforehand. In this case, the tax authorities may request in writing all information, explanations and clarifications deemed necessary. They may hear the
persons concerned when they consider a hearing to be helpful or when the
persons concerned ask to provide oral explanations. However, a documentary
audit is of limited use since under Article P-844 it is restricted to an examination of the consistency of tax returns, the documents used to assess taxes
and duties and the documents filed in order to obtain deductions, rebates or
254. Under Article P-845, the tax authorities can ask taxpayers in writing
for all information, justifications or clarifications relating to their tax returns
and other documents filed, including for categories of income for which they
are not required to keep accounts. Taxpayers must respond within 20days of
receiving the request. If they fail to do so, or if the tax authorities consider
their response to be insufficient, a discretionary assessment is made in order
to determine the taxes to which the request relates.
255. Under Article P-834, an on-site audit enables tax officials having at
least the rank of inspector to verify the accounts and/or documents held by
the taxpayer at the registered head office. When using the on-site audit procedure, the tax authorities must inform the taxpayer at least 15days in advance
by means of an audit notice. Under Article P-838, however, the authorities
may conduct audits unannounced, in which case the audit notice is provided
to the taxpayer at the start of the audit. An audit conducted on the day the
notice is given to the taxpayer may only make findings of fact. Under Article
P-842, where the accounting system is computerised, the tax authorities may
be assisted by an expert appointed by them; professional secrecy may not be
invoked against them.

Right of investigation
256. Under Article P-892, the right of investigation is reserved for the
discovery of non-compliance with the rules on invoicing, account-keeping
and the filing of tax returns which apply to taxpayers liable to indirect duties
and taxes. It allows the tax authorities to access customs documents and to
make findings of fact concerning physical elements of the operation (Article
P-982-2). On the first visit, the tax officials provide the taxpayer with an


68 Compliance with the Standards: Access to information

investigation notice bearing the stamp of their higher authority. The tax
authorities may access all business premises, land and warehouses, transport
vehicles and their loads during the taxpayers normal business hours and
thereafter with the authorisation of the competent public prosecutor. This
particular means of search may be used only to audit indirect taxes. Thus, the
Gabonese tax authorities may use it for information exchange purposes only
where the requested information concerns indirect taxes, in accordance with
the relevant information exchange agreement or convention.

Gathering ownership and identity information in practice

257. Gabon has not received any requests for information about the ownership of a company or on accounting documents during the peer review
period. However, the DGI has already exercised its right to information for
its internal usage.
258. In practice, once the request for information has been received by
the EOI Unit, the investigation department is contacted. The investigation
department only receives the elements needed to gather the information and
does not have access to the content of the initial request.
259. The investigation department chooses the most appropriate procedure in the circumstances for carrying out the information gathering. If this
information is not held in a tax file, the DGI can ask any other appropriate
administration for it. All of the administrations interviewed confirmed that
they were required to respond to a request for information from the DGI, and
that in practice they collaborated regularly together.
260. The Gabonese authorities confirmed that they used the right of discovery in priority for gathering documents from taxpayers or third parties
for EOI purposes. The right of discovery can apply at any time and requires
no prior conditions. The Gabonese authorities confirmed that previously,
the right to information was used without a tax investigation being opened.
But after interrogation from the private sector, the law was clarified with the
creation of a right of discovery which does not require the opening of a tax
261. The letter notifying the taxpayer or third party does not contain any
justification. It only mentions the applicable article of the CGI and the list of
documents requested. The right to information can be exercised on site or by
an exchange of correspondence.
262. The right to investigation procedure allows for any non-compliance
with VAT invoicing regulations to be identified. It is an unannounced procedure, which allows the authorities to examine invoicing and customs
documents. It is carried out on-site and also allows warehouses to be inspected.


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 69

An investigation warrant is submitted to the directors with a report that is

signed by both parties. The right to investigation has to be completed within
three months, depending on the size of the company. The inspectors carefully
examine all invoices, order forms and accounting documents (grand ledger) to
reconstitute the companys turnover.
263. For domestic purposes, the preferred method of the inspectors is the
unannounced site visit. The inspectors have an investigation warrant. This
warrant includes the legal basis, the duration, the timeframe and the tax years
being inspected. The visit can last eight days. Sanctions (of a maximum of
XAF5million) are applied in the event of a refusal to communicate. In the
most difficult cases, where the right to information and right to discovery
are not enough, the investigation department can use the right to investigation and also the right to enter and seizure. This has only been used once for
domestic purposes.
264. For the two requests received after the peer review period, certain
information was already available from the DGI in the LIIR software. After
contacting the competent department of the DGI, the Investigation department exercised its right to discovery with a bank. The bank responded within
two days. The request only contained the name of the account holder, but not
the account number.

Use of information-gathering measures in the absence of domestic

tax interest (ToRB.1.3)
265. The concept of domestic tax interest describes situations in which
a contracting party can only provide information to another contracting party
if it has an interest in gathering such information for its own needs.
266. Under Article P-880 of the Tax Code, one of the purposes of the
right to information is to audit tax returns submitted by taxpayers. The
right of audit may be exercised in order to audit the assessment basis for
all taxes and duties payable by taxpayers whose returns are verified by
the tax authorities. This covers all the taxes and duties contained in the Tax
Code, including income and sales taxes. However, although the information
requested by Gabons partners is not intended for the assessment of tax in
Gabon, the tax authorities is able to use the right to information and the right
of audit solely for information exchange purposes.
267. There is no provision in Gabonese law preventing the tax authorities from using their domestic information-gathering powers for information
exchange purposes. In addition, treaties and conventions duly ratified by
parliament take precedence over domestic law, though not the Constitution.
For that reason, the provisions of Gabons tax treaties relating to information
exchange prevail over the provisions of the Tax Code relating to the right to


70 Compliance with the Standards: Access to information

information and the right of audit. Once a tax treaty has entered into force,
the tax authorities are required to implement its information-exchange provisions. They must use all their powers under the Tax Code in order to do so,
including the right to information and the right of audit, since there is no
provision in Gabonese law preventing the tax authorities from using their
domestic information-gathering powers for information exchange purposes.
268. According to the Gabonese authorities, the provisions allowing
information-gathering for tax assessment and audit purposes may be used
in order to answer a request for information from a foreign tax authority if
there is an international treaty between that country and Gabon. Thus, a tax
audit may be performed in Gabon where the Gabonese tax authorities have
received an information request from a partner country relating to taxes payable by a taxpayer from that country. The tax authorities decide according to
their own criteria whether a tax audit is necessary or whether a request for
documents under the right to information will suffice and can justify such
requests on the grounds of the need to answer a request for information from
a treaty partner.
269. The use of the right to discovery or the right of information depends
on the circumstances of the case. When the EOI Unit collects directly the
information to be exchanged, it will often use the right to discovery. If it
requires the assistance of another service to collect the requested information
(egg service surveys or control), it may use as part of its audit activities, the
right of information. The timeframe for the right to discovery and information are left to the inspector to decide. However, the Gabonese authorities
have confirmed that they consider EOI requests as a priority, requiring a
rapid response (less than 20days).

Enforcement powers (ToRB.1.4)

270. The tax authorities have powers to impose penalties for non-response
or an insufficient response to a request for information. Without prejudice
to other penalties, under Article P-1003 of the Tax Code a flat-rate fine of
XAF5000000 (EUR7600) is imposed on any person who attempts to avoid
or oppose the right to information or the right of discovery. A daily fine of
XAF500000 (EUR760) per day of delay is imposed for any attempt to defer
execution of the right to information.
271. The fines described above apply only after service of official notice
to comply with the request within 15days. If the authorities have not received
an answer on expiry of the notice period, the fines may be imposed.
272. Under Article P-851 et seq., failure to provide the information
requested in order to perform an audit results in discretionary assessment.


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 71

Under Article P-892 et seq., any person who avoids or opposes the right of
investigation is served with official notice to comply.
273. Articles P-892 and P-897 also provide for a right of investigation and
search. Under Article P-901, prior authorisation from the public prosecutor is
required in order to conduct a search.
274. Under Article P-1003, a person who fails to respond or is late in
responding to an information request is liable to:

a fine of XAF5000000 (EUR7600);

a daily fine of XAF500000 (EUR760) per day of delay.

