Section Three: Teacher Candidate Artifacts: Msed Elementary Portfolio Project

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Section Three:
Teacher Candidate Artifacts
This section of the portfolio includes artifacts that I have created, which the
knowledge and skills that I have been able to develop through out my studies. These
artifacts will demonstrate my ability to be an engaged and effective teacher. In order to be
a successful teacher there are certain competencies that a must have. The artifacts that I
am including will demonstrate my ability to achieve learning success with my students
through, planning, instruction, assessment, best practices, standards, technology,
accommodation, classroom management, culturally responsive teaching, professional
collaboration and development.
I will demonstrate my abilities to plan, instruct as well as accommodate by including
my unit and lesson plans as artifacts. My unit and lesson plans include the appropriate
New York State as well as Ontario standards based on the supporting. My SMART Board
assignment will validate my ability to integrate technology into the classroom. My field
trip assignment will support culturally responsive teaching. The annotated bibliography
as well as survey assignment will demonstrate my abilities to conduct research. Lastly, I
will include my Dignity For All Students certificate as well as my diploma in Early
Childhood Education. These certificates support my willingness to continue to develop

Artifacts & Rationales


Below are samples of the wide variety I have chosen to include in my portfolio.
Artifact #1: Culturally Responsive Teaching Field Trip Assignment.
Overview of the Artifact:
This artifact you will demonstrate my ability to culturally responsive teacher. As
teachers, we will work with a variety of students. Our classrooms will be very diverse
however its very important to ensure that you can include all students and support them
culturally. The field trip assignment required me to plan a field trip for a diverse
classroom, it allowed me to look beyond my own classroom and plan for a classroom
with various needs. While planning for this field trip there were many things I needed
consider. It was very important to look at the classroom as a whole and take each of my
students needs into consideration, I needed to ensure that the field trip was appropriate,
cost efficient and would enrich the students with new knowledge all while ensure I was
being culturally responsive and taking into account the dignity for all students act as well
as ensuring Im educating all students.
The field trip I chose to plan was a visit from our local firefighters. Due to my
students needs as well as budgetary restrains it was difficult to leave the school and go to
the firehouse. Therefore, I invited the firefighters to come for a visit and educate my
students on fire safety.

Connection to the Standards:


INTASC Standards: This lesson makes connection to INTASC standard #2: Learning
differences. I used understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures to ensure
I created a field trip that was culturally responsive as well as inclusive to all learners.
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: My field trip connects to NYS principle #5 as I
collaborated with the community my having our local firefighters come and educate the
students on fire safety. I also worked on building trust with the parents by inviting
informing them through a note about the visit, as well as inviting them to come and share
the experience with us if they were free.
TEAC Claims: This assignment supports TEAC claim #2 as through my field trip, I
created a lesson that meets the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and
best teaching practices.
CEC Standards: I have drawn connections from my CRT project with the CEC Standard
#1. This standard is entitled foundations. It ensures that educators understand human
diversity can impact families, cultures, and schools, and how these complex human
issues can interact with issues in the delivery of special education services. Ensuring that
your lessons are culturally responsive will allow you to connect with all of your students.

Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: The standard of respect is met in this project. This
standard deals with honoring human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive
development. Students must be respected and provided the same education
regardless of their spiritual and cultural values.


Culturally Responsive Field Trip

ECI 535

Prepared by: Amanda Lapointe-Cabral

Prepared for: Dr. V. Batchelor

November 9th, 2015

Medaille College

Activity: a field trip to the local fire station to meet the firefighters.

The corresponding grade and/or subject area you are teaching: Grade 3, Writing.


Explanation for my planned activity:

Last week while teaching my grade 3 class, fire trucks drove passed the school sirens
blazing. The students ran to the window and were very excited to watch them pass.
Seeing as how the students all live within walking distance to the school, and the fire
station is just down the road. I decided it would be a great idea to connect the students
with this aspect of their community and have the local firefighters and the fire truck come
in for a visit to our school and classroom.
I thought this would be a great idea to bring the firefighters into the classroom, as fire
safety is something that all students can make connections with. Fire safety is a practice
that shows no discrimination, it is important for everyone of all races, religions and social
status to know how to safely escape a fire. Therefore, ensuring that this lesson is
culturally responsive!
Common core standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.3
English Language Arts Standards Writing Grade 3 3
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
Ontario Curriculum : Grade 3 writing, Form 2.1 write short texts using a variety of forms
(e.g., a personal or factual recount of events or experiences that includes photographs or
drawings and captions; a report comparing transportation in urban and rural
communities; a paragraph explaining how physical geography and natural resources
affected the develop- ment of early settler communities; a letter from the point of view of
a settler, describing how First Nations people have taught the settlers to adapt to their


