Lecture Ii-9: Wilson Loops,'T Hooft'S Loops, and 'T Hooft'S Model of Confinement Edward Witten
Lecture Ii-9: Wilson Loops,'T Hooft'S Loops, and 'T Hooft'S Model of Confinement Edward Witten
Lecture Ii-9: Wilson Loops,'T Hooft'S Loops, and 'T Hooft'S Model of Confinement Edward Witten
Edward Witten
Notes by Pavel Etingof and David Kazhdan
9.1. 't Hooft loop operator
Let us recall abelian duality in 4 dimensions, which we discussed two lectures ago.
Consider a free U (1) gauge theory with a -angle. Thus we have two dimensionless
couplings e, which combine into a single complex coupling = 2ei2 + , and the
Lagrangian is
Z i i
(9.1) L= 2
F+ 4 F ; 2
M 4
where F is the curvature of a U (1) connection A and F+; F are the selfdual and
antiselfdual parts of the curvature. We have seen that if the spacetime M is a spin
manifold then this theory is \modular invariant" as a function of . One modular
symmetry ! + 1 is obvious, as it corresponds to shifting the -angle by ,
which does nothing because c21 for a spin manifold is even. (On a manifold that
is not a spin manifold, the symmetry would be only ! + 2.) The symmetry
under the second generator of the modular group, ! 1= , is more interesting
and corresponds to electromagnetic duality discovered by Maxwell. More precisely,
this means that the theory of a connection A with coupling constant is identical
both classically and quantum mechanically to the same theory with coupling 1=
and the connection B such that dA = const dB. Now, like two lectures ago, we
want to see what happens to operators under this duality. In particular, we want
to know what happens to the Wilson loop operator.
Recall that the Wilson loop operator has the form W
(C ) = ei
HolC (A), where
HolC (A) denotes the integral of the connection A along a closed oriented curve
C in the spacetime M . This operator is gauge-invariant and well-dened if
an integer, or for any real
if the curve C is homotopically trivial in M . (More
P be several components Ci with real numbers
i, and the
generally, there could
condition is that i
iCi should be an integral class in H1 (M ).) Matrix elements
of this operator are computed, as usual, by inserting the above exponential into
the path integral. Similarly to what we found in similar problems in two and three
dimensions, we should get that the dual description of the Wilson loop is a recipe
which says that rather than insert in the path integral an object living on C , we
should integrate over connections having a singularity along C .
The precise answer is the R following. For any curve C the expectation value
(C )O1:::Oni equals to e L (B ) O1:::OnDB, where the integral is taken over
connections on M n C such that the integral of the curvature of B over a small
2-sphere S in a normal 3-space to C at any point equals 2
Let us prove this. We assume that C is a boundary. Let D be a 2-chain whose
boundary is C . Recall the calculation from the lecture on Abelian duality: our
elds are A { the original connection, G- the 2-form, and B { the dual connection.
We have
e L(A) W
(C )DA =
DA DG DBe 4i F+2 + 4i F 2 e 2i G^FB ei
(9.1) G) ;
where F = FA G, and the last factor corresponds to the insertion of the Wilson
loopR (recall from the abelian duality discussion that the Wilson loop classically is
D FA , and FA is to be replaced with FA G in the extended theory). Gauging
A to 0, we get
e L(A) W
(C )DA =
DG DBe 4i G2++ 4i G2 e 2i G^FB e i
D G =
DG DBe 4i G2++ 4i G2 ei G^( 21 FB
where [D] is the delta-function of D. Now we dene F~B := FB 2
[D]. Then
after integrating out G, (9.2) can be written as
e L(A) W
(C )DA =
(9.3) DBe 4i
(F~B )2+ + 4i R (F~B )2 ;
Thus, the eect of the insertion W
(C ) is that FB is replaced in the nal answer
by F~B . So B is now a connection on a line bundle with singularity along C , as
discussed above.