275. In practice, the DGI has never had to apply sanctions for failure to
provide documents in an EOI situation. However, the DGI has applied sanctions during domestic tax inspections for failure to provide information: once
in 2012, twice in 2013 and once in 2014.

Secrecy provisions (ToRB.1.5)

276. Jurisdictions should not refuse to respond to an information request
made under an information exchange mechanism on the grounds of secrecy
rules (e.g.banking or business secrecy). There are several rules on secrecy
and confidentiality in Gabonese law.

Banking secrecy
277. Banking secrecy is governed by the 1992 Convention Harmonising
Banking Regulation in Central African States. Article42 of the Annex to the
Convention states that any member of the board of directors or supervisory
board of a credit institution, any person who participates in the direction or
management of a credit institution or is employed by a credit institution is
bound by a professional secrecy obligation under the conditions and subject
to the penalties set forth in the Penal Code in that regard.
278. Article11 of the Annex stipulates a confidentiality or professional
secrecy obligation, which merely means that banks may not disclose information about their customers to third parties. This confidentiality obligation is
very restricted and may not be invoked against certain government agencies,
including the tax authorities (Articles P-881 and P-886 of the Tax Code).
279. Tax officials are bound by a professional secrecy obligation and may
not communicate information gathered in the performance of their duties.
Although tax officials are required not to disclose information gathered in
the performance of their duties, this obligation may not be invoked against
certain public bodies (Article P-889-1) and may not prevent the exchange of


72 Compliance with the Standards: Access to information

information with tax authorities linked to Gabon by a reciprocal assistance
agreement in tax matters (Article P-889-4).
280. Various means are available to the tax authorities in order to access
information held by banks.
281. The first is the right to information set forth at Article P-880 et seq.
of the Tax Code. The right to information is not conditional on any administrative or judicial authorisation. Under ArticleP888, it may be exercised
in order to obtain any type of information with the exception of information
covered by medical or defence secrecy.
282. In practice, the DGI cannot be opposed banking secrecy. It can
directly exercise its right to information or right to discovery with a credit
institution to obtain banking information (existence of an account, bank
statements, etc.) Gabon did not receive any requests for information during
the peer review period. For the two requests received after the peer review
period, the Investigation department exercised a right of discovery with two
banks. They answered rapidly (within two days). The request only included
the name of the account holder and not the account number.
283. In conclusion, there is no restriction in Gabonese tax law as it stands
on the tax authorities capacity to gather and communicate tax information
held by a bank or financial institution. No restrictions apply in practice as
well, although the collection and the communication of this information has
taken place after the peer review period.

Other professional secrecy requirements

284. A professional secrecy obligation exists in Gabonese law for lawyers
and, more generally, professionals who act as legal representatives (especially
those holding a public office)5. Article69 of the law governing the organisation of the legal profession enshrines the absolute professional secrecy of
attorneys. However, the tax authorities have an extensive right to information
against which professional secrecy may not be invoked (Article P-888), with
the sole exception of information relating exclusively to patients medical
files or to national security with a top secret classification.
285. Under Article P-881, the right to information and the right of discovery apply to any natural or legal person carrying on a profession, persons
performing insurance transactions, banks, professional stock exchange intermediaries, custodians of public documents and companies required to keep


Law no.8/73 of 20December 1973 (Notaries) and Law no.013/2014 of

07January 2015 establishing the framework of the lawyers profession in Gabon.


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 73

registers of share or bond transfers, attendance sheets for shareholders meetings, minutes of board of directors meetings and auditors reports.
286. Since 2016, new articleP-881 of the CGI clarifies the scope of
attorney client privilege. It gives attorneys the right to oppose their professional privilege against the DGI, but only providing that the information or
documents that they hold on their client is directly linked to their strategy
of defence in an ongoing court proceeding. This new provision, which
expands the scope of attorney-client privilege, allows the interaction between
Article69 of the law on attorneys and the measures of the CGI to be clarified.
287. In practice, the professional secrecy of attorneys, notary and certified
accountants has never been opposed against the tax authorities.
288. Regarding the professional secrecy of attorneys, the representative
of the Bar Council interviewed during the onsite visit indicated that the Bar
Council consider attorney-client privilege to be absolute. He was of the opinion that attorney-client privilege can only be lifted by the client or a judge.
The procedure for lifting the attorney-client privilege (Law no 13/2014 of
7January 2015 determining the legal framework of the legal profession in
Gabon) by a judge starts by an application to the President of the court. The
President of the court signs an Order which requires the attorney to comply
with the request from the DGI. The Gabonese authorities have indicated that
this procedure allows the necessary information to be obtained with seven to
20days. However this procedure has never been applied in practice.
289. The Gabonese authorities confirmed that they had never had to
exercise the right of information or the right of discovery with an attorney.
The DGI mentioned that it did not need to contact attorneys to gather information as this was generally available elsewhere. Consequently, the law, the
procedure of informal appeal and the new measures applicable since 2016
have never been tested in practice. As the practical application of the laws
governing professional secrecy of attorneys and the right to information
remain uncertain, it is recommended that the Gabonese authorities monitor
the guarantees given by the CGI (including the new measures in application
since 2016) as well as the procedure before the judge to lift the attorney-client
privilege in the area of EOI.

290. The Gabonese tax authorities have extensive powers to gather and
access information which are not hindered by banking secrecy or other forms
of professional secrecy.


74 Compliance with the Standards: Access to information

Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating

B.2. Notification requirements and rights and safeguards

The rights and safeguards (e.g.notification, appeal rights) that apply to persons in the
requested jurisdiction should be compatible with effective exchange of information.

Rights and safeguards should not unduly prevent or delay exchange

of information (ToRB.2.1)
291. Gabonese law guarantees taxpayers respect of their rights in their
relations with the tax authorities, especially in tax audit and tax collection
procedures. However, such rights are not guaranteed to the detriment of
effective information exchange; in particular, Gabon does not have procedures for prior notification of taxpayers.
292. The right to information does not apply to information contained
in medical files or in security files with a top secret classification. The tax
authorities cannot therefore access such information.
293. The right of audit is strictly regulated by the Tax Code, especially
where the verification of accounts is concerned. The tax authorities must
serve a notice of visit on the taxpayer at least eight days beforehand, stating the taxes to be audited and the period concerned. Under Article P-685,
audited taxes may not be the subject of another audit for the same period.
The audit may not last longer than three months, though this period may be
extended to 12months where the scope of the enquiry or the circumstances
require (Article P-869). These taxpayer safeguards do not in any way hinder
the exchange of information.
294. Even the three-month deadline (or 12months in some cases) within
which the tax authorities are required by law to complete an audit is favourable to information exchange, insofar as the standard requires the requested
information to be provided within a reasonable time, or at least that a
progress report is provided within 90days. A tax audit initiated solely for
information exchange purposes can easily be launched and the information be
transmitted in under three months. The fact that an audit may be out of time
or that a new audit is impossible does not prevent the exchange of information


Compliance with the Standards: Access to information 75

because the tax authorities may always conduct a documentary audit which
enables them to ask the taxpayer for information, or use the other powers at
their disposal, such as the right to information, in order to obtain information,
including from third parties.
295. Taxpayer safeguards with regard to the right of investigation (which
relates only to indirect taxes and may not be used to access premises used
solely for residential purposes) do not hinder or unduly delay effective information exchange.
296. Lastly, Gabonese law does not require the tax authorities to inform
the person concerned in Gabon of a request for information received from a
foreign authority under an international treaty. There is thus no provision in
Gabonese law for notification before or after the event.
297. In practice, the Gabonese tax authority, which is the competent
authority, has not exercised its access powers for EOI purposes during the peer
review period. However, the same powers have been exercised for domestic
purposes, without any impediment due to the implementation of the rights or
safeguards of individuals.

