Lmi13 DealingwithDifficultPeople

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Dealing with Difficult People

Why Be difficult when with just a little bit of

effort, you can be impossible!

Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. However, that
does not mean that we cannot work to prevent
unproductive behavior that leads to conflict. Difficult
behavior is a good example of an area where a
difference can be made. Although it is easy to label
people as difficult, the real focus should always be on
the actual behavior. Dealing effectively with difficult
behavior is a skill that can nip conflict in the bud.

Difficult Behavior
Difficult behavior takes many forms. It
includes gossiping, going over your bosses
head, foot dragging, ignoring orders, refusing
to talk, being rude, yelling, ignoring, harassing,
and much more.

Difficult Behavior
At the core, most conflict is about needs that
have not been satisfied-not just physical
needs, but also psychological and procedural
needs. Difficult behavior is often a result of
psychological needs for control, recognition,
affection, and respect.

How to Deal with the Behavior

1. Stay centered

When we loose our self-control and restraint the situation does not
improve. In fact it is more likely to get worse. Decisions made in the heat
of the moment are seldom the best, and lack the benefits of our
creativity. Our challenge is to slow down, and resist a knee jerk reaction.
Staying steady, stable and grounded gives us the strong foundation we
need to take on the most difficult behavior.

When we indulge ourselves by taking it personally (forgetting that offense

is 10% given and 90% taken) we start playing negative internal tapes in
our head. We tell ourselves that the person is bad, unreliable, beyond
reason. The danger is that these labels become self-fulfilling, and do not
give any benefit of the doubt. Rather than putting our energy into
problem solving we feel smug blaming the other. We forget that it takes
two to make things worse.

How to Deal with the Behavior

2. Reality check
An important question to consider as soon as
possible is whether the behavior is really causing
performance problems. If it is not, and left alone
things will not get worse, then leaving things often
makes sense. As we reality check, it is important to
consider the impact of the behavior on others and
not just ourselves.

How to Deal with the Behavior

3. Focus on behavior
This is the key to dealing with difficult behavior. As
tempting as it is to focus on the person this should
be avoided. By separating the person from the
behavior it enables one-to paraphrase Fisher, Ury
and Patton in their best seller Getting to Yes -to be
hard on the problem and soft on the person.

How to Deal with the Behavior

4. Listen
Listening is widely acknowledged as a core
communication skill that affects the ways we prevent
and resolve conflict. When dealing with people
whose behavior is getting to us we should make a
special effort to hear the other person out. Even
when you disagree! This enables you to validate the
psychological needs of the other, and to let them
know that you can imagine how they are feeling.

How to Deal with the Behavior

5. Give feedback
A common problem with difficult behavior is that the person
is unaware that his or her behavior is causing a problem. At
other times the extent of the impact is not comprehended. By
giving timely feedback about specific behavior
misunderstanding can be avoided and expectations clarified.
A useful formula for giving feedback that deals with both
emotions and facts, is the I-Statement. I feel frustrated
when you interrupt me at our team meetings. It breaks my
train of thought and I struggle getting started again. I would
appreciate it if I could finish with what I am saying.

Three Choices to Deal with Difficult

Managers and Co-workers
Confront the Difficult Person

Cope with the Difficult Person

Get Away (Leave) from the Difficult Person

Coping with Difficult Situations

Assess the Situation- Am I dealing with a
difficult person or a difficult situation?
What am I willing to accept about this person
or situation?
Should I put some distance between me and
the person or situation?

Strategy to Cope with All Types

Major Strategy- Bring Issues and Problems Out in
the Open.
Do not Believe that Ignoring these Issues and
Problems will make them go away.
Recognize the Difference Between a Difficult
Person and a Difficult Work Situation
Find an Anchor for Your Own Sanity

The reality is that we can all be difficult from

time to time. Dealing with difficult behavior is
not easy and so we often procrastinate. We do
so at our own peril. Being proactive and
engaging the person in a conversation about
their behavior is the first step toward conflict

1.List one behavior that you find difficult to
2.What is the result of managing the
3.How does the difficult behavior impact
your ability to manage?


