1995 AMJ HPWS Paper PDF
1995 AMJ HPWS Paper PDF
1995 AMJ HPWS Paper PDF
I am very grateful to Brian Becker for his many helpful comments on this article and for
his direction and guidance on the dissertation on which it is based. I would also like to thank
James Begin, Peter Cappelli, James Chelius, John Delaney, Steve Director, Jeffrey Keefe, Mor-
ris Kleiner, Douglas Kruse, Casey Ichniowski, David Levine, George Milkovich, Barbara Rau,
Frank Schmidt, Randall Schuler, Anne Tsui, David Ulrich, seminar participants at Cornell
University and the University of Kansas, and this journals anonymous referees for their com-
ments on earlier versions. Any and all remaining errors are mine.
This study was partially funded by grants from the Human Resource Planning Society,
the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation, the Mark Diamond Research
Fund, and the SUNY-Buffalo School of Management. The interpretations, conclusions, and
recommendations, however, are mine and do not necessarily represent the positions of these
636 Academy of Management Journal June
Arguments made in related research are that a firms current and po-
tential human resources are important considerations in the development
and execution of its strategic business plan. This literature, although large-
ly conceptual, concludes that human resource management practices can
help to create a source of sustained competitive advantage, especially
when they are aligned with a firms competitive strategy (Begin, 1991; But-
ler, Ferris, & Napier, 1991; Cappelli& Singh, 1992; Jackson& Schuler, 1995;
Porter, 1985; Schuler, 1992; Wright & McMahan, 1992).
In both this largely theoretical literature and the emerging conven-
tional wisdom among human resource professionals there is a growing con-
sensus that organizational human resource policies can, if properly con-
figured, provide a direct and economically significant contribution to firm
performance. The presumption is that more effective systems of HRM
practices, which simultaneously exploit the potential for complementar-
ities or synergies among such practices and help to implement a firms
competitive strategy, are sources of sustained competitive advantage. Un-
fortunately, very little empirical evidence supports such a belief. What em-
pirical work does exist has largely focused on individual HRM practices
to the exclusion of overall HRM systems.
This study departs from the previous human resources literature in
three ways. First, the level of analysis used to estimate the firm-level im-
pact of HRM practices is the system, and the perspective is strategic rather
than functional. This approach is supported by the development and val-
idation of an instrument that reflects the system of High Performance
Work Practices adopted by each firm studied. Second, the analytical fo-
cus is comprehensive. The dependent variables include both intermedi-
ate employment outcomes and firm-level measures of financial perfor-
mance, and the results are based on a national sample of firms drawn from
a wide range of industries. Moreover, the analyses explicitly address two
methodological problems confronting survey-based research on this top-
ic: the potential for simultaneity, or reverse causality, between High Per-
formance Work Practices and firm performance and survey response bias.
Third, this study also provides one of the first tests of the prediction that
the impact of High Performance Work Practices on firm performance is
contingent on both the degree of complementarity, or internal fit, among
these practices and the degree of alignment, or external fit, between a firms
system of such practices and its competitive strategy.
of employees with those of shareholders (e.g., ESOPS and profit- and gain-
sharing plans).
Finally, Bailey (1993) noted that the contribution of even a highly
skilled and motivated workforce will be limited if jobs are structured, or
programmed, in such a way that employees, who presumably know their
work better than anyone else, do not have the opportunity to use their
skills and abilities to design new and better ways of performing their
roles. Thus, HRM practices can also influence firm performance through
provision of organizational structures that encourage participation among
employees and allow them to improve how their jobs are performed.
Cross-functional teams, job rotation, and quality circles are all examples
of such structures.
Thus, the theoretical literature clearly suggests that the behavior of
employees within firms has important implications for organizational per-
formance and that human resource management practices can affect indi-
vidual employee performance through their influence over employees
skills and motivation and through organizational structures that allow em-
ployees to improve how their jobs are performed. If this is so, a firms HRM
practices should be related to at least two dimensions of its performance.
First, if superior HRM practices increase employees discretionary effort,
I would expect their use to directly affect intermediate outcomes, such as
turnover and productivity, over which employees have direct control.
Second, if the returns from investments in superior HRM practices exceed
their true costs, then lower employee turnover and greater productivity
should in turn enhance corporate financial performance. Therefore, in an-
ticipation of an estimation model that focuses on these dependent vari-
ables, my review of the empirical literature concentrates on prior work ex-
amining the influence of HRM practices on employee turnover, produc-
tivity, and corporate financial performance.
and the industry context. For example, a finding that systems of work prac-
tices affect turnover or productivity does not necessarily mean that these
practices have any effect on firm profits, and the discovery that systems
of High Performance Work Practices affect profitability begs the important
issue of the processes through which they influence firm financial per-
formance. Therefore, unlike prior work this study included the full range
of organizational human resource practices, examined those practices in
terms of their impact on both immediate employment outcomes and cor-
porate financial performance, and did so within the context of a broad
range of industries and firm sizes. My initial summary hypotheses can be
stated as follows:
Hypothesis 1a: Systems of High Performance Work Prac-
tices will diminish employee turnover and increase pro-
ductivity and corporate financial performance.
