11 Extended Abstract Mikada
11 Extended Abstract Mikada
11 Extended Abstract Mikada
1. Introduction
Gas-hydrate attracts attention as non-common type resources in recent years. However, there are also
many unknowns remained as research themes, such as accumulation process of gas-hydrate, etc. One
of them is the supply of the gas, which probably exists below the methane hydrate layers in the
sediment structure.
The formation fluid including gas below methane hydrate layer is considered to be the cause of strong
seismic reflection known as the bottom simulating reflector (BSR) that serves as an index of a
methane-hydrate layer in reflection seismic prospecting. Since methane-hydrate is generated in a lowtemperature high-pressure condition with gas, it is meaningful to make it clear how methane gas
migrates to the methane-hydrate layers, what the rate of the migration.
Mikada, et al. (2008) presented that the sediments, which could be interpreted to include gas in the
formation fluid from log data, below methane hydrate layers could show high sonic velocity
anomalies. Since gas in the formation fluid in general knocks down the seismic compressional phase
velocities, their results could not be interpreted with the present gas-water models that are applied in
log interpretation nor gas fraction in the formation water could not be estimated. It is, therefore,
difficult to estimate an exact quantity of gas in the log interpretation as well as in the surface seismic
reflection methods.
Sonic logging performed for the well with the Nankai Trough shows the feature of gas but high
velocity of sound wave. The interpretation of the sonic logging data leads partly high sonic phase
velocities at depths corresponding to what is called free-gas zone that lies beneath the methanehydrate layers under physicochemical hydrate-stable conditions (Mikada et al., 2008). If the formation
fluid in the zone contains gas, the possibility of high sonic velocity anomaly could be caused by the
existence of gas bubbles. Since we know the sound speed in fluid-gas mixture is dispersive, we
hypothesize that the high velocity anomaly could be observed depending on wave frequencies. Here,
we focus an effect of the gas bubble motion to the sonic phase velocities and its frequencies
The dynamics of gas bubbles in fluids has been studied by many researchers. Rayleigh (1917) studied
about the motion of a bubble in infinite incompressible liquid. Minnaert (1933) derived the resonant
frequency of a bubble considering both potential and kinetic energies. The resonant bubble behaves
like a harmonic oscillator of the spring-bob type (Devaud et al., 2008). Anderson and Hampton
(1980a; 1980b) studied phase velocities and attenuations of sound waves propagating in the shallow
marine sediments. They all applied a theory of Silberman (1957) to derive the phase velocity and the
attenuation of compressional sound waves in fluid with bubble mixture. Bedford and Stem (1982)
studied about the sonic phase velocities of a medium that contains gas bubbles in pore water after
taking the motion of bubbles in the fluid into account. They used the Hamilton's principle and
calculated the potential and kinetic energies of bubbles, liquid and solid phase to derive the equation
of motion of the bubble-saturated medium. But they didn't consider the bubble-bubble interaction or
the bubble-solid phase interaction explicitly.
In this paper, we introduce a simple new method to derive the sonic phase velocities of the sediment
that contains bubbles in pore water by integrating fluid mechanics and rock physics theory. Since this
method is based on macroscopic scale, we want to study about frequency dependence of bubble
resonance in more microscopic scale and refer the resonant frequency is affected by interaction of
bubbles and sand particles. And we focused the effects of the bubble-bubble interaction as well as the
bubble-particle interaction to frequencies.
2. Methods and Theory
In this study, we first analyzed the oscillation of a gas bubble in water to see the frequency
dependency of the sound velocity.
radius of the bubbles but the normal distribution of 10 micro meter variation is added to the
If we model some marine environment having unconsolidated sediments and partially
saturated by the formation water of gas-water mixture, we may simulate a modeled sonic log as
shown in Figure 8. For the gas saturation estimation using sonic data, it is visible that multiple
frequency measurements would be effective to see not only the saturation but the distribution of gas
bubble radii in formation fluid.
4. Summary
We simulated sonic velocity variations as a function of frequencies for a single bubble and plural
bubble cases and found out that the phase velocity of compressional waves may show high velocity
anomalies even in the bubble mixture conditions.
For the gas saturation analysis, we could confirm that multiple frequency measurements could be used
to estimate both the saturation and the size distribution of bubbles in formation fluid.
Anderson, A. L., Hampton, L. D. (1980): Acoustics of gas-bearing sediments I. Background: The
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 67, 1865-1889.
Anderson, A. L., Hampton, L. D. (1980): Acoustics of gas-bearing sediments. II. Measurements and
models: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 67, 1890-1903.
Bedford, A., and Stern, M., (1983): A model for wave propagation in gassy sediments: The Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 73, 409-417.
Devaud, M., Hocquet, T., Bacri, J-C., and Leroy, V.(2008): The Minnaert bubble: an acoustic
approach: European Journal of Physics, 29, 1263-1285.
Mikada, H., Inamori, T. I., Saeki, T., Suzuki, K., Onishi, K.(2008): Formation evaluation of free gas
zone beneath bottom simulating reflector: Presented at the 14th Formation Evaluation Symposium
of Japan.
Minnaert, M., (1933): Air bubble and sound of running water: Philosophical Magazine, 6, 235-248.
Rayleigh, L., (1917): On the pressure developed in a liquid during the collapse of a spherical cavity:
Philosophical Magazine, 34, 94-98.
Silberman, E., (1957): Sound velocity and attenuation in bubbly mixtures measured in standing wave
tubes: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 29, 925-953.
Takahira, H., Akamatsu, T., Fujikawa, S. (1994): Dynamics of a cluster of bubbles in a liquid
(Theoretical analysis): The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers international journal. Series. B,
Fluids and thermal engineering, 37, 297-305.