new environment; a familiar story told from a new perspective; a patterned poem using
rhyme or repetition)
Meeting the standards:
While the firefighters are visiting, I will provide students with a small note book that
will allow them to take notes, write thoughts or draw pictures about what they see or how
the feel in the firehouse. It will be important for me as the educator to emphasize that the
students can choose how they interpret the visit and they can take notes on the visit
however they wish. This will accommodate all the various types of learners. Once we
return to class and the firefighters return to their station, we are going to write a short text
based on our visit. Again, adjustments may also be made for students.
As I began to plan the visit I realized there were certain aspects that needed to be
considered. Originally I wanted to take the students to the firehouse itself, however I
didnt want to any of the childrens guardians to have incur any additional costs due to
this field trip, also I was concerned that if there was an emergency and the fire trucks
were dispatched that could be quite scary for some of my students. Therefore, I contacted
the fire chief and asked if they would be willing to visit the school. I sent home a letter to
the students guardians informing them of the special guests and asked them to contact me
if there were any concerns. I even had two of the students guardians offer to volunteer. (I
ensure to address any letters being sent with the students to their guardians. As not all the
students have the same living situation.) There is no cost to this trip for the students, as


the firefighters would be visiting us. I also communicated with the firehouse chief and
requested that they visit after the students eat their breakfast in class.

Class preparation:
As the day of the visit grew closer, I wanted to prepare the students. We began to
integrate the fire station and firefighters in many of our lessons. I wanted to ensure that
that students were able to make connections with things they learnt in class to what the
firefighters were showing them. I also want Yasser and Jamil my ENL students to feel
included, so I prepared for them a small chart that included the spelling of the words as
well as a picture of the items that they may be able to identify on the fire truck. I also
provided the same chart to my student Jazmin who has an auditory processing disorder,
having the words as a visual aid will assist her to sounds them out.

In order to get the students socializing amongst each other and to increase comfort and
moral within the classroom. I decided to incorporate a group reading prior to having the
firefighters arrive. I will read the story "No Dragons For Tea: Fire Safety For Kids this
is a story all about fire safety. I will do this to reinforce the fire safety words that the
students have been reviewing for the past couple days and will introduce connection and
key elements about fire safety so the students arent hearing them for the first time from
the fire fighters. I will read slowly and ready for my ENL students, I will also ensure that
Jazmin can is sitting close and can clearly read my lips and see the pictures in the books.
Once the story is over I will work with the students to develop classroom questions that
we can ask the firefighters. I plan to reread the story again before the end of the day to


reinforce what the fire fighters discussed. Since this is the second time reviewing the
story I will allow students to read pages aloud if they choose to. Also I will encourage
culturally responsive teaching by having the children give their stories of what they
thought of the firefighter visit. I will have clipboards available and allow the children to
record through drawing or writing.
To be aware of during firefighter visit:
While the firefighters are visiting, there are certain things I need to be aware of to
ensure that all my students have an enjoyable experience and are all able to get the most
out of the visit. Since the students and I will be exiting the classroom and going into the
schoolyard where the fire truck will be parked. The school yard is fenced off, so I do not
have the worry of any of the students trying to leave the property or having to look out
for traffic. Safety of my students is my number one priority, therefore I want to ensure
that I am well prepared and have the necessary support that the students may need. As
adult supervision. I will be there and I will also bring a few support team members. I will
ask members of the school support staff to assist me during the firefighters visit as well.
With me I will have, the special education teacher the supports Nia and Jazmin. I would
like the have the special education teacher supporting those students as Jazmin has a
auditory processing disorder and Nia has been classified as emotionally disturbed.
Having the special education teacher there will support the students if they have any
needs during the visit. I will let Jazmin and Nia bring the classroom walkmans to play
music incase they need a distraction or if it gets too noisy. Jazmin will also have her
recorder with her, she will have the ability to record the visit which will facilitate the in
class project of retelling the days events. Having the additional support there will mean


that if Nia does have any kind of situation and needs to leave the firefighter visit and go
back into the school there will be an adult that is able to tend to her, and still have adults
in the school yard looking after the students. I will also have Yasser and Jamil (my ENL
students) reading specialist present for the fire fighter visit. This will help as their reading
specialist will be able to assist the students during the visit and will be able to bring their
learnings back into the classroom and incorporate those elements into their future
lessons. I think that having the extra support for the visit, as well as providing the
students with various methods to record the events of the day and visit.
Culturally Responsive Teaching:
Having the local firefighters come into the classroom builds bridges of
meaningfulness between community and school experiences. This also allows educators
to build connections between academics and the community. I also used a wide variety of
instructional strategies to accommodate the different learning styles.


Attention Guardians,
This is anoticeof informyou of the special guests that will bevisiting
our grade 3 students at school on November 23rd 2015.
The FireChief alongwith his crew will bebriningtheir truck to school
to give the students alesson on firesafety. The purposeof thevisit is to
help thestudents create ties with their community and to increase
awareness on firesafety. As you may know,local firehouse 51 has been
proudly fightingfires in our neighborhoods for over 100 years.
The event will takeplaceon school grounds; therefor thestudents will
not beleavingtheproperty.It will takeplace between breakfast and
lunch to ensure no meals aremissed.Wewill have school staff assisting
with supervision whileweare outsidein theyear.However, if you are
free I inviteyou to comeand meet thefirefighters and partakein afun
day of learningwith your student.
If you haveany questions or concerns or would liketo join in theevent
pleaseemail meat or phonemeat (000)000-0000.