Hypothesis 1b: Employee turnover and productivity will
mediate the relationship between systems of High Per-
formance Work Practices and corporate financial per-
The second hypothesis will allow for one of the first empirical tests
of a diverse theoretical literature positing the importance to firm perfor-
mance of synergies and fit among human resource practices as well as be-
tween those practices and competitive strategy (Milgrom & Roberts, 1993).
Baird and Meshoulam (1988) described the first of these complementari-
ties as internal fit. Their primary proposition was that firm performance
will be enhanced to the degree that firms adopt human resource manage-
ment practices that complement and support each another. Similarly, Os-
terman (1987a) argued that there should be an underlying logic to a firms
system of HRM practices and that certain policies and practices fit together.
Osterman (1994) found that firms valuing employee commitment, for in-
stance, are less likely to use temporary employees and more likely to in-
vest in innovative work practices such as skills training and incentive com-
pensation. A tangible focus on employee commitment can be expected to
help produce a stable core of employees, thus increasing the probability
that a firm will reap the benefits associated with investments in training.
And a preference for committed employees and the use of incentive com-
pensation may also help attract high-performing employees, because, all
else being equal, employees in such firms will receive higher wages to
match their greater productivity. Similarly, the returns from the use of valid
selection procedures are likely to be greater when a firms performance ap-
praisal and incentive compensation systems can recognize and reward
good employee performance, and incentive compensation systems should
perform best when linked with high-quality performance appraisals. An
internal promotion system provides a strong incentive for employees to re-
main with a firm and, when combined with the appropriate incentive com-
pensation and performance appraisal systems, can magnify the returns
1995 Huselid 643
10-k reprints are informational documents filed with the Securities and Exchange
1995 Huselid 645
Factor Structure of High Performance Work Practicesa
Questionnaire Item 1 2 Alpha
Employee skills and organizational structures .67
What is the proportion of the workforce who are
included in a formal information sharing program
(e.g., a newsletter)? .54 .02
What is the proportion of the workforce whose job
has been subjected to a formal job analysis? .53 .18
What proportion of nonentry level jobs have been
filled from within in recent years? .52 .36
What is the proportion of the workforce who are
administered attitude surveys on a regular basis? .52 .07
What is the proportion of the workforce who participate
in Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs, Quality
Circles (QC), and/or labor-management participation
teams? .50 .04
What is the proportion of the workforce who have
access to company incentive plans, profit-sharing
plans, and/or gain-sharing plans? .39 .17
What is the average number of hours of training received
by a typical employee over the last 12 months? .37 .07
What is the proportion of the workforce who have access
to a formal grievance procedure and/or complaint
resolution system? .36 .13
What proportion of the workforce is administered an
employment test prior to hiring? .32 .04
Employee motivation .66
What is the proportion of the workforce whose
performance appraisals are used to determine their
compensation? .17 .83
What proportion of the workforce receives formal
performance appraisals? .29 .80
Which of the following promotion decision rules do you
use most often? (a) merit or performance rating alone;
(b) seniority only if merit is equal; (c) seniority among
employees who meet a minimum merit requirement;
(d) seniority.b .07 .56
For the five positions that your firm hires most frequently,
how many qualified applicants do you have per position
(on average)? .15 .27
Eigenvalue 2.19 1.76
Proportion of variance accounted for 16.80 13.60
Bold type indicates that the associated question loads unambiguously at .30 or greater
on a single factor.
Item was reverse-coded.
and enhanced selectivity will help ensure employee-job fit, and provid-
ing formal training will enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of both
new and old employees. Quality of work life programs, quality circles, and
labor-management teams are all forms of participation that allow em-
1995 Huselid 647
ployees to have direct input into the production process. Likewise, infor-
mation-sharing programs, formal grievance procedures, and profit- and
gain-sharing plans help to increase the probability that employee partici-
pation efforts will be effective because such programs provide a formal
mechanism for employer-employee communication on work-related issues.
The Cronbach's alpha for this scale was .67.
The second factor, which I named employee motivation (Bailey,
1993), is composed of a more narrowly focused set of High Performance
Work Practices designed to recognize and reinforce desired employee be-
haviors. These practices include using formal performance appraisals,
linking those appraisals tightly with employee compensation, and focus-
ing on employee merit in promotion decisions. Conceptually, core com-
petencies among employees are developed through selection, training,
and the design of work (factor 1, employee skills and organizational struc-
tures) and are subsequently reinforced through the second factor, em-
ployee motivation. The Cronbach's alpha for the employee motivation
scale was .66.
