Ubc 1994 Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method
Ubc 1994 Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method
Ubc 1994 Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method
Uniform Building
Equivalent Static Lateral
Force Method
Several seismic building codes are currently in use in different regions of the
United States. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) published by the Interna-
tional Conference of Building Officials (1994), is the building code most
extensively used, particularly in the western part of the country. In addition to
the UBC, two other major building codes are used: (1) The BOCA, or Basic
Building Code [Building Officials and Code Administrators International
1996]; and (2) The Standard Building Code, of the Southern Building Code
Congress International (1994).
In addition to the preceding codes, there is the ASCE Standard: Minimum
Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE7-95 (1995), (Revision of
ANSI (ASCE7-93). Several organizations involved in earthquake-resistant design
have published recommendations that form the basis for requirement in the official
codes. These organizations include (1) the Structural Engineers Association of
California [SEAOC (1990)], (2) the Applied Technology Council [ATC3-06
(1978), (3) the Building Seismic Safety Council [BSSC (1994)], and (4) The
Federal Emergency Agency [FEMA (1994)] which leads the National Earthquake
Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) with publications issued by the Building
Seismic Safety Council. These organizations periodically issue recommendations
M=loglO- (24.1)
I Several definitions for the magnitude of earthquakes are in use in different countries. all
emanating from the original formulation by C. I. Richter. A brief description of seismic magnitude
scales is given in the International Handbook of Earthquake Engineering: Codes. Programs. and
Examples. edited by M. Paz. 1994.