SAS 2012 Proceedings
SAS 2012 Proceedings
SAS 2012 Proceedings
Joint Meeting of
The Society for Astronomical Sciences
The American Association of Variable Star Observers
The acceptance of a paper for the SAS proceedings can not be used to imply nor should it be inferred as an endorsement by the Society for Astronomical Sciences or the American Association of Variable Star Observers of
any product, service, or method mentioned in the paper.
Photo Credits:
Front Cover: NGC 7293, Alson Wong
Back Cover: Sagittarius Milky Way, Alson Wong
Table of Contents
We welcome the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) to the 31st annual SAS Symposium on Telescope Science. The first joint meeting between the Societry for Astronomical Sciences and the
AAVSO, held in 2009, was a tremendous success, bringing in presenters from around the world and in record
numbers. Current plans are for the AAVSO to make this a biannual affair, merging its annual Spring meeting in
even-numbered years with the SAS Symposium. The SAS Board of Directors is looking forward to a long and
rewarding partnership that brings together some of the worlds best backyard and professional astronomers to
share their experiences and expertise in the name of promoting astronomical research to advance our knowledge
of the Universe.
Not everyone wants to give a presentation but they still want to contribute to the Symposium by submitting a
paper for the proceedings. So, this year, partly because of the unprecedented number of papers received, the
proceedings include a section not just for poster papers but papers without presentation. We may try to do this
in future years as well but, as always, our first goal is to get presenters who also submit papers. The live presentations are vital for spurring discussion both during Q&A and in groups outside the formal paper sessions.
It takes many people to have a successful conference, starting with the Conference Committee. This year the
regular committee members are:
Lee Snyder
Robert Gill
Cindy Foote
Brian D. Warner
Dale Mais
Robert D. Stephens
Jerry L. Foote
Margaret Miller
Robert K. Buchheim
There are many others involved in a successful conference. The editors take time to note the many volunteers
who put in considerable time and resources. We also thank the staff and management of the Northwoods Resort
in Big Bear Lake, CA, for their efforts at accommodating the Society and our activities.
Membership dues alone do not fully cover the costs of the Society and annual conference. We owe a great debt
of gratitude to our corporate sponsors: Sky and Telescope, Software Bisque, Santa Barbara Instruments Group,
PlaneWave Instruments, Apogee Instruments, Inc., and DC-3 Dreams. Thank you!
Finally, there would be no conference without our speakers and poster presenters and those sitting attentively in
the audience (youre not doing your email right now, are you?). We thank them for making this one of the premiere pro-am events in the world.
Brian D. Warner
Robert K. Buchheim
Jerry L. Foote
Dale Mais
2012 April 27
Conference Sponsors
Conference Sponsors
The conference organizers thank the following companies for their significant contributions and financial support. Without them, this conference would not be possible.
Software Bisque
Developers of TheSky Astronomy Software and the
Paramount Telescope Mount
PlaneWave Instruments
Makers of the CDK line of telescopes
Symposium Schedule
Symposium Schedule
The schedule is subject to change without notice.
Meeting Courtesies
Please turn off cell phones, pagers, and alarms during presentations.
Please be kind to the presenters and wait until breaks to check your email and browse the
Internet. Yeah, we know.
Please be considerate of those in the meeting room near the wall with the vendors room. If
visiting the vendors room during presentations, please keep voices down and do not use the
direct entrance between the vendors and meeting rooms. Enter the meeting room from the
If you do not want your presentation to be recorded (video/audio) and/or not posted on the
SAS web site, please let us know before your talk begins.
SAS Program Committee
Symposium Schedule
Presentation Papers
In the 1920s Hubble discovered a variable star in the Andromeda Galaxy, M31 which later was revealed to be a
Cepheid type variable. Hubbles observations confirmed that M31 was indeed at remote star system separate
from our own Milky Way. We present here recent photometry of this object made during 2010 and 2011. These
observations were made by members of the AAVSO at the request of the Space Telescope Science Institutes
Heritage Project. Over 300 Rc, V and unfiltered observations have been made. These are the first observations
in current times to establish a period for the object. The period of this Cepheid as measured here is in agreement
with the earlier data from 1920s and 1950s.
1. Introduction
Edwin Hubble settled one of astronomys biggest
puzzles in 1925 when he published light curves of
Cepheid variables he had located in the Andromeda
Galaxy, M31. At the time astronomy was at a crossroads. Many astronomers believed that the nebulae
in the night sky were just parts of our own Milky
Way Galaxy, and others believed they were external
objects far away. There wasnt a good way to measure their distances
Hubble began monitoring M31 and a few other
galaxies with the largest telescope in the world of the
time, the 100-inch Hooker telescope on Mt. Wilson
in California. The great telescope as Hubble re-
calibration and noted that further revisions were expected to be of minor importance. After Hubble published his work on the galactic distance scale, it was
discovered there are two types of Cepheids. The cluster Cepheids used by Shapely were older, smaller and
fainter than the brighter classic Cepheids in the disk
of the galaxy and recalibrating the Leavitt Law
caused the size of the universe to double! (Percy,
2. Observations
The Space Telescope Science Institutes Heritage Project drew AAVSO to this object. They were
interested in re-imaging the target with Hubbles
namesake, Hubble Space Telescope, as a tribute to
his achievement and wanted to know if a current
ephemeris existed. As the object had not been observed by the AAVSO, an Alert Notice (Waagan,
2010) was published to invite observations so that a
light curve could be established. The object was reported at 19th magnitude by Hubble so, while a challenging target, it is not out of reach for amateurs with
CCD cameras and large-aperture scopes. Over the
course of the next several months, 214 observations
were made via CCD imaging. Most all observations
were done with Cousin R filter, but some were done
with a standard V filter. Total exposure times were
normally in the 60-minute range for one observation,
which were normally stacked groups of shorter exposures. Images were processed using standard available software packages and techniques such as flatfielding and dark subtraction. Results were then uploaded to the AAVSO database.
Ontario, Ca
The observations are not on a standard photometric system though the observers did use a standard set
of comparison stars established by the AAVSO and
similar filters. This required that the observation be
adjusted to a common zero point. Templeton (2011)
reported on a technique to make these adjustments to
the 2010 data for the object.
Observations continued in the 2011 season by
four observers. They made an additional 89 observations all in Cousins R; and they too were processed as
above and added to the AAVSO database.
the Period04 software. The Fourier analysis and fitting proceeded as before, and as a final result, the
period was reported as 31.47 0.03 d. The light
curve for the combined 2010-2011 data is shown on
Figure 5. Templeton has suspected that by adding an
additional seasons observation the period error
would reduce, and this appears to be true.
Figure 5. Light curve for combined 2010-2011 data. Period is shown as 31.47 0.03 days.
6. Discussion
7. Acknowledgements
5. Combined 2010-2011
The goal of continuing the observations through
the second year was to further refine the period over
the longer time span. Having two years of data now
at hand, we imported them both into one session with
8. References
Hubble, E. (1939, 1982). The Realm of the Nebulae,
Yale University Press, New Haven, US.
Lenz, P., Breger, M. (2010). Period04, astronomical
time series analysis software.
Peranso 2010, Peranso, period analysis software.
Arto Oksanen
CBA (Finland), Verkkoniementie 30, Fi-40950 Muurame. Finland
We summarize the results of a 20-year campaign to study the light curves of BK Lyncis, a nova-like star
strangely located below the 2-3 hour orbital period gap in the family of cataclysmic variables. Two superhumps
dominate the nightly light curves with periods 4.6% longer, and 3.0% shorter, than Porb. The first appears to be
associated with the star's brighter states (V~14), while the second appears to be present throughout and becomes very dominant in the low state (V~15.7). It's plausible that these arise, respectively, from a prograde apsidal precession and a retrograde nodal precession of the star's accretion disk. In 2011-2, the star's light curve
became indistinguishable from that of a dwarf nova in particular, that of the ER UMa subclass. No such transition has ever been observed in a cataclysmic variable. Reviewing all the star's oddities, we speculate: (a) BK
Lyn is the remnant of the probable nova on 30 December 101, and (b) it has been fading ever since, but has
taken ~2000 years for the accretion rate to drop sufficiently to permit dwarf-nova eruptions. If such behavior is
common, it can explain two other puzzles of CV evolution. One: why the ER UMa class even exists (because all
can be remnants of recent novae). And two: the relative space densities of short- and long-period CVs, and of
known nova remnants (set by the durations of these transient phases).
1. Introduction
BK Lyncis was discovered in the Palomar-Green
survey for objects with ultraviolet excess (Green et
al., 1986), and was listed as PG0917+342 in the preliminary catalog of cataclysmic-variable stars in that
survey (Green et al., 1982). A subsequent radialvelocity study confirmed the CV identification and
revealed an orbital period of 107.97 minutes (Ringwald et al., 1996). Two years of time-series photometry revealed superhumps in the star's light curve
large-amplitude waves interpreted as resulting from
apsidal precession of the accretion disk (Skillman and
Patterson, 1993; hereafter SP). These studies showed
only small variability in the range V = 14.5-14.7.
Thus the star became well-established as a novalike
variable, a class which would be unremarkable, except for the stars short orbital period. Of the few
hundred CVs known with orbital period below 2
hours, BK Lyn is the only novalike variable.
BK Lyn is also a good candidate as the oldest
old nova. Several studies of ancient Chinese records
have suggested that a nova appeared very close to its
position on 101 December 30 (His, 1958; Pskovskii,
1972; Clark and Stephenson, 1977), and Hertzog
(1986) concluded that BK Lyn is the remnant of
Nova Lyncis 101. This would certainly qualify as the
oldest old nova far exceeding the closest challenger, CK Vul = Nova Vulpeculae 1670 (Shara et
al., 1985).
Such curiosities have kept BK Lyn on our observing lists for years. In this paper we report the
results of many observational campaigns: spanning
20 years, and including ~400 nights and ~2500 hours
of time-series photometry. Among the several re-
wards, detailed here, was the star's spectacular transformation into a bona fide dwarf nova in 2012.
2. Observational Techniques
Essentially all the data reported here comes from
the Center for Backyard Astrophysics (CBA), a
global network of telescopes cooperating in campaigns of time-series photometry of variable stars.
Most of the observational techniques were discussed
in the second paper of our series (SP), but the network expanded in later years to include ~20 telescopes, spread sufficiently over the Earth to give very
long time series relatively untroubled by local
weather and daily aliasing. Our typical telescope is a
35-cm reflector, equipped with a CCD camera and
recording images every 60 s for many hours per
night. Most of the data is unfiltered (white-light, or
perhaps more correctly, pink, with an effective
wavelength near 6000 A) differential photometry,
although we always obtain some coverage in V light
to express results on a standard scale. Data from several telescopes are then spliced together to form a
one-night light curve, with minimal gaps. We take
advantage of overlaps in data to determine additive
constants which put all our measurements on one
scale (usually that of the most prolific or bestcalibrated observer). These constants are usually in
the range 0.01-0.05 mag, probably due to variations
in transparency and camera sensitivity. Most telescopes use the same comparison star, although we
also use data with other comparisons (requiring larger
and more uncertain additive constants) if there is sufficient overlap. In this case we used GSC 249600893, which is 3.6 arcmin NE from BK Lyn. On 5
Atmospheric extinction is significant for us, because the program stars are usually much bluer than
comparison stars (although we avoid very red stars,
which are the bane of all stellar photometry). We
know from experience that this differential extinction
amounts to ~0.04 mag/airmass for most CVs. Nevertheless, in the spirit of keeping human hands off the
data as much as possible, we usually make no correction for extinction.
The summary observing log in the five new observing seasons (adding to the two seasons reported
by SP) is given in Table 1. (A night denotes a timeseries of good quality lasting at least 3 hours.)
Figure 1. Top: BK Lyn 2011 light curve. For the first time,
the star showed bright and faint states. Middle: BK Lyn
2012 light curve, showing the well-defined ER UMa
pattern of variability. Bottom: the contemporaneous
2012 light curve of ER UMa apparent quite a close
relative of BK Lyn. The two stars also show great similarity in their complex, yet virtually identical, pattern of
superhumps. In this figure, all points are averages over
1-3 superhump cycles.
short Porb and high accretion rate. The mean waveforms are shown in the inset figures. The negative
superhump is closely sinusoidal, while the positive
superhump has a very strong second harmonic.
In fact, for virtually all our data on all superhumping CVs, these rules appear to be strictly followed although data quality does not always yield
high confidence for frequencies below 2 c/d.
This terminology accords with a common modern interpretation, and will help our reportage in this
complicated story of periodic signals. A primer on
periodic-signal and superhump zoology in cataclysmic variables can be found in Appendix A of Patterson et al. (2002).
Unfortunately, the negative and positive superhumps are separated by a frequency close to 1 c/d, a
cruel blow to astronomers on our planet. Still, the star
never promised us a rose garden, and this long campaign with good alias rejection was able to separate
the two signals.
At the risk of injecting some interpretation into
matters of reportage (seldom wise, and we properly
hate ourselves for doing it), we will call the positive
superhump apsidal and express the frequency as
A and the negative superhump nodal and express the frequency as +N (where is the orbital
frequency). The 1999 signals are then N, A, +N,
22A, and 2A. In fact, for all years of observation, all detected frequencies obey these simple rules:
= 13.344(2), N = 0.395(2), and A = 0.584(2) c/d.
5. Interpretation
Those are the facts. We now proceed to the challenge of interpretation. In that task we appeal to numerous elements of today's conventional wisdom
regarding the common interpretation, and in some
cases outright theory, of cataclysmic variables.
Of course, such reliance on theory and popular
interpretation always brings with it some hazard of
going wrong.
in only 10-20 CVs, and they have not shown the uniform behavior patterns nicely presented to us by positive superhumpers. We defer full analysis to a later
about right: 2000 for the BK Lyn era, 10000 for the
ER UMa era, and 1,000,000 for dwarf-nova normalcy. That satisfies the available space-density constraints, and allows the correct amount of time for
binaries accreting at 10-10 MO/yr to accumulate the
10-4 MO needed to trigger a nova eruption.
Shouldn't we then expect most short-period novae to be much fainter prior to eruption, contrary to
Robinson's study? Yes but that study concerned
mainly long-period novae. Schaefer and Collazzi
(2010) recently studied archival photographic magnitudes for a group of short-period novae, and found
them to be much fainter before eruption. So all the
evidence to date seems to be consistent with this account of relaxation following a classical nova in a
short-period CV.
6. Summary
We began this long campaign to study the superhump signals of BK Lyn, but detailed analysis
still lies ahead. Both positive and negative superhumps appear to fit into the known categories
of similar objects and, in particular, strongly
resemble those of two known ER UMa stars:
V503 Cyg and ER UMa itself. Probably they
arise from apsidal advance and nodal regression
in an eccentric and tilted accretion disk.
Seasonal light curves demonstrate that somewhere in the interval 2005-2011, the novalike
variable BK Lyn mutated into a card-carrying
dwarf nova of the ER UMa class, with superoutbursts occurring every 45 days. The dwarf-nova
standard-candle relation implies a distance of
about 600 pc.
This can explain why ER UMa stars exist (because they are remnants of recent novae), why
they're rare (because that phase is only 1% of a
nova's full eruption cycle), and why short-period
stars are rare among known old novae (because
they spend most of their quiescence very faint,
where they hide from our telescopes).
You can learn an awful lot from a patient research program with 14-inch telescopes.
Singular Event?
Does the observed 2005-2011 transition to a
dwarf-nova state represent a singular event in BK
Lyn's postnova evolution? Well, maybe. Our 20-year
observation span, and the 6-year window for this
event, are short but not ridiculously short compared
to the putative 2000-year wait. Also, we obtain similar photometric coverage of many old novae and novalikes (dozens), and we have not observed such a
transition in any other star. So even as a singular
event, not to be repeated until the next nova cycle, it
does not seem wildly improbable.
But there is no need to hypothesize a singular
event. Secular decline in Mdot over a few thousand
years could easily be punctuated by small fluctuations about the temporary mean; indeed, many cataclysmic variables show small luminosity variations
on timescales of decades (Warner, 1988, Richman et
al., 1991). It's plausible that such fluctuations could
now be swinging the disk between states of stable
and unstable accretion. Indeed, that is our current
understanding of Z Cam stars: dwarf novae near that
threshold accretion rate, with their disks fluctuating
irregularly between stable and unstable. In this version of our scenario, BK Lyn could be considered the
first short-period Z Cam star.
If this latter version were correct, then we might
well see other ER UMa stars especially RZ LMi
with its whirlwind 20-day superoutburst cycle mutating temporarily into novalike variables, pausing
slightly in their inevitable decline towards a long and
simple life as a garden-variety dwarf nova.
7. References
Clark, D. H., Stephenson, F. R. (1977). The Historical Supernovae. Pergamon New York.
When a professional observatory is used in the study of an active star, it may be necessary to establish activity
level context, such as the stars flaring frequency, presence of star spots and brightness changes. Characterizing these aspects of star activity requires time-consuming observations, which can often be obtained by amateurs. This article describes coordinated photometric monitoring by a selected team of advanced amateurs in
support of a 10-day intensive spectropolarimetry observation of YY Gem, an M dwarf eclipsing binary. One of the
authors (LH) used the 3.6-meter Canadia-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii for determining magnetic field
strength maps, and she initiated the request for photometric monitoring by amateurs. The observations are undergoing analysis, yet preliminary results demonstrate the value of a coordinated professional/amateur approach
in the conduct of this type of observing campaign.
1. Introduction
M-dwarf stars outnumber all other spectral classifications, so it is understandable that stellar modelers are anxious to understand why their models under-estimate M-dwarf radii by 5 or 10%. Could these
stars have magnetic fields that inhibit convection in a
way that swells their size? To find out, professional
astronomer Dr. Leslie Hebb led a team of investigators in obtaining 10 nights of telescope time on the
3.6-meter Canada-French-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)
in Hawaii to conduct spectropolarimetry observations
of a pair of eclipsing M-dwarfs, YY Geminorum (YY
A complex picture is starting to emerge where
three different phenomena, all related to magnetic
fields, are invoked to explain the observed radii of M
dwarf stars over the entire mass range. In particular,
the existence of large star spots near the poles of the
eclipsing binary component stars could be causing a
systematic overestimate of measured radii during the
light curve analysis procedure. This project involves
constructing a new eclipsing binary model that incorporates light curve data while constraining star spot
properties from a Doppler Imaging analysis of the
spectropolarimetric spectra (explained in Section 4).
This analysis will provide the most accurate radius
and temperature estimates of the component stars.
When combined with magnetic fields maps, we hope
to better understand if and how magnetic fields are
causing the radii of YY Gem to be larger than predicted by previous models.
In order for the CFHT observations to be fully
interpreted it was necessary to supplement these observations with high-precision light curves at many
wavelengths. These data are necessary for the eclipsing binary modeling and thus essential to the success
of the project. In addition, M-dwarfs are also prone to
flaring, perhaps due to magnetic field disturbances.
Star spot variations and flaring activity of the YY
Gem pair can be evaluated using light curve monitoring, with special emphasis on the 10-day CFHT observations (2012 January 4 to 13).
Professional telescopes can cost hundreds of dollars per observing minute, so the cost of including
light curve monitoring in the proposed YY Gem project would have been prohibitive. Instead, amateurs
were considered for providing this support. After all,
eclipsing binary light curves have been made by amateurs for decades and, since the advent of CCD cameras and computer-controlled telescopes, amateur
capabilities have improved greatly.
One of the authors (BLG) has a history of recruiting amateurs for special observing projects (e.g.,
Amateur Exoplanet Archive, Pro-Am White Dwarf
2. Amateur Team
Continuous observing during the 10-day CFHT
observations would have been desirable, but since no
Earth-based site has clear skies all the time it is impossible for a ground-based network of observatories
to provide continuous coverage except on rare,
brief occasions. For example, if clear skies exist half
the time at three observing sites equally spaced in
longitude, they can be expected to provide complete
coverage of any target on only ~13% of dates. Even
if the sites have clear skies 2/3 of the time the complete coverage statistics increases to only ~23%. Another strategy is to use multiple sites at each longitude, but spaced apart so that their clear sky statistics
are uncorrelated. With two sites at each longitude,
and half of nights clear for each site, complete coverage can be expected for ~43% of dates. Therefore, it
is unrealistic to expect complete coverage for any
network of observatories when several dates are involved.
This monitoring project recruited 9 observers in
3 longitude regions: 4 in Europe, 4 in the US and one
in Japan, as summarized in Table I.
Bs & V
J. Foote
V & Rc
C. Foote
B & Ic
4. Previous Publications
In all images Castor was saturated and bleeding. Most images also had pixel edge reflections in 4
directions. Some observers rotated their CCD assembly so that YY Gem was not close to the bleeding,
pixel reflection and spider diffraction spike features
(Fig. 1 has a rotation of 11 degrees). A nearby star
was used for reference for all filter bands. An all-sky
observation produced B, V, Rc and Ic magnitudes,
from which magnitudes for other bands were calculated.
YY Gem undergoes a 19.5-hour variation in
brightness, slightly greater at shorter wavelengths, so
in Table II, the magnitudes for YY Gem and the reference star are for phase 0.35.
YY Gem
During the 2011 observations (56 nonoverlapping hours) only one small flare was observed. However, during the 10-day intensive observing dates (180 non-overlapping hours), 20 flares were
present (on 9 of the 10 days). Thats 1.1 0.2 flares
per 10-hour nominal observing session, versus 0.2
0.2 flares per 10 hours from 2011 October through
December. In other words, the 10-day intensive observing period occurred when YY Gem was actively
flaring. Flare activity was present at all phases, although 5 occurred between 0.69 and 0.83.
One solution for this problem is to simultaneously solve for both AMC and OOT shape, in a procedure that involves all LCs for a given filter band. A
more straightforward solution is to first estimate
AMC for a given filter band, based on all LCs for
that band, then re-do the model fitting using the average AMC, and finally phase-fold the resulting LCs.
This is a less elegant approach, but it is simpler to
implement, and it is the approach used for this analysis. Figure 7 is an example of a g-band phase folded
LC using this 3-step procedure.
Figure 11. Mid-transit time differences versus date, using both primary and secondary transits, from 2011 October to 2012 April. The differences are with respect to a
solved-for period.
between the current P measurement and this constant P solution is 66 millisecond (no SE is given
by Q2002 for the constant P, but we may assume that
SE ~ 60 ms). The current P estimate is therefore insufficiently accurate to favor either of the Q2002
period solutions.
The P solution in Fig. 11 differs from the
TR2002 P by 35 49 millisecond. Therefore, the P
solution from the 2011/2012 transit timing data (Fig.
11) produce a P value that is compatible with the
TR2002 P solution. Whereas the P determinations are
compatible, the 2011/2012 transits all occur ~8.0
minutes later than predicted by the TR2002 ephemeris. The TR2002 P is assigned an accuracy based on
precision, and since star spot effects were not considered as a systematic source of uncertainty in their 73year database we suggest that the 8 minute offset for
all 2011/2012 transit events can be used to refine the
TR2002 ephemeris. Specifically, we suggest the following ephemeris: BJD = 2456024.67475(6) +
0.81428290(5) E.
We should ask if a primary/secondary reassignment to the 2011/2012 data is compatible with
TR2002 and Q2002 P solutions, and also compatible
with the P measurement from the present data. Lets
consider reassigning a 2012 transit from secondary
to primary status, and calculate the smallest change
to a linearly decreasing P that would be consistent
with this reassignment. Consider the LC on 2012
January 7 by Gregorio; mid-transit time is BJD =
2455934.69633(6), and this transits designation was
secondary. If we use the Q2002 ephemeris and
change the number of orbits for it by the smallest
fraction of an orbit that would make this transit correspond to a primary transit, then for this JD interval
the average P would be 0.81427179(2) day. Such a P
value is statistically incompatible with the Q2002
constant P, the Q2002 decreasing P (both by 400sigma) and the TR2002 P (400-sigma). Moreover, it
is incompatible with the P determined from the
2011/2012 data (21-sigma). We conclude that YY
Gem is not undergoing period changes by amounts
that have been measured. Instead, we suggest that
star spot changes on yearly to decade timescales distort the LC timings in ways that can be misinterpreted
as a changing ephemeris.