Scale validation. Although the correspondence between these scales
and the prior conceptual work was encouraging, I also performed several
analyses to demonstrate their convergent validity. I began by identifying
two external measures of the degree to which firms valued their employ-
ees by investing in them. First, widespread investments in High Perfor-
mance Work Practices are likely to require additional human resources staff
to assist in their implementation. Thus, the ratio of human resources staff
to total employees is a proxy for the importance a firm places on its hu-
man resources. I found the simple correlation between both factors and this
ratio to be .19 (p < .001). Thus, as expected, firms with high levels of High
Performance Work Practices also vote with their dollars and invest in
human resources staff. However, those staff levels may also reflect a firms
level of bureaucracy or institutional conditions related to its industry, ar-
eas potentially unrelated to the importance it places on human resources.
As a test of this possibility, I also regressed the work practices scales on
the human resources staff ratio and controls for firm size and industry. The
human resources staff ratio remained positive and highly significant in
each of these equations.
Second, I assumed that if a firms senior managers saw human re-
sources as crucial to organizational performance, it would (1) communi-
cate this importance to external audiences and (2) invest in High Perfor-
mance Work Practices. Thus, following Keats and Hitt (1988), I took all
available presidents letters and managements discussions for each firm
from the annual reports contained in Compact Disclosure. These docu-
ments were subsequently content-analyzed for any reference to the im-
portance of human resources, human capital, or the like, or to the impor-
tance of personnel, people, employee, staff, or workforce. Firms that made
such comments were coded 1; others were coded 0. Of the 763 firms for
which annual reports were available, 310 mentioned the importance of hu-
648 Academy of Management Journal June
man resources (41 percent), and 453 did not. The employee skills and or-
ganizational structures score of firms citing the importance of human re-
sources was significantly higher than that of those making no such com-
ments (t = 2.33, p < .01). This difference remained significant in a logis-
tic regression model with controls for firm size and industry. Although the
equivalent tests for the employee motivation scale had the expected sign,
they did not reach significance at conventional levels. These findings are
plausible given the nature of the items included in each scale, The items
included in the employee skills and organization structures factor reflect
widespread investments in High Performance Work Practices intended to
develop employee core competencies and thereafter provide a mecha-
nism through which employees can influence their roles. The items in-
cluded in the employee motivation factor, however, are much more nar-
row in that they are intended to recognize and compensate employees for
behaviors consistent with the interests of the firms shareholders. Thus, it
is perhaps unsurprising that they are not reflected in such a broad context
as the firms annual report.
Finally, using different samples and time periods, but similar mea-
sures of High Performance Work Practices, Delaney (in press) reported re-
sults for turnover, and Ichniowski (1990) and Ichniowski and colleagues
(1993) reported results for productivity that are highly similar to those pre-
sented below. In short, as an initial attempt to develop indexes of the adop-
tion of High Performance Work Practices that can be used to determine if
extensive use of these practices really is better, these scales demonstrate
encouraging levels of reliability and validity.
Measurement of Internal and External Fit
Despite prior work arguing that enhanced internal and external fit will
enhance firm performance, the relevant research has not specified the func-
tional form that fit can be expected to take. In the business strategy liter-
ature, however, Venkatraman (1989) concluded that fit is most common-
ly measured in terms of a moderated relationship, or interaction, between
two variables. For example, the relationship between a firms competitive
strategy and its performance could co-vary with the type of environment
in which it operates. A second category of fit that is relevant in this con-
text is the degree of match between two variables. Fit as matching differs
from fit as moderation in that an explicit external performance criterion
is lacking (Venkatraman, 1989). For example, one might argue that fit has
been achieved if a firms competitive strategy and its structure have been
aligned, based on an a priori theoretical prediction, regardless of the out-
come. In the following sections, I develop several alternative indexes to
assess degree of internal and external High Performance Work Practices fit,
using Venkatramans categories of fit as moderation and fit as matching.
Given the paucity of prior work in the area, however, these measures
should be considered highly exploratory and the results interpreted with
1995 Huselid 649
petitive strategy and its system of High Performance Work Practices. Porter
(1985) provided the dominant typology of competitive strategies in the
business policy literature; the types specified are cost leadership, differ-
entiation, and focus. To provide an estimate of a firms competitive strat-
egy, each respondent indicated the proportion of its annual sales derived
from each of those strategies. In view of prior work (Jackson et al., 1989;
Jackson & Schuler, 1995), I assumed that a predominantly differentiation
or focus strategy would require more intensive investments in High Per-
formance Work Practices than would a cost leadership strategy. Thus, to
test the external fit-as-moderation hypothesis, I interacted the proportion
of sales derived from either a differentiation or focus strategy with scores
on the employee skills and organizational structures and employee moti-
vation scales, respectively.2
My second measure of external fit as moderation is based on behav-
ioral indication of the emphasis each firm placed on aligning its human
resource management practices and competitive strategy. Specifically, re-
spondents indicated whether or not they attempted to implement each of
seven strategic human resource management activities for all employees
(the Appendix lists these activities). I then constructed an index by adding
the number of affirmative responses to each question ( = .69).3 To test
my expectation that the returns from investments in both factors will be
greater when firms explicitly attempt to link human resources and busi-
ness objectives, I interacted each firms score on the strategic HRM index
with each factor score.
