Dupax Del Sur Community Output
Dupax Del Sur Community Output
Dupax Del Sur Community Output
Output on
Community Health Nursing
Dupax Del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya
May 17-21, 2010
Submitted by:
Pilar, Jovielyn P.
Penuliar, Maria Katrina B.
Pascual, Kathrina G.
Panganiban, John Ace R.
Ramones,Maribeth S.
Po, Ma. Esmeralda
Vea, Wilvin Joe
Pascua, Davinne Rey
Submitted to:
Tita L. Rillorta, RN, MSN
Community Instructor
consideration the different parts. Our need to be directed towards skill transfer;
framework; sectoral support system for students, health workers, farmers; draw up
an alternative program for social and economic development; need for disaster
linkages at all levels; planning and programming; women and indigenous people’s
welfare; attention to advocacy and campaign work; need for solid organizing in both
A society where its citizen would enjoy a general improvement in the quality
of life, having been freed from poverty and oppression; where foreign control and
influence over its state of affairs have been eliminated; where the greater majority
of the people take an active part in running and significant decision making
apparatuses of the State; where each individual may enjoy the fruit of one’s
economic endeavors; where social conflict has been justly resolved and where the
Filipino people can develop and take pride in their cultural identities.
Its structure towards DEVELOPMENT!!!
It is where the Barangays of Dupax del Sur located…spot it!!!
aca, Banila, Gabut, Ganao, Lukidnun, Mangayang, Palabotan, Biruk, Bagumbayan, Balsain, Canabay, Domang, D
History of Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya
Dupax Del Sur (Dopaj) already has its legend even before the Spanish
conducive climate, scenic spots, humble inhabitants who are hard-working, value
The name of the town of Dupax, Nueva Vizcaya, was emanated from the Isinay
word “Dopaj” which means to lie down n complete rest and relaxation. According to
folklore, the site of what eventually became the Poblacion of Dupax used to be the
camping site of primitive hunters from surrounding tribal settlers who usually
congregate in the area after hard ways of hunting in the nearby mountains. The first
known settlers were the Mala-ats (Ilongots). They are said to be the ancestors of the
Isinays who now inhabit the locality. Actually, before 1725, the Mala-ats and the
missionaries of the Augustinian order arrived in the locality. However, it was until
April 22, 1731 that Dupax was formally founded by Fr. Nicholas Norbante and
Agustin de San Juan. The 1st Captain of the town- which was then known as Dopaj
representing three Districts tribals were appointed namely: Dayag, who headed the
Mala-ats; Tsun-pising, who headed the Igorots; Bertolo, who headed Ilongots years
passed, more and more influx of the Ilocanoes, Ifugaos, Igorots and other ethnic
groups have taken place before and after the turn of the century, because of some
Marcos signed PD 586 implementing RA 6372 otherwise known as "An Act Creating
the Municipality of Dupax del Sur from the Municipality of Dupax in the province of
President Ferdinand Marcos amended some sections and signed it into law with the
promulgation of Presidential Decree 586 on November 26, 1974 which paved the
way for the division of Dupax into two municipalities: Dupax del Norte and Dupax
del Sur.
Dupax del Sur is a third class municipality having 19,000 population with 19
barangays- 8 low land and 8 mountain high, with indigenous people are the Igorots
& Bugcalots. Its history reflects on how health had evolved up to the present. This
was started when some indigenous people went to the place to hunt animals for
food. After hunting animals, they were tired, so they decided to lie down (called
“Dopaj” in Spanish word). As time passed that was called Dupax was then divided in
Sur and Norte. Igorots had migrated to the locality and they brought high value
crops which were resulted to high production of these products. And up to the
See the wonders God has created not only for the Dupaxans, but for
everybody to experience, how Dupax del Sur and its residents live and share their
At Dupax del Sur, at the barangay level, continue to maintain health and
daycare centers, general hygiene and sanitation, and the facilities for water supply
are now in its direct supervision. With the municipality – RHU to the Barangay
Councils, they assessed the people’s needs , look after the problems that need to
focused on, take plans on it, implements an action/ program for it and evaluates if
the action is effective or not and if the problem had already solved, they work with
each other to achieve an optimum level of functioning & promote quality of life.
At the municipal level, the Mayor together with the RHU personnel oversees
the implementation of Primary Health Care, maternal and child care, control of
diseases, social welfare services and solid waste disposal, encompassing
maintenance of school facilities.
The Health Reform Agenda of former President Fidel V. Ramos was still used
by the RHU of Dupax del Sur to focus on the people’s unmet needs in the
improvement and sustenance of health.
Health is a multi factorial phenomenon in which it covers socio-economic,
political, and environmental factors, these contributes on how health was being
delivered to the community people. Health care delivery system on Dupax had been
very different from other municipalities because they are doing the ideal one in
delivering health care services to the people. In terms of what the health programs
had been given by the Department of Health to the local/ municipal levels, Dupax
have been innovating these health programs for the people to participate to
improve their health.
Dupax del Sur had been applying the right and the best referral system in
which an ill person will directed to the Barangay Health Workers transferred to
midwife to the Public Health Nurse up to the tertiary level of healthcare, and if the ill
person would feel better, she will be transferred from tertiary to secondary up to the
primary until she/he achieves her/his health.
With the commitment and perseverance of the MHO, the HCDS of Dupax del
Sur is now a very responsive to the need of the communities. During the early
years, it wasn’t yet develop but during the supervision of Dra. Virginia Laccay within
33 years in health service, it was improved a lot. She still continues her
commitment to care for the people. With their partnership with different services of
other department and agencies GOs or NGOs, health had tremendously improved;
networking to the municipal level down to the local/barangay level. The MHO had
to reach far flung barangays to deliver healthcare services to them, even without a
ride, service must go on. They had emphasized to the people that they should help
The community people are the one who have the responsibility for
themselves to work with other and with initiatives to care for their health to achieve
their HEA
the aim “Health for all”.
“It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks & sharing leadership with people,
interdependent with one another.”
Rural Health Unit’s Mission and Vision:
To achieve Health for All!!!
LGU’s Mission and Vision towards a better quality of life!!!
Like those barangays in Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya they have their own
programs or what we called innovative health programs implemented to improve
the quality of life of the community people.
Garantisadong Pambata- Giving services to the children like giving
Vitamins to them. This is
done twice a year.
