New Equipment: Hand-to-Hand Weapons

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New Equipment

v1.4 by Anthony Case

Hand-to-Hand Weapons

15 credits
Some unhinged gang fighters prefer to fight up close with
unsuitably big weapons. Longswords are not known for their
elegant combat style, but they can still be easily manoeuvred
to deflect blows and deliver severe injuries with every strike.



Save Mod.

Close Combat

User +1

Parry: This weapon confers a parry.

Two-handed: This weapon requires two hands to wield in
hand-to-hand combat.
Ponderous: Any combat which ends in a draw will always
be won by your opponent. If both combatants are armed
with a ponderous weapon then no blows are struck.


20 credits
The chainaxe is a large and destructive weapon utilising a
powered chainsaw edge. Its rending saw-teeth are made from
sub-atomically honed adamantium allowing it to effortlessly
cleave through the toughest of materials.



Save Mod.

Close Combat


Hunting Pistol

15 credits
Hunting pistols are often salvaged or modified from other
pistols and in its crudest form simply has an extended barrel
replacing the original. The longer barrel enables complete
combustion of the gunpowder allowing any fired bullets to
accurately travel much further than its counterparts.

Destructive Swing: The first hit this weapon causes each

hand-to-hand combat receives a +1 Strength bonus.
.Noisy: This weapon emits a loud and distinctive sound and
so must test to sound the alarm when used in hand-to-hand
combat during scenarios such as The Raid.

Short Long

Master Crafted Sword

30+2D6 credits
Honed from the finest materials and expertise, master crafted
swords are light, perfectly balanced and retains the sharpest
of edges. They are a rare example of the most accomplished
swordsmith's art and are prized beyond mere credits.



Save Mod.

Close Combat

User +1


To Hit
Short Long


Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll



30+3D6 credits
Hellpistols are modified laspistols designed to cope with the
added stresses, notably burn outs and barrel fusing, when
firing hotshot packs. This gives them the same added
destructive power offered by hotshot ammo whilst retaining
the laspistol's marked reliability.
Short Long

Parry: This weapon confers a parry.

Intuitive: The wielder of this weapon doubles his Initiative
for the purposes of working out who wins any draws.



To Hit
Short Long



Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll



Basic Weapons
Hunting Rifle

20 credits
Due to the claustrophobic and ruinous Underhive domes
hunting rifles aren't especially popular with gangers. But they
have garnered niche markets among hivers excelling in long
ranged combat and in particular open areas of the badzones,
such as the wastes that surround the Ash Flats.
Short Long


To Hit
Short Long


Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll



50+3D6 credits
Hellguns are modified lasguns designed to cope with the
added stresses, notably burn outs and barrel fusing, when
firing hotshot packs. This gives them the same added
destructive power offered by hotshot ammo whilst retaining
the lasgun's marked reliability.
Short Long


To Hit
Short Long


Special Weapons
Sniper Rifle

80+3D6 credits
The sniper rifle is a rare weapon that is not often used by the
Underhive gangs due to the unsuitably dense dome terrain.
Nevertheless it is a deadly weapon in the hands of a true
marksman and remains in favour by delaque spymasters,
assassins, and other unseemly hivers due to its relatively low
cost and simplicity in comparison to the exotic needle rifle.

Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll



Stub Rifle

Save Ammo
To Hit
15 credits
Stub rifles are a primitive type of rifle that fire solid bullets Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
usually loaded manually into the breech. Manufactured
0-12 12-36
locally in the Underhive workshops they are readily available,
simple to maintain and reliable. Their stopping power can
Head Shot: If a stationary gang fighter fires the sniper rifle
also be increased using hand-made dum-dum bullets.
and scores a to-wound roll of 6 then that hit will inflict D3
wounds and count as high impact.
Save Ammo
To Hit
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll





special+4D6 credits
Reserved for the Imperium's holiest warriors, combi-weapons
are highly destructive and extremely rare. Sometimes an odd
one can find their way into the hands of a powerful, wealthy
and plain lucky Underhive gang leader.

