Industry Guide To The Technion MANLAM 2017
Industry Guide To The Technion MANLAM 2017
Industry Guide To The Technion MANLAM 2017
Research Projects Research Services Technology Transfer
Cover: Acquired using high resolution scanning electron microscopy
136 Laboratory of Functional Nanostructures and 167 The Micro Nano Fabrication and Printing Unit (MNF&PU)
Advanced Imaging at the Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center
136 Polymers and Plastics and the Wolfson Microelectronics Center
136 Fluid Systems, Colloid and Interface Science 168 Process Integration and Device Prototyping
136 Computational Analysis of Transport and 169 Micro-patterning (photolithography)
Interfacial Phenomena 169 Nano-patterning (e-beam lithography)
136 Membranes for Water and Energy 169 Pattern Transfer (etching)
136 Complex Fluids and Microflows 169 Material Deposition and Annealing
137 Small Scale Transport 170 Printing
137 Interfacial Phenomena 170 Inspection and Characterization
137 Multiphase Dispersed Fluid Systems 170 Packaging
137 Complex Liquids, Nanostructure and Macromolecules 172 Industrial Engineering and Management
139 Chemistry 175 Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory
141 Chemical and Surface Analysis Laboratory 175 Business Intelligence Laboratory
142 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory 175 Max Wertheimer Minerva Center for Cognitive Processes
143 Mass Spectrometry Laboratory and Human Performance
143 X-ray Crystallography Laboratory 176 Project Management Research Center
144 Civil and Environmental Engineering 176 The Research Center for Work Safety and Human Engineering
145 Structural Engineering and Construction Management Division 176 Service Enterprise Engineering (SEE) Laboratory
145 National Building Research Institute (NBRI) 177 Statistics Laboratory
146 Environmental, Water and Agricultural Engineering Division 177 Technion Optimization Laboratory
147 Environmental and Water Resources Engineering 177 Data Science and Engineering
Research Center 178 T-PADS - Technion Poalim Data Science Center
147 CAMERI – Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute 179 Knowledge Center for Innovation (KCI)
148 Agricultural Engineering Research Center 181 Bronica Entrepreneurship Center
149 Transportation and Geo-Information Division 184 Materials Science and Engineering
149 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) laboratory 186 Electron Microscopy Center
149 Road and Soil Laboratory 188 FEI Titan Cubed Themis G2 300
150 Geographic Information Systems Laboratory 189 FEI Tecnai G2 T20 S-Twin TEM
150 Photogrammetry Laboratory 189 FEI Helios NanoLab Dual Beam FIB G3 UC
151 Laser Scanning Laboratory 190 Zeiss Ultra-Plus FEG-SEM
151 Remote Sensing Laboratory 191 FEI SEM Quanta 200
152 Survey Engineering Laboratory 191 X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory
153 Computer Science 192 Mathematics
157 Education in Science and Technology 193 Mechanical Engineering
161 Electrical Engineering 194 Materials Mechanics Center
162 Irwin and Joan Jacobs Center for Communication and Information 194 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (CFDLAB)
Technologies (CCIT) 194 Multiphase Flow and Thermal Management Laboratory
195 Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory 228 Israel Institute of Metals (IIM)
195 Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamical Systems (NCDS) Laboratory 228 Metals Additive Manufacturing (3-D Printing) Center
196 William and Sophia Shamban Tribology Laboratory 229 Metallurgical Laboratory
196 Micro- and Nano-Fluidics Laboratory (MNFL) 230 Foundry Technology Laboratory
200 Medicine 231 Corrosion Prevention, Surface Treatment and
202 T2Med Program - 3 Day Startup Event (3DS) Laser Technology Laboratory
203 Biomedical Core Facility 233 Azrieli Continuing Education and External Studies Division
204 Imaging and Microscopy Center
206 Genomics Center 234 RESEARCH EQUIPMENT LIST
208 Flow and Mass Cytometry Center
209 Preclinical Research Authority
211 Technion Integrated Cancer Center (TICC)
217 Physics
Now that we are in the second century of its existence, the relationship
between the Technion and industry is becoming even more important.
In order to serve the Israeli economy effectively, it is vital that industry
be aware of current research at the Technion, and the advanced facilities
and services the Technion offers. The prime goal of this booklet is to
make this kind of information easily available. For each Faculty we have
given a short history and a summary of the main themes of its activities
and links to the relevant topics and facilities, including QR Codes, names
of staff, and contact details.
We hope that you will find this booklet informative and useful.
Follow Technion
Industry Guide to the Technion
About the Technion
Interesting facts: The Technion’s 556 faculty worldwide for innovation and
From 1995 to 2015, about 1,300 members currently include three entrepreneurship.
Technion graduates were involved Nobel Laureates in chemistry.
in the setting up and management In 2011, a bid by the Technion
of 1,600 companies in Israel; about The 2016 Shanghai Ranking placed with Cornell University won
half of these are still active today. the Technion 69th in the index a competition to establish an
These companies generated revenues
of the world’s leading academic applied science and engineering
of over 30 billion dollars and created
institutions, and the top position institution in New York City – the
about 100,000 jobs in Israel.
for any Israeli institute. Over the Jacobs Technion Cornell Institute.
About 170 Technion graduates past five years the Technion has The first class has graduated,
established or hold a senior position consistently ranked in the 15th- making the Technion the first
in overseas companies, and 134 18th place in Computer Science foreign university to award a
companies were established on the and this year ranked 39th in the diploma on US soil.
basis of studies conducted by new specific Ranking for Electrical
faculty members at the Technion. and Electronic Engineering. In 2013, the Technion signed with
China’s Shantou University to
In the last 20 years more than 1,900 The Nature Index Ranking placed establish the Technion Guangdong
companies have been established the Technion 26th in its 2016 list Institute of Technology in China. In
in Israel and abroad, involving alumni, of Rising Stars, following a 40% Israel, Technion International offers
faculty members, and knowledge
increase in Technion’s publications students from countries around
generated at the Technion.
in leading scientific journals. the world an opportunity to join
Source: Examining Companies that are Based on Technion academic programs in
Technion Knowledge, by Daphne Getz , Vered Gilad,
Ella Barzani, Bella Zalmanovich, and Bahina Eidelman, Recently the MIT/Skoltech Initiative science and technology taught
S. Neaman Institute 2016
ranked the Technion in 6th place entirely in English.
Industry Guide to the Technion
About the Technion
Dist. Prof. Avram Hershko
Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry 2004
1 2
3 4
3 AZILECT® (Rasagiline)
Developed in collaboration with Teva
Pharmaceutical Industries, AZILECT®
is a revolutionary drug for Parkinson’s
Industry Guide to the Technion
About the Technion - Research Cooperation with Industry
EU Framework Programs:
The Research Promotion Unit encourages and assists researchers and
their partners in forming research consortia, preparing and submitting
proposals and developing training and career development networks
and individual excellence projects, all within EU Framework programs.
Accessing Information and the Use of Research
Equipment and Infrastructure in the Technion:
The Technion is comprised of 18 faculties and a large number of
research centers, institutes, and laboratories. The research performed by
the Faculty, students and staff of these units is facilitated by the presence
of hundreds of items of scientific and engineering equipment, in
many cases with the most advanced capabilities in Israel, and in some
cases in the world. For instance, in the field of visualization, Technion
microscopes and other types of equipment allow researchers to see
natural and synthetic materials, from atoms all the way up to industrial
structures. The Technion’s advanced equipment is available for use to
outside researchers, including those from industry.
Specific labs
and equipment
The Technion carries out various research activities with industry (both
Israeli and multi-national), governments and public institutions.
Service Framework
Agreement / Research Collaborative
Laboratory Agreement Research
Agreement Agreement
Research Agreements:
Typically, industry from one side and Technion personnel from the
other side, wish to conduct a specific research project, aimed at
generating useful and valuable intellectual property. Such a project may
be based on intellectual property or know-how originating from the
Technion, the Industry, or even available in the public domain.
In general, the process begins with defining the scope of the work and
the expected timeline and budget with the relevant Technion personnel.
Research progress and related deliverables are reported in a timely
manner, following a schedule agreed by the Technion and the industry.
Following the initiation of such agreements, the research authority and the
legal department proceed as follows. The research authority will contact the
industry asking for a representative to be responsible for all project-related
matters, as well as a contact person responsible for payment by the industry.
The legal department will handle the related agreement setting, negotiating
all relevant terms, while balancing parties’ requirements and expectations.
Academic Publication:
The research team varies from one project to another. It usually
includes a Technion faculty member, senior research personnel, such
as post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, professional engineers and
technicians, and students. The research team is required to publish its
work, even if it is part of a sponsored research project. SInce the project
results may be more strategic and competitive in nature, we usually set
a proper mechanism, granting the industry a reasonable time to review
the draft of the publication and protect related intellectual property
prior to publication. Of course, such publications will not include any
confidential industry information.
It is not necessarily the case that all conflicts must be eliminated, but
they must be disclosed and properly managed. Mechanisms exist for
handling conflict situations.
The Technion is committed to building strong relationships with our
industrial partners, contributing to their economic development and
competitiveness. These valuable partnerships help boost the Technion's
research excellence and deliver solutions to industry's current
challenges and needs.
Industry Guide to the Technion
About the Technion - Technology Transfer T3
Entrepreneurship and commercialization are at the core of Technion
innovation. As part of the Technion R&D Foundation (TRDF), T³ is a one-
stop-shop for innovation as a global hub for entrepreneurship startups
Contact and commercialization.
Benjamin Soffer
Chief Executive Officer At T³, we commercialize cutting edge technologies developed by
Tel. +972-4-829-4851 Technion researchers, students and alumni. T³’s mission is to facilitate and support the transformation of scientific discoveries into applied
solutions. By creating optimal alliances between scientists, industrial
partners, entrepreneurs, and investors, T³ enables a smooth transfer of
technologies to the world.
Breathtec Biomedical
Itamar Medical
Mazor Robotics
Microbot Medical
Pluristem Therapeutics
ReWalk Robotics
Industry Guide to the Technion
About the Technion - Technology Transfer T3
Into Business:
T³ takes a dynamic and flexible approach to commercialization in
which deal structures are customized to real-time needs and long-
term objectives; there is no "one size fits all". Industry collaboration
ranges from joint R&D programs through licensing of technologies,
products and services. These collaborative research, development
and commercialization structures support the successful process of
technology transfer.
Acceleration at Technion:
Alfred Mann Institute at the Technion (AMIT):
Established in 2006, the Alfred Mann Institute at Technion (AMIT),
aspires to bridge the gap between applied academic research and
commercial success. AMIT is hub of innovation that is supporting
biomedical company formation by Technion students, faculty
and alumni.
This program, lasting 12-15 months, supports advanced stages of
applied academic research, not yet oriented towards a specific
product, but already of interest to a business partner, and aims to
bring the research to a mature phase. This program is limited to the
feasibility phase. Later phases require other programs. This program
enables an Israeli business partner (or an Israeli R&D subsidiary of
an international company) to invest in it in the future, forming a
cooperation based on the research achievements.
Industry Guide to the Technion
About the Technion - Technology Transfer T3
This is a 1-2 year program which bridges between
basic and applied research that is not ready yet to
be funded by industry. Kamin is open to all fields
of science and technology. The maximum funding
for a 1-year project is NIS 396,000, which is 90% of
the requested budget. The maximum funding for a
2-year project is NIS 748,000, which is 85% of the
requested budget. In special cases an additional
year may be funded, the maximum funding being
NIS 290,400, which is 66% of the requested budget.
The program promotes creative and innovative
dual-use technologies, particularly aimed at the
international market. Governmental funding is
at the level of 50%-66% of the approved budget.
The projects adopt either the Magneton or Nofar
scheme, according to the nature of the project. The
maximum Magneton-based budget is NIS 5 million
for a research period of up to 30 months. For a
Nofar-based project, the maximum budget is NIS
550,000 for a research period of up to 15 months.
RESEARCH Technion campus and focuses on ICT, Robotics, Big Data, Autonomous
Vehicles, Fintech, Augmented Reality, Materials and Digital Health.
