Multiferroic tunnel junctions
Yue-Wei Yin1,2 , Muralikrishna Raju1 , Wei-Jin Hu1,3 , Xiao-Jun Weng4 , Ke Zou1 , Jun Zhu1 ,
Xiao-Guang Li2 , Zhi-Dong Zhang3 , Qi Li1,
1 Department
2 Hefei
National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, Department of Physics, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
3 Shenyang
National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Shenyang 110016, China
4 Department
of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802, USA
Received July 10, 2012; accepted July 24, 2012
Magnetic tunnel junctions with ferroelectric barriers, often referred to as multiferroic tunnel junctions, have been proposed recently to display new functionalities and new device concepts. One of
the notable predictions is that the combination of two charge polarizing states and the parallel and
antiparallel magnetic states could make it a four resistance state device. We have recently studied
the ferroelectric tunneling using a scanning probe technique and multiferroic tunnel junctions using
ferromagnetic La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3 and La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 as the electrodes and ferroelectric (Ba, Sr)TiO3
as the barrier in trilayer planner junctions. We show that very thin (Ba, Sr)TiO3 lms can sustain
ferroelectricity up till room temperature. The multiferroic tunnel junctions show four resistance
states as predicted and can operate at room temperatures.
Keywords multiferroic tunnel junction, ferroelectric lm, tunneling magnetoresistance eect, tunneling electroresisitance eect, magnetoelectric coupling
PACS numbers 75.85.+t, 77.55.fe, 75.70.Cn, 75.60.Ej, 77.80.Fm
1 Introduction
The demands for faster, smaller, and non-volatile electronics have pushed the limit of semiconductor devices to
ever smaller dimensions. However, the challenge of power
dissipation places a limit on the future device scaling. In
addition, size eects may also post constraint on device
miniaturization. These have led to an emergent need and
development of new concepts for information processing
and storage [1, 2]. For the next generation devices, multifunctional structures have been envisioned, which can
perform new functionality, can be manipulated by several
external independent controls, and can operate with low
power [3, 4]. One of the approaches to multi-functional
devices is to combine ferromagnetic (FM) based spintronics with ferroelectric (FE) based functionality [3, 4].
It can be used as memory cells with multiple resistance
states or to combine logic and memory operations. It
2 Experiment
Epitaxial (Ba, Sr)TiO3 /La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 bilayers for
piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) measurements
and La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3 /(Ba, Sr)TiO3 /La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3 and
La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 /(Ba, Sr)TiO3 /La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 trilayers
for MFTJ investigations were grown on SrTiO3 (100)
substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The heterostructures were deposited in situ at 750C in a 300 mTorr
owing oxygen. The laser energy density was about 1.5
J/cm2 . The epitaxial growth of the trilayers on SrTiO3
is revealed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the TEM specimens were prepared
using conventional mechanical polishing followed by Ar
ion milling. Cross-sectional scanning TEM (STEM) was
performed in a JEOL-2010F eld-emission TEM/STEM
operated at 200 keV. The ferroelectric property of the
(Ba, Sr) TiO3 ultrathin lms were investigated by PFM
[Asylum Research-MFP-3D atomic probe microscopy
The micron-scale MFTJ in the cross-strip geometry
was fabricated by using photolithography and Ar ion
milling in a process similar to what we have used before
[35]. Sputtered MgO or SiO2 was used as an insulating
layer to allow making gold contact leads with the top
electrode without shorting to the bottom electrode. The
schematic drawing of the MFTJ structure is illustrated in
Fig. 1(a). A four-probe method was used to do electrical
transport measurement. The positive bias corresponds to
the current ow from top to bottom electrode and the
magnetic eld was applied along the longitudinal direction of the bottom La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 lead.
Fig. 2 (a) A shematic drawing of PFM and CAFM measurement setup. (b) Out of plane PFM phase image and (c) local
PFM phase as a function of bias voltage of a 3.5 nm Ba0.95 Sr0.05 TiO3 lm on 30 nm La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 electrode.
by external voltage pulses and saturates afterward, indicating the coercive eld for the polarization reversal should be reached. The switching voltage is slightly
asymmetric, possibly due to the imprint of the ferroelectric layer.
4 Conclusions
In conclusion, we have fabricated all-oxide multiferroic
tunnel junctions by pulsed laser deposition technique.
Four distinct resistance states with large resistance differentials have been obtained and the device can operate
at room temperatures. Using scanning probe technique,
much larger TER eect can be obtained than that of
the large size planner trilayer tunnel junctions. Further
study on the origins of the dierences should be conducted so that larger TER eect can also be obtained
in trilayer junctions, which can be used in practical devices. These results pave the way for new multilevel and
nonvolatile devices.
Acknowledgements The work was supported in part by DOE
DE-FG02-08ER4653 (QL), NSF DMR-1207474 (QL), Penn State
MRSEC seed grant (QL), and NBRP-2012CB922003 (XL), and
NSFC-50831006 (ZZ).
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