High Perf HR
High Perf HR
High Perf HR
There have been a signicant number of studies over the last decade investigating the links
between HRM and organisational performance. These have focused on the extent to which if
at all high commitment or best practice HRM may lead to improvements in worker or
organisational performance. This was stimulated initially by the work of a number of US
academics but it has been developed more recently by people in Britain as well. Basically, the
idea is that a particular bundle of HR practices has the potential to contribute improved
employee attitudes and behaviours, lower levels of absenteeism and labour turnover, and
higher levels of productivity, quality and customer service. This, it is argued, has the ultimate
effect of generating higher levels of protability. Since the HR practices that supposedly
contribute to an improved bottom line performance are generally perceived as good for workers
for example, employment security, training and development, information and consultation,
and higher levels of pay this looks like an attractive scenario for employers and workers alike.
However, not all the studies report such glowing and positive links between best practice
HRM and performance, and there are some doubts about the precise sorts of HR practices
that comprise the high commitment bundle, about their supposed synergy with one another,
about their attractiveness to workers and employers, and about their universal applicability.
Even if an association is found between high commitment HRM and performance, questions
remain about directions of causality and about the processes that underpin and drive these
linkages; recent research sponsored by the CIPD, undertaken by John Purcell and his
colleagues, provides further analysis of the make-up of this so-called black box. This chapter
reviews these debates and presents evidence about the value of best practice HRM to
workers and organisations. We use best practice/high commitment HRM interchangeably.
By the end of this chapter, readers should be able to:
the meaning of best practice/high commitment HRM, and the ways in which
bundles of HR practice may be combined together
the theoretical, methodological and empirical concerns about claims that best
practice HRM can be applied universally in all organisations.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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Guest (1997, p263) argued some time ago that there is little additive value in these and
whilst statistically sophisticated, they lack theoretical rigour. Despite a plea for more
theoretical models to underpin empirical research, this has not prevented even more of these
sorts of studies taking place, and there remains concern about the strength of the conclusions
that can be drawn from them. There are also more serious and deep-seated disagreements
about the extent to which high commitment HRM is something all employers might wish or be
able to implement, and to what extent the precise mix of practices varies between countries
and types of employer, as well as whether or not it is equally attractive to workers. These
issues are taken up later in the chapter.
Rather than review all of the studies mentioned above which would be lengthy and
repetitive we have decided instead to focus on the list of high commitment HR practices
outlined by Pfeffer (1998), and adapt these for a UK/European context. For example, our
analysis makes use of a wider denition of employee involvement and information sharing
that incorporates the notion of employee voice (Marchington and Grugulis 2000; Dundon et al
2004). Box 9 outlines this list of HR practices.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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Source: Adapted from Pfeffer J. The Human Equation: Building prots by putting people rst. Boston,
Harvard Business School Press. 1998
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that new employees will stay with the rm until retirement. Delaney and Huselid (1996)
asked managerial respondents about lling vacancies from within and creating opportunities
for internal promotion as a proxy for employment security. Guest et al (2000a) use the
presence or absence of a job security guarantee for non-managerial employees, nding
that this is only reported by a very small number of workplaces 5 per cent in the private
sector, 15 per cent in the public. Guest et al (2003) ask a mix of questions about internal
labour markets and organisational commitment to employment security, as well as enquiring
about whether or not compulsory or voluntary redundancies have occurred in the last three
years. Over half of these organisations acknowledged that compulsory redundancies had
taken place during this period. Box 10 provides information on employment security at
different organisations.
BOX 10
Inland Revenue
The Inland Revenue is committed to avoiding compulsory redundancies except as a very
last resort, and one which it will do its utmost to avoid.
The Co-operative Bank
to jointly recognise that effective use of the revised organisational change process
(agreed with UNIFI) will require continued commitment to maintain an approach which
keeps the number of redundancies to a minimum and achieves redundancies on a
voluntary basis, as far as possible.
Welsh Water
Partnership gives employment security in these days of rapid change it is impossible to
give a guarantee of job security that is, doing the same job at the same location doing
the same things. But it does mean that permanent staff who want to continue working for
the company can continue to do so providing they understand their obligations to share
responsibility for continual improvements in meeting business objectives and providing
the highest levels of customer service.
BMW Hams Hall
The company and the trade union ofcers . . . both seek to establish a productive and
harmonious relationship between the parties. Job security, prosperity and development
depend upon the company continuing to grow and be successful. Both parties recognise
the objective is to achieve long-term prosperity.
Source: Adapted from various publications by the Involvement and Participation Association
After reading Box 10, to what extent do you think that employment security is an
important aspect of work and does it give an indication to workers that they are being
treated properly by employers?
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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Pfeffer (1998, p183) reckons that compulsory lay-offs and downsizing undermine employment
security, and sees the following as alternatives: (1) proportionately reducing working hours to
spread the pain of reduced employment costs across the entire workforce; (2) reducing
wages to reduce the labour costs; (3) freezing recruitment to prevent overstafng; and (4)
putting production workers into sales to build up demand.