Havea great day!

Ms. Cabral




Artifact #2 Literacy (Sequencing) Lesson Plan

Overview of the Artifact:
The second artifact I chose to include in my portfolio is the Literacy Lesson Plan. This
lesson plan was written for the EDL 550 course. This lesson plan is written in Medaille
format and demonstrates my abilities to plan a lesson, make accommodations as
necessary and reflect on a lesson.
INTASC Standards: My unit plan meets Standard #1: Learner Development as the
students the way students learn and develop were taken into considerations.
Accommodations were made and included in the lesson plan by recognizing that students
have a variety of patterns of learning. Which also supports Standard #2: Learning
Differences, which ensures that the teacher has understanding of individual differences
and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that
enable each learner to meet high standards.
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: This lesson plan ensures that educators nurture the
intellectual, physical, emotional, social and civic potential of each student. By having a
variety of assessments, accommodations and cultural responsiveness it allows each
student to learn to the best of their ability based on their learning styles in a safe and
confortable environment.
NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key
details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. The lesson
supports the previously mentioned common core learning standard where the goal of the
lesson was to teach the students sequencing.



TEAC Claims: This lesson plan connections with standard #2. Medaille College
graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best
teaching practices. By completing lesson plans according to the Medaille format you can
be sure that all students needs are met according to their learning styles and effective
teaching methods.
ISTE Standards for Teachers and/or Students: This lesson plan was created to customize and
personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and
abilities using digital tools and resources.

CEC Standards: This lesson plan connected with standard #3: Individual Learning
Differences. As I was able to create a lesson plan that supports various students needs to
ensure each student it given the best chance to learn.
Ontario Curriculum Standards: This lesson plan was based on literacy strategies, the key
idea was sequencing. Organizing Ideas 1.5: identify and order main ideas and supporting details, initially with support and direction, using simple graphic organizers (e.g.,
a story ladder, sequence chart) and simple organizational pat- terns (e.g., time order: first,
then, next, finally; order of importance; beginning, middle, and end)
Ontario Teacher Ethical Standard: The lesson plan meets the standard of care as it
includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students potential.

Division of Education
Lesson Plan



Sections of the Lesson Plan Include:

LESSON DATA: This information needs to be included on all Lesson Plans. The
information wont be formally assessed but it informs your Lesson Plan. Failure to
include all of the required information identified may result in a grade reduction.
Teacher Candidate : Amanda Cabral
Subject/Content Area : Literacy
Grade Level(s) (PK-12) : Grade 1
Unit Topic : Determining the sequence of a story.
Lesson Topic (Indicate specifically what is being taught in the lesson):
Sequencing the story Tiny Seed by Eric Carl
Duration of Lesson: 45-60 minutes
Materials, including technology integration: A copy of Tiny Seed book ,
Activity work sheet, sequencing chart, chart paper, smart board.
(New York)RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate
understanding of their central message or lesson.

(Ontario)Organizing Ideas 1.5: identify and order main ideas and sup- porting
details, initially with support and direction, using simple graphic organizers (e.g.,
a story ladder, sequence chart) and simple organizational pat- terns (e.g., time
order: first, then, next, finally; order of importance; beginning, middle, and end)

Central Focus:
The Central Focus of this learning segment is sequencing events in a text.

Learning Objectives:

After reading the story The tiny seed, the students will be able to correctly sequence the
steps to planting a seed.
Opening/Anticipatory Set:
Teacher will walk in holding a bouquet of flowers, will put them into the classroom vase
and tell the students we are going to learn to grow beautiful flowers.



Main Body/Procedure:
1. Students will be instructed to come to the carpet based on which month their birthday
is in to avoid having all students run to the carpet at once. Once all students are seated at
the carpet, teacher will ask students if they have ever picked a flower from a garden.
Teacher will listen to students responses and then tell the students that today we will be
learning to plant our own flowers.. Teacher will then tell students that we are going to
learn about sequencing so we can all grow beautiful flowers. We will start to learn about
sequencing by reading Tiny Seed by Eric Carl. We will also discuss the vocabulary words
Sequencing, plant, seed and post them on our chart.
2. Teacher will read the story aloud for all the students. However, they will have the
ability to follow along on their pages, which will be displayed on the smart board.
3. Once I have finished reading the story I will display my Tiny Seed sequencing chart
and options (Appendix 1) on the ELMO. Based on the events in the Tiny Seed story
students and teacher will work together to sequence the story. While reviewing the
importance of the First, Next,Then and Last which is what makes a sequence.
4. Once the sequencing is complete, I will shut down the smart board and give the
students their next task.
The next task will be to independently complete the next activity, which is their planting
a seed sequencing worksheet. (appendix 2)
5. Once the students have all their supplies and have begun working on their worksheet,
teacher will call Max and Sam to the work table with their supplies. Teacher will help



Max and Sam complete their sequencing chart. To ensure the students understand the task
teaching will walk around the room and check to see what the students have put in for the
2 option on the sequencing sheet. This will indicate to the teacher if the students grasp
the concept of sequencing. The students will continue to work independently while
teacher continues to work with Max and Sam.
6. Once students are starting to come near the end of the worksheet teacher will instruct
students to review their worksheets with their elbow partners to review their sequences.