6. Spectropolarimetric Observations
Magnetic fields can be directly measured on low
mass stars through observations of the Zeeman Effect. This can be done when an atom or molecule is
in the presence of a magnetic field, once degenerate
energy levels undergo a small separation. This phenomenon can be detected in stars through both the
splitting and the polarization of the absorption features in observed stellar spectra.
In practice, the polarization signature is sensitive
to both the field strength and its orientation. Furthermore, as the star rotates, an individual magnetic feature on the surface will produce a slowly varying
distortion in the spectral line profile over time. Thus,
by obtaining a time series of polarized spectra over
the full range of rotational phases of a star it is possible to construct images of the large-scale component
of the surface magnetic field. This technique is referred to as Zeeman Doppler Imaging (ZDI) (Donati
et al., 1997; Semel, 1989). If a time series of unpolarized spectra is also obtained, a large-scale brightness
map of the stellar surface (i.e. star spot map) can be
derived through a Doppler Imaging (DI) analysis.
We obtained a series of circularly polarized spectra of YY Gem during the 10-night CFHT observing
run, densely covering all orbital (and rotational)
phases of the binary. We also obtained a corresponding series of unpolarized spectra. These data will be
used to derive magnetic field maps and surface
brightness maps of both M dwarf stars in the binary
using ZDI and DI analysis techniques.
The ultimate goal of the project to explore in detail how magnetic fields and the resulting surface
spots influence the structure and temperature of low
mass stars. It is now well established that theoretical
stellar evolution models underestimate the radii of M
dwarf stars by 5-10% and overestimate their temperatures by a few 100 degrees.
Preliminary maps of magnetic field and star
spots on both of the YY Gem stars have been produced, so we are confident that final results will contribute to our understanding of model adjustments
needed to account for M dwarf sizes.
7. Conclusion
When a professional astronomer is conducting
observations of an object that is likely to be photometrically variable it may be possible to rely upon a
network of advanced amateurs to document that variability. In the case of the eclipsing binary YY Gem,
spectropolarimetric observations were made at the
CFHT during a 10-day observing run, and on the
same dates a network of amateurs monitored flare
activity, transit depth, transit timing, transit shape and
OOT variability with ~76% coverage. Similar
photometric observations were made before and after
the 10-day run, which permitted flare activity context. These features were characterized as a function
of wavelength, from B-band to z-band.
The amateur photometry light curves show a
significant change in transit depth, depth versus
8. References
Donati, J.F., Brown, S. F. (1997) Zeeman-Doppler
Imaging of Active Stars. V. Sensitivity of Maximum
Entropy Magnetic Maps to Field Orientation.
Astron. & Astrophys, 326, 1135-1142.
Leung, K. C., Schneider, D. P. (1978). YY Geminorum I. Photometry and Absolute Dimensions. AJ,
83, 618-625.
Qian, S, Liu, D., Tan, W., Soonthornthum, B. (2002)
YY Geminorum: A Very Late Type Close Binary
with Possible Magnetic Stellar Wind. AJ, 124, 10601063.
Semel, M. (1989). Zeeman-Doppler Imaging of Active Stars. I Basic Principles. Astron. & Astrophys,
225, 456-466.
Torres, G., Ribas, I. (2002) Absolute Dimensions of
the M-Type Eclipsing Binary YY Geminorum (Castor C): A Challenge to Evolutionary Models in the
Lower Main Sequence. AJ, 567, 1140-1165.
Lowell Observatory has a rich history of amateur research, starting with its founder Percival Lowell. With this
SAS meeting, we are announcing the launch of a new initiative to involve amateurs in scientific research: The
Lowell Amateur Research Initiative (LARI). This program pairs qualified amateurs with professional astronomers
at Lowell Observatory to carry out collaborative research projects. I outline the process for becoming involved,
starting with a web-based interface for submitting applications, and the projects that are currently available. We
look forward to engaging with the amateur community and expect the program to grow in scope as we gain experience.
1. Introduction
Lowell Observatory has a long history of professional/amateur collaborations. Lowell himself was an
amateur, but collaborated with professional astronomers all over the world. With this meeting, we are
2. Past Collaborations
Amateur astronomers have contributed significantly to research at Lowell. Here are a few recent
3. Current Projects
Lowell Observatory astronomers are currently
conducting several projects that would benefit from
participation by amateur astronomers. More are likely
to be added to this list as the program becomes established and as our scientific staff grows.
2.2 Mars
Amateur Jeff Beish worked with Leonard Martin
at Lowell Observatory on monitoring dust storms on
Mars (for example, Martin et al., 1991).
2.3 Comets
Amateur Joseph Marcus has analyzed sunlight
scattering from Sun-grazing comets (for example,
Marcus, 2007). David Schleicher at Lowell used his
analysis to build a full phase angle dust scattering
model for Comet Halley and determine the comets
emission properties.
Figure 2. Dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613. What lies hidden to our eyes because it is faint or lies outside the
field of view of our current images? In this image of IC
1613, blue is far ultraviolet light from young stars, green
is green (V-band) light from middle-aged stars, and red
is atomic hydrogen gasthe fuel for new star formation.
The data are from the LITTLE THINGS project. The color
composite image was produced by Lauren Hill.
project would take images of these objects for purposes of astrometry. Because the objects are faint
(>18 for Centaurs and >20 for KBOs), this project
requires a fairly large telescope, large field view, and
dark skies.
4. How to Participate
3.4 Monitoring Low-mass Stars
(Evgenya Shkolnik)
Stars with masses less than about half the mass
of the Sun make up 75% of the Galaxys stars. An
amateur with a good photometer and an optical or H
filter will monitor young and active low mass stars to
determine their rotation periods as a function of age,
look for eclipsing binary stars, and look for evidence
of transiting giant planets. Stellar magnitudes are
primarily 12-13 mag in V-band.
5. Acknowledgements
6. References
Cash, R. A., Van Ness, M. E., Skiff, B. A. (2003).
(2003). 2003-RO3. Minor Planet Electronic Ciruclar.
For over twelve years, amateur and professional astronomers have been monitoring the moon regularly for the
tell-tale point-like flashes of impacting meteoroids. This endeavor started with my own visual sighting of a lunar
Leonid meteor impacting the dark hemisphere of the waxing gibbous Moon on 1999 November 18 (UT). Since
then, the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) has established the Lunar Meteoritic Impact
Search (LMIS) section, which I have served as coordinator since early 2000, and we have logged over 80 lunar
meteor impact candidates. In this presentation I will provide a brief overview of lunar meteor monitoring techniques, including some of the equipment that people have been using in the field. I will outline how anyone can
become involved in this ongoing, fruitful study of this dynamic aspect of our solar system. Finally I will introduce
the upcoming LADEE moon mission and discuss how amateur astronomers can be involved in gathering useful
scientific data during the Perseid 2013 maximum, and afterwards, in support of this mission.
1. Introduction
Since the invention of the telescope, and even
before that, the occurrence of Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP) has perplexed astronomers, challenging (especially in more recent centuries) the paradigm
that the moon is changeless and dead. LTP has
taken on many forms, including point flashes that
appear and disappear in a fraction of a second, but
have only been documented by single observers of
varying skill levels. There are relatively rare instances of small groups of people at the same telescope or the same observing site documenting LTP,
but no reports of two well-separated observers (by at
least 50 km), to my knowledge, have been recorded
until 1999.
Since 1999, when the first scientifically confirmed observations of lunar meteor phenomena were
recorded, astronomers at various levels have recorded, fairly regularly, the occurrence of point
flashes on the moon caused by meteoroid impacts.
These turned out to be much more common than lunar eclipses, but their random nature confounded
observations of them for centuries. A handful of systematic attempts at observing and cataloging lunar
meteoroid impacts have been attempted throughout
the 20th century, with one of the most notable being
the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
Lunar Meteor Search program which lasted from
1955 to 1965 but failed to provide simultaneous independent observations of lunar meteors. This is not
surprising given that the observations were visual at
2. Historical Background
2.1 The First Confirmed Lunar Meteor
Impact Observations and the Formation
Prior to the uneventful impact of Lunar Prospector in 1999 July, during the fall of 1998, Martin
Beech and Simona Nikolova, of the University of
Regina, made specific predictions about lunar
Leonids, published in their paper (Beech et al.,
1998). They realized that the moon would be entering
an especially dense filament of meteoroids during the
November Leonid meteor shower. David Dunham,
president of IOTA (International Occultation Timing
Association) coordinated an effort to videotape the
unilluminated side of the waxing gibbous Moon during the peak of activity November 18 (3h to 6h UT).
At that time, most setups involving video cameras
and telescopes were unable to take in the entire
Figure 4. Map showing the locations of the 233 meteoroid impacts observed by NASA-MSFC from late 2005 to
late 2011. The clustering of impact sites visible in the
image may be more of a selection effect, refer to the text
for more details. This image is courtesy of NASA-MSFC
Meteoroid Environment Office.
In both the ALPO and the NASA cases, monitoring takes place during a one week period from a few
days after new until a day or two after first quarter,
then again a day or two before last quarter until a few
days before new. In these cases, the few days will
last between 3 and 5 days, depending on ecliptic angle at a given observing location. If an annual shower
is active, it will be monitored as part of the two week
monitoring period, with a possible extension beyond
the set periods to accommodate a shower peak or
extend the monitoring due to lingering shower activity.
Collaboration continues between NASA-MSFC
and ALPO-LMIS. In both cases, the preferred monitoring method involves video and in both cases the
video is analyzed by programs such as LunarScan or
UFOCapture to capture the transient flashes. Usually
one party discovers the event while the other party
confirms with their videotapes and vice versa.
have improved the techniques and approaches to lunar meteor observation. These are quite common
events, but are randomized enough and of extremely
short duration (20 to 100 milliseconds) so as to make
them a significant challenge to observe.
The presence of spurious events such as cosmic
ray hits were quickly found to mimic real lunar meteor impact flashes, but closer inspection of these
transients revealed subtle differences between these
and true impact events. These differences include a
fuzzy versus sharp flash profile, the flash appearing
over multiple frames versus a single frame, etc.
While these differences are not always easily discernible, knowing them did go a long way in helping
to narrow down which events were more likely to be
genuine events and which were not.
The best, most foolproof means of determining
whether an event is a genuine impact event remains
this: to use two independent setups spaced at least 30
km apart observing at the same time to document the
same event, within less than a second difference in
event time and less than 5 difference in position on
the moons disk.
5. Conclusion
Professional-Amateur (pro-am) collaboration is
enjoying a sort of golden age as professionals willingly seek out the assistance of amateurs in their research endeavors. The professionals have the training
and the ideas, as well as the funding through grants
and contracts, while the amateurs have the time and
the equipment that could benefit a professionals project. Lunar meteor astronomy is an excellent example
of pro-am collaboration at its finest.
The Lunar Meteoritic Impact Search section of
the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
(referred to as ALPO-LMIS in this paper) has been
coordinating the activities of interested amateur and
professional astronomers since 2000 and has resulted
in over 80 impact candidates being documented. A
professional group at NASA, at the Marshall Space
Flight Center (referred to as NASA-MSFC in the
paper) Meteoroid Environment Office, coordinated
by Dr. Bill Cook, has been regularly monitoring the
moon for meteoroid impacts since late 2005 and as of
2011 November, have logged 233 impact candidates,
most of which have been confirmed. Both groups
have been working together for the last six years on
lunar meteor observation and collaboration.
A NASA mission to the moon, to be launched in
2013 July, is the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), which is expected to
better our understanding of the lunar dust environment and connections between suspended dust and
meteoroid impacts. ALPO-LMIS has been asked to
collaborate with them during the mission timeframe
(late summer to early fall 2013) to observe meteoroid
impacts on the moon in order to help correlate increases in dust abundance with meteoroid impacts.
This partnership will be an excellent one to further
our understanding of the near-moon environment,
including the moons exosphere and changes to it
related to impacts.
Anyone who is interested in contributing to the
LADEE portion of the campaign, or the general lunar
monitoring campaign is encouraged to contact me or
visit for more information.
6. Acknowledgements
I want to thank Robert Buchheim for encouraging me to share with the Society of Astronomical
Sciences the work I am helping to coordinate. I am
thankful for Dr. Premkumar Saganti, my colleague at
Prairie View A&M University for his support and
encouragement. I also thank Brian Day for providing
the opportunity for collaboration between a worthwhile space-based mission and a worthy groundbased observing program. Finally, many thanks go to
Mr. Doug Holland for providing the CMOS detector
and all the help in its operation.
7. References
Beech, M. and Nikolova, S. (1998). Leonid flashersmeteoroid impacts on the Moon. Il Nuovo Cimento,
Note Brevi 21C, 577-581.
Holland D.. et al. (2008). U.S. Patent-7411198.
Holland D., et al. (2009). U.S. Patent-7521682.
Cudnik, B. M., Saganti, P. B., Erickson, G. M.
(2011). Imaging Detectors in Planetary and Space
Science. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2011 March 711 at The Woodlands, Texas.
No. 1608, p. 1543.
Bellot Rubio, L. R., Ortiz, J. L., Sada, P.V. (2000).
Observation and Interpretation of Meteoroid Impact
Flashes on the Moon. Earth Moon and Planets,
82/83, 575-598.
Results are presented from initial attempts at asteroid shape-modeling. Three asteroids were chosen in this
study: 1708 Polit, 2036 Sheragul and 3015 Candy. Observations used in this study were made by the author, at
a variety of locations, most recently at the Preston Gott Observatory at Texas Tech University.
1. Introduction
2. The Observatories
Date Range
Solar Long
Jan 05 Mar 06
Rosemary Hill
Per (h)
May 06 Jun 22
Preston Gott
Per (h)
Date Range
Solar Long
Jul 29 Aug 04
Oct 31 Nov 28
Preston Gott
Jan 18 Jan 29
Preston Gott
Date Range
Solar Long
Per (h)
Dec 22 Dec 29
Rosemary Hill
May 06 Jun 22
Preston Gott
4. Analysis
It should be noted that, because of the nature of
the lightcurve inversion process, solutions for asteroids that have low-inclination orbits (in reference to
the ecliptic plane) usually come in pairs where the
latitude (b) of the pole, referenced to the ecliptic
plane, is nearly the same but the longitudes () of
differ by about 180.
Another possibility is for two solutions where
the longitudes differ by about 180 but the latitudes
are somewhat mirrored, i.e., one is positive indicating prograde rotation while the other is negative
indicating retrograde rotation. In this case, the absolute values of the latitudes are not always similar. In
some cases, four solutions are found, combining the
two possibilities given above.
Figure 18. Correspondence between model and observed lightcurve of 2036 Sheragul for solution
(134, +38, 5.41283557 h) for 2010 October 31.
Figure 19. Correspondence between model and observed lightcurve of 2036 Sheragul for solution
(314, 46, 5.41282858 h) for 2010 October 31.
Figure 20. Correspondence between model and observed lightcurve of 2036 Sheragul for solution
(134, +38, 5.41283557 h) for 2012 January 18.
Figure 21. Correspondence between model and observed lightcurve of 2036 Sheragul for solution
(314, 46, 5.41282858 h) for 2012 January 18.
Two possible solutions were found in the secondary search: (103, +17, 4.62500318 h) and
(277, 79, 4.62498205 h).
Examining the resulting models (Figures 23 and
24), there is little to choose between them. The
(103, +17) solution slightly more closely matches
the observed lightcurve. However, the difference
appears minimal. Examples of this correspondence
are shown in Figures 25 and 26.
This ambiguity is not surprising given how
poorly the pole direction was constrained. As a result,
the models presented here have a low confidence.
Probably the main cause of this uncertainty is that the
observations of the asteroid were made 180 apart in
heliocentric longitude. Further observations at future
oppositions are required to determine which, if either,
of these models reflect reality.
Figure 25. Correspondence between model and observed lightcurve of 3015 Candy for solution
(103, +17, 4.62500318 h) for 2011 November 6.
Figure 26. Correspondence between model and observed lightcurve of 3015 Candy for solution
(277, 79, 4.62498205 h) for 2011 November 6
5. Conclusions
Converting lightcurves into 3-D models of these
asteroids has been an interesting experience, despite
the steep learning curve. It is certainly a worthwhile
endeavor and something I would encourage other
asteroid photometrists to become involved in. Of the
three asteroids studied in this paper, the results for
1708 Polit have the highest confidence, while those
of 3015 Candy are very poorly constrained. Further
observations at other heliocentric longitudes are
planned to further refine the models presented here.
6. Acknowledgements
I would like to thank Mikko Kaasalainen and
Brian Warner for answering all my email questions
regarding lightcurve inversion and Brian Warner for
all of his work with the program MPO LCInvert.
7. References
Clark, M. L. (2004). Rosemary Hill Observatory
Photometry of Asteroids 2036 Sheragul And (21652)
1999 OQ2. Minor Planet Bulletin 31, 15-16.
Clark, M. L. (2007). Lightcurve Results for 1318
Nerina, 2222 Lermontov, 3015 Candy, 3089 Oujianquan, 3155 Lee, 6410 Fujiwara, 6500 Kodaira,
(8290) 1992 NP, 9566 Rykhlova, (42923) 1999
SR18, and 2001 FY. Minor Planet Bulletin 34, 1922.
Clark, M. L. (2011). Asteroid Lightcurves from The
Preston Gott And Mcdonald Observatories. Minor
Planet Bulletin 38, 187-189.
A method of using diurnal parallax for determining the distance to asteroids has been developed, which provides
excellent accuracy using an amateur-level telescope and CCD, and a surprisingly simple set of observations.
Data from two consecutive nights is sufficient, obtained at the beginning of each night, and at each culmination.
Just those few data points proved to be enough to allow computing accurately (better than 5%) the distance to
the asteroid. Results for several asteroids will be shown.
1. Introduction
The direct comparison of two observations of a
relatively near object obtained at exactly the same
time from two different stations, where it shows some
angular displacement (parallax) with respect to the
distant background stars, is a well-known exercise in
positional astronomy (astrometry). In fact, as early as
1672 Cassini was able to demonstrate its full validity
by achieving quite good results for Mars parallax
although the extensive travel, and years of preparation and data reduction that this required are testimony to just how difficult a proposition it was!
The advent of photography made this parallax issue far more practical, and the use of CCD cameras
made it far more accurate.
Twenty years ago Ratcliff and colleagues reported that they had successfully made parallax observations of two asteroids by this method (Ratcliff et
al., 1993). Those pioneering measurements were accomplished after a careful and long preparation, involving the joint and synchronized work of two research observatories. Several years later the measurement of asteroid parallax by means of small telescopes was addressed in detail for Near Earth Objects
(NEO) (Smallwood et al., 2004), who exclusively
referred to simultaneous measurements obtained from
two stations.
In contrast, the method of diurnal parallax requires only a single observing site, and uses a baseline that is provided by the rotation of the Earth. This
is also a historically significant and a simpler method
to target
B (t )
(t )
B (t ) = R E cos cos(t )
(t ) = geo (t ) 0
3. The Model
x R (t ) R cos cos
z R (t )
R sin
t = T T0
Z= Rsin
Figure 2: The spatially fixed geocentric frame. Its centered at the Earth center, the Z-axis coinciding with the
Earth rotational axis and the X-axis pointing towards the
direction that makes the plane XZ to also contain the
target at the moment of its culmination.
At any time t, the geocentric position of the observer as he is carried around by the Earths rotation
is given by the vector r(t) (not shown in Figure 2).
Assuming a spherical Earth, the vector r(t) is:
x r (t ) RE cos cos(t )
r (t ) = y r (t ) = RE cos sin(t )
z r
RE sin
D (t ) = R (t ) r (t )
so that
R sin RE sin
X cos sin sin(t )
= tan( RA) =
X cos cos cos(t )
X =
R E cos
Besides the goal distance R, Equation 12 still includes other unknown time-dependent parameters (
and ) basically related to the actual asteroid motion on the sky. In order to simplify the asteroid distance computation, now we are going to make several
important assumptions.
First of all, we assume that the asteroids geocentric distance R is constant over the interval of a few
days during which we make our measurements. Of
course this is not true, but it is a pretty good approximation the geocentric distance to the asteroid
does constantly change but slowly, so that over an
interval of a couple of nights we can pretend that it is
The next key assumptions relate to the asteroids
orbital motion. They are:
The geocentric rates in right ascension and declination will be assumed to be constant (linear motion) over an interval of a couple of days.
We will estimate these orbital rates by using
topocentric measurements at the moment of the
asteroid culmination (when diurnal parallax is
We will ignore any differences in the asteroid
topocentric and geocentric declinations at the
moment of transit (in practice, the real difference
is usually insignificant).
From these three assumptions, at least in first
approximation the asteroid orbital motion (geocentric
coordinates) can be determined at any time from
topocentric measurements as:
geo (t ) 0 + t = RA0 + t
geo (t ) 0 + t Dec 0 + t
RA0 2 RA01
T0 2 T01
Dec 0 2 Dec 01
T0 2 T01
This is the fundamental equation of our model. Once
the key parameters T0 and RA0 become known, the
left term is directly measurable by the observer at any
given time, while in the right term except for the
geocentric asteroid distance R all of the remaining
parameters are either known a priori (RE, , ) or are
also directly measurable by the observer (Dec0, , ).
In consequence, the asteroid distance can be determined by applying an iterative process to a set of
observations as follows:
From observed topocentric coordinates the asteroid linear orbital motion is determined, and
hence the asteroid geocentric coordinates can
be estimated at any given time.
Knowing the asteroid orbital motion and assuming a certain (guessed) asteroid distance,
the model predicts for any given time what the
topocentric right ascension has to be.
Figure 4: The problem with the linear assumption. Replacing a real curve by a linear approximation introduces errors in a particular direction previous to the
point where the segment actually coincides with the
curve, and in the opposite direction after such coinciding point.
trend for errors to cancel out if working with observations from just one side of the Meridian.
We have applied the model to five different asteroids, trying to cover a wide distance spectrum.
One close and fast moving NEO asteroid was observed having a large diurnal parallax angle (greater
than 120 arcsec), three asteroids were observed at
intermediate distances, and one last asteroid was observed at such a challenging far distance that its diurnal parallax angle (less than 3 arcsec) was as small as
the local atmospheric blurring effect (seeing).
All observations were performed from Observatorio Los Algarrobos, Salto, Uruguay (MPC I38) at
latitude -31 23 33, using a 0.3-m telescope and
CCD camera yielding an image scale of 1.9
arcsec/pixel. MPO Canopus was the software used
for astrometry.
All observed asteroids happened to be relatively
close to their opposition date. We observed our five
targets at least on one pair of consecutive nights, accumulating 10 pairs of such sessions. Except for one,
all individual observing sessions lasted more than 4
hours. For each target we obtained a series of images
taken about 15 minutes apart, except at each opening
session and close to target culminations when several images were taken continuously in order to improve derived astrometry accuracy. On some occasions we not only imaged the target for many hours
prior to its culmination, but also for many hours after
having past the Meridian as well.
Parallax angle
Elapsed time, hr
8106 Carpino
Observation date (UT)
Lapse to/from opposit (day)
True Distance (AU)
Phase Angle (deg)
Visual magnitude (mag)
Observed lapse before T0 (h)
Observed lapse after T0 (h)
Used RA rate
Found Parallax (arcsec)
Found Distance (AU)
Relative error (%)
Session #1
Session #2
Sess. 1&2
It seems quite evident that for each pair of obtained parallactic curves, the shape of the first compared to the second become increasingly deformed.
This is due to the linear RA geocentric assumption,
which gradually loses validity as the asteroid moves
away from opposition. This is made manifest by observing how the linear rate changed from an almostsimilar value for the first pair of nights compared to
the last value respectively, 0.0105, 0.0098 and
0.0065 arcsec/sec, that is, the linear rate for the last
pair was only 60% of the first one, thus approaching
the highly curved part of its orbital trajectory when
the asteroid switches between prograde and retrograde motion. For those sessions that covered a large
time on both sides of the Meridian, some deformation
of the diurnal parallax curves becomes evident no-
Technical data for each session and corresponding values are summarized in Table II.