Dum-dum Bullets: A stub rifle can be loaded with dum-dum

bullets. A supply of these hand-made bullets costs extra, but
they are more powerful than standard ammunition and add
+1 to the Strength of any hits (Strength 4 rather than 3).
However, if an Ammo test is failed whilst using dum-dum
bullets the weapon automatically explodes.

To find out what kind of combi-weapon is offered, roll a D6.

1-2: Bolter-flamer
4: Bolter-meltagun
6: Bolter-needle Pistol

Scatter Rifle

The cost of a combi-weapon is equal to the cost of the two

weapons plus an additional 50% (round fractions up). For
example, a bolter-plasma gun costs 158 credits (35+70+53).

20 credits
Scatter rifles are crude if not effective weapons commonly
used by gangs that prefer combat up close and personal.
They sport a long barrel that slightly flares towards the end
which combined with their hardened pellet ammunition
sprays shot in a wide but still controlled pattern.
Short Long


To Hit
Short Long



When firing a combi-weapon you can choose to shoot either

the boltgun or secondary weapon following the usual rules.
However, instead you can choose to fire both weapons at the
same time, in which case both must be fired at the same
target and each shot suffers a -1 to-hit penalty. If the first shot
takes the target out of action then the second must still roll
to-hit in case of Ammo tests. If one of the weapons fails an
Ammo test then neither weapon can fire again that game.

Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll

3: Bolter-plasma Gun
5: Bolter-grenade Launcher



50 credits
Autosluggers are churned out throughout the Underhive
workshops with varying designs, but all have the same
purpose, to rapidly fire a hail of bullets. They are simple to
use and cheap to maintain so are widely popular amongst the
Underhive gangs, especially for outlaws who cannot find nor
afford the more powerful heavy weapons.
Short Long


To Hit
Short Long


Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll


Sustained Fire: 1 dice.

Heavy Weapons

240+4D6 credits
Webbers fire a mass of gluey threads that can envelop and
ensnare multiple targets, trapping and rendering entire
crowds immobile. Webbers are especially rare within the
Underhive as they are manufactured in limited quantities and
almost exclusively used by the Enforcement.

Storm Bolter

Save Ammo
To Hit
85 credits Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
Reserved for the Imperium's finest warriors, storm bolters are
made from the highest quality of materials and in limited
quantities. Despite their cost and rarity, some are still
smuggled into the Underhive and find themselves in the Template: Blast template.
clutches of powerful, wealthy and persuasive gang leaders as Webber: Webbers follow the usual Webbing and Webbing
they make prestigious and destructive weapons.
Solvent rules as detailed in the web pistol rules.
Short Long


To Hit
Short Long


Save Ammo
Dam. Mod. Roll


Heavy Flamer

100 credits
Heavy flamers fire a concentrated tide of flaming chemical, an
unstable sticky material that ignites upon contact with the air.
They can only be expected to fire a few shots, but are capable
of firing a sheet of flame over a considerable distance.


Sustained Fire: 1 dice.


Save Ammo
To Hit
60+3D6 credits
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
The electrogun fires a beam of electrical energy that quickly
dissipates but can inflict horrific burning injuries on those
unlucky hivers to be caught by the arcing lightning. Although
expensive, hard to find and difficult to maintain, electroguns Template: The heavy flamer can deliver a sheet of flame over
are fearsome weapons at close quarters.
a much greater distance than a regular flamer. To reflect this
the heavy flamer uses a modified flamer template. When fired
Save Ammo place the flamer template as normal, however, the template is
To Hit
then moved directly forward 8". Any gang fighters wholly
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
covered by the template at any point during the move are hit
automatically while any models that were only ever partially
covered are hit on a roll of 4+.
Electrocute: Gang fighters in base-to-base combat with a
model hit by an electrogun will also suffer a hit. Any damage Ammo Guzzler: An Ammo test is required every time this
inflicted by the electrogun ignores all armour saving throws weapon is fired.
and counts as high impact. If a robotic fighter is hit by the Move and Fire: Unlike other heavy weapons the heavy flamer
electrogun (e.g. cyber-mastiffs) then the Strength of the hit is has no recoil and requires little aiming so a fighter can move
increased to 8 and will inflict D6 wounds instead of D3.
and fire it just like a normal weapon.



