Science of The Total Environment: Georgios Fontaras, Vicente Franco, Panagiota Dilara, Giorgio Martini, Urbano Manfredi
Science of The Total Environment: Georgios Fontaras, Vicente Franco, Panagiota Dilara, Giorgio Martini, Urbano Manfredi
Science of The Total Environment: Georgios Fontaras, Vicente Franco, Panagiota Dilara, Giorgio Martini, Urbano Manfredi
• 13 Euro 5 passenger cars measured over NEDC, Artemis and WMTC cycles
• Derived emission factors for regulated pollutants and compared with COPERT and HBEFA
• Pollutant emissions in line with Euro 5 emission standard in most cases
• NOx consistently exceeded the emission standard values over more transient cycles.
• Current emission factors appear to reflect adequately Euro 5 performance.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The emissions of CO2 and regulated pollutants (NOx, HC, CO, PM) of thirteen Euro 5 compliant passenger cars
Received 21 June 2013 (seven gasoline, six Diesel) were measured on a chassis dynamometer. The vehicles were driven repeatedly
Received in revised form 13 September 2013 over the European type-approval driving cycle (NEDC) and the more dynamic WMTC and CADC driving cycles.
Accepted 14 September 2013
Distance-specific emission factors were derived for each pollutant and sub-cycle, and these were subsequently
Available online 4 October 2013
compared to the corresponding emission factors provided by the reference European models used for vehicle
Editor: P. Kassomenos emission inventory compilation (COPERT and HBEFA) and put in context with the applicable European emission
limits. The measured emissions stayed below the legal emission limits when the type-approval cycle (NEDC) was
Keywords: used. Over the more dynamic cycles (considered more representative of real-world driving) the emissions were
Emission factors consistently higher but in most cases remained below the type-approval limit. The high NOx emissions of Diesel
Regulated pollutants vehicles under real-world driving conditions remain the main cause for environmental concern regarding the
Euro 5 cars emission profile of Euro 5 passenger cars. Measured emissions of NOx exceeded the type-approval limits (up to
Artemis 5 times in extreme cases) and presented significantly increased average values (0.35 g/km for urban driving
and 0.56 g/km for motorway driving). The comparison with the reference models showed good correlation in
all cases, a positive finding considering the importance of these tools in emission monitoring and policy-
making processes.
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license.
1. Introduction 20% of Europe's urban population is still living in areas where pollutant
concentrations (most prominently NOx and PM) exceed established air
The emissions of regulated air pollutants have been decreasing in quality standards. The Euro 5 emission standard (applicable in Europe
the European Union (EU) over the past two decades. Nevertheless, from September 2009) for light duty vehicles was formulated with the
aim to further reduce pollutant emissions from road vehicles, particu-
larly nitrous oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) (Mamakos
et al., 2013). The provisions of the Euro 5 standard, combined with the
target set in parallel by the European Commission for the reduction of
average CO2 emissions to 130 g/km by 2015, led to important evolu-
tions in both vehicle powertrains and exhaust after-treatment systems
⁎ Correspondence to: G. Fontaras, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP230, 21027 Ispra, Italy. (Fontaras and Dilara, 2012; Weiss et al., 2012). Despite the progress
Tel.: + 39 0332 786425; fax: + 39 0332 786671. made, which is clearly reflected in type-approval cycle results, there is
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: P. Dilara, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 441, 27027 Ispra, Italy.
Tel.: + 39 0332 789207.
still substantial evidence, mainly originating from experimental cam-
E-mail addresses: (G. Fontaras), paigns with portable emission measurement systems (PEMS), that (P. Dilara). Euro 5 vehicles exceed legal emission limits under certain driving
0048-9697 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license.
G. Fontaras et al. / Science of the Total Environment 468–469 (2014) 1034–1042 1035
conditions not covered by the type-approval cycle. This is especially the and CO2 of the thirteen Euro 5 passenger cars (PCs) (six Diesel and
case for NOx emissions from Diesel passenger cars (Weiss et al., 2011). seven gasoline) were measured over different transient driving cycles
Pollutant emissions of road vehicles depend on many parameters in- using the constant volume sampling technique according to the
cluding vehicle weight, engine capacity, fuel type, exhaust after- European statutory procedure. Laboratory-grade analysers were used
treatment technology, driving pattern, environmental conditions, road for the CO, NOx and HC measurements. Particulate matter was collected
gradient and the level of maintenance of the vehicle (Faiz et al., 1996). on Pallflex T60A20 filters and its mass was determined by weighing on a
The variable and complex nature of road vehicle emissions and the di- microbalance. More information regarding the testing equipment can
versity of road vehicle types make it necessary to use emission models be found in (Farfaletti et al., 2005). Additionally, particle number mea-
to support the compilation of regional or national emission inventories, surements were also conducted for the gasoline direct injection vehicles
the results of which are subsequently compared to existing emission tested. The results of these measurements are not discussed in this
ceilings to assess the performance of air quality policies. paper as the description of the testing approach and the comprehensive
COPERT (COmputer Programme to calculate Emissions from Road interpretation of the results would require a lengthy analysis. Results on
Transport) and the Handbook of Emission Factors (HBEFA) are the particle number emissions can be found in (Mamakos et al., 2013).
