Lmi13 DealingwithDifficultPeople
Lmi13 DealingwithDifficultPeople
Lmi13 DealingwithDifficultPeople
Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. However, that
does not mean that we cannot work to prevent
unproductive behavior that leads to conflict. Difficult
behavior is a good example of an area where a
difference can be made. Although it is easy to label
people as difficult, the real focus should always be on
the actual behavior. Dealing effectively with difficult
behavior is a skill that can nip conflict in the bud.
Difficult Behavior
Difficult behavior takes many forms. It
includes gossiping, going over your bosses
head, foot dragging, ignoring orders, refusing
to talk, being rude, yelling, ignoring, harassing,
and much more.
Difficult Behavior
At the core, most conflict is about needs that
have not been satisfied-not just physical
needs, but also psychological and procedural
needs. Difficult behavior is often a result of
psychological needs for control, recognition,
affection, and respect.
When we loose our self-control and restraint the situation does not
improve. In fact it is more likely to get worse. Decisions made in the heat
of the moment are seldom the best, and lack the benefits of our
creativity. Our challenge is to slow down, and resist a knee jerk reaction.
Staying steady, stable and grounded gives us the strong foundation we
need to take on the most difficult behavior.
1.List one behavior that you find difficult to
2.What is the result of managing the
3.How does the difficult behavior impact
your ability to manage?
The Tank
The Sniper
The Grenade
The Know-It-All
The Think-TheyKnow-It- All
Adapted from Dealing With People You Cant Stand, Dr. Rick Brinkman & Dr. Rick Kirschner
Commanding respect
Holding your ground
Interrupting the attack
Aiming for the bottom line and fire
Establishing peace with honor (Such as: You and I have
to work together)
Bringing the sniper out of hiding
Using searchlight questions like: Whats the intent or
relevancy of that statement?
Using Tank behaviors if necessary
Making the behavior of Sniping uncomfortable
Can be task focused or people focused
Tends to be a perfectionist when task-oriented
Tends to withdraw when people-oriented (rather than hurting
anyones feelings)
Blend with body and facial expressions
Blend vocally with volume and speed
Listen to understand (Chinese verb To listen)
Summarize what youve heard
Confirm to make sure you got it right
Speaking to be understood
Use I language
Be specific about the problem behavior
Help them understand how their behavior is self defeating
Suggest new behaviors or options
Stay flexible
The wise person seeks first to understand and then be understood.
5. Waste of Energy
Where attention goes, energy flows. What we
focus on tends to expand itself. Since we can
only focus on one thing at a time, energy
spent on negativity is energy that could have
been spent on our personal wellbeing.
6. Negativity Spreads
When we are in a negative state or holding a
grudge against someone, we dont feel very
good. We carry that energy with us as we go
about our day. When we dont feel very good,
we lose sight of clarity and may react
unconsciously to matters in other areas of our
lives, unnecessarily.
7. Freedom of Speech
People are as entitled to their
opinions as you are. Allow them to
express how they feel and let it be.
Remember that its all relative and
a matter of perspective. What we
consider positive can be perceived
by another as negative.
4. Dont Respond
Many times when a person initiates a negative message
or difficult attitude, they are trying to trigger a
response from you. When we react, we are actually
giving them what they want. Lets stop the cycle of
negative snowballing and sell them short on what
theyre looking for; dont bother responding.
6. Be In Their Shoes
Try putting yourself in their position and
consider how you may have hurt their
feelings. This understanding will give you a
new perspective on becoming rational again,
and may help you develop compassion for the
other person
15. Express It
Take out some scrap paper and dump all the
random and negative thoughts out of you by
writing freely without editing.
Let it go!
1.List one behavior that you find difficult to
2.What is the result of managing the
3.How does the difficult behavior impact
your ability to manage?