320 credits
The multmelta works by means of sub-molecular thermal
agitation. It can melt even hardened materials and its effect
upon living tissue is horrible indeed. When fired, the wide
30 credits
beam heats the air to a super hot temperature, causing a Inferno grenades contain a pressurised explosive chemical
distinctive hiss that becomes a roaring blast as living flesh is that when ignited bathes any unfortunate nearby victims in a
hit and body moisture vaporises explosively.
wave of fire and sticky globules of burning liquid.

Inferno Grenade

Short Long


To Hit
Short Long

Save Ammo
Str. Dam. Mod. Roll







Save Mod.



Template: Blast template.

Template: Blast template.

Caustic: Any hits inflicted by this weapon that fail to wound

can be re-rolled.

Plasma Missile

50+3D6 credits
When a plasma missile explodes the surrounding area is
15 credits
engulfed in a superheated energy that rips apart any material Stick bombs are crude blast weapons that are little more than
in an almighty explosion..
an explosive compound and detonator squeezed into a small
container and strapped to a light-weight bar.
Save Ammo
To Hit
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
Save Mod.


Stick Bombs





Blast: Blast template.

Template: Blast template.

Plasma Ball: Plasma misiles create a plasma ball following

the usual plasma grenade rules.

Unlaunchable: Stick bombs can only be thrown so cannot be

fired from a grenade launcher.

Inferno Missile


35 credits
Inferno missiles contain a pressurised explosive chemical that
when ignited bathes any unfortunate nearby victims in a wave
of fire and sticky globules of burning liquid.
Short Long


To Hit
Short Long

Armour Piercing Bullets

10+D6 credits
Armour piercing bullets have a hardened tip allowing them
to punch through armour with ease.

Save Ammo
Str. Dam. Mod. Roll


Any autopistol, hunting pistol, autogun or hunting rifle can

use armour piercing rounds. Before the fighter shoots you
can elect to fire armour piercing rounds instead of the usual
ammo, in which case the Save Modifier is increased to -2.


Template: Blast template.

Caustic: Any hits inflicted by this weapon that fail to wound
can be re-rolled.

Infernoshot Power Pack

15+2D6 credits
The infernoshot power pack matrix is designed to force a
25+3D6 credits single massive discharge through the laser weapon. Although
Smoke missiles release several spring-loaded canisters that highly destructive, the complex chemical reaction generating
emit a cloud of oily smoke. Unfortunately the canisters are the vast laser power is dangerously unstable.
prone to randomly bouncing off the dense deadzone terrain. Any laspistol, hellpistol, lasgun or hellgun can make use of an
infernoshot power pack. Before the fighter shoots you can
Save Ammo elect to fire with the infernoshot power pack instead of the
To Hit
usual ammo, in which case the Strength of the shot is
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
increased by +D3 with the Save Modifier being increased
0-20 20-72
accordingly. However, the weapon cannot be fired again that
game as the weapon's innards are burnt out. In addition, if
Smoke Missile: After determining where the smoke missile the weapon would normally be required to take an Ammo
hits, it releases 3 smoke grenades D6" in a random direction. test (i.e. you rolled a to-hit score of 6) then the weapon will
automatically explode.
Roll separately for each grenade.

Smoke Missile

Weapon Upgrades

Kraken Bolts

15+3D6 credits
Kraken bolts contain a solid adamantium tip allowing them
to punch through the thickest of armour with ease.


20+2D6 credits
The chainblade is a destructive rending weapon with a
powered chainsaw edge that turns an ordinary gun into a
deadly close combat instrument. Its teeth are made from subatomically honed adamantium allowing it to slice through
flesh and armour alike.

Any bolt pistol or boltgun can make use of kraken bolts.

Before the fighter shoots you can elect to fire kraken bolts
instead of the usual ammo, in which case the weapon's Save
Modifier is increased to -3.