Understanding Difficult Behavior

*Adapted from U.S. Institute of Peace Resources

10 Classic Problem Types


The Tank
The Sniper
The Grenade
The Know-It-All
The Think-TheyKnow-It- All

6. The Yes Person

7. The Maybe Person
8. The Nothing Person
9. The No Person
10. The Whiner

Adapted from Dealing With People You Cant Stand, Dr. Rick Brinkman & Dr. Rick Kirschner

Dealing with the Tank

Wants to control the process and get things done
Behavior ranges from mild pushiness to outright aggression

Commanding respect
Holding your ground
Interrupting the attack
Aiming for the bottom line and fire
Establishing peace with honor (Such as: You and I have
to work together)

Dealing with the Sniper

Attempts to control you through embarrassment and

Bringing the sniper out of hiding
Using searchlight questions like: Whats the intent or
relevancy of that statement?
Using Tank behaviors if necessary
Making the behavior of Sniping uncomfortable

Dealing with Grenades

Feels unappreciated and disrespected
Ranting and raving is difficult to ignore


Taking control of the situation

Getting their attention
Making sure your tone and language are friendly
Showing genuine concern
Reducing intensity

Dealing with the Know-it-All

Knowledgeable and competent people who intend to get it
done in the way they have predetermined is best.


Opening them up to new ideas

Being prepared and knowing your stuff
Blending with their doubts and desires
Presenting your views indirectly
Turning them into mentors
Recognizing their expertise

Dealing with Think-They-Know-It Alls

Specialists in exaggeration, half-truths, jargon, useless advice, and
unsolicited opinions
Charismatic and desperate for attention


Finding an acceptable way to disavow their unworkable ideas

Providing them a little attention
Getting clarification for specifics
Being patient
Gently confronting them with the consequences of their negative behavior
Crediting the things they do right

Dealing with the Yes Person


Gets along but can easily over commit

Doesnt understand the true nature of the task they have accepted.


Getting commitments you can count on

Making it safe to be honest
Talking openly and acknowledging their honesty
Helping them learn to better plan
Getting their word and summarizing their commitment
Ensuring understanding of negative consequences
Strengthening the relationship

Dealing with the Maybe Person

The downside of each option blinds them


Helping them to think decisively

Establishing and maintaining a comfort zone
Surfacing conflicts and clarifying issues
Using a decision-making system
Reassuring and then ensuring follow through
Strengthening the relationship

Dealing with the Nothing Person


Can be task focused or people focused
Tends to be a perfectionist when task-oriented
Tends to withdraw when people-oriented (rather than hurting
anyones feelings)


Persuading them to talk

Planning enough time

Asking open-ended questions
Lightening the mood

Dealing with the No Person

Task-focused and needs to get it right
Finds the negatives in everyone and everything


Moving from fault finding to problem solving

Allowing them to be negative
Using them as a resource and early warning system
Not pushing for an immediate decision
Acknowledging their good intent

Dealing with the Whiner

Suffers from severe inability to see what could and should be
Sees things wrong with what was and with what is.
Forming a problem-solving alliance
Listening for the main points
Getting specific
Shifting the focus to solutions
Showing them the future
Drawing the line - talk solutions or stop talking for now

Essential Skills for dealing with difficult problems

and/or behaviors
Blending (Finding the persons Frame of Reference)
Any behavior by which you reduce the differences
between you and another in order to meet them where
they are and move to a common ground
Redirecting (Creating a Mind Shift)
Any behavior by which you use the rapport gained by blending to
change the direction of an interaction. Blending precedes
redirecting, whether youre listening to understand or speaking to
be understood.

Blend with body and facial expressions
Blend vocally with volume and speed
Listen to understand (Chinese verb To listen)

Summarize what youve heard
Confirm to make sure you got it right

Reaching a Deeper Understanding

Identify positive intent
Positive intent is the good purpose meant to be
served by a given communication or behavior
Apply Positive Intent to
Getting the job done
Getting the job done right
Getting along with others
Getting appreciation

Speaking to be understood

Monitor your tone of voice

State your positive intent
Tactfully control interruptions
Tell your truth

Use I language
Be specific about the problem behavior
Help them understand how their behavior is self defeating
Suggest new behaviors or options

Stay flexible
The wise person seeks first to understand and then be understood.

Getting What You Project and Expect

Raise your expectations of people to help them raise their
expectations of themselves.
Appreciate the person.
Be stern on bad behavior.
Expect good behavior.
Assume the best and give the benefit of the doubt.
Appreciate constructive criticism.
Dont be defensive.
Verbally appreciate the person providing the criticism.
Redirect if necessary - focus on activities, not persons.

How to Deal With The Emotions

Can you recall the last time you had to deal
with a negative or difficult person? Or the last
time someone said something with the
intention of hurting you? How did you handle
it? What was the result? What can you do in
the future to get through these situations with
peace and grace?

How To Deal With The Emotions

No matter where we go, we will face people who are
negative, people who oppose our ideas, people who
piss us off or people who simply do not like us.
This fact isnt the cause of conflict but it is the trigger
to our emotions and our emotions are what drive us
back to our most basic survival instinct; react and
attack back to defend ourselves.

