ENG Jakarta Statement of Outcomes
ENG Jakarta Statement of Outcomes
ENG Jakarta Statement of Outcomes
Jakarta, Indonesia
21-22 November 2013
Statement of Outcomes
1. On 21-22 November 2013, over 200 delegates from 81 jurisdictions and 10 international
organisations and regional groups came together at the sixth meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency
and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the Global Forum) in Jakarta, Indonesia (Annex 1
provides a list of participants). The Global Forum welcomed the six new members which have joined since
its last meeting, bringing the membership of the Global Forum to 122 members.
2. This meeting marked the adoption of ratings for the first 50 jurisdictions on their level of
compliance with the internationally agreed standard for exchange of information
(http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/global_forum_ratings.pdf) . The ratings have been applied in
respect of each of the 10 essential elements in the Global Forums Terms of Reference as well as an overall
rating ranging from Compliant, to Largely Compliant, Partially Compliant and finally Non-Compliant. The
assignment of ratings is consistent with the Global Forums goal of recognising the progress jurisdictions
have made in implementing the standards in the first 3 years and identifying those jurisdictions that are not
doing so.
3. The Global Forum also agreed that, in order to ensure a continuous monitoring of implementation
of EOI on request, after completion of the current round of reviews, a Phase 3 review should be conducted
for all Global Forum members and relevant non-members starting in 2016. In anticipation of a Phase 3
review, the Global Forum will also study the Terms of Reference as they apply to EOI on request, with a
view to updating these in light of the changing transparency environment and the lessons learned from the
first two Phases of peer reviews.
4. In recognition of the rapidly evolving EOI environment towards greater transparency, the Global
Forum agreed on the establishment of a new voluntary group on automatic exchange of information
(AEOI) to be chaired by David Pitaro (Italy). The new group will assist the Global Forum in taking
forward the work to monitor and review the implementation of AEOI, consistent with the G20s call.
5. Finally, the Global Forum adopted and published a further 9 Phase 2 peer review reports and
2 Phase 1 reports, representing further progress in the completing the current schedule of reviews.
6. The Global Forum was also pleased that, on the margins of the Jakarta meeting, 2 of its member
jurisdictions signed the multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. At
present, 63 countries have signed the Convention, four have signed letters of intention to sign and 13
jurisdictions are now covered by way of territorial extension and 36 countries have now deposited their
instruments of ratification (click here for more information: http://www.oecd.org/tax/exchange-of-tax-
7. The main outcomes of the meeting which were agreed by delegates are set out below.
8. The rating of the 50 jurisdictions that have completed Phase 2 has been achieved for each of the
10 essential elements as assessed in their peer reviews and all have been assigned a rating of either
compliant, largely compliant, partially compliant, or not compliant.
9. The overall ratings show that 18 jurisdictions are rated as Compliant, 26 jurisdictions as
Largely Compliant, 2 jurisdictions as Partially Compliant and 4 jurisdictions as Non-Compliant. In
addition, there are still 14 jurisdictions which, in the course of their Phase 1 reviews, were determined to be
unable to move to Phase 2 until their legal and regulatory frameworks for exchange of information in tax
matters is improved and could therefore not be rated
(http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/global_forum_ratings.pdf ).In order to ensure a level playing field,
the Global Forum is undertaking close, on-going monitoring so that these jurisdictions move forward
expeditiously. Certain supplementary reports have been launched and other requests are already under
10. The Global Forum is on track to complete its remaining peer reviews and has also adopted a
revised Schedule of Reviews that sets dates for the Phase 1 reviews of all new members, including a
number of developing countries, and Phase 2 reviews for a number of recent members of the Global
11. The Global Forum adopted a revised methodology, which is designed to also recognise progress
following a Phase 2 review, and provides an opportunity to jurisdictions to report implementation of
recommendations made in the peer review reports and request for an upgrade of their individual element or
overall ratings.
12. With the adoption of 8 Phase 1 and 24 Phase 2 reviews since its last meeting, the Global Forum
has completed 124 peer reviews, which include 74 Phase 1 reviews, 26 Combined (Phase 1 + Phase 2)
reviews and 24 Phase 2 reviews. The progress with the peer reviews and the assigned ratings are reflected
in the Global Forums 2013 Annual Report Tax Transparency, 2013: Report on Progress, which was
published today by the Global Forum. This report also notes the significant changes taking place in
effectiveness of exchange of information and increased level of cooperation between tax authorities.
14. To this end, the Global Forum mandated its Peer Review Group to examine the Terms of
Reference to keep up with developments in the transparency world, including as regards beneficial
ownership, for which it will draw on the work of the Financial Action Task Force, as well as reflecting
lessons learned from the Phase 1 and Phase 2 reviews and to submit substantive proposals for discussion
and adoption by the Global Forum at its plenary meeting in 2014.
15. In recognition of the evolution of the exchange of information environment, and emergence of
AEOI as a new global standard that supports and enhances exchange on request, the Global Forum
established a new voluntary AEOI Group comprising members who wish to come together to work
towards a common goal of engaging in AEOI. The main responsibilities of the AEOI Group will be to
propose terms of reference and a methodology for monitoring AEOI on a going-forward basis, building on
the expertise developed at the OECD level, establishing a set of criteria to determine when it would be
appropriate for jurisdictions to implement AEOI having regard, in particular to capacity constraints,
resource limitations and the need to ensure confidentiality and the proper use of information exchanged,
and helping developing countries identify their needs for technical assistance and capacity building before
engaging in AEOI. The group will work in close co-operation with the OECD, the World Bank Group and
the G20 Development Working Group.