I focused on the differentiation and focus strategies for two reasons. First, as noted, I
assumed that the use of a differentiation or focus strategy would require more intensive in-
vestments in High Performance Work Practices than would use of a cost leadership strate-
gy. Second, because survey respondents were asked to indicate the proportions of their firms
annual sales derived from each of these strategies, their responses were constrained to equal
100 percent. Thus, the proportion of sales derived from cost leadership equaled 1 (dif-
ferentiation + focus), and any model that included all the strategy variables and the inter-
actions between these variables and the practices scales would be collinear. Therefore, to
gauge the impact of each strategy separately, I estimated models for each type. In these analy-
ses, cost leadership and its interactions with the practices scales produced results very sim-
ilar to those for differentiation and focus (the results were generally nonsignificant). In ad-
dition, I created a dummy variable that equaled 1 if the combined value of differentiation
plus focus was greater than 67 percent (that is, the majority) and 0 otherwise, thereby in-
corporating all three competitive strategies in a single variable. These results were also con-
sistent with the results presented in the text.
This measure was adapted from Devanna, Fombrun, Tichy, and Warren (1982). One
might argue that, given prior theoretical work, these activities should also be considered High
Performance Work Practices and included in the measurement scales. However, as present-
ed in the questionnaire, these seven items represent broad human resources management
goals, and respondents were only asked to indicate whether they attempted to implement
them for all employees. In comparison, the 13 items included in the practices scales refer to
specific policies, and respondents were asked to indicate the current prevalence of each type
of activity by category of employee. Thus, the items included in the scales and the strategic
HRM index differ in both scale of measurement and level of analysis.
1995 Huselid 651
Control Variables
the Investment Statistics Laboratory Daily Stock Price Record for Decem-
ber 31. Stock dividend and stock split data were gathered from Standard
& Poors Stock Price Guide. Capital intensity was calculated as the loga-
rithm of the ratio of gross property, plant, and equipment over total em-
ployment. The five-year trend in sales growth and R&D intensity (the log-
arithm of the ratio of R&D expenditures to sales) and compensation lev-
els (proxied by selling, general, and administrative expenses) were
calculated directly from the accounting data. Firm-level union coverage
and total employment were taken from the questionnaire, and industry-
level unionization data were taken from Curme, Hirsch, and McPherson
(1990). Concentration ratios were calculated by dividing the sum of the
largest four firms' sales within each industry by the total sales for that in-
dustry. The systematic component in the variability of a firm's stock price
(systematic risk, or beta) was calculated using the Center for Research on
Stock Prices (CRSP) database and a 250-day period. Initially, betas were
only available for 543 firms. Using an auxiliary regression equation, I in-
puted data for the missing observations (R 2 = .40).
Table 2 presents means, standard deviations, and correlations. The em-
ployee skills and organizational structures and employee motivation scales
reflect an average of standard scores, so their means are very near zero.
Turnover averaged 18.36 percent per year, and the logarithm of the pro-
ductivity averaged 12.05, or annual sales of $171,099 per employee. The
mean q was .46, and the average annual gross rate of return was 5.10 per-
cent. This value for q (e . = 1.58) implies that the market value of the av-
erage firm was 58 percent greater than the current replacement cost of its
assets. This result indicates that managements were generally working in
the interest of the shareholders to increase the value of their equity. A
GRATE value of 5.10 implies that each dollar invested in capital stock gen-
erates five cents in annual cash flow. Each of these values is consistent
with the results of prior work (Becker & Olson, 1992; Hirsch, 1991). Av-
erage total employment was 4,413 (the logarithm of this variable was used
in all subsequent analyses); firm level unionization averaged 11.34 percent;
and industry-level unionization averaged 13.97 percent. Total employment
and union coverage were lower than in most prior work in this area, pri-
marily because previous research has focused on the manufacturing sec-
tor, which is more heavily unionized. Finally, as expected, the employee
skills and organizational structures scale was negatively related to turnover,
while both scales were positively related to productivity and corporate fi-
nancial performance.