298. Gabonese law guarantees taxpayers respect of their rights in their
relations with the tax authorities, especially in tax audit and tax collection
procedures, without them hindering or unduly delaying the exchange of
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 77

C. Exchanging information

299. Jurisdictions generally cannot exchange information for tax purposes
unless they have a legal basis or mechanisms for doing so. In Gabon, the
legal authority to exchange information is derived from bilateral mechanisms (double tax conventions), multilateral mechanisms (the CEMAC
Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, or CEMAC
Convention6, the General Convention on Tax Cooperation between the
Member States of the Common Organisation of African States, Madagascar
and Mauritius, or OCAM Convention, and the Multilateral Convention
on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, or Multilateral
Convention) and domestic law. This section of the review considers whether
Gabon has a network of information exchange agreements which enables it
in practice to ensure effective information exchange.
300. Until July 2014, Gabon had a small network of three bilateral tax
treaties7 and the CEMAC and OCAM regional multilateral conventions
containing provisions relating to the exchange of information for tax purposes. Under these conventions, Gabon was able to exchange information
with a total of ten jurisdictions. Gabon signed the Multilateral Convention
on 3July 2014, adding standard-compliant information exchange relations
with 89jurisdictions. Gabon has not yet ratified the Multilateral Convention.
301. Gabon has not formally been asked to conclude a Tax Information
Exchange Agreement (TIEA). All information exchange mechanisms contain
provisions relating to confidentiality and Gabonese domestic law also contains rules on the subject. These provisions apply equally to the information
and documents concerned by the request received by the Gabonese competent
authority and to the answers provided to the treaty partner.

Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, Act 17/65UDEAC-38 of 14December 1965.
With Belgium, Canada and France.


78 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

302. All of the treaties entered into by Gabon provide that the parties
involved will not be obliged to reveal information regarding an industrial,
business or professional secret, or information subject to attorney-client
privilege, or to disclose information that would be contrary to public policy.
303. During the peer review period, Gabon did not have a specific EOI
unit. Since 2012, Gabon has dedicated important human and financial
resources and has made substantial efforts to conform to international EOI
standards. Thanks to the use of these resources, by the end of the peer review
period, an EOI unit was operational and had adequate resources. Gabon also
issued an EOI Manual, the content of which is in line with the standards.
304. The Gabonese authorities indicated that they had received two
requests for information after the peer review period to which they had
responded within a period of 90days. It is recommended that Gabon ensures
that, within the framework of the new EOI organisation in place, requests
from EOI partners are dealt with in a satisfactory manner and within a reasonable timeframe

C.1. Exchange of information mechanisms

Exchange of information mechanisms should allow for effective exchange of information.

305. Under Article43 of Gabons Constitution, the President of the Republic

is empowered to sign and ratify treaties. This power may be delegated to the
prime minister or other ministers.
306. Gabon has a network of three bilateral tax conventions containing provisions relating to the exchange of information. It is also party to two regional
instruments containing provisions relating to the exchange of information:

the CEMAC convention, concluded on 14December 1965 by

Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the
Central African Republic and Chad. As the Convention contains
provisions relating to the exchange of information for tax purposes,
Gabon could therefore exchange information with seven jurisdictions. The Convention does not contain the most recent version of
Article26 of the OECD Model Convention.

the General Convention on Tax Cooperation between the Member

States of the Common Organisation of African States, Madagascar
and Mauritius (OCAM) of 29July 1971, in force in four jurisdictions.
Although OCAM has been dissolved, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Gabon
and Senegal continue to apply the tax convention which arose from it.

307. Until July 2014, Gabon had a small network of three bilateral tax
treaties and two regional multilateral conventions covering ten jurisdictions


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 79

in all. However, Gabon gained an extensive network of information exchange

partners when it became a party to the Multilateral Convention on 3July
2014, giving it a standard-compliant agreement with 89jurisdictions with
which it had not previously had information exchange relations. Several tax
treaties are being negotiated or in the process of ratification. No jurisdiction
to date has said that it has contacted Gabon with a view to negotiating an EOI

Standard of foreseeable relevance (ToRC.1.1)

308. The international standard in information exchange assumes that
information should be exchanged upon request to the widest possible extent.
However, it does not allow fishing expeditions, meaning speculative
requests for information which appear to have no clear link with an ongoing
audit or investigation. The balance between these two competing aspects is
expressed in the concept of foreseeable relevance contained in Article26(1)
of the OECD Model Tax Convention, which states:
The competent authorities of the contracting states shall
exchange such information as is foreseeably relevant to the
carrying out of the provisions of this Convention or to the administration or enforcement of the domestic laws concerning taxes of
every kind and description imposed on behalf of the contracting
states or their political subdivisions or local authorities in so far
as the taxation thereunder is not contrary to the Convention. The
exchange of information is not restricted by Articles1 and 2.
309. The three bilateral conventions in force in Gabon (with Belgium,
Canada and France) contain the terms necessary or useful. The CEMAC
Convention also provides for the exchange of tax information held by contracting states that is useful in order to assess and collect taxes of all kinds
and to prevent tax fraud. The OCAM Convention refers to tax information
which the tax authorities have at their disposal and which is useful in order
to assess and collect the taxes covered by the convention and the enforcement, with regard to those taxes, of legal rules for the prevention of tax fraud.
According to Gabon, information at the disposal of the tax authorities is
interpreted broadly, covering both information in their possession and information to which they may have access by exercising the powers conferred
on them by law. Gabon adds that the term useful is interpreted in the same
way as foreseeably relevant. Concerning the treaty with France, France
confirmed in its peer review8 that it supported this interpretation.

Paragraph214, OECD (2011), Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of

Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: France 2011: Combined: Phase 1 +
Phase 2, OECD Publishing, Paris,


80 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

310. Thus, the treaties concluded by Gabon which are in force may be
deemed to comply with the standard of foreseeable relevance. In addition,
Belgium, Canada, France and Cameroon are covered by the Multilateral
Convention, which complies with the international standard. Consequently,
all Gabons information exchange mechanisms comply with the standard
of foreseeable relevance and the scope of the taxes covered by information
exchange arrangements.
311. In practice, as Gabon did not receive any requests during the peer
review period, Gabon was not able to apply its interpretation of the notion of
foreseeable relevance into practice. The competent authority stated during
the onsite visit that two requests for information had been dealt with after the
peer review period with a non-restrictive application of foreseeable relevance.
312. The EOI Manual does not include a definition of foreseeable relevance. However, the Gabonese authorities confirmed that they would apply
the commentaries to Article26 of the OECD Model Convention to interpret the
concept. In addition, the EOI Manual requires agents to send requests for clarification to the requesting jurisdiction when an incomplete request is received.

In respect of all persons (ToRC.1.2)

313. Effective information exchange presupposes that the obligation of a
jurisdiction to provide information should not be limited by the residence or
nationality of either the person to whom the requested information relates or
the person who possesses or holds the information requested. For this reason,
the international standard in information exchange states that the mechanisms for exchange must permit an exchange of information concerning all
314. Neither the bilateral tax conventions in force in Gabon nor the
CEMAC or OCAM Conventions contain any express provision extending
the scope of information exchange to persons who are not residents of the
contracting states. However, all these treaties allow for the exchange of information necessary or useful to enforce their provisions or those of contracting
states domestic law.
315. As the domestic tax law of each contracting state applies equally to
residents and non-residents, Gabon confirms that the information covered by
the conventions also concerns non-residents. Thus, none of the information
exchange mechanisms concluded by Gabon limits the scope of information
exchange to one category of persons to the exclusion of others, such as those
who are not deemed to be residents of one of the states.
316. In addition, Belgium, Canada, France and Cameroon are covered by
the Multilateral Convention.


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 81

Obligation to exchange all types of information (ToRC.1.3)

317. Jurisdictions cannot undertake effective information exchange if
they are unable to exchange information which is held by financial institutions, nominees or persons acting in an agency or fiduciary capacity.
According to the OECD Model Convention and Model Tax Information
Exchange Agreement (TIEA), which are the main sources of authority where
the standard is concerned, banking secrecy may not be invoked as a ground
for refusing to provide information, nor may a request for information be
declined solely because the information is held by a nominee or a person
acting in an agency or fiduciary capacity or because the information relates
to ownership interests in a person.
318. Article26(5) of the OECD Model Convention provides that a contracting state may not decline to supply information solely because it is
held by a bank, other financial institution, nominee or person acting in an
agency or a fiduciary capacity, or because it relates to ownership interests in
a person. Apart from the Multilateral Convention, no convention concluded
by Gabon contains any such provision.
319. The conventions to which Gabon is a party were concluded before
Article26 of the OECD Model Convention was amended. However, the
absence of a clause in the conventions does not systematically create a
restriction on information exchange. The Commentary on the Model Tax
Convention states that whilst paragraph5 represents a change in the structure of Article26, it should not be interpreted as suggesting that the previous
version of the Article did not authorise exchanges of banking information or
information held by financial institutions, nominees or persons acting in an
agency or fiduciary capacity.
320. There is no restriction on information exchange in Gabonese domestic law, and the powers attributed to the tax authorities by law in this case
the Tax Code enable them to access and exchange all kinds of information,
including information held by banks and by nominees, agents and fiduciaries.
321. In practice, Gabon did not exchange information in application of
the mechanisms in force, during the peer review period. However, the tax
authorities have exercised their powers of access to obtain all types of information for internal use, including banking information or information held
by financial institutions.