As a result, it improved the health and nutritional status, and
quality of life of the community people especially in the mountain
barangays, acquired strong partnership in promotion and mobilization
of the barangay councils and community and it underscores the
importance of institutionalizing the Health and Nutrition Program with
the barangay leaders as their partners in grassroots level.
Bantay B-Inay- This program focuses in the health seeking behaviors of
mothers. And aims to
motivate the mothers.
Five for Life Program- This program comprises the following:
○ Water for life
○ Fortificial food in examination home
○ Sustained PABASA and nutrition
○ IGP in every PABASA group
○ Nutrition Research Center
Yearly Outreach Program- In this program, they are giving clothes to the
needy as a donation
wherein at first, they will pick up names of at least 3 persons who will
be given the opportunity to choose the clothes that they want.
Community-based Healthy Lifestyle- In this program, they are conducting
monitoring of school
canteen and early morning exercise.
Vermi Composting Program- This is a 50, 000 pesos worth of project
managed by the BNSes and
PABASA- They do PABASA 2-3 hours a day. The mothers are their target
group who are indigent.
In this program, they teach the mothers to cook simple and economical
Feeding Program- This program is done for children who are malnourished.
They cook for them
for almost three months and give some supply of foods in order for
them to improve
their health status.
These are some of the health related programs that are being implemented
here in all Barangay of Dupax which aims to reduce the mortality and morbidity
here in Dupax and to the whole country as a whole to have a better quality of life.
The innovative health programs have been the very highlight of better care in
the locality in delivering healthcare services to the people. These programs would
not be successful without the partnership and networking between those who are at
the top and with the community people. These need more effort to deliver it to the
community people successfully. These health programs are approved by the DOH
and being implemented by the local level to promote health and to prevent
diseases or illnesses.
Partnership is the relationship between the health leaders and the community
people in implementing the program to achieve wellness of the community. Here in
Dupax this is one of the factors that can contribute a better health of the people
and the community as a whole.
We had interviewed some of the health leaders regarding the partnership
they have in delivering health care services. To begin with the activity, we
established rapport to gain trust and develop a harmonious relationship with them
during the interview. As they had stated, partnership is very helpful in attaining
their programs effectively. It educates the community people to be responsible and
knowledgeable in every program that is to be implemented. On the benefit of the
health leaders, it made their work easier and faster through the active participation
of the community people and the barangay leaders.
The BHW’s are the one who visits in their respective area of responsibility
within their barangay. In their visit they will render basic health services , and
updates health data. Data collected will be submitted to the midwives for collation
and presentation to the barangay councils. Together with the barangay councils,
municipal doctor, midwife and BHW’s analyzed the collate data, and have an initial
suggestions for the solution of the problems identified . through this, it gave an idea
to the barangay officials what are the problems that their community have and they
helped together in prioriyizing the problems that were identified. After this, they
make plan on how to solve the problems in their planning, they include budgeting to
be sure that Implementation
the problems will beof solved, in the budget
Innovative Healthplan they included
Programs financial
towards the goal:
and persons responsible.
Monitoring is one of the barangay “HEALTH FORhave
officials’ tasks ALL”been seen as one of
the greatest factor in the success of their plan. Here not only the health personnel
had the responsibility but it’s a partnership intervention.
A good leader must have an effective communication in order to gain trust
and to rule the community people. In implementing a project you must involve the
community people to be able for them to appreciate that certain project.
One of the factors why the Health Care Delivery System of Dupax del Sur is
very successful is Partnership, in which the Health care providers collaborates and
works with other department or agencies among the Provincial, Municipal, and
Barangay level. This is very important for the municipality or locality because it can
help to its overall development and improvement especially on the Health of its
Dupax del Sur is simply the one keeping together its people through
partnership and participation to achieve “Health for All.”
Partnership is very important to the people because it can help them to work
faster on the implementation of Health programs. People had learned to care for
their projects because of their organization with the leaders. Being a leader, you
must be a good follower, role model, be patient and must be responsible of your
work as an organizer to develop trust to have an effective relationship with the
people and to achieve your goal in the community.
Partnership with other agencies for the planning and implementation of Health Programs to improve the Hea
y their staff to see its beauty, and wonder inside and out…and viewing its overall facilities and equipments used
e things needed in order to improve the health and life everyone. One of these is partnership to other agencie
Community Participation is defined as the involvement of people in the
community involvement in terms of being one in the assessment and planning
process. It is an act of the community people wherein they participate in the
different programs and activities in their community.
The community people of Dupax Del Sur are the best example this kind of
attitude. They demonstrate dedicated and genuine participation and cooperation in
the different programs implemented by the different leaders in their municipality.
According to our interviewees, in terms of implementing programs in the
community, especially regarding health and nutrition, the people in the community
never fails to utilize it. Although some, according to them, are disobliging still
majority of them are accommodating hospitable.
Participation of the community people in the said municipality doesn’t just
end by just merely attending whenever there are different programs that are being
held. At the different barangays of the said municipality, like for example Barangay
Domang, the community people are mobilized and empowered in helping one
another in building the different infrastructures in the said barangay. Aside from
that, unity is also very transparent whenever they have programs such as
environmental sanitation and Feeding Program because the leaders doesn’t just
stop by implementing this programs but they also encourage the community people
to work with them, not just for the sake of cutting expenses but to facilitate
community involvement as partners in health development. By this means it can
contribute people’s development and to some extent empowering the people
because they believe they can do it.
Great leadership, community participation, unity and empowerment, certainly
these are the perfect ingredients that Dupax del Sur utilized in order to perfect the
recipe of success and development. These attitudes became their greatest tool in
attaining their goal. It is not just the work of health personnel but different agencies
task and concern. They have proven that no man can work alone, that in order to
achieve success they have to work together to make a very good foundation. And
this foundation that they built cannot be easily shattered by any storm that may
come their way. Without a doubt, Dupax Del Sur is the dwelling of the unified
One example of community participation at Dupax del Sur was that, when we
have our community outreach at Barangay Banila in which we have rendered Health
Education, the community people had cooked for our lunch. The vegetables they
had cooked came from the community people from their respective houses.
They had also participated to us on the Health education we have rendered
by listening and sharing to us their lifestyle and on how they use their environment
to improve their quality of their lives.