Tables 3 through 6 present the regression analysis results for Hy-
potheses la and lb. The first equation in each table contains the first fac-
tor scale, employee skills and organizational structures, the second equa-
tion contains the employee motivation scale, and the third equation con-
tains both. These analyses provide some indication of the sensitivity of the
Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlationsa
Variables Means s.d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1. Turnover 18.36 21.87
2. Productivity 12.05 0.99 .24
3. Tobin's q 0.46 1.64 .10 .07
4. Gross rate of
return on assets 5.10 23.00 .03 .15 .35
5. Employee skills and
structures 0.02 0.52 .08 .06 .09 .13
6, Employee motivation 0.00 0.78 .04 .03 .20 .01 .15
7. Total employment 4,412.80 18,967.45 .13 .22 .02 .12 .18 -.15
8. Capital intensity 3.96 1.32 .29 .48 .11 .02 .05 -.23 .01
9. Firm union coverage 11.34 24.28 .14 .05 .09 .02 .05 -.51 .21 .29
10. Industry union
coverage 13.97 13.55 .22 .11 .11 .00 .04 -.36 .19 .40 .36
11. Concentration ratio 0.38 0.25 .05 .15 .03 .14 .08 -.12 .17 .02 .08 .16
12. Sales growth 0.61 1.08 .06 .06 .13 .01 .03 .12 .02 .04 .16 .03 .10
13. R&D intensity 0.03 0.06 .09 .01 .10 .11 .01 .18 .14 .06 .12 .12 .03 .04
14. Systematic risk 1.06 0.32 .09 .08 .05 .05 .00 .19 .06 .23 .18 .20 .08 .09 .10
15. Selling, general &
expenses b 286.54 1,622.02 .02 .31 .09 .18 .23 .00 .77 ,21 .16 .13 .01 .00 .11 .01
16. HRM policy
consistency 4.54 1.10 .10 .04 .01 .04 .14 .23 .12 .06 .12 .07 .08 .00 .03 .03 .08
17. Differentiation/focus 0.01 1.02 .03 .10 .12 .02 .05 .18 .03 .13 .15 .15 .00 .01 .10 .06 .01 .05
18. Strategic HRM index 3.36 1.98 .02 .01 .00 .08 .33 .06 .25 .01 .08 .01 .04 .01 .04 .07 .24 .05 .05
N = 816. All correlations greater than or equal to .05 are significant at the .05 level; those > .07 are significant at the .01 level, and those > .10
are significant at the .001 level (one-tailed tests). Raw means are reported for total employment and selling, general, and administrative expenses to ease
interpretation. The logarithms for these variables are used in all subsequent analyses.
In millions of dollars.
656 Academy of Management Journal June
Results of Regression Analysis for Turnover
Model I Model 2 Model 3
Variables b s.e. b s.e. b s.e.
Results of Regression Analysis for Productivity
Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Variables b s.e. b s.e. b s.e.
Table 5 presents the results for Tobin's q, and Table 6 shows the same
specifications for the gross rate of return on assets. Each equation reached
significance at conventional levels, and the control variables generally had
the expected signs and significance levels. For example, consistent with
Hirsch (1991), R&D expenditures were positively related to q but negatively
related to GRATE. Hirsch speculated that these relationships occur because
firms with high current R&D expenditures have lower reported profits but
higher expected future earnings. More centrally, the results for q showed
the employee skills and organizational structures and employee motiva-
tion scales to be significant in each equation. For GRATE, employee skills
and organizational structures was positive and significant in each model
but employee motivation was not. Although the diversity in these results
reinforces the importance of researchers' considering multiple outcomes
when evaluating the impact of human resources department activities
(Tsui, 1990), the structure of incentive systems in many firms may help
to explain them. Given the numerous problems associated with the use of
accounting measures of firm performance in incentive compensation sys-
tems (Gerhart & Milkovich, 1992), many firms have begun to explicitly link
employee compensation with capital market returns. This shift may help
to explain why employee motivation has a much stronger impact on the
market-based performance measure than on the accounting returnsbased
I next assessed the practical significance of the impact of High Per-
formance Work Practices on firm profits. To do so, I estimated the impact
of a one-standard-deviation increase on the numerator of both Tobin's q
and GRATE while holding their denominators and all other variables at
their means. These analyses were based on models 9 and 13 from Tables
5 and 6, respectively. In terms of market value, the per employee effect of
increasing such practices one standard deviation was $18,641 (relative to
q). Such an increase in market value is not likely to occur immediately,
however. A more likely scenario is that investments in High Performance
Work Practices create an asset that provides an annual return. If one as-
sumes (again, arbitrarily) that these returns accrue over a five-year period
at an 8 percent discount rate, then such an investment would provide an
annuity of $4,669 per employee per year.
Estimates of the practical effects of increasing use of these practices
can also be made on the basis of annual accounting profits. Relative to
GRATE, each one-standard-deviation increase in High Performance Work
Practices increased cash flow $3,814. These figures are remarkably close
to the five-year annuity values calculated above.