This is some way short of full-blown employment security, and it is clear that employment
security is not expected to reduce corporate prots. The employers nancial exibility is
maintained by increasing employee workloads and by ensuring that salaries are related to
organisational performance in the event of a downturn in demand.
the number of applicants per position (Delaney and Huselid 1996) or as many good
applicants as the organisation needs (Guest et al 2003)
the proportion administered an employment test prior to hiring (Huselid 1995; Guest
et al 2003)
the sophistication of (selection) processes, such as the use of psychometric tests
(Patterson et al 1997) and realistic job previews (Hoque 1999; Guest et al 2000b,
These measures capture quite different components of the selection process and on whether
the focus is on the overall approach taken by employers or the precise techniques they use.
Moreover some of them emphasise inputs rather than outputs in terms of the quality of those
eventually recruited. For example, attracting a large number of applicants for a position may
indicate poor HR procedures due to failures to dene the job and the eld adequately prior to
advertising. As we see in Chapter 6, it is also possible that selective hiring, especially when it
focuses on how well new recruits might t with the prevailing organisational culture, can lead
to under-represented groups being excluded from employment. Moreover, an excessive
cloning of employees could be problematic if the organisation is keen to promote initiative
and diversity, and counterproductive if business needs and markets change. On the other
hand, there may be situations where it is impossible to attract sufcient applicants due to
skills shortages as with some professional jobs in the health and education sectors where
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
All rights reserved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
the emphasis shifts to generating a pool of potential recruits rather than nding more
sophisticated ways to choose between them.
Recruiting high quality, committed staff is seen as central to best practice HRM, and the use
of psychometric tests, structured interviews and work sampling is likely to increase the validity
of selection decisions. Competencies to be sought at the selection stage include trainability,
exibility, commitment, drive and persistence, and initiative. The key point about best
practice selection is that it should be integrated and systematic, making use of the
techniques which are appropriate for the position and the organisation, and administered by
individuals who have themselves been trained.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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base or broadening their experience (Truss et al 1997, p61). Similarly, questions need to be
asked about whether or not longer term budget safeguards are established so as to protect
training provision (Wood and Albanese 1995) or if training is tied in to increased promotability
within the organisation (Delery and Doty 1996). The quality of training, both in terms of its
focus and its delivery, is clearly more important than a simple count of the amount provided.
These issues are taken up again in Chapters 8 and 9.
How much time has been devoted to training in your organisation or one with which
you are familiar and what sort of training has been available? To what extent has it
been worthwhile?
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from management means that any meaningful worker contribution is unlikely. Indeed, one of
the objectives of schemes such as team brieng is to reinforce the supervisor as an
information disseminator who adapts messages to suit specic operational requirements. This
one-way version of information sharing rather than being seen as educative, empowering
and liberating as the terminology might imply could more easily be interpreted instead as
indoctrinating, emasculating and controlling (Marchington and Wilkinson 2005).
Although only a relatively small number of authors (eg Huselid 1995; Roche 1999; Batt et al
2002; Dundon et al 2004) specically include voice as an aspect of high commitment HRM, it
seems essential that workers should have the opportunity to express their grievances openly
and independently, in addition to being able to contribute to management decision-making on
task-related issues. Employee voice may be achieved through trade union representation and
collective bargaining as well as through formally established grievance and disputes
procedures, but in addition it could be through speak-up schemes, which offer employees
protection if their complaints are taken badly by managers (Marchington et al 2001). In their
study of telecommunications, Batt et al (2002, p589) regarded direct participation and union
representation as complementary vehicles for employee voice at work.
Self-managed teams/teamworking
This practice has become more prevalent over the last decade for a variety of reasons, not
least as a way of pooling ideas and improving work processes in response to Japanese
competition. It has been identied by many employers as a fundamental component of
organisational success (Marchington 1999). It is also one of the key attributes that employers
look for in new recruits, something asked for in references, and it even plays a part in courses
organised for school students. Teamwork is typically seen as leading to better decisionmaking and the achievement of more creative solutions (Pfeffer 1998, p76). Evidence
suggests that employees who work in teams generally report higher levels of satisfaction than
their counterparts working under more traditional regimes, although they also report working
hard as well (Wilkinson et al 1997; Edwards and Wright 1998; Geary and Dobbins 2001; Batt
and Doellgast 2003).
The range of measures used by researchers to assess teamworking has been rather
narrower than those used to assess many of the other best practices. Generally, it refers to
the proportion of workers in teams (MacDufe 1995; West et al 2002; Guest et al 2003), the
use of formal teams (Patterson et al 1997; Guest et al 2000a) or the deliberate design of jobs
to make use of workers abilities (Hoque 1999). However, such measures can not tell us
whether or not these teams actually are self-managed or act as autonomous groups, and
much depends upon decisions concerning, inter alia, the choice of team leader, responsibility
for organising work schedules, and control over quality (Frobel and Marchington 2005). A
distinction is also made between off-line teams such as quality circles and on-line teams
where workers are involved in daily decisions about work organisation (Batt 2004). Regarding
the latter, WERS showed that whilst 65 per cent of workplaces claim to have teamworking,
just 5 per cent of these could actually be categorised as autonomous groups where team
members have responsibility for managing their own time and appoint their own leaders
(Cully et al 1999, p43).