two reference vehicle emission models in Europe (Gkatzoflias et al.,
2007; Hausberger et al., 2009; Kousoulidou et al., 2013). These models 2.2. Test cycles and protocols
estimate emissions as a combination of vehicle fleet composition and
activity data input by the user, and libraries of emission factors (EFs) in- The driving cycles used for the emission tests were the NEDC, WMTC
cluded in the model (Kousoulidou et al., 2010, 2013). EFs are functional and CADC (see time–velocity traces and other relevant characteristics in
relations that predict the quantity of a pollutant that is emitted per dis- Fig. 1).
tance driven, energy consumed, or amount of fuel used during a road
transport event as a function of vehicle activity parameters (e.g. average - The NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) is the driving cycle used for
velocity, or traffic situation). These are derived from experimental data emission type-approval of all Euro 3 and later light-duty vehicle
collected during emission measurement campaigns performed both in models in Europe. Legal emission limits (expressed as mass of pol-
emission laboratories (through chassis dynamometer testing) and on lutant emitted per kilometre driven) refer to the emissions over
the road (using PEMS) (Franco et al., 2013). Alternatively, in lack of NEDC. This cycle has been criticised for not being representative of
more specific information, EFs are estimated based on qualified as- real-world vehicle operation (Kågeson, 1998; Dings, 2013). NEDC
sumptions and predictions of technology evolution (e.g., following the is a cold-start cycle.
introduction of a new emission standard). - The CADC (Common Artemis Driving Cycle) is a real-world simula-
One possible source of emission data is the type-approval test, but tion driving cycle that aims to represent average driving conditions
this only covers relatively mild driving conditions. Therefore, in order in Europe (André, 2004). CADC is not used for type-approval. In-
to develop and maintain accurate EFs, information regarding vehicle per- stead, it was specifically designed for emission modelling purposes.
formance under real-world driving conditions is crucial. Emission data - The WMTC (Worldwide Motorcycle Test Cycle) was developed within
over repeatable and controlled chassis dynamometer driving cycles rep- the framework of a worldwide regulatory process towards the
resentative of real-world driving are key for supporting emission moni- harmonisation of vehicle emission test procedures, intended for motor-
toring and inventorying tools (Barlow et al., 2009; Smit et al., 2010; cycle testing. In this experimental campaign, it was applied as a less
Karavalakis et al., 2012). In the European context, the efforts to model time-consuming alternative to CADC to allow for more repetitions.
road vehicle emissions are coordinated by the ERMES group (Franco
et al., 2012), which brings together European research groups working The cycle and sub-cycle characteristics are presented in Table 1.
on transport emission inventories and models under the coordination The daily protocol initiated with the NEDC (cold-start), followed by
of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC). the more transient cycles. Three EUDC cycles were performed as
This activity is also of relevance for various countries outside Europe preconditioning at the end of each measurement day before the vehicles
that base their emission inventorying systems on European methods were left to soak overnight in order to reach a stable temperature before
and EF databases. the cold-start test. All emission tests were conducted at 22 ± 1 °C. In cer-
In an effort to assess the effectiveness of the introduction of the Euro tain cases, a second UDC cycle was also run to allow for comparison be-
5 standard and to support the update of existing EF databases, emission tween cold and hot start emission values observed over the particular
data from a pool of thirteen passenger cars (both Diesel and gasoline) cycle.
were collected and analysed. The test conditions covered a series of
driving cycles, NEDC included. Distance-specific EFs were derived for 2.3. Vehicles and fuels
each pollutant and sub-cycle, and these were subsequently compared
to the corresponding EFs provided by the reference European models Thirteen Euro 5 passenger vehicles, six Diesel and seven gasoline
used for vehicle emission inventory compilation (COPERT and HBEFA) ones, were used in the study. The test vehicles were selected indepen-
and put in context with the applicable European emission limits. The dently of vehicle manufacturers. A wide range of engine capacities and
data produced were included in the EF database of the ERMES group vehicle sizes was covered in order to capture the diversity of the
to serve as a basis for future EF development. European passenger car fleet to the best possible extent (see Table 2).