7. Once teacher sees many students are conferencing with their elbow partners she will
then display the sequence on the SmartBoard. She will ask 6 students to volunteer to
come and sequence the events in order for the students to check their answers.
8. Once teacher sees many students are conferencing with their elbow partners she will
then display the sequence on the SmartBoard. She will ask 6 students to volunteer to
come and sequence the events in order for the students to check their answers. Once the
students have verified theirs answers teacher will instruct students that they have
completed their first introduction to sequencing and they will be working on more
activities tomorrow.
A. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT): I chose the theme of flowers
and seed for this lesson, as flowers are certainly something that all my
students have seen. The classroom is struggling with bullying and making
fun of eachother for being different. Many of my students come from



different backrounds, therefor the classroom is very diverse. I chose to do

flowers are I want the students to make connections with although the
flowers are different they are all beautiful in their own ways. I will make
connections to how the students will grow as people too.
B. Accommodations: The story will be provided on Smart Board for
students who require visual aids. ELL students will be given an adapted
sequencing chart with numbers already printed on that chart which will
assist the sequencing process and allow students to match cards with
chart. Teacher will work with Max and Sam to help complete their
sequencing charts. Students will have the opportunity to work with elbow
partner, which gives the chance for high and low students to work
together for extra instruction.
C. Prerequisite Skills: This is an introductory lesson on sequencing, they
will need to have the basic reading skills in order to follow along and
sequence the events independently.

D. Anticipated Misconceptions: Students may confuse sequencing with

retelling and say and then, and then, and then, versus the first, second,
next and last. To help overcome this I will reinforce the importance of the
first, next, then and last during my lesson.



E. Vocabulary: Students will need an understanding of content vocabulary:

Sequencing, plant, seed. Definition of sequencing will be explained
during introduction of lesson, and vocabulary words will be discussed
prior to lesson and posted on a chart.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2





Artifact # 3 IPAD App. Research Assignment

Overview of the Artifact: In order to further our research on technology in the

classroom, we were asked to research various Ipad applications that can be downloaded
and integrated into the classroom for students. I research 8 applications that are tied to
literacy that can support students in the classroom and at home to improve their literacy
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: Having the opportunity to research applications that
will better supports students skills allows me to connect with the standard of nurturing.



Finding resources that encourage students will only further develop the intellectual,
physical, emotional, social potential of each student.
TEAC Claims: By providing students with resources to further their literacy skills its
showing my ability to demonstrate my content knowledge. Which validates claim #1:
Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s).
ISTE Standards for Teachers and/or Students: This research project supports standard
3.A-which allowed me to demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of
current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
CEC Standards: The application research assignment demonstrated standard #6 and
supports language. It supports the language standard as the applications researched
encourage students to develop strong literacy skills.
Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: Care The ethical standard of Care includes
compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students
potential. Members express their commitment to students well-being and
learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in

EDU 571 Dr. Jeff Faunce

iPad Common Assignment
App Image:




App Price: Free
Subject Area: Reading
Languages: English
Rationale for Curriculum Use: This app serves are an interactive activity for students to
learn their ABCs, phonics and pronunciation. With this app they could gain a reading
vocabulary of 1000+ words. This app allows students to tap to sound out words and
letters - learning phonics on the fly, learn word and sentence formation and read along as
the words highlight. The app offers a library of hundreds of educational childrens stories.
ISTE Standards for Students: Creativity and innovation- 1A. ; Apply existing
knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity -1a. ;
Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: R 1.1read a few different types of literary texts
(e.g., pattern books, rhymes, books from home, simple fiction stories), graph- ic texts
(e.g., calendars, environmental print, signs), and informational texts (e.g., morning
messages, strategy charts, instructions, simple non-fiction books, labels)

App Image:

App Title: iWriteWords

App Price: $2.99



Subject Area: Writing

Languages: English
Rationale for Curriculum Use: iWriteWords helps to teach kids how to write the letters
of the alphabet, numbers up to 20, and simple words using a dot-to-dot approach.
ISTE Standards for Students: Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making.
4B. ; Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
assessments 2D. ; Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital
tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: 2.2 begin to establish a personal voice in their
writing by using pictures and words that convey their attitude or feel- ing towards the
subject or audience (e.g., use pictures and words that project interest or enthusiasm)
App Image:

App Title: EF English First High Flyers Vocab Game for

Learning English
App Price: Free
Subject Area: ELL
Languages: English, French, German, Indonesian, Russian, Simplified Chinese,
Traditional Chinese.
Rationale for Curriculum Use: This app allows students to learn and practice the
English language in an engaging way. This interactive app features audio flashcards and
colorful graphics, which will enable the student to master perfect pronunciation.
ISTE Standards for Students: Communication and collaboration. 2C. ; Develop
cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
4D ; Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with
colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and
collaboration tools
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: A1.3: ESL Stage 1 - Students read and comprehend
simple written English.