Mentorship program
Exchange program Entrepreneurship training program (“The DRIVE Academy”)
Beta-site support
Fund raising support
Support in accessing local and international grants
300 sq. meter office space
Access to the Technion’s labs and research centers
Access to the Technion’s talent pool and resources
(such as specialized equipment)
General support (administrative, business management, intellectual
property, taxes etc.)
Grand Technion
Energy Program
Industry Guide to the Technion
Interdisciplinary Research Programs - Cyber Security Center
Research Areas:
Network security Internet security Wireless security
Ad-Hoc network security Electronic commerce Internet of Things
Computer architecture Virtualization Cloud security
Operating systems Parallel systems Hardware and software verification Computer vision for security Machine learning for
security Cryptology and cryptanalysis Side-channel attacks
Industrial control systems & SCADA Synthesis of secure software
Contact Autonomous systems security Privacy GPU and GPU security, etc.
Prof. Eli Biham
Head The center is in collaboration with the national cyber bureau in the
Tel. +972-77-887-4308 prime-minister's office.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Interdisciplinary Research Programs - GTEP
Research Areas:
Alternative Fuels Energy Storage and Conversion Renewable Energy
Sources Energy Conservation.
Proposed research topics that these areas will address are: expanded uses for solar energy, including solar photo-voltaic cells, for the generation
of electricity, solar-powered air conditioning and solar process heat;
development of non-carbon-based alternative fuels; biomass generation
Contact of combustible gases; wind turbine design; energy storage; optimization
Assoc. Prof. Yoed Tsur of urban planning for energy conservation; improving engine performance
Head by reducing friction and using advanced combustion processes; and the
Tel. +972-4-829-3586 development of power sources for microelectronic devices.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Interdisciplinary Research Programs - GTEP
Research Areas:
Systems Biology Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics
Tissue Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Imaging and
Microscopy Cell Analysis Bioprocess Engineering Information
Processing Structural Biology Biological Networks Metabolomics
Optical Nanoscopy
The Life Sciences and Engineering (LS&E) Infrastructure Center was set
up in 2007 as a collaborative venture between the LS&E at the Lokey
Center and the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI).
The Unit provides service and support, from designing the experiment
to data analysis, with a full software range of: Imaris, Image J/FIJI, ZEN,
AxioVision, and InCell Investigator.
Applications include:
Fast image acquisition for live cell imaging and time-lapse studies
Z-Stacks for localization of cells in living tissues and 3-D reconstruction
High-resolution localization of sub-cellular compartments
and quantities co-localization
Spectral imaging and detection
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer – FRET
Multi-channel fluorescence imaging
Quantitative co-localization
Fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching – FRAP
Multi-photon imaging
Automated slide imaging
Cell-based assays and detection, including: compound screening,
Phenotypic profiling, RNAi screening, Whole organism imaging, Cell lineage
studies, Cell cycle studies, Cell migration, Organelle and protein trafficking,
Morphology analysis, DNA content analysis, and Apoptosis/cell viability
Industry Guide to the Technion
Interdisciplinary Research Programs - LOKEY
The Unit serves all the Technion’s units, as well as other academic
institutions and industry. The Unit provides service, from designing the
experiment to data analysis, with a full software range of FSC express
and ModFit.
Applications include:
Functional analysis: Ionic Flux Determinations; Membrane Potential;
Oxidative Reactions
DNA analysis: Cell cycle and cell proliferation; Cell Viability;
Apoptosis / necrosis (Cell death)
Intracellular signaling: Cytokine production; Phagocytosis;
Single cell analysis; Cell enrichment
Assoc. Prof.
Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
Head & Academic Advisor
Tel. +972-4-829-3958
Head of the Genomics group
Tel. +972-4-829-4302/5378
Nanotechnology Infrastructure:
Over the past 11 years, RBNI has established several Nanotechnology
Infrastructure centers across campus and significantly upgraded other
centers in faculties associated with RBNI. Overall, RBNI invested in the
past 11 years, over M$40 in upgrading nano related equipment, and
continues to support 15 infrastructure centers on campus, serving Israeli
researchers in academia and industry. Dozens of companies from the
Israeli Industry and well over 100 research groups from Technion and
other Academia institutes, use multiple services offered by the RBNI
supported infrastructure centers.
RBNI Expertise:
The key expertise of RBNI are in four areas: Nano Photonics, Nano
Electronics, Electron Microscopy and NanoMed.
Nano photonics is by far the largest and most famous activity and
comprises some 27 faculty members across campus. The activity covers
a wide range of topics from fundamental to very applied.
In the past five years, the applied activity was focused on a national
project, Focal Technological Area - Nanophotonics for Advanced Light
Detection, Imaging, Inspection, Smart Sensors, Energy Conversion.
Cooperation already exists with SCD, Elbit, and Tower Jazz in novel
detectors, 3G Solar in solar cells, and with Rafael in special sensors,
amongst others.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Interdisciplinary Research Programs - TASP
TASP Centers:
Arlene and Arnold Goldstein UAV and Satellite Center
Unmanned Ground Systems Center
Unmanned Marine Systems Center
Agreement with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
for NIS 1 million annual research support.
Participation in ROBIL, a three-university project to design a humanoid robot,
funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
and the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
The TCE Center is designed to lead worldwide computer engineering
research and education, and to operate as a focal point for academic
and industrial collaboration. Computer Science and Electrical
Engineering are two of the Technion's leading faculties. With the TCE
Center, these Faculties intend to take a national and international
leadership role in cutting-edge research and development. The TCE
Center provides the foundation and facilities for computer engineering
research and education. Its unique model facilitates an unprecedented
platform for industrial-academic partnership, and creates a novel eco-
system beneficial to both.
Research Areas:
Applied Computer Engineering domains, such as:
Computer Architecture and Systems Cloud Computing
Communication and Networking Data Bases Data Processing and
Data Mining Machine Learning Computer Graphics Computer Vision Cyber Security Social Networks Quantum Computer Engineering
Industry-Affiliated Opportunities:
A major goal of the TCE Center is to bridge the academia-industry
Prof. Emeritus Raphael Rom
gap by encouraging academic members to contribute knowledge and
experience in joint applied research with industry. The Center welcomes
Tel. +972-4-829-4657
part- and full-time visitors from industry, interested in research
collaboration or seeking expert help.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Interdisciplinary Research Programs - TCE
Industry Members:
Check Point Yahoo! Labs EZChip HP IATI- Israel Advanced
Technology Industries IBM Intel Matrix Marvell Mellanox
Motorola Solutions Rafael Ravello Systems SAP EMC
Mr. Shalom Greenberg In Israel the Institute is based at the Technion in Haifa and the Hebrew
Intel University of Jerusalem, and also includes researchers from Bar-Ilan University, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Shenkar College of
Engineering and Design. The Center is mainly connected with several
Intel business units, in Israel and internationally.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Research Institutes - NBRI
Impact Laboratory:
The Impact Laboratory is built partly below ground. The space of
this specially reinforced concrete laboratory comprises a control and
operation room with a safety and operational controller, and various
electrical, mechanical, and computational facilities. Its research and technical staff are involved in various activities,
including research and development of small satellites.
Contact The Asher Space Research Institute has achieved global recognition,
Assoc. Prof. Pini Gurfil having succeeded in bringing space-related research activities to the
Head forefront of science, technology, and academia, both nationally and
Tel. +972-4-829-3020 internationally. The institute is now regarded one of the most prestigious research centers on campus, and attracts high-profile visitors.
In addition to its support of space-related research around the
campus, ASRI is home to four leading laboratories.
SAMSON Project:
The State of Israel is a proud member of the space club, which
comprises fewer than ten nations that design, build, and launch their
own satellites. As such, Israel’s space industries are world-renowned,
and have achieved their well-respected standing for the satellites they
have built, and are building and selling today. In contrast, the research
at the Asher Space Research Institute (ASRI) is mostly concerned with
Israel’s space technology a decade from now, and beyond. Small
university-scale satellites, such as those of the Technion’s SAMSON
mission, are becoming the primary tool for training engineering
students on a worldwide basis, as well as for testing novel applications
in space before they can be implemented on large, commercial
satellites. University space research, by its nature, is too far advanced for
industries to immediately turn their concepts and designs into current
business. Nevertheless, many industries do have vision, and realize that
today’s research is tomorrow’s potential business.
Over the past two years, the Technion has claimed the role of
spearheading small-satellite research in Israel, mostly owing to the
SAMSON project. Under the leadership of ASRI, we have now built a
diverse group of several dozen researchers and engineers from the
Technion and collaborating Israeli industries. The industries work
pro-bono, as they recognize the technological value of being part of a
cutting-edge space mission. In the space business, where customers
are few, SAMSON provides a rare opportunity for industry to be part
of a novel, yet real, mission through which their people and hardware
gain valuable prestige in the space industry.
Beyond all the above, several small and medium Israeli enterprises
(SMEs) are important members of the SAMSON collaboration:
Spacecialist - for its expertise in systems engineering and
launch technologies
BAE Systems - Rokar - for its GPS flight models
Accubeat - for its atomic clock for high-precision time-keeping
that is the key to the geo-location algorithm
The Solid State Institute is an interdisciplinary research center
designated to house and serve scientists from various faculties who
are interested in the study of solids and solid interfaces. Pure and
applied research projects, some of which may ultimately be of use
to industry, are being carried out at the Institute in many individual
and/or collaborative research efforts. The physical proximity fosters
cooperation between scientists from different disciplines and different
faculties that otherwise would not take place.
Service Laboratories:
Ion Implantation Laboratory Near Field Scanning Optical
Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory Surface Science
Laboratory Ultra-High Vacuum Surface Probe Microscopy
Laboratory X- Ray Laboratory
Individual Researcher Laboratory Functions:
Extreme non-linear optics Coherent electronic transport Non-
Contact linear optics Optically-detected magnetic resonance and near-field
Dist. Prof. Mordechai optics Quantum optics and time-resolved spectroscopy Photo-
(Moti) Segev induced infrared spectroscopy Diamond-film deposition Electrical
Head characterization, Electro-optical characterization and magneto-optical
Tel. +972-4-829-3630 spectroscopy
Industry Guide to the Technion
Research Institutes - SSI
Ion Implanter
NSOM apparatus
Variable Temperature, Ultra High Vacuum, Scanning Probe
Microscope (VT-UHVSPM) Laboratory:
The Laboratory is based on an Omicron Variable Temperature Ultra High
Vacuum Scanning Probe Microscope system, purchased in 2005.
The XPS apparatus in the surface The XPS activity is based on Thermo VG Scientific Sigma Probe, England
science laboratory
purchased in 2000. The system is fitted with a monochromatic Al Kα
(1486.6 eV) source. A 100W X-ray primary beam size can be varied from
400 to 15 µm diameter allowing a wide area or localized chemical
In early 2017 a new XPS system has been installed at the Surface
Science laboratory. The scanning XPS microprobe VersaProbe
III (PHI Physical Electronics, USA) system is equipped with the
following features:
An aluminum monochromated X-ray primary source with a beam
size that can be varied from 300 to 10 mm diameter
Scanning X-ray beam induced secondary electron images (SXI)
with a field of view of 700*700 mm2
An ability of chemical state imaging and mapping of surface sample
(lateral resolution of 4-5 mm)
An ultra violet integrated source allows ultra violet photoelectron
spectroscopy (UPS) analysis for a direct measurement of valence
band and work function of materials
In situ sample cooling (down to -140°C) or heating (up to 800°C)
The Versaprobe III system presents also the ability for depth profiling
materials by three different methods:
An angle resolved XPS (AR-XPS) analysis to depth profile by tilting
the sample without damaging the surface, till about 15nm depth.
A monoatomic Ar+ ion gun used for depth profiling
semiconductor materials or metal oxides
A cluster Arn+ ion gun sputtering used for depth profiling organic
based structures
The versatility of the VersaProbe III provides analytical and research services
essential for progress of many academic research groups and industries
ongoing activities in the means of surface science understanding.
Contact The Surface Science Laboratory is equipped with a TOF.SIMS 5
Dr. Tatyana Kravchuck from IONTOF GmbH (Germany) purchased in 2007:
Tel. +972-4-829-3148 Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) is a very sensitive surface analytical technique, well established for many
research and industrial applications. It provides detailed elemental and
molecular information about surfaces, thin layers, interfaces, and full 3D
analysis of the samples.