We have imparted our knowledge about “Environmental Sanitation” and “What are
the effects of Cigarette Smoking?” to them. These would help them to have an idea
on how to improve their ways of living whether they re-pattern, to maintain, or to
improve it.
This shows that the Leaders together with the Community People have the
discipline and faith in God, works together and very hardworking, so they had
achieved a better health.
In Dupax del Sur, there are ways in order for the community people to
participate such as, when they will implement a Feeding Program, the BHW’s were
calling mothers at their respective houses to cook for their children for proper
nutrition and Health; in Infrastructures, the community people especially the men
were working together in order to build a Barangay Hall in their community. one
way also they are doing was that, the leaders were doing Information dissemination
to inform the people.
Leaders at Dupax del Sur had managed the people properly and they are not
bias and treat each other equally. These attitudes have been maintaining their
participation and harmonious relationship in their Barangay. They do and focused
on the task assigned to them, and the problems or concerns seen in the barangay,
they plan certain actions for it and they directly implement these actions in order to
solve it. This shows how the people care for their health and for the quality of their
y have their unity and working together for their own good and interest. They cooked for us showing their hospit
e imparted our knowledge regarding on environmental Sanitation and the Effects of smoking to the community
Dupaxdel SUR had a great health care delivery system in which the leaders of the
Municipality they are being supportive and active, this can be shown by their effort in
reorganizing their role in promoting people’s health through comprehensive approach that would
include their participation in planning and monitoring. Aside from these motivating and guiding
people had been recognized as very important factors in the delivery of services for the people to
recognize that they believe that health as a multifactorial phenomenon in which they focused a
generating projects.
Rural Health Unit in partnership with other agencies such as, United Nations, Phil Health
EC, and community people are the major players in Dupax Health Care Delivery System. With
the innovative health programs, they work together by defining each agencies task to avoid
duplication of works.
The status of Health Care Delivery System of Dupax del Sur was already on the top and
to its development. The municipality is an inspiration, role model and being a very good example
to other municipalities because of its big changes towards improvement of everyone’s lives in
terms of socio-economic, political, and environmental factors. These factors are interrelated with
health problems, in which these cannot be solved in terms of more Health Professionals or many
hospitals but is seen as one component of overall development of community. It means that, if
the people are healthy, the more productive the community, high quality of health and life, less
illness and diseases. If this is so, there is less number of individual or no one will get or seek
Working together and having a harmonious relationship were their foundations to form a
big change. But how the people work together? It’s through communication, in which they are
open with each other on how they assess, make plans, implements actions and evaluates each
work they made to make it effective and to achieve their goal. Not only the leader has the
responsibility to do everything but also the community people, because they are the one
mang, Dupaxdel foristheir
Sur. This health and
to ensure life. The
to reduce leader
the motivates
morbidity andand empowers
mortality the peopleand
of diseases thatillnesses
they among ch
and to promote health.
have the capacity to change and they are able to bring about change. It is also important that
leaders must encourage the people to understand the sociological and structured basis of their
These is how Dupaxdel Sur, its Leaders and its Community people had with their Health
angay Health workers of Brgy. Palabotan participated in the demonstration on how to cook Lagundi syrup. We ha
As we have observed to the delivery of health services in the Barangay level, there is
a better distribution of services to the people. There is a proper assessment of
problems and concerns of the people, diagnosing and prioritizing their needs,
planning what are their actions to the said problem, implementing actions to these
concerns, and to evaluate if their actions really help to solve the problem or not.
There is also a participation and partnership among the Barangay Officials & the
stration on how to cookcommunity peopleto
Lagundi Syrup and with
the the RuralHealth
Barangay Health workers
Unit and with other agencies.
of Brgy.Palabotan.
Our suggestion is that, they must maintain what they are doing now and to keep on
giving and rendering the best care to the community people to promote health and to
improve the quality of life.
As future RN’s, we must learn and train more in the community to be more
competent as future CHN.
As we have observed in our community outreach in Banila, Dupax Del Sur, Nueva
Vizcaya, the people are very accommodating and approachable. They are
participating with each other for their common good and interests in their community.
We learned from them too, because they shared to us what are their experiences and
what they do in their community, that we as youth of today don’t know.
We recommend to them that they must maintain and improve their lifestyle to
promote their health and to prevent diseases caused by the environmental destruction
done by the people and recognize their role as citizen in educating the people
regarding the effects of cigarette smoking.
As Student Nurses, we must trained and learned more about our chosen profession to
become a competent Nurse someday. So we must continue a Summer Affiliation and
Duties to develop our commitment in rendering services to the people sincerely and
Dupaxdel Sur should be then recommended to be the regular area for the students to
affiliate for their practice because unlike other places Dupax had the best and proper
Health Care Delivery System.
When we had visited Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital, a secondary level hospital,
we were very fascinated of its structure and facilities because these were very
organized in terms of dimension and location. Their staffs were very approachable,
accommodating and open to communicate with us.
One of the staff nurses, specialized in Hemodialysis section, discussed and imparted
his knowledge to us about on how Dialysis works and on how it is very important to
patients with kidney problems.
We had visited the NVPH for our awareness on how the hospital had been giving the better HCS to the peop
hich is trained and specialized in hemodialysis, discussed and imparted his knowledge about what is a dialysis a
A place to relax for patients
(Dupaxdel Sur, Nueva Vizcaya)
May 17-21, 2010
1. To better understand the different factors affecting the health status
and health care delivery system of the community.
2. To develop communication skills especially in integrating with the
community people.
3. To be able to understand more the role of a Community Health nurse
and on how to apply it.
The things that we have learned in the four corners of our classroom is
not enough, for us to improve and broaden not only our knowledge but also
our skills, so we need to be exposed in the field.
During our 5-day stay here in Dupax Del Sur I have discovered that it is
far different from the other communities that we have previously conducted
a community visit. It is very progressive compared to them. And I was also
amazed how their barangay officials actively participate in implementing the
different programs they have and also the health workers who acted as their
link to the community people for them to implement their programs and also
the community people who are also active in participating with their
community leaders. And this implies that they have a strong commitment to
each other and it really plays a very important role for them to succeed in
everything they do.
