Email: Room # 142
COURSE DESCRIPTION: World History is a study of how the worlds past has and
continues to influence the world we live in today. The course is designed to demonstrate
how past civilizations developed and how we can continue to learn from their mistakes as
well as from their advances.
GRADES: Grades will be determined using the Bellevue West grading protocol.
Summative assessments are 70% of a students grade while formative assessments
make up the remaining 30%. Semester grades will be a continuous grade from
beginning to end not an average of 1st and 2nd quarter.
Bellevue West grading scale:
90% =
80% =
70% =
60% =
Units of Study:
CLASS EXPECTATIONS: This class will work best when all students are
present, engaged and participate in class. Students enrolled in World History are
expected to meet the following general expectations:
Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class. Bring all necessary
materials. (Includes a writing utensil, book, paper, assignments, notes, etc)
Students are expected to stay on task. Students shall not disrupt the learning
environment. (Please ask to get up during classroom discussion, activity, etc)
GRADES: Your grade will be figured using a weighted points system. Please check your
grade often using PowerSchool. Assignments not handed in on time will be labeled NHI
not handed inin the grade book and be given a grade of a zero (0) until it is received.
After it is graded it will be marked late (L).
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Ongoing assessment that provides information to guide
instruction. A formative assessment may include homework, class activities, and other
tasks used as part of the learning process (preparation, practice) Formative assessments
are 30% of the total grade.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (Evaluation): Culminating judgment/decision using
assessment information. A summative assessment is typically used to arrive at a
conclusion of what a student knows and can do with knowledge and skills. Chapter tests,
quizzes, an essential objective exam, and/or other large scale performance assessment are
usually summative. This will also include a cumulative semester exam. This type of
assessment shows what a student knows and can do. Summative assessments are 70%of
the students total grade. Only summative tests are available for retakes. Students will
have one week to retake the test to improve their grade up to a 70%. Students will be
required to show a completed study guide to retake any essential objective test.
*** Please see me with any question or if you would like additional help with course
work. I will be available before school at 7:30 am and after school until 3:35 pm. I will be
willing to arrange appointment times when requested in advance.
Classroom Expectations
Students should be familiar with and abide by the rules and
expectations listed in the Parent-Student Handbook, the
syllabus, and the following expectations.
1 No ipods or cell phones they will be confiscated and
you will possibly receive a deans pass for not following
directions. Please keep them out of sight. This will also
help your grade and keep you focused.
2 Be in the classroom, in your assigned seat with your
classroom notebook, and stop talking when the bell
3 Remain in your seat until the dismissal bell ringsno
lining up by the door.
4 BRING a pen and paper EVERYDAY!
5 Bring your student planner daily. You need it to
record assignments and used as a hall passmake sure
it is an appropriate time to ask to use the restroom.
6 Stay on taskmeaning being attentive in class,
participating, and no heads resting on desks.
7 Profanity or language that is discriminatory or
disrespectful is not tolerated.
8 All students will follow the dress code and wear school
appropriate clothing. (Its usually cold in my classroom)
9 Make sure you take all your belongings with you and
pick up after yourself when you leave the classroom.