Hellfire Bolts

Underslung: Any basic weapon or special weapon can be

fitted with a chainblade. During hand-to-hand combat the
chainbladed weapon counts as a close combat weapon with
the following profile. Since the weapon is now classed as a
close combat weapon it can confer bonus Attack dice when
combined with other close combat weapons. Note a weapon
can only be fitted with a single underslung item.

15+3D6 credits
The core of hellfire bolts contain highly corrosive and toxic
acids that melt through flesh and metal in seconds. Poorly
maintained hellfire bolts are notoriously explosive as their
acids can spill out melting away the bolt weapon's innards.
Any bolt pistol or boltgun can make use of hellfire bolts.
Before the fighter shoots you can elect to fire hellfire bolts
instead of the usual ammo, in which case each successful hit
scored will inflict D3 wounds. However, if the bolt weapon is
required to take an Ammo test when firing hellfire bolts then
the weapon will automatically explode on a roll of 1-2.




Save Mod.

Close Combat


Noisy: This weapon emits a loud and distinctive sound and

so must test to sound the alarm when used in hand-to-hand
combat during scenarios such as The Raid.

Stalker Bolts

15+3D6 credits
Instead of an explosive charge, stalker bolts are fired via a gas
powered ignition which removes all muzzle flash and any
distinctive firing sounds.

Heavy Bore Silencer

15+2D6 credits
Heavy bore silencers are designed to dampen out the sound
of larger and more rapid weapons fire that a regular silencer
could not do so effectively.

Any bolt pistol or boltgun can make use of stalker bolts.

Before the fighter shoots you can elect to fire stalker bolts
instead of the usual ammo, in which case the weapon counts
as silent, which may be useful in scenarios such as The Raid.

Any autogun, hunting rifle or sniper rifle can be fitted with a

heavy bore silencer. Before the fighter shoots you can elect to
fire the weapon using the heavy bore silencer. If you decide
to do so then the shooting attack counts as silent, which may
be useful in certain scenarios, such as The Raid


15+2D6 credits
The longlas modifies a lasgun through an extended barrel and
altered internal laser matrix. The longlas matrix merges and
tightens the coil of light that a regular lasgun would fire
allowing it to travel further and still maintain beam integrity in
exchange for a small reduction in fire rate.

Any lasgun or hellgun can be fitted with a longlas, in which

case the Long Range of the weapon is increased to 36".


5 credits
Some gang fighters prefer to strap a knife to the end of their rifle.
Although not especially dangerous, it offers them a long thrusting
attack that can put charging assailants off their stride.
Underslung: Any basic weapon or special weapon can be fitted with
an underslung bayonet. If the gang fighter holds the bayoneted
weapon in two hands during hand-to-hand combat then he receives
a +1 Combat Score bonus if he charged that turn or was charged
and not already in hand-to-hand combat. Note a weapon can only
be fitted with a single underslung item.

Protective Gear

Drum Magazine

15+2D6 credits
Drum magazines modify the firing and ammo mechanisms of
an autopistol or autogun increasing the flow of ammunition
which in turn increases its rate of fire. It is named after the
circular drum clips that are used to replenish ammo but belt
fed devices are also common among Underhive gang fighters.

Crude Armour

10 credits
Gang fighters often fashion primitive pieces of armour, such
as helmets, hand guards, padded leathers, etc, to shield
vulnerable areas. They offer little real protection, but with a
slice of fortune it can save them from serious harm.

Any autopistol or autogun can be fitted with a drum

magazine. Before the fighter shoots you can elect to use the
full capabilities of the drum magazine. If you decide to do so
then the model receives a +1 to-hit bonus, however, the
weapon's Ammo Roll is reduced to 6+ for that shot.