Living with this kind of community is not that easy especially in the
mountain barangays. But through our willingness to learn and adapt with
their living and lifestyle helps a lot for us not to experience any difficulties
living with the community people. At first, I have to adjust a lot of walking,
wading through the muddy paths, in going houses of the community people,
but I had no difficulty in adjusting because the community people are very
hospitable, approachable and they really warmly welcomes us. I don’t mind
the small sacrifices, as long as I am able to help people, as long as I can
serve them, I am already fulfilled. But we should also limit what we can
render to them for them not to become dependent on us. We should impart
to them what we knew on how to prevent and also how to treat the diseases.
When dealing with the health care of the community people, we also
have to deal with their economy, their source of livelihood, their education,
their housing, family, and many more. And from then on, I realized that we
are not really that sick, considering their leaders as they do their job
honestly, also they have transparency between them and the community
people and I salute them because of it. Unlike others that are in authority not
only on our country but with the other countries as well, war instead of
housing, roads and bridges, privatization, deliberation instead of health
services. At the health center, the services are lessened because the budget
for health is lessened.
I also realized that I learned more from them than they from me as we
go on during our collaboration. As a community health worker, the aspiration
of the community people becomes your aspirations.
Prepared by:
BSN-3/ Group 10
(Dupaxdel Sur, Nueva Vizcaya)
May 17-21, 2010
1. To better understand the different factors affecting the health status
and health care delivery system of the community.
2. To develop communication skills especially in integrating with the
community people.
3. To be able to understand more the role of a Community Health nurse
and on how to apply it.
4. To appreciate the innovative health programs of the community.
5. To recognize the Health Care Delivery System of the community.
“For people can set their direction more clearly if the darkness of
confusion & ignorance is lit with common wisdom. They can move towards
their dream if the fire of faith is in their hearts. They can face the dimness of
the future if they carry the torch of freedom.” This describes on what the
people of Dupax Del Sur did why they are healthy & it reflects the
development of their locality.
Having our CHN practice at Dupax Del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya was a great
& amazing experience to me because it helps me a lot in my chosen
profession. This implies on the so called “application of knowledge is
wisdom.” This commits us on how we student nurses put into skills on what
we have learned on the school. This improves our abilities & strengths to
face all the challenges in giving care to our patient. I have learned to be
more dedicated & to have commitment & perseverance in all our
responsibilities, duties & task not only the hospital setting but also in the
In the healthcare delivery system in Dupax, we have realized how
much it is very helpful & very important to us what health is because it
helped us to view the ideal one in giving better health care services to the
people. It is very different with other municipalities in which Dupax had been
giving the best health to the people to achieve health for all. It made us
realized how partnership, community participation, innovative health
programs are very significant because it serves as the ingredient in giving
better services to the people. As Student Nurses, we had given us a chance
on how to improve our knowledge & skills in the community because it made
us inspired on the health care system of the municipality. In future, we must
have commitment in our service. Also, it improves our attitudes, behavior &
personality in life to be more productive.
As future RN’s & CHN’s, in God’s will, we must be supported &
strengthened the organizing efforts of the people. This community
immersion is a reminder that each one of us must help others & give them
hope so that they would help themselves. That is the communication spirit of
The challenge is to start &/or continue caring enough, confronting
realities into concrete action. The emergence of a humane health care
system as every person assumes individual & collective responsibility in
combating illness, maintaining & promoting health is what is envisioned &
not more nurses or more doctors, or other health professionals or diseases
palaces in a health care delivery system. The challenge is to be patient &
persevere because “no matter how long the night, the day is sure to come.”
Prepared by:
(Dupaxdel Sur, Nueva Vizcaya)
May 17-21, 2010
“Don’t be afraid if they seem difficult at the beginning, that’s only he initial
impression, the important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself.”
As the said phrase above, we student nurses must defeat every hindrance
that we may go through as we execute the journey of giving service to the needy.
Its only at the start that is difficult but the succeeding days would be fruitful for I
had learned on how to handle the problems I had encountered. Through this
immersion I was able to adopt the things that are significant to be a proficient
student nurse.
Things happen the way we used to, but there are times that we regret and
blaming others is not an option. Where we are right now is because we brought
ourselves here to do our duty and that is service. We get happy, get sad, get tired,
but most importantly we learn. So true! One of the purposes of community
exposure is to impart learning in each student nurses to mold us in preparation in
our chosen profession as a promising community health nurse someday.
“Don’t put your mistakes in your head coz they can weigh you down,
instead make them your platform to view your horizon.”
Mistakes can’t be vanished to all humans, but it’s up on us on what is our
perception on it. I had my mistakes during this immersion but I perceived it as
learning. It’s kinda funny that these mistakes can be reciprocated into learning and
eventually, leads our path to the key of success in our specialty- CHN
Prepared by:
Last May 17-21, 2010, we had our duty at Dupaxdel Sur, Nueva
Vizcaya, with the supervision of our Community Instructor, Ma’am Tita
Rillorta. Before we finally started our duty, our CHN Clinical Instrucor
oriented us about our corresponding duties and responsibilities to be done
for our five-day duty. On the first day, we conducted courtesy call at the
municipal office of Dupax Del Sur and at their rural Health Unit Office. We
also participate in the meeting of the barangay officials of Barangay Balzain.
On the second day we went to Barangay Palabotan to conduct health
teaching regarding on how to make Lagundi syrup and at Barangay Domang,
we conducted immunization to some of the children of the said barangay..on
the third day we went to Banila to conduct health teaching regarding
environmental sanitation and the effects of smoking to our health.
emphasis is to establish good communication to our clients in order to
establish harmonious relationship as well as cooperation along the coarse of
activity. I also learned that we must be responsible enough in rendering our
health services because we are accounted for it.
Prepared by:
And there is some factors that also needed to give attention to make
sure that it will not affect the performance like communication skill and self-
confidence because it is really hard to integrate and conduct health teaching
without self-confident and communication skill to talk with their dialect and
to understand.
Prepared by:
Prepared by:
(Dupaxdel Sur, Nueva Vizcaya)
May 17-21, 2010
The things that I have experienced and learned here in dupax helped
me for my future profession. We know that one of the roles of a nurse is a
manager. It gave me ideas and somehow pieces of advice on how to properly
manage the people. On how to be a leader to them.That I should learn to
motivate and empower them to participate on the different programs that I
may implement in the near future because in the first place, it s for their own
betterment and well-being. Indeed, it is our attitude at the beginning of a
difficult undertaking which more than anything else will determine its
successful outcomes.
