Unit Plan Title: Subject(s) : Math & Science Grade: 5 Teacher: Term Ø
Unit Plan Title: Subject(s) : Math & Science Grade: 5 Teacher: Term Ø
Unit Plan Title: Subject(s) : Math & Science Grade: 5 Teacher: Term Ø
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June 2014
Overall Expectations:
1. analyze social and environmental impacts of forces acting on structures and mechanisms;
2. investigate forces that act on structures and mechanisms;
3. identify forces that act on and within structures and mechanisms, and describe the effects of the forces on structures
and mechanisms.
Specific expectations:
1.1 analyze the effects of forces from natural phenomena
2.1 follow established safety procedures for using tools and handling materials
2.2 measure and compare, quantitatively and/or qualitatively, the force required to move a load using different mechanical
systems and describe the relationship between the force required and the distance over which the force moves
2.3 use scientific inquiry/research skills to investigate how structures are built to withstand forces
2.4 use technological problem-solving skills to design, build, and test a frame structure that will withstand the application
of an external force or mechanical system that performs a specific function.
2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, in oral and written communication
2.6 use a variety of forms to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes
3.1 identify internal forces acting on a structure and describe their effects on the structure
3.2 describe external forces acting on a structure and describe their effects on the structure, use diagrams
3.4 describe forces resulting from natural phenomena that can have severe consequences for structure in the
environment, and identify structural features that help overcome some of those forces.
3.5 describe how protective sports equipment protect the body from the impact of forces
Learning Goals:
Statements that describe for a student what he or she should know and be able to do by the end of the unit
Students will:
Identify forces that act on a structure (internal & external)
Describe the effects of forces acting on a structure
Explain how the environment acts on a structure
Brainstorm ideas to alter a structures design to solve a specific problem
Recognize the use of protective sports equipment
Success Criteria /Assessment Evidence: How will you know if students have achieved the Learning Goals?
Standards or specific descriptions of successful attainment of learning goals developed by teachers on the basis of
criteria in the achievement chart, and discussed and agreed upon in collaboration with students. These are used to
determine to what degree a learning goal has been achieved.
Determine when/how these will be developed with your students.
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Quick quiz about forces
Structural strength & stability work stations
Journal writing
Create labeled diagram of structure
Experiment centers
Mathematics; force to pull loads math lesson
Building a structure performance task
Prior Knowledge & Skills Required
The knowledge/concepts and skills students must possess to be successful in this unit.
Grade 3; Strong and Stable Structures
Structures have a form and a function
Structures are affected by the forces acting on them
Terms; structures, strength, stability, load
Understanding of safety procedures
Teaching and Learning Strategies
You may refer to:
Classroom Instruction That Works: Researched-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
Reach Every Student Through Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction; readiness and interests of students (styles of learning/types of intelligences)
Independent research
Work stations
Presentations (guest speaker)
Giving students choice on assignments (meet basic requirements
Length of Unit
For example, number of weeks, periods, minutes, etc.
4 weeks (16 x 60 minute lessons)
Texts and Print Material
References for students and teacher
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What popular media or website might be used to introduce and expand understanding
Use of devices & digital resources by students
Equipment & Supplies
List of materials needed throughout the unit
Popsicle sticks
Tooth picks
Building Materials (students bring from home)
Paper (assignment booklets)
Pencil crayons
Community Resources
List any field trips, guest speakers or special event associated with the unit
Guest Speaker (engineer)
Management/Organization Tips
Classroom set up, routines
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Student Assessment
Indicate assessment tool (observation, short answer, project, report etc.) and recording format (checklist, anecdotal,
marking rubric, letter grade, marks, level)
Refer to:
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario
Learning for All: A guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students
Assessment For Learning
Assessment As Learning
Assessment Of Learning
Assessment of Learning Skills:
Refer to Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario for additional information
Responsibility Organization Independent Work Collaboration Initiative Self-Regulation
Additional Support
Use information about your class, consider the needs of students who require additional support
English Language Learners
Students with Individual Education Plans
Non-Identified students with unique learning needs
Unit Scope & Sequence
Differentiated Instruction,
Time Lesson Titles & Details Accommodations and/or
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Evaluation is the process of judging the quality of student learning based on the evidence of student achievement
throughout, and at the end, of the unit.
Using the success criteria and curriculum expectations listed in this unit; develop a rubric to evaluate student
Refer to:
Ontario Curriculum Documents
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario
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