In contrast, there is a less optimistic perspective on self-managed teams, which suggests that
they are intrusive and difcult to implement in practice, and that they serve to strengthen
rather than weaken management control. It may also be impossible to introduce any
realistic version of teamworking when workers are unable to enlarge their jobs to embrace
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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higher level skills or where there are legal, technical or safety reasons that prevent workers
from making certain types of decision. Moreover, the prospect of teamworking is limited
where the rotation of a range of low-level jobs means that one boring job is merely swapped
for another boring job on a regular basis. In situations such as these, teamworking may only
serve to make work more stressful and intrusive, and add nothing to the skills or initiative that
workers are able to deploy. While these criticisms of self-managed teams can be seen as
failures of implementation, some analysts see this form of organisation as potentially awed
because it gives the impression of control without devolving any real power or inuence.
Barker (1993, p408), for example, suggests that self-managing teams produce a form of
control more powerful, less apparent, and more difcult to resist than that of the former
bureaucracy because it shifts the locus of control from management to workers what he
terms concertive control. The consequence of this is that peer pressure and rational rules
combine to create a new iron cage whose bars are almost invisible to the workers it
incarcerates (p435). The negative impact of teamworking may be especially problematic for
lower skilled workers (Bacon and Blyton 2003).
What is your experience of working in teams? Do you think that peer pressure is more
likely to generate better performance than supervisory control? Is teamworking
automatically positive in your view?
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A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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Table 8 The extent of high commitment HRM in the public and private sectors
Private sector
Source: Guest D., Michie J., Sheehan M. and Conway N. Employment Relations, HRM and Business
Performance: An analysis of the 1998 workplace employee relations survey. London, CIPD. 2000a. p16
Selective hiring is less obvious as a source of direct benet to employees, although it might
reduce the likelihood of having to work alongside what might be seen as incapable or
ineffective co-workers. In addition, delaying recruitment or using temporaries might enhance
the employment security of those permanent staff in the event of a downturn although there
is also evidence that temporary staff may be used in order to reduce wages and put pressure
on so-called permanent staff (Rubery et al 2003). Put together especially in comparison
with the bleak house policies described by a number of authors high commitment HRM
seems very attractive. However, as we have also seen, digging beneath the surface implies
that some of these best practices may not be quite as appealing in reality.
Look at Table 8. Do any of these gures come as a surprise to you, either in terms of
how extensive or rare they are? Why/why not? If you work for an organisation, develop
a business case for increasing the number of high commitment practices used at your
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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If you would like to purchase this book please visit www.cipd.co.uk/bookstore.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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a large number of high commitment HR practices and ignore others, but still gain from the
interactive effects of those that are in place. Questions then arise as to how many practices
are needed to make a difference, from what areas of HRM these are to be drawn and
whether certain practices are fundamental to make the synergies work. As we see in the
section on HRM and performance later in this chapter, much of Guest et als recent work has
differentiated between organisations on the basis of how many HR practices they use. Their
analysis of the WERS data led them to conclude that despite trying a variety of approaches
and combinations, we could not nd any coherent pattern of bundles of practices in the
private or the public sectors. The only combination that made any sense was a
straightforward count of all the practices (Guest et al 2000a, p15). Provided a certain
minimum number of practices are in place, it is likely (though not automatic) that high
commitment HRM will be found in a range of different areas of practice such as selection,
training, EI and harmonisation.
It is assumed that contradictions between best practice in one area and worst practice in
another will undermine the package as a whole. Workers, it is argued, soon notice differences
between employment practices, and are quick to spot inconsistencies between policy
statements and workplace practice. There have certainly been many occasions when a highprole cultural change programme, for example, which majors on learning and development
as a key principle, has been undermined by the announcement of massive redundancies.
Similarly, it has not been unknown for an organisation to introduce a new set of EI policies
without rst consulting employees about its shape. Inconsistencies between different HR
practices are likely to be even more apparent in situations where several employers operate
at the same workplace or clients have a direct or indirect inuence over the work of supplier
organisations, either through short-term secondments of staff or through employers exercising
joint responsibility for the completion of work tasks (Marchington et al 2004c).