The average characteristics of the pool of vehicles selected resemble
2. Materials and methods those of the average passenger car fleet in Europe for model years
2009–2011. The average mass of the sample was 1326 kg (compared
2.1. Testing facilities and equipment to approximately 1360 kg of the fleet), the average engine capacity
was 1600 cc (similar to the European fleet average ~1640 cc), and the
The experimental campaign comprised a series of emission mea- average engine maximum power was almost equal to the average
surements performed on the chassis dynamometer test cells of the Ve- (77 kW compared to 78.5 kW) (EEA, 2012). However, as will be
hicle Emissions Laboratories (VELA) of the European Commission Joint discussed in the Results section, there was a relative bias towards small-
Research Centre (EC-JRC) located in Ispra (Italy) between the years er Diesel vehicles that was counterbalanced by an opposing bias to-
2010 and 2012. The test cells comply with the legal requirements for wards relatively larger gasoline vehicles. This was determined by the
the emission type-approval tests of passenger cars in Europe (EuP, availability of the vehicles and the special interest in small-size Diesel
2007a). The emissions of regulated pollutants (NOx, HC, CO, PM, CH4) passenger cars, whose sales are growing in the European market.
1036 G. Fontaras et al. / Science of the Total Environment 468–469 (2014) 1034–1042
Table 2
Vehicle characteristics.
Fig. 2. Summary of experimental results by pollutant, test vehicle and sub-cycle (gasoline vehicles).
above the 1 g/km limit occurred under motorway conditions in the urban sub-cycles of CADC and WMTC. With respect to HC, emissions
cases of vehicles GS1 and GS3. The latter exhibited the highest emission above the type-approval limit occurred only for GS7 over CADC urban,
levels during the tests, reaching approximately 2 g/km, but the high but the high variability of the results does not suggest a repeatable
spread of results and the low values observed over WMTC motorway behaviour.
suggest the occurrence of an individual emission event rather than a NOx emissions of gasoline vehicles remained below the legal limit of
more systematic behaviour. In the case of GS7, it is possible that the ve- 0.06 g/km for most tests. The exceedances observed were marginal and
hicle engine was tuned to a relatively low air-fuel ratio for higher power within the uncertainty of the measurements. Exceptions to this were
and more transient operation. With regard to urban air quality, it is im- GS2 over CADC urban (0.2 g/km) and GS5 over WMTC motorway
portant that emissions remained consistently below the limits over the (0.4 g/km). In the first case, the increased standard deviation indicates
1038 G. Fontaras et al. / Science of the Total Environment 468–469 (2014) 1034–1042
Fig. 3. Summary of experimental results by pollutant, test vehicle and sub-cycle (Diesel vehicles).
the presence of an individual emission event, while in the second Given the fact that GDI technology is increasing its share in the
case it is clear that the values observed (six times higher than the European market and that lean-burn combustion can be a measure
allowed limit) are indicative of the emission performance of the ve- for reducing CO2 emissions, the NOx performance of gasoline vehi-
hicle. Direct injection fuelling in combination with a lean fuel mix cles should be more closely monitored in the future.
strategy, aiming to increase efficiency, possibly explains the in- GDI vehicles were also measured with respect to particle mass
creased NOx emissions over high load conditions. Such behaviour emissions (Fig. 4a), as foreseen by the European legislation. In this
did not occur for the other two direct injection vehicles. The NOx case, only NEDC and the entire CADC cycle were tested. The results
emission profile of GS5 resembles that of modern Diesel vehicles were in the order of 1 mg/km, remaining well below the regulated
that also exceed NOx emission limits outside the regulated cycle. limits.
G. Fontaras et al. / Science of the Total Environment 468–469 (2014) 1034–1042 1039
a GS5 GS6 GS7 is positively perceived by the user of the vehicle but has a known envi-
5 ronmental trade-off in the form of increased real-world NOx emissions.
Euro 5 limit Further tests with portable emission measurement systems (Rubino
et al., 2007) have cast a doubt on the effectiveness of the upcoming
Euro 6 emission standard towards the reduction of NOx emissions
PM mg/km
from Diesel passenger cars (Weiss et al., 2012). Finally, the fact that
3 the highest emission levels occurred over urban driving profiles raises
concerns regarding the impact of the dieselization of the passenger
2 car fleet upon the air quality of European cities.