Absence of domestic tax interest (ToRC.1.4)

322. The concept of domestic tax interest describes situations in which
a contracting party can only provide information to another contracting
party if it has an interest in obtaining the desired information for its own


82 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

tax purposes. Inability to provide information which is based on any such
domestic tax interest does not comply with the international standard. The
contracting parties should use domestic information-gathering powers, even
if they are used solely for the purpose of obtaining information to be provided
to the other contracting party.
323. Except for the Multilateral Convention signed on 3July 2014 and the
treaty with Canada concluded in 2002, none of the tax conventions concluded
by Gabon contains Article26(4) of the OECD Model Tax Convention, which
requires contracting states to use their information-gathering measures to
obtain the requested information even though they may not need it for their
own tax purposes. However, the absence of such a provision does not mean
that the conventions allow the assertion of domestic tax interest. Reference
should therefore be made to the domestic law of the contracting states in
order to see whether it prevents the competent authority from using its information gathering powers solely for information exchange purposes.
324. There is no provision in Gabonese domestic law creating a domestic
tax interest (see SectionB.1.3 above). Under the Tax Code, the Gabonese tax
authorities use the same tax assessment and audit powers attributed to them
by law in order to gather and exchange information with foreign partners.
Gabon can therefore exchange information with its partners even if there is
no interest for domestic tax collection and without any explicit allusion to
domestic tax interest in its information exchange mechanisms.

Absence of dual criminality principles (ToRC.1.5)

325. The dual criminality principle states that assistance can only be
provided if the matter under investigation (and prompting the request for
information) would constitute a criminal matter in the requested country if
it had arisen in that country. If it is to be meaningful, information exchange
must not be restricted by the enforcement of a dual criminality principle.
326. None of the information exchange mechanisms established by Gabon
provide for the application of the dual criminality principle.

Exchange of information in both civil and criminal tax matters

327. Communicating information may be necessary for both tax and
criminal purposes. The international standard is not limited to exchanges of
information for criminal purposes and may also include exchanges for tax
328. All information exchange mechanisms concluded by Gabon provide
for the exchange of information in both criminal and civil matters.


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 83

Provide information in the specific form requested (ToRC.1.7)

329. In certain cases, a contracting party may need to receive information in a specific form in order to meet its evidentiary standards or other
legal requirements. These forms may include witness statements and certified copies of original documents. Contracting parties must do their best
to respond to such requests. The requested party may decline to provide
information in the specific form requested if, for example, it is unknown or
not authorised in its administrative practice. Declining to provide information in the requested form does not affect the requirement to provide the
330. The tax treaties concluded by Gabon do not contain any stipulations
concerning the provision of information in a form specifically requested by
a contracting party to satisfy its evidentiary or other legal requirements to
the extent allowable under the laws of the requested party. However, there
is nothing to prevent the Gabonese authorities from providing information
in the form requested, provided that it is consistent with their administrative
331. Notwithstanding the absence of an effective EOI during the peer
review period, the Gabonese authorities confirmed that they would provide
the information in the format requested, if this information could be obtained
under the law or their administrative practices.

Be in force (ToRC.1.8)
332. The exchange of information cannot occur unless a jurisdiction has
information exchange mechanisms in force. Where such mechanisms have
been signed, the international standard requires a jurisdiction to complete the
measures needed for them to take effect promptly.
333. Under Article114 et seq. of the Gabonese Constitution, treaties may
be ratified only by statute. In order for international conventions concluded
by Gabon to be ratified, the signed instrument must first be approved by the
government and then presented to Parliament, a bicameral institution comprising the National Assembly and the Senate. If the Constitutional Council,
consulted by the President of the Republic or the President of the National
Assembly or the President of the Senate or one-third of deputies or senators, finds that an international agreement includes a clause contrary to the
Constitution, authorisation to ratify or approve it may be forthcoming only
after the Constitution has been revised.
334. Once parliamentary authorisation has been obtained by a simple
majority, the act of ratification is promulgated by the President of the Republic.
Then a date of entry into force is decided jointly with the signatory country


84 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

by exchange of ratification instruments, a procedure overseen by the two
countries Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The convention finally enters into
force at the agreed date. According to the Gabonese authorities, it is difficult
to predict an average length of time for the ratification of conventions insofar
as the procedure varies from one country to another and also depends on how
determined the other party is and the state of its relations with Gabon (strong,
medium or weak co-operation).
335. All the conventions concluded by Gabon are in force except for the
Multilateral Convention and the DTC with Mauritius, signed on 3July 2014
and 18July 2013, respectively. There is no draft legislation to ratify the
Multilateral Convention and the DTC with Mauritius in preparation. Gabon
is recommended to rapidly ratify the Multilateral Convention and the DTC
with Mauritius.
336. In practice, the ratification of international conventions, particularly
tax conventions, under Gabonese law is a multi-stage procedure:

Tax conventions are negotiated jointly by the Ministry of Foreign

affairs and the tax authorities, and then signed;

The draft law is proposed by the ministry for foreign affairs and
submitted to the government and the State Council (to ensure the
compliance of the draft legislation).

The convention is submitted to the Constitutional Court before

going before Parliament for validation of its compliance with the

The Council of Ministers deliberates after receiving the opinion of

the State Council.

After it has been adopted by the Council of Ministers, the Prime

Minister makes an order to submit it to the National Assembly.

The text is debated at the National Assembly and the Senate.

After adoption by both Houses, the draft law can be put to the
Constitutional Court as being in compliance with the Constitution.

After being definitively adopted, the law is published in the Official


337. In light of the complexity of the ratification procedure, a Commission

has been created to simplify the procedure and reduce the time needed for


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 85

Be effective (ToRC.1.9)
338. In order for information exchange to be effective, the contracting
parties must take the necessary measures to comply with their commitments.
339. Article114 of the Gabonese Constitution states that treaties cannot
take effect until they have been ratified. Before ratification, tax conventions are submitted to parliament for approval by statute. Once ratified,
international treaties and conventions take precedence over domestic laws.
Thus, a convention in force does not need any further measure in order to
be effective. Thus, the Gabonese tax authorities use the same domestic tax
assessment and audit powers for information exchange purposes. These
powers allow the tax authorities to obtain information of all kinds, including
banking information, except in certain specific cases (medical secrecy and
national security).
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating

C.2. Mechanisms for exchanging information with all relevant partners

The jurisdictions network of information exchange mechanisms should cover
all relevant partners.

340. According to the international standard, jurisdictions should be able

to exchange information with all relevant partners, meaning partners interested in concluding an EOI agreement. Agreements cannot be concluded
solely with partners of no economic importance. If a jurisdiction refuses to
conclude or negotiate agreements with partners, especially those which have
reasonable grounds for seeking information from that jurisdiction in order to
properly administer and enforce their tax laws, that fact may indicate a lack
of commitment to implementing the standards.
341. Gabon has three bilateral tax conventions in force, all containing
information exchange measures, and two regional conventions (the CEMAC
and OCAM Conventions). These conventions cover a total of ten jurisdictions (Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo,
Equatorial Guinea, France and Senegal). However, on 3July 2014 Gabon


86 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

signed the Multilateral Convention, adding a further 89jurisdictions to its
342. Gabons main trading partners remain France, Morocco, Peoples
Republic of China, the United States and South Africa. Trade flows with countries in the CEMAC zone account for only a small proportion of Gabons trade:
3.6% on average since the CEMAC free-trade zone was established in 1999.
343. Gabon has not concluded any tax information exchange agreement
to date but is a signatory to the Multilateral Convention, meaning that Gabon
now has an information exchange mechanism with almost all its major economic partners. To make the EOI relationships effective with all its major
economic partners, Gabon is recommended to rapidly ratify the Multilateral
344. Gabon is currently negotiating double taxation treaties incorporating information exchange provisions in accordance with the current OECD
and UN models with the Peoples Republic of China, Ethiopia, the Czech
Republic, and Qatar.
345. Gabon has not declined to conclude an information exchange mechanism with any country to date.
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Factors underlying

Gabon should continue to develop
its network of information exchange
mechanisms with all its relevant
Phase2 rating



Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 87

C.3. Confidentiality
The jurisdictions mechanisms for exchange of information should have adequate
provisions to ensure the confidentiality of information received.

