Fluids, Avo, and Seismic Amplitudes: Field Examples: Joel D. Walls, Petrosoft Inc
Fluids, Avo, and Seismic Amplitudes: Field Examples: Joel D. Walls, Petrosoft Inc
Fluids, Avo, and Seismic Amplitudes: Field Examples: Joel D. Walls, Petrosoft Inc
Joel D. Walls*, PetroSoft Inc. Summary This paper presents the results of two eld cases where the effects of rock and uid properties on seismic response are illustrated. The rst case is an example from the North Sea that shows how small errors in shear wave velocity prediction affect forward modeled AVO response. Case 1 also shows the effect of replacing hydrocarbons with brine. The second case illustrates how rock and uid properties along with reection amplitudes can be used to estimate uid type in an offshore Gulf of Mexico fault block. Introduction The effects of uids and rock mineralogy on seismic velocity are well known in principle. However, quantitative results that show the specic effects of uids and rock type on seismic are less common. These two cases illustrate that seismic response to changing uid properties can be quantied and that a detailed analysis of the rock and uid velocities and densities can be used in interpretation. Case 1: Vs Prediction and Fluid Substitution This example is based on a well from the North Sea. This well contains a hydrocarbon bearing zone from about 8712 ft. to 8820 ft. Log data indicated a gas/oil contact at about 8775 ft. A full suite of logs was run allowing for a multiple mineral analysis. In addition, a dipole sonic log was run which allowed us to compare measured to predicted shear wave velocity. From the logs, we were able to construct a four layer model for the pay zone and its over- and under-lying horizons (left side, Figure 1). From this model, a synthetic seismic
TABLE 1. Fluid properties, Case 1 Property Brine salinity Oil API gravity Gas/Oil ratio Gas gravity Dissolved gas in brine Value 50,000 ppm 25 520 scf/bbl 1.0 0
section was generated using commercial 2-D modeling software (right side, Figure 1). Table 1 summarizes the reservoir uid properties. Average uid saturations, minerals volumes and porosities are shown in Figure 1. The physical properties of the water, oil, and gas were obtained with commercial rock physics software using relations presented by Batzle and Wang. Properties of the uid mix for the pay zone were computed by the patchy uid saturation model of Packwood and Mavko. Shear wave velocity was then predicted for the entire log using the Greenberg and Castagna model. This best Vs prediction was then used to model the AVO response in layers 2, 3, and 4. The new synthetic seismic using the computed Vs values are shown in Figure 2. The results are virtually identical to those in Figure 1. Next we assumed that the uid was brine and the mineralogy was clean sand (roughly equivalent to assuming Poissons ratio is 0.25) and recomputed Vs in layers 2, 3, and 4. We then performed the same synthetic seismic routine and the results are shown in Figure 3.
100% Sw
65% So, 4% Sg, 31% Sw
Case 2: Predicting Fluids from Seismic Amplitudes A problem often encountered in exploration and development geophysics is to estimate the uid type in prospects based on amplitude information in seismic data. This example shows the application of rock and uid properties analysis in predicting uid type in an untested fault block of a Gulf of Mexico sand. Figure 5 is a time structure and seismic amplitude map of the Late Pliocene horizon. The hydrocarbons in fault block 1-3 varied from dry gas to medium weight oil. The goal was to estimate the hydrocarbon type in prospective fault block 4. The method was to use data on sand velocity, density, porosity, clay content and expected fluid types as input into the rock physics software for estimation of acoustic impedance and reflectivity for various types of hydrocarbon saturants. By comparing the computed hydrocarbon to wet reflection coefficients ratios to the observed seismic amplitude ratios of the known hydrocarbons to wet sand, a prediction was made of the pore fluid in untested fault block 4. The input data is shown in Table 2. The "weakly cemented sand" model of Dvorkin, et al. was used to adjust the clay/sand ratio and total porosity until the lithology was consistent with the measured velocity and density of the sand. The Dvorkin model was used to get Vp and density for two weights of oil and for dry gas. Vs was found using the GreenbergCastagna method. Using well logs to obtain average acoustic impedance for overlying shales, reflection coefficient ratios of hydrocarbon to wet saturation were computed. Actual ratios also were obtained from the seismic amplitude maps.
Figure 3: AVO response using predicted Vs assuming 100% Sw and clean sand.
Compared to the original case, we see that the near offset response is very similar, but as the offset increases (to a maximum of about 30 deg.), the reection amplitudes decrease for the lower two layers instead of increasing. This highlights the importance of having accurate shear velocity values for all layers of the model. Next, we computed new Vp, Vs, and density values for the pay zone assuming that it was completely water saturated. The synthetic seismic (Figure 4) shows a major change in character at all offsets. The polarity of the reections are completely reversed indicating that the hydrocarbons are a major factor in this model, as opposed to simply changes in lithology.
Table 2: Rock properties and seismic amplitude ratios. (Sand por. 25-28%, ave. Sw 30%, ave. depth 5000 ft., GOR 400-700 scf/bbl, API 31-32, gas grav. 0.6, temp. 132 F, 9.6# mud. Velocity, density, and R.C. ratio computed, Amp. Ratio from seismic) Litholgy Vp:ft/s Vs:ft/s Bden:g/cc R.C. ratio Amp. Ratio
1 1.77
2.41 2.5 2.25 2.39 1.89 1.87 4193 4219 7465 7418 7748 4443 1.69 2.81
Wet sand Field oil sand, t. block 3 Model oil sand, GOR 550 Model oil sand, GOR 1K Thin gas and, t. block 1 Prospect, t. block 4 Modeled gas sand Field gas sand, t block 1