TAN2012001 Getting Started FlyCap2.3 ARM
TAN2012001 Getting Started FlyCap2.3 ARM
TAN2012001 Getting Started FlyCap2.3 ARM
3 and ARM
Technical Application Note TAN2012001
Revised September 5, 2012
Technical Application Note (TAN2012001): Getting Started with FlyCapture 2.3 and ARM
Applicable Product(s)
With the release of version 2.3 of the FlyCapture SDK, users can program and operate Point Grey
USB 2.0 imaging cameras on an ARM device in a Linux environment. This Application Note explains
the components and steps that are necessary to get started with FlyCapture 2.3 and ARM as well as
the limitations of using FlyCapture2 on an ARM device.
Intended Audience
This Technical Application Note is intended for users of Point Grey USB 2.0 imaging cameras who
want to program and operate cameras on an ARM device in a Linux environment.
PGR, the Point Grey Research, Inc. logo, Digiclops, Dragonfly, Dragonfly Express, Chameleon, Firefly, Flea, FlyCapture, Ladybug, Scorpion and Triclops are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Point Grey Research, Inc. in Canada and other countries. Copyright 2012 Point Grey Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
Removing FlyCapture
An external power supply such as a powered USB hub or GPIO power cable.
The Beagleboard does not provide enough power to operate the camera. The Pandaboard
may provide enough power depending on other peripheral devices attached.
For step by step Ubuntu installation instructions on the Pandaboard see the Quick Start Guide at
Omapedia.org. (For more information about using Ubuntu and Pandaboard, see the Omapedia.org
Ubuntu Main Page.)
For FlyCapture2 to run on a Linux Ubuntu system, the following dependencies must be installed:
These libraries are usually packaged with Ubuntu distributions or updates. If they are not pre-installed,
use the apt-get console command, as in the following example:
Ubuntu 10.10:
user$: sudo apt-get install libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libusb-1.0-0
Revised 5-Sep-12
6. Follow the instructions of the script. This installs all the FlyCapture2 libraries, example code,
sample applications, and documentation. Additionally, the script prompts you to configure
udev so that devices can be used by a particular user. If you choose to configure devices, the
script changes permissions on the nodes by overwriting the default Ubuntu permissions and
giving the user full read and write access to the device nodes.
7. Restart your board for the user permissions to take effect.
The FlyCapture SDK includes a number of example applications to help get you started in
programming common API tasks. Example files are installed under flycapture-<version>_arm/bin
(where you extracted the package).
We suggest copying the extracted folder and sub-folders to a location with write access.
To compile the examples, install the GNU C++ (g++) compiler that is included with the build-essential
user$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
Some of the examples are GUI-based. The gtk and glade libraries are required to build these
examples. These libraries should already be installed under Section 1.7. Note that the FlyCaptureGUI
example must be built before the FlyCap2 or FlyCapture2GUITest examples can be built.
To compile a specific example, run the makefile located in the example directory. Binaries are copied
to the bin directory, and libraries are copied to the lib directory. For example:
user$ cd <extraction folder>/FlyCapture-<version>-arm/src/FlyCapture2Test
user$ make
You can also use a cross compiler to build examples for the target architecture. A cross compiler that
works well is CodeSourcery.
Alternatively, you can set up an ARM emulator using QEmu, install Ubuntu on it, and build your
software on the virtual machine.
Revised 5-Sep-12
Linux users do not have access to Microsoft Windows-only technologies such as:
Cognex AIK
UpdatorGUI tool
Speed of the processor will affect the maximum available frame rate. The maximum frame
rates achieved with a Windows configuration may not be available.
We suggest the following tools for image and video viewing. Point Grey does not officially endorse
these tools.
For image viewing:
Removing FlyCapture
Revised 5-Sep-12
Point Grey Research Inc. endeavors to provide the highest level of technical support possible to our
customers. Most support resources can be accessed through the Support section of our website.
Creating a Customer Login Account
The first step in accessing our technical support resources is to obtain a Customer Login Account.
This requires a valid name and email address. To apply for a Customer Login Account go to the
Downloads page.
Knowledge Base
Our Knowledge Base contains answers to some of the most common support questions. It is
constantly updated, expanded, and refined to ensure that our customers have access to the latest
Product Downloads
Customers with a Customer Login Account can access the latest software and firmware for their
cameras from our Downloads page. We encourage our customers to keep their software and firmware
up-to-date by downloading and installing the latest versions.
Contacting Technical Support
Before contacting Technical Support, have you:
1. Read the product documentation and user manual?
2. Searched the Knowledge Base?
3. Downloaded and installed the latest version of software and/or firmware?
If you have done all the above and still cant find an answer to your question, contact our Technical
Support team.
Revised 5-Sep-12