Even in the context of the single employeremployee relationship, Wood and de Menezes
(1998, p487) note that most studies indicate a lack of consistency, reporting fragmentation,
a pick and mix approach to managing human resources, ad hocism, pragmatism and short
termism, rather than the deployment of consistent, integrated and long-term packages of
HRM. Truss et al (1997, pp6667) sum this up by stating that their research found little
evidence of any deliberate or realised coherence between HR activities. For instance, one
HR Ofcer commented that the rm could be recruiting someone in one department and
laying-off someone with a similar prole in another. Moreover, they saw no evidence of any
coherence among HR activities in different parts of the organisation, and whilst the
language of the soft HRM model was in evidence so too was that of the hard model
emphasising nancial control. More seriously, while Caldwell (2003) shows from a survey of
about 100 major organisations that signicant progress has been made in the adoption of
HR practices, unfortunately most has been made in implementing those practices that are
regarded as least important, and least progress with those that are most important. His
respondents recognised the value of bundling but found the linkages extremely difcult to
achieve for a number of reasons: it was felt there was no universal or magic formula; the
size, complexity and multidivisional structure of their organisation impeded co-ordination;
devolution to line managers tended to increase fragmentation; and the difculty the HR
function experienced in breaking out of its operational requirement to provide administrative
efciency rather than strategic vision (p203). Perhaps the lack of any sizeable take-up of
these HR practices should not surprise us. As Pfeffer suggests, even smart organisations
often do dumb things, failing to learn from other examples or being driven by criteria which
are ultimately wide of the mark.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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the previous year and the proportion of workers required to take an employment test as part
of the selection process. The latter included items such as the proportion of the workforce
with performance appraisals linked to compensation and the number of applicants for those
posts where recruitment took place most frequently. Output measures included labour
turnover, productivity and corporate nancial performance. Huselid (p667) concludes that the
magnitude of the returns for investments in [what he calls] high performance work practices is
substantial. A one per cent standard deviation increase in such practices is associated with a
7.05 per cent decrease in labour turnover and, on a per employee basis, 27,044 US dollars
more in sales and 18,641 US dollars and 3,814 US dollars more in market value and prots
respectively. Appelbaum and her colleagues (2000) also argued that high performance work
systems paid off. Their research was conducted in a number of different industries (steel,
apparel and medical electronic instrument), and in each they were large enough to be
important to the companies in our study but not so large as to strain credulity (p19).
Importantly, they also found (p20) that high performance work practices increased workers
trust, job satisfaction and commitment, and notably no evidence of speed up (work
intensication) and higher levels of stress. A key factor, as we see later when we look at the
work of Purcell et al (2003), is that having the opportunity to participate enhances workers
discretion and effort.
The results from the survey by Patterson et al (1997) published by the Institute of Personnel
and Development (now CIPD), were quoted widely by the media and put forward as evidence
for the importance of HRM as a driver of, and contributor to, improved performance. The
research was based on longitudinal studies of 67 UK manufacturing that were predominantly
single site and single product operations. It has been claimed on the basis of this research
that HRM had a greater impact on productivity and prots than a range of other factors
including strategy, R&D and quality. For example, it was argued that 17 per cent of the
variation in company protability could be explained by HRM practices and job design, as
opposed to just 8 per cent from research and development, 2 per cent from strategy and 1
per cent from both quality and technology. Similar results were indicated for productivity.
Below we examine in more detail four of the studies undertaken in the UK by Guest et al
(2000a, 2000b), West et al (2002), Guest et al (2003) and Purcell et al (2003) and we draw
on some in-depth reviews of the HRMperformance link. Some of the best-known studies are
outlined in Table 9 (see pages 867).
On the basis of these studies some forceful claims have been made about the impact of high
commitment HRM on performance. Two CIPD reports (2001a, 2001b) argued that the
economic and business case for good people management has now been proved. One notes
(2001a, p4) that more than 30 studies carried out in the UK and the US since the early 1990s
leave no room to doubt that there is a correlation between people management and business
performance, that the relationship is positive, and that it is cumulative. Since, it is argued,
senior personnel practitioners now agree that the case for HRM impacting on organisational
performance is not in dispute, the key question is how to make it happen (Caulkin 2001).
From a US perspective, Pfeffer (1998, p306) agrees that best practice HRM has the potential
to have a positive impact on all organisations, irrespective of sector, size or country.
Organisations only need leaders possessing both insight and courage to generate the large
economic returns that are available from high commitment HRM. Many of the studies have
focused on manufacturing but Batt and Doellgast (2003, p306) also suggest that a growing
number of studies show that collaborative forms of work organisation predict better
performance in the service sector.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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Table 9 Some of the major studies examining links between HRM and performance
Empirical studies
Nature of study
Arthur (1994)
Cross-sectional study
Huselid (1995)
Cross-sectional study
MacDufe (1995)
Cross-sectional study
Cross-sectional study
Youndt et al (1996)
USA: 97 manufacturing
Longitudinal study
Patterson et al (1997)
Longitudinal study
Cross-sectional study
Guest et al (2000a)
Cross-sectional study
Guest et al (2000b)
Cross-sectional study
Appelbaum et al (2000)
USA: 40 manufacturing
plants in steel, apparel and
medical electronics and
Cross-sectional study
West et al (2002)
Cross-sectional study
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
Table 9 continued
Empirical studies
Nature of study
Guest et al (2003)
Longitudinal study
Review articles
Wood (1999a)
Godard (2004)
These sorts of claims have also led to a stronger policy thrust from government. As we saw in
Chapter 1, Accounting for People (2003) notes that one way to increase the potential impact
of workers on performance was to encourage better HCM reporting. Whilst acknowledging
there was no single widely accepted best practice approach, the report nevertheless argued
(p3) that there is a growing consensus that high performance is linked with high quality in
practice in such areas as recruitment, skill development and training, remuneration, job
design and organisational culture. Ultimately, the Task Force decided to recommend a
consultative approach to encourage human capital reporting (and approaches) through the
setting-up of Standards Board which would bring together leading employers, professional
bodies and other relevant stakeholders to develop guidelines and to report back to
government within two years of its formation.
