Design To Prevent Floor Vibrations-Thomas M. Murray

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Design to Prevent Floor Vibrations


determining frequency and amplitude caused by a heel-drop

impact, and guides for estimating damping.

EFFICIENTLY DESIGNED floor systems are occasionally found

to be susceptible to annoying vibrations induced by human
occupancy. Improved methods of construction and design,
which make use of high strength-lightweight concrete and
high strength steels resulting in reduced mass and rigidity of
the floor systems without loss of structural soundness, may
make large floor areas, free of partitions, susceptible to
transient vibrations induced by small impacts such as human
footfalls. Under certain circumstances these vibrations can be
very annoying to occupants of buildings. Since the occupants
are both the source and the sensor, the vibration cannot be
isolated as with mechanical equipment, and must be
controlled by the structural system.
Vibrating floors have been categorized with respect to
human response as follows:1

Human perceptibility to transient floor vibrations depends on
three factors: frequency, initial amplitude, and damping.
Although a number of scales have been developed to measure
human sensitivity to steady state (zero damping) vibration,2
only two scales are available which include the effects of
damping: the modified Reiher-Meister scale and the WissParmelee scale.
The modified Reiher-Meister scale, Fig. 1a, relates the
effects of amplitude and frequency to four levels of human
perception. The original Reiher-Meister scale was developed
for steady state vibrations.3 Lenzen,4 after studying 46 steel
joist-concrete slab floor systems subjected to single heel-drop
impacts, modified the scale by multiplying the amplitude axis
by a factor of 10 to account for the transient nature of the
vibration. For transient vibrations "amplitude" is defined as
the first maximum amplitude. Lenzen, therefore, implicitly
accounts for damping found in typical floor systems.
Although the Reiher-Meister curves were developed for
steady state vibration using a limited number of subjects and
have been shown to be statistically inaccurate,5 the modified
curves have been verified by different researchers for several
types of floor systems: Lenzen,4 steel joist-concrete slab
systems; Lenzen and Murray6 and Rahman and Murray,7
steel beam-concrete slab systems; Polensek,8 wood joist
systems; Commonwealth Experimental Building Station,9
various systems.
Wiss and Parmelee10 have conducted the only known
laboratory study to determine human perception to transient
vibration of the type normally found in floor systems. A total
of 40 humans were subjected to a waveform "designed to
simulate vibrations caused in floor systems by one foot fall."
Frequency, amplitude and damping were varied through a
range found in normal floor systems, and the following
human response formula was developed from statistical
analysis of the subjective ratings of the vibrations:

(a) Vibration, though present, is not perceived by the

(b) Vibration is perceived but it does not annoy.
(c) Vibration annoys and disturbs.
(d) Vibration is so severe that it makes people sick.
Most floors fall into the first two categories. Obviously, the
last category cannot be tolerated, and the writer is unaware
of any floor system which falls into this category. The subject
of this paper is a method, suitable for design office use, to
determine if a steel beam-concrete slab floor system is in the
third category.
Because the psychological response of humans is
involved in determining the threshold of disturbing
vibrations, the problem is complex and only guidelines and
judgments can be presented. The design method presented has
resulted from tests and analyses of over 100 steel beamconcrete slab floor systems and is felt to be as accurate as the
state-of-the-art permits. The design method consists of a
human perceptibility scale based on amplitude and frequency
of floor motion caused by a heel-drop impact, formulas for
Thomas M. Murray is Associate Professor, School of Civil
Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma,
Norman, Oklahoma.