Its design guarantees optimum performance in all fields of SIMS
applications. The flexible, high precision sample manipulator well
as the perfect charge compensation allows the analysis of virtually
all kinds of samples. The TOF analyzer provides a high secondary
ion transmission with high mass resolution and high lateral and
depth resolution. The use is widespread, including semiconductors,
polymers, paint, coatings, glass, paper, metals, ceramics, biomaterials,
pharmaceuticals and organic tissue.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Research Institutes - SSI
The Stephen and Nancy Grand Water Research Institute (GWRI) was
established in 1993. Its mission is to promote and support research and
management of Israel’s water resources, maintaining the Technion’s
leading position and Israel’s world leadership in the domain.
The Transportation Research Institute (TRI) began its operations in
1977. It serves as a center and framework of cooperation for faculty
members from various Technion units whose research covers a wide
spectrum of transportation subjects. This research, largely financed
by state funds, is primarily directed at solving problems of crucial
national importance: road safety, traffic congestion, energy and
environmental issues, transportation planning, transportation
systems analysis, and road maintenance.
Contact In recent years the Institute has set itself as an important goal of
Prof. Yoram Shiftan raising public understanding and awareness of the fields of sustainable
Head transportation and road safety, using the capabilities of the Institute's
Tel. +972-4-829-2901 researchers.
Research Areas:
Road Safety Traffic Engineering and Control Energy and
Environmental Engineering Transportation Planning Urban Planning
and Land Use Road and Pavement Engineering
Industry Guide to the Technion
Research Institutes - TRI
R&D examples:
AVIVIM is the Traffic Management and Control System of the
municipalities of Tel-Aviv and Haifa. AVIVIM follows the classical
approach of management and operational layers. MMRC has
conducted research focusing on decision-support traffic management
methodologies since 1994, funded originally by the Municipality of Tel
Aviv and the Israeli Ministry of Transport. As a result of the success
of the implementation of AVIVIM in Tel Aviv, it was adopted by the
municipality of Haifa in 2006, who is now a partner in funding the
ongoing development of the system.
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is a leading faculty in its field
and the sole source of aerospace engineers in Israel. Faculty members
conduct world-class (mostly sponsored) research, provide consultancy
services to the Israeli aerospace industry in innovative technologies and
challenging problems, and teach a wide range of aerospace disciplines.
The Faculty’s research laboratories include: the Wind Tunnel Laboratory
complex (comprising supersonic, transonic, subsonic, and turbulence
Dean’s Office laboratories), the Aerospace Plasma Laboratory, the Autonomous
Prof. Jacob Cohen Navigation and Perception Laboratory, the Mechanics of Soft Materials
Dean Laboratory, the Aerospace Structures Laboratory, the Combustion and
Tel. +972-4-829-2308/2260 Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, the Turbo and Jet Engine Laboratory, the Flight Control Laboratory, the Distributed Space Systems Laboratory,
the Cooperative Autonomous Systems Laboratory, the Computational
Laboratory for Aerospace Structures, the Aeroacoustic Laboratory, the
Turbomachinery and Heat Transfer Laboratory and the Turbulence and
Complex Flow Laboratory.
prestigious Israel Prize, the highest national award, for their lifetime
achievements in aerospace sciences research.
For companies that join the IAP, the Faculty offers a broad benefits
package which includes components from the fields of Research &
Development, Education & Teaching, Human Resources & Employment,
and Public Relations & Marketing.
FE simulations - NASTRAN, ANSYS, ABAQUS; Design and Performance
of Structural Tests; Dynamic Loading; Static Loading; Impact Loading;
Thermal Loading; Vibrations.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Aerospace Engineering
The goal of the Faculty of Architecture, since it was established in
1924, has been to be the foremost professional body shaping the built
image of Israel. Through education, research, and design leadership,
the Faculty has successfully upheld this goal for the past 92 years,
graduating thousands of professionals who literally designed and built
the State of Israel. Led by a dedicated, fully-qualified, teaching staff of
http://architecture. researchers and practitioners, the Faculty houses about 850 students
(300 of whom are graduate students) in the fields of architecture,
landscape architecture, planning, and industrial design. In addition,
Dean’s Office through its three research centers, the Faculty is also the primary locus
Prof. Iris Aravot of research and the generator of new design and planning knowledge
Dean in Israel. The Faculty offers post-professional, mid-career, and advanced
Tel. +972-4-829-4001 degree programs in architecture, urban and regional studies, landscape architecture and industrial design. In 2014, in collaboration with the
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Faculty integrated a
new master's program in urban engineering.
Industrial Design:
Design and Human Factors in Healthcare Personalized Design, Design
for All (Inclusive Design) Human Factors and Design in Extreme
Environments Evidence- Based Design (EBD) Methodologies
Computer-Aided Architectural Fabrication Interactive Design and
Responsive Environments Sustainable Materials Design Thinking
Landscape Architecture:
History, Theory and Criticism of Landscape Architecture in Israel
Cultural Landscapes Sacred and Symbolic Landscapes: Natural,
Cultural and Visual Components
Workshops, Seminars and Guest Lectures presented within the
Faculty by representatives of suitable companies.
Student competition themes by companies.
Mini-courses, seminars, summer courses and professional graduate
programs presented in the Faculty by Faculty researchers
to company employees.
Free Auditing: option for company employees to choose
specified faculty courses.
Industrial Advisory Board held once or twice a year to discuss
teaching programs, research projects, laboratories, and Faculty equipment.
Library Services: limited.
Guided Tours: opportunity for students to have a guided tour of
the company's facilities.
Human Resources:
Classified ad distribution by direct mailing, monthly Faculty
newsletter, Faculty website and bulletin boards and plasmas.
Announcements via professional conferences, seminars, awards,
scholarships, and recruiting days.
Student employment during summer projects, and hosting
summer interns.
Its extensive research in planning and land legislation has been widely
referred to in Supreme Court decisions and rulings, and has led to new
legislation. CURS is now leading the preparation of the Marine Spatial
Plan for Israel's Mediterranean Exclusive Economic Zone.
Today aging architects and their families who wish to protect their
architectural oeuvre bequeath them to historical heritage archives on
the condition that the works will not only be protected, but will also be
made available for active research that will keep their ideas alive.
The Faculty of Biology started as a small department that split from
the Faculty of Chemistry in 1971. During the first 25 years the Faculty
of Biology developed slowly in terms of quality and quantity, focusing
primarily on molecular and cellular biology research. After it became
a Faculty, biology was not as dominant on campus as the biology departments at other universities. About ten years ago, the Technion
management decided to establish strong and leading Life Science
activities on the Technion campus by upgrading the Faculty of Biology
Dean’s Office to serve as the focal point for research into modern Life Sciences and
Prof. Yehuda G. Assaraf teaching efforts. One of the tools for implementing this decision was
Dean & Industrial Relations the establishment of the of the Lorry I. Lokey Center for Life Sciences
Coordinator and Engineering, founded by Distinguished Professor and 2004 Nobel
Tel. +972-4-829-3744 Prize laureate, Aaron Ciechanover. As head of this Center, Professor Ciechanover collected and implemented the essential resources and
funds for the J. Steven and Rita Emerson Life Sciences Building adjacent
to the Faculty of Biology to house modern infrastructure, technologies
and facilities in Biology and Life Sciences.
Research Areas:
Biochemistry Biophysics Biotechnology Cancer Cell Biology
Computational Biology Development Drug Discovery Ecology
Endocrinology Epigenetics Evolution Gene Regulation Genetics
Genomics Immunology Microbiology Physiology Plant Biology
Structural Biology Systems Biology Virology Zoology
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Biology
Contact Activities in the Center range from identifying and quantifying proteins,
Prof. Arie Admon to large-scale comparisons of proteins and their post-translational
Head modifications in healthy and diseased states. The Center offers
direct access to its technology and expertise, including protein and
Dr. Tamar Ziv peptide mass spectrometry, micro-chromatography, two-dimensional
Manager chromatography, and electrophoresis, as well as in analyzing minute
Tel. +972-4-829-3466 amounts of proteins. Three mass spectrometers are currently functional in the Center: Orbitrap, Orbitrap XL, and Q-exactive.
All three are high-resolution, high-accuracy instruments enabling
advanced proteomics. The mass spectrometers are fitted with nano-
capillary HPLC, which enables the performance of very high-pressure
and high-resolution chromatogaphy.
Quality Control:
Analyses of synthetic peptides - sequence validation
and contamination analysis
Protein identification
Characterization of contaminated peptide
Analyzing changes in a protein (company product)
Stability tests of peptides and proteins
Comparison of product purification in different production stages
Comparison between different lots of products
Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the Technion began as early as the
mid-1940s, when the body’s bio-electric phenomena were studied in
the Department of Electrical Engineering. The interest and enthusiasm
generated by this new field of studies grew so rapidly that by 1968
over 40 ongoing biomedical projects were under way at various Technion departments. In 1969, the Julius Silver Institute was set up
to house all the Technion’s biomedical engineering research, and the
Dean’s Office interdisciplinary Department of Medical and Biological Engineering
Prof. Shulamit Levenberg was formally established, with the mission of developing a program for
Dean graduate studies.
Tel. +972-4-829-5502
Today, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering is involved in wide-
Director of Industry and ranging research, both basic and applied. The varied novel engineering
External Relations techniques and state-of-the-art technological, scientific and medical
Ms. Tali Jacoby know-how generated by the Department have, over the years, proved
Tel. +972-4-829-4147 both useful and beneficial to Israel’s medical community.
Contact Research Groups:
Prof. Amit Meller Single Molecule Biophysics & Nano-biotechnology
Tel. +972-4-829-3202/4143 Research interests: Biomolecular Engineering: Advanced molecular diagnostic systems;
Microscopy, optical bioengineering and super-resolution methods;
Nanopores and next generation DNA sequencing and genotyping
Single Molecule Biophysics: Translational control in eukaryotic
systems; Single molecule FRET and biomolecular dynamics; Live cell
imaging and advanced microcopy
Research interests:
Vascularization of engineered tissue constructs Engineering
vascularized cardiac tissue Flow-induced vascularization in
engineered tissue Engineering skeletal muscle tissue- as graft and
flaps for reconstruction of abdominal wall tissue Engineering a
vascular niche to support pancreatic islet survival and function and to
improve islet transplantation efficacy Spinal cord injury regeneration
Cell mechanics in 3D constructs Droplet Based Microfluidics
The Rina & Avner Schneur Type II Diabetes center Lorry I. Lokey
Tissue Regeneration Group in the Biomedical Engineering Laboratories
Assoc. Prof. Eitan Kimmel Biomechanics of Ultrasound Interaction with Cell and Tissue
Tel. +972-4-829-3857 Research interests: Bio-heat and bio-mass transport Cell and tissue mechanics
Nano-acoustics medicine: Ultrasound and opto-acoustics in medicine
and biology as determined by intracellular; intra-membrane cavitation
and bubble dynamics Acoustic neuromodulation. Biomechanics of
trauma and decompression Acoustics of the inner ear
Research interests:
Mechanobiology of living cells in relation to cancer metastases
and wound healing Cancer progression and predictive prognosis
of cancer metastasis formation, through mechanobiology, structure
and mechanics of living cells Cell adhesion, spreading, and force
application on bio-surfaces as a function of external conditions, such
as drug and chemotherapeutic treatments and applied mechanical
deformations Computer algorithms, image processing, and finite
element simulations to determine mechanobiology of cell interactions
and intracellular mechano-structural evolution of cells
Asst. Prof. Ramez Daniel Laboratory for Synthetic Biology & Bioelectronics
Tel. +972-4-829-1546 Research interests: Applying engineering to biology: Principles of genetic circuit
design and synthetic biology Metabolic engineering Cytomorphic
electronics; analog circuit design for modeling biochemical reactions
and biological networks Bioelectronics -Whole cell biosensors for
biomedical applications Bio-electrochemical systems for energy
Prof. Emeritus Dan Adam Laboratory for Ultrasound Signals and Image Processing and Modeling
Tel. +972-4-829-4140 The lab provides services to ultrasound imaging and processing: Mapping of acoustic fields; Design and testing of novel beamforming;
Acquisition of digitized RF data (either from single crystals or from
imaging probes); Design and testing of transmit pulses; Ultrasound and
echocardiographic applications using contrast agents.