Using the linear approximation we obtained mediocre results if considering only data from each
night; however, outcomes from considering the joint
data of each pair of nights were again excellent (better than 3.5%) for the first and second pairs (those
closer to opposition), although poor (17%) for the last
obtained) not previously dealt with. Figure 18 presents the measured parallax angles for the pair of
consecutive nights using the linear RA geocentric
motion assumption, derived from data collected on
these nights.
Figure 18: Observed (162421) 2000 ET70s diurnal parallax by assuming asteroid RA linear motion, from data
obtained on two consecutive nights (2012 February 22
and 23), which happened to coincide with its opposition
+20.0%). One important matter for this close flyingby target is that at opposition, its geocentric distance
was changing by about 4% per 24-h, which obviously
violates the crucial constant distance assumption in
our model.
Table VI summarizes final asteroid distances derived from observational data. Distances from combined consecutive nights' data were very good, even
for the challenging 2.5 AU far away asteroid. Some
measurements for 819 Barnardiana gave the largest
errors, due to the fact that observations at first and
third pairs of sessions were collected on both sides of
the Meridian. The NEA asteroid gave the worst case,
but the obtained 6.1% error distance was also surprisingly good, given its rapidly-changing distance.
The adopted asteroids geocentric rate in RA is
critical for an accurate determination of its distance
derived from the diurnal parallax effect. Results are
very sensitive to the RA geocentric rate that was actually used. Depending on asteroid distance and orbital position, a tiny percent change in the assumed
RA rate can change the calculated asteroid distance
by far more than ten times such percent.
The linear RA geocentric assumption has been
proven useful and effective. Results derived from the
more accurate variable rate model became marginally superior in the case when 819 Barnardiana was
far away from opposition. On this scenario, the a
single observer can still accurately determine the distance to an asteroid all by his own by observing the
target at transit along a handful of nights, so that he
can obtain a good model of the changing RA geocentric rate.
tion for the short considered daily interval, the diurnal parallax angle varies in a sinusoidal way as
(t ) A sin( T t )
where the amplitude A is the maximum diurnal parallax angle (T) is the angular rate of the sine curve and
the time variable (t) is selected exactly the same way
as before (its beginning coincides with the moment of
the asteroids culmination).
The maximum diurnal parallax angle A corresponds to the parallactic value 6 hours either before
or after transit, and becomes the key value for finding
out the distance. In theory, it could be possible to
directly measure it but it requires the asteroid to be
far way from opposition (which poses the problem of
the variable RA geocentric rate); in practice, the difficulty of accurately measuring such a small angle
(usually less than 10 arcsec) turns the direct attempt
almost impossible. However, it is possible to determine it indirectly.
From equations 1 and 19 we have
T =
T02 T01
8. Range of Distances
By means of a modest 0.30-m telescope we have
successfully tested the 4-Point shortcut method for
determining asteroid distances up to 2.5 AU which
implied dealing with a parallactic angle about 3
arcsec without any problem. Working with similar
sized, good optics telescopes, in principle we dont
see any limitation preventing the detection of a ten
times lesser parallactic angle if due care, proper image scale, and favorably seeing conditions are all in
From equations 2 and 3, the corresponding distance in AU for a parallactic angle of 0.3 arcsec
equals 29.2 times the cosine of the observers latitude. Therefore, we think the distance determination
of bright enough Solar System objects up to 20-25
AU by means of a backyard telescope applying the 4POINT shortcut is a feasible task although a certainly challenging one. We are planning some experiments to see if we can measure the distance to
Pluto with this method.
9. Stellar Parallax
The distance to nearby stars can be accurately
determined by measuring their parallax angle while
the Earth orbits around the Sun. The geometry of this
situation is exactly the same as drawn in Figure 1,
where now the circumference represents the orbit of
the Earth. As the Earth orbits around the Sun, any
observer on its surface sees the stars parallactic angle constantly varying, from a maximum value
occurring whenever the Earth is at right angle to the
plane perpendicular to the Ecliptic which also contains both the Sun and the star (some 3 months prior
or after star due opposition) to a null value whenever
the Earth happens to also be placed on such plane
(star opposition).
If the beginning of the time parameter is strategically selected to coincide with the moment of the star
opposition, then our reasoning for the diurnal parallax effect is completely valid for the star parallax
case and therefore all the equations of our model
can be accordingly translated. The former exact time
of the asteroid culmination now becomes the exact
time of the star opposition; the former unknown geocentric motion of the asteroid now becomes the unknown proper motion of the star.
10. Conclusions
For asteroids (or other Solar System objects) our
method for determining their diurnal parallax and
hence their distance is both simple and sensitive, only
requiring two measurements on two proximate nights
(the more adjacent, the better) from just one single
observing point. On each night one of the measurements must be done around the time of culmination
and the other as far from culmination as possible, in
order to maximize sensitivity; but on both sets of
measurements should be taken from the same side of
the Meridian.
Achieving a distance accuracy of 5% for an asteroid close to opposition, derived from nothing other
than just backyard observations from a single station
during a short time interval about 30 hours is remarkable and totally feasible. The cherry on the top
is that this goal a kind of amateur fantasy not so
long ago only demands two sets of asteroid images,
each covering not more than ten minutes, taken on
two consecutive nights.
11. References
Buchheim, R. K. (2011) A Modern Incarnation of
Tychos Diurnal Parallax Method. in Proceedings
for 31st Annual Symposium on Telescope Science
(Warner et al., eds.) pp. 109-114. Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Forbes, E. G. (1976). Early Astronomical Researches of John Flamsteed. Journal for the History
of Astronomy 7, 124-138.
Lindsay, L., Gill, D. (1877) Note on the results of
heliometer observations of the planet Juno, to determine its diurnal parallax. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society 37, 04/1877, 308.
Ratcliff, S. J., Balonek, T. J., Marschall, L.A., DuPuy, D. L., Pennypacker, C. R., Verma, R., Alexov,
A., Bonney, V. (1993). The measurement of astro-
Most asteroid lightcurves are dominated by the second harmonic of the rotation period, caused by elongated
shape. However, if the shape is not very elongate, other harmonics may dominate, leading to ambiguity of which
is the true rotation period. It is argued from geometry that at low phase angle, harmonics other than the second
with amplitude exceeding ~0.4 are nearly impossible, so lightcurves with larger amplitude than that suggest a
unique period dominated by the second harmonic, unless the spin is complex, non-principle axis rotation. On the
other hand, lightcurves with amplitude less than 0.2-0.3 magnitudes can be dominated by other harmonics, especially the 4th and 6th, so the period may be ambiguous unless odd harmonics can be found to identify the true
rotation period. Examples are presented of each, i.e., low and high amplitude ambiguities.
Rotation phase
A = 2.5log(CSmin/CSmax)
Figure 1. The rotational lightcurve of each of the polygonal figures considered, at zero phase angle and
geometric scattering. A two-sided polygon is just a
flat plate or straight line and has an infinite aspect ratio,
hence an infinite amplitude lightcurve. Practically speaking, we see small asteroids of generally prolate form
with axis ratios up to around 4:1, yielding lightcurves of
1.5 magnitudes or so. Lightcurves dominated by higher
order harmonics (4, 6, 8, 10) have successively lower
maximum amplitudes.
Table I. Number of primary harmonics for a shape with a given number of sides, the ratio of the min//max cross section, and the maximum amplitude.
Table II. The maximum amplitude for a given primary harmonic.
2. 5404 Uemura
The asteroid (5404) Uemura was observed extensively from Modra in 2008 and again in 2009.
Figure 1 shows the photometric data from the two
apparitions plotted for the half-period of 1.7 hours,
and the double-period of 3.4 hours. Even the shorter
period shows three pairs of extrema, and the longer
period has six. Unfortunately, the longer period contains almost no odd harmonics, and the amplitude is
such that the longer period cannot be ruled out on
account of its amplitude: the amplitude of ~0.12 is
possible, even at sixth harmonic. This case was particularly provocative because the shorter period, 1.7
hours, is well shorter than the spin barrier for a
rubble pile of normal rock density, and this object
is well larger (~ 8 km diameter) than any other asteroid spinning faster than the rubble pile spin barrier
(Harris and Pravec, 2006). Thus one is faced with a
dilemma: the shorter period is indeed profound, but
could not be ruled out based on these observations.
When it was re-observed in 2009 (Figure 1c and 1d),
essentially the same lightcurve was obtained. There is
Figure 2. (a) 2008 data plotted with shorter period of 1.7 hours. (b) 2008 data plotted with double period of 3.4 hours.
(c) 2009 data plotted with shorter period of 1.7 hours. (d) 2009 data plotted with double period of 3.4 hours. Note in
both years, the two closely spaced minima at 0.4 phase in (b) and 0.9 phase in (d) are nearly equal, while the opposite two minima, at 0.9 in (b) and 0.4 in (d), are unequal in the same way. Likewise, the two maxima near 0.2 in (b)
and 0.6 in (d) are nearly equal, while the other pair of maxima are slightly unequal, again in the same pattern both
years. These subtle differences, well below the noise level of any single night lightcurve but repeating in the two
apparitions, lead us to favor the longer period.
Figure 3. (a) The lightcurve of 2010 RC130 phased for a period of 8.687 hours. The fit is not exact, but mainly has an
implausibly large amplitude for more than two minima per rotation cycle. (b) The complex rotation fit, phased to the
longer of the two principal periods. The model fit lines show the variation cycle-to-cycle due to the second noncommensurate frequency; the plotted points across the bottom show the fit residuals.
3. 2010 RC130
The second example is the asteroid 2010 RC130,
an NEA that is small enough (about 100 m diameter)
that super-fast rotation is not unexpected. The lightcurve of this object revealed variations of about one
full magnitude, but an apparent repeat period of about
9 hours, featuring three deep minima of about 1 magnitude and several other shallower minima in between. Figure 3(a) displays the data taken at Lowell
Observatory phased to a period of 8.687 hours. The
fit is not perfect, but more importantly, the large amplitude precludes a rotation period with more than
two such deep minima. We therefore suspected a
complex tumbling rotation state, which a primary
4. Conclusions
Deriving correct rotation periods from asteroid
lightcurves is often difficult, especially when confronted with the possibility of non-principal axis rotation, super-fast rotation (P < 2.2 hours or so), and/or
low amplitude of variation. The constraints on ampli-
tude of variation versus harmonic order can help resolve ambiguities. A further complication we have
not discussed here is the substantial population of
binary asteroids among objects less than ~10 km in
diameter, which often show mutual eclipse events,
with orbit periods not synchronous with the rotation
period(s). All of these complications illustrate the
need for extensive sets of high quality data to extract
correct results. On the positive side, these complexities can lead to deeper understanding of asteroid
structure beyond just measuring the rotation period.
5. Acknowledgements
I want to thank those who contributed data for
5404 Uemera and 2010 RC130: P. Birtwhistle, E.
Bowell, A. Carbognani, E. W. R. Cooney, . Gajdo,
A. Gald, J. Gross, D. Higgins, K. Hornoch, B.
Koehn, P. Kunirk, B. Skiff, D. Terrell, J. Vilgi,
and B. D. Warner
This work was supported by NASA grant
NNX10AL35G and NSF grant AST-1032896.
6. References
Harris, A. W., Pravec, P. (2006). Rotational properties of asteroids, comets and TNOs. Proc. IAU
Symp. 229, 439-447.
Harris, A. W., Fahnestock, E. G., Pravec, P. (2009).
On the shapes and spins of rubble pile asteroids.
Icarus 199, 310-318.
Pilcher, F., Pray, D. P. (2010). Minor Planet Bul. 37,
PV Cephei - Boyd
The Herbig Ae star PV Cephei is embedded in a dense molecular cloud which also contains Gyulbudaghians
Variable Nebula. While the variability of PV Cephei has been studied intermittently over the past 35 years, little
attention has been paid to measuring the variability of the nebula. We report on photometric observations of both
objects over the past two years to investigate if there is a relationship between variations of the star and the nebula.
1. Pre-main-Sequence Stars
Young pre-main-sequence stars are intrinsically
variable. They are still in the process of contracting
onto the main sequence from dense molecular clouds
under the influence of gravity. As a young star contracts, it spins up and material not yet drawn into the
star forms an accretion disc around it. Material from
the disc falling onto the surface of the embryonic star
causes apparently random fluctuations in the stars
brightness. At the same time the initially weak magnetic field within the gas cloud is concentrated within
the contracting star which often results in an active
chromosphere, magnetically channelled accretion
from the disc onto the stars surface, and material
being ejected along the stars rotational axis in the
form of bipolar conical winds and collimated jets
(Romanova et al., 2009). The jets may collide at high
speed with clumps of gas and dust in the surrounding
molecular cloud creating the shock features known as
Herbig-Haro objects. Pre-main-sequence stars with
mass less than about two solar mass are classified as
T Tauri stars, those between two and eight solar mass
as Herbig Ae stars.
2. PV Cephei
PV Cephei is a fairly typical Herbig Ae star,
spectral type A5e, less than a million years old,
~500pc distant, with ~3.5 solar mass and luminosity
at its brightest approaching 100 times that of the Sun.
It is still in the process of contracting out of the molecular cloud which surrounds the young star. It has a
rather massive circumstellar disc, containing about
20% of the mass of the star (Hamidouche, 2010),
with an inclination of about 80 degrees relative to our
line of sight so we are looking at the disc almost
edge-on (Gomez et al., 1997).
PV Cephei - Boyd
3. Gyulbudaghians Nebula
4. New Observations
The stars high declination means it can be followed throughout the year from the UK. During the
following two years PV Cephei varied between magnitudes 15.8 and 17.1. Over the same interval, the
nebula followed a broadly similar pattern with two
bright episodes separated by a deep fade (Fig. 2).
PV Cephei - Boyd
5. Correlated Variation
To investigate whether there is a relationship in
time between these two light curves, a Discrete Correlation Function (Edelson and Krolik, 1988) was
computed adding a variable delay to the light from
the star. Maximum correlation occurs when the stars
light is delayed by 27 2 days relative to that of the
nebula. Figure 4 shows the two light curves superimposed with this delay.
Figure 3. Images of Gyulbudaghians Nebula at intervals between April 2010 and March 2012.
PV Cephei - Boyd
Figure 4. Superimposed light curves of PV Cephei (delayed by 27 days) and Gyulbudaghians Nebula.
For the first time this provides evidence in support of a direct correlation between changes in the
light output of the star and the brightness of the nebula. However, while the major increases and decreases of the two light curves are consistent, the
amplitudes of these changes do not follow each other
with the same degree of consistency. In particular,
the increase in brightness of the star in the latter part
of 2011 was considerably less than the corresponding
increase in brightness of the nebula.
A possible explanation for this arises from consideration of the mechanisms involved in these
changes. It is likely that a steady brightening of the
star is caused by a major accretion event. This in turn
causes the nebula to brighten. If either the edge of the
circumstellar disc or the dust clouds which are in
continual movement around the star happen to partially obstruct the light it emits in our direction, this
may reduce the apparent increase in the stars brightness. Movement of dust around the star may also
create a shadowing effect and lead to the varying
pattern of illumination we see in the nebula.
It is interesting to calculate the light travel time
from the star to the nebula to see if this is consistent
with the observed delay between their respective light
curves. Using the published distance to the star, the
apparent inclination of the outflow, the distance in
images from the star to the nebula and the image
plate scale, this light travel time works out at approximately one month.
Only continuing observation will reveal whether
this apparent correlation is maintained in the future.
6. Acknowledgements
This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System Bibliographic Services.
7. References
Arce H. G., Goodman A. A. (2002). Ap. J. 575, 911.
Cohen M., et al. (1981). Ap. J. 245, 920.
Our understanding of Type C (M supergiant) semiregular variables such as Mu Cep, Betelgeuse, S Per, BC Cyg,
etc. is limited to some extent by a lack of regular and accurate observations for the stars. Bright objects like Mu
Cep, in particular, are frustrating to observe because of their long periods of variability, almost two and a half
years for Mu Cep, a lack of reference standards lying in close proximity, and red colors, which affect visual perceptions of brightness and/or photometric reductions. Yet such observations are essential for proper phasing of
spectroscopic studies, which are beginning to reveal intriguing insights into the nature of their variability.
1. Introduction
decades. Yet as a group they are also relatively unstudied, for obvious reasons: periods of variability
spanning anywhere from 100 to 900 days, low amplitudes of variability (for most), complex spectra
dominated by TiO molecular bands, and photometric
brightnesses that are a challenge to calibrate reliably
on a common system. That is where simple eye estimates may play an important role.
2. Current Knowledge
So few researchers specialize in and actively observe Type C semiregulars that even the description
of their particulars given in the General Catalogue of
Variable Stars is misleading. Photographic light
curves for CL Car and IX Car presented in Figs. 2
and 3 illustrate some of the main characteristics. True
Type C semiregulars, unlike their M supergiant cousins, the LC irregular variables, display highly regular
light variations, which can be attributed to pulsation
(Stothers, 1969; Turner et al., 2012). They often display superposed long-term variations in mean brightness of unknown origin. Perhaps starspot cycles occur as well? The light amplitudes depend upon the
effective temperature of the stellar photosphere and
the luminosity of the star, with the cool, luminous
supergiant variables displaying the largest light amplitudes (Moncrieff, 2011). The SRC variable IX Car
is a most curious case, since its light amplitude appears to increase as the star brightens.
The periods of variability attributed to individual
objects vary from source to source in the literature,
and probably depend upon the method adopted to
measure them. Fourier techniques do not always
work well for SRC variables. For the regular light
variations of the intriguing SRC variable BC Cyg
(Fig. 4), for example, the author developed a variant
of existing techniques in which measured times of
3. Mu Cephei
period of variability for Mu Cephei, but the membership of the star in the cluster Trumpler 37 implies that
this variable M supergiant is a valuable calibrator for
the SRC period-luminosity relation, particularly since
it is the longest period Type C semiregular defining
the relationship. It is at long pulsation periods that
extragalactic SRC variables are most easily detected
and reliably observed photometrically. Nailing down
an accurate value for the pulsation period of Mu Cep
could have implications for our knowledge of the
extragalactic distance scale, which, at present, is essential for understanding the nature of the universe
on large scales.
4. Future Observations
5. Acknowledgements
The author is grateful to Kathleen Moncrieff for
permission to use some of her thesis work in this
study, and acknowledges with thanks the variable star
observations from the AAVSO International Database that were contributed by observers worldwide
and used in this research.
6. References
Jurcevic, J. S., Pierce, M. J., Jacoby, G. H. (2000).
Period-Luminosity Relations for Red Supergiant
Variables, I. The Distance to M101. Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc. 313, 868.
Wasatonic, R. P., Guinan, E., Engle, S. (2011). RedEye Astronomy: 15 Years of V-band and Near-IR
TiO Photometry of the Red Supergiants Alpha Orionis And TV Geminorum. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.
43, AAS 218, #322.05.
White, N. M., Wing, R. F. (1978). Photoelectric
Two-Dimensional Spectral Classification of M Supergiants. Astrophys. J. 222, 209.
Williams, T. R., Saladyga, M. (2011). Advancing
Variable Star Astronomy: The Centennial History of
the American Association of Variable Star Observers.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Moncrieff, K. E. (2011). Improving Our Understanding of SRC Variable Stars. Ph.D. Thesis, Saint
Marys University.
Moncrieff, K. E., Turner, D. G., Short, C. I., Bennett,
P. D. (2010). Spectral Type and Radial Velocity
Variations in Three SRC Variables. Odessa Astron.
Publ. 23, 86.
Pierce, M. J., Jurcevic, J. S., Crabtree, D. (2000).
Period-Luminosity Relations for Red Supergiant
Variables, I. The Calibration. Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc. 313, 271.
Schmidt, J. F. J. (1857). Uber veranderliche Sterne.
Astron. Nachr. 46, 293.
Stothers, R. (1969). On the Pulsation Hypothesis for
Massive Red Supergiants. Astrophys. J. 156, 541.
Turner, D. G. (2000). Observing Bright Cepheids
without Optical Aid. J.A.A.V.S.O. 28, 116.
Turner, D. G., Rohanizadegan, M., Berdnikov, L. N.,
Pastukhova, E. N. (2006). The Long Term Behavior
The author discusses his new remote observatory under pristine skies and the intensive observations of variable
stars he is accomplishing. The stars under investigations are mainly cataclysmic variables in request of AAVSO,
CBA and VSNET alerts as well as other type of stars like RR Lyrae stars. Examples of dense observations of
different cataclysmic variables as well as a RR Lyrae star are presented. The focus goes to the first bright outburst of SV Ari (Nova Ari 1905) since its discovery as well as the first outburst of UGWZ candidate BW Scl. Also
results for VW Hyi, another cataclysmic variable will be shown. Furthermore an intensively observed RR Lyrae
star will be highlighted.
1. Introduction
It is an amateur astronomers dream to observe
under pristine dark and clear skies nearly every night
like at the sites where the professional astronomical
observatories are located. Such a dream normally
never comes true. However, modern techniques and
infrastructures in most countries make it possible
nowadays to observe from remote sites using off the
shelf technology. The author installed a remote observatory under the dark skies of the Atacama Desert
close to the town of San Pedro de Atacama. The telescope is housed at SPACE (San Pedro de Atacama
Exploration; The owner is
an amateur astronomer, too who formerly worked at
ESO at the big telescope sites in Chile. In 2003 he
started SPACE, which has been extended to telescope
hosting since a couple of years.
I got in contact with him in 2009 and decided to
put my observatory at his place.
Unfortunately, delivery of the telescope took
much longer than anticipated and only in 2011 July,
the dome, mount and telescope could be installed.
Since 2011 August 1, the remote observatory is producing data every clear night. So far in the less than
8.5 month of operation this amounted to about 220
data taking nights. Not bad, is it not?
I am collaborating with J. Patterson from the
Center of Backyard Astrophysics (CBA) and T. Kato
from the VSNET email alerts on the observation of
cataclysmic variable stars.
Furthermore I am interested in observing RR Lyrae stars. Here, I collaborate with the Groupe Europeen dObservations Stellaires (GEOS). In Belgium I am member of the Werkgroep Veranderlijke
2. Observatory
The remote observatory in Chile houses a 40-cm
f/6.8 Optimized Dall-Kirkham (ODK) from Orion
Optics, England. The CCD camera is from FLI and
contains a Kodak 16803 CCD chip with 4kx4k pixels
of 9 m size. The filter wheel is also from FLI and
contains photometric BVI filters from Astrodon.
In Belgium, where I live, I have a roll-off-roof
observatory in my backyard, housing three scopes for
variable star observations if it ever gets clear. Belgium is neither famous about its weather nor its light
pollution, nevertheless there is still some room for
interesting observations. Those telescopes are a Celestron C14 and C11 and a Meade ACF14. The telescopes are equipped with two SBIG ST8XME and an
STL-11kXM CCD camera using BVRI photometric
To make the telescope park complete I also collaborate with AAVSO in sharing an AAVSONet telescope (a Meade 30-cm SCT) with an SBIG ST9XME CCD.
4. BW Sculptoris
Another example of an intensively followed star
is BW Sculptoris, which went in its first ever observed outburst on October 21. BW Scl is also a cataclysmic variable star. The AAVSO published on the
same day a special notice #261 mentioning the outburst of BW Scl. It was visually observed by M. Linnolt on Oct. 21.3146 at a magnitude of 9.6 (vis). The
outburst was confirmed by A. Plummer at mag. 9.4
(vis). The star has conflicting classifications in literature and is probably a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova. On
Oct. 25 AAVSO issued an Alert Notice 449 concerning this outburst.
The star was followed by me already in the preoutburst phase. However, I missed the outburst as I
thought the star is not doing much so stopped observations on Oct. 14, just a week before the outburst
took place. Of course I restarted observations immediately after the news was spread and followed the
star over a period of 2.5 month. Fig. 4 shows the development of the brightness over the full observing
5. VW Hydri
On request by professional astronomers, I started
observations of VW Hyi just as it went into superoutburst, although that was a surprise to the pros as the
superoutburst was not expected yet. My observations
triggered satellite observations of the star
7. Conclusion
The remote observatory under pristine skies in
the Atacama Desert opens up great possibilities to
observe variable stars. Intensive follow-up observations over many days, weeks or even months are possible due to the stable weather conditions. The given
examples show impressively what is possible. Collaborations are searched for in order to contribute to
scientific research of common interest.
