Geotechnical Instruments in Structural Monitoring: Xiaoli Ding
Geotechnical Instruments in Structural Monitoring: Xiaoli Ding
Geotechnical Instruments in Structural Monitoring: Xiaoli Ding
Xiaoli Ding
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Telephone: +852 2766 5965; Fax: +852 2330 2994; Email:
Hui Qin
Department of Architectural Engineering
Wu Yi University, Guang Dong, China
Telephone: +86 750 3352112; Email:
Geotechnical instruments are used widely as a complementary tool to geodetic methods in
monitoring natural and man-made structures. This paper provides an overview of
geotechnical instruments used in structural monitoring. The transducers commonly used in
geotechnical instrumentation are first introduced. This is followed by an introduction of the
various types of instruments including their working principles and applications. The
advantages and disadvantages of geotechnical instruments when compared with geodetic
methods in structural monitoring are finally discussed.
1 Introduction
Many natural and man-made structures such as slopes, buildings, dams, bridges and tunnels
need monitored to determine periodically such parameters of the structures as deformations
and the states of stress. The aims of structural monitoring can vary from one project to
another but generally fall into the following:
a) Safety assurance. Many structures can fail under certain conditions. Monitoring is
often one of the most effective ways to understand the safety status of such structures.
b) Validation of design assumptions. Some parameters such as those defining the
properties of soil or rock of a cut slope are often assumed at the design stage based on
some field investigations. Results of monitoring during or after a construction can help
to validate such assumptions so to carry out remedial work if necessary or to improve
future designs.
c) Scientific experiments and research. Results from monitoring measurements may lead
to new discovery or help to expand our existing knowledge.
The parameters of a structure that need monitored are many but the most common ones are
deformation, load, stress, strain, and ground water pressure. A great number of methods are
available for structural monitoring. These methods can however generally be classified into
geodetic (surveying) methods and geotechnical methods. Geodetic methods are mainly used
to monitor deformations while geotechnical methods can be used to determine some other
important parameters beside deformations. The two types of methods complement each
other in most of the times in terms of the types of information that they can obtain. It should
be noted here that the above classification of the monitoring methods is mainly used in the
fields of surveying and geodesy (e.g., Chrzanowski, 1994; Ding, et al., 1995). The engineers
and geologists often refer all the methods as geotechnical methods (e.g., Hanna, 1985;
Dunnicliff, 1993).
This paper will provide an overview of geotechnical instruments as used for structural
monitoring. It will first examine the various transducers that geotechnical instruments
employ. The different types of geotechnical instruments will then be reviewed, including
their working principles and applications.
The advantages and disadvantages of
geotechnical instruments in comparison with geodetic methods will be discussed at the end.
is the relative resistance change;
is the relative length change; GF is the
gage factor. Output from electrical resistance gages is normally measured using a
Wheatstone bridge circuit.
Linearly Varying Displacement Transducers (LVDT)
A linearly varying displacement transducer, also called linear variable differential
transformer, consists of a movable magnetic core passing through one primary and two
secondary coils (Fig. 4). When an AC voltage, called the excitation voltage, is applied to
the primary coil, an AC voltage in each secondary coil is generated, with a magnitude
depending on the relative position between the magnetic core and each of the secondary
coils. The displacement of the magnetic core can therefore be measured by measuring the
changes in the voltages of the secondary coils.
The requirement of the AC power supply can be avoided by using DC power together with
an amplitude regulator. Most LVDTs used in practice use this approach since it is often
troublesome to get AC power supply in the field.
A potentiometer consists of a fixed resistance strip and a movable slider that makes
electrical contact along the resistance strip (Fig. 5). The measured resistance or voltage
changes with the position of the contact point.
Vibrating wire transducers
A steel wire is clamped at its two ends (Fig. 6). The frequency of vibration of the wire
changes with its tension. Small displacements between the ends of the wire can therefore be
measured by measuring the frequency changes. The frequency of vibration of a tensioned
wire in terms of the wire stress is (Hawkes and Bailey, 1973),
1 g
where, f is the natural frequency; L is the length of the vibrating wire; is the stress in the
wire; is the density of the wire material; and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
The electrical coil usually serves two purposes, plucking the wire and sensing the vibration
of the wire in the same time. Some vibrating wire transducers can continuously carry out
the measurement while the others measure only at discrete times.
Force Balance Accelerometer
Force balance accelerometer consists of a mass suspended in the magnetic field of a position
detector (Fig. 7). When the mass is subjected to a force along its sensitive axis, it tries to
move. The motion induces a current change in the position detector that is fed back to a
restoring coil. The coil generates an electromagnetic force to the mass to balance the
initiating force. The current change going through the restoring coil is measured from
which the acceleration is calculated.
Inclinometer casing
specified resolutions of 1.75 - 0.01 microradian (0.36 - 0.002 arc seconds). However the
high cost of these instruments mean that they are not widely adopted.
3.4 Pendulums and Inverted Pendulums
A pendulum (Fig. 10 (a) achieves a plumb line by using a weight at the lower end of a wire.
A near vertical duct is required to set up the system. The weight is usually kept in a liquid
(such as oil) tank to stabilise the pendulum. The relative horizontal movement between the
anchor point and the lower ground can be determined by reading the scales in two
orthogonal directions. Inverted pendulum uses a float in a liquid tank to keep the wire
tensioned and vertical (Fig. 10(b)). The relative horizontal movement between the anchor
point and the ground surface is determined by reading the scales located on the ground
surface. Inverted pendulums are more suitable for situations where access to the bottom end
of the system is not readily available. The instruments are commonly used in embankment
dam deformation monitoring (e.g., Marsland, 1973).
Pendulums and inverted pendulums can offer an accuracy of +0.5 mm by using a steel
measuring scale or +0.03 mm by using travelling vernier microscopes (Dunnicliff, 1993).
The reading process can also be automated by using some sensing devices such as an optical
vision system.
Liquid and float
Plumb line
Plumb line
Reading scale
Weight and
dampening liquid
Figure 11 Vibrating wire strain gages (courtesy of Rocktest Ltd., Quebec, Canada)
Strain gages are often attached to the surface of a structure or embedded within the
structure. There are also mechanical, vibrating wire and electrical resistance strain gages
beside some other specially designed ones. There are also different designs within each
category. For example, there are five basic types of electrical resistance strain gages:
bonded wire resistance strain gage, unbonded wire resistance strain gage, bonded foil
resistance strain gage, semiconductor resistance strain gage, and the weldable resistance
strain gage. The measurement ranges, sensitivities and accuracies of the strain gages vary
from one design to another.
Stress in soils or rocks can be measured using pressure cells and stressmeters that use, e.g.,
vibrating wire transducers. It is also common to measure stresses directly by measuring
Fig. 11 shows the SM-5 series of vibrating wire strain gages from Rocktest Ltd. The
resolution of the instruments is 0.1 strain with a measurement range of 3,300 strains.
mine slopes. Little (1973) described test results of using hydraulic, electrical and pneumatic
piezometers in dam monitoring.
Figure 12 Open standpipe for ground water level and water pressure measurement
7 Conclusions
There are basically two main types of techniques for structural monitoring, the geodetic and
the geotechnical techniques. This paper has provided an overview of the currently available
geotechnical instruments used for structural monitoring. The principals of the basic
transducers used in geotechnical instrumentation, the various types of geotechnical
instruments and their applications, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of
geotechnical instruments when compared with geodetic methods have been discussed. It has
been seen from the discussions that geodetic and geotechnical techniques are
complementary in many aspects and it is often advantageous to integrate the two in practical
The research was partly supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region (Project No. PolyU 5051/98E).
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