Research interests:
Design of novel beamforming methods, including planar and
diverging beams, multi-frequency phased array probes, etc.
Automation of functional processing of echocardiography clips –
selection of views, segmentation, strain measurements
Echo ultrasound Strain imaging, including Layer-Specific 2D Strain
measurements as a diagnostic tool of myocardial pathologies Contrast
ultrasound super-resolution (spatial and temporal) for enhanced
visualization of vasculature in tumors, plaques etc. Myocardial
perfusion using contrast echocardiography Image guided therapy/
surgery High intensity focused ultrasound for cardiac pacing, fat tissue
obliteration and other localized cavitation or heating based therapies
Dean’s Office The Rina and Avner Schneur Center of Diabetes Research:
Prof. Shulamit Levenberg The Rina and Avner Schneur Center of Diabetes Research lead by
Tel. +972-4-829-4810 Prof. Levenberg, brings together top researchers from the faculty of Biomedical engineering and the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion-
Israel Institute of Technology to seek for a cure to type II diabetes.
Dr. Galia Ben-David
Tel. +972-4-829-4150 Type II Diabetes (DM2) is one of the most important public health challenges requiring a cure rather than preventive treatment. The
current project (in collaboration with Prof. Eddy Karnieli) focuses on the
development of a new cure for this important disease in the form of
transplantation of engineered tissue, which will provide a useful tool to
reach better systemic glucose homeostasis in DM2.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Biomedical Engineering
Participation in the industry leader advisory committee
Participation in conferences and seminars held by the faculty
Giving short seminars, courses and workshops exclusive to the
Possibility of company employees giving guest lectures at
regular courses
Possibility of company employees auditing regular courses
Alumni program:
Our graduates have integrated remarkably well into Israel’s biomedical
industry. These, and other industries, have employed the department’s
graduates in key positions in research and development, production,
marketing, and medical applications. In the past few years our graduates
have become involved in many start-up companies, and more than 45%
of Israel's start-ups are in this sphere.
3. Conferences:
Annual Biomedical Engineering conference
The annual conference of Biomedical Engineering is organized
by the Biomedical Engineering Faculty at the Technion and the
ISMBE organization. It is held at the Congress Center of Haifa and
includes hundreds of participants from the biomedical community:
academy, hospitals and industry. It includes various fields such as
cancer detection, biomaterials and drug delivery, cardiovascular
sessions, ultrasound (diagnosis and therapy), medical imaging, tissue
engineering, biomechanics, mobile health, medical optics and
Project conference
The annual Project conference is being held at the Technion at
the end of the academic year. During the conference the students
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Biomedical Engineering
Alumni conferences
Our Alumni conferences discuss the future of biomedical engineering
and medicine, the advances and strengths of biomedical engineering
graduates in the industry and their integration in various biomedical
industry fields.
Entrepreneurship conferences
A few conferences in the subject of innovation and Entrepreneurship
are held at the faculty with the goal of promote and encourage
students for innovation and creative thinking.
The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering is unique in
Israel, providing the highly skilled engineers needed for the country’s
expanding biotechnology and food industries. It offers a unique
interdisciplinary blend of courses in engineering, food science and
technology, life sciences, and biotechnology engineering. The Faculty has been transformed since a decision was made during the mid-
1980s to focus on biotechnology. Accordingly, new Faculty members
specializing in various aspects of biotechnology were recruited, and
Dean’s Office the teaching programs were revised to include a biotechnology
Prof. Marcelle Machluf specialization program, in addition to the existing food engineering
Dean specialization program. The integration is based on the biological
Tel. +972-4-829-3068/9 material common to both fields, and fits well with the many changes in the traditional food industry, which is becoming more and more
biotech-oriented. The Faculty’s objectives are:
These objectives are in line with the Technion’s vision of becoming one
of the world’s top ten universities.
Assoc. Prof. Uri Lesmes Chemistry of Foods and Bioactive Ingredients Laboratory
Head Research Topics:
Tel. +972-77-887-1869 Physicochemical basis of human digestion, food hydrocolloids, food delivery systems, encapsulation chemometrics and food personalization
Assoc. Prof. Yoav D. Livney Food Physical Chemistry and Biopolymeric Delivery Systems
Head Research Topics:
Tel. +972-4-829-4225 Physical chemistry of macromolecules in food and other biotechnological systems, nano-delivery systems for health-promoting
http://biopolymeric-nano- compounds
Prof. Marcelle Machluf Cancer Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering Laboratory
Head Research Topics:
Tel. +972-4-829-4916 Tissue engineering and cell based delivery: Developing platforms for cell based delivery and tumor therapy. Developing scaffolds based ECM for tissue engineering of the pancreas, heart, and blood vessels. Drug delivery: Development of micro and nano drug delivery systems
for cancer and neurodegenerative disorders
Gene therapy: Delivery of cDNA and RNAi to cells and tissues using
ultrasound energy and synthetic and natural nanoparticles
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Biotechnology & Food Engineering
Prof. Dganit Danino CEVS Manual system for cryo-TEM sample preparation in a controlled
Tel. +972-4-829-2143 environment (temperature, humidity, vapor saturation) VITROBOT Automatic system for cryo-TEM sample preparation in a controlled
environment (temperature, humidity, vapor saturation) Light microscope Olympus BX51 light microscope and Olympus DP71 digital camera
Prof. Sima Yaron PERKIN ALMOR VICTOR Fluorescence and luminescence plate reader
Tel. +972-4-829-2940 BLOTEK Fluorescence plate reader RT-PCR Real-time PCR
Prof. Ben-Zion Levi Gel imager Imaging lengths of DNA and RNA molecules
Tel. +972-4-829-3345 Inverted fluorescence microscope Nanodrop
Assoc. Prof. Uri Lesmes LumiSizer LUM GmbH Analytical centrifugation for analysis of stability and size
Tel. +972-77-887-1869 of suspension and emulsions Titrando 902+TIAMO Computer-controlled dual auto-titration unit
control software
Applikon MiniBioreactors and Computer-controlled fermenters
SCADA control software
Bioreactors and Fermac Simulated human colon fermentation
peristaltic controllers
Stomacker Paddle homogenizer
Nicomp 380, PSS Santa Barbara, CA Dynamic Light Scattering combined with zeta potential analyzer
Ultrospec 3000, GE Healthcare UV-VIS spectrophotometer
DS5000 Anton Paar Density & Sound velocity measurement in liquids
Advanced instruments 3320 Freezing point Osmometer
Polytron Benchtop Homogenizer
Assoc. Prof. Ester Segal DSC- differential scanning- - used for thermal
calorimeter characterization of materials, mainly polymers
Tel. +972-4-829-5071 TGA Thermal gravimetric analyzer - used for thermal analysis of materials
FTIR - Fourier Transform - spectroscopic technique to
IR Spectrometer identify and study chemical composition
Asst. Prof. Roee Amit Optosplit Splits microscope image for simultaneous imaging of
different fluorescent channels
Tel. +972-77-887-1895 Oscilloscope Measurement and generation of voltage signals
Fluorescence microscope Measurement of microscopic samples (bacteria) that
emit fluorescence
Gel imager Imaging lengths of DNA molecules
Nanovue Measures concentration of DNA in suspension
Assoc. Prof. Ayelet Fishman 2 Bioreactors (200 ml) - Applikon Controlled growth of microorganisms
Tel. +972-4-829-5898 HPLC-DAD and HPLC-UV (Agilent), Separation of small non-volatile molecules HPLC -DAD (Dionex)
GC-MS (Agilent) Separation and identification of small volatile molecules
based on their mass
GC-FID (Agilent) Separation of small and volatile organic molecules
GC HEAD SPACE (THERMO) Separation of small volatile organic molecules from
liquid or head space
EpMotion 5070 robotic system Liquid handling system for 96-well plates
AKTA Prime Plus Protein purification
Food Scan (Foss) Analysis of fat, protein, water, collagen in meat samples
Karl Fischer (Metrohm) Moisture determination in samples
Kjeldahl (Foss) Protein determination in foods
Polarimeter (Optical Activity) Optical rotation measurement
Microplate reader Synergy Absorbance, fluorescence measurements
HT1 (BioTek)
Prof. Yechezkel Kashi 3130 Genetic Analyzer - DNA sequencing and genotyping - size determination
Tel. +972-4-829-3074 Applied Biosystems of fluorenyl labeled products Microplate spectrophotometer Absorbance microplate reader under temperature
Eon-BioTek control at selected wavelength (200-999 nm)
Microplate reader Synergy HT - Absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence
BioTek measurements in microplate
Step One Plus REAL TIME PCR- Quantification and detection of DNA and RNA,
Applied Biosystems gene expression analysis
Nanovue plus Determining DNA and RNA concentration
Eclipse 5Oi - Microscope and Yeast tetratide dissection
micromanipulator - Nikon
Prof. Yuval Shoham Anaerobic hood COY Laboratory Anaerobic bacterial growth
Products Inc.
Tel. +972-4-829-3072 EMULSIFLEX C3-AVESTIN Cell homogenizer
BioTek- Synergy HT Plate reader
Asst. Prof. Avi Shpigelman Agilent LS-MS (single quad) An analytical system for the detection, identification and
system quantification of compounds with Mw < 2000 Da
Tel. +972-77-887-1867 Hydrostatic high pressure system A processing system for the study of the effects of HHP
(HHP), Stansted, up to 900 MPa
temperature controlled vessel
of ~300 ml
Ultra-high pressure homogenizer, A processing system for the study of the effects of UHPH
Stansted, up to 420 MPa, on aqueous systems
temperature controlled
GPC-RI-UV-MALS-Viscometer For the studies of molecular weight and conformation
quad detector system of water-soluble macromolecules
Dr. Maya Davidovich-Pinhas X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku) SmartLab 3kW instrument equipped with a high performance
mid-low temperature control stage (-193 to 450˚C)
Tel. +972-4-829-3346 Rheometer (Anton-Paar) MCR302 rheometer equipped with a temperature control unit
(-40 to 200˚C), tribology cell, couette cell, and additional
measuring geometries
Texture analyzer (Lloyd) TA1 instrument equipped with 50N and 500N load cells
with various measuring geometries
Pilot Plant Spray dryer (Niro; 10 kg/hr)
(Food Technology) Drum dryer (Escher Wyss; 50 kg/hr)
Tel. +972-4-829-2453
Fluid Bed dryer (Aeromatic; 4 kg batch)
Tunnel dryer (up to 15 kg/batch)
Freeze dryer (Grenco; up to 15 kg/batch)
Agitated falling fFilm evaporator Boiling vacuum concentrator for viscous liquids
(Luwa; 25 L/hr batch type)
Falling film evaporator Boiling vacuum concentrator for liquids
(Niro; 50 L/hr continuous)
Centri Term evaporator Up to 2000 bar
(Alfalaval; 30 L/hr batch type)
Kugel vacuum evaporator (up to 40 L) Boiling vacuum concentrator reactor
2 Plate heat exchangers Pasteurization of liquids
(Alfalaval and Niro; up to 6 L/min)
Still autoclave (Stork; with temperature and
in package monitoring equipment) 50 L
Rotating autoclave (with temperature and
in package monitoring equipment) 50 L
Blast freezer tunnel 80 L
Scraped surface freezer
(Votator; 10 kg/hr continuous) 8
Tweedy mixer for dough (up to 15 kg)
Controlled baking oven
Smoking cabinet
Stephan mixer
2 Step Nozzle homogenizer (2 L/min) Up to 300 bar
Vacuum homogenizer (Herbot; 15 L batch)
Various high and low shear mixers and blenders
Various centrifuges(5 L/min)
Various grinders, crushers and Millers
Various screeners, sifters, filters
U.F filtration (0.54 square meter membrane)
FMC In-line-juice extractor
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Biotechnology & Food Engineering
Workshops, seminars, and guest lecturers
Free Auditor: options for company employees to choose
specified Faculty courses
Industrial Advisory Board: held once a year to discuss teaching
programs, research projects, laboratories, and faculty equipment
Human Resource:
Recruiting day: an opportunity to hold an exclusive
student-recruiting day
Announcements via professional conferences, seminars,
awards, scholarships, and recruiting days
Student employment during summer projects and hosting
summer interns
The Faculty of Chemical Engineering at Technion is highly
multidisciplinary, including researches that work on a broad spectrum
of fields. The research areas include nano materials, drug delivery,
advanced polymers, ceramics and biomaterials, reaction engineering,
simulations, water desalination, fuel cells hydrogen generation and other energy related topics.
