Lecture 2: Renormalization Groups (Continued) David Gross 2.1. Finite Renormalization
Lecture 2: Renormalization Groups (Continued) David Gross 2.1. Finite Renormalization
Lecture 2: Renormalization Groups (Continued) David Gross 2.1. Finite Renormalization
David Gross
4 = g + g2C; g = g=a2
a 2
owlines of this
ow are of the form ( (T ); ), where T 2 Y is a xed theory.
However, equations for g and m cannot be easily solved, even if and
known, unless and
have some special form.
However, suppose that the vector eld W has a third one-parameter symmetry
group: ! ; a ! a; m ! tm ; g ! g (mass rescaling). In this case we will call
our renormalization prescription mass independent. Then ;
, are independent
on m , and equations (2.9) are easily solved. Namely, g () is represented implicitly
R g dg
0 = e
g g ;
( )
(2.11) ( 0) ( )
Now consider the renormalization group equation (2.13). The general solution
of this equation is
(2.14) g = 1 Ag0gln( 0 :
=0 )
Thus, we have found an approximation to the function g() based on the 1-loop
approximation to the -function.
Now we face the following fundamental questions. In what respect is expression
(2.14), obtained from the 1-loop approximation to the beta-function, any better
than the expression
(2.15) g = g0 + A(g0)2 ln(=0);
obtained directly from (2.2)? (Nothe that (2.15) coincides with (2.14) modulo
(g0)3 !) In what sense does (2.14) better represent \reality"than (2.15)? In other
words, why did we care to introduce renormalization group, beta-function, and so
on, instead of just getting (2.15) directly?
The answer is the following. Assume that 4 theory exists in the non-perturbative
setting (it is not believed to be the case, but never mind; you can think in-
stead of another eld theory). Then formula (2.15) has a chance to be valid only
when g0 ln(=0 ) is small, since the series for g will contain terms of the form
(g0)k+1 ln(=0 )k . On the other hand, formula (2.13) is valid for small g, since it
is the beginning of the Taylor expansion of . So in the region where g is small
but g0 ln(=0 ) is not (for example, Ag0 ln(=0) = 1=2; g0 << 1), formula (2.14)
is reliable but (2.15) is not.
2.6. Asymptotic freedom.
So far we have always worked with quantum eld theories in the perturbative
setting, primarily because this was the only setting in which we could dene and
study them. However, physics lives over R rather than R[[ ]], so we should investi-
gate when we can use perturbative results to judge about the actual process. One
necessary condition is clear: all couplings should be small, so that expansions in
formal series with respect to them have a chance to make sense.
In particular, we can ask whether we can trust the rules of perturbative renor-
malization, which were discussed in the previous lecture and in Witten's lectures.
As you remember, these rules tell how to handle divergences arising at high mo-
menta (ultraviolet divergences). Thus, in order to trust the theory of perturbative
renormalization we should be sure that interactions are small at high momenta.
A (Euclidean) quantum eld theory (in the non-perturbative sense; for example,
in the sense of Wightman axioms) is called asymptotically free if its interactions are
small at high momenta. That is, a theory is asymptotically free if its correlation
functions in momentum space are asymptotically (at high momenta) close to those
of a free theory. Thus, in order to use perturbative renormalization legitimately,
we should be sure that our theory is asymptotically free.
Of course, in the perturbative setting we cannot even show that a quantum eld
theory exists, much less that it is asymptotically free. It is therefore a pleasant
surprise that if we assume that a theory with a given perturbation expansion exists,
its asymptotic freedom can be checked perturbatively, usually already in the 1-
loop approximation. Later we will discuss it in more detail, but now we will just
demonstrate it for 4-theory.
We will only consider renormalizable theories, i.e. points of the space Y . It is
clear that such a theory T 2 Y is free (i.e. quadratic) if the eective coupling
g vanishes. Thus, the condition for asymptotic freedom is that the coupling g
vanishes asymptotically, at high momenta. That means, lim!1 g () = 0.
It is clear that we cannot see whether g () approaches zero or not by looking at
g () in the perturbation expansion. This is clear from the example of the function
f () = 1+ ln(1= ) , which vanishes at innity for any nite , but diverges at
innity if reduced modulo N for each N . What we can see, however, is whether,
as increases, the value of g () increases or decreases.
Let us do this for 4 theory. In this case, the physically meaningful region of
values of g is g > 0. So we should nd out whether g0 is positive or negative
when g is in this region.
Now it is very easy for us to answer this question. Namely, if g is small, we
can trust formula (2.13): g0 = Ag2 . This means that g increases, i.e. gets away
from zero. Of course, we cannot claim on the basis of (2.13) that g increases
all the time (remember that (2.13) is only valid for small g ), but what we can
denitely guarantee on the basis of (2.13) is that lim!1 g () 6= 0. Thus the 4
theory is not asymptotically free, and its perturbation expansion is not valid
at high momenta. This is a non-perturbative result which we obtained using only
perturbation theory.
Thus, renormalization group gives us a subtle way of partial summation of the
perturbation series, allowing us to extend the region of validity of perturbation the-
ory, and thus pushing us closer toward the world of non-perturbative eld theories.