Note that if C is not a boundary then hW
(C )i = 0 (even with insertion of any
number of local operators). Indeed, we have symmetry A ! A + d, and does
not have to be globally dened as a map to a circle; in fact, d can be any closed
one-form. So if C is not a boundary then we can choose d in such a way that the
operator W
(C ) will multiply by ei for some nonzero . Hence its expectation
value (even with inclusion of local operators, which are invariant under this trans-
formation) vanishes. More P generally, the correlator hW
1 (C1):::W
n (Cn)i (with any
local operators) is zero if
i Ci 6= 0 in H1 (M ), where M is the spacetime. As
notedPbefore, for the product of operators in question to be well-dened, we only
iCi to be an integral class.
From our construction
R so far, for any curve C we have two operators:
1) W
(C ) = ei
2) T
(C ) = ei
C B .
The second operator, which is dual to the Wilson loop, is called the 't Hooft
loop operator.
9.2. Hilbert space interpretation of the 't Hooft loop operator
Now let us consider this picture from the Hamiltonian point of view. Then the
spacetime M has the form M = M 3 R with Minkowski metric. Let C; C 0 be
two nonintersecting closed simple curves in M 3 . They dene operators W
(C )
and T
0 (C 0) on the Hilbert space H. The following commutation relation for these
operators is due to 't Hooft:
(9.4) W
(C )T
0 (C 0 ) = e2i
0 l(C;C0)T
0 (C 0)W
(C ):
Let us prove this formula. Let us work in terms of the original connection A.
Then the Hilbert space consists of wave functions (A). In this realization, R the
Wilson loop operator W
(A) is simply the operator of multiplication by e A. i
However, the 't Hooft loop operator is a bit harder to dene. To do this, consider
the homomorphism 1 (M 3 n C 0; x0 ) ! Z given by the linking number with C 0.
Let 10 be the kernel of this homomorphism and X be the Z-cover of M3 n C 0
corresponding to 10. Let be a function X ! U (1) such that the monodromy
corresponding to the generator of Z is ei
. Any two such functions dier by a
gauge transformation, but itself is not an honest gauge transformation. Then it
is not dicult to check that the 't Hooft loop operator T
0 (C 0) is just the \illegal"
gauge transformation by :
(9.5) (T
0 (C 0) )(A) = (A ):
Note that this is well-dened since any two such 's dier by an honest gauge
transformation. R
Now formula (9.4) is clear since TWT 1 = ei
C dW , because of the way that
T transforms the connection in the denition of W .
9.3. The 2+1-dimensional analogue of the 3+1-dimensional picture
Consider the 2+1-dimensional analogue of this picture. As we saw before, in
2+1 dimensions the theory of a scalar eld is dual to a gauge theory of the dual
eld A. The path integral in with insertion of eiR(x) is the same as path integral
in A where A is a connection on M n x which has F = 2, where the integral is
over a small sphere around x. Thus, the operator ei corresponds to a magnetic
monopole in gauge theory.
Now consider the 3-dimensional cosine theory, dened by the path integral
(9.6) De
(jdj2+"(ei+e i )):
Decomposing this path integral in a power series, and passing to the dual variable
A, we get the sum
X m+n Z dx1 :::dxm Z dy1:::dyn Z R 2
FA ;
(9.7) " m! n! e
m;n Ax;y
where Ax;y is the space of connections with monopoles at xi and antimonopoles at
yj . Thus the cosine theory maps to the theory with monopoles. We saw this more
computationally when we discussed the Polyakov model two lectures ago.
9.4. The model of confinement
Now we discuss a picture of connement developed by 't Hooft. In general we
don't assume that the gauge group is abelian. Recall the denition of connement.
We have a gauge group G and with universal cover Gb. We assume that G is the
quotient of Gb which acts faithfully on all elds in the Lagrangian. We let R be
a representation of Gb. As we discussed before, if there is a mass gap, there are
two usual patterns of decay of the expectation value hWR (C )i of the Wilson line
operator corresponding to the representation R as C gets big:
Pattern 1:
(9.8) hWR (C )i e Length(C)
Pattern 2:
(9.9) hWR (C )i e Area(C)
(here the parameter
is a xed nonzero number and the area of C means the
minimal area of the spanning surface). The rst regime is called the Higgs regime
(the length law) and the second one is called the connement regime (the area law).