How To Deal With The Emotions

In these instinctual moments, we may lose
track of our higher selves and become the
human animal with an urge to protect
ourselves when attacked. This too is natural.
However, we are the only animal blessed with
intelligence and having the ability to control
our responses. So how can we do that?

Why Bother Controlling Our Responses?

1. Hurting Ourselves
Holding a grudge against someone is like
drinking poison and expecting the other
person to die. The only person we hurt is
ourselves. When we react to negativity, we
are disturbing our inner space and mentally
creating pain within ourselves.

2. Its Not About You, Its About Them

when people initiate negativity, it is a
reflection of their inner state expressed
externally and you just happen to be in front
of that expression. Its not personal, so why do
we take it personally? In short: Because our
ego likes problems and conflict

3. Battle of the Ego

When we respond impulsively, it is a natural
and honest response. However, is it the smart
thing to do? What can be resolved by doing
so? The answer: Nothing. It does however
feed our egos need for conflict.

4. Anger Feeds Anger. Negativity Feeds

Rarely can any good come out of reacting against
someone who is in a negative state. It will only
trigger anger and an additional reactive response
from that person. If we do respond impulsively, well
have invested energy in the defending of ourselves
and well feel more psychologically compelled to
defend ourselves going forward.

5. Waste of Energy
Where attention goes, energy flows. What we
focus on tends to expand itself. Since we can
only focus on one thing at a time, energy
spent on negativity is energy that could have
been spent on our personal wellbeing.

6. Negativity Spreads
When we are in a negative state or holding a
grudge against someone, we dont feel very
good. We carry that energy with us as we go
about our day. When we dont feel very good,
we lose sight of clarity and may react
unconsciously to matters in other areas of our
lives, unnecessarily.

7. Freedom of Speech
People are as entitled to their
opinions as you are. Allow them to
express how they feel and let it be.
Remember that its all relative and
a matter of perspective. What we
consider positive can be perceived
by another as negative.

Some people may have a less than eloquent

way of expressing themselves it may even be
offensive, but they are still entitled to do so.
They have the right to express their own
opinions and we have the right and will power
to choose our responses. We can choose
peace or we can choose conflict.

15 Tips for Dealing with Difficult People

1. Forgive
Ask yourself, What is it about this situation or
person that I can seek to understand and
2. Wait it Out
Wait until youve cooled off before responding,
if you choose to respond at all.

15 Tips for Dealing with Difficult People

3. Does it really matter if I am right?
If you find yourself arguing for the sake of being
right, ask Does it matter if I am right? If
yes, then ask Why do I need to be right?
What will I gain?

4. Dont Respond
Many times when a person initiates a negative message
or difficult attitude, they are trying to trigger a
response from you. When we react, we are actually
giving them what they want. Lets stop the cycle of
negative snowballing and sell them short on what
theyre looking for; dont bother responding.

5. Stop Talking About It

the more we talk about how much we dislike a
person, the more hate we will feel towards
them and the more well notice things about
them that we dislike. Stop giving it energy,
stop thinking about it, and stop talking about
it. Do your best to not repeat the story to

7. Look for the Lessons

No situation is ever lost if we can take away from it
some lessons that will help us grow and become a
better person.
8. Choose to Eliminate Negative People In Your Life
Negative people can be a source of energy drain. Cut
them out by avoiding interactions with them as much
as possible.

6. Be In Their Shoes
Try putting yourself in their position and
consider how you may have hurt their
feelings. This understanding will give you a
new perspective on becoming rational again,
and may help you develop compassion for the
other person

9. Become the Observer

When we practice becoming the observer of our
feelings, our thoughts and the situation, we
separate ourselves away from the emotions

10. Go for a Run

Physical exercise can help to release the
negative and excess energy in us. Use exercise
as a tool to clear your mind and release built
up negative energy

11. Worst Case Scenario

Ask yourself two questions,
1. If I do not respond, what is the worst thing
that can result from it?
2. If I do respond, what is the worst thing that
can result from it?

12. Avoid Heated Discussions

When were emotionally charged, we are so
much in our heads that we argue out of an
impulse to be right, to defend ourselves, for
the sake of our egos
If a discussion is necessary, wait until
everyone has cooled off before diving into

13. Most Important

Will a reaction to this person contribute to the
things that matter most to me?

14. Pour Honey

Compliment the other person for something they did
well, tell them youve learned something new
through interacting with them
You might have to dig deep to find something that
you appreciate about this person

15. Express It
Take out some scrap paper and dump all the
random and negative thoughts out of you by
writing freely without editing.

Let it go!

1.List one behavior that you find difficult to
2.What is the result of managing the
3.How does the difficult behavior impact
your ability to manage?

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