8. References
AAVSO (2010) Variable Star of the Month.
de Ponthierre, P. (2010) LesvePhotometry software at
Fridrich, R. (2011). e-mail to cvnet-outburst.
Kato, T. (2011). vsnet-alert e-mail message 13544.
Masi, G. (2011). vsnet-alert e-mail message 13538.
Ohshima, T. (2011). vsnet-alert e-mail message
Ohshima, T. (2011a) vsnet-alert e-mail message
Smith, H. A. (2004). RR Lyrae Stars. Cambridge
University Press. p. 103. ISBN 0521548179.
ER Ursae Majoris is a relatively bright member of the SU UMa-type dwarf novae that undergoes frequent eruptions of amplitude ~2 mag every ~4 d. In addition to these ordinary dwarf-nova outbursts, ER UMa shows
brighter eruptions (superoutbursts) lasting ~20 d with a recurrence time of ~44 d. As other members of the SU
UMa class, ER UMa displays a characteristic periodic modulation (superhumps) in its light curve during the
course of a superoutburst, the period being a few percent longer than the orbital period of the underlying binary
system. A routine photometric patrol of ER UMa during its January 2011superoutburst became much more interesting after noticing the presence of an additional modulation in its light curve, with a period slightly shorter than
the orbital period. Similar photometric waves (known as negative superhumps) have already been observed in
other cataclysmic variables, mainly in nova-like systems, but only in a small handful of SU UMa-type stars during
quiescence, and never before during a superoutburst. We report in this communication the results of a worldwide photometric campaign that was orchestrated right after the discovery of negative superhumps in ER UMa,
and provide a thorough analysis of the data obtained from more than 10 stations of the Center of Backyard Astrophysics (CBA) network, which include more than 1000 hours of photometric data over a 4-month baseline on
2011, and a similar (still in progress) dense coverage in 2012.
1. Introduction
On 2011 January 19, an e-mail sent by the
VSNET network (vsnet-alert 12671) reported that ER
Ursae Majoris (ER UMa) was likely undergoing a
superoutburst, as the visual estimate of V = 12.6 from
Gary Poyner seemed to suggest. As cataclysmic variable devotees probably know, this is not the type of
news that calls for immediate change of observing
plan in the middle of the night: after all, ER UMa is
known to be a very active dwarf nova that pays short
visits (~3 d) to its low state before resuming its eruptive activity with outbursts of amplitude ~2.53 mag.
Such a state of frenetic activity is characteristic of a
handful of dwarf novae that are collectively known as
ER UMa stars.1 These stars constitute a small group
of the broader SU UMa class of dwarf novae. Most
SU UMa stars have orbital periods shorter than ~2.2
hr. They all exhibit two distinct types of eruptions:
short normal outbursts lasting a few days; and longer,
less frequent, and slightly brigther superoutbursts
with typical duration of ~1520 d.
All SU UMa stars show distinctive periodic oscillations in brightness during superoutburst, with
periods a few percent longer than the orbital period.
These characteristic light modulations have been
given the name of ordinary (also known as common,
apsidal, or positive) superhumps. As a general rule,
ordinary superhumps in SU UMa stars are exclusively observed during superoutburst, and are extinguished once the superoutburst ends and the system
returns to its quiescent state.
Superoutbursts recur in time at a rather regular
pace usually, even more regularly than the se1
Sometimes, also known as RZ LMi stars. Accredited members of this subgroup are, in addition to ER UMa, DI UMa (Kato et
al., 1996), RZ LMi (R95, Nogami et al., 1995), V1159 Ori (R95,
Patterson et al. ,1995), and IX Dra (Ishioka et al., 2001; Olech et
al., 2004)
quence of normal outbursts occurring between consecutive superoutbursts. In usual SU UMa stars, the
recurrence time (supercycle) is normally in the range
1501000 d. But there are outliers. Stars of the WZ
Sge subclass undergo very infrequent superoutbursts
at intervals of decades. ER UMa is also an outlier but
exactly for the opposite reason.
ER Ursae Majoris (PG 0943+521) was discovered in the Palomar Green survey for blue objects
(Green et al., 1986), and later identified as a cataclysmic variable (Robertson et al., 1995, R95 hereafter; Misselt and Shafter, 1995; Kato and Kunjaya,
1995; Zhao et al., 2006). Based on a photometric
study consisting on 454 exposures on 145 nights during the interval 1993 October 6 to 1995 January 5,
R95 concluded that ER UMa exhibited eruptions with
the typical long (and brighter) and short (and slightly
fainter) dichotomy of SU UMa systems. This identification was confirmed by the detection of superhumps with periodicity Psh = 94.41(3) min (Kato et
al., 2003). This is just 3% longer than the orbital period Porb = 91.67(4) min (Thorstensen et al., 1997),
an excess value typical for SU UMa stars. However,
with a supercycle period of 42.95(6) d and normal
eruptions taking place every 4.4(1) d (R95), ER UMa
cannot be simply considered as a typical SU UMa
dwarf nova. This high outburst frequency is the main
observational hallmark of ER UMa stars, all having
short supercycles (1950 d), which testifies to a very
large accretion rate and high intrinsic luminosity.
Our observational program was initially conceived as a long-term project aiming to investigate
possible minor differences between superoutbursts on
the same object. ER UMa, being bright enough, and
having long-lasting and frequent superoutbursts,
seemed to be a good choice; and that alert on 2011
Jan 19, the right excuse to start the observations. The
data obtained that night confirmed that ER UMa was
in superoutburst, exhibiting the usual superhump-like
modulations, but with a period of ~89.6 min, definitely shorter than Porb. In the cataclysmic variable
jargon, photometric waves with periods slightly less
than Porb are known as negative superhumps.2 They
are definitely less common than ordinary superhumps, and are almost exclusively observed in novalike cataclysmic variables.
The campaign that was subsequently launched is
still in progress, and from the very beginning, ER
UMa has been gifting us with daily negative superhumps. Here we report on a preliminary analysis of
the main features found after more than 2000 hr of
photometric coverage, paying particular attention to:
(1) the global light curve; and (2) the characterization
of the negative superhump in ER UMa and its stability.
2. Observations
All observations reported here were performed
by contributors to the Center of Backyard Astrophysics (CBA), a worldwide network of observing stations equipped with small telescopes in the 0.250.40
m range.3 A total of 12 CBA stations contributed to
this campaign: 4 in Europe (2 in Spain, 1 in Belgium,
and 1 in France), and 8 in America (7 in the USA,
and 1 in Chile).
The 2011 season included time-resolved
photometry on 97 nights over a 131 day baseline,
from January 19 to May 30, totaling 1190 (~900 nonoverlapping) hours. The 2012 campaign was started
on 2011 December 4 and is still in progress. By the
time of writing, time-resolved photometry has been
performed on 91 nights over a 123 day baseline, this
amounting to more than 1200 hours of photometric
Most of the observations were carried out unfiltered, with integration times in the range 4060 s.
Raw images were dark-subtracted and flat-fielded
before performing differential photometry relative to
a nearby star. There was no unique choice of comparison star, but GSC 349300920, with V =
14.203(2) and B = 14.833(4) according to a photometric calibration by Henden (2010), was the most
commonly used. The dense coverage in both seasons
ensured temporal overlapping data sets, which allowed us to bring all data under a common magnitude
scale by adding appropriate offsets. This procedure is
not expected to introduce errors larger than 0.030.04
magnitudes. All magnitudes reported here are formed
4. Periodic Signals
As stated in the Introduction, the ultimate reason
that triggered this extensive campaign on ER UMa
was the discovery of a strong periodic signal slightly,
but clearly shorter than the 91.67 min orbital signal.
We turn next to characterize this signal and its stability throughout the 2011 and 2012 seasons. In the
process, we also analyze the existence of other possible periodic signals.
A common feature to all light curves is the presence of prominent oscillations of varying amplitude
at all phases of the supercycle, sometimes as large as
0.8 mag. This has been a daily constant during 2011
and 2012 with no exceptions. Not even one single
night. Some light curves were seen to exhibit a seemingly simple pattern, as it is the case at supermaximum and 23 d thereafter (top frame in Fig. 5). But
in most instances, nightly light curves were complex,
without a visually clear regular pattern, and largely
changeable from night to night (see lower frame in
Fig. 5). In general, amplitudes (in magnitude units)
were larger as the system was fainter.
-, A16.07(2), 0.363
16.01(2), 0.389
16.03(2), 0.345
16.06(2), 0.358
16.04(2), 0.365
16.10(2), 0.307
16.051(9), 0.271
16.08(2), 0.349
16.02(2), 0.412
16.03(2), 0.324
16.05(3), 0.380
16.08(2), 0.456
16.08(3), 0.256
16.052(12), 0.238
16.07(2), 0.291
16.04(3), 0.381
16.057(20), 0.226
+, A+
15.23(2), ~2.5
15.253(12), ~2.5
15.16(2), 0.114
15.137(20), 0.182
Table I: The frequencies and amplitudes (in intensity units)of the photometric signals exhibited by ER UMa on
2011 over different intervals of evolution.
The power spectrum during the 2011 April superoutburst (11SO3) showed, once again, two main
peaks at 16.07(2) c/d (negative superhumps) and
15.16(2) c/d (positive superhumps), with negative
superhumps being again the winner.
+, A+
15.24(2), ~3.2
15.281(14), ~3.2
15.25(2), ~3.5
15.226(13), ~3.5
They resemble low-energy fluctuations -thus becoming
more apparent when ER UMa is in its low state- but show no coherence. They are definitely non periodic and probably related with
6. Summary
1. We report extensive time-resolved photometry
of ER UMa carried out on 2010 and 2011. The
global light curve shows the sequence of superoutbursts and interspersed outbursts expected for a highly active cataclysmic variable.
2. In all cases, ER UMa was seen to display 5
normal outbursts before a new superoutburst
was triggered, with no clearly defined regularity. This is at variance with the reported se-
5. For reasons yet to be known, ER UMa is systematically exhibiting since 2011 a highly stable signal with a period shorter than the orbital
period. We ascribe this modulation to negative
superhumps. The seasonal value of the period
has increased from 89.667(3) min in 2011 to
89.686(4) min in 2012. This negative superhump is present at all phases of the supercycle,
and its amplitude in intensity units is essentially
constant. The period of the negative superhump
exhibits cyclic variations modulated by the supercycle.
7. Acknowledgements
We welcome this opportunity to acknowledge
the work of observers of the Center of Backyard Astrophysics (CBA) who contributed to this and related
8. References
Gao, W., Li, Z., Wu, X., Zhang, Z., Li, Y. (1999). AP
527, L55.
Green, R. F., Schmidt, M., Liebert, J. E., (1986).
ApJS 61, 305.
Henden, A. (2010). AAVSO Database.
Ishioka, R., Kato, T., Uemura, M., Iwamatsu, H.,
Matsumoto, K., Martin, B. E., Billings, G. W,. Novak, R. (2001). PASJ 53, L51.
Kato, T., Kunjaya, C. (1995). PASJ 47, 163.
Kato, T., Masuda, S., Nogami, D. (1995). IBVS 4233.
Kato, T., Nogami, D., Baba, H. (1996). PASJ 48,
Kato, T., Nogami, D., Masuda, S. (2003). PASJ 55,
Kato, T., et al. (2009). PASJ 61, S395.
Lenz, P., Breger, M. (2005). Commun. Asteroseismol.
146, 53.
Misselt, K.A., Shafter, A.W. (1995). Astron. J. 109,
Nogami, D., Kato, T., Masuda, S., Hirata, R., Matsumoto, K., Tanabe, K., Yokoo, T. (1995). PASJ 47,
Olech, A., Zloczewski, K., Mularczyk, K., Kedzierski, P., Wisniewski, M., Stachowski, G. (2004). Acta
Astron. 54, 57.
Patterson, J., Thomas, G., Skillman, D.R., Diaz, M.
(1993). ApJS 86, 235.
Patterson, J., Jablonski, F., Koen, C., ODonoghue,
D., Skillman, D. R. (1995). PASP 107, 1183.
Patterson, J., Kemp, J., Saad, J., Skillman, D. R.,
Harvey, D., Fried, R., Thorstensen, J. R., Ashely, R.
(1997). PASP 109, 468.
Robertson, J. W., Honeycutt, R. K., Turner, G. W.
(1995). PASP 107, 443.
Thorstensen, J. R., Taylor, C. J., Becker, C. M., Remillard, R. A. (1997). PASP 109, 477.
Zhao, Y., Li, Z., Wu, X., Peng, Q., Zhang, Z., Li, Z.
(2006). PASJ 58, 367.
With the availability of professional quality and reasonably priced spectrographs such as the Star Analyser, for
low-resolution work, and the Lhires III with a 2400 l/mm grating, for high-resolution work, along with easy to learn
and use spectral processing software such as RSpec, what was once well beyond the backyard astronomer is
now well within the means of the advanced amateur astronomer allowing them to do serious astronomical spectroscopic work. The 27-year eclipse of Epsilon Aurigae is over until 2036, but there is still much going on out-ofeclipse that warrants continued observations. This paper will describe low and high-resolution spectroscopy of
Epsilon Aurigae done at the Hopkins Phoenix Observatory. In particular five prominent hydrogen Balmer and
sodium D lines will be examined.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to explore the hydrogen Balmer lines and sodium D lines of Epsilon
Aurigae. Both low and high-resolution spectroscopy
is used.
The exploration of these spectroscopic lines is an
excellent learning exercise as well as a chance to discover some interesting features and changes. The
low-resolution spectroscopy provides a complete
visible spectrum picture. High-resolution spectroscopy provides a detailed look at each spectral region
of interest.
While the recent eclipse of Epsilon Aurigae is
over, the star system is constantly changing. The
hydrogen alpha (H) line has been studied in detail
and has provided tantalizing spectra of an emission
line horn dance. The hydrogen Balmer lines H, H,
H, and H have been neglected. The H and sodium
D lines have ample telluric and neon lines for
wavelength calibration. The shorter wavelength lines
are much more challenging and require a
considerable changing of techniques.
2. Low-Resolution Spectroscopy
Star Analyser Spectrograph (Shelyak Instruments)
2.1 Introduction
For low resolution spectroscopy four things are
longer wavelength red part to the right. The Star Analyser must be rotated relative to the cameras CCD
chip to obtain the correct orientation.
A Meade 8 LX90 telescope was used along
with a Meade DSI Pro II monochrome CCD camera
to image the spectra.
3. High-Resolution Spectroscopy
3.1 Introduction
For high-resolution spectroscopy five things are
For high-resolution work the built-in neon calibrator of the Lhires III provides the easiest set of reference neon lines. The disadvantage is for high-
There are no zero order spectra seen with a highresolution spectrum. Calibration of high-resolution
line profiles is limited to two points and multi point
calibration. The dispersion method is not recommended. Because resolution in the tenths of an angstrom can be achieved, it is very important to correct
for the Earths motion relative to the object of interest. This is known as heliocentric correction. As the
Earth travels in its orbit around the Sun, the radial
velocity relative to a stationary astronomical object
outside the solar system can vary from +67,000 MPH
to 67,000 MPH. In addition, the Earths rotation can
contribute an additional velocity of up to 1,042
MPH. The heliocentric correction compensates for
this motion by calculating a wavelength shift that is
added or subtracted from a lines wavelength. RSpec
does not have this capability so the French Freeware
program VSpec was used for this calculation.
4.3.2. Normalization
To calculate the equivalent width of a line, the
line profile must be normalized. To normalize a line
profile an average value for the continuum in the area
of the line of interest must be determined. That value
is then divided into the line profile causing the continuum to be centered on a value of 1.0.
4.3.3. Equivalent Width
Once a line profile has been normalized the
equivalent with of a line can be determined. The
5. Observations
5.1 Introduction
8 LX90, f/10
Star Analyser
100 l/mm
24/25 January 2012
18:53 MST
Visible Spectrum
1.0 Second
19.89 k/s
Equivalent Width:
VR (If applicable):
D1 5892.41
D2 5898.29
Heliocentric Correction: 0.516
RV (km/s):
26.30 k/s
Air Mass:
Equivalent Width:
D1 1.106
D2 0.821
VR (If applicable):
Micro Region c
Hv 6560.98
Ha 6562.84
Hr 6564.94
7. Conclusions
It has been demonstrated that with even very
simple and inexpensive equipment and software an
observer can get started into the world of small telescope astronomical spectroscopy. By adding a highresolution spectrograph, e.g., the Lhires III with a
2400 l/mm grating, high quality and high-precision
spectroscopy can be done. Scientifically useful data
can be produced e.g., wavelength calibrated line profiles. Equivalent widths of various lines can be determined and plotted over time to see changes in the
star system. Knowing calibration lines in various
areas of the visible spectrum can help wavelength
calibration. The built-in neon calibrator of the Lhires
III helps, but some areas are void of neon lines.
Sometimes fluorescent lights can be used with the
mercury lines. For the sodium D lines an inexpensive
low-pressure sodium light can provide a very accurate wavelength calibration. A set of gas discharge
tubes for various elements can also enhance the bag
of tricks for wavelength calibration.
During the observation of the Balmer line regions of the spectrum of Epsilon Aurigae, other unknown lines were seen. Some of these are very strong
and worth further investigation. It may require the
use of a lower resolution spectrograph so more of the
spectrum can be viewed. This would help in identifying the unknown lines. Once identified highresolution spectroscopy could be done to examine
those lines in detail. Continued observations out-ofeclipse may help in unraveling the mystery of Epsilon Aurigae. Not all the action is limited to the main
eclipse. There is still a lot of action going on right
5,976.5962 1466
8. Acknowledgements
5,979.6070 1320
5,973.6464 1250
5,970.6321 1215
NaD1 5892.41
NaD2 5898.29
5,975.6060 1782
5,975.6060 1782
9. References
Hopkins, J.L. Stencel, R.E. (2009). Epsilon Aurigae
Hydrogen Alpha Emission Line Variation Horn
Dance. Proceedings for the 28th Proceedings for the
28th Annual Conference of the Society for Astronomical Sciences. (Warner et al., eds). Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Hopkins, J. L. (2012). Small Telescope Astronomical
Spectroscopy. HPOSoft. Phoenix, AZ.
Observations Using a
Bespoke Medium Resolution Fast Spectrograph
John Menke
22500 Old Hundred Rd
Barnesville, MD 20838
Designing and building a medium resolution (R = 3000) spectrograph was the relatively easy part. The really
challenging part is learning how to use it: learning the characteristics of the spectrograph, choosing the right kind
of astronomical problems, learning the best methods of taking data, and figuring out how to analyze the results. I
have used several observing projects to commission this system, including measuring the Doppler shifts in
several WUMa type stars. I will briefly describe the spectrograph but discuss in more detail the early experiences
of using it.
1. Introduction
2. DSS7 Experience
Just as challenging as learning how the spectrograph operated was learning how to analyze and interpret the spectral. To accomplish these goals, I undertook two major observational programs as discussed below:
Measuring the Doppler shift from a pulsating
star. The star chosen was Beta Cephei, the namesake of this class. It is bright and hot: 3.3 mag
and B spectral class, so there is plenty of light.
The pulsations will cause the lines to swing back
and forth over a few tenths of Angstrom.
Measuring the Doppler shift for several semidetached eclipsing binaries (including WUMa
7.8mag) having Doppler shifts of 1-200 km/s
(about 2 ). With an 8-hr period, WUMa would
show splitting of the lines every four hours.
and subtracts the associated background. The program also automatically averages a specified number
of successive images, and has the ability to reject
images with poor s/n while maintaining a uniform
cadence (timing) of the averaged images. The resulting averaged images (typically 10-30) in the batch
are written into a single numerical array. I call the
entire array the dataset for the night, while each averaged spectral image is a data subset.
Each array is copied into a spreadsheet for that
nights run where the array is displayed as n spectral image columns. By using a standardized spreadsheet, the data automatically display into the desired
graphs. The standard spreadsheet then repeats the
array to the right to allow an adjustable wavelength
calibration for each data subset. Pasting the data into
the sheet takes about 20 sec, and all the results are
available immediately. Fig 5 shows a typical result of
an observing run, with each data subset vertically
offset for easy viewing.
7. WUMa Observations
WUMa is a semi-detached eclipsing binary with
an 8.00 hr period. The variable nature of the star was
discovered in 1903 and its binary nature in 1919
when the first Doppler measurements were published.
However, the measurements are surprisingly difficult
to make accurately and have been refined ever since.
As the stars orbit one another, they almost totally eclipse one another. During the eclipses, first
one, then the second star is the only one seen. At such
times, the single star spectrum will show only the
system Doppler shift due to the Sun-WUMa relative
velocities and the line of sight movement of the front
star relative to the system barymetric center: Both of
these shifts are relatively small. At quadrature, however, one will see the spectra of the two stars, but
with each displaced in wavelength relative to the
eclipsed wavelengths. Observing this split sounds
easy but turns out to be not so, especially not with
marginal 2 resolution on a relatively faint star.
9. References
Gray, R. O. (2012).
Menke, J. L. (2011). Spectroscopy Techniques I and
II and others.
Menke, J. L. (2012). Construction of a Fast f/3.5
Medium Resolution Spectrometer.
Nelson (2012). Updated O-C files for eclipsing binaries.
Worden, S. P., Whelan, J. (1977). W Ursae Majoris:
The parameters of a Contact Binary. Mon. Not. R.
Ast. Soc. 163, 391-400.
This paper describes the authors experience with the high resolution LHIRES III spectrograph and other equipment used. It discusses mechanical improvements made that may have increased the calibration accuracy of the
spectrograph, problems with guiding, and the need to take flat fields. It also briefly mentions the freeware software used and the types of computer programs written by the author to aid in the reduction and analysis of the
spectra. An assessment is made of the method for determining equivalent width the author described in the 2011
issue of the SAS News. It finishes by illustrating the ability to study binary stars, such as V1143 Cyg, with the
LHIRES III, and discusses some interesting results that were obtained on Epsilon Aurigae. The evolution of a
split line centered at around 5853 Angstroms is mentioned, as well as other aspects of the Sodium D Lines region, such as the constancy of separation between the two lines.
1. Introduction
To attach the spectrograph to the telescope, I attempted to use the Meade electronic focuser that
came with the Meade 16 but it had a number of
problems: 1) It was not strong enough to lift the
weight (about seventy pounds) of the instrument
package consistently at all times, 2) the 2 diameter
nose of the spectrograph could not be tightened down
enough in the draw tube to prevent wobble, and 3)
the draw tube wobbled inside its housing.
Figure 1.
Figure 3.
Figure 1.
Figure 4.
Figure 6.
Figure 5.
3. Software
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
4. Data Analysis
I use an SPSS computer program I wrote to estimate equivalent width (EW). The EW estimation
method I use is the one I developed as described in
the SAS Newsletter Vol 9, No 2. To briefly describe
it, the first step is to identify those parts of the spectrum that are obviously not noise (such as absorption
and emission lines). Once these are identified their
intensity values are set to system missing in the SPSS
program. What is left is considered to be noise for
estimating a continuum.
The second step is to select a range of noise values around the line (whose EW is being estimated) to
estimate a continuum with a polynomial least squares
regression model. Generally, I have found it is not a
good idea to use a large range on either side of a line.
Why it is not a good idea is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9.
Start End
1364 1381
Table I. Equivalent width data for epsilon Aurigae. The Min/Max values are the lower and upper limits for EW.
Start/End are the line start/end values. All gives the number of all cases while Miss gives the number of missing
Figure 11.
Figure 10.
Figure 12.
The low point prior to March 28, 2010 is hypothesized to be either the result of a void in the disk,
or a ring structure. Evidence for the latter has been
seen by some astronomers (Leadbeater et al., 2010,
Seebode et al., 2011). The sharp downturn in radial
velocities in Figure 13 also confirms this interpretation.
