Green Criminology
Green Criminology
Green Criminology
Green criminology is a concept that is relatively new; born firstly from the criminology
appointment, that branch of criminology refers to the fact that the crime is not caused by a
pathological factor but rather of social strata and community, these lie in movements
socialists and communists.
As we speak of the Criminology green arrives to confuse a lot with the environmental
criminology. The two as preferably their names in that the two types of criminologas are
indol environmentalist and so is, only that the two show us a different approach to this.
The environmental criminology we refers to the study of the environmental factors affecting
the realization of antisocial behavior. Thiss as - the climate has an influence in the criminal
activity; in as the summer season or seasons of heat is a time of the year where the
offenses of rape have a large increase, so that the heat is one of the climates that more
favored the rapists, since if it is in holiday season, in coastal zones are conducive to the
use of tiny garments in women or even the semi-naked in man, increasing the sexual lust
of the perpetrator or in this case, criminologically speaking, of the victimizer. With regard to
the green criminology, speaks to us of such as the conduct of the subject creates
environmental problems, which is a manifestation of criminology criticizes, where its origin
is in "green" movements such as prevention campaigns such as the protection of natural
areas through constant monitoring and personnel that you safeguard the ecosystem, all
this with the purpose that the aggressor will be more difficult to commit the acts beginning
against the ecosystems. As well as reforestation campaigns to compensate for the
damage already produced by the antisocial behavior.
Angelica Miroslava Muoz Alcantar
9no Cuatrimestre
Lic. en Criminologa
Politica Criminal II
While both the Criminology green as the relax have some relationship but a sufficient
differentiation, it is worth mentioning that these go hand in hand with the Environmental
Law which has by definition:
"The set of rules that regulate the relations of public and private law, aimed at
preserving the environment free from contamination, or to improve it in case of be
In a few words, the green criminology is responsible for raising awareness, prevention and
recovery of the environments or ecosystems attacked by large companies in search of
enrichment to production base of houses (which causes urbanizaron of forested areas or
coastal areas in which before lay an ecosystem), export of exotic woods, exploitation of
precious minerals; and as well as is born the green crimes and its persecution, which
largely reproduce many of the problems of white-collar crime. This orientation claims as a
decisive study on offenses, offenses and the attacks against the environment that often
remain hidden. The corporations that incur certain illicit conduct carried out a work of
greenwashing which makes them able to appear as respectful and concerned by the
environment, this becoming see before society as (false) "philanthropists" in those who
dedicate themselves to contribute to environmental campaigns while the interest is for
Angelica Miroslava Muoz Alcantar
9no Cuatrimestre
Lic. en Criminologa
Politica Criminal II