After buying crude armour you must choose what type of

serious injury the armour is designed to prevent. Select one
from the following: Chest Wound, Leg Wound, Arm Wound,
Head Wound, Blinded In One Eye, Partially Deafened, Hand
Injury. If the model suffers a corresponding injury, roll a D6.
On a 5+ the injury is treated as a Full Recovery instead. On
any other roll the armour is pierced and the injury stands.
Whether the armour prevents the injury or not the damaged
armour is now useless and removed from the roster. Fighters
cannot wear multiple pieces that prevent the same injury


40+4D6 credits
Suspensors are sophisticated devices able to manipulate
magnetic fields. They are used extensively within the
industrial Hive City workshops to reduce the effects of gravity
on heavy loads, such as when moving large containers or
machinery. Smaller personal units are also used throughout
the Spire for recreation and in every day life. Naturally
Underhive gangs have found numerous ways to exploit the
suspensors unique magnetic altering effects, one of which is
to lighten heavy weapons to allow gangers to more easily
bring them to bear on their opponents.

Conversion Field

60+4D6 credits
Conversion fields generate an energy shield around the user
conferring protection against ranged weapons by converting
the energy of the impact into heat and light.

Any move or fire weapon (e.g. a heavy weapon or grenade

launcher) can be fitted with a suspensor. A weapon fitted
with a suspensor ignores the more or fire rule, however, if
the model moves and shoots in the same turn then he suffers
a -1 to-hit penalty. If a fighter has the Bulging Biceps skill
then he will not suffer the -1 to-hit penalty.

Auxiliary Launcher

If the gang fighter is hit by a ranged attack then the shot

suffers a -1 Strength penalty (to a minimum of 1). If the
model suffers a ranged attack that is high impact then treat it
as if the fighter was also hit by a photon grenade.

Force Field

40+4D6 credits
Force fields are the simplest and most common form of
energy shield used throughout the Imperium. Although
unreliable it can stop or deflect even powerful attacks.

75+3D6 credits

Auxiliary launchers are modified grenade launchers that are

strapped under another weapon to give the fighter the added
flexibility of firing a launcher without the added weight or
fumbling that additional weaponry brings.

A gang fighter protected by a force field receives a 6+ special

save against any ranged attacks.

Underslung: Any basic weapon can be fitted with an

underslung auxiliary launcher as long as the gang fighter has
access to special weapons. An auxiliary launcher can be fired
following all of the usual grenade launcher rules except its
Long Range is reduced to 8-16. If either weapon fails an
Ammo test then both weapons can no longer be used for the
rest of the game. Note a weapon can only be fitted with a
single underslung item.

Refractor Field

95+4D6 credits
Refractor fields are powerful energy shields reserved for the
finest warriors of the Imperium. Expensive and rarely seen in
the Underhive they offer effective protection.
A gang fighter protected by a refractor field receives a 5+
special save against any ranged attacks.

Auxiliary Shotgun

Stinger Pouch

10+2D6 credits
Auxiliary launchers are modified sawn-off shotguns that are
strapped under another weapon to give the fighter the added
stopping power a shotgun offers without the added weight
or fumbling that additional weaponry brings.

10+2D6 credits
Stinger mould is such a rare and precious fungi that
merchants often split their stock and combine it with other
less effective curative substances to maximise their profits.
They are sold in small pouches so they can be easily stored
and carried around by gangers for when it's needed most.

Underslung: Any basic weapon can be fitted with an

underslung auxiliary shotgun. An auxiliary shotgun can be
fired following all of the usual shotgun rules except its Long
Range is reduced to 4-8 (4-14 in the case of bolt shells). If
either weapon fails an Ammo test then both weapons can no
longer be used for the rest of the game. Note a weapon can
only be fitted with a single underslung item.

If a gang fighter finishes the game down and goes out of

action (i.e. due to rolling a 4-6 result) then you can choose
for the model to use the stinger pouch. If used it is assumed
a 1-3 result was rolled instead so the fighter does not go out
of action after all. Note this is a one use item.

Bionic Implant

40+4D6 credits
Bionic implants are tailored to the individual fighter to
remove the effects of a specific injury.
Bionic: A bionic implant fitted to a fighter will nullify a single
Chest Wound, Leg Wound, Arm Wound, Head Wound,
Blinded In One Eye, Partially Deafened, Shell Shock, Hand
Injury or Old Battle Wound serious injury, you can choose
exactly which injury it nullifies. If a gang fighter suffers a
serious injury where a bionic implant is fitted then the
implant is destroyed.

