Mamute - Monitoring Automotive Unit Transit Emissions:: Development and Application For Flex-Fuel and Diesel Vehicles

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MAMUTE Monitoring AutoMotive Unit Transit Emissions:

Development and Application for Flex-Fuel and Diesel Vehicles

Demostenis Ramos Cassiano1, Julie Anne Holanda Azevedo2, Helry Luvilany Fontenele Dias2, Rinaldo dos Santos Arajo3,
Francisco Sales vila Cavalcante1, Bruno Vieira Bertoncini2, Nara Angelica Policarpo1 and
Mona Lisa Moura de Oliveira1
State University of Cear, Department of Physics, Dr. Silas Munguba Avenue, 1700, Fortaleza, Brazil
Federal University of Cear, Pici Campus, Blc 703, Fortaleza, Brazil
Federal Institute of Cear, Department of Chemical and Environment, Treze de Maio Av. 2081, Fortaleza, Brazil,,,,,,,


On-board system, Emissions monitoring, flex-fuel and Diesel vehicles, PEMS.


Vehicle emissions are substantially contributing air pollution in urban areas. Estimated to around 23% of
global CO2 emissions are derived only from the transportation sector. Particularly, CO and HC pollutants
from light vehicles emissions (i.e. Otto cycle) are more significant. However, the heavy vehicles (i.e. Diesel
cycle) are responsible for most emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Considering the
atmospheric pollution negative impacts, several efforts have been made by researchers in the development
and determination for instantaneous emissions systems from automotive vehicles. Use of emission factors,
input data for vehicle emissions modeling, useful tool to support policy development, evaluation and
optimization of urban mobility are essential. Thus, this paper aims to explain the alternative method
developed by researchers for on-board system that can be used to emissions monitoring from light or heavy
vehicles (i.e. flex-fuel and diesel engine), named MAMUTE Monitoring AutoMotive Unit Transit
Emissions. This paper also describes the application of the developed equipment and emission factors
obtained for the main pollutants from combustion for both engine types, as well as the analysis of effect of
operating modes vehicle. In general, emission factors for Diesel vehicle showed higher values than flex-fuel
vehicle. Acceleration mode has a more significant influence than others operating modes for the tested
vehicles (flex-fuel and diesel), producing significant emission rates. In this study was presented similar
emissions factor as described in the literature.


The increasing number of vehicles in urban areas

has been contributing significantly to the observed
high levels of pollutants and greenhouse gas
emissions in such areas. In general, it can be found
gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen
oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), particulate matter
(PM) and others due to exhaustion of these
automotive vehicles. Concerning greenhouse gas
effect, carbon dioxide (CO2) plays the main role and
methane (CH4) as well (Zhang et al., 2016). ITF
(2010) reports that about 23% of global CO2
emissions just come from the transportation sector.
In addition to environmental problems, these gases
are usually responsible for several health damages,
such as respiratory diseases (IARC, 2013).

Besides the facts above mentioned, Diesel

engines owns particularly operation characteristics
so that an efficient reduction of the higher NOx and
PM emissions released by these vehicles are not
possible (Ghadikolaei, 2016; Lau et al., 2015).
The relationships between the transport sector
and environment are very complex. Many studies
have been conducted to quantify and estimate
vehicle emissions from transport sector (Heinrichs et
al., 2014; Grardin and Midoux, 2016; Xu and Lin,
2016). For this, it is essential to use emission factors
which express the relation between amount of
emissions and fuel consumptions (i.e. g/km)
(Nagpure et al., 2016). These emission factors can
be used to develop emission inventories, air quality
monitoring network, atmospheric dispersion



Vehicle emission models have been appearing as

outstanding tools to quantifying the traffic impact
and, as a consequence, helps to improve policy
development, evaluation and optimization of urban
mobility. Hence, the suitable representation of
emissions through these models depends on
representative data of the phenomenon at reliable
conditions for model reproducibility.
In this context, the development of an
appropriate method for emission factor calculation
becomes essential. Also, this method must reproduce
real conditions as closer as possible, that is, must
reflect the Brazilian realities (Souza et al., 2013).
Development vehicular emission factors can be
done by several methods such as chassis
dynamometers (Li et al., 2013; Pang et al., 2014),
infrared sensors (Carslaw and Rhys-Tyler, 2014;
Zhou et al., 2014), and Portable Emissions
Measurements System (PEMS) (Gallus et al., 2016;

Vehicle dynamic


Table 1: Typical parameters for on-board emissions data

systems vehicles.