App Image:

App Title: SightWords

App Price: Free
Subject Area: Beneficial for SWD particularly dyslexia
Languages: English
Rationale for Curriculum Use: This app features SightWords free and printable
materials which are designed to promote learning in the classroom and also at home.
ISTE Standards for Students: Technology operations and concepts 6B. ; Select and
use applications effectively and productively
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Model digital age work and learning 3A. ; Demonstrate
fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies
and situations
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: R1.1 - read a few different types of literary texts
(e.g., pattern books, rhymes, books from home, simple fiction stories), graph- ic texts
(e.g., calendars, environmental print, signs), and informational texts (e.g., morning
messages, strategy charts, instructions, simple non-fiction books, labels)
App Image:



App Title: 123 Kids Fun MUSIC BOX

App Price: $2.79
Subject Area: Music
Languages: English
Rationale for Curriculum Use: 123 Kids Fun MUSIC BOX is a musical app for
toddlers and preschool kids. It is bright, colourful and easy to use it offers a great
introduction to the world of music and sounds. Overall A cool app that will stimulate
and foster your kids creativity, motor skills, and appreciation of sounds and music.
ISTE Standards for Students: Creativity and innovation 1B. ; Create original works
as a means of personal or group expression
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
assessments 2B. ; Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all
students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting
their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: C1.1 - sing songs in unison and play simple
accompaniments for music from a wide variety of diverse cultures, styles, and historical
periods (e.g., play a simple rhythmic ostinato on a drum or tambourine to accompany
singing; match pitches in echo singing)

App Image:



App Title: Love to Count by Pirate Trio

App Price: $5.49
Subject Area: Mathematics
Languages: English
Rationale for Curriculum Use: This is an interactive app that allows children to
practice their Math skills. This interactive app offers games such as splitting a pizza
evenly for the pirates or counting the number of fish caught.
ISTE Standards for Students: Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
4C. ; Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Model digital age work and learning 3A ; Demonstrate
fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies
and situations
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: M1.1 represent, compare, and order whole numbers
to 50, using a variety of tools (e.g., connecting cubes, ten frames, base ten materials,
number lines, hundreds charts) and contexts

App Image:



App Title: Cursive Writing Wizard - Kids Learn Joined Letters

App Price: $6.99
Subject Area: Writing
Languages: English, French
Rationale for Curriculum Use: This application allows children to practice their
cursive writing. Create PDF worksheets from word lists and when it's time to practice on
real paper you can directly print them from the app, or email them.
ISTE Standards for Students: Research and information fluency 3C. ; Evaluate and
select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity 1C.
; Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students
conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: W.3.7 - Use some appropriate elements of effective
presentation in the finished prod- uct, including print, script, different fonts, graphics, and
App Image:

App Title: My Story Book Creator School Edition

App Price: $5.49
Subject Area: Writing
Languages: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
Rationale for Curriculum Use: This interactive app encourages children to storytell. It
promotes literacy, comprehension, creative thinking, and self-driven learning. Children
are able to create and share ebooks and movies of your stories by adding drawings,
photos, and stickers.



ISTE Standards for Students: Communication and collaboration 2A ; Interact,

collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
ISTE Standards for Teacher: Model digital age work and learning 3B. ; Collaborate
with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources
to support student success and innovation
Ontario Curriculum Expectations: W2.1 - write short texts using a few simple forms
(e.g., a recount of personally signif- icant experiences; a simple report on top- ics of
interest to the writer and identified in non-fiction reading;How tobooks identifying the
steps in a procedure such asHow to Make Applesauce, including pictures, symbols,
and words; a story modelled on characters and events from stories read; their own
variation on a familiar poem, chant, or song; a poster for the classroom)

Artifact #4 DASA Training Certificate, the In School Violence Prevention and

Intervention Certificate, the Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and
Maltreatment Certificate.
Overview of the Artifact:
INTASC Standards: These certificates allowed me to further my education and receive
additional training in order to better support my students. This validates standard #9,
which is professional learning and ethical practice. The teacher engages in ongoing
professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice.
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: Standard #2: Educators commit to their own learning
in order to develop their practice. Very much like the previous standard, furthering my
education allows me to ensure that I am creating a safe space and supporting my students
to the best of my abilities and training.
TEAC Claims: These certificates allow me to validate Medaille claim #3 - that graduates
of Medaille College are caring educators.