16. The AEOI Group will be Chaired by David Pitaro (Italy), assisted by Colin Powell (Jersey) and 3
other Vice-Chairs. The first meeting of the group is expected to take place early in 2014. The Group will
report back to the Global Forum plenary on its activities on a regular basis and decisions will continue to
be made by the Global Forum.
17. The Global Forum welcomed 6 new members: Azerbaijan, Dominican Republic, Lesotho,
Romania, Senegal and Ukraine. The continued expansion of the Global Forum reinforces the relevance of
the Global Forums work and the worldwide cooperation between tax authorities.
18. The Global Forum agreed to rotate the membership of the Steering Group and the Peer Review
Group. Regarding the Steering Group, Jersey has stepped aside and Isle of Man will join in 2014. For the
Peer Review Group, Malaysia, Luxembourg, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Isle of Man have stepped aside and
Ghana, Bermuda, Liechtenstein and Hong Kong, China will join in 2014. The jurisdictions that join these
groups will bring a new perspective and help ensure that the governance of the Global Forum remains
responsive to the voice of all its members. The Chair of the new AEOI Group would also participate in
Steering Group meetings to ensure regular inputs and updates.
Technical Assistance
19. The Global Forum welcomed the outcomes of the technical assistance pilot projects in Ghana and
Kenya, and noted new requests for assistance from a number of other jurisdictions. The Global Forum
recognised the value of the projects undertaken in El Salvador, Indonesia and Uruguay with the support of
member governments and international organisations. It also agreed that the EOI Work Manual developed
by the Global Forum Secretariat and the World Bank Group/IFC should be widely disseminated for use by
competent authorities in developing their own manuals. The Global Forum noted the success of the Last
Mile seminar piloted by India, followed by the Philippines, and recognised the potential for further
development of a training programme aimed at sensitising auditors to the benefits of EOI and the processes
involved. The Global Forum also looked forward to an assessor training seminar to be hosted by the United
Arab Emirates, which is part of its on-going cooperation with the Global Forum under a memorandum of
understanding. The Global Forum is appreciative of all the contributions made by its membership in this
20. Noting the call of G20 Leaders for the G20 Development Working Group to work with the
Global Forum and other international organisations to develop a roadmap showing how developing
countries can overcome obstacles to automatic exchange of information, the Global Forum expressed its
readiness to provide input to this work. Recognising the increasing demand for assistance, in particular
from its newer members, the Global Forum agreed to continue to develop its technical assistance work,
working with member jurisdictions, development agencies and others with a view to helping jurisdictions
with capacity constraints to meet the international standard and also benefit from automatic information
exchange. The Global Forum welcomed the announcement of a substantial voluntary contribution from the
UKs Department for International Development (DFID) to fund an expansion of technical assistance
activities for its members. It was noted that without the support of development agencies, members and
international organisations, the Global Forum could not succeed in its task of coordinating and providing
high quality assistance to member jurisdictions.
21. An intermediate financial report for 2013 was considered and the Global Forum adopted the
proposed budget for 2014. Noting that only Nauru and Mauritania were in arrears for more than two years
and therefore subject to the policy adopted last year concerning the suspension, and ultimately exclusion,
for non-payment of Global Forum dues, the Global Forum decided to give these jurisdictions another
opportunity to pay their arrears. In any event, these jurisdictions are being closely monitored.
Next Steps
22. The Global Forum looks forward to further Phase 2 peer reviews that will now systematically be
accompanied with an allocation of ratings. This will be a key focus of the Peer Review Group in 2014,
together with the Phase 1 reviews of a number of recent members of the Global Forum. It is also expected
that a number of supplementary reviews will be considered as jurisdictions work to address the
recommendations made by the Global Forum. With an eye to the future, the PRG will also consider
changes to the Terms of Reference, including as regards beneficial ownership. The AEOI Group will meet
very soon to start its work, and will report back to the Global Forum on its progress. The Global Forum
will enhance its technical assistance work to address the needs of all its members and will host the third
meeting of the Competent Authorities in 2014.
23. The Global Forum agreed that its next meeting will take place in October 2014, and looks
forward to offers by member countries to host the meeting. Finally the Global Forum thanked the
Government of Indonesia for its generous hospitality.
Andorra; Argentina; Australia; Azerbaijan; The Bahamas; Bahrain; Belgium; Belize; Bermuda; Brazil;
Brunei Darussalam; Burkina Faso; Canada; the Cayman Islands; Colombia; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; the
Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Gabon; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Gibraltar; Guernsey; Hong
Kong, China; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Isle of Man; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jersey; Kenya; the
Republic of Korea; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macao, China; Malaysia; Malta; Marshall
Islands; Mexico; Monaco; the Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Panama; the Peoples
Republic of China; the Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; the Russian Federation; Saint Kitts
and Nevis; Samoa; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; the Seychelles; Singapore; the Slovak Republic;
South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Turks and Caicos Islands; Uganda; Ukraine; the
United Arab Emirates; the United Kingdom; the United States; Uruguay; the Virgin Islands (British).
African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF); Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT);
Centre de Rencontres et DEtudes des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF);
Commonwealth; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); European Investment
Bank (EIB); European Union (EU); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
United Nations (UN); World Bank Group.