Bionic Chest

80+4D6 credits
Bionic chests are a toughened membrane fitted underneath
the skin and sheathes the sternum and frontal rib cage. The
material absorbs impact trauma and spreads the energy
throughout thus reducing any potential penetration.
Bionic: A bionic chest cancels out the effects of a Chest
Wound serious injury. If a fighter with a bionic chest suffers a
further Chest Wound then the bionic chest is destroyed.
If a gang fighter fitted with a bionic chest is hit by a ranged
attacks that originates from his front 90 degree vision arc,
then it suffers a -1 Strength penalty (to a minimum of 1).

Rifle Holster

Bionic Resonator

5 credits
Gangers often fashion slings and other sheaths to allow them
to safely and securely store away rifle weapons.

50+4D6 credits
Bionic resonators are surgically attached to the vertebrate
inside the ear to compensate for any equilibrium and hearing
deficiencies through injury.

A rifle holster allows the gang fighter to store a basic or

special weapon inside it thus freeing his hand to hold or use
another weapon. Note although this will allow the model to
use two close combat weapons in hand-to-hand combat he
will still not gain the +1 Attack dice bonus.

Bionic: A bionic resonator cancels out the effect of a Partially

Deafened serious injury. If a gang fighter with a bionic
resonator suffers a further Partially Deafened then randomly
determine which ear is damaged, his real ear of his artificial
ear. Any damage to a bionic resonator will destroy it.

Gunslinger Holsters

A gang fighter fitted with a bionic resonator doubles his

Initiative characteristic when calculating his spotting range. If
a fighter is fitted with two bionic resonators then his Initiative
characteristic is tripled instead.

10+2D6 credits
Gunslinger holsters cover a variety of mechanical devices and
strappings designed to allow a concealed pistol to be drawn
and aimed as quickly as possible.

If the gang fighter is involved in a fast draw then he doubles

his Initiative when firing a pistol.

Bionic Hand

50+4D6 credits
A bionic hand is a technical device replacing injured fingers
or the entire hand and offers amplified grip and dexterity.

Berserker Chip

20+3D6 credits
Berserker chips are small bio-plates attached to the skull by
means of a fine needle-like pin which plunges straight into
the brain. The chip's circuitry melds with the wearer's mind
and on command can flood the body with adrenaline.

Bionic: A bionic hand cancels out the effects of a Hand Injury

serious injury. If a gang fighter with a bionic hand suffers a
further Hand Injury then randomly determine which hand is
damaged, his real hand of his artificial hand. Any damage to a
bionic hand will destroy it.

A gang fighter wearing a Berserker Chip can choose to

activate it at the start of any of your turns. If activated the
model gains a +1 Movement, Strength, Toughness, Initiative
and Attacks characteristic bonus which lasts for the duration
of the turn. A Berserker Chip can only safely be used once
per game and once implanted cannot be removed and
transferred to another model.

A gang fighter fitted with a bionic hand receives a +1

Initiative bonus when fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Note
this bonus cannot be combined with the Initiative bonus a
bionic arm offers. The model also receives a +1 Initiative
bonus when testing to see if he falls as the gang fighter is
better able to firmly grip on to any barriers.



30+3D6 credits
The injector is a specialist device that safely feeds a dose of
drug into a vein close to the heart allowing the drug to take
effect and disperse throughout the body in seconds.

5+2D6 credits
Frenzon is a powerful stimulant that induces an indomitable
rage. Users of the drug are called frenzers and although it's
remarked that these foaming mouthed fighters can tear limb
from limb with their bare hands, frenzers are wracked with
an uncontrollable bloodlust that can quickly dismantle any
gang leader's plans. The drug is widely popular in established
pit fight tourneys, but due to a spate of notoriously
bloodythirsty incidents involving spectators it has since been
banned from guilder organised fights.

During the post game sequence you can choose to fill the
injector with a single dose of drug. Usually a dose of drug
must be taken before the game but with an injector the gang
fighter can choose to inject the preselected dose of drug at
the start of any of his turns. Once the drug has been injected
its effects are applied immediately. Note an injector can only
be used to inject a single dose per game and a model can
only be fitted with a single injector.