Prepared by:
Giving service to other people is such a hard thing to do. As we all know we all
have different roles in our lives to be accomplished. As they say, help yourself first
before others. Honestly, I do believe in this saying and I do apply it in my life. I used
to practice this in my daily living but as I’m being exposed to different places to a
community immertion, I realized that it’s better to serve your fellow people than to
be served.
Last May 17, 2010, we had our community immersion at Dupax Del Sur, Nueva
Vizcaya. It was my first time to step in this beautiful town of Nueva Vizcaya that’s
why I really enjoyed every minute of our stay there. With our few days of being
there, I experienced and learned a lot not just from the Brgy. Officials but most from
the community people.
With our stay there, I was amazed and really impressed with the achievements
of every Barangay with regards to health. All the Brgy. Officials, so with the
community people are actively participating in every program that was being
implemented. Every meeting that has been set, I observed that everyone is really
participating and this made me admire the city of Dupax Del Norte. This is just a
simple sign that the officials are really doing their responsibilities/job that’s why the
community people are following them. As wise man said “A good leader is also a
good follower.” This just reflects in a peaceful form of Dupax. No wonder, the
accomplishments of every Barangay are the evidence why they successfully met
their goals.
This was just few among many things I’ve learned from this town Dupax.
Prepared by:
Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan
San Fermin, Cauayan City, Isabela
(May 17-21, 2010)
May 17, ➢ To assign ➢ Assigning of ➢ The leader & ➢ Notebooks ➢ Level III
2010 leader & Team Leaders & secretary that are and pens SN’s
secretary Secretaries of assign for the day ➢ Logbook
of the the day. has the duty to
group to facilitate the
facilitate group.
the activity
for our 5
days stay
in Dupax
del Sur.
May 17, ➢ To assign ➢ Tasking ➢ The SN’s have the ➢ Notebooks ➢ level III
2010 each responsibility to do and pens. SN’s
member of their task assigned
the group to them.
with their
task and
May 17, ➢ To ➢ Courtesy Call ➢ The Municipal ➢ Camera ➢ Level III
2010 coordinate Mayor, Brgy. for SN’s and
with the Officials & the document the
Municipal Municipal Health ation. Commu
Mayor, Officers nity
Brgy. acknowledged us, Instructo
Officials & students & the r
the activities done in
Municipal the area.
Officers as
a respect
ging the
May 17, ➢ To ➢ Orientation of ➢ The SN’s described ➢ Notebooks ➢ Level III
2010 understand Health Care the community & pens SN’s and
health in Delivery System health assets & ➢ Camera the
its socio- of Dupax del Sur. problems of the for Commu
economic, locality in its socio- document nity
political economic & ation. Instructo
context & political status. r
of the
➢ To orient
the group
with the
status & to
know the
to be done
in the
May 17, ➢ To ➢ Ocular Survey ➢ The SN’s are able ➢ Camera ➢ Level III
2010 familiarize to familiarized for SN’s and
ourselves themselves with document the
with the the community ation. Commu
community facilities in order ➢ Umbrella nity
status & to adapt with the Instructo
with their environment. r
May 17-21, ➢ To render ➢ DBHS ➢ The SN’s ➢ BP ➢ Level III
2010 basic • BP taking delivered/ gave apparatus SN’s and
health • Health the better health ➢ CHN Bag the
services to education services to the ➢ Camera Commu
the people people to help for nity
them with their document Instructo
health condition. ation r
➢ Notebooks
and pens
➢ Books
May 17-21, ➢ To gain a ➢ Conduct ➢ The SN’s: ➢ Tape ➢ Level III
2010 deeper interview/ focus • Determined recorder SN’s and
understand group on the: how these ➢ Camera the
ing on 1. Partnership/ partnership/ for Commu
HCDS networking networking, document nity
regarding 2. Community community ation Instructo
on participation participation ➢ Notebooks r
partnershi 3. Innovative & innovative and pens.
p/networki health health
ng, programs of programs of
community the RHU. the RHU
participatio help &
n & improve
innovative HCDS.
health • Described
programs partnership/
of the networking
RHU. efforts of
➢ To RHU/ BHS in
appreciate the HCD.
the • Described
importance how much
of the people
partnershi have
p & participated
networking in the
in HCD. delivery of
➢ To health care
determine services.
the extent
n in HCD.
➢ To
of the
May 17-21, ➢ To ➢ Partnership & ➢ The SN’s: ➢ BP ➢ Level III
2010 appreciate networking • Involved apparatus SN’s and
the themselves ➢ CHN Bag the
importance in ➢ Camera Commu
of partnership/ for nity
partnershi networking document Instructo
p & efforts with ation r
networking the BHW & ➢ Notebooks
in HCD. others. and pens
• Described
efforts of
the HCD.
locality. how ➢ Notebooks
➢ To responsive and pens
participate are those ➢ Books
in health
rendering programs to
health care the health
services to condition of
the people. the locality.
May 20, ➢ To ➢ Outreach ➢ The SN’s are able ➢ BP ➢ Level III
2010 contribute services to to render basic apparatus SN’s and
to the selected Brgy. of health services to ➢ CHN Bag the
delivery of the municipality. the people. ➢ Camera Commu
health for nity
services in document Instructo
the RHU, ation r
BHS & ➢ Notebooks
outreach and pens
community ➢ Umbrella
. ➢ Books
May 20, ➢ To ➢ Community ➢ The SN’s: ➢ BP ➢ Level III
2010 determine Participation • Contribute apparatus SN’s and
the extent to enhance ➢ CHN Bag the
of community ➢ Camera Commu
community participation for nity
participatio . document Instructo
n in HCD. • To describe ation r
how much ➢ Notebooks
the people and pens
have ➢ Umbrella
participated ➢ Books
in the
delivery of
health care
2010 document Documentation documented all for SN’s
& record including relevant document
all Accomplishment information & ation
activities reports, Minutes necessary data & ➢ Notebooks
done & of the meeting & ensured and pens
relevant Photo completeness & ➢ Books
informatio Documentation. reliability of all ➢ Laptop &
n gathered files including the Printer
& made Introduction,
during our Locality Health
rotation condition & the
regarding Health programs,
CHN Partnership/
practice. networking,
Synthesis on the
status of HCDS of
the locality, &
(for the RHU/BHS,
Outreach, &
San Fermin, Cauayan City, Isabela
(May 17-21, 2010)
and ocular short orientation accommodating
Survey at & ocular survey &
the Rural at RHU for the approachable.