Information received: disclosure, use and safeguards (ToRC.3.1)

346. Governments could not become involved in exchanging information
without being certain that the details communicated will be used solely for
the purposes specified in the relevant information exchange agreement and
that they will be kept confidential. Information exchange mechanisms should
thus contain provisions indicating exactly the persons to whom the information may be circulated. Furthermore, the domestic legislation in force in the
countries concerned usually contains strict regulations on protecting the
confidentiality of information gathered for tax purposes.

International mechanisms
347. All the treaties concluded by Gabon contain provisions relating to
confidentiality even though not all of them use the wording of Article26(2)
of the OECD Model Convention.
348. Generally speaking, there are two wordings of the confidentiality
provisions in the conventions to which Gabon is a party. The CEMAC and
OCAM Conventions state that information exchanged in this way, which
remains secret, may not be disclosed to persons other than those responsible
for the assessment and collection of the taxes covered by the present convention. According to Gabon, these persons include not only tax officials
but also the judicial authorities (prosecution service and court registries),
since the two conventions state that information exchange also applies to the
enforcement of legal rules for the prevention of tax fraud.
349. The conventions with Belgium, Canada and France state that
exchanged information shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities
(including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment
or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of or the determination of appeals in relation to the taxes to which the Convention relates.
Such persons or authorities shall use the information only for such purposes.
They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial
decisions. This wording is even more precise and effectively guarantees the
confidentiality of information within the meaning of the standard.


88 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

Gabonese law
350. Information obtained under administrative assistance agreements
must be kept secret in the same way as information obtained under domestic law. In this regard, Article P-887 of the Tax Code clearly states that tax
officials are bound by professional secrecy and may not communicate information gathered in the performance of their duties. This requirement also
applies to information obtained from a foreign tax authority under procedures
for mutual administrative assistance in tax matters in accordance with international conventions.
351. Under Article P-889, however, such information may be disclosed to
persons with regard to whom tax officials are released from their professional
secrecy obligation but who are themselves bound by professional secrecy,
such as officials of the Government Audit Office, the Treasury, Customs
and the Fraud Squad acting in the course of duty and foreign tax authorities
acting in the framework of mutual administrative assistance in tax matters
under the terms of an international convention.
352. Communications between the competent authorities of partner jurisdictions in the context of information exchange (other than the requested
information per se) are also covered by professional secrecy.
353. The penalties for failing to comply with the professional secrecy
obligation are applicable to the civil servants and provided for by the Public
Service General Statutes. These penalties include warnings, reprovals and
dismissals. In addition, offenders may be subject to criminal charges, on the
basis of article289 of the Penal Code, as amended by Law no.19/2013. The
criminal penalties may range from 6months to one year imprisonment, and
a fine ranging between XAF5million XAF20million.

Other information exchanged (ToRC.3.2)

354. The provisions concerning confidentiality which are included both
in the relevant agreements and in Gabons domestic legislation do not distinguish between information received in reply to a request and information
that forms part of the request. These provisions apply in the same manner to
requests, attached documents, and all communications between the jurisdictions concerned by the exchange.

Application of confidentiality in practice

355. Confidentiality policy is based on (i)the application and general monitoring of confidentiality within the DGI, and (ii)measures specific to EOI.


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 89

General application and monitoring of confidentiality within the DGI

356. During the peer review period, no specific policy regarding confidentiality was in place for EOI purposes. Only the general texts were applied,
with a general obligation of confidentiality applicable to all officials.
357. Officials of the DGI are ethically bound to respect strict professional
secrecy (articleP-887 du CGI). New officials are systematically trained in
their obligations as officials of the DGI. Training programmes are dedicated
to the rights and duties of civil servants, with professional secrecy being of
great importance. In particular, they are reminded that the information with
which they will come into contact during their work must remain confidential
and only be used for professional purposes.
358. Each year the Tax Services Inspectorate carries out audits of departments to ensure that professional regulations are being respected, including
those governing confidentiality. It also carries out unannounced inspections
if a risk or a dysfunction is brought to its attention. These investigations
undoubtedly have a dissuasive effect, in the sense that heavy penalties are
applied if serious shortcomings are proven. Around 20 audits of the tax
administration were carried out in 2011. These continued in 2012 with general audits and department checks.
359. The Gabonese authorities confirmed that during the peer review
period, there had been no confidentiality problems and that no sanctions were
applied for violation of professional secrecy.
360. The Gabonese authorities indicated that confidentiality had become
a major priority for the DGI. The Director General of Taxation published
memorandum No.0013/MCCEPIP/SG/DGI/IS on 15January 2016, concerning the rules of professional secrecy by which the civil servants and officials
of the DGI are bound. This memorandum, which applied to all DGI officials,
reminded them of the legal framework relating to confidentiality, the scope
of application of confidentiality within the DGI, monitoring the respect of
confidentiality, the role of managers and the sanctions applicable should confidentiality rules be violated.

Measures specifically related to EOIR

361. Measures specific to EOIR have been taken to ensure optimal respect
of confidentiality rules.
362. At the material level, the new EOI Unit has its own office with secure
access. The office has a fire-resistant fortified cabinet and a safe in which to
keep EOI files. The office also has four computer with password-protected
access. The director of the EOI Unit is the only person to have the keys to
the office and the codes for the fortified chests. The procedure to be followed


90 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

for processing EOI requests from Gabons partners has been outlined in the
EOI Manual.
363. A database specifically for information exchange has been created,
one of its major priorities being respect for confidentiality.
364. Confidentiality is also respected during all the stages of the procedure for receiving and acting on EOI requests. This procedure is described
in the EOI Manual.
365. If the information required to answer the request is not available from
the tax authoritys database, the Investigation Department exercises one of
the access powers from the tax authorities, namely the right of discovery. The
notices sent to third parties to exercise the right of discovery do not indicate
the reason for which the information is requested. There is no risk that the
information holder, even in the case of a department of the tax authorities or
a public administration, could be informed of the content of an information
request received from a party to an EOI agreement.

366. The organisation and the procedures that were in place and operational during the onsite visit to Gabon guarantee the respect of confidentiality
in the processing of EOI requests. However, these measures have not yet been
tested in practice, as no request for information was received during the peer
review period. It is recommended that Gabon ensures that the implementation
of the new measures taken for processing EOI requests does respect confidentiality in practice.
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 91

C.4. Rights and safeguards of taxpayers and third parties

The exchange of information mechanisms should respect the rights and
safeguards of taxpayers and third parties.

367. The international standard allows requested parties not to supply

information in response to a request in certain identified situations where an
issue of trade, business or other secret may arise.

Exceptions to the requirement to provide information (ToRC.4.1)

368. Most information exchange mechanisms concluded by Gabon ensure
that the parties concerned are not required to supply information that would
reveal an industrial, business or professional secret or the disclosure of which
would be contrary to public policy.
369. Under Article P-887 of the Tax Code, information relating to medical
records or national security may not be disclosed either in a domestic context or for information exchange purposes. Likewise, under tax information
exchange agreements, information that would reveal an industrial, business
or professional secret or the disclosure of which would be contrary to public
policy are excluded from the scope of administrative assistance and may not
therefore be communicated in response to an information request.
370. Although the provisions of Article P-886 et seq. clearly do not state
that attorney-client privilege may be invoked against the tax authorities
acting in accordance with their right to information, they should not be
interpreted as authorising the tax authorities to obtain information covered
by attorney-client privilege or relating to legal proceedings for information
exchange purposes.
371. Gabon did not exercise its powers to access information during
the peer review period in order to exchange information with its partners.
However, as the powers are the same as those used for internal use, a disproportionate protection of the rights and safeguards of the taxpayers would have
the same effect internally. And yet, the Gabonese authorities have indicated
that in practice, the rights and safeguards of taxpayers and third parties are
compatible with an effective exchange of information insofar as they cannot
impede access to and transmission of information, other than in the cases
covered by the information exchange mechanisms, namely relating to public
order and commercial, industrial or professional secrecy. Professional secrecy
and notably that of attorneys and other professions has never been invoked as
the reason for refusing to transmit to the tax authorities information requested
in application of tax legislation.


