Engine Operation
Engine Operation
Engine Operation
1.a) What are the physical differences between the Otto & Diesel engines? b) Define & explain the terms
'blow-by'& 'crevice volume'
d) What is 'Morre test'? Why & how it is done?
8.c)Make a brief comparison between SI & CI engine cycle.
4.b)Briefly explain volumetric efficiency
5.a)Briefly discuss various ways that the IC engines can be classified.
b)List 5 important differences between the design & operating characteristics of SI & CI engines.
c)What is the motoring test of IC engines? Hoe is it done?
d)Compare the electric dynamometer with eddy current dynamometer in respect of their construction &
6.b)what is indicator diagram? Why is the indicator diagram of an actual SI engine different from that on
air-standard otto cycle?
5.a)What are the different view points of classifying the IC engines? State with examples.
b)With a neat sketch, show the 3 primary blocks of construction of a typical reciprocating IC engine.
c)With a neat sketch, describe the working principle of a rotary(e.g. Wankle) engine.
d)What do u understand by SOHC & DOHC? What are their advantages over in-block arrangement?
e)Briefly explain the working principle of variable valve timing mechanism. Why is it used?
4.a)Define engine performance map. What is its significance in controlling engine operation?
5.a)Sketch a sectional view of a one-cylinder 4-stroke cycle petrol engine & show its major components
& main geometric parameters.
b)What do you mean by VVTi? How is it accomplished?
6.a)Differentiate between dry type & wet type cylinder liners.
IC Engine Fuels:
3.a)Compare the fuel injection systems of CI & SI engines.
b)Discuss the requirements for a good CI engine fuel.
4.a)Compare with neat skematics, by-pass & full-flow oil filtering
6.a)What are the objectives of CI fuel metering?
3.a)Briefly explain the throttling requirements of an engine for the following 4 conditions i)engine idling
ii)at the beginning of acceleration
iii) descending a hile iv)fast motoring on a level ground
7.a)"The most important characteristics of gasoline are its volatility & octane number"-explain.
b)What is a straight-run gasoline? Although straight-run gasoline is not suitable for SI engine, it may be
good for CI engine-discuss with the help of necessary figures.
7.a)Note down the requirements of a good IC engine fuel.
8.a)What are the typical components used for the fuel metering in CI engines?
b)Explain with neat sketch how fuel metering is achieved in the 'distributor system'of CI injection.
c)Draw neat sketches of various CI injection nozzles.
d)Show the typical jet structure that is formed when fuel is sprayed from a fuel nozzle & discuss.
e)Explain why VOP does not equal to VCP in a closed nozzle?
2.d)What do you understand by 'Raid Vapor Pressure' of a SI engine fuel.
8.b)Explain with neat sketches, how fuel metering is achieved in the common rail system of CI injection.
4.a)Define Multi-venturi & Multi-barrel carburetors.
b)Briefly explain the function of choke valve in modern carburetors.
8.a)What are the prime objectives of fuel metering in CI engines?
b)Give a sectional view of Bosch pump & describe its operating principle from zero to full load.
c)Explain what is meant by octane rating of 80 & cetane rating of 60.
d)What are the important fuel characteristics from the viewpoint of SI engine performance.Discuss
equilibrium air distillation(EAD) with relevant sketches.
5.a)What is natural gasoline? Will natural gasoline form gum? Explain
b)Discuss the important qualities of an SI engine fuel.
c)With the help of a neat sketch & relevant graph describe a simple method for predicting the volatility of
a multi-constituent fuel.
Idealized Cycles & Processes:
1.(c) What are the different methods used to control the thermal expansion of SI engine pistons? Explain
with neat sketches.
2.c)Explain with the help of P-V diagram, what happens to the indicated efficiency when the expansion
ratio of constant-volume cycle is increased keeping the compression
ratio & other details of the cycle remain the same. How can be the expansion ratio be increased in such
d) Why should new engines be operated at low speeds & loads.
7.a)Draw a typical ideal & actual P-V diagram of an otto engine cycle. Briefly explain & quantify various
losses in actual engines.
8.b)Show that, for air-standard otto-cycle hth= 1- (
4.a)Draw a typical P-V diagram of an SI engine cycle. Briefly explain and quantify time loss, heat loss
and blow-down loss.
2.a)Draw a typical valve timing diagram of an SI engine. Explain why exhaust valve is opened earlier &
closed later than the ideal timing diagram.
b) Briefly explain the pressure wave tuning of an engine intake system.
c)Make a brief comparison between turbo-charging & supercharging. Briefly show typical turbo-charger
6.c)How do ideal air-standard cycles & fuel air cycles differ from actual cycles? Explain using
appropriate diagram.
d)Compare the constant volume, limited pressure & constant pressure cycleson T-S & P-V diagrams
under conditions of constant maximum temperature & pressure.
Prove by equation & reasoning from the T-S diagram which cycle is the most efficient.
1.c)What do u understand by a turbo-charged after cooled engine? Briefly state the factors that may affect
the volumetric efficiency of an IC engine.
4.a)"CI engines shows better part load characteristics compared to a SI engine"-Briefly explain using the
torque vs speed curve of IC engines.
b)Write a brief note on the energy distribution in a typical IC engine. Identify possible scopes of
improvement of energy utilization.
3.a)Briefly state the factors that may influence the volumetric efficiency of an IC engine.
c)Compare the power, torque & sp. fuel consumption characteristics of a naturally aspirated SI engine
with a Turbocharged one.
d)Briefly explain the typical characteristics of variation of bsfc of a SI engine over its speed range.