Health Unit. SN’s to be
familiar at the
May 17, ➢ Observation ➢ The Barangay ➢ The barangay
2010 of Health Workers officials of the
Conference was presented a Barangay
Meeting of Community Balzain is
Barangay Based Data for accommodating
Officials & the Brgy. & kind. They
Barangay Officials to be are very open
Health able to know to the ideas of
Workers at what is the each every one.
Barangay prioritize And they are all
Balzain. problems to be dedicated to
solve. They also their works to
presented improved the
different programs.
concerns &
regarding on
health. The last
part was the
exchanging of
ideas will helped
the Barangay
officials &
Barangay health
workers to
improve the
different Health
programs of the
May 17, ➢ Orientation ➢ Dra. Virginia ➢ Dra. Virginia
2010 proper at Laccay oriented Laccay was
RHU of the SN’s very
Dupax del regarding the knowledgeable
Sur with different health & efficient in
Dra. Virginia programs that sharing &
Laccay. they are orienting us
implementing & were we really
the benefits of learned &
the community impressed to
people from that the programs
programs. She they are
discussed where implementing.
the fund of the
RHU comes from
& how they used
the funds
properly to
improved the
programs for the
people. Lastly,
Dra. Virginia
share to us what
are the different
National &
Regional Awards
of their RHU &
the prices they
gain from that
awards & how is
the partnership
of the RHU to the
Municipality &
the different
unit of Dupax del
Sur, N.V.
May 17, ➢ Post ➢ All student ➢ The Student
2010 conference nurses share Nurse’s listened
their conscientiously
observations and to each &
learnings on the everyone.
activity of the
May 18, ➢ Pre- ➢ The team leader ➢ The student
2010 conference informed and nurses listened
discussed to the attentively to
SN’s about the the team
different leader.
activities that
should be
performed for
the day, such as:
Interview with
the BHW’s and
the barangay
Immunization at
Brgy. Domang
and seminar
regarding on
how to cook
Lagundi Syrup.
May 18, ➢ Interview ➢ The group had ➢ The BHW’s ➢ Both ➢ SN’s must
2010 with the executed their with the the hasten
barangay assigned task Barangay BHW’ their work
health which is to Captain were s and while
workers and interview the very hospitable Brgy. interacting
the BHW’s and the and Capta with the
Barangay Brgy. Captain of participative. in leaders.
Captain. Brgy. Domang have
regarding to
partnership and finish
program in their
achieving a work
better health. first.
May 18, ➢ Immunizatio ➢ The assigned ➢ The midwife ➢ Childr ➢ Mothers
2010 n group had allow SN’s to en to must be
immunized some help in be well inform
of the children immunizing the immu regarding
with the children nized the
supervision of are schedule of
the CI. only vaccination
few .
May 18, ➢ Health ➢ The SN’s went to ➢ The BHW’s are
2010 teaching in Brgy. Palabotan very
cooking to discuss and cooperative
Lagundi demonstrate to and eager to
syrup the BHW’s on learn regarding
how to prepare a the seminar
Lagundi Syrup.
May 19, ➢ Pre- ➢ The team leader ➢ The SN’s
2010 conference informed & listened
discussed to the attentively to
Student Nurses the team leader
about the of the day.
activities that
should be
perform for the
day such as:
taking survey in
every household
& delivery of
basic health
May 19, ➢ Health ➢ Our group had ➢ The community
2010 Education imparted & people had
discussed to the understands
community Environmental
people of Banila, Sanitation, its
Dupax del Sur benefits to our
the importance health & on
of Environmental cigarette
Sanitation & the smoking, its
effects of effects on our
smoking to health & the
promote health diseases you
& to prevent can get to it.
diseases. ➢ The community
people had
participated to
us on the
education we
had imparted to
May 19, ➢ DBHS ➢ The SN’s ➢ The SN’s were
2010 • BP rendered basic very fascinated
takin health services & eager to
g to the serve the
community community
people like BP people.
May 19, ➢ Post- ➢ The team leader ➢ The student
2010 conference gathers her nurses listened
group mates to conscientiously
reiterate the to the team
activities they leader.
have done for
the day.
May 20, ➢ DBHS ➢ We helped the ➢ The group was
2010 • BP staff in delivering active and
takin health care participated
g services to the each other in
• Woun community DBHS
d people.
May 20, ➢ NVPH visit ➢ We went to ➢ The staffs
2010 Nueva Vizcaya especially the
provincial Chief Nurse
Hospital for an were very
agency visit to accommodating
be aware on how and
they deliver approachable.
health care
services to the
May 20, ➢ Courtesy ➢ The group ➢ The different
2010 call with the together with our staffs were very
different clinical instructor approachable
staff of and Dra. Laccay and
Department had coordinated accommodating
of Health at with the staffs of .
the Capitol DOH regarding
of on the delivery
Bayombong, of Health care
Nueva services to the
Vizcaya people.
May 20, ➢ Group ➢ The group had ➢ We had learned
2010 discussion imparted what and trained
• Indivi they have more in our
dual learned during Community
reflec our four-day stay Health Nursing
tion at the Practice.
Municipality of
Dupax del Sur.
May 20, ➢ Post- ➢ We had reviewed ➢ The willingness
2010 conference the different of the student
activities that we nurses in
have participating
accomplished. with the said
activity and
they listen
attentively to
the facilitator.
May 21, ➢ Making of ➢ We had finished ➢ All the
2010 output- our output at the members of the
history and right time and at group helped
HCDS of the right place. and worked
Dupax, each other to
innovative accomplish
health each task
programs, assigned and
partnership, the overall
community output.
, synthesis
essay on
ment report,
minutes of
the meeting
and photo
May 21, ➢ Making of ➢ We had finished ➢ The group had
2010 collage in the collage at helped and
medical and the right time, worked
dental and at the right together to
aspect. place. finish the
May 21, ➢ Visiting the ➢ We had visited ➢ The group had
2010 Barangay the Barangay joined together
Nursery Nursery to see to visit the
the organic barangay
fertilizer used by Nursery
the people for
their farm
May 21, ➢ After care at ➢ We had cleaned ➢ The group had
2010 the the Barangay worked each
Barangay Hall or staff other to clean
Hall house to the Barangay
maintain its Hall.
cleanliness and
4) What is the importance of partnership between the health workers and the
community people in implementing these programs?