92 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
The element is in place.
Phase2 Rating

C.5. Speed of response to requests for information

The jurisdiction should provide information under its network of agreements
in a timely manner.

372. In the DTCs signed by Gabon, the expression competent Gabonese

authority designates the minister in charge of the economy or their authorised representative. From an administrative perspective, by delegation,
the Director General of Taxation takes on the role of competent authority.
The department for legislation and litigation within the DGI is home to the
International Relations Unit, in charge of the EOI via its EOI Unit (CER or
Cellule dEchange de Renseignements.)

Response within 90days (ToRC.5.1)

373. For EOI to be effective, it must take place within a timeframe that
allows the tax authorities to make good use of the information. If the response
is received too late, the information may no longer be of use to the requesting
authority. This aspect is particularly important in the context of international
cooperation, as the cases here must be important enough to justify drafting
an EOI request.
374. There is no provision in Gabonese law or in its EOI mechanisms
concerning responses or time limits within which replies must be provided.
There is no restriction as such concerning the ability of the Gabonese competent authorities to respond to requests within 90days of receiving them,
either by supplying the information requested or by indicating what stage the
processing of the request has reached.
375. As part of the new process of managing EOI requests, the Gabonese
authorities will inform the partner on the progress of their request if the time
taken to process it exceeds 90days (see below)


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 93

In practice
376. During the peer review period (1January 2012-31December 2014),
the Gabonese authorities indicated that they received no EOI requests.
Consequently, the capacity of the Gabonese authorities to respond rapidly
to requests for information exchange from its partners has not been tested
in practice. For the moment the volume of requests is not significant, but the
ambition is to increase the number of requests received and issued, and to
promote this tax collection tool.

Organisational process and resources (ToRC.5.2)

377. The organisational process and the resources dedicated to the EOI are
examined in the following sections concerning (i)the competent Gabonese
authority as regards EOI, (ii)the EOI process and (iii)EOI in practice.

The competent Gabonese authority

378. Under the terms of Gabons information exchange mechanisms,
the competent authority is the Minister of Economy or his authorised representative. However, the General Tax Directorate (DGI), which is part of
the Ministry of Economy, acts as competent authority for the processing of
information requests received from other jurisdictions.
379. From an administrative point of view, the Director General of
Taxation takes on the role of competent authority. Created by decree
no.0022/MEPIP/CAB-M/DGI, the CER is placed under the authority of the
Director General of Taxation and is attached to the International Relations
unit of the Legislation and Litigation department. It is made up of a Unit
director and three central inspectors.
380. Over the peer review period (2012-14), no EOI requests were sent to
Gabon. The time required for responding to an EOI request starts when the
request is received and runs until the response is sent to the requesting jurisdiction. In Gabon, a request that involves a number of entities about which
information is requested will be considered to form a single EOI request.

The EOI process

381. The EOI Manual sets out the procedure to follow when an EOI
request is received from an EOI partner.
382. At the moment, the process for dealing with EOI requests is to register them and add a confidential stamp to each file. However the EOI
Manual provides that the request should be entered into the EOI Units
software. The EOI Units software is only installed on two computers in


94 Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information

the protected EOI premises and its access is password protected. Only the
EOI staff is allowed to enter into that software. The registered file is then
attributed to an official of the EOI Unit with a system of permissions that
allows the officer to access the file and add comments and actions until it
is exchanged and archived. To register the requests received and find them
again, they are entered into an Excel file and, since early 2016, into the EOI
software and onto the hard copy register stored in a safe.
383. When an EOI request is received, the first step is to check its validity (the legal basis of the request) and whether it is complete (identification
of the taxpayer, details, etc.). Should an EOI request be unclear or incomplete, Gabon asks the requesting jurisdiction for clarification or additional
384. The EOI Unit can obtain the information directly and immediately by
searching its file using the LIIR system. The Gabonese authorities indicated
that it can also exercise its right to information remotely, with a response
being generally received within an average of 20days. Lastly, it can mandate
inspectors to obtain this information by using the audit powers conferred
upon it by Gabonese law. Within the framework of its activity, the EOI Unit
ensures that the confidentiality of the information processed is respected,
notably by not communicating the reasons why this information is required,
to the inspectors, taxpayers or third parties.
385. Once the information requested has been obtained, the competent
authority (via the EOI Unit) checks that the information gathered corresponds
to the request and only exchanges the information requested by the foreign
jurisdiction. The various sections of the EOI software are completed in order
to leave a trace of the actions carried out. If the response is sent via email,
it is authenticated by the Director General of Taxation and sent in a secure
manner. If the response is sent via surface mail, the document is placed in an
envelope stamped confidential then sent via registered post.
386. The EOI Unit occupies a secure office within the DGI and has substantial material resources (computer, printer, scanner, telephone, safe, etc.).
The Gabonese authorities have indicated that depending on how the volume
of EOI requests develops, additional human and material resources may be
allocated to it. Given the low level of EOI requests currently received by
Gabon, the human and material resources are adequate at the moment.
387. When a complete response cannot be provided within 90days of
receipt of the request for information, the competent Gabonese authority will inform the requesting competent authority on the current status of
their request. This will be done via the new software dedicated to managing
requests for information, which will send an automatic reminder to the EOI
agent upon the expiry of the 90-day period.


Compliance with the Standards: Exchanging information 95

388. Although the resources and the organisational process in place to

deal with requests for information are adequate given the low number of
demands received during the peer review period, Gabon did not actually
respond to an EOI request as it did not receive any request. It is recommended
that Gabon monitors the practical implementation of the organisation of the
competent authority, as well as the resources allocated to EOI, particularly
taking into account any changes in volume of requests, in order to ensure that
both the processes and the allocated resources remain appropriate to ensure
an effective exchange of information.

Restrictions on the exchange of information (ToRC.5.3)

389. There is no provision in Gabonese law or in its exchange of information agreements which contains restrictions on the exchange of information,
other than those included in Article26 of the OECD Model Convention or
the OECD Model TIEA.
Determination and factors underlying the recommendations
Phase1 determination
This element involves issues of practice that are assessed in the
Phase2 review. Accordingly no Phase1 determination has been made.
Phase2 Rating
Largely compliant
Factors underlying
Gabon did not actually respond to
an EOI request as it did not receive
any request during the peer review
period. However, it appeared that
the current resources and the
organisational process put in place
to deal with requests for information
at the end of the peer review period
are adequate given the low number
of demands received after the peer
review period.


Gabon must monitor the operation of
this new organisation for processing
EOI requests, including the new EOI
unit, in order to ensure that requests
are processed quickly and efficiently.


Summary of determinations and factors


Overall Rating


Factors underlying


Jurisdictions should ensure that ownership and identity information for all relevant entities
and arrangements is available to their competent authorities. (ToR A.1)
determination: The
element is in place but
certain aspects the
legal implementation
of the element need

The new version of the

OHADA Uniform Act on
commercial companies
and economic interest
groupings provides for the
dematerialisation of securities
and allows companies a
two-year period in which to
comply. However, it does not
precisely define the status of
bearer shares which are not
dematerialised on expiry of
the transition period. There is
no currently other provision
in Gabonese law clarifying
the terms and conditions
of dematerialisation. Only
16SA registered with the
DGI may issue bearer
shares under their articles of
association, and only one SA
has effectively issued bearer


Gabon should take appropriate

steps to implement the
new version of the OHADA
Uniform Act to ensure the
dematerialisation of all bearer
shares on expiry of the twoyear transition period allowed
to companies for that purpose.


Phase2 Rating:
Partially compliant

Factors underlying


Although there have been

efforts made to monitor
ownership obligations in
Gabon by the tax authorities,
this monitoring has not been
systematically applied during
the accounting and tax
inspections of the taxpayer.
In addition, over the peer
review period, the RCCM did
not have a system in place
for monitoring the compliance
with ownership obligations.