CEC Standards: Educators are guided by the professions ethical and professional
practice standards. The certificates I received allowed me to pursue my education and
ensure that I do what is best for my students. This supports standard #9: Professional and
Ethical Practice
Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: Standard: Care includes compassion, acceptance,
interest and insight for developing students potential. Members express their
commitment to students well-being and learning through positive influence, professional
judgment and empathy in practice.









Artifact #5 EDU 504 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Presentation

Overview of the Artifact: In order to learn more about the education system as well as
best practices we created a power point on an assigned topic. My topic was Positive
behavioral interventions and supports(PBIS). This assignment allowed me to further
research a topic, and present the information to my peers using a PowerPoint.
INTASC Standards: Standard #3: Learning Environments by utilizing the PBIS method
in the classroom the teacher works with others to create environments that support



individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self motivation.
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: Standard #2 states that Educators create, support and
maintain challenging learning environments for all. Integrating PBIS into the classroom
as a best practice and utilizing all of its features would allow you to best support your
student and their leanings.
TEAC Claims: Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners
through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices. By incorporating PBIS into the
classroom it would allow better support for diverse learners.
ISTE Standards for Teachers and/or Students: Standard: 5. C- Evaluate and reflect on current
research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and
emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning. By evaluating and reflecting
on PBIS it meets the ISTE standard.

CEC Standards: Standard #1: Foundations. The education system is a field that is forever
changing and evolving. However, understanding the foundations and basics allows you to grow

as an educator.
Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: Respect, Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect
are trust and fair-mindedness. Members honour human dignity, emotional wellness and
cognitive development. In their profes- sional practice, they model respect for spiritual
and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the









Artifact #6 Annotated Bibliography

Overview of the Artifact: During my studies at Medaille I had the opportunity to write
an annotated bibliography. This demonstrated my ability to research an article and
complete the bibliography.
INTASC Standards: The annotated bibliography exhibits Standard 2: learning
differences. Completing the research on the topic of my choice allows me to gain
understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure
inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.



NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: Standard #6: Educators advance the intellectual and
ethical foundation of the learning community. The annotated bibliography allowed me to further
investigate a topic in which I was not familiar and advance my intellectual foundations. As
educators, its important to always be willing to learn new information on new topics.

TEAC Claims: By providing students the opportunity to research new information it

adheres to the TEAM Claim1:MedailleCollegegraduatesknowthesubjectmatterintheir

ISTE Standards for Teachers and/or Students: 5.CEvaluate and reflect on current research
and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital
tools and resources in support of student learning. The annotated bibliography allowed me to
reflect and write about a new topic.

CEC Standards: Standard #4: Instructional Strategies. By having the students complete an
annotated bibliography versus another instructional method it allowed me to increase my
instructional strategies. The object of the annotated bibliography was to determine if students
received specialized learning services at school are mote often the victim of bullying. Because of
this research, it will allow me to differ my instructional strategies to alleviate some of the
pressure that students who are receiving additional learning services may be feeling.

Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: Standard: Integrity, the purpose of my annotated

bibliography was to determine the factors of bullying at school and if one group is more prone to
bullying over another. This adheres to the standard of integrity as, at the end of the day I only
wish whats best for all my students and I will commit to doing as much research as possible to
make changes that matter in my classroom!




ESP 600
APRIL 29TH 2016

Article Reference
Hartley, M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., & Davis, S. (2015). Comparative Study of
Bullying Victimization among Students in General and Special Education. Exceptional
Children, 81(2), 176-193. EJ1049292
Bullying is unfortunately something that many students are facing in todays society.



purpose of the article is to identify if students receiving special education services for
their disabilities are being victimized by bullies more than students who are not receiving
any special education services.
Target Population/Participant Number
31 schools participated, 28 public and 3 private. The schools varied in size from 100 to
3,247 students. A total of 13,177 completed the questionnaire. 3,305 reported being a
victim of bullying at least 2-3 times a month, 1,441 females and 1,343 males. Of these
victims, 361 received special education.
Research Method
The students were asked to complete an online questionnaire, to which the questions
included 1) Are the frequency of harm and degree of psychological distress related to the
bullying similar? 2) Are the patterns and perpetrators of verbal, relational, and physical
bullying victimization similar? 3) Are the gender and grade-level effects similar?
(Hartley, M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., & Davis, S.,2015).
Article Summary
The purpose of the article is to review if in fact students receiving special education are
facing more bullying whether is being physical, emotional of psychological. The article
reviews finding of a study in order to prove of disprove if students receiving special
education are more often victimized than not.

Identify the findings/outcomes of the study as presented in the article.

Discuss its usefulness and importance.