Kousoulidou et al., 2013). Table 1 summarizes the

main parameters obtained by most common methods
of on-board emissions data systems vehicles for
measuring, collecting, and analyzing. Several
methods have been used for monitoring vehicle
emissions, chassis dynamometer tests, in-situ
methods such as tunnel, inverse dispersion, remote
sensing studies, and traffic measurements such as
probe vehicle, and studies to provide real-world
emission estimates or at any location travelled by the
vehicle (Ropkins et. al., 2009), such as detailed as
(i) Remote sensing studies have been widely
used for environmental applications, focusing on
urban atmosphere. However, they did not take into
consideration the pollutant dispersion effects in the
place and have no equipment connected inside the
vehicle (Anderson and Hadden, 1999).


modelling and vehicle inspection (EPA, 2009). In

general, vehicle emission models are useful tools in
supporting the development of policies, evaluation
and optimization of urban mobility. Thus, these
models can be used in decision-making as a way to
provide through quantitative estimates, trends and
insights into the simulated policies (Cappiello,
2002). However, an appropriate representation of
emissions through models depends on representative
data on the phenomenon in securing conditions for
the reproducibility of the model (Abdul-Manan,
2016; Grote et al., 2016).
Accordingly, this paper aims to describe a
collection method, named Monitoring AutoMotive
Unit Transit Emissions (MAMUTE), which is a
Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) type developed by Brazilians researchers for Otto
cycle (i.e. gasoline, flex-fuel) and Diesel cycle
vehicles. This is very important because most
biofuels are consumed blends in fossil fuels by
vehicles with conventional petrol or diesel engines
in Brazil and worldwide, as well. Thus, this paper
also describes the application of the MAMUTE
equipment developed and emission factors obtained
for main pollutants from combustion for flex-fuel
and Diesel vehicles, as well as analyze the influence
of operating modes. Accordingly, the biofuel blends
effect by real-world emissions measurements using
an alternative portable instrument can also be tested.

Engine RPM
Intake Air
Mass Air
Manifold Air
Engine Load
Intake Air




(ii) In dynamometer testing the vehicle wheels

are placed on turning rolls to simulate the speed
variations, rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag.
Furthermore, a fan motor provides cooling for them
during the test. The exhaust gas is continuously
extracted through the exhaust system of the vehicle.
For Diesel vehicles, the main difference is a heating
system in the exhaust used to avoid the condensation
of hydrocarbons with high boiling point. To analyze
the pollutant concentration, a diluter is used to
ensure a constant volume of the sample. The
operation principle of the diluter relies on dilution of
the released gases to the ambient air at a ratio
ranging from 1:5 and 1:10. Subsequently, a system
of pumps ensures that the volumetric flow rates of
exhaust gas and air volume system are kept constant.
A typical sample is collected in the bags for
pollutant concentration determination (Bosch, 2005;
Ropkins et al., 2009). Thus, chassis dynamometer
tests aimed at reproducing, as near as possible, the
vehicle road conditions. The use of this method has
environmental conditions may be kept constant;
comparison tests, since it can be a profile defined
speed time since there is no traffic; the measurement
techniques can be held in a stationary environment.
However, despite being comfortable and efficient,
add a fairly high cost structure and cannot represent
the realities of traffic (Ferguson, 2001; Martins,
(iii) On-board emissions data systems vehicles
allow the collection of data under real conditions of
vehicle operation in any operating location and
under any environment condition. Previously, onboard experiments were not general due to high cost
of equipment. However, currently the accessibility
of such equipment has become the most common
on-board systems in the scientific community with
more precision and data quality. Among the
equipment for on-board measurements, the Portable
Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) stands out.
This device is composed by portable gas analyzers,
Global System Position (GPS), meters and flow
controllers and On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) (Duarte
et al., 2015; Kousoulidou et a., 2013 ). It should be
note that, OBD system information provides exhaust
gas components work to maintain emissions within
the emission limits, as well as, highlights the
catalytic converter, possible failure in the
combustion, the injection of secondary air, the
oxygen sensors (oxygen sensor monitors), the
cooling system, and the valve timing (Baek e Jang,