2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

R = 5.08 00.217



R = the mean response rating
= 1, imperceptible vibration
= 2, barely perceptible vibration
= 3, distinctly perceptible vibration
= 4, strongly perceptible vibration
= 5, severe vibration
f = frequency
A0 = maximum amplitude
D = damping ratio
A comparison of the modified Reiher-Meister curves, taken
from Ref. 1, and the predictions from Eq. (1) is shown in Fig.
1b. The shaded regions were obtained by assuming R = 1.5,
2.5, and 3.5 by varying the damping from 4% to 10% of
critical (typical values for concrete slab-steel beam floor
systems). Since whole number R values represent the center
of perceptible regions, the shaded regions separate relevant
regions, as do the diagonal lines of the modified ReiherMeister plot. In all regions the Wiss-Parmelee human
response formula is more critical than the modified ReiherMeister curve, which can be explained from the fact that the
data was obtained in a laboratory from humans expecting
motion and knowing that they must judge it, while the
modified curve was developed from data taken from humans
subjected to actual, on site, floor motion. Because of this
difference, Ref. 5 recommends the use of the modified
Reiher-Meister plots for making judgments about vibration
perceptibility of steel joist concrete slab floor systems.
From measurements and subjective evaluations obtained
by the author, it has been found that steel beam-concrete slab
systems, with relatively open areas free of partitions and
damping between 4 and 10%, which plot above the upper
one-half of the distinctly perceptible range, will result in
complaints from the occupants and that systems that plot in
the strongly perceptible range will be unacceptable to both
occupants and owners. Although this conclusion cannot be
proven statistically, it substantially agrees with the modified
Reiher-Meister curvers and with the Wiss-Parmelee human
response formula, and is recommended for design use.

Frequency, CPS
(a) Modified Reiher-Meister scale

Frequency, CPS
(b) Comparison of modified Reiher-Meister and Wiss-Parmelee scales

Figure 1

(a) Composite action, regardless of the method of construction
(b) An effective slab width, S, equal to the sum of half the
distance to adjacent beams
(c) An effective slab depth, de, such that the rectangular slab used
to compute the moment of inertia is equal in weight to the
actual slab including concrete in the valleys of decking and the
weight of decking

From analysis of field measurements of steel beamconcrete

slab floor systems subjected to a heel-drop, it is shown in
Reference 6 that the frequency of the system can be
accurately predicted using the frequency formula for a simply
supported tee-beam if the transformed moment of inertia is
computed assuming:

2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

Figure 2 shows the tee-beam model for computing the

transformed moment of inertia.
The first natural frequency of a simply supported teebeam is given by
1/ 2

gEI t
f = 157



= 386 in./sec
= modulus of elasticity, ksi
= transformed moment of inertia, in.4
= total weight supported by the tee-beam, kips
= tee-beam span, in.

Fig. 2. Tee-beam model for computing transformed moment of inertia

The amplitude of a single tee-beam usually overestimates

the amplitude of a floor system subject to the heel-drop
impact. Using the computer program developed by Ohmart
for predicting the amplitude of stiffened floor slabs, it was
determined in Ref. 12 that, for slabs supported by at least
five parallel, equally spaced beams, the effective number of
tee-beams resisting a heel-drop impact is given by the
multiple linear regression equation:

The total weight W used in Eq. (2) should include all of the
dead load plus an estimate of the live load at times when
floor motion might be more annoying. For instance,
complaints have been received from grade school teachers
concerning motion of classroom floors after school hours
when most of the children had gone home. A reasonable
estimate for live load to be included in W is 10% to 25% of
the design live load.

Neff = 2.967 0.05776(S/de) + 2.556 108 (L4/It)

+ 0.00010(L/S)3

A slightly less accurate multiple linear regression model

results in the curves shown in Fig. 5. In both Eq. (6) and Fig.
5, S = beam spacing, de = effective slab depth, L = span, and
It = transformed moment of inertia using the model shown in
Fig. 2. Note that each parameter is dimensionless.
The amplitude of a floor system subjected to a heeldrop
impact is then given by

The impact of a 190-lb man executing a heel drop was
measured by Ohmart11 and is shown by the solid line in Fig.
3. An approximation to the actual impact is given by the
dashed line and has been shown to be sufficiently accurate.11
The amplitude of a single simply supported tee-beam
subjected to the approximate impact can be determined from
Eq. (3) or (4):
If t0 = (1/ f) tan1 0.05:
246 L3
Aot =
. t0 )
EI t


Ao = Aot/Neff



If to > 0.05:

2(1 sin cos ) + ( ) 2

In the above equations, a = 0.1 f.