We now turn to look at four of the UK studies in more detail in order to address a number of
key points about this material. First, as will be apparent from Table 9, David Guest and his
colleagues published the results analysing two separate data sets on the links between
HRM/employment relations and performance during 2000. Both these are useful as they
focus on slightly different issues, and the CIPD survey unlike WERS makes some
estimate of whether or not HR practices are effective. Although it varies slightly between the
publications and with the detailed analyses, the broad theoretical framework guiding the
analysis is outlined in Figure 3 (Guest et al 2000b, p5; see page 88). Broadly, this proposes a
path model linking together business and HR strategies on the left-hand side of the diagram
(the input in positivist terms) with performance outcomes on the right-hand side. These
include indicators such as nancial performance, quality and productivity, as well as
employee outcomes in terms of competence, commitment and exibility. The overall
framework is glued together by a number of HR practices covering all the usual areas of
HRM, as well as by HR effectiveness. The HR practices include job security, recruitment and
selection, induction, appraisal, training and development, EI and teamwork, pay and rewards,
harmonisation and equal opportunities. The inclusion of a factor assessing effectiveness is
particularly important because this allows us to evaluate how well the practices are working,
in addition to whether or not they are present. In the CIPD survey, to some extent in
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
HR Effectiveness
Business Strategy
HR Practices
HR Strategy
HR Outcomes
Quality of goods
and services
contradiction to the ndings of Patterson et al (1997), it was revealing that whilst 70 per cent
of the chief executives felt that their business strategy relied a lot on people as a source of
competitive advantage, considerably less than half felt that people issues were more
important than nancial or marketing issues (Guest et al 2000b, p14).
A critically important nding of the study by Guest et al (2000a) is that a very small proportion
of organisations actually use more than three quarters of the HR practices outlined. At the
other extreme, an equally small proportion use less than a quarter. In general, those
organisations in the public sector and with trade union involvement utilise more practices than
those in the private sector and non-union rms, and indeed nearly 60 per cent reported using
less than half of the whole list of HR practices. We can see from the data in Table 8 that
certain practices are extremely widespread in the public sector such as a formal grievance
procedure, a written equal opportunities policy, and a standard contract. The private sector
typically shows lower levels of extensiveness, but the same sorts of HR practices emerge as
most widespread apart from the fact that appraisal appears to be used in more organisations.
The least extensive HR practices from the list are job security guarantees, the use of quality
circles and preference being given to internal candidates when lling vacancies. What the
data is unable to tell us, given that it relies on a straight number count, is whether or not
specic HR practices are essential for the HR bundle to work.
Even if organisations employ a wide range of HR practices, this does not mean that they are
applied effectively or that they have any impact on workers or managers. For example, while
it is important to know whether or not an employer makes use of regular appraisals or
provides information about performance targets, this gives us no clue as to whether the
appraisals make any difference or the information is supplied in a meaningful and timely
fashion. This is why measures of effectiveness are so useful. In the CIPD survey (Guest et al
2000b), Managing Directors and HR professionals were asked to assess the effectiveness of
each practice area, and in most cases they were judged to be either slightly or highly
effective. The results are outlined in Table 10. It can be seen that there are relatively small
differences between the respondents, with the HR professionals being slightly more
circumspect about the effectiveness of the practices. The most positive responses were in
relation to employment security, which is strange bearing in mind the fact that over half of the
sample had made compulsory redundancies during the last three years. The HR practices
deemed to be least effective were those related to nancial exibility, job design and
appraisal, and it is notable that the HR professionals felt they were less effective (Guest et al
2000b, pp1819). HR effectiveness both of the practices themselves and of the personnel
department increases the strength of the relationship between HRM and performance,
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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Assessment of HR practice
Managing Directors
HR professionals
Appraisal/performance management
Job design
Communication, consultation, EI
Financial exibility
Source: Guest D., Michie J., Sheehan M., Conway N. and Metochi M. Effective People Management:
Initial ndings of the Future of Work study. London: CIPD. 2000b. p19
again because of its impact on employee commitment, contribution and exibility (Guest et al
2000b, p31). In short, the more HR practices that are used, and the more effectively they
appear to be used in enhancing organisational performance.