Whole-cycle PM emissions were measured for vehicles DS1, DS2 and
1 DS4 over NEDC and CADC (Fig. 4b). PM levels were found to be substan-
tially lower than the Euro 5 limit (averaging at 0.5 mg/km) in all cases
over both cycles. Whereas the reduction of Diesel NOx emissions still
NEDC Artemis poses a substantial challenge to vehicle manufacturers and regulators,
the reduction of Diesel PM emissions from Euro 4 to Euro 5 can be
b DS1 DS2 DS4 deemed a success (thanks to the widespread adoption of DPF).
Euro 5 limit 3.3. CO2 emissions
The CO2 performance of gasoline vehicles over NEDC was in the
PM mg/km
order of 160 g/km, about 15 g higher than the reported gasoline aver-
age for years 2009 and 2010 (EEA, 2012). However, it should be noted
that the average mass and engine capacity of the vehicles tested were
2 higher than the average (by 140 kg and 200 cc, respectively). The
highest CO2 emissions occurred over urban conditions, reaching up to
1 290 g/km, whereas the lowest occurred over extra-urban or rural con-
ditions (averaging at 133 g/km). Diesel CO2 emission levels were on av-
0 erage 133 g/km over NEDC, with the highest emitter (DS6 over urban
NEDC Artemis conditions) standing at 158 g/km and the lowest at 107 g/km (DS2
over rural conditions). This is about 5 g/km lower than the average
Fig. 4. PM emission results over NEDC and CADC (entire cycles) for gasoline (a) and Diesel
vehicles (b).
a 1.4
3.2. Diesel vehicles
1.2 R² = 0.7218
Emission levels of all Diesel vehicles remained below the type- Power
CO2 norm.
reaching up to 0.76 g/km (DS2 over CADC urban) and with only one ve-
hicle staying below the Euro 5 limit (DS6; 0.16 g/km over CADC motor-
way). The average emission levels observed were 0.56 g/km over the
urban sub-cycles, 0.50 g/km over the rural profiles and 0.35 g/km
under motorway conditions. These observations agree with existing 0.9
studies showing that NOx emissions of modern Diesel vehicles increase
R² = 0.7146
significantly outside of the regulated duty cycle. Hausberger (2010)
measured the emissions of seven Euro 5 Diesel passenger cars on a 0.8
chassis dynamometer and also observed high increases of NOx emis- 0.7 1 1.3 1.6
sions under the CADC cycle as compared to the NEDC. A likely cause Norm. Vehicle Characteristic
for this is that the NEDC cycle covers a narrow range of engine operating
Fig. 5. Average normalized CO2 emissions as function of normalized vehicle characteristics
points, and so manufacturers are not incentivised to optimise the NOx for gasoline (a) and Diesel (b) vehicles tested. For each of the two vehicle groups, CO2 was
emission behaviour of vehicles in the higher load, ‘real-world’ ranges. normalized against the fleet average emissions over each cycle. Vehicle characteristics
Also, passenger cars are generally optimised for fuel efficiency, which were normalized by the fleet average value.
1040 G. Fontaras et al. / Science of the Total Environment 468–469 (2014) 1034–1042
GS6 DS1 An investigation of the correlation between specific vehicle charac-
teristics and CO2 emissions (see Fig. 5) reveals the important influence
of mass, engine power and capacity on CO2 emissions. For both gasoline
UDC cold / UDC hot
Fig. 6. Ratio of excess cold-start emissions over UDC cycle (Tamb = 22 °C).
During type-approval tests, a substantial fraction of the regulated
and unregulated gaseous compounds is emitted during the cold-start
phase of the NEDC, i.e., the initial seconds before the catalyst reaches
value reported in Europe for the period of 2009–2011 (EEA, 2012). the optimal operating conditions (urban part of the cycle, UDC). Vehi-
This is an expected observation as the average mass and engine ca- cles GS6 and DS1 were measured over hot-start NEDC in addition to
pacity of the Diesel sample were also lower than the European aver- the cold-start type-approval measurement. This allowed the estimation
age during the same period by about 200 kg and 200 cc. Over the of the excess cold-start emission ratio over UDC. These results are
more transient cycles, CO2 levels were generally higher reaching summarised in Fig. 6. Further information regarding the evolution of
175, 115 and 152 g/km over the urban, rural and motorway cycles emissions over cold-start can be found in (Clairotte et al., 2013;
respectively. Dardiotis et al., 2013).
Fig. 7. Comparison of average experimental (hot) distance-based emission factors to model predictions.