The study showed a few findings that were quite surprising First, the present study
showed that adult teachers and staff were reported to be significantly more likely to
verbally, relationally, and physically bully students with disabilities, indicating that
schools are not necessarily safe or welcoming to students who receive special education
services. School administrators, in particular, must continually evaluate and monitor the
behaviors of adults who work with students with disabilities within the school. (Hartley,
M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., & Davis, S.,2015) Second, the present study showed
that reported physical bullying was more prevalent among students who receive special
education services, which should be a call to arms to teachers in American schools. And
Third, the present study showed that students with disabilities reported more physical
and emotional harm as well as more psychological distress as a result of bullying.
(Hartley, M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., & Davis, S.,2015) These findings are very
important as the findings pin pointed a key place that school teachers and administration
can focus on putting an end to bullying. The results showed that in the school teachers
and administration were likely to be bullies towards the students. The study does confirm
the students who receive special education services are more often the victims of bullying
and that it does cause those students more physical and emotional harm. Its very
important to know this information as it will allow all teachers and not only special
education teachers to provide education and workshops for students in order to try and
prevent bullying and cope with past bullying events.

Interpret the findings of the study and identify the strengths and limitations of
the article.

A strength of the study was the fact the each type of violence if well described.



Whether it being, physical, emotional or verbal, the violences are well described and
gives the reader a great understanding. The fact that the study mentioned Rather than
sending teachers and staff to off- site trainings, it is more important to bring bullying
prevention experts into the actual school, where the bullying behaviors are occurring.
(Hartley, M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., & Davis, S.,2015)
Another limitation that was identified in the study was that Not all students had an
equal chance to participate in the present study, and the sample statistics may not reflect
the true population. In particular, students with the most significant disabilities were less
likely to be taught in general classrooms and there- fore less likely to have been sampled
in this study. (Hartley, M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., & Davis, S.,2015) If the point of
the study it to determine if students with disabilities are being bullied, it would be very
important to

Offer suggestions for improvement upon the limitations.

A weakness noted in the study was More research on the unique but varied patterns
of bullying victimization among students with disabilities is needed. Rather than treating
all students with disabilities as a monolithic group, more researchers should examine
differences across diagnostic categories. (Hartley, M. T., Bauman, S., Nixon, C. L., &
Davis, S.,2015). The study generalizes all the studies that have a disability in one
category. For future studies it would benefit the students to group the students in various
categories in order to provide more evidence as to if a certain group is being targeted
more than another. In the matter of not all students having the same opportunity to test, a
larger effort should have been made to survey all the students.



How can you improve upon the limitations to move forward with this work?

Improvements can be made by providing teachers and administration with workshops

and in school this will encourage teachers to provide students with a more inclusive
environments in order to reduce the bullying and better support all the students. The
results would like different had all students been able to take the survey and honestly
answer the questions regarding about bullying. I would have the students retake the
survey in order to reassess the results and establish where the need is.
Classroom Application

Why is this article important in the field of education? How could you apply this
information to a classroom setting?

This article is so important in the field of education as it addresses gaps that may exist
in the school systems. Although bullying has always been existent in the school systems,
we would have never considered that some of it stem from the teachers. The study
addresses the issues of bullying, I would incorporate this into my classroom to ensure that
I providing the most inclusive and safe space possible for my students. Teachers need to
be aware of the way the speak to students even if they mean the comment as a joke, some
students may take it seriously. That is considered bullying. As a teacher I want to
encourage my students have feel comfortable and have nice clean fun, and that will all
start with my attitude and the way I speak to the students.
Artifact #7 Survey Assignment
Overview of the Artifact: During my research methods class we were given the chance
to choose a topic that was important to us, create a survey, have people complete the



survey and then assess the results. The topic I chose was implementing a mandatory
physical activity period in the school each and every single day. I felt strongly about that
topic as I feel its so important for students to have a chance to take a small break from the
studying and just get up and move. Therefore I created my survey assignment based on
that topic.
INTASC Standards: The survey assignment displays Standard #4: content knowledge. I
chose a topic and studied the topic and its contents in hopes to create learning
experiences that are meaningful to the students. Having the ability to choose a topic,
create a survey and collect data really ensures that you are away of the content
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: Standard #5: Educators collaborate with parents and
community, building trust. Because this survey required the input of parents it
encouraged me as an educator to collaborate with the parents in the community.
TEAC Claims: This assignment adheres to Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the
needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices. As
essentially, the goal of the survey was to implement more physical activity into the
classroom, which would benefit all the students.
ISTE Standards for Teachers and/or Students: 3.B Collaborate with students, peers,
parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student
success and innovation. By collaborating with parents and other members of the schools



in order to implement this survey, it supports standard #3 which ensures collaborating

with students, parents and peers.
CEC Standards: Standard #10: Collaboration. As previous mentioned, there was
collaborating required in order to implement this survey, college and assess the data. In
order to complete this collaboration was needed.
Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: Standard: Trust. The standard of trust was met, as the
parents and students must trust me as an educator to complete the survey with honesty. If
there was no trust amongst the student, parents and teachers it would be difficult to
implement new things into the classroom as there would be no common ground found
amongst the groups. Trust is a very important factor thats needed from both sides.