The research by West et al (2002) investigated the links between particular HR practices and
performance in the NHS, based on interviews/questionnaires with HR managers in 61
separate Trusts. They found that three particular HR practices training, teamworking and
appraisal had a particularly strong impact on performance. A number of measures were
used to assess these practices as we have already indicated earlier in the chapter. Measures
of performance included information about mortality rates, waiting times, complaints and
nancial outcomes. This data was gathered by different researchers so as to prevent any
possibility of conscious or subconscious inuence on the conclusions. The analysis reveals a
strong relationship between HRM practices and mortality (2002, p1305), with appraisal
having the strongest inuence of all. These results have been widely quoted because of the
massive potential impact on policy but also because of the nding that better HRM might
lead to lower mortality rates. Drawing on this and other research, West et al (2002, p1309)
suggest that it may be possible to inuence hospital performance signicantly by
implementing sophisticated and extensive training and appraisal systems, and encouraging a
high percentage of employees to work in teams. However, the authors do urge caution in
assuming any direction of causality, and agree that it could be argued there is less pressure
on staff when the hospital is already achieving low mortality rates and so more time can be
devoted to investments in high commitment HRM (West et al 2002, p1308).
Subsequent work by David Guest and his colleagues has provided a further twist to the
debate (Guest et al 2003). We have already described the data (both HR practices and
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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performance measures) on which this research is based earlier in this chapter. The major
conclusion (2003, p307) is that the results are very mixed and on balance predominantly
negative. The tests of association show a positive relationship between the use of more HR
practices and lower labour turnover and higher protability, but show no association between
HR and productivity. The test of whether the presence of more HR practices results in a
change in performance shows no signicant results. Moreover, they conclude (Guest et al
2003, p311) that despite showing some strong evidence there are links between high
commitment HRM and performance, their study fails to provide any convincing indication that
greater application of HRM is likely to result in improved corporate performance. The key
point is that the methods used have a major impact on the results. When subjective
performance measures are used, there is a consistently positive message, whereas the
associations are less strong and consistent if objective measures of performance are
employed. This leads them to suggest, contrary to some of their earlier conclusions, that
reverse causality is actually quite likely; that is, rather than seeing HRM as leading to better
performance, it could be that protable organisations have the scope to introduce more high
commitment HR policies than their less successful counterparts a point to which we return
later in the chapter.
One of the problems with survey research is that, while it may be possible to demonstrate
links between HRM and performance, it is unable to explain in any detail why this might
happen. Research by John Purcell and his colleagues (Hutchinson and Purcell 2003; Purcell
et al 2003) has sought to open up this black box, and we briey review some of the major
ndings here that relate to high commitment HRM and performance; discussion on the role of
line managers is covered more extensively in Chapter 5. The Purcell study was undertaken
over a 30-month period in 10 organisations drawn from different sectors and comprising quite
a wide range of employment contexts; the sample included household names such as Tesco,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Selfridges, Jaguar, Siemens and the Royal United Hospital at Bath.
Interviews were conducted with HR and line managers, as well as non-managerial staff, in
these organisations, generally on two separate occasions during the research period. The
research also involved close liaison with these organisations.
There are a number of signicant ndings that conrm, overturn or extend previous work
investigating the links between high commitment HRM and performance. First, the
researchers used the AMO model, which argues that in order for people to perform better,
they must:
have the ability and necessary knowledge and skills, including how to work with other
people (A)
be motivated to work and want to do it well (M)
be given the opportunity to deploy their skills both in the job and more broadly
contributing to work group and organisational success (O).
Second, each of the case study organisations was recognised to be operating with a big
idea, a feature or way of working that served to glue together all the different attempts to
make the organisation successful. The big idea was embedded within the organisation
connecting together different activities, it was seen as enduring, and it was collectively
shared. Moreover, one way or another, performance against or progress towards the big idea
was measured and managed in an ongoing basis (p13). Third, line managers were identied
as critically important for the achievement of high performance working as they provide the
principal point of contact with non-managerial staff and they are in a position to strengthen,
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
ignore or even undermine the messages conveyed through the big idea. Finally, measures of
performance were adapted so they were particularly relevant for the organisation concerned;
for example, at Tesco these included data on queue lengths, stock availability, theft and stock
errors as well as nancial data relating to the store (pp5354). The decision to collect this
data at unit level makes considerable sense, and it is a much more meaningful measure of
how workers might be able to contribute to improved performance than some distant measure
of protability over which most workers have little inuence. Indeed, it could be argued that it
also makes sense to vary the measures of high commitment HRM depending on the
workplace because workers are likely to stress different practices depending on their
occupational status, age or gender for example.
Find a copy of one or more these surveys or any others that are available and
analyse the links between high commitment HRM and performance. Prepare a
presentation on the benets that can be gained from investing in high commitment HRM.