The Monitoring Automotive Unit Transit

Emissions (MAMUTE) can be used as a PEMStype, and consists of an alternative portable
equipment for on-board emissions data systems
vehicles, which measure, collect and analyze
parameters. MAMUTE has been developed by the
Brazilian Energy, Transport and Air Pollution
Research Group, that is composed by Universities
and Institute of Cear state. In a general way,
MAMUTE can be used for measuring, monitoring
and collecting of air emissions from automotive
combustion. For a real-world driving cycle, the
following parameters can be obtained: instantaneous
speed (km/h), instantaneous acceleration and
flow/temperature, fuel consumption, grade position,
time (s) (obtained at 1 Hz), CO2 (%), HCs, SO2, CO
and NOx (ppm) (Azevedo et al., 2016; Dias et al.,
MAMUTE does not affect the internal and
external spatial disposal of the vehicle and not
change any seals and electronics devices of the
vehicle manufacturer; making can be used without
restrictions regarding the integrity and security of
both the subject vehicle and the occupant. In this
equipment may also be attached bags, for gas
storage, and filters (retention of PM up to 10 m),
for further evaluation in the laboratory.
It can be cited several usage advantages of
MAMUTE such as its usefulness, convenience, easy
handling and operation, efficiency, and lower cost
when compared to similar devices. This on-board
system data can be used by vehicle dynamic analysis
with instant emissions. Some results in literature
show the importance of performing sampling in real
traffic condition, since the emission standards set by
approved driving cycles do not often depict local /
regional reality.


Experimental Setup: MAMUTE

As mentioned earlier, MAMUTE consists of an

alternative portable instrument allocated inside the
vehicle and in the tailpipe measuring devices. It is
used to monitoring and recording of gathered data
concerning to vehicle emissions, engine and road
parameters. This equipment was gathered through a
robust real-time data logger an embedded

microcontrollers compatible OBD-II (Engine

Control Unit ECU with Global System Position
GPS) coupled online with an automotive gas
analyzer (Azevedo et al., 2016). A prolonger vehicle
exhaust connects all physical-chemical emissions
analysis unit from vehicular combustion.
Table 2 shows the analytical methods used for
the main combustion gases.
Table 2: Methods of analysis used for the main
combustion gases monitored by MAMUTE.
Gas Analyzed



Pollutant emission data provided by MAMUTE

can be obtained in various units of measurement, as
in g/km, g/s and ppm, which makes possible the use
of these data in several science areas, as in the
evaluation of diverse scenarios and forecasting,
environmental impact analysis, and so on.
Thermocouple K-type is used to monitor and record
the temperature variations of the exhaust gas during
the experiments. Pitot tube is used to measure the
flow rate and pressure of the exhaust gases. Finally,
a laptop is used to record the instantaneous data
obtained during the experiments. All devices singly
up described above, connected with MAMUTE, are
accordingly certified, calibrated and validated by
competent authorities, but intrinsic system
limitations still remain and should be carefully
studied. Figure 1 shows a general view of

Figure 1: MAMUTE equipment developed for

monitoring and recording exhaust emissions data
from flex-fuel and diesel vehicles.

In the next sections, it will be described in detail

the particularities of each combustion engine type,
that is, Flex-fuel and Diesel vehicles.