It is recommended that
Gabon improves its system
for monitoring obligations to
provide ownership information
under both tax law and
OHADA law, in order to ensure
that information is up to date
for all companies in Gabon.

Although during the peer

review period, no sanctions
were applicable regarding
the obligations of SA, SAS
and assimilated companies
to maintain a register of
shareholders, Gabon recently
adopted a tax provision
that requires SA, SAS and
assimilated companies
to maintain a register of
registered shares at their
registered office, subject to
penalties for non-compliance.
However, it was not possible to
test the implementation of this
measure in practice

The Gabonese authorities

must ensure effective
monitoring of the tax obligation
applicable to SA, SAS and
assimilated entities to maintain
an up-to-date register of
nominative shareholders at
their registered office and
apply the appropriate sanction
in case of non-compliance.

Jurisdictions should ensure that reliable accounting records are kept for all relevant entities
and arrangements. (ToR A.2)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.
Banking information should be available for all account-holders. (ToR A.3)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.




Factors underlying


Competent authorities should have the power to obtain and provide information that is the
subject of a request under an exchange of information arrangement from any person within
their territorial jurisdiction who is in possession or control of such information (irrespective
of any legal obligation on such person to maintain the secrecy of the information). (ToR B.1)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.
The rights and safeguards (e.g.notification, appeal rights) that apply to persons in the
requested jurisdiction should be compatible with effective exchange of information. (ToR B.2)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.
Exchange of information mechanisms should allow for effective exchange of information.
(ToR C.1)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.
Conclusion of
Phase2: Compliant
The jurisdictions network of information exchange mechanisms should cover all relevant
partners. (ToR C.2)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.

Gabon should continue to

develop its exchange of
information network with all
relevant partners.

The jurisdictions mechanisms for exchange of information should have adequate provisions
to ensure the confidentiality of information received. (ToR C.3)
Phase1 determination:
The element is in place.




Factors underlying


The exchange of information mechanisms should respect the rights and safeguards of
taxpayers and third parties. (ToR C.4)
Phase 1 determination:
The element is in place.
Conclusion of
Phase2: Compliant
The jurisdiction should provide information under its network of agreements in a timely
manner. (ToR C.5)
The assessment team
is not in a position to
evaluate whether this
element is in place, as
it involves issues of
practice that are dealt
with in the Phase2
Conclusion of
Phase2: Largely

Gabon did not actually

respond to an EOI request as
it did not receive any request
during the peer review period.
However, it appeared that the
current resources and the
organisational process put in
place to deal with requests
for information at the end
of the peer review period
are adequate given the low
number of demands received
after the peer review period.

Gabon must monitor the

operation of this new
organisation for processing
EOI requests, including
the new EOI unit, in order
to ensure that requests
are processed quickly and



Annex 1: Jurisdictions response to the review report9

Gabon would like to express its thanks and its gratitude to all stakeholders who contributed at different levels to the Phase2 review that just ended
on a happy note. The evaluation team on the Gabon review provided useful
advice while peers have helped enrich the quality of the Phase2 report by
their comments and observations.
Gabon welcomes the findings of the Phase2 Evaluation Report in which
Gabon was found largely compliant and which were approved as such by
the Peer Review Group (PRG). This overall rating certifies that the practical
implementation of its legal framework by Gabon helps fight against fraudulent tax practices of any kind, especially those involving foreign aspects. This
result represents an encouragement to maintain not only the quality of our
laws and regulations and the efficiency of our field activities, but especially
to improve them by adapting to changes in the international tax environment.
Notwithstanding the positive results of its peer review, Gabon remains
aware that vigilance at all times should be kept as tax fraud schemes constantly evolve technically and in scope. This reality leads us to favorably
receive the recommendations from peers of the Global Forum that are consistent with regard to what has been observed by the evaluation team. Efforts
by Gabon will therefore continue and even intensify, so that transparency
and exchange of information is definitely needed as key weapons in the fight
against fraud and tax evasion. The recent ratification of the Multilateral
Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance and progress in the dematerialisation of securities testify, amongst others, that Gabon is fully committed
to the Global Forum standard and intends to continue its efforts.
Ultimately, Gabon may consider, rightly, that it reached most of the goals
it had set by joining the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of
Information for Tax purposes.


This Annex presents the Jurisdictions response to the review report and shall not
be deemed to represent the Global Forums views.



Annex 2: List of Gabons exchange of information mechanisms

Regional and multilateral EOI agreements

Gabon is Party to the General Convention on Tax Cooperation

between the Member States of the Common Organisation of
African States, Madagascar and Mauritius (OCAM) of 29July 1971.
Although OCAM has been dissolved, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Gabon
and Senegal continue to apply the tax convention which arose from it.

On 3July 2014, Gabon signed the Convention on Mutual Administrative

Assistance in Tax Matters but has not yet ratified it; it is therefore not in
force in Gabon.

Bilateral instruments

Gabon has also signed bilateral information EOI agreements, namely

double taxation agreements (DTC).

The following is a list, in alphabetical order, of exchange of information

agreements signed by Gabon at 1April 2016. Gabon signed the Convention
on Mutual Administrative Assistance on Tax Matters as amended (the
Multilateral Convention) on 3July 2014 but has not yet ratified it.


Type of agreement

Signaturea /

Date of entry into



Multilateral Convention


In force in Albania


Multilateral Convention


Not in force


Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


In force in Aruba




Type of agreement

Signaturea /

Date of entry into



Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


In force in Austria


Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


Multilateral Convention


In force in

Double tax treaty

14January 1993

13May 2005





Multilateral Convention


In force in Belize



Multilateral Convention


In force in



Multilateral Convention


Not in force


British Virgin

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
British Virgin



Multilateral Convention


In force in

CEMAC Tax Convention

(Act 17/65-UDEAC-38)



Multilateral Convention


In force in

Double tax treaty


1December 2008

Multilateral Convention


In force in

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
Cayman Islands

CEMAC Tax Convention

(Act 17/65-UDEAC-38)



CEMAC Tax Convention

(Act 17/65-UDEAC-38)








Cayman Islandsb


Central African

20 Chad


Multilateral Convention


Not in force


China (Peoples
Republic of)

Multilateral Convention


In force in China



Type of agreement

Signaturea /

Multilateral Convention


In force in

CEMAC Tax Convention

(Act 17/65-UDEAC-38)



OCAM Regional

29July 1971

1January 1972

25 Costa Rica

Multilateral Convention


In force in Costa

26 Croatia

Multilateral Convention


1June 2014

27 Curaaoc

Multilateral Convention


In force in

28 Cyprusd

Multilateral Convention


In force in Cyprus

29 Czech Republic

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
Czech Republic

30 Denmark

Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


Not in force

32 Estonia

Multilateral Convention


In force in Estonia

33 Faroe Islandse

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
Faroe Islands

34 Finland

Multilateral Convention


In force in Finland

Double tax treaty


1March 2008

Multilateral Convention


In force in France

36 Georgia

Multilateral Convention


In force in


23 Colombia



El Salvador

35 France


Date of entry into


Multilateral Convention


Not in force

38 Ghana

Multilateral Convention


In force in Ghana

39 Gibraltarb

Multilateral Convention


In force in

40 Greece

Multilateral Convention


In force in Greece



Multilateral Convention


In force in



Multilateral Convention


Not in force



Type of agreement

Signaturea /

Multilateral Convention


CEMAC Tax Convention

(Act 17/65-UDEAC-38)