As we discussed in the previous lecture on connement, the rst regime is the
case when R is a representation of G itself, and to see connement one needs to
consider the case when R is a representation of Gb but not of G. Thus interesting
WR (C ) correspond to elements of 1 (G) .
Now let us consider the 't Hooft loop operator T
(C ). It is dened for any G by
analogy with the denition in the abelian case. We x an element
2 1(G). Recall
that G-bundles on a two-sphere S 2 are classied by a characteristic class that takes
values in H 2 (S 2; 1 (G)), which is canonically isomorphic to 1 (G). The choice of
therefore canonically determines an isomorphism class of G-bundles on S 2. We
can now dene the 't Hooft operator: a path integral with insertion of T
(C ) is
computed by integrating over connections on M n C which have the property that
when restricted to a small sphere S that links C , the bundle has characteristic class
't Hooft's idea was to consider T
(C ) instead of WR (C ) and nd conditions
under which there is an area law for its expectation value. This occurs, as he
showed, for certain Higgs theories. Then, 't Hooft proposed (following earlier ideas
of Nambu, Mandelstam, and others) that connement would be related to the
Higgs mechanism by a duality that maps 't Hooft loop operators into Wilson loop
operators. This does not explain connement, but it reformulates the problem:
to reduce the mysterious phenomenon of connement to the much more easily
understood Higgs phenomenon, one must understand the nonlinear duality that
exchanges 't Hooft and Wilson loop operators.
To illustrate the area law for the 't Hooft loop in Higgs theories, we consider
a familiar example: the U (1) gauge theory with a charged complex scalar (of
charge 1). The Lagrangian is
Z jF j2
(9.10) ( 4e2 + jDA j2 + V ());
where V is a (quartic) potential. We will study the 't Hooft loop T
(C ), where
2 Z. Thus A is a connection and is a section for a hermitian line bundle over
M n C such that it has rst Chern class
when restricted to a small sphere linking
C . We will compute hT
(C )i for two classes of V :
1) V = ( + a2 )2;
2) V = ( a2 )2.
This theory was considered in Lecture 2. Recall the results of this consideration.
Case 1. In the infrared the theory behaves like the product of the theory of a free
massive eld with a free gauge theory. In particular, there is no mass gap. Thus,
we can calculate hT
(C )i for large C using the free theory. But in the free theory
this expectation value is the same as hW
(C )i in the dual theory. It is easy to see
that the expectation values of both W
and T
behave according to the length law,
because of Coulomb law of charge interaction. A theory behaving in this way is
said to be in the \Coloumb phase."
Case 2. In the infrared this theory has breaking of gauge symmetry and a Higgs
mechanism. In particular, speaking classically, we have a circle of vacua, and at
each of these vacua the low energy part of the Hamiltonian spectrum contains a
massive vector and a real massive scalar. So there is a mass gap. This theory is not
believed to exhibit connement, i.e. it is believed that it exhibits the length law
for the Wilson loop. This is certainly what one computes in perturbation theory.
In case 2, we will show that there is an area law for the 't Hooft loop operator,
because of the Higgs mechanism. This happens for topological reasons, as explained
As a warmup consider a closed spacetime M and a line bundle L with a nontrivial
c1. Let us consider the path integral for our theory over sections of this bundle. It
turns out that the action of all eld congurations in this integral has to be very
large: it is bounded below by a constant (which is independent of M ) times the
area of the minimal 2-surface which represents a cycle Poincare dual to c1(L).
Indeed, if is a section of L then has to vanish on a 2-cycle which is dual
to c1(L). If we x , we can look at the conguration of minimal action with
such a zero. For this, we can (if the metric of M is scaled up) reduce to the
case that M = R4 = R2 R2, with equal to the rst factor. We can assume
that and A are invariant under translations of the rst factor in M . In the
second factor, we want to vanish at the origin and to approach the vacuum at
innity (up to gauge transformation), such that the rst Chern class of the bundle,
relative to the trivialization at innity given by , equals 1. The same problem
appeared in lecture 2 (in the guise of nding an instanton solution of the two-
dimensional version of the same model), and we discussed qualitative properties of
the solution. Anyway, let I be the action of this solution in the two-dimensional
sense (that is, integrated over just the second factor in M ). Going back to a global
M of smallest area representing the rst Chern class, the minimum action eld
looks in the normal directions to like the instanton just described; its action is
approximately I Area().