3.1.1 Flex-Fuel Vehicles

In Brazil, gasoline contains up to 27% v/v
anhydrous alcohol, according to current legislation
in this country. In addition, the flex-fuel fleet
represents more than half of all engine vehicles in
Brazil (Souza et al., 2013; Vilar et al., 2003). In the
country, it is still common to use 100% v/v hydrated
ethanol with 5% v/v water in its composition. The
water vapor produced during combustion of gasoline
tends to increase the ethanol content in the mixture,
typically used for each country (Prati et al., 2014).
MAMUTE can be adapted for emissions analysis
from any vehicle Otto cycle, independent of fuel
type, even if that contains alcohol in its composition.
Figure 2 shows the MAMUTE system scheme for
flex-fuel vehicle.



1 - Vehicle Test Otto Cycle

2 - On-Board Diagnostic (OBD-II)
3 - Prolonger Tailpipe
4 - Gas Analyser

5 - Themocouple
6 - Pitot Tube
7 - Laptop
8 - Data Processing

Figure 2: MAMUTE scheme for flex-fuel vehicles.

3.1.2 Diesel vehicles

The operation of Diesel vehicles usually
produces PM and NOx in a significant way, as
mentioned previously. Futhermore, these Diesel
engines release much more PM and NOx than flexfuel ones. Hence, the analyses of these emissions
become intrinsic of Diesel vehicles. Figure 2 shows
the MAMUTE system scheme for Diesel cycle


1 - Vehicle Test Otto Cycle

2 - On-Board Diagnostic (OBD-II)
3 - Prolonger Tailpipe
4 - Cyclone
5 - Gas Analyser

6 - Themocouple
7 - Pitot Tube
8 - Laptop
9 - Data Processing

Figure 3: MAMUTE scheme for vehicle Diesel cycle.

MAMUTE applied in diesel vehicles receives a

special apparatus containing particle separation
system (cyclone), pump and particulate filter
container and analysis of up to 10 micrometers at
elevated temperatures. Additionally, the system
maintains the temperature of the exhaust gas to
avoid gas condensation and, consequently, the
commitment of gases and particulate analyses.


Table 3: Characteristics of vehicles used in the tests.

Model year


Nissan Versa 1.6 SV
Blend Gasoline/Ethanol
(27% v/v)

Hyundai HR



1,088 kg

5,000 kg

Three Way Catalyst


Euro V

Euro V



30,773 km

100,525 km


Otto cycle
Diesel cycle


CO (g/s)

This section describes some applications of

MAMUTE for a flex-fuel and diesel vehicles in an
urban area in Fortaleza city Brazil (Azevedo et al.,
2016; Dias et al., 2015; Urban LEDS, 2015). Figure 4
depicts the volume traffic distribution on the chosen
route (5.4 km length of performed driving cycles) in
this test.

The vehicles used in tests are commonly found in

the Brazilian fleet. Such vehicles were a compact
Sedan Passenger Car (PC) and an Urban Freight
Transport (Light duty vehicle) to flex-fuel and
Diesel vehicle, respectively.
Table 3 shows the characteristics of the vehicles
used in the tests. Figure 4 shows the instantaneous
emission profile of CO (g/s) for flex-fuel and Diesel
vehicles tested in a typical day of rush hour traffic
(Azevedo et al., 2016; Mansum et al., 2013).
In general, the observed average emission factors
were 1.90x10-4 g/s and 4.60x10-5 g/s, for Diesel and
flex-fuel vehicles, respectively. Concerning CO
emissions, the average values obtained for emission
factors were 4.20x10-2 and 6.70x10-3 for Diesel and
flex-fuel vehicles, respectively.


Numbers of vehicle

















Time (s)


Figure 5: CO pollutant emission profiles for vehicle Otto

cycle and Diesel cycle.









S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14

Traffic Lights on Route

Figure 4: Box plot summary of the volume traffic

distribution on route.

Table 4 shows the average emission factors

obtained for Flex-Fuel and Diesel vehicles in the

tests. Those emissions factors are the instant average

emissions in tests.