What is the reason why you maintained a strong relationship?
bibigyan ng pagkakataong mamili ng damit na kanila ng pag-aari sa
loob lamang ng ilang minuto.
Community-based Healthy Lifestyle-Sa programang ito, nagsasagawa
sila ng pagmomonitor sa
estado ng mga tindahan kantin sa kanilang iskwelahan at ehersisyo sa
Vermi Composting Program- Ang programang ito ay nagkakahalaga ng
P50,000 proyekto na
kung saan ang mga BNSes at BHWs ang namamahala. At yung aming
kikitain sa
programang ito ay idadagdag naming sa pondo naming para lalo pang
makapagbigay ng maayos at mapaganda pa naming lalo ang serbisyo
naming sa mga tao n gaming komunidad.
PABASA- Ang programang ito ay isinasagawa 2-3 araw at ang mga nanay na
mga kapos-palad
ang target na grupo ng programang ito. Tinuturuan nila ditto ang mga
nanay ng mga
simpleng resipi at talaga naming abot-kayang halaga para sakanila. Sa
programang ito,
hindi lang ang mga nana yang natuto kundi pati nadin ang kanilang
mga ank. Sabi nga ng
ibang mga nanay n tinuturuan naming ang laki dawn g naitutulong sa
kanila ng
programa naming ito kasi kahit nasa bahay lang sila, natututo pa din
Feeding Program- Ang programang ito ay para sa mga bata na kung saan
ay di-nakakatnggap ng
sapat na nutrisyon na kailangan ng kanilang katawan. Ito ay
isinasagawa naming sa loob ng tatlong buwan at nagbibigay pa kami
ng suplay na pagkain sa kanila upang lalo pang mapaganda ang
estado ng kanilang kalusugan.
1) Ipinapatupad namin ang bawat programa namin na kung saan dumadaan ang
mga ito sa tamang proseso. Ang ipinapatupad naming mga nammahala ng
barngay na kung saan ay ang mg health workers din ang nagrequest, sila din
an gaming nagiging tulay para maipabot sa mg tao sa aming komunidad ang
aming mga programa. At sa tulong naman ng aming mga nasasakupan na
kung saan ay talaga naming aktibo sa lahat n gaming mga programa,
naisasagawa naman naming ang mga ito ng matagumpay.
2) Ang mga programang ito ukol sa pngkalusugan ay talaga naming malaki ang
naitulong at naitutulong sa amin lalo na sa tao sa aming komunidad kasi
napagaganda nito at napapabuti ang kalagayang ng kalusugan ng mga tao.
Dahil alam naman natin na napakaimportante ng kalusugan para sa mga tao.
Dahil kung di uunlad ang iyong pamumuhay. At ang magandang kalusugan
ang nagiging sandata ng mga tao tungo sa pag-unlad.
3) Mahalaga ang partnership para sa ating lahat lalo na sa pagpapatupad ng
mga batas t programa. Dahil kung walang kooperasyon ang mga tao, hindi
tayo magtatagumpay sa mga mithiin natin kung walang pagkakaisa ang mga
tao. Kasi kahit gaano pa kaaktibo ang isang lider sa pagpapatupad ng mga
batas kung walang partisipasyon ang mga tao, wala din lang itong silbi at
ganun din ang mga health workers kailangan din nilang maging aktibo sa
pagpapatupad ng mga batas kasi sila ang unang nilalapitan ng mga tao at
sila din ang mga nagpupunta sa mga bahay-bahay ng mga tao. Kailangan din
ng determinasyon ng mga lider para masabing matagumpay ang lahat ng
mga ipinapatupad na programa.
Napapanatili namin ang matibay na relasyon sa aming mga
nasasakupan sa pagkuha ng kanilang tiwala sa pamamagitan ng
paggawa ng simpleng bagay na kasama sila gaya ng pagdalaw-dalaw
sa kanilang bahay-bahay, pakikipagkwentuhan sa kanila.
2. What are your programs that had been implemented and how the
partnership works?
siguro ung feeding, kasi kailangan ito ng bawat bata. Isa rin ito sa mga
dahilan kung bakit matamlay ang isa tao at hindi makapag-concentrate sa
pag-aaral. Kung hindi kasi sapat ang sustansyang natatanggap ng
katawan kulang din ang lakas ng isang tao.gusto din naming mawala ang
lahat ng malnourish para matawag na malusog an gaming brgy.
dapat sinusulusyunan agad. Huwag kang tumutok lang sa isang programa
para maiwasan ang inggitan at sama ng loob. Ganun ang ginagawa ko dito.”
• Introduced the diff. Health Programs of Dupax
• Introduced the diff. Barangays that have been improved
9:00 - Interview about Innovation & Partnership of diff. Organization Unit of the Municipality
• Sharing of Tips on how to become a good nurse
• The speaker shared her experiences being a health worker
9:30 - Pre-Orientation at RHU Dupax
• Occular Survey
• Orientation with regards to diff. areas of the RHU
10:00 - Observed for Conference Meeting of the Brgy. Officials and BHW of Brgy. Balzain
• Presentation of Community Based Data
• Sharing of Ideas on how to improve the Brgy.
1:30 - Orientation with Dra. Virginia Laccay with regards to their diff. Health Programs
• Presentation of diff. Barangays they have gone through to conduct services
• Presentation on how the Community people cooperate with them
5:00 Preparation for Dinner
7:00 Dinner
8:00 General Meeting of the whole group
• Sharing of the things we’ve learned
• Sharing of what we had observed
Our meeting started with a pre-conference facilitated by the team leader. She
told us regarding the things to be done for the day.
After that, we went to Barangay Domang for the immunization of children.
The Barangay Captain and the Barangay Health Workers talked and communicated
with us on what is the status of their barangay. We have interviewed them on how
they handle and delivered better health care services to the people and why
participation is very important to them.
We have assisted also the Barangay Midwife in immunizing the children. We
had administered BCG, DPT, OPV, Hepa-B, and Measles in its proper route and
After that, we went back to the staff house to ready ourselves on our health
education at Barangay Palabotan.