Now let us come back to the 't Hooft loop in R4. In this case the bundle is over
M n C , where M is the spacetime. If D is a 2-chain in M whose boundary is C
then D plays the role of the of the previous discussion. Indeed, if L is a line
bundle over M n C with Chern class 1, and its section then must vanish on
a 2-surface whose boundary is C . Thus, the same argument as above shows that
hT1 (C )i e area(D), where area(D) is the smallest area of a disk spanning C .
This is the area law which we wanted to demonstrate.
This behavior is characteristic of what is called the Higgs regime, or phase.
Now let us discuss in more detail the relation of the established behavior of the
't Hooft loop operator with connement. It is believed that if 1 (G) 6= 0 there are
at least three possible phases:
1) Coulomb: no mass gap, gauge bosons in the infrared, W and T behave like
in the free theory and exhibit the length law.
2) Higgs: mass gap, length law for W , area law for T .
3) Connement: mass gap, area law for W , length law for T .
As already suggested, 't Hooft's idea was that there should be a nonabelian
analogue of duality which interchanges W with T , the Higgs and the connement
regimes, and maps the Coloumb phase to itself. Thus, the area law for T in a
theory implies connement in the dual theory. This is what happens for some
supersymmetric theories, e.g. the theory relevant to Donaldson theory.
In fact, 't Hooft showed that if R and
are such that
jR 6= 1 then either WR on
exhibit the area law. More specically, he proved an even stronger statement,
namely that the set H of all (c;
) 2 1 (G) 1 (G) such that for some representa-
tion R with central character c the operator WR (C )T
(C ) (suitably renormalized)
does not exhibit the area law, is an isotropic subgroup of 1 (G) 1 (G) with
respect to the natural symplectic form. The reason for this, very roughly, is the
following. If A(C ) = WR1 T
1 (C ) and B(C ) = WR2 T
2 (C ) exhibit the length law
then, when acting on the vacuum, they produce only eects that are localized along
C (or there would be an area law instead of a length law). So
(9.11) hA(C )B(C 0 )i = hA(C )ihB(C 0 )i(1 + o(1)); d ! 1
where d is the distance between C and C 0. This shows that if AB = qBA where q is
a constant then q must be equal to 1. By 't Hooft's formula (9.4) (which is clearly
valid in the nonabelian case as well), this implies that H is isotropic. By further
physical arguments, one shows that if there is a mass gap, then H is maximal
isotropic. This leads to a more rened classication of massive phases than was
stated above: associated to each massive phase is a maximal isotropic subgroup of
1 (G) 1 (G). All possibilities can arise, in general.
Remark. The argument showing that loop operators A and B must commute
fails if one of the operators, say A, exhibits the area law. In this case, acting on
the vacuum with this operator produces an eect that is not in any way localized
near C ; it rather has an eect which is localized near a minimal area disk D whose
boundary is C ; such a disk will always intersect C 0 when the linking number is not
zero. Formula (9.11) is now valid only if d is the distance from C 0 to D, which is
always 0, so the formula does not tell us anything.
Remark. The area law for the 't Hooft operator in a Higgs phase has many
physical and mathematical applications. For example, with some small adjust-
ments, what we said above in analyzing the behavior of the Higgs phase with a
bundle of nonzero rst Chern class could serve as an explanation of the Meissner
eect, the fact that a superconductor (which is described approximately by the
abelian Higgs model that we examined) expels magnetic
ux. Perhaps the reader
has, at a science fair, seen a demonstration of a magnet
oating above a supercon-
ductor; this eect has the same origin. Mathematically, C. Taubes's analysis of the
Seiberg-Witten invariants of symplectic four-manifolds made use of the same facts:
the localization (in a closely analogous system of equations) of the zeroes of on a
surface of smallest area.