Karvonen Method
Karvonen Method
Karvonen Method
The Karvonen method factors in resting heart rate (HRrest) to calculate target heart rate (THR),
using a range of 5085% intensity:
THR = ((HRmax HRrest) % intensity) + HRrest
Example for someone with a HRmax of 180 and a HRrest of 70:
50% Intensity: ((180 70) 0.50) + 70 = 125 bpm
85% Intensity: ((180 70) 0.85) + 70 = 163 bpm
The Karvonen Formula This is a heart rate reserve formula and its one of the most
effective methods used to calculate training heart rate. The formula factors in your resting
heart rate, therefore, youll need to determine your resting heart rate by doing the
Prior to getting out of bed in the morning, take your pulse on your wrist (radial
pulse) or on the side of your neck (carotid pulse). Count the number of beats,
starting with zero, for one minute. If you dont have a stop watch or a second
hand in your bedroom, you can measure the time by watching for the number to
change on a digital alarm clock. Find your pulse and start counting when the
minute number changes the first time, stop counting when it changes again. To
help assure accuracy, take your resting heart rate three mornings in a row and
average the 3 heart rates together. Another element in finding your training heart
rate zone is determining the intensity level at which you should exercise. As a
general rule, you should exercise at an intensity between 50% - 85% of your
heart rate reserve. Your individual level of fitness will ultimately determine where
you fall within this range. Use the following table as a guide for determining your
intensity level:
Beginner or low fitness level . . .50% - 60% Average fitness level . . . . . . . . 60%
- 70% High fitness level . . . . . . . . . . . 75% - 85% Now that weve determined
and gathered the information needed, we can pull the information together in the
Karvonen Formula:
220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate Max Heart Rate - Rest. Heart Rate x Intensity
+ Rest. Heart Rate = Training Heart Rate
For example, Sally is 33 yrs old, has a resting heart rate of 75 and shes just
beginning her exercise program (her intensity level will be 50% - 60%.) Sallys
training heart rate zone will be 131-142 beats per minute: Sally's Minimum
Training Heart Rate:
220 - 33 (Age) = 187
187 - 75 (Rest. HR) = 112
112 x .50 (Min. Intensity) + 75 (Rest. HR) = 131 Beats/Minute
Sally's Maximum Training Heart Rate: 220 - 33 (Age) = 187 187 - 75 (Rest. HR)
= 112 112 x .60 (Max. Intensity) + 75 (Rest. HR) = 142 Beats/Minute
Periodically, take your pulse during your exercise session to gauge your intensity
level. Typically, the easiest location for taking a pulse is on the side of your neck,
the carotid pulse. Be sure not to press too hard on the carotid artery or youll get
an inaccurate reading. Count the number of beats, always beginning with zero,
for 6 seconds (then multiply by 10), or for 10 seconds (then multiply by 6) to get
the number of times your heart is beating per minute. If your pulse is within your
training heart rate zone, youre right on track! If not, adjust your exercise
workload until you get into your zone.