At 1:30 in the afternoon, we went to Barangay Palabotan. We had prepared
all the materials needed for the demonstration. We had given the Midwife and
Barangay Health Workers a copy for them to follow it.
The assigned members had discussed to them on how to cook Lagundi Syrup,
the other half of the group had demonstrated it.
The meeting ended with a post-conference facilitated by the team leader and
the secretary of the day. They reiterated us what are the things happened and what
we have accomplished the whole day.
Noted by:
Tita Rillorta, RN, MSN
Community Instructor
Our meeting started with a pre- conference facilitated by the team leader of
the day. She discussed the things to be done for the day and emphasized the task
of each member in conducting Health Education at Brangay Banila, Dupax del Sur.
The environmental conditions in a given area may be affected by waste disposal.
Methods of waste disposal often vary based on living conditions and the accepted
standard of living in a geographical area. While some countries provide wastewater
treatment and trash collection, other countries may not have these systems in place
to control environmental hygiene. When waste is not removed and treated properly,
pollution may lead to the spread of disease
Our meeting ended with a post- conference facilitated by the team leader
and the secretary of the day. They had told and reiterated what are the things
happened during the day.
Noted by:
Tita Rillorta, RN, MSN
Community Instructor
May 20, 2010 (Thursday)
8:00- We helped the staff in delivering health care services like taking vital signs
and wound dressing
9:00- We went to Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) for an agency visit
– We were introduced to the Chief Nurse of hospital, Mrs. Armie Garcia, RN,
MSN and other staff.
– We were oriented to the different facilities of the hospital.
– Sir Bryan shared to us his knowledge about hemodialysis.
➢ Hemodialysis is a method for removing waste products such as
Creatinine and Urea as well as free water from the blood when the
kidneys do not function well.
➢ Peritoneal Dialysis is an another type of dialysis wherein it is a way
to remove waste products in the blood when the kidneys can no
longer do the job. During the peritoneal dialysis, blood vessels in
the abdominal lining (peritoneum) fill in to the kidneys with the help
of a fluid (dialysate) washed in and out of the peritoneal space.
➢ There are two types of processes happens inside the dialyser, the
filtration and diffusion.
➢ Some signs and symptoms when the kidneys are not functioning
well are: bi-pedal edema, peri-orbital edema, and ascites.
– Together with Ma’am Mina and Dra. Laccay, we conducted ocular survey
at the different facilities of the hospital which are conducive for learning
for those affiliates.
11:00- Courtesy call with the different staff of the DOH at the Capitol of
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.
5:00- We went back to the staff house
7:00- Preparation for dinner
8:30- 10:30- Our group conducted a group discussion.
➢ Individual reflection
➢ Review of the different activities that we have accomplished
➢ Presentation of RLE performance
○ General objective: To gain a deeper understanding on the health care
delivery sytem in the local government units.
○ Specific objectives: Understand the health in its socio-economic and
political context
and dimension.
: Appreciate the innovative health programs.
: appreciate the importance of partnership and
networking in health care delivery.
: determine the extent of community participation in the
health care delivery.
Contribute to the delivery of health services in the RHU,
BHS, outreach community.
○ 1st objective: Focuses on the different things that we have learned
during our previous lecture on Primary Health Care.
Health is a social phenomenon.
There are several factors affecting health and some of these are
socio-economic and political factors. These two (2) plays a very
important role in health care delivery especially the political
factor. They can also influence the health condition.
Income generating project which really helped a lot for their
funding to sustain their giving services especially in the health
condition of the community people.
• Organic Fertilizer- which they sell and they used the
money as their fund for their projects.
They also need political power to implement their projects.
empowered to maintain their health status. They must be free from
disease or infirmity with no disabilities.
Like those barangays in Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya they have their
own programs or what we called innovative health programs
implemented to improve the quality of life of the community people.
Garantisadong Pambata- Giving services to the children like giving
Vitamins to them. This is
done twice a year.
As a result, it improved the health and nutritional status, and
quality of life of the community people especially in the mountain
barangays, acquired strong partnership in promotion and
mobilization of the barangay councils and community and it
underscores the importance of institutionalizing the Health and
Nutrition Program with the barangay leaders as their partners in
grassroots level.
Bantay B-Inay- This program focuses in the health seeking behaviors of
mothers. And aims to
motivate the mothers.
Five for Life Program- This program comprises the following:
○ Water for life
○ Fortificial food in examination home
○ Sustained PABASA and nutrition
○ IGP in every PABASA group
○ Nutrition Research Center
Yearly Outreach Program- In this program, they are giving clothes to the
needy as a donation
wherein at first, they will pick up names of at least 3 persons who will
be given the opportunity to choose the clothes that they want.
Community-based Healthy Lifestyle- In this program, they are conducting
monitoring of school
canteen and early morning exercise.
Vermi Composting Program- This is a 50, 000 pesos worth of project
managed by the BNSes and
PABASA- They do PABASA 2-3 hours a day. The mothers are their target
group who are indigent.
In this program, they teach the mothers to cook simple and economical
Feeding Program- This program is done for children who are malnourished.
They cook for them
for almost three months and give some supply of foods in order for
them to improve
their health status.
This are only some of the health related programs that are being
implemented here in some barangays in the Philippines which aims to
reduce the case of mortality and morbidity here in our country and for
us to have a better quality of life.
○ As a student nurses, we can contribute in the delivery by health care
delivery like health education and doing basic health care services:
Noted by:
Tita Rillorta, RN, MSN
Community Instructor
May 21, 2010 (Friday)
The group had worked together to finish our output in Community Health
Nursing practice- composed of the history, health care delivery system, innovative
health programs, partnership, and community participation of the Municipality of
Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya.
We had also finish the collage in Medical and Dental aspect to emphasize that
tooth brushing is very important in our health and life.
After we had finished it, we had cleaned the barangay hall or stff house for its
cleanliness and orderliness.
1. Household Chores
Group 1: Jovielyn P. Pilar Group 2: John Ace R. Panganiban Group 3: Wilvin Joe R.
Maria Katrina B. Penuliar Maribeth S. Ramones Davinne Rey P.
Kathrina G. Pascual Ma. Esmeralda G. Po
2. Leaders and Secretary of the Day