Summary of financial performance results. In short, although there
is strong support for the hypotheses predicting that High Performance
Work Practices will affect firm performance and important employment
Results of Regression Analysis Results for Tobin's q
Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10
Variables b s.e. b s.e. b s.e. b s.e.
Constant 0.672* 0.505 0.515 0.495 0.642 0.502 2.166* 0.995
Log of total employment 0.065** 0.040 0.082** 0.039 0.067** 0.040 0.106*** 0.041
Capital intensity 0.125*** 0.054 0.115** 0.054 0.119** 0.054 0.251*** 0.063
Firm union coverage 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.004* 0.003 0.003 0.003
Industry union coverage 0.002 0.007 0.003 0.007 0.003 0.007 0.005 0.007
Concentration ratio 0.443* 0.326 0.469* 0.325 0.471* 0.324 0.400 0.321
Sales growth 0.205*** 0.053 0.195*** 0.053 0.198*** 0.054 0.172*** 0.054
R&D/sales 2.354*** 1.009 1.935*** 1.013 1.937** 1.013 2.198** 1.005
Systematic risk 0.039 0.194 0.115 0.194 0.112 0.194 0.099 0.192
Employee skills and
organizational structures 0.215* 0.113 0.165* 0.113 0.139 0.112
Employee motivation 0.297*** 0.090 0.277*** 0.091 0.227*** 0.091
Turnover 0.007***
Productivity 0.271***
R2 0.138*** 0.146*** 0.148*** 0.167***
AR2 0.004 a 0.012 a 0.014 a 0.033 a
F for AR2 3.635* 10.842*** 6.483*** 7.781***
N 826 826 826 826
These statistics reflect the incremental variance accounted for when employee skills and organizational structures, employee motivation,
turnover, and productivity, respectively, are added to the complete specification for each model. The impact of High Performance Work Prac-
tices on the dependent variable is underestimated by this statistic because the assumptions that the independent variables are orthogonal and
have been entered on the basis of a clear causal ordering are not appropriate in the current study.
*p < .10, one-tailed test
**p < .05, one-tailed test
***p < .01, one-tailed test
Results of Regression Analysis for Gross Rate of Return on Assets
Model 11 Model 12 Model 13 Model 14
Variables b s.e b s.e. b s.e. b s.e.
Constant 0,126** 0.072 0.159** 0.072 0.125*** 0.072 0.588*** 0.140
Log of total employment 0.019*** 0.006 0.023*** 0.006 0.019*** 0.006 0.025*** 0.006
Capital intensity 0.011* 0.007 0.012* 0.008 0.011* 0.008 0.009 0.009
Firm union coverage 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000
Industry union coverage 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000
Concentration ration 0.077** 0.046 0.075** 0.046 0.076** 0.045 0.065* 0.046
Sales growth 0.008 0.007 0.008 0.007 0.008 0.007 0.004 0.008
R&D/sales 0.213* 0.144 0.202** 0.146 0.201** 0.145 0.153** 0.145
Systematic risk 0.050* 0.027 0.049* 0.028 0.048* 0.027 0.048 0.027
Employee skills and
organizational structures 0.041** 0.016 0.043** 0.016 0.040* 0.016
Employee motivation 0.003 0.013 0.008 0.013 0.015 0.013
Turnover 0.000 0.000
Productivity 0.044*** 0.011
R2 0.117*** 0.109*** 0.117*** 0.137***
R2 0.008 a 0.001 a 0.008 a 0.027 a
F for R2 6.649*** 0.680*** 3.356*** 6.157***
N 826 826 826 826
These statistics reflect the incremental variance accounted for when employee skills and organizational structures, employee motivation,
turnover, and productivity, respectively. are added to the complete specification for each model, The impact of High Performance Work Prac-
tices on the dependent variable is underestimated by this statistic because the assumptions that the independent variables are orthogonal and
have been entered on the basis of a clear causal ordering are not appropriate in the current study.
*p < .10, one-tailed test
**p < .05, one-tailed test
***p < .01, one-tailed test
662 Academy of Management Journal June
outcomes, the results are not completely unambiguous. Notably, the sig-
nificant effects found are also financially meaningful. Moreover, where
these effects are meaningful their magnitude is consistent across very dif-
ferent measures of financial performance. For example, a one-standard-de-
viation increase in High Performance Work Practices yields a $27,044 in-
crease in sales and a $3,814 increase in profits. The ratio of these variables
(cash flow to sales) at 14 percent is very near the sample mean of 10 per-
cent. And assuming that the market value of a firm reflects the discount-
ed net present value of all future cash flows, the present value of these cash
flows ($15,277 at 8 percent for five years) is remarkably close to the esti-
mated per employee impact on firm market value of $18,614. The point
of these analyses is to demonstrate that High Performance Work Practices
have impacts of similar magnitude on each dependent variable of inter-
est. In fact, these results show a remarkable level of internal consistency,
especially given the fact that they are based on measures of firm perfor-
mance that are only moderately intercorrelated.