More simply, for any value of t0, use Eq. (5a) or (5b):
Aot =

246 L3 1

EI t 2 f

For E

= 29 106 psi:

Aot = ( DLF ) max

For E


600 L3
48EI t


= 29 103 ksi:

80EI t
where (DLF)max = maximum dynamic load factor, which can
be obtained from Fig. 4.
Aot = ( DLF ) max

Fig. 3. Measured and approximate heel-drop impact

2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

Fig. 4. Dynamic load factors for single tee-beam

various components of a completed floor system and only

rough guidelines are available.
The Canadian Standards Association13 suggests the
following damping ratios: bare floor, 3%; finished floor
(ceiling, ducts, flooring, furniture), 6%; finished floor with
partitions, 13%. (The damping ratio or fraction of critical
damping for a system with viscous damping is the ratio of the
actual damping to the critical damping. Critical damping is
the minimum viscous damping that will allow a displaced
system to return to its initial position without oscillation.)
Based on observation only, the author recommends that
damping in the final floor system be estimated from the
following ranges for floor components: bare floor, 13%
(lower limit for thin slab of lightweight concrete, upper limit
for thick slab of normal weight concrete); ceiling, 13%
(lower limit for hung ceiling, upper limit for sheetrock on
furring attached to beams); ductwork and mechanical, 1
10%, depending on amount; partitions, 1020%, if attached
to the floor system and not spaced more than every five floor
beams. It is important to note that the above percentages
are not the result of a systematic study and should be used
with caution. The values are presented in attempt to give
some guidelines until badly needed research is completed.
If the estimated damping in a floor is less than 810%
the method presented here should be used; if the estimated
damping is greater than 810% there is no need to perform a
vibration analysis.

Although damping is the most important floor vibration
parameter, it is not presently possible to accurately predict
the damping that will exist in a floor system. Damping in a
floor system is thought to be influenced by the type thickness,
concrete weight, fire protection, partitions, ceiling, ductwork
of construction, slab, plumbing, etc. Very little research has
been conducted to determine the amount of damping
contributed by the

Fig. 5. Effective number of tee-beams

2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

1. Estimate the damping in the finished floor system; if
greater than 810% there is no need for a vibration
2. Compute the transformed moment of inertia of a single
tee-beam, It, using the model of Fig. 2.
3. Compute the frequency, f, from Eq. (2).
4. Compute the heel-drop amplitude of a single tee-beam,
Aot, using Eq. (5) and Fig. 4.
5. Estimate the effective number of tee-beams, Neff, using
Fig. 5.
6. Compute the amplitude of the floor system, Ao = Aot/Neff.
7. Plot on the Reiher-Meister scale, Fig. 1a.
8. Redesign if necessary.

Figure 6

Single Tee-Beam Amplitude:
0.05f = 0.05 10.78 = 0.539

Check the following floor system for susceptibility to
2-in. lightweight concrete slab (110 pcf, n = 14)
2-in. metal deck (concrete in deck + deck = 9.1 psf)
Span: 25 ft-6 in.; Beam Spacing: 8 ft-6 in.
W1430 A36 steel: A = 8.83 in.2, I = 290.0 in.4
Non-composite construction
Hung ceiling; very little ductwork

From Fig. 4:
(DLF)max = 1.22
Aot = ( DLF ) max


= 0.0162 in.

L4/It = (25.5 12)4/931 = 9.42 106

From Fig. 5:
Neff = 1.53
System Amplitude:
Ao = Aot/Neff = 0.0162/1.53 = 0.0106 in.
With a frequency of 10.78 cps and an amplitude of
0.0106 in., the system plots in the upper third of the
"Distinctly Perceptible" range on the modified ReiherMeister scale, Fig. 7. Since the damping is very low, redesign
is necessary.