Figure 13.
Figure 14.
Figure 16.
Na D2
Na D1
Figure 15.
EW Barycenter
EW Gaussian
Visual Barycenter
Visual Gaussian
EW Gaussian
Visual Barycenter
Visual Gaussian
Std Dev
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, I have had a very good experience
using the LHIRES III high resolution spectrograph. I
think this may in part be because the seeing is pretty
good at my observatory resulting in low spectral
noise, I am in a desert area and so I do not have a
major problem with telluric lines, my introduction to
spectrometry was on a bright star (Epsilon Aurigae),
because my introduction was on a bright star I was
able to set the slit width near the Nyquist minimum to
give me maximal resolution without adversely affecting integration time, and I have a good imaging camera, a Class I ST-8XME. Generally, it seems deviations from ideal seeing, ideal mechanical aspects, and
ideal guiding has been very forgiving. If one reads all
the very technical advice and very technical solutions
to problems given in the Spectro-L discussion group
one could quickly become overwhelmed and conclude spectroscopy is not for them. Maybe the best
advice is to get good equipment (especially the imaging camera), just do it, and, at least at first, concentrate on the brighter stars.
6. References
Leadbeater, Robin; Stencel, Robert E. (2010). Structure of the Disc of Epsilon Aurigae: Spectroscopic
Observations of neutral Potassium during Eclipse
Ingress. arXiv:1003.3617v2 [astro-ph.SR].
Seebode, et al. (2011) Ring-like Structures around
Epsilon Aurigae Companion. 217th AAS Meeting,
Poster Paper 257.08.
We describe preliminary tests of a low-cost method for obtaining, reducing and calibrating stellar spectra. Instead
of a post-focus spectrometer, we use an inexpensive, low-dispersion objective grating made by printing onto
acetate with a laser printer, coupled with a low-end digital SLR camera as the detector. Although originally intended for educational use, we consider the possibility of using this technique to obtain accurately-transformed B
and V magnitudes of stars without the need of an expensive photometric filter and filter wheel system. The results of two nights of observations of several bright stars are presented. Future plans are presented for more
tests using a wider range of gratings, telescopes and detectors, and more advanced observing techniques that
are likely to produce higher-quality data. But we show that even the crude observing techniques used for the test
data can produce calibrated B and V magnitudes. General methods for reducing and calibrating the data are
described, and some of the educational uses for ECLPSS are also considered.
1. Introduction
The usual method for taking spectra of stars and
other astronomical objects is to use a telescope to
gather and focus the light, and then allow the light to
pass into a spectrograph attached to the eyepiece end
of the telescope. The focused light passes through a
slit, where it is dispersed by a diffraction grating into
different wavelengths and then detected by a CCD
array digital detector. A spectrograph such as this,
even a relatively low-cost one, can be quite expensive
for an individual amateur astronomer or even a high
school or small-college astronomy program.
Extremely Low-Cost, Point-Source Spectrophotometry (ELCPSS) is an attempt to bring stellar spectrophotometry to those who otherwise would have
little opportunity. We do this by using a simple lowdispersion diffraction grating, produced for almost
nothing by printing a pattern of lines onto acetate
with an ordinary laser printer. This grating is placed
over the objective of a typical small amateur telescope and an ordinary low-end commercial digital
SLR camera (DSLR) is used as the detector. Thus the
entire telescope becomes the spectrograph, and all of
the equipment is of the sort a typical small college,
3. Observations
The observations presented here were carried out
on two nights, 2010 June 7 (Night 1) and 2010 October 1 (Night 2). All observations were made from
Appleton, Wisconsin, with moderately light-polluted
skies (naked-eye limit m = 4.5). Both nights were
judged to be photometric. The observing log for the
observations is given in Table I. For reasons discussed below, multiple short exposures were combined to give the total exposure times listed in Table
I. The individual exposures were all between 1 and
30 seconds. Preliminary results from Night 1 were
previously published (Beaver and Robert, 2011a;
Beaver and Robert, 2011b), but errors in the reduction and calibration process have been corrected for
the results presented here.
Exp. (s)
58 Aql
R =12.3
d R
Since R is set by the seeing, tracking, and especially the degrading of the image by the acetate grating, this means that one would want the smallest
value of d possible, so as to maximize the wavelength
resolution (i.e. minimize the size of the resolution
element), even if this means the data is oversampled.
But of course we also want d chosen such that the
combination of telescope focal length and detector
size puts the desired wavelength range onto the de-
Table I. The observing log for the stars observed for this
5. Results
We compare our observed, calibrated spectra to
catalog spectra from the STScI HST Calibration Database Systems (CDBS) Stellar Spectral Atlases
(STScI, 2012a). Figure 1 shows, plotted along with a
Kurucz model-atmosphere Lyr spectrum (Colina,
1995), the three Lyr observations and the observations of Uma, also an A0V star. Figure 2 shows the
observed spectrum of 58 Aql, along with a comparison spectrum of that star from the Bruzual-PerssonGunn-Stryker (BPGS) Atlas of the CDBS. Figure 3
shows the observed spectra of Cyg A and B, along
with CDBS spectra of stars of similar spectral type.
Figure 4 shows the observed spectrum of Her, along
with a spectrum of that star from the Wisconsin
Halfwave Polarimeter (HPOL), retrieved from, and Figure 5 shows the observed spectrum of Dra, compared to a BPGS catalog spectrum of a star of similar spectral type. The
CDBS spectra were all obtained via the STScI Specview software package (STScI, 2012b). Finally, Figure 6 shows the flux-calibrated spectrum of the observed quartz lamp, compared to a 2900 K blackbody, in rough agreement with the rated color temperature of 3100 K for the bulb used.
We note that Lyr was used as the spectrophotometric standard for both nights, and so the agreement between these spectra and the catalog spectrum
is unremarkable. The first Lyr spectrum from Night
1, however, was not used for the flux calibration, and
so its agreement (or lack thereof) is meaningful. This
spectrum shows good relative flux calibration, but a
58 Aql
Cyg A
Cyg B
In principal, one should be able to do much better by adopting a hybrid technique. Instead of treating
these extracted magnitudes as the final values, think
of them instead as raw instrumental magnitudes for a
program of broad-band photometry that includes observations of broad-band photometric standards as
well as the spectrophotometric standards used for the
spectroscopic flux calibrations.
Even using one spectrophotometric standard star
and a generic mean extinction curve to establish the
calibration, the extracted magnitudes should still be
closer to the standard system than many detectorfilter-instrument combinations in use. Thus one could
in principal use ELCPSS to observe a regular program of photometric standards in order to determine
accurate standard magnitudes from these almostcalibrated extractions. The extracted magnitudes
should transform very smoothly to the standard system since they are almost there to begin with.
This would also solve the problem of a relative
lack of bright spectrophotometric standards (as compared to broad-band photometric standards), thus
allowing ELCPSS to be useful for differential photometry.
100 line/inch grating we produced already approximates this, as it was printed from a digital file with
this pattern, and the 600 dpi laser printer was able to
approximate this pattern. We believe that with a highend inkjet printer, it may be possible to produce gratings that effectively suppress the second-order spectrum. Thus ELCPSS could perhaps be used as a
roundabout means for extremely low-cost BVR photometry (ELCBVR).
10. Conclusions
We find that the use of a low-cost objective grating on a small telescope, coupled with a low-end
consumer DSLR camera, can yield wavelength and
flux-calibrated spectra. Standard B and V magnitudes
can be extracted from the spectra, and our early results suggest this may be a useful way in some circumstances to obtain accurate B and V stellar magnitudes at very little cost in equipment.
Although the process itself has clear educational
uses, much work remains to be done to determine
whether ELCPSS could find practical use as a tool
for extending broad-band photometry to users who
otherwise would be limited to visual magnitude estimates. Further tests need to be done using ZOG techniques, and the practical limits in magnitude and precision need to be determined, for both absolute spectrophotometric calibration and for hybrid techniques that use ELCPSS to obtain nearly-calibrated
instrumental magnitudes with broad-band photometric standards providing the final calibration. Experiments should be carried out with other grating
materials and printing methods, and a wider array of
telescopes and detectors should be tested. Individuals
wishing to collaborate on the ELCPSS project should
contact the authors.
11. Acknowledgements
We engaged in many helpful discussions with
Doug Fowler. This work was supported in part by the
following grants:
12. References
Ausienis, A., Straiys, V. (1969). Soviet Astronomy
13, 316.
Beaver, J. E. (2012). A Virtual Astronomical Research Machine in No Time (VARMiNT) in Proceedings for the 31st Annual Symposium on Telescope
Science (Warner et al., eds.). pp. 203-208. Society for
Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Beaver, J. E, Robert, D. M. (2011a). A CCD Spectrograph for One Dollar. in Earth and Space Science: Making Connections in Education and Public
Outreach, ASP Conference Series, 433, 425.
Beaver, J. E., Robert, D. M. (2011b). A CCD Spectrometer for One Dollar. in Cosmos in the Classroom 2010: A Hands-on Symposium on Teaching
Introductory Astronomy. (A. Fraknoi, ed.). C1. Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Colina, L. (1995). CDBS Kurucz Stellar Atmosphere Atlas. STScI OSG# Instrument Science Report
SCS CAL-006.
Jenkins, F. A., White, H. E., (1950). Fundamentals of
Optics. p. 310, 327. McGraw Hill, New York.
Space Telescope Science Institute (2012a). Calibration Database System (CDBS).
al_catalogs.html. Retrieved, 11 April 2012.
Space Telescope Science Institute (2012b). Specview.
Retrieved, 11 April 2012.
Tody, D. (1986). The IRAF Data Reduction and
Analysis System. in Proc. SPIE Instrumentation in
Astronomy VI. (D. L. Crawford, ed.). 627, 733.
Tody, D. (1993). IRAF in the Nineties. in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems II,
A.S.P. Conference Ser. (R. J. Hanisch, R. J. V. Brissenden, J. Barnes, eds.) 52, 173.
Wells, D. C., Griesen, E. W., Harten, R. H. (1981).
FITS - a Flexible Image Transport System. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supp. Series 44, 363370.
Algol, within the Perseus constellation, is referred to as the Winking Demon Star due to its varying apparent
magnitude and its representation of the Gorgon Medusa. Every 68.75 hours its light dims suddenly, and brightens again over a ten-hour period. Further observation shows a small dip in light output halfway in between the
large dips, indicating that Algol is an eclipsing binary star system. Detailed inspection of the spectrum indicates
that Algol is also a spectroscopic binary. Algol consists of a 3 solar diameter B8V star and a 3.5 solar diameter
K0IV in very close orbit around each other. This project investigated the spectral characteristics of Algol A and B
during the primary eclipse cycle. Low-resolution spectroscopy of the eclipse cycle was imaged over several
nights in order to investigate any changes in the emission line profile of the star system. This work lays the foundation for future studies in low-resolution spectroscopy of the Algol and Algol-type systems.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Since the fall of 2010, Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) has offered a series of special mathematics project courses focused on applied
research for the undergraduate student. The first series of courses, offered in the fall 2010 and spring
2011 semesters, engaged the students in observing
and recording visual measurements of double stars,
selected from the US Naval Observatory maintained
Washington Double Star Catalog. This research oriented course was extended in the fall 2011 semester,
in a learning community which combined an introductory astronomy course with the special mathematics projects course. This approach was intended to
extend the students exposure to observational astronomy and data collection and analysis. The success of this sequence resulted in a special astronomy
projects course being offered for spring 2012, focusing on spectroscopy. The objective of this course was
to introduce the student to spectroscopy and its applications to stellar observation and analysis. The intent
of this course offering was to give students the opportunity to conduct original astronomical research with
the application of mathematics to data collections and
to gain further knowledge of the nature of the individual stars within the Algol system
to use the knowledge gained to make inferences
about the Algol system
to provide data for more accurate models of binary stars
to establish a foundation for further Algol research
to expand upon individual knowledge of research
processes and analysis
to provide an avenue for the students to attempt
publication of their work in a recognized journal
line profiles, for identifying the compounds that correspond to the spectral features within the calibrated
Figure 7. Students Elise Sparks, Lajeana West, and Kodiak Darling at Buckeye location.
Observations were taken at two separate coordinates. The first quarter of the eclipse cycle was imaged at 33.503049 N, 112.363466 W, in Litchfield
Park, Arizona, with medium levels of light pollution.
The other part of the eclipse cycle was imaged at
3. Observations
3.1 Observation Procedure
Imaging of the eclipse cycle was broken into two
segments due to the Algol system setting on the horizon during the latter portion of the eclipse cycle. The
first imaging session took place on 2012 February 28.
The second imaging session took place on 2012
March 2 with the third and final imaging session taking place on 2012 March 3.
The telescope was set to track on the Algol system, and the CCD camera mounted on the viewpiece; the CCD camera was connected to its accompanying computer software, which was used to set
image parameters and capture images. Images were
taken at 15 minute intervals, beginning immediately
before Algol B began its eclipse of Algol A, and ending directly after the conclusion of the eclipse cycle.
Images were taken through the use of the CCD camera and diffraction filter described above. The Images
were saved as FTS files and analyzed in their raw
format with the RSpec computer program.
set of observation data was archived in separate folders that were organized according to date of observation. The raw profile line image is shown in Figure
12. During the early part of the observing run, the
line profile was relatively clean, but as Algol began
to approach the horizon, atmospheric extinction began to take its toll: the line profile became very noisy,
as shown in Figure 10.
Data from observing session 3 consists of 11 individual profiles spanning the time from 19:45 until
22:15. This observing run was conducted to obtain
additional baseline data outside of the eclipse cycle.
The data reduction process consisted of reviewing the quality of the line profiles and producing instrument response curves for all good profiles.
5. Data Analysis
5.1 Analysis of Observing Session 1
(Feb 28)
Data from observing session 1 consists of 17 individual profiles spanning the time from 20:00 until
23:30. The Hydrogen Balmer absorption lines were
the primary focus of the analysis.
Figure 12. Line profiles from March 2 at 20:00 and February 28 at 11:15: 25% completion of the eclipse cycle.
A comparison of line profiles covering the preeclipse from observing session 1 with line profiles
during the first quarter, last quarter from sessions 1
and 2, and from outside the eclipse from session 3
shows the changes in the Hydrogen Alpha, Beta,
Gamma and Delta absorption lines as shown in Table
I and Figures 13, 14, 15, and 16 respectively.
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledgments
8. References
Rspec reference libraries
The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
Figure 15. Hydrogen Gamma.
CCD images acquired in B, V, and Ic passbands between July and August 2008 and from June to August 2010
were used to revise the ephemeris and update the orbital period for AO Ser. Analysis of the O-C diagram using
all available time-of-minima data revealed a continually increasing orbital period for at least 68 years. Thereafter,
a sudden decrease in orbital period (~0.84 sec) most likely occurred during the first few months of 1998; potential
causes for this abrupt jump and other alternating changes in period are discussed. Although the spectral classification of the primary star has been long considered A2V (Teff ~8800 K), B-V data from this study as well as color
index estimates from several other recent survey catalogs suggest a significantly cooler A7V (Teff ~7800 K) primary. A semi-detached Roche model of the binary produced theoretical fits matching light curve data in all passbands. AO Ser is reported to be an oscillating Algol-type variable star referred to as an oEA system. Using Fourier methods, lightcurve analysis in this study did not convincingly reveal any underlying periodicity other than
that expected from the dominant orbital period.
1. Introduction
AO Ser is a short period (<1 day) and bright Algol-type binary suitable for study by amateur and
professional astronomers alike. After its discovery in
1935 by the prolific observer Cuno Hoffmeister, the
publication record for AO Ser was very sporadic with
only a handful of times-of-minima (ToM) available
for each of the next three decades. These mostly included photographic as well as visual timings. Only
since 1969 has a steady flow of ToM values been
available but no full light curve had been published
until Zavros et al. (2008). AO Ser not only varies
extrinsically by mutual eclipses but evidence is
mounting that it also varies intrinsically by Sct-type
pulsation of its primary component (Kim et al., 2004;
Zavros et al., 2008). This new class of oscillating
Algol-type variable stars is now designated as an
oEA variable (Mkrtichian et al., 2004). More recently, the multiband (V and R) photometric properties and period variations of AO Ser were published
by Yang et al (2010).
AO Ser (BD+172943) varies in magnitude (V)
between 10.8 and 12.2; the first modern orbital period (0.87934745 d) was reported by Koch (1961).
(J2000 = 15h58m18s.408, J2000= +17169.96) for
mid latitude backyard observers in the Northern
Hemisphere with a clear view of Serpens Caput. Its
2.2 Photometry
CCD observations at UnderOak Observatory
span from 2008 July 25 to August 22 and then again
from 2010 June 19 to August 31. Equipment included
This result is in general agreement with the orbital period reported over the past 5 decades from
other investigators. The period determination was
confirmed with periodograms produced (Peranso
v 2.1, CBA Belgium Observatory) by applying periodic orthogonals (Schwarzenberg-Czerny, 1996) to
fit observation and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
which was used to evaluate fit quality.
ToM values were estimated by Minima (V24b,
Nelson, 2007) using a simple mean from a suite of
six different methods including parabolic fit, tracing
paper, bisecting chords, Kwee and van Woerden
(1956), Fourier fit, and sliding integrations (Ghedini,
1981). Four new secondary (s) and two new primary
(p) minima were detected during this investigation.
Since no obvious color dependencies emerged, the
timings from all three filters were averaged for each
newly determined ToM. Residual values (O-C) were
estimated from a complete set of visual (vis), photographic (pg), photoelectric (pe) and CCD timings
reported over the past 80 years. Calculations were
Star Identification
MPO3 J15575952
MPO3 J15580243
MPO3 J15581300
B mag
Ic mag
V mag
MPO3 J15581841
15 58 18 .41
MPO3 J15581990
MPO3 J15582353
MPOSC3 is a hybrid assemblage which includes a large subset of the Carlsberg Meridian Catalog
(CMC-14), the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and 2MASS Catalog.
Table I. Astrometric Coordinates and Estimated Color of AO Ser (MPO3 J15581841) and Five Comparison Stars
in Same Field of View
initially based upon the linear elements (Eq. 2) defined by Kreiner (2004):
Min I = HJD 2452500.3991 ( 0.0007)
+ 0.8793410 ( 0.0000004) E
The O-C diagram (Figure 2) for AO Ser is complex and characterized by parabolic and possibly alternating changes exhibited by many other late type
Algol-like binary systems such as U Cep (Manzoori, 2008), Y Leo (Pop, 2005), TY Peg (Qian,
2002), and X Tri (Qian, 2002). Regression analysis
using a scaled Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (Press
et al., 1992) as implemented in QtiPlot (v0.9.8 2010)
revealed that the O-C data from the initial timing in
1930 until the last twelve years could be fit (r2 > 0.99)
by a quadratic expression (Eq. 3) modulated with a
sinusoidal term:
c + a1x + a2x2 + a3sin(a4x + a5)
(1.08810-3) (0.418910-6)
(0.76010-11) (0.59310-3) (0.20610-4) (0.244)
cussed further on in this section along with the potential for a light time effect which they also had proposed.
m =
3 3 1+
+ 1
3 1+
/ ,
1 2
In a recent publication, Yang et al. (2010) attempted to make a case for decreasing period and a
third body with an incomplete set of data which exTime of Minimum
( 2,400,000)
(1) Baldwin and Samolyk, 2007 (2) Brt et al., 2007 (3) Borkovits et al., 2008 (4) Parimucha et
al., 2009 (5) Samolyk, 2008 (6) Brt et al., 2008 (7) Hbscher et al., 2010 (8) Lampens et al., 2010
(9) Present study (10) Doru et al., 2009 (11) Yang et al., 2010 (12) Samolyk, 2010 (13) Diethelm,
2009 (14) Samolyk, 2011 (15) Doru et al., 2011 (16) Diethelm, 2011.
Table III. Near Term Recalculated Residuals (O-C)2 for AO Ser Following Simple Linear Least Squares Fit of (O-C)1
and Cycle Number Between 2007March16 and 2011April15.
Figure 3. Folded (2008 July-August and 2010 JuneAugust) CCD light curves for AO Ser captured in B, V,
and Ic bandpasses.
ASCC2.5 V3
Present Study
T1 (K)a
T2 (K)b
q (M2/M1)
1 b
i b
Present Study
4412 (33)
0.235 (3)
3.56 (3)
86.8 (4)
4786 (11)
0.220 (2)
2.597 (11)
87.62 (17)
Figure 5. AO Ser light curve (B-band) synthesis determined by PHOEBE after simultaneous fit of all photometric data from three passbands (B, V, and Ic). Roche
model residuals are adjusted by a fixed amount to display them in the same chart.
4. Conclusions
Figure 6. AO Ser light curve (V-band) synthesis determined by PHOEBE after simultaneous fit of all photometric data from three passbands (B, V, and Ic). Roche
model residuals are adjusted by a fixed amount to display them in the same chart.
Figure 7. AO Ser light curve (Ic-band) synthesis determined by PHOEBE after simultaneous fit of all photometric data from three passbands (B, V, and Ic). Roche
model residuals are adjusted by a fixed amount to display them in the same chart.
5. Acknowledgements
Special thanks are due to the NASA Astrophysics Data System hosted by the Computation Facility
at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
for providing convenient access to published literature. This research has also made use of the NASA/
IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which is operated by
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The contribution
of all the dedicated folks contributing to or managing
the variable star time-of-minima data housed at the
websites is gratefully acknowledged. This investigation has also made use of the SIMBAD database,
operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France and the Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Vernderliche
Sterne (BAV) website in Berlin, Germany.
6. References
Baldwin, M., Samolyk, G. (2007). Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries No. 12. AAVSO,
Cambridge, MA.
Flower, P. J. (1996). Transformations from Theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams to ColorMagnitude Diagrams: Effective Temperatures, B-V
Colors, and Bolometric Corrections. ApJ, 469, 355.
Ghedini, S. (1981). A method for evaluating the
epoch of minimum of an eclipsing variable - the sliding integrations. Societa Astronomica Italiana 52,
Hall, D. S. (1989) The relation between RS CVn
and Algol. Space Science Reviews 50, 219.
Harmanec, P. (1988). Stellar masses and radii based
on modern binary data. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl.
39, 329.
Hoffmeister, C. (1935). 162 neue Verderliche.
Astron. Nachr. 255, 401.
Hbscher, J., Lehmann, P. B., Monninger, G., et al.
(2010). BAV-Results of Observations Photoelectric Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and
Maxima of Pulsating Stars. IBVS 5918, 10.
banolu, C., Soydugan, F., Soydugan, E., Derviolu, A. (2006). Angular momentum evolution of
Algol binaries. MNRAS 373, 435.
Koch, R. H. (1961) Times of minimum light for
several eclipsing binaries. Astron. J. 66, 35.
Kim, S.-L., Kang, Y. B., Koo, J.-R., et al. (2004).
Discovery of a short-periodic pulsating component
in the Algol-type eclipsing binary system AO Ser.
IBVS 5538, 1.
Press, W., Teukolsky, S. A., Flannery, B. P., Vetterling, W. T. (1992). Numerical Recipes in
FORTRAN. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge.
Qian, S. (2002). Orbital Period Studies of Two Algol-Type Eclipsing Binary Systems: TY Pegasi and
X Trianguli. PASP 114, 650.
Samolyk, G. (2008). Recent Minima of 184 Eclipsing Binary Stars. JAAVSO 36, 186.
Samolyk, G. (2010). Recent Minima of 161 Eclipsing Binary Stars. JAAVSO 38, 85.
Samolyk, G. (2011). Recent Minima of 144 Eclipsing Binary Stars. JAAVSO 39, 94.
Schlegel, D., Finkbeiner, D., Davis, M. (1998). Application of SFD Dust Maps to Galaxy Counts and
CMB Experiments. Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology.14th IAP Meeting, May 26-30, Paris.
Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A. (1996). Fast and Statistically Optimal Period Search in Uneven Sampled Observations. Ap. J. 460, L107.