Drug: Any gang members, except hired guns and special

characters, can choose to take a dose of Frenzon before the
start of a game. A model affected by Frenzon follows the rules
for frenzy and is immune from pinning, nerve, fear and
terror tests. If the fighter's Leadership is being used for the
purposes of the Bottle test then it is automatically assumed
the test is passed, however, you cannot voluntarily fail that
Bottle test. The Frenzon drug is so powerful that the fighter
cannot control the frenzy by taking a Leadership test.

White Spook

25+3D6 credits
White spook or 'super spook' is a rare and powerful form of
spook that when ingested not only enhances latent psyhic
awareness but also amplifies it. Unfortunately for the user
this additional channeling of Warp energy makes them
especially vulnerable to daemonic attacks.

Duration: During each of your recovery phases roll 2D6 and

add the models Toughness characteristic to the result. If the
total is greater than 12 then the effects of the drug has worn
off and the model collapses in a heap counting as being
pinned. In addition, once the drug has worn off the fighter's
adrenaline and alertness levels slump to rock bottom. The
model's Initiative characteristic is reduced to 1 for the
duration of the game.

Any gang member, except hired guns and special characters,

can choose to take a dose of white spook before the start of a
game. A dose of white spook will temporarily give the fighter
a wyrd major power. Randomly determine one of the wyrd
power types and roll on the appropriate Major Power table to
determine what power the model can use for the duration of
the game. If a Beastmaster result is rolled then you can
choose what type of beast to control. However, if the gang
fighter must roll on the Perils of the Warp table then he will
automatically fail any Leadership and Initiative tests and will
suffer D6 hits from an Attacked result.


5+2D6 credits
Force is harvested from the adrenal glands of the giant
corpse roaches that infest the lowest regions of the hive. It is
first dried before being mixed into a concoction of other
synthetic chemical compounds which can then be drunk or
injected. Force triggers a powerful biological reaction
increasing the explosive psyhical power of the user and
causing their muscles and veins to visibly spasm and pulse
under the drug's unnatural influence.


5+1D6 credits
Limnull is a chemical extracted from synthesised redback
spider venom. In a concentrated form limnull inhibits the
brain's limbic system which is responsible for fear and
emotionally charged memories. Users under the influence of
limnull become unaffected by previous fears, even powerful
phobias, and any chemical reactions in the brain through
emotional situations are diminished.

Drug: Any gang members, except hired guns and special

characters, can choose to take a dose of force before the start
of a game. A model affected by force increases their
Movement and Strength characteristics by +D3.
Duration: During each of your recovery phases roll 2D6 and
add the models Toughness characteristic to the result. If the
total is greater than 12 then the effects of the drug has worn
off. In addition, the model collapses into a heap on the floor
counting as being pinned.

Drug: Any gang members, except hired guns and special

characters, can choose to take a dose of limnull before the
start of a game. A model affected by limnull is immune from
pinning, nerve, fear and terror tests. If the fighter's
Leadership is being used for the purposes of the Bottle test
then it is automatically assumed the test is passed, however,
you cannot voluntarily fail that Bottle test. In addition, the
fighter ignores the effects of hatred and frenzy. However, any
model's affected by limnull have their Initiative characteristic
halved (round fractions down).

Side Effects: When rolling to see if the effect of the drug has
worn off during the recovery phase, if a 2 is rolled then the
gang fighter has become addicted to the drug. An addicted
model no longer gains any benefit from the drug and must
continue taking it after every game. If the gang fighter is
denied his fix then he suffers a cumulative -D3 penalty to his
Movement and Strength characteristics. If either characteristic
is reduced to 0 then the model cannot fight. Once the gang
fighter has his fix his characteristics are reduced to their
normal levels and he can fight in the next game.

Duration: During each of your recovery phases roll 2D6 and

add the models Toughness characteristic to the result. If the
total is greater than 12 then the effects of the drug has worn
off and the gang fighter's Initiative characteristic is returned
back to its normal level.

Thanks to Caelwyn and Goobahfish for additional ideas and/or

feedback. All images are copyright of Games Workshop.

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