Dean’s Office The faculty members engage in cutting edge research in the areas
Prof. Gideon Grader above and more. A testament to the level of excellence of our faculty
Tel. +972-4-829-2820/1 members is that the department traditionally receives amongst the highest funding per faculty member in the whole Technion. It should
be mentioned that beyond the research, our department scores very
Industrial Relations highly in student-faculty relations. Many of our faculty win the Technion
Coordinator excellent of teaching award. Finally, the department is growing in
Asst. Prof. Avi Schroeder number of faculty members, expanding into new territories such as
Tel. +972-77-887-1953 oil and gas in general and particularly into natural gas downstream processing. The growth of the department into the natural gas
processing area is strategic, aiming to provide the engineering and
Mrs. Hemda Tal research manpower that will be needed in Israel given that the gas
Tel. +972-4-829-2829 sector will flourish here in the coming years.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Chemical Engineering
Our faculty has four main research fields which our members are
specialize in them:
Asst. Prof. Avi Schroeder Targeted Drug Delivery and Personalized Medicine
Head Research Topics: Personalized medicine; liposomes;nanoparticles; drug
Tel. +972-4-829-1953 delivery; bio-surgery; barcoded nanoparticles;protein producing particles. Facilities: Dynamic light scattering (DLS) (Malvern) - particle characterization (size, zeta potential, protein mobility); High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) (Agilent) - separation, analytical; Fast
Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) (Akta)- protein purification;
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) (TA) – Tm; Gas Chromatography-
Mass Spectra (GC-MS)(Agilent)- separation, identification; Inductively
Coupled Plasma (ICP)(Agilent) - trace elements analysis; Inverted
Fluorescent Microscope (Nicon); Plate reader (Tecan)-absorbance,
fluorescence, FRET, luminescence, controlled environment;
PCR;Incubators; Biohood;Chemical Hood;Lyophilizer; Centrifuge;SDS and
DNA gels running equipment; -80 refrigerator; Shaker; Sonicators
Prof. Gideon Grader Advanced Ceramics and Non-carbon Fuels for Energy Applications
Head Research Topics: Sol-Gel ceramic films, ceramic nanofibers and
Tel. +972-4-829-2008 non-carbon fuel combustion Facilities:
http://ceramicenergy.technion. Thermal Analysis: Simultaneous Thermogravimetric Analysis and Differential Thermal Analysis (TGA/DTA) in different atmospheres;
Setaram TG92 (RT-2400oC), Setaram SETSYS Evolution (RT-1700oC).
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis -Dilatometry (TMA): Setaram Setsys
Evolution (150-1700oC)
Surface and Pore Size Analysis: Pore Size Distribution; Specific
Surface Area; Chemisorption Analysis;ASAP 2010; Micromeritics
Specific Surface Area, (BET), FlowSorp II, 2300, Micromeritics
Thermal treatment: High temperature synthesis and sintering in
oxidative, reduction and inert atmospheres (RT – 1650oC), box and
tube furnaces with flowing gases and complicated thermal profile
(CM Rapid and Carbolite furnaces)
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Chemical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Oz M. Gazit Laboratory for Heterogeneous Catalysis and Advanced Materials
Head Research Topics: Heterogeneous catalytic materials; Solid adsorption
Tel. +972-4-829-3562 materials; Composite materials. Methane activation reactions to fuels and chemicals; Upgrading of biomass derived molecules
Facilities: Setaram Labsys Evo TGA/DSC (RT-1500oC) coupled to a Hiden
QGA-MS; Chemisorption Micromeritics ASAP 2920 coupled to a Hiden
QGA-MS; Physisorption (Micromeritics 3Flex); In-situ high temperature
(900oC) gas phase FTIR; Shimadzu HPLC with RI and PDA detectors;
Supercritical CO2 dryers (25 ml)
The Faculty of Chemistry is a vibrant academic unit, with dynamic
research and teaching programs, active Faculty members, and modern
research laboratories and facilities. It spans the full spectrum of
disciplines within chemistry – physical, analytical, inorganic, organic,
biochemical, and theoretical; and overlaps the associated fields of physics, materials sciences, biology, medicine, electronics, and
The Division of Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry
comprise 14 research groups that apply a variety of theoretical and
Industrial Relations experimental techniques to elucidate the molecular nature of materials.
Coordinator Many of the studies carried out in these laboratories are interdisciplinary
Ms. Meytal Bar-On in nature, belonging to the overlapping realms of materials science, life
Tel. +972-4-829-3727 sciences, energy research, solid state, and nanomaterials.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Chemistry
All our general service research laboratories (NMR, MS, XRD, and the Surface
Analysis and Characterization Laboratory) provide service work for various
industries (mostly chemical and pharmaceutical) and research laboratories
within and outside the Technion. In these cases, the service is carried out at
predefined rates. Finally, our glassblowing workshop and machine shop also
do occasional work for external users at predefined rates.
Technical Services:
The Faculty’s technical services are organized in the machine,
electronic, and glassblowing units. Our machine shop provides design,
manufacturing, and technical support services for the Faculty’s laboratories,
for other Technion faculties, and for external clients. Many Faculty members of the Division conduct research within the
Templates/showpage. framework of the National Building Research Institute (NBRI).
National Building Research Institute (NBRI):
NBRI research and development activity is based mainly on sponsored
research, and covers the four main domains mentioned above, and
Assoc. Prof. Yehiel Rosenfeld
interactions between them.
Tel. +972-4-829-2248
Research areas include:
Structural earthquake resistance, impact and blast response of
structures, penetration processes in structural and geotechnical
Ms. Anat Avital
systems, innovative methods for structural repair, structural
behavior of repaired structures, building information modeling, lean
Tel. +972-4-8292-2423
construction, safety in the construction process, forming systems
Fax. +972-4-832-4534
and equipment for construction, quality assurance and control,
utilization of industrial by-products in building materials, durability of
building materials, microstructure of cementitious materials, energy in
buildings, heat and mass transfer in buildings, integrated performance
of the building envelope, sustainability of the built environment,
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Civil & Environmental Engineering
NBRI facilities include a large testing hall with a massive and strong
test floor and, in addition, the following specific main laboratories:
Testing Hall and Structural Engineering Laboratory Impact Laboratory
Building Materials Laboratory Thermal and Energy Laboratory
Radiation Safety in Construction Laboratory Seskin Virtual
Construction Laboratory
Laboratories at the Agricultural Engineering Complex:
Templates/showpage. Agricultural Machinery Laboratory Agricultural Materials Laboratory
asp?DBID=1&LNGID=1&TMID= Control and Automation Laboratory Sensing of Natural Materials
Laboratory Soil Chemistry and Fertility Laboratory Agro-biology,
Soil Chemistry, and Soil Physics Laboratory Seidel Flow
Measurement Laboratory Subsurface Hydrology and
Hydrogeophysics Laboratory Irrigation Laboratory Environmental
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory The Ecological Garden Technion PIV
Laboratory at the IUI in Eilat
Research Areas:
Water and Wastewater Processes Water and Marine Systems
Environmental Microbiology Water Resources Systems Aquatic
Chemistry Air and Atmosphere Computational Fluid Dynamics
Air-Sea Interaction Enviromatics Sustainable Water and Energy
Wave Basin 53×24×0.9m equipped with wave generators Towing tank
Wave Flume 45×2.4×1.5m equipped with wave generator
GIS has traditionally dealt with data in the two-dimensional plane, but in
recent years there have been significant developments in the direction
of three-dimensional data handling, representation, and analysis.
By combining layers of spatially referenced data within Geographic
Information Systems with aerial or satellite images obtained via remote
sensing, computer mapping technology has become a powerful
decision-making tool. From military planning to natural resource
management to civil engineering projects, geospatial technologies
have changed the face of mapping and broadened job prospects across
public and private sectors. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental
Engineering have trained most GIS experts in Israel.
Photogrammetry Laboratory:
Photogrammetry is a measurement technology in which the three-
dimensional coordinates of points on an object are determined by
measurements made in two or more photographic images taken from
different positions. The technique is used in different fields, such as
topographic mapping, architecture, engineering, police investigation,
geology and by archaeologists to quickly produce plans of large or
complex sites. For many years photogrammetric research has focused
primarily on exact mathematical modeling of the geometry of imaging
systems. With recent development in digital imaging – terrestrial
(consumer cameras), aerial (costumed high performance imaging
systems), and spaceborne – photogrammetry is witnessing a resurgence.
Nowadays, exact modeling of the new imaging systems is only one
aspect in the broad spectrum of domains photogrammetry studies.
Recent activities focus on the automation of mapping processes,
particularly of autonomous interpretation of images for the extraction
of three-dimensional geospatial information such as building outlines,
road networks.
The Faculty of Computer Science is the second largest academic unit in
the Technion. It comprises about 50 Faculty members of international
repute with expertise in a wide variety of fields. It is the largest
department of computer science in Israel, and supplies the Israeli hi-
tech industry with the highest caliber manpower. The Faculty engages in a wide range of research and teaching activities, and constitutes a
unique meeting point between science and technology.
Artificial Intelligence:
Learning Reasoning Some 30 companies of all sizes are now members of this club
see list of IAP members:
Attend faculty seminars, conferences and symposia
(as auditors and as lecturers, if suitable).
Offer mini-courses focusing on soft skills or technological topics.
Offer guest lectures in academic courses.
Send company employees to attend academic courses as free auditors.
Access Faculty library.
Public Relations:
Increase company visibility within the Faculty - company logo on
the Industrial Affiliates web page and on a plaque in the Faculty lobby.
Distribute announcements on company events (recruiting days,
mini-seminars, etc.) to students.
Advertise in Homepage – the Faculty’s semi-annual magazine.
The Faculty of Education in Science and Technology contributes to
the Israeli educational system by preparing prospective science and
technology teachers for high schools and colleges, and by encouraging
its graduate students to contribute to Israel’s formal and informal
education, higher education, the hi-tech industry, and the public sector.
http://edu.technion. The Faculty’s teaching and R&D activities are varied, and focus on
science and engineering education, the learning sciences, educational
Contact technologies, neuro-education, science communication, and pre-
Prof. Yehudit Judy Dori and in-service teacher education in a variety of subjects: biology,
Dean, Senior Researcher at chemistry, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering,
Samuel Neaman Institute environmental sciences, mathematics, and physics. These topics are
Tel. +972-4-829-3449 offered as part of the BSc, MSc, and PhD programs. The Technion is the only university in Israel offering undergraduate programs in technology or engineering education.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Education in Science & Technology
Views I:
Views I program, for Technion graduates from other units who
return to the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology for
four semesters to become high school teachers.
Views II:
Views II program, with admission requirements that are higher than
those for Views I, lasts six semesters, and has three streams within
the program:
Master's degree and teaching diploma without thesis;
Master's degree and teaching diploma including a final project; and
Master's degree and teaching diploma including a thesis.
Affiliation Programs:
Our vision is to be a leader in science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) education research and practice in
many contexts, including schooling, higher education and the hi-
tech industry, providing learners with a stimulating environment
for intellectual and creative activities. Our strategic plan aims
at strengthening connections and collaborative activities in the
education system, industry, and the Technion.
To these ends:
The Faculty launched the Views program five years ago, with the
objective of offering Technion graduates a unique opportunity to obtain
a second BSc degree or MSc in Science and Technology Education that
fulfills the requirements for a teaching certificate in their subject area.
Study scholarships are available for four semesters (for Views I) to six
semesters (for Views II), and Technion graduates who join the program
are not required to commit themselves to teaching in the education
system. As of November 2016, more than 100 graduates of the Views
programs are teaching in middle and high schools in Israel. Many
combine their studies with work in industry and teaching in high schools.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Education in Science & Technology
In addition:
Faculty members from the Faculty give lectures in industry.