1.Define volumetric efficiency of an IC engine. Describe the factors which may effect the volumetric
efficiency of an engine.
b)The volumetric efficiency of an IC engine is specified as 120%-what does it signify? Briefly explain.
c)"A CI engine has better torque characteristic at part loads compared to an SI engine"-justify the
statement on the basis of torque speed characteristics of both engines.
d)Define MEP for an IC engine.
2.a)Define mechanical efficiency for an IC engine. Under what type of operating condition can it be zero?
2.d)What is fuel-air cycle? How does it differ from an actual engine cycle?
4.a)Show the power & torque characteristics of a typical SI engine over its speed range at WOT. Briefly
explain the nature of the curves.
8.a)Define speed factor. Show that neither rotative speed nor piston speed alone is adequate to describe
the speediness of an engine.
5.a)Briefly explain laminate flame speed & burning velocity. Mention some of the key factors affecting
laminate flame speed.
b)Classify combustion systems with suitable examples.
c)Briefly explain the physical meaning of LHV
d)Estimate the air-fuel ratio of stoichiometric methane-air combustion.
6.a)Briefly explain the phases of a CI engine combustion.
b)Briefly explain the A/F requirement of a SI engine for the following 3 conditions-i)engine idling
ii)engine acceleration iii) fast motoring on a level ground
c)Make Briefly comparison between SI & CI engine combustion.
7.b)Make a brief comparison between SI & CI engine knock.
c)Briefly explain the phases of a SI engine combustion.
8.a)Briefly explain EFI system in SI engine
1.a)Briefly explain laminar flame speed & burning velocity. Show typical effects of equivalence
ratio,initial pressure & temperature on burning velocity.
b) Make a brief comparison between SI & CI engine knock. spark & surface knock
3.b)What are the objectives of CI engine ignition system? Briefly explain the four phases of DI CI engine
8.a)Discuss the ways of classifying gas turbines according to their size & usage. Also discuss their
relative advantages & limitations.
b)With a neat sketch, describe the construction of a gas turbine combustion chamber.
2.a)Draw a typical valve timing diagram of an SI engine. Explain why exhaust valve is opened earlier &
closed later than the ideal timing diagram.
1.a)Compare the pressure with crank angle diagram(P- ) for a SI & CI engine.Briefly explain the
1.a)Compare knocking in SI & CI engines. Briefly explain the factors influencing knocking in SI & CI
b)Define AF ratio & equivalence ratio. Compare the AF ratio ranges in which SI & CI engines are
typically operated.
c)What is DPF? Briefly explain its working principle.
2.b)briefly explain why spark advance is needed. How is it achieved in a typical SI engine?
6.a)Explain with appropriate graphs why a simple carburetor cant meet the engine requirement.
b)Define an expression for the AF ratio of a simple carburetor & list all assumption.
7.a)What are the functional requirements of the injection system of a CI engine?
c)Note down the functions of a Fuel injector. Draw necessary sketches to explain the various types of
2.a) Briefly explain why the particulate emission levels from diesel engines & conventional SI engines
are so different in magnitude.
b) Discuss the mechanics of CO formation & emissions from conventional SI & CI engines.
7.c)Describe with neat sketches, the construction & operation of a three way catalytic converter. Why is it
necessary for SI engine to be fitted with an electric fuel injection
or an electric carburetor system when 3-way catalytic converter is used for exhaust gas treatment?
d)List the causes of hydrocarbon emissions from a SI engine.
2.a)What do u understand by a 3-way catalytic converter?
b)Why 3-way catalytic converters are only effective with engine fitted with Electric fuel injection
systems. Briefly explain.
c)What do u understand by PM emission from a diesel engine? How can u measure PM emission from an
d)How does EGR help in reducing the emission from an engine? Briefly explain.
2.a)What do u understand by 'Light-off' temperature of a catalytic converter? How can the location of
catalytic converter in the exhaust line influence its performance.
b)Briefly explain the working principle of an infra red gas analyzer, used for measuring engine emissions.
c)What do you understand by regeneration process of a DPF? What are the different ways by which this
can be done?
7.a) Briefly explain how the noise in the exhaust system is minimized by using a silencer?
3.a)What do u understand by 'Light-off' temperature of a catalytic converter? How can the location of
catalytic converter in the exhaust line influence its performance.
b)Why is it necessary to use an electronic fuel injection system with a 3-way catalytic converter?
6.a)What are the of lubrication system in an engine?
b)How to check the lub oil condition of an engine? When should lub oil be changed for a typical engine?
4.b)What do you understand by frictional power loss of an engine? What are the major components of
such power loss & how does it vary with engine speed?
7.c)With a block diagram show how lub oil is circulated in the engine.
7.a)Why is lubrication important in IC engine?
b)Briefly describe with sketches how a crankshaft is lubricated in an IC engine.
1.d)Briefly explain the functions performed by lub oil in an IC engine.
2.a)Define-crankcase ventilation & crankcase dilution.
c)Briefly describe how a typical engine crankshaft is lubricated & how is it protected against failure of
4.b)Characterise the exhaust emissions from a typical SI engine as the richness of the intake mixture
c)how do you measure the CO & HC emissions from a SI engine? Briefly explain.
d)Briefly describe the NOx control features used in IC engines. Why different features may be needed for
SI & CI engines.
Write Short Notes:
SIT, Adiabatic Flame Temperature,Weibe Function, required characteristics of SI engine end gas to
prevent knock, Fuel injection in SI, common rail ingition in CI