Operating Mode

Table 4: Average emission factors for Flex-Fuel and

Diesel vehicles obtained by MAMUTE in the tests.
Flex-Fuel (1)
Diesel (2)
Emissions Factors (g/km)
7.60 x 10-4





Notes: *CO2/100. **n.a.; (1) E27 and (2) B7 (7% v/v biodiesel)

All average emission factors for Diesel vehicle

were significantly greater than for the Flex-Fuel
vehicle. For NOx emissions, it was noted that the
average emission factors for Flex-Fuel vehicle was
4.40x10-4 g/km and a significant value was seen to
Diesel engine (3.43 g/km). SOx content was not
detected in emissions for Diesel vehicle. This fact
can be attributed to the low sulfur content in fuel
composition (10 ppm max.) and biodiesel addition
(~7%v/v), according to standard regulations in
Brazil. PM emissions ( 10m) were 7.60x10-4
g/km, which is a characteristic value for
compression-ignition engines.
In addition to emission factors obtained by
MAMUTE, dynamic vehicle data allowed an
analysis of the influence of emissions operating
modes, a future research proposal. Thus, idle, cruise,
acceleration and deceleration modes conditions were
evaluated. Driving cycle characteristics of the urban
scenario presents variations of constant speed under
the influence of particularities of road infrastructure,
speed limits and traffic density.
In general, the congestion increases the
frequency of acceleration and stop-and-go transient,
which significantly affect the emission rates
(Cappiello, 2002; Dardiotis et al., 2015; SuarezBertoa et al., 2015). Figures 6 and 7 show a
representation of operating modes to CO2 and NOx
emissions for Flex-Fuel an Diesel vehicles,
For operating modes, for Flex-Fuel vehicle, as
idle, cruise and acceleration/deceleration, there are
lower amounts of fuel injection, so that CO2
emissions are lower compared to acceleration mode.
For NOx emissions, the acceleration operating mode
was the most representative (Barth and
Boriboonsomsin, 2008; Yan et al., 2013).





Figure 6: Representation of operating modes and their

influence on CO2 and NOx emissions from Flex-Fuel

This is due to higher fuel injection in this

operating mode. In sequence, cruise operating mode
was also representative and is directly related with
the high engine temperature, as stated above, due to
NOx emissions formation mechanism. Idle and
deceleration condition modes have similar
representativeness, since in these modes occurs
reduction of air flow rate consumption and exhaust
gas temperature, so that NOx emission is shown.
Acceleration and deceleration operating modes
was the most representative in Diesel engine as
traffic conditions reported by Dias et al. (2015) and
Azevedo et al. (2016) in this studied route. Thus, the
largest emissions in the acceleration operating mode
was due to the higher fuel injection, and the
deceleration mode because the following stops, as
also presented in the literature (Mansum et al., 2013;
Xu et al., 2016). Also, in the experiment carried out
with Diesel vehicle was observed operating mode
cruise, this is due to very traffic congestion in the
region. A significant implication for traffic and air
quality managers is that it is important to
development strategies destined at reducing the
frequency and duration of high emissions events
(EPA, 2009).

like to acknowledge TecnoMotor by gas analyzer

and all employees and partners for development of
MAMUTE equipment for their support to this


Operating Mode(%)











Figure 7: Representation of operating modes and their

influence on CO2 and NOx emissions to Diesel vehicles.


The developed equipment in the present work

named MAMUTE can be used as PEMS-type. This
equipment appears as an alternative portable
instrument of low cost for on-board emissions data
systems vehicles for measuring, collecting and
analyzing parameters in the real-world driving cycle
tests in urban circuits.
In general, NOx emissions were led by Diesel
vehicle, as reported in literature. Furthermore, it was
observed that higher emissions levels for all
analyzed pollutants were higher in the acceleration
operating mode. This is due to the higher fuel
injection in this operating condition mode.
MAMUTE can also be used to both Otto and
Diesel vehicles, but their intrinsic system limitations
still remain and needs to be more investigated. This
equipment shows good efficiency and is
economically viable when compared to similar
instruments. Finally, the development of low cost
equipment has an outstanding implication for

The authors would like to acknowledge the Brazilian
agencies (CAPES, FUNCAP and CNPq) for support
research and scholarship. The authors would also

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