G. Fontaras et al. / Science of the Total Environment 468–469 (2014) 1034–1042 1041
Since Euro 5 vehicles comply with strict emission limits under type- The measurement results presented in this paper cover only a
approval conditions, the key environmental issue is whether the emission small number of vehicles with respect to the entire Euro-5 certified
levels of regulated pollutants remain at acceptable low levels during passenger car fleet, but they provide some insight into the general
real-world driving, and whether EFs from the models used for the com- characteristics of the emission profile of this vehicle technology
pilation of emission inventories can predict the actual emissions of this class. Results regarding the particular pool of vehicles indicate good
vehicle technology class with reasonable accuracy. These issues have di- compliance with legislated limits over both the type-approval test
rect implications in the design of air quality policies and the achieve- cycle and the more transient, real-world simulation cycles. Only Die-
ment of long-term environmental goals. The performance of Euro 5 sel NOx emissions were found to repeatedly exceed the Euro 5 limit
vehicles over non-standard cycles has been discussed in Section 3 of outside the type-approval conditions. This observation is consistent
the paper. In order to obtain an indication of the performance of with the results of similar studies performed on-road using PEMS
inventorying and emission projection tools, EFs representing the aver- systems. The findings suggest that similar problems might appear
age sub-cycle emissions of all Diesel and all gasoline vehicles tested in the future in the case of lean-burn gasoline direct injection vehi-
were derived from the measurements. These experimental results cles. The results also indicate a good agreement between the average
were compared with model predictions by overlaying them in the emission levels measured and the predictions of existing models and
same plot (Figs. 7 and 8). The predictions of COPERT were obtained by inventories used in Europe for most of the pollutants investigated.
substituting the average sub-cycle velocities for WMTC and CADC in There are, however, discrepancies that should be addressed. Due to
the corresponding EFs for Euro 5 vehicles (COPERT 4 version 1). For the the limited number of vehicles tested, no solid conclusions can be
comparison, the EFs for gasoline vehicles belonging to the 1.4–2.0 l cate- reached regarding specific revisions of the models. Modelling efforts
gory and Diesel belonging to the b 2.0 l category were used. Specific cor- behind COPERT and HBEFA helped signal a problematic aspect of the
rections to the baseline COPERT emission factors were applied for NOx real-world emission profile of Euro 5 Diesel vehicles, which is al-
(23% increase), Diesel fuel consumption/CO2 (−7.38%) and gasoline ready being taken into account for the deployment of the Euro 6
fuel consumption/CO2 (−12.8%) according to the methodology pro- norm. In order to capture the rapid evolutions made in the passenger
posed in Katsis et al. (2012). The predictions for HBEFA (version 3.1) car fleet, particularly in view of the efforts put in energy consump-
were obtained by simulating the CADC cycle with model PHEM for the tion and CO2 emissions reduction, additional experimental data are
average Euro 5 passenger car contained in PHEM version 10.4.2 (EuP, needed, and therefore a coordinated Europe-wide test campaign
2007b, 2008; Hausberger et al., 2009). The mass and the power of the ve- for producing and validating the necessary data to update existing
hicle model were set to match the average values of the sample in order EFs and continue to develop the emission models is necessary. This
to obtain comparable results. Fig. 7 presents the results for CO2, NOx, CO will allow to better support both emission monitoring and policy-
and HC, and Fig. 8 presents those for PM for Diesel vehicles. making.
In general, the measured emission levels are in reasonable agreement
with the predictions of the reference models, taking into account that
these models are not meant to predict the emissions of individual vehi-
cles, but rather of vehicles within the same technology class or sub-
The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of
class (e.g., Euro 5 of a given engine capacity range). The predicted CO2,
Mr Alexandros Nikolian and Mr Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos for the
CO and HC emissions are well in line with the experimental results for
data collection and analysis. In addition, the authors would like to
both Diesel and gasoline vehicles, as are the gasoline NOx emissions (ex-
thank the staff of the Vehicle Emissions Laboratories (VELA) at JRC in
ception made of some outlying points attributable to inter-vehicle vari-
Ispra involved in the measurement campaigns from which these data
ability). Both models provide good estimates of CO2 emissions over all
were produced, and in particular Alessandro Marotta, Christos Dardiotis,
traffic conditions and in particular for gasoline cars their results almost
Michaël Clairotte, Covadonga Astorga and Martin Weiss.
coincide. In the case of Diesel cars HBEFA appears to better capture the
performance of the higher emitters, while COPERT is on the lower side
of the tested sample. Given the variability of the measurements and References
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