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approach, even then it is not always clear why certain practices are included and others are
not. For example, Huselid (1995, pp645647) uses two groups of practices, entitled
employee skills and organisational structures which includes job design, enhanced
selectivity, formal training, various forms of participation, and prot sharing and employee
motivation which comprises performance appraisal linked to compensation and a focus on
merit in promotion decisions. It seems strange that participation and prot sharing should be
in the rst grouping rather than the second given the supposed importance of these as
techniques that enhance employee motivation. Patterson et al (1997) also emerge with two
groups of practices, subtitled acquisition and development of employee skills and job
design, and on this occasion, participation and teamworking nd their way into the second
grouping rather than the rst. In short, a simple count of how many HR practices are used
tells us little of any theoretical value.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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the Anglo-Saxon model (based principally on North American and UK research) is easily
applicable to other countries. Boselie et al (2001, p1122) make it clear that 12 out of Pfeffers
original list of 16 practices are common in the Netherlands, whereas very few UK
organisations could boast anything like this many. Because of the legal, political and social
infrastructure, certain HR practices are deemed necessary there. However, the same situation
could occur within certain industries in the UK whereby Codes of Practice or industry norms
are regarded as part of the way we do things around here. Moreover there are also
assumptions that, once the link is proven, all employers will see the benet of adopting the
high commitment paradigm as opposed to a low-cost or bleak house philosophy, and this is
far from assured. For companies that are competing against cheap foreign imports or have no
interest in having committed, enthusiastic workers who wish to exercise their discretion to
improve performance, the high commitment model offers few advantages. Indeed, even
amongst those organisations that adopt the high commitment model in relation to their own
employees, higher prots may be made at the expense of subcontractors whose low prot
margins mean there is little chance to invest in best practice HRM even if they wanted to
(Marchington et al 2004c)
In addition to the points made above, there is also a more radical critique that questions
whether or not the ndings actually support a link between high commitment practices and
performance, as the interpretation of this material takes for granted. Ramsay et al (2000)
propose an alternative, labour process explanation that suggests that higher levels of
organisational performance are achieved not through progressive employment practices but
instead through work intensication. Basically, both the high commitment and the labour
process versions agree that a distinctive set of HR practices may well contribute to improved
levels of organisational performance. However, as Ramsay et al (p505) argue, it is at this
point that the two approaches part company. The labour process critique holds that, while
high performance work systems practices may provide enhancements in discretion, these
come to employees at the expense of stress, work intensication and job strain, the latter
being a key explanatory factor in improved organisational performance. This interpretation is
quite different therefore, mirroring the discussion about competing versions of teamworking.
In order to test their proposition, Ramsay et al (2000) used the 1998 WERS survey material,
focusing in particular on employee outcomes. They also included other factors in their
analysis related to job strain and work intensication measured by questions about the lack
of time to complete work, worrying about work outside working hours, and changes in
productivity (p527). Their conclusions are at odds with those of the high commitment school,
in the sense that they nd little support for the notion that positive performance outcomes ow
from positive employee outcomes. They suggest that the high commitment approach has
been adopted without sufcient analysis of whether or not employees really do prefer such
regimes. At the same time, however, they nd little support for the labour process
interpretation either. While acknowledging that lack of support for either model may be due to
problems with the methodology, they conclude instead that neither bears much resemblance
to reality. This is due to the inability of senior managers to implement strategic thinking
either to treat workers as resourceful humans or as costs to be minimised (p522). This
conclusion leads Godard (2004, p350) to conclude that state support is probably required to
ensure the high commitment paradigm takes root.
What do you think workers want from their employment, and does this equate with the
high commitment bundle of practices considered here?
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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others. As Boselie et al (2003) note, employers in some countries may take for granted what
in the UK is seen as best practice offered by just a few organisations.
Second, it is rather easier to engage in high commitment HRM when labour costs form a low
proportion of controllable costs. In capital intensive operations, it makes little sense to cut
back on essential staff who have highly specic and much-needed skills say, in a
pharmaceutical or chemical plant or with research scientists. When labour costs represent a
major cost compared with other factors, as in many service sector organisations for example,
it is much more difcult for managers persuade nanciers that there are long-term benets
from investments in human capital. It is unlikely, given their previous behaviour, that bankers
and lenders in Britain will perceive the benets of taking a strategic perspective on human
resources and sacrice short-term gains for longer term accumulation. In contrast, it is
immensely difcult to persuade employers to adopt a best practice approach if they operate
in situations where labour costs are sizeable, and where it is difcult to increase pay rates or
offer training when resources are constrained. Moreover, it is unlikely that customers or users
will accept inferior levels of service even if it is helping to develop talent over the longer term
(eg in the health service, pubs and restaurants). Furthermore, given an emphasis on
contracting and recontracting up and down the supply chain, there is often little incentive for
employers to invest in high commitment HRM if their contracts are of limited length and they
are expected to compete on the basis of reduced costs (Marchington et al 2004c). Cappelli
and Neumark (2001) report that, while high commitment HRM actually does increase worker
output, it also raises labour costs and employee rewards. This leads Godard (2004, p355) to
argue that the proponents of high commitment HRM overestimate the positive effects of high
levels of adoption of these practices, but also underestimate the costs. The end result is
likely to be little overall gain in productivity.