Surkova, L. P., Svechnikov, M. A. (2004). Semidetached eclipsing binaries (Surkova+, 2004). VizieR On-line Data Catalog: V/115.
van Hamme, W. (1993). New limb-darkening coefficients for modeling binary star light curves. Ap.
J. 106, 2096.
von Zeipel, H. (1924). Radiative equilibrium of a
double-star system with nearly spherical components. MNRAS 84, 702.
Warner, B. D. (2007). Initial Results of a Dedicated
H-G Project. Minor Planet Bulletin 34, 113.
Wilson, R. E., Devinney, E. J. (1971). Realization
of Accurate Close-Binary Light Curves: Application
to MR Cygni. Ap. J. 166, 605.
Wilson, R. E. (1979). Eccentric orbit generalization
and simultaneous solution of binary star light and
velocity curves. Ap. J. 234, 1054.
Yang, Y.-G., Hu, S.-M., Guo, D.-F., Wei, J.-Y., Dai,
H.-F. (2010). Photometric Properties for Selected
Algol-type Binaries. II. AO Serpentis and V338 Herculis. Astron. J. 139, 1360.
Zavros, P., Tstantilas, S., Rovithis-Livaniou, E.
(2008). AO Serpentis: Observations and Interpretations. Romanian Astronomical Journal Suppl. 18,
Tucson, Arizona, once billed as the Astronomical Capital of the World, has long been home to at least ten major
astronomical institutions and facilities. The region also hosts numerous productive amateur observatories and
professional-amateur astronomical collaborations. In spite of the implementation of progressive night time lighting codes, the continued growth of the region has arguably deprived Tucson of its title, and threatens the future
of some if not all of these facilities. It has become apparent that there are several difficulties in regulating this
lighting environment. It is not easy to model the actual effects of new or changed lighting fixtures, there are compelling economic conflicts that must be considered, and adherence to various guidelines is often ignored. Perhaps the most fundamental problem is that there have historically been no comprehensive measures of either
light at night or sky brightness over the extended growth areas. What measurements do exist are inhomogeneous and poorly accessible spot measurements at some observatory sites. These have little to tell us about the
actual light distributions in the overall region, and rarely are informative of the specific light sources that offend
the observatory sites. Tucson remains, for the time, an important astronomical resource. Because of its astronomical and lighting code circumstances, it is an interesting and valuable laboratory for studying these issues. In
this paper we introduce an innovative new 5-year project to comprehensively map both sky brightness and associated artificial lighting over extended areas of development in the vicinity of important astronomical institutions.
We discuss the various vectors employed in data collection; we outline the protocols used for each methodology,
give examples of the data collected, and discuss data analysis and conclusions. This program has been underway since January 2012, and has already produced results of interest to professional and amateur astronomers
1. Introduction
During the past 15-20 years there has been a
steady increase in collective sensitivity to issues surrounding the quality of artificial light at night. Prior
to this time, relatively little thought was given to
these issues, but now whole communities are enacting lighting codes directed at requiring efficient, effective, and non-intrusive artificial lighting. In many
cases the net results of these codes are not well un-
Tucson, AZ urban area as a demonstration of the utility of actual measurement of community wide lighting output, and is known as LAN MAP 1.
An approximately 1,000 square mile area, centered roughly on Davis Monthan AFB, will be
mapped from the air by collecting sky brightness data
in the survey. These data will be collected using
STEM Laboratory, Inc. (STEM) Sky Brightness Meter (SBM) and LAN Monitor (LANM), single channel and multispectral photometers. The data collection will be targeted on multiple clear, moonless,
nights and the airborne data will be both up- and
down-looking measurements.
The LAN MAP 1 survey region is shown in
Figure 1. The data collection from aircraft will be at
an altitude of 8,000 ft MSL. This will allow safe
clearance of the mountains in the flight operations
area, and will provide data also relevant to many
astronomical observatories in the surrounding area.
The airborne data will be supplemented by both
mobile and static ground-based data. These data can
be used to scale the airborne observations to
comparable ground intensities and allow for future
comparisons from ground based measurements.
Each survey session will be repeated periodically
for the projected five year duration of the project
resulting in the most detailed and comprehensive
LAN survey analysis yet undertaken.
We will also obtain limited ground based
photography of some of the encompassed light
installations, both to illustrate the good and bad
installations and to show the changes in lighting over
the project time line.
2. Background
Tucson, Arizona is a southwestern desert community that grew from a population of 120,000 in
1950 to 220,000 in 1960, by which time Kitt Peak
National Observatory had been installed west of the
town. In 2010 the city population was about 546,000
and the urban metropolitan area was over 1.02 million, with a current annual growth rate of about 4%.
This is now a sprawling community encompassing numerous suburban areas and adjacent cities. City
lights, once confined to a few square miles, now
spread over an area well in excess of 1,000 square
The city is largely situated on the floor of a desert basin (about 2,600 ft MSL), nearly completely
ringed by mountain ranges of up to about 7,000
8,000 ft MSL. Many of these mountain peaks host
facilities and multiple telescopes, of approximately a
dozen major astronomical observatories.
The LAN MAP 1 project is using multiple mobile photometers to provide the first comprehensive,
quantitative monitoring of LAN in the Tucson Basin
area that impacts all of these light sensitive activities.
6. Project Status
During 2012, STEM initiated a comprehensive,
community wide, light at night mapping program for
the Tucson, Arizona area. In this section we show
examples of some of the flight test data collected in
anticipation of the official start of LAN MAP 1. The
flight test data were collected over the northwestern
most quadrant of the LAN MAP 1 survey area.
These data were collected with a LANM Model
5 photometer, using both zenith and nadir looking
channels. The data were optically constrained by the
silicon detector sensitivity curve as modified by an
IRC-20 infrared cut filter as shown in Figure 2.
The test flights were for patterns flown at altitudes of 5,000, 6,500, and 8,000 ft MSL; the data
numerous spurious features that can be very misleading in interpreting the images.
7. Conclusion
The tools and protocols developed by STEM to
enable low-altitude wide-area-survey automatic photometry of both the ground and the sky are offering a
powerful new way to look at issues of light trespass.
These protocols can be applied to ground, air, and
sea-going vehicles, and offer community planners,
developers, and managers of light sensitive facilities
a unique means of evaluating the impact and evolution of light at night.
Even a preliminary look at the LAN MAP 1 data
demonstrates areas of concern for local astronomical
facilities. Contrary to conventional wisdom on the
population expansion of Tucson and its suburbs, the
brightest expansion of the Tucson light dome is to the
northeast, where it clearly poses a threat to the University of Arizona observatories on Mt. Bigelow and
Mt. Lemmon. Conversely, observatories on Mt.
Wrightson, to the south of Tucson, remain in a fairly
dark region. Sky brightness over Mt. Wrightness is
quite likely to evolve for the worse as development
expands down the I-19 corridor, and leaps over the
Santa Rita Mountains to the southeast.
It will be of interest to watch annual changes in
LAN MAP 1 data to the west of Tucson as well.
There, development has for several years progressed
west of the Tucson Mountains, and is steadily filling
Avra Valley and points south and west, posing significant threats to Kitt Peak. Kitt Peak has almost
certainly seen the end of large telescope installation,
but preservation of existing facilities will remain a
priority for at least a few more years.
8. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Scott Fouts for
some of the piloting duties and Ed Tuohy for mechanical assistance with one of the airplanes used in
the data collection. We gratefully acknowledge an
anonymous corporate donor for very generous grant
support to undertake this program.
9. References
Craine, E. R., Craine, B. L., Craine, E. M. (2011).
The Sky Brightness Data Archive (SBDA). in Proceedings for the 30th Annual Symposium on Telescope
science (Warner et al., eds). pp 45-52. Society for
Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Craine, P. R., Craine, E. R. (2011). Airborne Light
at Night (LAN) Photometry Protocols. STEM
TechRep-11-1203. STEM Laboratory, Tucson, AZ.
NMEA (2011).
SIRF (2005). NMEA Reference Manual SiRF Tech,
Inc., San Jose, CA.
Double stars have been systematically observed since William Herschel initiated his program in 1779. In 1803 he
reported that, to his surprise, many of the systems he had been observing for a quarter century were gravitationally bound binary stars. In 1830 the first binary orbital solution was obtained, leading eventually to the determination of stellar masses. Double star observations have been a prolific field, with observations and discoveries
often made by students and amateursroutinely published in a number of specialized journals such as the Journal of Double Star Observations. All published double star observations from Herschels to the present have
been incorporated in the Washington Double Star Catalog. In addition to reviewing the history of visual double
stars, we discuss four observational technologies and illustrate these with our own observational results from
both California and Hawaii on telescopes ranging from small SCTs to the 2-meter Faulkes Telescope North on
Haleakala. Two of these technologies are visual observations aimed primarily at published hands-on student
science education, and CCD observations of both bright and very faint doubles. The other two are recent technologies that have launched a double star renaissance. These are lucky imaging and speckle interferometry,
both of which can use electron-multiplying CCD cameras to allow short (30 ms or less) exposures that are read
1. Introduction
Figure 1. William Herschels 20-foot telescope was relocated to Table Mountain near Cape Town, South Africa,
where his son John observed double stars in the southern skies.
3. Two Spreadsheets
Students in Genets astronomical research seminar (described below in the next section) have, for
many years, used Haas (2006) catalog of 2,100 doubles to pick out relatively bright, well-separated double stars for their first projects. The Haas catalog was
convenient for students to use as it listed doubles by
constellation, only provided key information, and just
included relatively bright doubles observable with
smaller telescopes. However, one had to manually
page through the catalog to select observational candidates. Furthermore, some vital information, such as
SAO and other identifiers, number of past observations, etc., was not included. Increasingly sophisticated students would prefer to use their laptops to
help them sort and select potential doubles for observation, while SAO or other identifiers are handy for
entry into todays computerized telescopes.
Joseph Carro has prepared a spreadsheet catalog
of 3,950 double stars that is ideal for student use.
Carro incorporated information from SIMBADthe
astronomical data base operated at the CDS in Strasbourg, Franceinto a series of Microsoft Excel
spread sheets that facilitate sorting and selecting doubles for study. The spreadsheets are arranged by constellation, and include star names, common identifiers, and details on each double star. Summary tables
of all 3,950 stars are sorted in various ways as a convenience for the user. A diagram showing the major
stars of each constellation is provided. Using the star
name as the key, a hyperlink to SIMBAD allows additional information, such as parallax, to be conveniently obtained. Carros catalog can be accessed at, or you can contact him at Carro is expanding his catalog to
include additional double stars and further information.
To select doubles for advanced projects, such as
multiple stars across many constellations, faint double stars, etc., it is helpful to have a way to choose
them quickly and easily. Tom Smith created a master
catalog using a relational database engine and Structured Query Language (SQL) with the Washington
Double Star Catalog (WDS) as the foundational catalog. Several other databases of stars were incorporated and relationally linked to the engine, including
the Sixth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Double Stars
(6th Orbital Catalog) and the Hipparcos 2 Catalog
(Hip2). Many of the desired data fields needed in our
studies were not contained directly in any of the
original catalogs and were synthesized using various
mathematical and astrophysical algorithms. In many
cases, the units for some of the data were different
across the various catalogs, so new fields were created with uniform units. Smith routinely generates
Microsoft Excel worksheets that are convenient for
selecting doubles for observation, data manipulations,
charting, and generating population statistics.
Genet has sorted and reduced the initially large
spreadsheets provided by Smith to short, compact
lists of doubles for specific observational programs.
This process typically involves removing columns
not of interest, narrowing the columns so the relevant
data appears all together on the screen, selecting a
range of RA and dec of interest, and sorting and selecting on such parameters as separation, delta magnitude, parallax, proper motion, spectral type, etc.
Lists have been prepared for high proper motion
Figure 3. Cuesta College 2011 research seminar students pose in front of Nimbus II, a 22-inch Dobsonian
telescope built by Reed and Chris Estrada, used to observe double stars with an astrometric eyepiece.
The seminar class is conducted as a graduatelevel seminar. Several student groups are formed.
The groups are given a general directive to collect
position angle and separation data on a visual double
star pair. Specific double star systems are selected by
the students. Each group is responsible for observations, data analysis, literature research, and a written
paper. The various groups are the initial editors of
each others papers. Student research is valuable in
its own right as it adds to the knowledge base of double stars. It is also contributes to student academic
careers. It is rare indeed for a student to be a published science researcher before leaving high school,
a point recognized with respect to college admissions
and awarding of scholarships. Most of the seminars
graduates have been accepted to their first choice
college and have also received scholarships based on
their published research.
Having a local supportive community of educators and amateur astronomers has been vital. They
have donated their time to instruct and demonstrate,
to edit student work, and generally be science role
models. Also vital are mentorsoften amateur astronomers who are professional educators in fields
other than astronomy. As Joseph Carro points out, the
primary task of a mentor is to organize information
so that a coherent and meaningful learning session
can be achieved.
Based now on many years of double star seminars, the instructor and advisors note several factors
that contribute to the success of published student
Students can and should complete scientific research projects in a single semester. (Once the
semester is over, students rarely complete projects.)
Double star projects are more amenable to this
short time frame than most others.
Requiring the publication of research is vital, as
are outside reviews prior to publication.
It helps to have a mix of experienced and inexperienced observers.
Student research teams can exercise their diverse
talents and experience by allocating their skills to
the various aspects of scientific research.
Based on the success of the early Cuesta College
seminars, Genet initiated a student summer workshop
in 2008 at University of Oregons Pine Mountain
Observatory east of Bend, Oregon. Although student
contact hours remained the same, the summer workshop differed from the fall seminar by being concen-
Figure 8. Left to right: Rebecca Church (student), Kakkala Mohanan (LCC instructor), and Russ Genet
(visitng). The telescope is a 0.5 meter Optical Guidance
Systems Cassegrain.
Figure 6. Stephen McGaughey and his Celestron C-.925
at the Haleakala Amateur Astronomers observing location at the 10,000 foot summit of Haleakala.
6. Lucky Imaging
High spatial resolution is vital to obtaining accurate measurements of close visual double stars. The
atmosphere compromises image resolution, limiting
the minimum separation of the systems that can be
studied. However, when short exposureson the
order of 0.1Hz or lessare collected, one is essentially imaging instantaneous atmosphere configurations. In lucky imaging (Law et al., 2006), targets are
observed at >10Hz cadence, and only the images
least affected by the atmospheretypically only 1%
in the R band, less in bluer bandsare selected.
Those lucky exposures, once stacked, can reconstruct a highly spatially resolved image, often diffraction limited, of a sky region of one to a few tens of
arc seconds, the nominal size of an isoplanatic atmosphere patch. Note that the majority of the data is
not used in the image reconstruction, thus this technique is extremely time consuming. Thus observations must be planned for 10 to 100 times the conventional image exposure required to achieve the desired
signal-to-noise ratio.
Figure 9. Steve McGaughey, J.D. Armstrong, Russ
Genet, and John Pye stand in front of the 2-meter Faulkes Telescope North on the summit of Haleakala. An inperson observational session scheduled for that night
were clouded out but was successfully completed remotely at a later date.
7. Speckle Interferometry
When observed at a sufficiently high cadence,
star images reveal the presence of speckles, resulting from the atmosphere producing multiple sharp
images of the target. In the case of a single star, these
speckles will be randomly distributed inside the
Gaussian seeing envelope on the detector. However,
in the case of a binary, there will be a characteristic
separation and position angle that the speckles will
follow. These duplicated images of the star are randomly distributed, and simply summing the images
or a long exposure will blur out this high-frequency
information, leaving only a Gaussian seeing envelope.
It was first suggested by Labeyrie (1970) that
Fourier analysis of speckles could allow the position
angle and separations of close binaries to be measured with great precision. This technique is now
known as speckle interferometry. Harold McAlister
and his associates at George State University pioneered speckle interferometry, while Brian Mason
and associates at the US Naval Observatory, Elliott
Horch at Southern Connecticut State University, and
others have launched sizeable double star speckle
interferometry observing programs. Horch (2006)
reviewed the history and current status of speckle
Since Fourier decomposition is blind to phase
shifts, the location of each of the duplicated double
star images on the detector is lost, but any correlations between speckles in different locations remains.
By summing the 2-dimensional Fourier power spectrum of the high-cadence images, one can discern any
patterns in the speckles that are common throughout
the dataset.
If the target is an unresolved binary, the resulting
power spectrum will form a set of fringes. The separation of these fringes is inversely related to the projected sky separation, thus making it possible to
measure the separation of binaries that are closely
spaced, down to the diffraction limit (or pixel scale)
of the telescope.
This method of speckle interferometry creates
180 degree degeneracy in the position angle that must
then be resolved using other imaging techniques
(such as lucky imaging) or more advanced interferometry methods (e.g. bispectrum image reconstruction, Lohmann et al., 1983). In most cases we use a
combination of speckle interferometry and lucky imaging to measure the position angle, separation, and
flux ratio of each binary pair.
8. Conclusions
Figure 13. The Orion Observatorys Andor Luca-S camera and 10-inch telescope equipped with a Sidereal
Technology control system.
9. Acknowledgements
We thank the Las Cumbres Observatory Global
Telescope for observational time on their 0.8-meter
telescope at Santa Ynez and 2.0-meter telescope on
Haleakala. This research was supported in part by
NASA through the American Astronomical Society's
Small Research Grant Program which funded the
Andor Luca-S camera at the Orion Observatory. This
research made use of the Washington Double Star
and other catalogs provided by the U.S. Naval observatory. We thank CDS in Strasbourg, France for use
of Aladan, the SIMBAD database, and access to
various catalogs. Finally, we thank Richard Berry for
supplying the lithograph from John Herschels report
from the Cape.
10. References
Aitken, Robert. (1918). The Binary Stars. Reprinted
2012. BiblioLife. Charleston, SC.
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A template pipeline spanning observing planning to publishing is offered as a basis for establishing a long term
observing program. The data reduction pipeline encapsulates all policy and procedures, providing an accountable framework for data analysis and a teaching framework for IRAF. This paper introduces the technical details
of a complete pipeline processing environment using Python, PyRAF and a few other languages. The pipeline
encapsulates all processing decisions within an auditable framework. The framework quickly handles the heavy
lifting of image processing. It also serves as an excellent teaching environment for astronomical data management and IRAF reduction decisions.
1. Introduction
The project's goal is to assist the amateur astronomy community with little computing experience
to develop a highly scripted solution to match their
observing environment to their reporting needs. Python is a platform-agnostic environment growing in
popularity with professional astronomers. It provides
a framework to allow the Image Reduction and
Analysis Facility (IRAF) to be combined with powerful libraries for mathematical analysis, astronomical
computation and publication.
Python is a mature language with widespread use
in systems administration, academia, science, engineering, business and industry. It has a rich suite of
libraries, including SciPY for scientific mathematics,
matplotlib for producing publication ready graphics,
and specialized astronomy libraries including the
IAU Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA)
(SOFA Board 2010), USNO Novas C and Novas-Py
(novas module) (Barron et al 2011). SOFA manages
time and earth-pointing modeling to high precision.
Novas allows using the JPL DE-405 solar-system
model and provides other astrometric capabilities.
The complexity of IRAF is both its strength and
its weakness. IRAF was started in 1981, extending
best practices from prior years and becoming a serious service in 1984 (Tody, 1993). Today IRAF is a
large collection of algorithms and techniques used for
a consistent analysis of astronomical data. IRAF is
large (approximately 40,700 files with approximately
3,450 help files) making it difficult to learn and easy
to make mistakes.
2. Pipeline Overview
Planning an observation develops several of the
files used later in the process. The rawdata directory
is created and includes a special 'etc' directory storing
the star catalog's .tsv file and a reference image.
The catalog and image may be augmented with ds9
(SAOImage) regions to locate the camera's field-of1
The FIT files are converted from the Amateur Astronomical Instrument Processing Package (AIP)
format (Longmire, 2003) to match the pipeline FITS
keyword policies (NRAO, 2011). Verbose file names
are edited down to a manageable size. The fitserial
script prepends a small serial number to all files in
the order specified by observation time FITS header
keywords. Special FITS keywords are added that
describe the filters, their serial numbers, the RA/Dec
of the target(s), spectrograph settings and site and
instrument data. This is mostly handled by the fit2fits
script. Special header values for equipments manual
settings are made with the fitsrewrite script on a file
by file basis.
The results may be checked with a fitsls and fitsgrep program. The HEASARC program fitsverify
(see NASA HEASARC) may be used as well.
The pipeline = policy+algorithms+data and the
fit2fits/fitsrewrite scripts are designed to align local
conventions to IRAF conventions. The fit2fits script
copies all files to a special attic directory prior to
making changes. This retains the original files in a
handy location for reference.
This pre-analysis directory is frozen and an archive copy is made.
It is of value to be able to move the etc directory contents across sites and share material in a way
that is insensitive to the platforms and software releases encountered. Develop on Linux at the office,
move to a Windows/Sun observatory, and share with
Windows/Mac/Linux users.
zerocombine_kw = {
: iname,
'output' : rawname,
'combine' : "average",
'reject' : "none",
'ccdtype' : "zero",
'process' :,
'delete' :,
'clobber' :,
: "none",
'statsec' : "",
: 0,
: 1,
: 1,
'lsigma' : 3.0,
'hsigma' : 3.0,
'rdnoise' : "0.",
: gain,
'snoise' : "0.",
: -0.5,
: 0.0,
: "a"
followed by
imarith d_//@l.l / masterflat.fits f_//@l.l
6. References
Barron, E. G, Kaplan, G. H., Bangert, J., Bartlett, J.
L., Puatua, W., Harris, W., Barrettt, P. (2011) Naval
Observatory Vector Astrometry Software (NOVAS)
Version, 3.1, Introducing a Python Edition. Bull.
AAS 43, 2011.
IAU SOFA Board. IAU SOFA software collection.
Issue 2010-12-01.
5. Conclusions
The pipeline provides a fully accountable way of
managing data and processing for observations. IRAF
provides a rich kit of resources for dealing with
problems and delving into image issues. The Python
environment and special Python libraries allow developing and sharing programs between computing
operating systems. The scripting forces each parameter to a known state and provides a more consistent
session-to-session analysis framework. The solutions
to newly identified problems can be easily integrated
into the framework by using rich features of the existing IRAF code.
High Time Resolution Astronomy (HTRA) or High Speed Photometry offers opportunity to investigate phenomena that take place at timescales too fast for standard CCD imaging. Phenomena that occur within fractionalseconds to sub-millisecond timescales have been largely overlooked until recently due to technology `limitations
and/or research priorities in other areas. Discussed within the 1-second to millisecond range are flares, oscillations, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), and lunar occultations. A Silicon Photomultiplier (SPM) detector with
associated pulse amplifier and high-speed data acquisition system were used to capture stellar intensities at
rates up to 1000 samples/sec on stars to 8 V-mag. Results on YY Gem flares, exploratory searches for oscillations on AW Uma, BM Ori, and X Per, and lunar occultations are discussed along with data reductions techniques. Opportunity for future study is also discussed.
1. Introduction
L unc ultatio
Our fascination with solar the system, star systems and their evolution, asteroid tracking, rotation,
sizes, and composition as a few examples have led us
to fainter and fainter objects, larger optics, and longer
exposures. With longer exposures, events that take
place in the fractional-second to millisecond timescale are averaged and lost.
Interest in this area opens up a whole new range
of possible explorations. High speed photometry or
high time resolution astronomy (HTRA) can fill an
area of scientific exploration that complements conventional CCD imaging and offers unique insight into
relatively unexplored areas. Richichi (2010) presents
a good overview of how HTRA augments astronomical research. Figure 1 shows research areas versus
timescale and the regions of study. Pulsars, oscillations, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), and occultations push the millisecond and beyond range. These
represent significant equipment challenges requiring
very fast and sensitive photo detectors and larger
aperture optics for 8-9 magnitude and beyond. In
addition, with data rates in the kilohertz range there
are challenges in coping with the storage and analysis
of the data. With intensity sampling at 1000 samples/sec a two-hour data collection run generates 7.2
million data points for storage and subsequent analysis.