Educational Survey



Amanda Lapointe-Cabral
Medaille College
ECI: 510

December 4TH 2015.

Introduction: The purpose of the survey is to bring to the attention of

parents the need for more physical activity in the schooling system. In
todays society obesity and diabetes are on the rise within our
students. Implementing more physical activity during the day will
promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Studies also show that allowing
the students time for physical activity during the day leads to higher
test scores


Target Population: This survey is designed to seek the opinion of the

parents in order to later present the results to the administration.
Directions: Please complete the survey, read the question and circle
the best answer. 1 Strongly agree to 5 Strongly Disagree.




Question1: Physical activity is very important for students. 1,1,2,1,1,1,2,2,1,1
Question2: Your child is getting enough physical activity during the day at school.
Question3: Physical activity negatively affects academic achievement.
Question4: Schools should promote physical activity for youth.



Question5: Students would not benefit from daily physical activity at school.


Question6: Physically activity is one of the most important steps to being healthy.
Question7: Students should be more exposed to organized sports.




Questions8: There is a decline of physical activity within the school systems.


Question9: Teachers should focus on literacy and math instead of promoting physical activity.


Question10: Schools should implement a mandatory 30 minutes of daily physical activity for the students.



Strongly Agree: 1 Agree: 2 Neutral: 3 Disagree: 4 Strongly Disagree: 5










Reviewing the data it is evident that the parents see the importance in physical
activity in the classroom. Question 1 asked if physical activity was important to the
students and 10 out of 10 parents strongly agreed or agreed that physical activity is
important. Question 2 asked the parents if they felt like their child was getting enough
physical activity during the school hours, 9 of 10 disagreed or strongly disagreed. 10 out
of 10 parents disagreed or strongly disagreed that their child would not positively benefit
from more physical in the school when asked during question 5. Mostly importantly
when asked in question 10 9 out of 10 parents agreed that a mandatory 30 minutes of
physical activity should be implemented into the school.


Now that the results have been tallied and the data has been analyzed its important
to review the next steps and put together an action plan as well as a plan for
improvement. This survey was done one a very small scale, however the results were
clear and I am certain that many other parents will agree with the parents who were
surveyed. It was evident that the parents felt their children needed more physical activity
and now this must be put into action. Put all data together in a professional format. Now
that the data has been put together in a professional manner it will be important to bring
the data and results to the administration. Next will be to create a plan with the
administration to hold a large parent and administration meeting to go over the data and
inform them of the new 30 minutes of physical activity implementation.



In order to successfully implement the 30 minutes of physical activity and effectively

keep track of improvements it will be important to collect student data prior to
implementation and track results throughout.

This will show how the students are

progressing and allow for further conclusions to be drawn from the results. However the
entire process is not something that relies solely on the students, this will require effort
from the student but also from the teacher. The teacher will need to ensure the be a strong
support and role model for the student. In the future the school can look to address future
issues as well such as what is being served in the school cafeteria to candy being
dispensed in the vending machines.
Artifact #8 Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Overview of the Artifact: My diploma in Early Childhood Education is a diploma I
received prior to attending University of Ottawa of Medaille College. I decided to
incorporate my diploma as an artifact as it is essentially what committed me to pursuing
my education and becoming a teacher. I learnt so many invaluable skills during my
students and spend many hours with children. I have chosen to become a teacher today
based on the experiences I had while completing that diploma.
INTASC Standards: Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. My
diploma in Early Childhood Education is what encouraged me to complete my studies
and become a teacher. I learnt many valuable things while pursuing my education in the
ECE program.
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators: Standard # 3:Educators commit to their own learning
in order to develop their practice. Having the ECE diploma is an added bonus for myself



as an educator. Although not required to teach children I have still learnt so many skills in
which I can further develop once I am a classroom teacher.

TEAC Claims: Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators and have
effective teaching skills. I learnt many skills while completing my diploma, spending
over 300 hours in a classroom with young children is what truly reinforced my love for
the professional. It takes a special kind of caring and enthusiastic person in order to be
able to spend your day with 3 and 4 year old children.
CEC Standards: Standard #9: Professional and Ethical Practice, I always say education is
never wasted. And although this diploma did take two years to complete, Im proud to
have that to add to my resume and believe its important for educators to have as much
professional practice as possible.
Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards: Standard: Care. You do not choose to become an
educator if you know you wont care for your students. Being a teacher is simply not a 9-5
job. Having my ECE diploma supports the standard of care as it shows to my students
and parents that I am committed to the field of education and will continue my studies in
order to be the absolute teacher I can be!



The artifacts presented above display my abilities to be a successful teacher in the
classroom while maintaining the curriculum and standards. Each standard and curriculum
are very important in their own ways and a successful teacher will be able to respect and



support each curriculum and standard allowing them to provide a better education for
their students. In section 4 you will find each standard defined in a way that allows for
better understanding, as well as a chart that displays in visual way the way in which each
of my artifacts is connected to its standards.

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