45 Hungary

Multilateral Convention


In force in

46 Iceland

Multilateral Convention


In force in Iceland



Multilateral Convention


In force in India

48 Indonesia

Multilateral Convention


In force in

49 Ireland

Multilateral Convention


In force in Ireland
In force in the Isle
of Man

43 Guernseyb
44 Equatorial Guinea

Date of entry into


50 Isle of Manb

Multilateral Convention




Multilateral Convention




Multilateral Convention


In force in Italy

Multilateral Convention


In force in Japan

53 Japan
54 Jersey

Multilateral Convention


In force in Jersey

55 Kazakhstan

Multilateral Convention


Not in force

56 Kenya

Multilateral Convention


57 Latvia

Multilateral Convention


In force in Latvia

58 Liechtenstein

Multilateral Convention


Not in force

59 Lithuania

Multilateral Convention


In force in

60 Luxembourg

Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


In force in Malta

Double tax treaty

18July 2013


62 Mauritius

Multilateral Convention


Not in force

63 Mexico

Multilateral Convention


In force in Mexico

64 Moldova

Multilateral Convention


In force in

65 Monaco

Multilateral Convention


Not in force

66 Montserratc

Multilateral Convention


In force in


Multilateral Convention


Not in force




Type of agreement

Signaturea /

Date of entry into


68 Nigeria

Multilateral Convention


In force in Nigeria

69 Netherlandsb

Multilateral Convention


In force in the


New Zealand

Multilateral Convention


In force in New



Multilateral Convention




Multilateral Convention


In force in



Multilateral Convention


Not in force



Multilateral Convention


In force in Poland



Multilateral Convention


In force in



Multilateral Convention


In force in

77 Russian Federation

Multilateral Convention


In force in Russia


Multilateral Convention


Not in force

Multilateral Convention


In force in Saudi

OCAM Regional

29July 1971

1January 1972

Multilateral Convention



Multilateral Convention


In force in the

82 Singapore

Multilateral Convention


Not in force

83 Sint-Maartenc

Multilateral Convention


In force in

84 Slovak Republic

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
Slovak Republic

85 Slovenia

Multilateral Convention


In force in

86 South Africa

Multilateral Convention


In force in South


Multilateral Convention


In force in South

Multilateral Convention


In force in Spain




San Marino
Saudi Arabia

South Korea

88 Spain



Type of agreement

Signaturea /

89 Sweden

Multilateral Convention


In force in

90 Switzerland

Multilateral Convention


Not in force



Multilateral Convention


In force in Tunisia

92 Turkey

Multilateral Convention


Not in force

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
Turks and Caicos

94 Uganda

Multilateral Convention


95 Ukraine

Multilateral Convention


In force in

96 United Kingdom

Multilateral Convention


In force in the
United Kingdom


Multilateral Convention


Not in force



Turks and Caicos


United States

Date of entry into


Notes: a. For signature dates of the Multilateral Convention, see:

b. Territorial extension by the United Kingdom.

c. Territorial extension by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

d. Note by Turkey: The information in this document with reference to Cyprus relates to the
southern part of the Island. There is no single authority representing both Turkish and Greek
Cypriot people on the Island. Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
(TRNC). Until a lasting and equitable solution is found within the context of the United
Nations, Turkey shall preserve its position concerning the Cyprus issue.
Note by all the European Union Member States of the OECD and the European Union: The
Republic of Cyprus is recognised by all members of the United Nations with the exception of
Turkey. The information in this document relates to the area under the effective control of the
Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

e. Territorial extension by the Kingdom of Denmark.



Annex3: List of all laws, regulations and other material

Constitution of the Gabonese Republic

Tax treaties signed by Gabon

Treaty of 14January 1993 with Belgium to avoid double taxation and
prevent the evasion of income tax and wealth tax
Treaty of 18November 2002 with Canada to avoid double taxation and
prevent the evasion of income tax and wealth tax
Treaty of 20September 1995 with France to avoid double taxation and
prevent tax evasion and fraud
Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax
Matters signed by Gabon on 2July 2014
CEMAC Tax Convention to avoid double taxation
General Convention on Tax Cooperation between the Member States of
OCAM of 29July 1971
CEMAC Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

Domestic and Community commercial legislation

Ordinance 2/99 of 30July 1999 defining the legal basis for foundations
Act 2/2000 of 18August 2000 ratifying Ordinance 2/99 of 30July 1999
defining the legal basis for foundations
Decree creating ANIF Gabon (National Financial Investigation Agency)
Rules of procedure of ANIF Gabon
Order 006 MECIT/CABM setting the regulation time limit for automatic



Order 007 MECIT/CABM extending the professional categories governed by CEMAC-UMAC Regulation 01-03
Order 011 MECIT/CABM setting the threshold for the automatic reporting of transactions in cash or by bearer shares to ANIF
Order 016 MECIT/CABM setting disciplinary penalties and fines
Order 017 MECIT/CABM delegating supervision and control
Order 0145 MEED amending Articles16 and 23 of Order 017 MECIT/
CABM of 6June 2011 delegating supervision and oversight
Decree 730/PR/MECIT of 21June 2011 creating and organising the
Business Development Centre
OHADA Uniform Act on the law of commercial companies and economic interest groupings
OHADA Uniform Act on the organisation and harmonisation of the
accounting systems of undertakings
OHADA Uniform Act on general commercial law

Tax legislation
Gabonese Tax Code 2015
Gabonese Tax Code 2013
Finance Law for 2016
2011 Budget Act (tax measures to encourage sponsorship and patronage)

AML/CTF legislation
Decree 0739/PR/MEFBP of 22September 2005 defining the organisation, operation and funding of the National Financial Investigation
Additional Act 09/00/CEMAC-086/CCE02 creating the Task Force on
Money Laundering in Central Africa (GABAC)
COBAC Regulation R-98/01 of 15February 1998 on the chart of accounts
of credit institutions
COBAC Regulation R-2003/01 of 27February 2003 on the organisation
of the accounting systems of credit institutions


COBAC Regulation R-2005/01 of 01April 2005 on due diligence procedures for institutions governed by rules to prevent money laundering
and the financing of terrorism in Central Africa
CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 01-03 to prevent and suppress money laundering and the financing of terrorism in Central Africa
CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 02-10 of 2October 2010 revising CEMACCAMU Regulation 01-03 to prevent and suppress money laundering
and the financing of terrorism in Central Africa
Regulation 08/05-UEAC-057-CM-13 adopting the Convention on the
fight against terrorism in Central Africa

Banking, commercial and financial regulations

CEMAC-CAMU Regulation 06-03 on the organisation, operation and
supervision of the Central African financial market

Rules governing professions

Act 25/08 of 17December 2008 defining the conditions for exercise of
the legal profession
Law No 13.2014 of 7January 2015 determining the legal framework of
the Legal Profession in Gabon
Decree 37/PR/MFPRAME of 26May 2000 defining the membership,
organisation and operation of disciplinary boards
General Civil Service Regulations

Other legislation
Gabonese Penal Code
Gabonese Civil Code



Annex4: Persons met during the onsite visit

General Directorate of Taxes (DGI)

General Director of Taxes
Direction of legislation and litigation


Deputy Director

Information Exchange Unit

Management of Large Companies

Direction of national and international audits

Head of Service of national and international audits

Head of tax audit Services


Head of Investigations and Overlap of the Service

Provincial Directorate of taxes Estuary

Deputy Director, responsible for registration

Provincial Control Brigade

Centre for Tax Medium Enterprises

Centre of Taxes small businesses and individuals (CIPEP) North

Centre of Taxes small businesses and individuals (CIPEP) South

Directorate of centralization, Statistics and Emissions

Human Resources Department and Means
Inspection Services
Computer Management

Court of First Instance of Libreville

Trade register and mortgage financing (RCCM) of Libreville


Registry of the CRC




Representatives of regulated professions in the private sector

Representative of the College of Notaries
Representative of the Auditors and chartered accountants
Representatives of the Bar Association

Financial sector
Representatives of the Association of Banks and credit institutions
Representative of the Banking Commission of Central Africa (COBAC)

Administrations and agencies

Representatives of the National Agency for Financial Investigation
Representative of the National Commission for the Fight Against Illicit
Enrichment (CNLCEI)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Director General of Legal and International Affairs



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OECD PUBLISHING, 2, rue Andr-Pascal, 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16

(23 2016 24 1 P) ISBN 978-92-64-25878-5 2016

Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information

for Tax Purposes


This report contains a Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice review,
as well as revised version of the Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework review
already released for this country.
The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is
the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange
of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work
of the Global Forum on an equal footing.
The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation
of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange
of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax
Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has
been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.
The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant
information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting
party. Fishing expeditions are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information
must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless
of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.
All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum
as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases.
Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdictions legal and regulatory framework
for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation
of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined Phase 1
plus Phase 2 reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement
the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
All review reports are published once approved by the Global Forum and they thus represent
agreed Global Forum reports.
For more information on the work of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange
of Information for Tax Purposes, and for copies of the published review reports, please visit and

Consult this publication on line at

This work is published on the OECD iLibrary, which gathers all OECD books, periodicals and
statistical databases.
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ISBN 978-92-64-25878-5
23 2016 24 1 P


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