Projects in educational technology, developed by students and
Faculty, are presented at the national and international exhibitions,
and participate successfully in international science or design
Leading role holders from industry and Ministry of Education
visit the Faculty and share their experience.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is ranked in the top tier of electrical
engineering and computer science departments in the World. The
Faculty is the major source of engineers leading the development of
advanced Israeli technology in the fields of electronics, computers, and
communications. It is the largest academic unit in the Technion, with over 2,000 students. An international evaluation committee, chaired
by the current President of MIT, concluded that “the graduates of this
Department, whether with a B.Sc., M.Sc., or Ph.D., are as well prepared
Dean’s Office (if not better prepared) as EE graduates of any top ranked institution
Prof. Ariel Orda anywhere in the world”.
Tel. +972-4-829-4679 The Faculty acts as a center of excellence in applied and theoretical research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in electrical and
computer engineering in Israel and throughout the World. The Faculty’s
activities constitute an important component of the technological and
scientific infrastructure of the State of Israel. Additionally, the department
TechnionEE has extensive, multi-faceted relations with industry.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Electrical Engineering
Research Areas:
Computer architecture Parallel and distributed computing and
systems Computer communication networks Electronic systems
and devices Computer-aided design Very large scale integration
(VLSI) Signal processing Image processing Computer vision
Communication and information theory Automatic control Wave
propagation and electromagnetic engineering Nano- and micro-
electronic devices Solid-state electronics Electro-optics and opto-
electronic systems Biological signals and systems Machine learning
To this end, we have identified several needs and potential benefits for
all involved, which guide us in exploring opportunities and setting up
These include:
The Faculty’s objectives and needs:
Obtaining support (funding, equipment, etc.)
Obtaining access to information, platforms, and special
equipment available in industry
Awareness of needs and interesting problems
Collaboration in complementary-capability situations
(feedback and advice, teaching, project supervision
and graduate-student supervision)
Help in developing advanced technologies
Visibility for our graduate students and, through that, convincing
our best students to pursue advanced degree studies
Visibility for our research, both in order to advance recognition
of the Faculty in Israel and abroad, and to increase the impact of
our research results, including commercialization of Technion IP.
Receiving feedback and guidance from the field pertaining to
both our curriculum and research directions
Industry’s objectives:
Quick access to expertise and knowledge (depth)
Better solutions for specific problems
Guarding the flanks (trying alternatives; becoming aware of
dead ends)
Guidance and feedback
Using Technion IP in products in order to obtain a
competitive advantage
Company personnel: recruiting, retaining, developing (keeping
current, adapting, etc.). Increasing professional life expectancy
(“early burnout” stands to become a critical national socio-
economic problem)
Influencing our curriculum so as to better prepare our graduates
for the industry’s needs, and especially to ensure coverage
of emerging fields
A select group of instructors from industry teach courses. In some
cases this assists in reducing class sizes by holding parallel sessions;
in others, these are specialized graduate courses in the instructor’s
area of expertise, which enrich our curriculum.
I. (Hotzen) Grinber et al., J. Microelectromech. Syst., vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 2101-2108, 2015
Pad Printer: Offset printing (as gravure); Direct patterning on curved
surfaces; Silver conductive inks, photo-resists, polyimide; The printer
has been modified to achieve 10 micron resolution
Dicer: Silicon, sapphire, ceramics
Bonder: Au wires
New state of the art tools have been recently purchased (2015-2016)
to face growing demands and technological challenges:
E-BEAM Lithography: RAITH, Model EBPG 5200
High performance nanolithography system
Minimum feature size of less than 8 nm
Thermal field emission gun for operation at
20, 50 and 100 kV
Rapid exposure with up to 50 MHz pattern generator
Wafers up to 8” and masks up to 6”
The concept of Industrial Engineering and Management was first
conceived by the founding fathers of our Faculty in the mid-1950s.
The founders, a mixed group of industrial engineers and operations
researchers, identified a need to educate engineers who would have
basic management education in addition to engineering skills and knowhow. This new breed of engineers became a great success story in
Israel, and similar programs were later opened in other universities and
colleges. The demand for IE&M graduates is constantly on the rise, and
their impact is felt across all economic and industrial sectors.
Dean’s Office Like all other engineering disciplines, IE&M is a dynamic entity. New
Prof. Avishai Mandelbaum areas of interest frequently appear, while mature areas that were
Dean exhaustively investigated gradually give way. Thus, there is no longer a
Tel. +972-4-829-4444 need to only compress management education into the undergraduate degree. In IE&M we aim to provide our students with the tools
necessary in order to face the challenges that are posed by the ever-
Ms. Mili Harari increasing presence of large and complex systems in every aspect of
Director of Industrial today's reality and the vast amounts of data that are readily becoming
Affiliates Program available in the modern digital era. This means augmenting IE&M with
Tel. +972-4-829-4382 industrial and systems engineering (I&SE) and recently also Data Science and Engineering (DS&E). Indeed, the IE&M faculty continues our tradition
of leading the academic community in Israel and beyond towards
the challenges that await us as we start to implement the necessary
changes in our research and teaching focus.
Research Areas:
Data Science and Engineering Information Systems Engineering
Industrial Engineering Entrepreneurship Innovation Behavioral
Sciences and Management Economics and Finance Reliability and
Quality Assurance Operations Research Probability and Statistics
Workshops, seminars and guest lecturers: presented within the
faculty by representatives of suitable companies
Mini-courses, seminars, summer courses and Professional Graduate
Programs: presented within the faculty by Faculty researchers to
company employees
Free Auditor: option for company employees to choose specified
Faculty courses
Industrial Advisory Board: held once a year to discuss teaching
programs, research, laboratories and Faculty equipment
Library Services: limited
Guided Tours: opportunity for students to have a guided tour at
company facilities
Human Resources:
Recruiting day: opportunity to hold an exclusive student recruiting day
Classified ad distribution by direct mailing, monthly Faculty
newsletter, Faculty website, and bulletin boards and plasmas
Announcements via professional conferences, seminars, awards,
scholarships, and recruiting days
Student employment during summer projects and hosting
summer interns
Faculty laboratories:
Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory:
The Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory (ESML) specializes in
modeling complex systems and systems of systems via advanced
modeling methodologies and languages, primarily Object-Process
Methodology (OPM) ISO 19450 Standard and Publicly Available
Specification. Conceptual modeling is the process of constructing a
model of a system in order to design, understand, and communicate
its function, structure, and behavior. An enterprise model is a
conceptual representation of the function, structure, and behavior of
an enterprise system. The enterprise model facilitates understanding
of the business processes of the extended enterprise and relations that
extend across its boundaries.
The local industry is already on board with our new degree, partnering
in providing weekly lectures in our Data Club, undergraduate projects,
our summer internship project and even in provision of full courses for
students under our “Bring Your Own Data” policy for data courses.
Joint academic-Industry research is significantly enhanced when
proprietary data becomes part of the collaboration platform. As such
the faculty of IEM has vast experience in data-based joint ventures and
has developed collaboration mechanisms, and data sharing facilitation
capabilities that enable such research to exist. One such example of the
many available is the T-PADS - Technion Poalim Data Science Center.
Modeling and predicting events in a customer journey
The Influence of customer engagement and empowerment
in the transition to a digital bank
Searching for clusters of clients over ontologies
Anomalies in trading rooms
Customer sentiment analysis via financial data
Creativity under the radar
Data-driven models for the connection between operational load,
customer emotions, and profitability in multi-channel service systems
Contact Knowledge Center for Innovation (KCI):
Tel. +972-4-829-3397 Technion Research and Development Foundation Ltd.
Fax. +972-4-829-5688
The KCI leads national and international studies, including a longitudinal
study for identifying factors that inhibit or facilitate innovation of small
and medium size enterprises in peripheral areas, as well as a multi-
national study on the effect of multicultural teams on innovation. KCI
collects and develops case studies of success stories of Israeli companies.
Seeds of Innovation:
This program initiated and led by KCI, with the support of the Chief
Scientist of Israel at the Ministry of Economics and the Council for
Higher Education, serves for developing and guiding teams of Industrial
engineering students from leading faculties who work on innovation
related final projects in the classical industry companies.
Technion 3DS:
3 Day Startup are intensive, exciting workshops in which students
transform ideas into companies in just three days. Our participants
are very diverse, hailing from a variety of disciplines, degree levels,
countries, and professional backgrounds. Over 3 intensive days,
we guide them through the early stages of starting a technology
company. They brainstorm ideas, conduct market validation, develop
business models, create brands, and pitch to investors and successful
entrepreneurs. The result is an experience that challenges participants
to innovate, create, and launch real companies.
BizTEC is Israel’s top technological entrepreneurship program led
by the Bronica Entrepreneurship Center at the Technion. BizTEC’s
mission is to accompany early-stage entrepreneurs through their first
venture. Founded in 2004, it includes students and alumni of more
than 20 campuses across Israel. BizTEC creates the next generation
of technology entrepreneurs. It caters to hundreds of entrepreneurs
annually and is the starting point for many successful startups and
entrepreneurs in many different verticals. We achieve this by creating
a thriving learning environment and providing an extensive network
of partners, mentors, and alumni that leads the teams from ideas to
commercial realization. BizTEC ventures have raised more than $200M.
Dream Factory:
The Technion Dream Factory is an idea-generating, problem-solving
program of the Bronica Entrepreneurship Center (BEC) at the Technion.
Dream Factory brings together Technion innovation and real-world
challenges as the basis for startups. Selected companies challenge Technion
students, who in turn compete to find the best solution. The program goals
are to introduce Technion students to current industry problems and needs,
and to increase the founding rate of enterprise-oriented startups that address
real world problems with validated customer needs and market.
We offer annual prizes which encourage and advance breakthrough
ideas. Prizes are awarded for technologies with commercialization
potential as well as innovation within established companies. Prizes are
awarded to Technion students and faculty members.
International Collaboration:
We offer two types of international programs.
The first type of program is hosting of international delegations
interested in learning about entrepreneurial activities at the Technion
Our experienced staff arrange tours and design workshops that
give visitors a taste of the Israeli entrepreneurial ecosystem as well
as training on our educational programs in entrepreneurship.
Moreover, we incorporate international visitors in our activities such
as 3 Day Startup, exposing them to both our methodologies and the
Technion’s brightest talent.
Industry Collaborations:
We have multiple forms of collaborations with industry, including
startup partnerships, hackathons, meet-ups and networking, pitching
events, workshops, and industrial-challenge competitions. Our industry
partners gain access to the finest technological minds in Israel. They
are at the beginning of their journey, so relationships formed at this
stage are especially meaningful and long lasting. Our past partners have
remained in contact with our entrepreneurs for years on, as mentors,
services providers, employers, and partners.
Brightest talent.
Deep technologies.
Breakthrough innovations.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Materials Science & Engineering
The mission of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering is to
serve as the national center of teaching and research, by educating
world-class scientists and engineers, and conducting research in
specific fields of materials science and engineering.
The research activities of the Faculty cover most of the important and advanced topics in materials science and engineering. The
Faculty includes a broad range of research centers and laboratories for
Dean’s office processing and characterization of materials, equipped with a wide
Prof. Eugen Rabkin, Dean range of advanced facilities, supported by experienced staff.
Tel. +972-4-829-4591/2
Research Areas:
Metals and Alloys Ceramic Materials Polymers Nano-materials
Biomaterials Electronic Materials Functional Materials Materials
for Energy Conversion and Storage Interfaces in Materials
Microstructural Characterization
Access-to-Research-Facilities Research Facilities Providing Services to Industry:
Contact Materials Characterization:
Dr. Alex Berner Scanning Electron Microscopy:
Tel. +972-4-829-4568 Imaging, chemical mapping (EDS, WDS), crystallographic analysis (EBSD)
Specimen Preparation:
Mr. Ronen Aviram Metallographic Laboratory:
Tel. +972-4-829-4289 Cutting, hot mounting press, grinding, and polishing systems
Furnace Laboratory:
Carbolite air furnace (R.T-1100°C), electric arc furnace
The facilities are run by five staff members, and include computerized
light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, a complete
specimen preparation laboratory is included within the framework of
the Electron Microscopy Laboratory.