Bearing in mind some of the recent furore about contracting out manufacturing or call
centres to low wage economies, discuss whether or not customers really do gain from
best practice HRM or whether they would prefer to buy cheaper goods no matter how
they are produced.
Third, so much depends upon which categories of staff employers are trying to recruit.
MacDufe (1995, p199) is often quoted as someone whose research is supportive of the
universality argument, but it is apparent from his studies that high commitment HRM may
actually be situationally specic. He suggests:
This seems to indicate clearly that the circumstances under which best practice HRM will
make a difference are quite specic. For example, it makes sense for the employer to
encourage discretionary behaviour in order to achieve organisational goals such as in high
technology industries where work systems and processes can not be easily codied or
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
All rights reserved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
overseen by managers, and qualied workers are in short supply and there may be strong
arguments for hoarding labour. In many other situations, the time taken to train new staff is
relatively short, work performance can be assessed simply and speedily, and there is a
supply of substitutable labour readily available. The rationale for employers adopting the high
commitment paradigm in these circumstances is hard to sustain. In addition, some jobs are
so boring or unpleasant that it is inconceivable that many people would see employment
security, basic training or information sharing for example as any kind of benet. On the
contrary, these workers would probably resent being expected to take an interest in their
organisation beyond routine work performance, and nd it stressful and intrusive. In short, the
best practice model may not be attractive or appropriate for all groups of workers or
Finally, the growth in non-standard contracts has led many commentators to question if
exible employment is compatible with best practice HRM, and whether or not the latter can
be applied to all employees in an organisation irrespective of their occupational status or
labour market value (Kinnie et al 2004). As we saw in Chapter 2, the changing nature of the
psychological contract has led to worries that employment insecurity is now widespread, and
evidence shows that between the 1970s and the 1990s, the proportion of people who had
experienced a spell of unemployment almost trebled from 7 per cent to approximately 20 per
cent of the population (Gallie et al 1998, p124). Other data reinforces case study and
anecdotal evidence that employees now feel rather more insecure than they did 20 years
ago. However, some groups of employees appear to be gaining more from best practice
HRM than others, especially those who remain working for the same employer for many
years. This suggests distinctions could be arising between long-serving workers, whom
employers might wish to nurture, and short-term contract staff or subcontracted workers
(Purcell 1999).
The focus in this chapter has been on high commitment HRM, and we have examined the
way in which HR policies and practices may be used to provide coherent and comprehensive
human resource bundles. This has led to suggestions that there is one best way in which
HRM should be delivered, and moreover that this has a positive impact on organisational
performance. There is currently a good deal of interest in the high commitment
HRMperformance link, and to ideas that a specic bundle of human resource policies and
practices is inherently superior and capable of making a major contribution to organisational
success in all workplaces. There is also policy interest in this approach through the notion of
HCM reporting. We have reviewed this argument in the chapter, pointing to alternative and
competing interpretations of the research ndings, as well as calling for greater reection on
whether or not best practice HRM really can make a difference to bottom line performance in
all workplaces. Holman et al (2003, pp422424) summarise the scale of the research task
that is needed to move the debate on, and include many of the points that have been raised
in this chapter. The high commitment model is appealing as it supports the case for
implementing good people management practices on business grounds. However, there is
also a strong theoretical and empirical basis for arguing that high commitment models cannot
be and are not being applied in all workplaces and to all groups of staff. Having
considered the best practice perspective in this chapter, we are now in a position to analyse
the alternative best t scenario in Chapter 4.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
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BOXALL P. and PURCELL J. Strategy and Human Resource Management. Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan. 2003.
GODARD J. A critical assessment of the high performance paradigm, British Journal of
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GUEST D., MICHIE J., SHEEHAN M., CONWAY N. and METOCHI M. Effective People Management:
Initial ndings of the Future of Work study. London, CIPD. 2000b.
HOLMAN D., WALL T., CLEGG C., SPARROW P. and HOWARD A. The New Workplace: A guide to
the human impact of modern working practices. London, Wiley. 2003. The chapters by
Wood, Batt and Doellgast, Wright and Gardner, and Legge are particularly useful
MARCHINGTON M. and GRUGULIS I. Best practice human resource management: perfect
opportunity or dangerous illusion?, International Journal of Human Resource
Management, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2000. pp905925.
PFEFFER J. The Human Equation: Building prots by putting people rst. Boston, Harvard
Business School Press. 1998.
PURCELL J. The search for best practice and best t in human resource management:
chimera or cul-de-sac?, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1999.
PURCELL J., KINNIE N., HUTCHINSON S., RAYTON B. and SWART J. Understanding the People and
Performance Link: Unlocking the black box. London, CIPD. 2003.
RAMSAY H., SCHOLARIOS D. and HARLEY B. Employees and high-performance work systems:
testing inside the black box, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2000.
J. The link between the management of employees and patient mortality in acute
hospitals, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 13, No. 8, 2002.
A free sample chapter from Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson. Published by the CIPD. Copyright CIPD 2005
All rights reserved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.