+ 255
. (2.49)
+ 290 + 8.83[14.12 (13.86/2)]2
= 93 in.4
Ac/n = 102(3.5)/14 = 25.52 sq. in.

As shown in Fig. 7, increasing the beam size is not an
effective method for decreasing vibration perceptibility.
When the supporting beam is increased two depths, there is
very little change in the rating.
By increasing the slab thickness, a significant change is
obtained. As shown in Fig. 7, the floor system becomes
acceptable when the slab is increased to 3.5 in. If headroom
is available, a better design is a W1631 with 3.5-in. slab.

W = [(3.5/12) 110 8.5 25.5] + (30 25.5)
= 7719 lbs = 7.72 kips
386 29 103 931
gEI t
f = 157

. 12) 3
7700 (255

80 29 103 931

s/de = 102/3.5 = 29.14

. (255
. 12) 3

Effective Number of Tee-Beams:

Slab and beam 1.5%

Hung ceiling 1.0
3.5% < 8%
Need to investigate floor system

Transformed Section Properties (see Fig. 6):

de = 2.5 + [(9.1 12)/110] = 3.5 in.
. (16.61) + 8.83(1386
. / 2)
. + 883
= 14.12 in.

80EI t

= 10.78 cps

2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

3. Reiher, H. and F. J. Meister The Effect of Vibration on People

(In German). Forchung auf dem Gebeite des Ingenieurwesens, V.
2, II, p. 381, 1931. (Translation: Report No. F-TS-616-Re H.Q.
Air Material Command, Wright Field, Ohio, 1949.)
4. Lenzen, Kenneth H. Vibration of Steel Joist Concrete Slab Floors
Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction,
v3, n3 (July 1966), pgs. 133136.
5. Parmelee, Richard A. Human Perception of Motion Presented at
the 27th Annual AISC National Engineering Conference, St.
Louis, May 1, 1975.
6. Lenzen, Kenneth H., and Thomas M. Murray Vibration of Steel
Beam-Concrete Slab Floor Systems Studies in Engineering
Mechanics, Report No. 29, The University of Kansas, Center for
Research in Engineering Science, Lawrence, Kansas, February,
7. Rahman, Fazal-Ur, and Thomas M. Murray Measurement and
Analysis of Floor Vibrations School of Civil Engineering,
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, December, 1974.
8. Polensek, A. Kuman Response to Vibration of Wood Floor
Systems Forest Products Research Laboratory Meeting, July
9. CEBS Researcher and Facilities Human Sensitivity to Vibration
in Buildings Department of Works, Commonuealth Experimental
Building Stations, R.F. No. 12, North Ryde, NSW, May, 1966.
10. Wiss, J. F., and R. H. Parmelee Human Perception of Transient
Vibrations Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 100,
Apr., 1974, pp. 773787.
11. Ohmart, Robert D. An Approximate Method for the Response of
Stiffened Plates to Aperiodic ExcitationStudies in Engineering
Mechanics, Report No. 30, The University of Kansas, Center for
Research in Engineering Science, Lawrence, Kansas, April,
12. Saksena, S. K. and T. M. Murray Investigation of a Floor
Vibration Parameter School of Civil Engineering, University of
Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, February 1972.
13. Steel Structures for Buildings Proposed Appendix G, Standard
S16-69, Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario.

Figure 7

1. Galambos, Theodore V. Vibration of Steel Joist-Concrete Slab
Floors Technical Digest No. 5, Steel Joist Institute, Arlington,
2. Hanes, R. M. Transportation Programs Report, Human Sensitivity
to Whole-Body Vibration in Urban Transportation Systems: A
Literature Review APL/JHU-TPR 004, The Johns Hopkins
University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Silver Spring,
Maryland, May, 1970.

2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

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