For the slower oscillations, transits, flares, and
flicker events, data rates in the 10 to 100 Hz range
still present the same equipment challenges but offer
opportunity for the study of fainter objects. The previously cited Stellar Oscillation and Occultation arti-
Event - Seconds
Figure 1. Research opportunities at various timescales,
facsimile reproduced by permission from A. Richichi.
X Per
BM Ori
YY Gem
RZ Cas
HMXB Pulsar
EB, X-ray source
EB, X-ray source
EB, X-ray source
Single & double
V Mag
Figure 3. Top: SPM module. Bottom: SPM module packaged with cooling fan, nosepiece, f-stop and filter. A
cooling fan is required to keep the thermoelectric cooler
operating at 30 C below ambient.
Data Acquisition
Flip Pellicle
Beam Splitter
CCD Camera
Learning to separate noise from stellar information focusing on XB with known oscillations in the X-Ray spectrum and suspect in
the optical.
4.1 AW UMa
AW UMa is a cataclysmic variable; HMXB targeted because of its general classification and previous interest by other researchers. The first run of AW
UMa was at 200 sample/sec and the initial look at the
data generated considerable excitement. Figure 6
shows an expanded section of the 3600-second run.
These periodic pulses were found later to originate from an open ground on a coax connection.
Considerable attention is necessary to address noise
across the full spectrum prior to any data collection.
Flipping the pellicle to the pass through position
blocks the sensor and helps to confirm proper noise
performance. This step was accidentally omitted prior
to this run. Three additional 1-hour runs were completed on a second night. No high frequency components were detected.
4.2 X Per
X Per is a HMXB, Pulsar, and gamma-ray source
and suitable classification for high frequency activity.
The 6.7 V magnitude allowed for data collection at
1000 samples/sec. All runs were with Astrodon Johnson-Cousins blue filters. Run #1 on 2012 March 7
was 6 segments of 1 million data points each. The
files are seamless from one to the next so no data is
lost. Run #2 on 2012 March 9 was 8-segments of 1million points each. A PSD of a typical run is shown
in Figure 7.
4.3 BM Ori
BM Ori is an eclipsing binary and X-Ray source
with good sky position for long runs. The EB was
studied two nights 2012 March 17/20 at 1000 samples/sec. On the first run PSD analysis showed peaking of data at 167 Hz on three of the 1-million data
point segments. Figure 12 shows both the full PSD
and a section focused on 168.6 Hz. The same peak
occurred in all the other segments of this run. On
2102 March 20 another run was completed with 8
segments of 1 million points each. The data looked
similar with the 167 Hz components showing in all 8
segments. Figure 13 shows the PSD and a spectrogram of segment 8.
With so little data available at these data rates it
is difficult to validate and exciting to see what is captured on each nights runs.
4.4 YY Gem
As a clouded-in participant of the YY Gem
photometric team, this star generated considerable
interest for future study of its active flares. YY Gem
is an M dwarf eclipsing binary and known flare star.
With its 9.8 V magnitude, data was collected at 200
samples/sec giving a BW of 100 Hz. Data were collected for a 2-hour and 6-hour run on two nights.
Figure 14 shows the full 3600 seconds of data for
2012 March 13.
With data compressed it looks noisier than
would be expected. However, with an average count
of 600+ the S/N was 15 and acceptable. The PSD of
the same data is shown in Figure 15.
The FFT shows strong components below 5 Hz
and reaching background levels by 25 Hz. There
were two low level components at 65 and 98 Hz at
very low power density.
Figure 16 shows a flicker event with a total duration of less than 10 seconds at approximately a magnitude brightening at the peak. This star warrants
where S(w) and C(w) are the Fresnel sine and cosine
This shows that the diffraction intensity is a
function of both the wavelength of observation and
the lunar distance D. The Fresnel integrals can be
calculated with a MathCad type program or using
Keisan (2012). The results are shown in Figure 18.
25% Io for
Pt Source
Initial occultation data collection using a 750micron f-stop proved unsuccessful for a 7.05 V-mag
star due to excessive dark limb illumination of the
field. A second 150-micron f-stop, 11 arcseconds
field, proved nearly impossible to align and focus.
Use of the 150-micron diameter pinhole required a
precision focuser in the SPM path, which could not
be accommodated due to insufficient optical path
length. A compromise 400-micron f-stop, 30
arcseconds field, gave acceptable S/N for lunar
phases to around 50% and 6+ magnitude. Further
work is necessary to determine the range of illumination and star magnitudes for the two smaller pinholes.
Occultation of XZ-5588, 53 Tauri, SAO-76548,
a 5.5 V-mag star is shown in Figure 20.
V Mag.
X Per
HMXB Pulsar
YY Gem
Vela X-1
RZ Cas
< 8.0
Figure 21. Occultation of XZ-5588 with point source diffraction pattern shown (dotted) as determined by the
CAL model, first trial.
sible without intervention. A setup modification using a helical focuser in the SPMs optical path would
improve focusing for the smaller f-stop apertures.
The focuser would also greatly reduce the wobble
and misalignment that accompanies the sliding-tube
focusing technique used. Field stops of 750, 400, and
150-micron proved a reasonable choice. Modification
of the optical train for quick change and registration
of the f-stops would significantly reduce down time.
The absence of a reference star is problematic
when lower frequency phenomena are investigated,
e.g., flares, eclipses. One solution is use of the intensity data from the guide star as a reference. These
data could be easily stored on one of the extra channels of the data acquisition system and used to eliminate the slower variability from atmospheric transmission changes occurring over periods of seconds.
Considering the 5-study objectives:
Learn to separate noise from stellar information focusing on XB with known oscillations
in the X-Ray spectrum and suspect in the
Stellar oscillations were found on X Per at
383.86 Hz, and on BM Ori at 166-7 Hz, possible QPOs. No literature confirmation was
found for these frequencies. Use of digital filtering and FFT processing easily separates
these signals from the lower frequency scintillation noise. Attention must be given at all
times for elimination of system noise from
ground loops, other electronic equipment, and
optical sources visible to the sensor.
8. Acknowledgements
The author thanks Larry Owings for his development of the control software for the flip pellicle
beam splitter. His speed and thoroughness on the
project was greatly appreciated. Thanks and appreciation to Andrea Richichi of the European Southern
Observatory and National Astronomical Research
Institute of Thailand for his use of Figure 1 and CAL
model data reduction for occultation of XZ-5588.
9. References
AAVSO (2012). American Association of Variable
Star Observers.
Blow, G. L. (1983). Lunar Occultations. Solar System Photometry Handbook. (R. M. Genet, ed.) pp. 91 to 9-25.
DOA (2012). The Dutch Occultation Association.
Lunar Occultation Workbench, LOW Software v.
IOTA (2012). International Occultation and Timing
Keisan (2012). High accuracy scientific calculations.
Kreiner, J. M. (2004). Up-to date linear elements of
close binaries. Acta Astronomica 54, 207-210.
Measurement Computing Corporation (2012). IOTech
Menke, J., Vander Haagen, G. A. (2010). High
speed photometry detection and analysis techniques.
Nather, R. E., McCants, M. M., (1970b). Photoelectric Measurement of Lunar Occultations IV. Data
Analysis. Astron. J. 75, 963-968.
Vander Haagen, G.A. (2011). The Silicon Photomultiplier for High Speed Photometry. in Proceedings for the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Astronomical Sciences. (Warner et al., eds.)
pp 87-96. Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho
Cucamonga, CA.
Photon counting has been around for more than 60 years, and has been available to amateurs for
most of that time. In most cases single photons are detected using photomultiplier tubes, old technology that became available after the Second World War. But over the last couple of decades the
perfection of CCD devices has given amateurs the ability to perform accurate photometry with modest
telescopes. Is there any reason to still count photons? This paper discusses some of the strengths
of current photon counting technology, particularly relating to the search for fast optical transients.
Technology advances in counters and photomultiplier modules are briefly mentioned. Illustrative data
are presented including FFT analysis of bright star photometry and a technique for finding optical
pulses in a large file of noisy data. This latter technique is shown to enable the discovery of a possible
optical flare on the polar variable AM Her.
1. Introduction
An ideal photon counting system has at least four
properties making it attractive for astronomical photometry:
Since all information is contained in short duration photon pulses (~30ns), very high-speed
photometry is possible, without any increase
in measurement noise, simply by sampling
these counts at a high rate.
Being digital in nature, photon counting is inherently linear over a large brightness range,
typically on the order of ten stellar magnitudes.
Of course real devices have neither 100% quantum efficiency nor zero noise. But modern detectors
can come close to this ideal. CCDs have pushed
quantum efficiency beyond the 70% level while photomultiplier tubes often achieve respectable levels of
2. Early Years
When the author started counting photons in the
mid-seventies there were many obstacles to overcome. One needed a PMT specifically designed for
photon counting, a high-voltage power supply, an
amplifier / discriminator to generate countable pulses,
a high-speed counter and a computer to store the
data. Since personal computers were just arriving on
the scene, some assembly-level coding was needed to
make it all work. The author (Stanton, 1983) has described some of this early complexity. With luck and
a lot of soldering and programming, one might be
able to gather and store 10,000 points of photon data
in a single run. Although this system was complex
and strictly limited in the data capacity, it did demonstrate some of the strengths of photon counting. The
next four figures illustrate the power of this early
system for low noise photometry.
4. Data Analysis
4.1 Analysis Approach
Figure 4. Lunar occultation of binary star Hu 1080 on
1979 March 5. Note that both components exhibit
brightening just before disappearing due to Fresnel
The resonance seen near 800 Hz was a total surprise. Could this be a message sent by an advanced
civilization orbiting 21 Lyr? Perhaps some optical
tone sent to attract our attention? Alas, not this time.
After looking at the data from other stars brighter and
fainter than 21 Lyr it became clear that this was some
type of instrument artifact that only affects data from
the very brightest stars. Whether this artifact arises
from the PMT module, the counter module, or some
defect in the setup, it has not been seen in data from
stars 6th magnitude or fainter.
n(N, k, ) = N P(k, )
Figure 11. Predictions of Poisson and Gaussian distribution compared to data in Figure 10.
Why are the peak values for bin levels less than
10 significantly higher than predicted? One might
argue that were only talking about samples that are
5. AM Her Pulses
Figure 13. Pulses responsible for the non-random signature in Figure 13. These are roughly twice the size of the
largest pulse expected at this resolution, a huge difference.
Over the last few months, the analysis tools described in Section 4 were applied to photon data from
a variety of bright and faint stars. For the most part
the pulse search results were consistent with Poisson
statistics of random noise, except for very low bin
ratios, as discussed above. This included a number of
observations of the AM Her. A notable exception
occurred for one observation made on 2011 Sept. 4.
The pulse size plot for this observation shows a
significant deviation from Poisson expectations, par-
6. Conclusion
There is much that can be done by amateurs using photon counting. Very capable equipment is now
available at moderate prices. Combined with a midsize telescope such equipment can observe many interesting, rapidly varying objects. The possibility
certainly exists that an appropriately equipped observer will someday discover some previously unknown class of fast astronomical phenomena.
7. References
Burnell, J. B. (2004). Pliers, Pulsars, and Extreme
Physics, in Radiations of Sigma Pi Sigma 10, pp 510.
Cherepashchuk, A, et al. (1996). Highly Evolved
Close Binary Stars: Catalog. Gordon and Breach
Publishers, p. 291.
Howell, S. B. (2000). Handbook of CCD Astronomy.
Chp. 5. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Menke, J. (2009). The Addictive Properties of Occultations. in 28th Annual Conference of the Society
for Astronomical Sciences (Warner et al., eds.). pp. 917. Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho
Cucamonga, CA.
Ooura, T., (1998). Freeware program fft4g.c
Rabiner, L., Gold, B. (1975). Theory and Application
of Digital Signal Processing. Chp. 3. Prentice-Hall.
New York.
Stanton, R. H., (1983). Design and Use of a Computer-Based Photon Counting System in Advances
(R.C.Wolpert, R. M. Genet, eds.). pp. 87-129.
Vander Haagen, G. A. (2011), The Silicon Photomultiplier for High Speed Photometry. in 30th
Annual Conference of the Society for Astronomical
Sciences (Warner et al., eds.) pp. 87-96. Society for
Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
For the past decade progress has been made in using consumer-grade low light video cameras to watch the
night skies for meteor trails. Sophisticated software can now monitor the video stream in real time and parse out
the events of interest from a continuous recording. Sandia Laboratories has funded over 100 of such cameras
spread throughout the country. Their primary purpose has been to record large fireballs. The fireball data is primarily used to compare with space based observatories that are watching for nuclear explosions on Earth. The
Desert Fireball Array in southern Arizona has deployed three of these cameras in overlapping visual fields. The
mutual detection of events allows for three-dimensional reconstruction of the entry angle, speed, brightness and
spectroscopy. The stated goal of the project is to use the tracking information to locate and recover a meteorite
that was tracked through the atmosphere. The acquired data would allow direct comparison of atmospheric ionization characteristics to ground based laboratory analysis using simulated ablation of the same meteorite. To
achieve this goal, high precision calculations and final analysis using 3D projections in Google Earth will be described.
1. Introduction
Meteors are the least expensive sample return
missions available on Earth. Known meteor showers
have been a subject of intensive studies especially in
Europe (Berezhnoy, 2010; Borovicka, 1994). The
sporadic meteors however present a challenge for
research due to the random nature of their arrival and
difficulty of recovery. While many large random bolides have been captured on home video, comparatively few have been recovered and almost none with
reliable reentry data. Most data available from previous studies consists of velocity and brightness information (Borovika, 2007). Spectroscopic data is
available for showers (Madiedo, 2011) but almost
non-existent for sporadics. The upper atmosphere
where bolides begin ionization is molecularly extremely thin and is at a higher vacuum than can be
achieved on Earth. This leads to unusual ionization
species that normally recombine instantly in a lower
vacuum plasma environment but in the upper atmosphere, live long enough to display forbidden lines
in their spectra.
shoulder of the third camera to maintain a 360 degree mutual detection zone as shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 2 Second generation camera housing with 100 degree field of view.
Fig. 1. Sandia video camera housing. System incorporates PVC fittings for waterproofing with internal heater
and power supply.
3. Discussion
Data on meteor showers is available for virtually
all of the major events. Efforts in the 1980s and
1990s centered around film and continuously recorded video, which were cumbersome and lacked
4. Conclusions
The technology for full-time automated detection
of meteors has finally come of age. The combination
of inexpensive low light cameras and high performance real-time analysis of the video stream, creates a
powerful tool for bolide research. Visualization tools
such as Google Earth are bringing the data to life in
simple but effective ways and allowing an unprecedented look into all aspects of Earth crossing bolides.
The instrument infrastructure is now in place and all
that is necessary is the cooperation of a random bolide to enter the atmosphere in the right area. In the
last several years at least three large bolides have
fallen inside the detection area. One of these was
recovered and is now known as the Whetstone fall
( Unfortunately, technical problems
had cameras off-line during these events and a mutual detection was not recorded. The technical difficulties have now been overcome and multiple cameras are scanning the skies on a regular basis just
waiting for the next big event.
5. References
ASGARD, All Sky and Guided Automatic Realtime
Detection. Meteor detection software.
Berezhnoy, A. A. (2010. Formation of molecules in
bright meteors. Icarus 210, 150157.
Borovika, J., Spurn, P. (2007). Atmospheric deceleration and light curves of Draconid meteors and
implications for the structure of cometary dust.
Astron. Astrophys. 473, 661-672.
Borovicka, J. (1994). Two components in meteor
spectra. Plan. Space Sci. 42, 145-150.
Madiedo. J. M. (2011). Emission Spectra of Geminid Fireballs from 3200 Phaeton: Preferential Depletion of Volatile Phases. IAU Symposium.
NASA, All Sky Fireball Network,, UFO Capture Software.
Trigo-Rodriguez, J. M., ed. (2008). Advances in Meteoroid and Meteor Science, Springer Pub. 564 pgs., Whetstone Mountains Meteorite,
Currently most asteroid occultations are measured with video equipment. This technique is limited to stars bright
enough to be measured at 30 frames per second and limits participation to observers that have portable low-light
video and time standard tagging equipment. This paper presents new observation tools and analysis methods
that allow the larger community of astroimagers to make precise occultation measurements with tracking telescopes and DSLR or CCD integrating cameras.
1. Introduction
Occultation events occur when one body, typically non-luminous, passes directly between an observer and a more distant luminous body, completely
blocking the distant bodys radiation. Occultations
are a sub-class of transit events. This special alignment of the observer, distant object, typically a star,
and the occulting body provides an opportunity to
determine the shape of the occulting body. The most
typical forms of occultation measurements are performed on asteroids passing in front of stars and lunar
limb features passing in front of stars.
For the case of asteroids, if we know the orbit of
the asteroid with sufficient precision to predict the
transit, we also know its distance to the observers and
its apparent velocity in the plane perpendicular to the
observers line of sight. With this information, simple
algebra and multiple observers it is possible to accurately render the cross sectional profile of the asteroid.
With the advances in precision stellar and asteroid astrometry in combination with low cost computing power, it is now possible to predict, with reasonable accuracy, many more occultation events than
ever before. For lack of sufficient observers, many of
these events are under recorded.
Currently, most occultation observers are diligent shadow chasers. They are typically equipped
with telescopes, low light video cameras, a time standard capable of imprinting accurate time codes onto
the video, and a video recording system. With this
equipment they do fantastic work. This type of
equipment is pretty specialized and requires a commitment to this type of observation that not many
observers are going to make. At the same time tele-
The first step in making an occultation observation is to locate events proximate to you. IOTA, the
International Occultation Timing Association, has a
wonderful web site that will show you predicted
events in your vicinity. I am particularly fond of
Steve Prestons Worldwide Occultation Prediction
Page. It provides a concise summary of upcoming
events with a notation of the broad geographical regions from which the event is expected to be visible.
If an event is going to be visible in your broad geographical region, you can then link to a more detailed
map of the shadows path across the Earth. If this
looks like something accessible to you, you can then
download a summary of the occultation event and the
visible path with 1 sigma error margins.
Punching off the power switch on your telescope as you listen to WWV on a shortwave
In the event you do not have network connectivity, there are two other methods that are very reliable. First is WWV and WWVB, the NIST radio stations that transmit time signals on 2.5MHz, 5MHz,
10 MHz and 15MHz. When using these sources, I
turn on only the computer and radio and keep them as
far apart as I can and still hear the radio. My experience is that these signals can be difficult to use near
computers, telescopes and cameras that all emit radio
interference. But if you use WWV to sync your clock
Figure 14 shows the results of 60 trials of applying GPS serial time corrections verses Dimension 4
network time standards. It demonstrated that GPS
serial data streams provide accurate timing to 50
milliseconds, 1/20th of a second accuracy from virtually any location.
To characterize a new device, simply connect
yourself to the Internet and put the GPS where it can
get enough satellites to get a fix. Often you can obtain a fix in a wood frame structure. Then bring up
both Dimension 4 and GPS Geodesy on your system.
Set the GPS delay to 0 and alternate between synchronizing to network time and GPS time. About 50
or so tries will get you a statistically useful sample
population. Now go to Dimension 4s history window
and export the history file as a CSV file and use your
favorite spreadsheet to analyze the results. Take the
simple mean and plug it into the GPS Geodesy programs delay parameter and you are ready to go into
the field.
7. Data Reduction
The ultimate product of your observation will be
the duration and start time of the occultation at your
observing location, or lack thereof. Data reduction is
the process of extracting that information from your
drift scan image.
The steps in data reduction of a drift scan CCD
image start out as in any other CCD image, by calibrating for bias, dark current and potentially flat
fielding the optics.
To facilitate the easy extraction of the event data,
the next step is to rotate the image such that the star
trails are precisely horizontal. The tool used to do this
should be flux conserving, so as not to corrupt the
photometric information in your image.
Next you want to extract the brightness history
versus position in your image. Most astronomical
image processing tools provide a method for this
8. Tool Links
John Broughton. Drift scan tools: Scanalyzer &
Christian Buil. Iris CCD and DSLR image processing
and analysis software
9. Conclusion
The odds are that if you are reading this article,
you have all the necessary equipment and expertise to
observe an occultation. Give it a try. You may not
always see the occultation, but that is where the asteroid isnt and that fact is worth reporting. And you
may find that measuring an asteroids cross section is
exciting. You and a handful of collaborates can solve
the cross section of an asteroid with observations that
span a handful of seconds. Shape modelers spend a
lot more time for their results!
10. Acknowledgements
The author would like to thank the Mount Wilson Institute for the use of its facilities while developing and testing the tools referenced in this paper.
11. References
Brown, M. E., Rajuillo, C. A. (2004). Direct Measurementsof the Sice of the Large Kuiper BeltObjecct
(50000) Quaoar. Astron. J. 127, 2413-2417
Buie, M. W., Millis, R. I., et al. (1993). CCD Camera Occultation System. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 25,
Chen, W. P., et al. (2003). Fast CCD Photometryin
the Taiwan American Occultation Survey. Baltic
Astrononomy 12, 568-573.
Cooray, A. (2003). Kuiper Belt Object Sizes from
Occultation Observations. Astrophys. J. 589, L97L100.
Dunham, E. W., Baron, R. I, et al. (1985). A High
Speed Dual-CCD Imaging Photometer. PASP 97,
Fors, O, Nunez, J. Richichi, A. (2001). CCD Driftscan Imaging Lunar Occultations. Astron. Astrophys. 378, 1100-1106.
Massey, P. (1997). A Users Guide toCCD Reductions with IRAF. IRAF Documentation.
Millis, P., Dunham, D. W. (1989). Precise Measurement of Asteroid Sizes and shapes from Occultations. in Asteroids II (Shipley et al., eds.). pp. 148170. University of Arizona Press. Tucson.
Nuggent, R. (ed.) (2007). Chasing The Shadow: The
IOTA Occultation Observation Guide. International
Occultation Timing Association.
Olkin, C. B., et al. (1996). Astronomy of Singlecord Occultations: Application to the 1993 Triton
Event. PASP 108, 202-210.
VARMiNT - Beaver
We present early results of using virtual machine software to help make astronomical research computing accessible to a wider range of individuals. Our Virtual Astronomical Research Machine in No Time (VARMiNT) is
an Ubuntu Linux virtual machine with free, open-source software already installed and configured (and in many
cases documented). The purpose of VARMiNT is to provide a ready-to-go astronomical research computing environment that can be freely shared between researchers, or between amateur and professional, teacher and
student, etc., and to circumvent the often-difficult task of configuring a suitable computing environment from
scratch. Thus we hope that VARMiNT will make it easier for individuals to engage in research computing even if
they have no ready access to the facilities of a research institution. We describe our current version of VARMiNT
and some of the ways it is being used at the University of Wisconsin Fox Valley, a two-year teaching campus
of the University of Wisconsin System, as a means to enhance student independent study research projects and
to facilitate collaborations with researchers at other locations. We also outline some future plans and prospects.
1. Introduction
Astronomical research is very much tied to computing. For a professor or graduate student at a research institution, there is an existing shared computing infrastructure, with networked computers already
configured for a variety of research tasks, and a local
community of support to assist beginners. But for
amateur astronomers or faculty and students at small
colleges, the lack of an existing research computing
environment can be a serious obstacle to conducting
astronomical research.
The actual physical computing power necessary
for many research tasks is now easily available; even
a low-cost netbook may have enough power for some
data reduction and analysis tasks. The difficult part is
the initial setup and configuration of the software and
necessary dependencies, along with the tutorials and
documentation necessary for those beginning in research computing. The lack of a common infrastructure also makes it difficult for people to help each
Toward addressing this need, we have developed
our Virtual Astronomical Research Machine in No
Time (VARMiNT). The purpose of VARMiNT is to
provide a ready-to-go research computing environment, mostly for astronomy, that can be freely shared
between researchers, or between professional and
amateur, teacher and student, etc.
VARMiNT is a fully-configured Ubuntu Linux
virtual machine (VM) that can be booted and run
VARMiNT - Beaver
2. Virtualization Software
VARMiNT is set up as a VMware Virtual Machine. It can be run directly with several VMware
products, including the free (with registration)
VMware Player, which is available for most MS
Windows and Linux host operating systems.