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Materials Science & Engineering
Dr. Galit Atiya FEI Helios NanoLab Dual Beam FIB G3 UC:
service for FIB The dual-beam focused ion beam (FIB) at the Technion was
Tel. +972-829-5125/5144 purchased with the support of the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute. The Helios NanoLab G3 series DualBeam systems integrate
ion and electron beams for FIB and SEM functionality in one machine.
Eng. Michael Kalina It enables switching between the two beams for quick and accurate
technical service navigation and milling. Convergence of the SEM and FIB at short
Tel. +972-4-829-4518 working distance. The FEI Helios NanoLab DualBeam allows fastest TEM sample preparation performance and allows highly flexible
failure analysis capability and “slice-and-view” cross-sectioning at
Asst. Prof. Yaron Amouyal high resolution. This SEM/FIB combines the most advanced scanning
academic coordinator electron microscope (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) technologies
Tel. +972-4-829-5677 with innovative gas chemistries, detectors, and manipulators. Featuring unsurpassed SEM resolution, image quality and Tomahawk™
FIB performance, imaging, milling, or preparing samples is fast and
easy for semiconductor and data storage labs, research facilities and
industrial applications. The Helios NanoLab G3 is equipped with EDS
and EBSD and enables 3D tomography.
The Faculty of Mathematics was founded in 1950. Today it is one of the
leading mathematics departments in Israel. The Faculty is engaged in
world-class research in both pure and applied mathematics. The
research interests of the Faculty include Algebra, Representation theory,
Number theory, Analysis (Asymptotic Geometric analysis, Complex analysis, Differential equations, Functional analysis, Non-linear analysis,
Operators theory and Banach Algebra), Applied Mathematics, Discrete
Mathematics, Ergodic theory and Dynamics, Math Physics, Probability
Dean’s office and Stochastic process, Topology and Geometry.
Prof. Eli Aljadeff
Dean The Center for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) was founded at the Faculty
Tel. +972-4-829-4272 in 1988. Since then it has supported a large variety of research activities, conferences, special lecture series, workshops, etc.
Student Projects:
A number of industrial projects were carried out by our undergraduate
students as part of a special training course.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion is the major
source of high-level mechanical engineers for Israeli industry and R&D.
Graduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering fill senior positions
in Israeli industry, particularly in the high-tech and defense industries.
The Faculty's facilities include advanced teaching and research laboratories, a computer facility, and a spacious well-equipped library.
The NCDS lab, located within the Material Mechanics Center at the
Technion, is a unique facility in Israel that is at the forefront of the
research in the field of nonlinear dynamical systems.
Through the IAP, industrial companies of all types and sizes, both
domestic and foreign-based, can gain equal access to Faculty resources,
and implement a range of activities to expose the various levels of
company activities to Faculty staff and alumni, and undergraduate
and graduate students in all tracks. All company activities within the
framework of the program are performed with the full support of the
Faculty’s academic, administrative, and technical staff.
Members’ Benefits:
Companies joining our IAP are awarded access to a comprehensive
benefits package, including components from the fields of Education
and Teaching, Human Resources and Employment, Research and
Development, and Public Relations and Marketing. The backbone of
the program consists of package components, listed below. Companies
are always welcome to offer the Faculty new initiatives that enrich
the dialogue, and deepen common grounds and utilization of growth
opportunities to extend the existing benefits package.
The Faculty of Medicine is one of the few medical faculties worldwide
integrated in a technological institute. Research in the Technion Faculty
of Medicine has made impressive achievements.
In the short time since its establishment in 1969, the Faculty has earned the scientific community’s highest respect in several research areas.
Cellular Microscopy:
The microscopy unit offers transmitted & fluorescence wide field
microscopes, high speed & high resolution laser scanning confocals
and high throughput automated fluorescence digital scanner and live
cell imaging systems. These technologies enable the visualization and
digitization of molecules, proteins, and organelles in live cells, fixed
3D matrices, tissues. We offer short or long-term live cell time-lapse
imaging systems, and high-resolution large-scale whole slide imaging.
Among the feasible applications are protein expression, protein co-
localization, tube formation, wound healing, cell population interactions,
calcium imaging, FRAP, FRET, photo activation, and more. For more
information and image gallery please enter our site.
Our services have expanded to two new units: 1. Histopathology unit for
automated paraffin and cryo section slide preparation (Leica equipment)
2. Electron Microscopy (EM) biological specimen preparation unit.
Gene Expression:
The center offers a range of gene expression platforms from whole
genome expression profile by illumina, through 48/96 transcripts format
by Fluidigm, to single transcripts by qPCR.
DNA methylation:
The center offers the Illumina EPIC Methylation panel which allows
researchers to interrogate over 850K methylation sites quantitatively
across the genome at single-nucleotide resolution. Additionally we offer
amplicon based focused formats using the Ion Torrent PGM technology.
Sanger sequencing:
The center offers Sanger for long contiguous DNA sequences (~900
nucleotides). We perform hundreds of Sanger sequencings each day,
and provide the results within two working days. We perform QC for all
reactions before uploading the results.
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Medicine
DNA/RNA extraction:
The center offers automated purification of DNA and RNA on the
QIAcube from cells and tissues. Protocols are available for a wide range
of organisms such as cells and tissues of human and other animals,
plant, yeast, bacteria and cyanobacteria.
All parameters measured at a single cell level. Over the years our team
has developed expertise in various assays, including polychromatic
staining, functional assays, phospho-flow, multiplexing samples, rare
event detection, and small particle analysis.
Animal Enrollment:
All animals are obtained from approved suppliers, and are recruited after
health screening. A period of acclimatization or isolation and animal
preparation is mandatory for all participating animals.
In-house recovery and hospitalization
Long term maintenance, at a secluded farm under PCRA supervision
Full monitoring and record-keeping
Conduction of all studies requires the approval of the Technion
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and is carried out in
strict compliance with international guidelines.
Facility Description:
Two buildings one at the upper campus and the other at the faculty of
medicine comprise a total of 3500sqm including 2 SPF rodent facilities,
NONSPF rodent rooms, a biohazard ward, PDX section, rodent imaging
area, five large animal surgery rooms, a large animal section, and a
service area.
The SPF rodent section is a self-contained section of the Unit with
animal maintenance and isolation rooms, and has its own separate
service area and surgery room. Animals are maintained in individually
ventilated cages (IVCs), and rooms are equipped with laminar flow
work stations. Isolation rules apply to this section, and it has separate
entrance and exits. All rooms have air filtration, and positive air pressure
gradient is maintained and monitored. Access is restricted to authorized
researchers, and dedicated personnel are assigned specifically to this
section in order to ensure strict separation from the rest of the unit.
The Multidisciplinary Laboratories of the Bruce Rappaport Faculty
of Medicine and those of Life Sciences in the main campus offer
advanced imaging equipment:
MRI 9T MRI1T Micro US-Vevo 2100 (Visualsonics) IVIS 200 NMR
Stereoscopes Fluorescent Stereoscope Laser Doppler - Moor Inst
The Technion is the only institute in Israel with expertise in the diverse
disciplines required to conduct both modern cancer research and
clinically oriented work. The Technion’s strong Faculties of Chemistry,
Mathematics, Materials Science & Engineering, and Biology, as well as
the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, are renowned for their
innovation in computational analysis of complex networks operating
in cancer cells, and for development of new drugs using advanced
chemistry. Technion researchers in the fields of materials science and
nanotechnology have made significant advances in formulating new
drugs and devising ways to deliver them to tumor sites.
3,500 beds, and treats 2 million patients. It will not only provide a
valuable resource of human tissue samples for assessment in TICC
laboratories, but also the infrastructure essential to carry out clinical
trials driven by TICC discoveries.
TICC Mission:
Despite recent advances in cancer therapy, with targeted therapies
becoming more prevalent and immune-based therapies paving new
roads for prolonged tumor-free survival, there is still no solution to some
of the most critical problems in today’s cancer therapy.
The TICC will focus on these unmet clinical needs in order to deepen
our understanding of cancer biology, the complexity inherent in tumor
heterogeneity and plasticity, the propensity of tumors to metastasize,
and tumors’ ability to establish resistance to targeted therapies.
TICC Goals:
Establishing multidisciplinary, state-of-the-art laboratories
for basic cancer research
Translating basic discoveries into new medicines
Developing clinical trials of translational discoveries at one of five
Technion-affiliated medical centers (Rambam, Carmel and Bnei Zion
Medical Centers in Haifa; the Emek Medical Center in Afula;
and Hillel Yafe Medical Center in Hadera)
Training the next generation of physicians and scientists
Advancing outreach, education and cancer control programs
TICC will expand on existing expertise at the Rappaport Faculty of
Medicine and the main campus to address each of the major subjects
highlighted in our critical “unmet clinical needs” diagram. Our existing
expertise in biochemistry, led by TICC Co-director and Nobel Laureate,
Distinguished Professor Aaron Ciechanover, will be augmented by cell
biologists and signaling experts who use genetic models to address
problems associated with metabolic stress, tumor dormancy, tumor
metastasis and resistance to therapy.
During the first 30 years of its existence, the Technion had no
separate science departments, although a basic education in physics
was considered important, and was included in the curriculum of
the Technion from the outset. In 1948 after the War of Independence
the Technion started expanding, and in 1952 a Faculty of Science was established. A Department of Physics was formed as a part of
the Faculty. The first Department chairman was Prof. Nathan Rosen,
Dean’s Office Einstein’s last assistant.
Prof. Assa Auerbach
Dean The first class of six students graduated in 1956. Since then the
Tel. +972-4-829-3902 Faculty has kept growing, and today maintains a vigorous research program in all the major fields of physics, including astrophysics,
high-energy physics, condensed matter physics, and biophysics.
Industrial Relations Research programs in experimental physics include high energy
Coordinator physics, bioelectronics, plasma physics, semiconductors and quantum
Mrs. Avital Rosenthal structures, nonlinear optics, magnetism, and superconductivity.
Tel. +972-4-829-2608
Industry Guide to the Technion
Faculties - Physics
The Faculty also has a joint program with Mechanical Engineering for
Opto-Mechanics. The graduate program offers both courses and thesis
research projects in all the above-mentioned subjects. Over the years
the Faculty’s graduates have taken leading positions both in industry
and in academic institutions, and they continue to be in strong demand.
The Faculty has been responsible for teaching physics to all Technion
students. Approximately 4,000 students from all departments take
physics courses each semester. Due to this fact, the Faculty of Physics
has a great advantage, as almost every student in the Technion goes
through our Faculty, thus giving us full access to them all.
Research Areas:
Astrophysics and General Relativity Atomic and Molecular Physics
Biophysics and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics High-Energy Physics Mathematical
Physics Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Non-linear Optics Plasma Physics
Research Groups:
List of people by research Astrophysics Atomic Physics Computational Physics Electron
topic can be found in: Spectroscopy Extreme Nonlinear Optics Group Experimental High
Energy Group Magnetism Optics Plasma Physics String Theory
people/by-topic Theoretical Particle Physics
Physics Industrial Affiliates Program:
Research and Development:
Professional interaction with Faculty researchers
Departmental colloquia
Joint projects: with research centers and laboratories
Sponsoring laboratory sets/experiments/equipment
Workshops, seminars and guest lectures: presented in the Faculty
by representatives of suitable companies
Mini courses, seminars, summer courses and professional graduate
programs: presented in the Faculty by Faculty researchers
to company employees, and vice versa
Human Resources:
Recruiting day: company recruitment events: company’s R&D
fields and technology
Announcements via professional conferences, seminars, awards,
scholarships, and recruiting days
Prof. Marcelle Machluf
Dean & Academic supervisor SYSTEMS
Center manager
Tel. +972-77-887-1936
The center is equipped with a FluoroLog 3-22 Spectrofluorometer
that provides fluorescence measurements with very high sensitivity,
allowing the detection of very low intensities of fluorescence.
Moreover it can scan samples in a very fast way.
Nanostructure Analysis:
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM):
The NanoWizard® II BioAFM measures topography with nanometric
resolution. Other sample characteristics originating from probe-surface
interactions, are acquired simultaneously with the topography in the
different imaging modes, and are demonstrated as images. This AFM is
also able to perform measurements in a controlled liquid environment
(flow, temperature), which can be critical for living cell experiments.