Sources of the Gains from High Performance Work Practices
The next series of analyses examined the processes through which
High Performance Work Practices affect corporate financial performance.
Specifically, Hypothesis 1b states that employee turnover and productiv-
ity will mediate the relationship between systems of work practices and
corporate financial performance. Following Baron and Kenny (1986), I first
regressed the mediating variables (turnover and productivity) on the prac-
tices scales (see Tables 3 and 4). The next step was to regress each de-
pendent variable on those scales (see models 7, 8, and 9 in Table 5 and
models 11, 12, and 13 in Table 6). The significant effects shown in each
case are necessary but not sufficient conditions to establish that mediation
exists. Finally, as an estimate of the magnitude of any mediation effect, I
regressed the dependent variables on the work practices scales and the me-
diating variables. These results are shown in the final models in Tables 5
and 6. Here, the decrement in the coefficients for the employee skills and
organizational structures and employee motivation scales as turnover and
productivity are entered into the profitability equations provides an esti-
mate of the degree to which the effects of High Performance Work Prac-
tices on firm performance can be attributed to these factors.
As expected, the coefficient on each practices scale becomes smaller
once turnover and productivity have been entered into the models. The
magnitude of this effect can be shown by calculating the proportionate
change in the impact of High Performance Work Practices on corporate fi-
nancial performance that can be attributed to the inclusion of turnover and
productivity. Although, on the average, the coefficients on the two scales
fall by approximately 20 percent each when turnover and productivity are
entered into the models, the joint effect is to reduce the estimated finan-
cial impact of High Performance Work Practices on q by 74 percent and on
GRATE by 77 percent. This effect is sizable and suggests that a significant
1995 Huselid 663
Estimates of the Impact of Internal and External Fit on Tobin's qa
Variables Model 15 Model 16 Model 17 Model 18 Model 19
Employee skills and 1.676* 0.165* 0.157* 0.182 0.136
organizational structures (0.121) (0.119) (0,114) (0.228) (0.121)
Employee motivation 0.287*** 0.299*** 0.283*** 0.295** 0.248**
(0.095) (0.094) (0.092) (0.145) (0.101)
Internal fit
HR policy consistency 0.080
HR policy consistency X
employee skills and 0.005
organization structures (0.117)
HR policy consistency X 0.040
employee motivation (0.072)
Employee skills and
organizational structures X 0.192*
employee motivation (0.139)
Match: Employee skills and
organizational structures 0.084
and employee motivation (0.129)
External fit
Differentiation/focus 0.063
Differentiation/focus X
employee skills and 0.114
organizational structures (0.105)
Differentiation/focus X 0.048
employee motivation (0.066)
Strategic HR index 0.061**
Strategic HR index X
employee skills and 0.014
organizational structures (0.061)
Strategic HR index X 0.002
employee motivation (0.040)
Match: Differentiation/focus
and employee skills and 0.145*
organizational structures (0.099)
Match: Differentiation/focus 0.034
and employee motivation (0.097)
R2 0.152*** 0.153*** 0.151*** 0.155*** 0.153***
R2 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.003
F for R2 0.658 1.924 1.003 1.185 0.858
N 826 826 826 826 826
Estimates of the Impact of Internal and External Fit on Gross Rate of
Return on Assetsa
Variables Model 20 Model 21 Model 22 Model 23 Model 24
Employee skills and 0.045*** 0.054*** 0.044*** 0.070** 0.050***
organizational structures (0.017) (0.017) (0.016) (0.032) (0.017)
Employee motivation 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.045** 0.025*
(0.013) (0.013) (0.013) (0.020) (0.015)
Internal fit
HR policy consistency 0.011
HR policy consistency X
employee skills and 0.016
organization structures (0.016)
HR policy consistency X 0.007
employee motivation (0.010)
Employee skills and
organizational structures X 0.035**
employee motivation (0.019)
Match: Employee skills and
organizational structures 0.040**
and employee motivation (0.019)
External fit
Differentiation/focus 0.003
Differentiation/focus x
employee skills and 0.003
organizational structures (0.016)
Differentiation/focus x 0.003
employee motivation (0.010)
Strategic HR index 0.000
Strategic HR index X
employee skills and 0.005
organizational structures (0.009)
Strategic HR index X 0.012**
employee motivation (0.006)
Match: Differentiation/focus
and employee skills and 0.004
organizational structures (0.014)
Match: Differentiation/focus 0.002
and employee motivation (0.014)
R2 0.132*** 0.131*** 0.127*** 0.132*** 0.133***
R2 0.003 0.004 0.001 0.005 0.006
F for R2 0.438 3.299 0.121 1.430 1.659
N 826 826 826 826 826
Standard errors are in parentheses.