VMware was chosen because their virtual machines are portable and can be self contained within
one directory. Thus VARMiNT can be shared simply
by copying it to, for example, an external USB hard
drive. The copy can then be moved freely back and
forth between host computers, even across platforms.
Simply shut VARMiNT down on one host, disconnect the drive, reconnect it to another host, and boot
it back up.
The other popular choice for virtualization software is VirtualBox ( VirtualBox
has the advantage that it is open-source GPL software, and it is available for Mac OSX as well as MS
Windows and Linux. VirtualBox virtual machines,
however, are not truly portable; they must be created
new on each host computer. It is fairly easy however,
to create a VirtualBox virtual machine from a
VMware VM. One can simply create a new VirtualBox VM, but instead of creating a new virtual disk,
simply use the disk from a VMware VM. At present,
this is the only way we know to run VARMiNT on a
Mac OSX host.
VARMiNT - Beaver
4. Modes of Use
One reason for using a virtual machine is to use a
different operating system from the one that is
natively booted on your host computer. For example,
one might want to use a Linux virtual machine in
order to gain access to Linux programs on a MS
Windows computer.
But even if the virtual machine uses the same OS
as the host computer, there still may be advantages to
the VM approach. In particular, a virtual machine can
be kept lean as it can be configured around a particular subset of possible uses. The VM need not perform all possible computing tasks, and so it can be
kept small (and thus easily backed up), uncluttered,
and customized for the project at hand.
Thus one may find it useful to do most of one's
work on a choice of a few different customized virtual machines, each booted when needed on a host
computer that can also be kept lean and uncluttered.
If the host computer has enough resources, both
VMWare and VirtualBox allow the user to have multiple VM's booted simultaneously on the same host.
Another possible advantage, with VMWare
VM's in particular, is portability. Thus one can, for
example, easily move a project, contained within a
VM stored on a usb hard drive, back and forth between computers at home and work. This portability
also makes it easy to share projects between users.
5. License Issues
We have made every attempt to include only
GPL, or GPL-compatible, open-source software in
VARMiNT. The Ubuntu OS was configured without
the installation of proprietary hardware drivers. This
is possible because the virtualization software (e.g.,
VMWare or Virtual Box) used to boot the VM creates its own virtual hardware drivers. A new user of
VARMiNT has the option to install free software
(called Guest Additions for Virtual Box or
Vmware Tools for VMWare) to better integrate the
guest VM and the host OS. These proprietary (but
free) add-ons then allow for such features as copy
and paste or click and drag between the guest VM
and the host OS.
Information on the licenses for installed software
on VARMiNT is contained within a text file, prominently linked by a launcher on the initial desktop.
Since these are all GPL, or GPL-like, license agreements, then this should satisfy the license agreements
when VARMiNT is copied and shared between users.
For a particular use, one may want to install
software that while free, requires the active acceptance of a license agreement in order for it to be in-
VARMiNT - Beaver
7. Future Prospects
VARMiNT 1.0 is designed to provide a rather
generic environment for astronomical research, in
8. Conclusions
Virtual Machines provide an elegant solution to
the problem of bringing astronomical research to a
greater diversity of individuals. Our VARMiNT can
provide a ready starting point for those who wish to
set up an astronomical research computing environment that is customized for a particular combination
of project and user. For inquiries about how to obtain
a copy of VARMiNT, or for suggestions for future
versions or desires to collaborate, please contact the
9. Acknowledgements
Dale Thibideau, Network Administrator at the
University of Wisconsin Fox Valley, first introduced
me to virtualization software, and his continuing help
and insight have been invaluable. Chuck Conger,
(UW Fox Valley) and Dan Phiel (UW Oshkosh) have
both tested early versions of VARMiNT and offered
helpful suggestions.
VARMiNT - Beaver
10. References
Beaver, J. E., Conger, C. (2012). Extremely Low
Cost Point-Source Spectrophotometry (ELCPSS). in
Proceedings for the 31st Annual Symposium on Telescope Science (Warner et al., eds.). pp. 113-120. Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Beaver, J. E., Piehl, D., Kaltcheva, N., Briley, M.
(202). Strmgren-H photometry of the galactic cluster M 11. In preparation.
Beaver, J. E, Robert, D. M. (2011) A CCD Spectrograph for One Dollar. in Earth and Space Science:
Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach. ASP Conference Series 433, 425.
Kuhn, B. M., Williamson, A, Sandler, K. M. (2008).
A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance. Software
Freedom Law Center. (retrieved 12 April 2012).
VARMiNT - Beaver
In late 2011, asteroid 16666 Liroma made a very favorable apparition with unusually bright magnitude and passing through near-zero solar phase angle. This opportunity prompted a project to determine the rotation period,
lightcurve shape, and phase curve parameters (H, G) of this asteroid. The rotation period P = 112 5 h that we
find, with amplitude m 0.45 0.05 mag (peak-to-peak) seems to be well-justified. The lightcurve gives a fair fit
to almost all of the data gathered on 21 nights over an period of 2 months. However, three nights at the largest
phase angle (at the end of the observed apparition) fall significantly off the lightcurve. An attempt to fit the lightcurve to a two-period model gives a somewhat better fit, but still leaves substantial deviations from a model lightcurve, thus presenting an unresolved mystery.
1. Introduction
The 2011-2012 apparition of 16666 Liroma presented an unusually favorable set of circumstances: a
close approach to Earth (making the asteroid bright
enough for photometric study with small telescopes),
and a presentation at nearly zero solar phase angle
(offering the prospect of monitoring the asteroids
opposition surge, and determining its phase curve).
The authors independently began observations of this
object and then collaborated by merging our data sets
and jointly analyzing (and struggling over) the results.
3. A Differential-Photometry Lightcurve
With all comp stars on the Altimira R system,
the asteroid differential magnitudes were placed on a
consistent baseline
The resulting raw lightcurve for 2011 late November and early December is shown in Figure 1.
This shows a sequence of alternating upward
and downward slopes that suggests a period of
about 4 days.
rier curve, as shown in Figure 3. Some of the photometric data is noisier than we would normally like,
because the asteroid was getting pretty faint as its
distance from Earth increased.
This lightcurve has no arbitrary delta-comps, is
a plausible double-peak shape, and gives a reasonably good fit to the data (RMS = 4.2, in units of 0.01
mag). The only poorly-justified parameter hidden
within it is that it uses the default phase-curve parameter of G = 0.15 to compensate for the changing
solar phase angle.
We also tried several numerical experiments by
applying more-or-less arbitrary delta-comp adjustments (up to 0.3 mag) to groups of nightly data. The
net result of these experiments was that the best-fit
lightcurve periods ranged from 109 to 115 h, so we
conclude that the best-estimate lightcurve period is P
= 112 5 h.
Figure 5:
Figure 4: Example of the implementation of the procedure from Harris, et al (1989) to extrapolate observed
data to determine the max brightness of the rotational
phase curve on the indicated rotation. The solar phase
curve is formed by plotting Rmax vs.
Additional data was gathered in the hope of filling in the gaps in the rotational lightcurve, and extending the coverage of the phase curve to larger solar phase angles. Alas, rather than helping, this additional data is a source of confusion. Altimira Observatory gathered R- and C-band data on UT 2011 Dec
28, 2012 Jan 18, and 2012 Jan 19 (at solar phase angles of 22 to 30 degrees).
When this data is plotted on the previouslyfound lightcurve with P = 111.43 h, it falls badly off
the curve, and at least in the case of 2012 Jan 18 and
2012 Jan 19 no arbitrary delta-comp would bring
the data into alignment with the lightcurve. Worse, a
period search that includes this data results in a complete garble, with no plausible lightcurve found at
any period between 40 hr to 250 h.
cal'd on 2012-01-27
FOV night C1
2012-01-18 -7.588731 -6.544731 -7.203731 -6.886231
delta 0.036301 0.041301 -0.008699 0.036801
Considering that these two independent calibrations yielded the same comp-star magnitudes (0.02
mag), it is hard to argue that they are discrepant. By
extension, the calibration of the comp stars for other
nights (done in the same way, with the same instrument) is given some additional credibility.
It is possible that the shape of the lightcurve
changes at large solar phase angles ( 22 deg to
30 deg). Shadowing effects can certainly cause significant changes in the shape of a lightcurve from
opposition to large solar phase angle. We attempted
to test this notion by examining alternate lightcurve
6. Tumbling?
Liriopes relatively long primary period (assuming P 112 h to be at least approximately correct)
makes it a good candidate to be a non-principal axis
rotator (i.e. a tumbler).
We are not qualified to assess whether these
anomalous data points might be related to complex
(rotation + precession) motion of the asteroid. However, as a first step to investigate this possibility, a
two-period search was conducted with the utility in
MPO Canopus. The results were not spectacularly
successful, but were intriguing. The best combination
of primary and secondary periods was:
P1 = 107.44 h (rotation period?)
P2 = 198.80 h (precession period?)
Figure 7 shows the brightness vs. time [H(0,1,1)]
predicted by this two-period model. In the top panel
the two-period brightness model is compared to the
simpler single-period (P1 = 107.44 h) model. This
illustrates the complexity of the resulting brightness
vs. time profile that is caused by introducing the second period, compared with a single-period model.
The bottom panel of Figure 7 compares the observed
asteroid brightness with the prediction of the twoperiod model. (Observed data points are the measured magnitude adjusted to zero-solar-phase angle,
assuming a slope parameter of G = 0.03). The early
portion of this shows that the two-period model is a
nice fit to the data a noticeably better fit than is
achieved using just the P1 curve. Late in the curve,
the distinction between the single-period and the twoperiod predictions is not as clear, but again the twoperiod model seems to fit the data nicely. The complexity of the two-period brightness curve might explain why it was so difficult to find a single-period
model that could fit all of the data, even near opposition.
t, hr (t0= JD 2455887.50)
two-period model is
better fit than P1 only
Two-Period Model (P1, P2)
Figure 7: A two-period lightcurve model offers an intriguing (but not completely successful) explanation of the
complex brightness changes of 16666 Liroma
7. Availability of Data
All of the differential photometry data from this
project has been uploaded to the ALCDEF database,
so it can be examined and used by anyone who is
interested in re-analyzing it, or combining it with
other data sets.
8. References
Buchheim, R. K. (2010). Methods and Lessons
Learned Determining the H-G Parameters of Asteroid
There is a growing movement in the educational field to promote science, technology, engineering and math
studies, stemming from a concern about waning understanding and interest among K-12 students in these topics. STEM Laboratory, Inc. (STEM) has developed a Sky Brightness Meter (SBM) that can be used with ease yet
produces complex information relating to light at night monitoring. STEM sees the SBM and its corresponding
data archive as a means to involve students in projects that relate to scientific method exploration, makes science more accessible, and encourages a life long appreciation and understanding of scientific endeavors. In this
paper we present an example of a project template that could be used by students studying effects of artificial
light on sky brightness. STEM has developed several outreach lessons aligned with the National Common Core
Curriculum, Systems Thinking concepts and local standards to be implemented in classrooms or independent
youth organizations.
1. Introduction
This paper is intended to serve as a general guide
for students contemplating conducting and writing
their own report using light at night data collected
with the STEM Sky Brightness Meter or from the
STEM Sky Brightness Data Archive (SBDA), c.f.
Craine et al. (2011). It provides a basic overview of
the methodology and procedures for collecting and
reducing data, and gives an example of the sort of
information and product students could potentially
Additionally, this paper provides some sample
classroom applications, relating to light and light at
night, that teachers could apply and adapt to their
grade level. It is by no means a complete representation of all potential projects, but it does give an idea
of the types of lessons possible at a variety of grade
and age levels.
2. Methodology
The first step in this type of research project is to
determine the site to be monitored. Such a selected
site should be of some scientific interest, for example, due to environmental and ecological reasons or
new development going in. The site can be a small
sampling to be monitored multiple times, can be a
E. on Blacklidge to Campbell
S. on Campbell to Grant
W. on Grant to Park
N. on Park to Adelaide
E. on Adelaide to Campbell
S. on Campbell to Spring
W. on Spring to Fremont
N. on Fremont to Mitchell
E. on Glenn to Martin
S. on Martin to Spring
W. on Spring to Highland
N. on Highland to Copper
W. on Copper to Mountain
3. Data
The original document produced from the data
collection session is a comma delimited text file
(.csv) of the raw data information. This file should be
saved in its original state; any subsequent data manipulations should be done in a new Excel (.xls or
.xlsx) file. The information downloaded from the
SBM in which we are primarily interested includes
the date, time, longitude, latitude, and magnitude per
square arc second for each data point.
In order to extrapolate more useful information
from the raw data it is necessary to conduct some
data manipulation. In the new Excel working document added information includes the longitude and
6. In The Classroom
6.1.2. Concept II
History of Science as a Human Endeavor focuses
on change over time, advancements individuals have
made in science and mathematics, and ultimately the
technology and engineering their discoveries enable.
7. Conclusion
The Sky Brightness Meter and Sky Brightness
Data Archive are innovative technologies and tools
which encourage student participation and interest in
the field of science. The STEM Educational Outreach
Program recognizes the importance of engaging
learners of all ages and abilities. The SBDA brings
real scientific data directly to students, sparking an
enthusiasm at an early age. The SBM allows students
of higher levels to target and direct their own projects
and collect data accordingly.
The Methodology, Data and Comparison and
Analysis sections of this paper serve as an introductory guide to potential student-driven scientific inquiry projects. The In the Classroom section provides
classroom ready SBM and SBDA based projects
linked to science standards. These suggested projects
represent a portion of the opportunities STEM provides for students and educators.
8. References
Arizona Department of Education
Common Core Curriculum Standards
Craine, Eric R., Craine, Erin M., Craine, Brian L.
(2011). The Sky Brightness Data Archive (SBDA)
in Procceedings for the 30th Annual Symposium on
Telescope Science (Warner et al., eds.). pp 45-52.
Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
General Education (GE) classes are designed to broaden the understanding of all college and university students in areas outside their major interest. However, most GE classes are lecture type and do not facilitate
hands on experimental or observational activities related to the specific subject matter. Utilizing several astronomy application programs (apps), currently available for the iPad and iPhone, in conjunction with a small inexpensive telescope allows students unique hands on experiences to explore and observe astronomical objects
and concepts independently outside of class. These activities enhance the students overall GE experience in a
unique way not possible prior to the development of this technology.
1. Introduction
Small telescopes have become reasonably priced
and readily available. The iPad has gained popularity
through the thousands of applications (apps) that
have been written for almost any subject imaginable.
We have taken advantage of an inexpensive telescope, the Celestron Firstscope (Figure 1) and several of the astronomy related apps available for the
iPad (Figure 2) to enhance college and university
students General Education (GE) experiences allowing them the unique opportunity to observe astronomical objects independently outside of the classroom with little or no background knowledge of the
operation of a telescope or the location of objects in
the sky.
Ten iPads and telescopes were purchased by the
Physics Department and are available for the students
to check out from Instructional Technology (IT) and
the library Reference Desk. Specific astronomy apps
have been loaded onto the iPads for our activities.
Since the iPads also allow access to the students
email and internet, IT personnel clean and reinstall all
apps on the iPad prior to each checkout to ensure the
integrity and security of the devices. The students can
check them out for three day periods.
2. The Activities
With the availability of iPads and inexpensive
telescopes it has become possible to develop selfguided activities. They can be used with the telescope
alone, with the iPad alone or with the telescope and
iPad together (the preferred situation) depending on
the availability of the equipment at checkout.
Figure 1. Celestron Firstscope telescope.
3. Results
6. References
4. Conclusion
3D Sun
Dr. Tony Phillips, LLC
These telescope and iPad activities were considered successful after reviewing the initial semester
trial data. The majority of the students liked the activities and found them useful. They particularly enjoyed pointing the iPad at the sky and identifying
what it was pointed at. Problems operating the small
telescope contributed to some students comments.
Minor modifications are planned for the activities instructions and the questionnaire to eliminate
possible confusion in the future. We may be able to
eliminate some of the problems the students had
with the telescope. Purchasing more iPads and telescopes would also increase the availability of the
equipment for more student participation.
It is often difficult to stimulate a GE students interest in subject matter that they may not have an
interest in. It was refreshing to see the non-science
major student response to the use of these technologies, especially those few who stated they were going
to buy their own telescopes.
We also realized that regular structured astronomy laboratory class exercises could benefit from the
integration of the iPad telescope applications.
The reasonable cost of the iPad apps makes it
easy to afford. Most of the apps used in the activities
were free. The remaining apps cost is reasonable,
between $5 and $40. Additional apps may be utilized
in the future.
Integrating astronomy apps into teaching activities should increase drastically in the further. To assist faculty with the many possibilities for student
activities, catalogs of astronomy apps have already
been published, Fraknoi.
A copy of the activities is available upon request
from the authors.
5. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the Physics Department
for funding the purchase of the telescopes and the
iPads and Colin McDonell, Instructional Technology,
for his preparation and maintenance of the iPads and
their apps.
Apple iPad
Apple ITunes
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Concentric Sky
Celestron Firstlight Telescope
Celestron, LLC. , 2835 Columbia St. Torrance, CA
GoSkyWatch Planetarium,
Messier List
Scot Spencer
Moon Globe
Midnight Martian
S&T SkyWeek
Sky & Telescope Media, LLC
The fact that the sun rotates is obvious by observing the daily motion of sunspots. The overall sunspot movement to the west is a result of this solar rotation. However, solar rotation can also be determined by observing
the solar spectrum at the solar limbs. The absorption lines in the spectrum will display a Doppler shift since the
east limb is coming toward the observer and the west limb is moving away. The velocity of the limb, relative to
the observer, can be determined from these spectral line shifts. Knowing the solar radius, the rotational period
can be calculated.
1. Introduction
The observation of sunspots demonstrates solar
rotation. The overall sunspot movement to the west
is a result of this solar rotation. Galileo calculated
the suns rotational period in 1610 using these observations.
The utilization of high resolution spectroscopic
analysis employing small aperture telescopes (0.35m)
can also be used to measure the suns rotational period.
The rotational velocity can be calculated by using the observed Doppler Effect. Observations of the
Hydrogen absorption line at the limb shows a small
spectral shift to shorter wavelengths as the east limb
is coming toward the observer and to longer wavelengths as the west limb is moving away. Comparing
these wavelength differentials from the laboratory
standard of the H line, the rotational velocity can be
calculated. Knowing the solar radius and the rotational velocity, the rotational period can be calculated.
Figure 1. Low resolution solar spectra showing hydrogen alpha absorption lines (McMath-Pierce Solar Observatory).
3. Results
The values calculated apply to the equatorial region of the Sun; the rotational angular velocity varies
across the surface of the Sun from the equator to the
poles. This is referred to as differential rotation.
At the equator the solar rotation period is 25.05
days. This is the sidereal rotation period (Figure 5),
and should not be confused with the synodic rotation
period of 26.91 days; which is the time for a fixed
feature on the Sun to rotate to the same apparent position as viewed from Earth. The synodic period is
longer because the Sun must rotate for a sidereal period plus an extra amount due to the orbital motion of
the Earth around the Sun.
6562.757 0.005
6562.837 0.005
6562.797 0.001
4. Conclusion
Significant assumptions have been made when
measuring the solar spectral lines. Physical effects
such as temperature, pressure, elemental abundance,
density and surface gravity have been ignored. These
properties affect the width and the height as well as
the shape and position of the spectral lines.
Considering that these assumptions and constraints would drastically complicate this exercise,
they have been excluded. This technique yields a
satisfactory value for the rotational period of the sun
considering that the Doppler shifts obtained were at
the limits of the resolution of the Merritt Spectrograph. This technique and apparatus can be used as
in a simple laboratory exercise for physics and astronomy classes demonstrating the methods and
techniques utilized by astronomers.
5. Acknowledgements
I would like to thank Michael Burin, CSUSM
Physics Department, for his insight and willingness
to utilize this exercise in his astronomy laboratory
6. References
Gill, R. M. (2011). Construction of an Inexpensive
High Resolution Littrow Spectrograph for Be Star H
Alpha Analysis. in Proceedings of the 30th Annual
Symposium on Telescope Science (Warner et al.,
eds.). Society for Astronomical Sciences, Rancho
Cucamonga, CA.
RSpec. Real time spectroscopy.
This paper describes the construction and operation of a medium resolution spectrometer used in the visual
wavelength range. It is homebuilt, but has built in guiding and calibration, is fully remote operable, and operates
at a resolution R=3000. It features a fast f3.5 system, which allows it to be used with a fast telescope (18 inch
f3.5) with no Barlow or other optical matching devices.
1. Background
Five years ago I completed an 18inch f3.5 Newtonian for use primarily in asteroid and stellar photometry as described in
Soon after, I obtained an SBIG DSS7 low resolution R = 100 (5A) spectrometer. While the DSS7 is
capable of very good work, one of the difficulties of
using the DSS7 with the Newtonian was that it is an
f10 instrument, thus requiring use of a 2.7x Barlow.
After several years, I saw the benefits of an instrument with increased resolution. The goals for the
instrument design would be
Native operation at f3.5, ie., no Barlow needed.
Resolution R=2-3000 (approximately 2A)
High Stability to allow precise wavelength
measurements and tracking
Self Guiding in a closed loop
Full remote operation
Integral calibration source
Reasonable weight and with good balance
Construction using basic machine shop practices
Operable with almost any CCD camera
2. Spectrometer Design
Figure 1.
The biggest design challenge was to accommodate the fast f-ratio. The problem is not so much the
optics, as it is that such a fast converging light beam
from the telescope allows very little space for optical
elements once it leaves the telescope and before it
enters the slit. While one could build a spectrometer
into the telescope, this would make instrument
changeover very cumbersome. After considering a
variety of designs, I settled on my own version of a
Littrow design (in which the light from the grating
reflects back at approximately the entering angle) that
appeared to meet the design goals.
2.1 Focusser
A key element in the design is the focuser itself.
The focuser is an early Clement design featuring a
highly constrained and stiff kinematic design that is
only 1inch high at minimum and 4inches high fully
extended. As manufactured, the focuser uses an external 4inch high post and screw to vary the focus
with virtually no backlash. While the mechanism
works extremely well, its placement interfered with
mounting a spectrometer. To correct this, I modified
the focuser drive by making a new adjusting screw
which projects into the telescope (rather than external), and indeed, I also mounted the remote controlled (RoboFocus) stepping motor inside (powered
off except when changing focus). The focuser surface
is now completely clear.
2.2 Guider
The telescope must be actively guided to keep
the star on the slit. The telescope is approximately 1
a-s/pixel, and the slit opening at 50u would be about
5.5 pixels wide. After examining alternatives, I chose
a partially reflecting pickoff mirror in the optical
path. This is a simple system to build and allows the
guider camera potentially to see a large field. I used a
8% reflection, 92% transmission pellicle (super thin
mirror) for the optical element. This is mounted on a
PVC carrier installed in the inlet 2inch tubing. The
guide camera is a Starlight Express Lodestar camera,
uncooled, no shutter, 8.5u pixels (closely matching
the 9u pixels of the imaging camera). In practice, it
has no trouble guiding on mag12 stars using 5 sec
2.3 Calibrator
I also built a simple neon calibrator that uses the
rear of the pellicle mirror to reflect light into the slit.
The Ne-2 neon bulb is driven by a 12VDC to
120VAC converter (remote controlled). Its light
passes through several small diffusing sheets to create a reasonable area source, then through a lens that
focuses at about f3-f4 off the back of the pellicle into
the slit.
2.4 Slit
The slit is a 50u 3mm high air (not glass) slit
mounted in a PVC carrier in the inlet tube. The star
image from the telescope is approximately 2.5a-s
FWHM, which translates to about 25u. Thus, a 50u
slit allows virtually all of a reasonably well focused
5. Conclusion
This project has been fun and satisfying, and has
resulted in a fully usable instrument that can easily
track below mag12 and take good spectra to about
mag8. The cost was about $500 for materials, and
required about 150 hours of work (of course, a second one would be much faster to build and debug).
The spectrometer met or exceeded all the goals, and
will be used to supplement the DSS7 spectroscopy at
our observatory.
A much more detailed version of this paper with
photos is on