Measurements can be made in the temperature range from 0 to 100°C.
Mechanical Properties:
EZ Series EZ50 Universal Materials Testing Machine LLOYD
This instrument is used to characterize the mechanical properties of
materials, include fixtures for different tests (tension, compression,
bending, fracture) load cells (1kN, 50 kN), and extensometers.
Thermal Analysis:
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA):
We use in our center thermal gravimetric analyzer (Q5000 IR, TA
Instruments). It provides superior temperature resolution of thermal
events. By analyzing the weight changes in a material as a function of
temperature (or time) under a controlled atmosphere of N2. It can be
used to understand the thermal stability and composition up to 1000°C,
(Top of specification: auto sampler – 25 sample Included ,weight Range
100 mg, Sensitivity < 0.1 μg Linear Heating Rate (°C/min) 0.1 to 500).
224 225
Dr. Noa Lavid
Center manager
Tel. +972-77-829-2928
BioEngineering 75 liter:
The fermenter system consists of 75 liters (working volume), pre-
assembled unit, control cabinet mounted on a stainless steel frame,
supplied with all necessary piping, valves. The system is fully suitable
for inline CIP and SIP.
UD 50 liter fermenter:
The system includes pH and O2 electrodes, antifoam level controller.
Cell Homogenizers:
The Micro DeBEE laboratory homogenizer is an air powered unit with
a capacity of 15 liters per hour. This instrument is suitable for a broad
range of applications such as cell disruption, particle size reduction,
nano/mico emulsions and dispersions.
EmulsiFlex®-C3 Avestin:
A high pressure pump pushes the product through an adjustable
homogenizing valve. The product can also be passed through a
membrane. It can be collected or recycled to the reservoir via tubing/
pipes or heat exchanger.
Continuous flow centrifugation:
The CEPA high-speed centrifuge Z41 is widely used in a variety of
biological processes from cell harvesting and clarifying to separations
of chemicals, foods, blood and pharmaceuticals. High performance
is consistently achieved in continuous, semi-continuous or batch
operations. Ruggedly built the centrifuge provide an efficient, cost-
effective technology for research through production applications.
The CEPA Z41 centrifuges efficiently separate from 1-200 liters of
biological cultures and other mixtures.
The Israel Institute of Metals is a research institute operating under the
Technion umbrella in full cooperation with the scientists and researchers
of the Technion. The Institute was founded in 1963 to serve as a bridge
Eng. Haim Rosenson
between the academic community of the Technion and traditional Israeli
Director of the Israel
industry. The Institute leads in engineering, scientific, and technological
Institute of Metals
innovations. Its activities include the industrial application of advanced
Tel. +972-4-829-4474/3
capabilities stemming from cutting-edge technology. In order to fulfill its
mission, the Institute is involved in national and international research
activities, as well as cooperating with leading global research institutions
in bilateral and multilateral research frameworks.
The Institute is certified under ISO 17020 (Inspection Activity) and ISO
17025 (Testing Laboratory), and is well known for its highly professional
staff and operation.
Materials characterization:
Hardness measurement: HRC, HRB, HRA, HRV, Brinell, micro Vickers
and Knoop methods
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDS characterization
Coefficient of thermal expansion measurement
Surface roughness measurement
Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry
Thermal conductivity measurements
X-ray diffraction
High resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM)
Fracture expertise: fractographic analysis
Technological expertise:
Materials choice and selection, choice and tailoring of surface
treatments, and manufacturability counseling
The lab is accredited according to ISO 14801 for fatigue
testing of dental implants
Fields of Activity:
Development of new Ferrous and non-ferrous casting processes
Magnesium and Aluminum alloys processing and applications Metal
Matrices Composites (MMCs) and improved properties by reinforcements
with Nano and micro particles Thermal management of castings by
implementation of MMC inserts in castings Ceramic Matrix Composites
(CMC) Integration of steel/copper inserts into aluminum HPDCparts
Integration of metal foam inserts into HPDC parts Refractory High
entropy alloys and Ni-base superalloys Micro-alloying of Iron and Steels
Rapid solidification by melt spinning (amorphous and Nano-structures)
Low cost refining processes of Metallurgical Grade Silicon for Solar
Grade Silicon production Permanent magnets Recycling of metals
Semi-industrial on-site facilities:
High-vacuum unidirectional solidification casting machine, Semi-
industrial press for hot and cold sintering, pressing, extrusion, drawing,
etc., Die-casting/ sand-casting/investment casting/permanent-mold 231
casting machines, Low-pressure and vacuum-casting machine, Melting/
induction/electrical resistance furnaces, Melting under protective
atmosphere, Heat treatment with protective atmosphere or vacuum,
Semi-solid casting machines, Powder injection molding machines, Melt-
spinning technology.
Analytical Equipment:
Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES), X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), Scanning
Electron Microscope, including high resolution (SEM/HRSEM), Transmission
Electron microscope, including high resolution (TEM/HRTEM), Differential
Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA).
Electrochemical measurement systems, potentiostats, impedance
electrochemical spectroscopy (EIS) instruments with suitable software,
scanning electrochemical work station SVP and SECM micro- corrosion
measurement system. Zetasizer for measurement of nano-particle size
and stability of suspensions, programmable power supplies, micro-
hardness tester (Vickers and Knoop), optical microscopes, salt spray
(fog) chamber, chemical laboratory facilities, metallographic cross-
section preparation equipment, TABER abrasion test, Nd: YAG laser:
pulse laser working at wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm, and 266 nm,
with pulse duration of 7 ns (or long pulse 3 ms), 10 Hz, 10 W with
computerized table, Diode laser: CW laser, 2 kW with the following
heads: welding, surface treatment and cladding, including computerized
table (x-y-z and spindle, SEM and EDS, HRSEM, GDEOS, XRD, mechanical
characterization (e.g. hardness testers, INSTRON for tensile strength
measurements, etc.), TEM, HRESEM, GDA, Auger, and XPS spectroscopy.
The Azrieli Continuing Education and External Studies Division has
developed study programs over the years in professional academic
disciplines for industrial organizations and institutions, including the
senior teaching staff of Technion faculties.
Light Microscopy Inverted / Upright Light Microscopy (LSE, BCF, Materials Eng.) Life Science and Eng.
Fluorescent light microscopy (LSE, BCF) Biomedical Core Facility
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (LSE, BCF) Materials Science and Eng.
Light Sheet Fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Z1) (LSE)
High throughput automated slide scanner (BCF)
High throughput High Content Imaging System with dedicated analysis software
(GE InCell 2000) (LSE)
High throughput live cell imaging & analysis (Incucyte ZOOM) (BCF)
Histopathology slide preparation unit (BCF)
Electron microscopy biological specimen unit (BCF)
In Vivo Imaging In vivo high throughput luminescence & fluorescence & X-RAY Biomedical Core Facility
Perkin Elmer IVIS Lumina XRMS) (BCF)
In vivo ultra sound - VisualSonics Vevo 2100 (BCF)
In vivo anatomical MRI - Aspect M2 1T (BCF)
In vivo functional MRI - Bruker Biospec 9.4T (BCF)

In vivo NMR - Bruker Minispec body composition analyzer (BCF)
Image analysis and 4D analysis software: Bitplane IMARIS, image J, Image Pro, InCell Investigator, Miner, Biomedical Core Facility
processing support ZEN, LSM (LSE, BCF) Life Science and Eng.
 Personalized image analysis solutions, batch & macros, custom-made software
Electron Microscopy SEM (+ with EDS, WDS and EBSD) (Materials Eng.) Materials Science and Eng.
High resolution cryo-SEM (+EDS) (Chemical Eng.) Chemical Eng.
Dual beam FIB (Materials Eng.) Chemistry
S/TEM (+EDS, EELS) (Materials Eng.) Micro Nano Fabrication
TEM (Materials Eng.) and Printing Unit
Cryo-TEM and HR-cryo-TEM (Chemical Eng.)
Scanning Electron, Microscopy (SEM), TESCAN Vega-II (Chemistry)
HRSEM (+EDS, STEM and EBSD) (Materials Eng.)
HR-SEM Hitachi S-4700 and S-4800 (MNF&PU)
Scanning Probe AFM NSOM/AFM (STM/AFM) (Materials Eng.) (Solid State Ins. / Physics) Materials Science and Eng.
Microscopy BioAFM (Biotech. Eng.) Solid State Inst. Physics
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), (Veeco/Bruker, Dimension 3100) (Chemistry) Biotechnology & Food Eng.
AFM Veeco DI-3000 (MNF&PU) Chemistry
AFM Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Infinity (MNF&PU) Micro Nano Fabrication
and Printing Unit
Flow Cytometry FACS Calibur (2 lasers) (BCF) (LSE) Life Science and Eng.
BD LSR II with High Throughput system (4 lasers) (LSE) Biomedical Core Facility
BD FACS Aria-IIIu-sorter (5 laser) (BCF) (LSE)
Image Stream - Flow Imager (LSE)
CyAn ADP (3 lasers) (BCF)
BD FACS Fortessa (4 lasers) (BCF)
High-Throughput Stratedigm S1000EXi (4 lasers) (BCF)
Luminex MAGPIX (BCF)
Mass cytometry - CyTOF (BCF)
Analysis: Cytobank, FCS Express, FlowJO and ModFit data analysis software
Real-Time PCR:
Fluidigm BioMarkHD (BCF)
Qiagen Rotor Gene (BCF)
ABi 7300 (TGC)
BioRad CFX96 (TGC)
E-Beam Lithography Raith EBPG 5200
Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Plasma-Therm 790 (Fluorine Chemistry)
ICP Deep RIE Plasma-Therm Versaline (Fluorine Chemistry)
ICP Etcher Plasma-Therm Shuttleline (Chlorine Chemistry)
Wet etching benches (RCA clean, Buffered Oxide etch, Isotropic Silicon etch,
Aluminium etch, Si3N4 etch, Anisotropic Silicon etch (KOH), Chromium etch)
Pad Printer Teca-Print TPX301
Wet benches for ink preparation with stirring plate and mixers
Viscometer Viscotech Myr VR 3000
Dicer Disco DAD3350
Wire Bonder TPT HB16
Elipsometer 239
Research devices - Machine Workshop Physics
production and repair Electronics Workshop Physics
Other Laser Microdissection Optical Tweezers (Chemical Eng. / RBNI) Chemical Eng.
Solar simulator (Materials Eng.) Biomedical Core Facility
Fermentors (Biotech. Eng.) Materials Science and Eng.
Isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC & DSC) (BCF) Biotechnology & Food Eng.
Fluorescence transmited luminescence plate readers (BCF) Chemistry
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer & Nano Drop (BCF)
Lyofilizer (BCF)
Sonicators & High-Pressure Homogenizer (BCF)
Centrifuges & Ultra centrifuges (BCF)
Incubator-Innova 4335 (BCF)
Phosphor Imager, Odyssey scanner (BCF)
Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) with ATR Bruker Tensor 27 (Chemistry)
Fluorometer (with chiller) Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3 (Chemistry)
Spectrophotometer (with chiller) Shimadzu UV-1800 (Chemistry)
Spectrophotometer (with chiller) Varian Cary 50 Bio (Chemistry)
Elemental CHNS Analyzer Thermo Scientific Flash2000 (Chemistry)
Curing UV lamp RunWing Co. RW-UV.3BP (Chemistry)
Microwave reactor CEM Cop., Discover (Chemistry)
Light microscop with camera, Olympus BH2-UMA (Chemistry)
Oven (250 C) Fisher Scientific Ecocell (Chemistry)
Sputter coater Polaron (Chemistry)
Micro Balance Mettler Toledo Excellence Plus (Chemistry)
Laue camera (Chemistry)
Film Development (BCF)
Gamma & Beta radiation counters (BCF)
Imaging documentation system, Image Quant LAS4010 (BCF)
Bio-safety virus room (BCF)
Asst. Prof. Netanel Lindner, Faculty of Physics
Anomalous Floquet-Anderson Insulator as a
Nonadiabatic Quantized Charge Pump
- Phys. Rev. X
Back Cover: Human Heart Cells Derived From Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Immunoflurescene image acquired using confocal microscopy.