*p < .10, one-tailed test
**p < .05, one-tailed test
***p < .01, one-tailed test
666 Academy of Management Journal June
any incremental value over the main effects associated with the use of High
Performance Work Practices.
Empirical Estimation Issues
The strength and magnitude of these results must be interpreted in
light of several potential confounds inherent in the design of this study.
Perhaps the primary threat to the validity of this studys findings is the po-
tential for endogeneity or simultaneity between corporate financial per-
formance and High Performance Work Practices. I dealt with this issue in
two ways. First, because a firms current work practices can be expected
to affect both present and future profitability, I used both contemporane-
ous and subsequent (t + 1 year) measures of corporate financial perfor-
mance. Although the results for the subsequent years' profits were slight-
ly weaker than the contemporaneous results, they were highly consistent.
Thus, I present them here because they are more conservative.
Second, to assess the magnitude of any simultaneity between High
Performance Work Practices and firm profits, I used Hausman's (1978) test
to evaluate the ordinary-least-squares (OLS) regression assumption that the
High Performance Work Practices scales are exogenous in the profitabili-
ty models. In analyses whose results are not shown, I generated a predicted
value for the employee skills and organizational structures and employee
motivation scales using a reduced-form model. Then I included each scale
and its predicted value in an OLS model for Tobin's q and GRATE. A sig-
nificant coefficient on the predicted value for each scale would indicate
it is endogenous in the model being estimated (Hausman, 1978). Although
these results showed that the High Performance Work Practices scales were
not in fact endogenous in the profitability models, the general controver-
sy surrounding the use of this test (Addison & Portugal, 1989) led me to
estimate two-stage least-squares models for each dependent variable as a
formal correction for simultaneity. Not only were these results consistent
with the OLS results, but they were in each case somewhat larger than the
OLS results presented here.
Survey response bias was also considered directly. The presence of re-
sponse bias implies that unobserved determinants of the decision to re-
spond to this studys survey are related to both firm performance and High
Performance Work Practices. Given the extensive control variables in-
cluded in my models, such bias is unlikely. However, to formally test this
possibility, I used Heckman's (1979) procedure, which generates an inverse
Mills' ratio that I then included in the OLS and two-stage least-squares re-
gression models for each dependent variable to control for selectivity
bias. In each case, the relationship between the work practice measures and
the dependent variables remained consistent with the results presented
above, and in no case would these corrections have altered my conclu-
sions. In fact, most of the corrections for simultaneity and selectivity bias
produced estimates of the impact of High Performance Work Practices larg-
1995 Huselid 667
haps unsurprising given the preliminary nature of the measures of fit I de-
veloped. And given the substantial main effects associated with systems
of High Performance Work Practices, one might conclude that the simple
adoption of such practices is more important than any efforts to ensure
these policies are internally consistent or aligned with firm competitive
strategy. However, the theoretical arguments for internal and external fit
remain compelling, and research based on refined theoretical and psy-
chometric development of these constructs is clearly required before such
a conclusion can be accepted with any confidence. The very large theo-
retical literature in the fields of human resources management based on
the premise that fit makes a difference cries out for more work in this area,
and the primary import of the current findings may in fact be to call at-
tention to this important line of research.
Finally, the reader is cautioned to recognize the limitations associat-
ed with the use of cross-sectional data when an attempt to draw conclu-
sions about causality is made. Although the use in this work of simulta-
neous equations, corrections for response bias, measures of current and
subsequent years' profits, extensive control variables, and a large and di-
verse sample mitigate many of the traditional methodological concerns,
longitudinal data on both High Performance Work Practices and firm per-
formance are needed to conclusively replicate the findings presented here.
But such data are extremely costly to generate and are as yet unavailable.
This caveat is not intended to obviate the central conclusions of this
study, however. Although traditional economic theory would suggest that
the gains associated with the adoption of High Performance Work Practices
cannot survive into perpetuity (because the returns from these invest-
ments will be driven toward equilibrium as more and more firms make
them), the substantial variance in the HRM practices adopted by domes-
tic firms and the expectation that investments in such practices help to cre-
ate firm-specific human capital that is difficult to imitate suggest that, at
least in the near term, such returns are available for the taking.
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Components of the Strategic Human
Resources Management Indexa
1. Match the characteristics of managers to the strategic plan of the firm.
2. Identify managerial characteristics necessary to run the firm in the long term.
3. Modify the compensation system to encourage managers to achieve long-term
strategic objectives.
4. Change staffing patterns to help implement business or corporate strategies.
5. Evaluate key personnel based on their potential for carrying out strategic goals.
6. Conduct job analyses based on what the job may entail in the future.
7. Conduct development programs designed to support strategic changes.
Adapted from Devanna, Fombrun, Tichy, and Warren (1982).