Tutorial4 EE4140
Tutorial4 EE4140
Tutorial4 EE4140
a) Is there a clock component in a binary antipodal signal with equally likely bits?
b) Let the signalling pulse in part (a) be rect(t/T) , where T is the bit duration. Consider s(t)s(tT/2) where s(t) is the binary PAM signal. Determine the PSD of the product by modelling it
as a PAM signal with a new symbol stream and pulse rect(2t/T) , plus a d.c. component. Is
there a clock component now?
3) A partial-response system for binary i.i.d data {b(n)} employs a pulse shape
t 2Tb
p(t) = sinc
4) Let a(n) be the N non-zero samples of a partial-response pulse at the sampling instants. Let d(n) be
the input data sequence having m values 0,1,2,,m-1. Let a(0), a(1), a(2), , a(k-1) be zero modulo-m,
and let a(k) be relatively prime to m. Show that we can pre-code the data and transmit b(n) that
b(n k)a(k) = d(n)
a(i)b(n i).
5) Consider duobinary signalling with pre-coding and bit-by-bit detection, Let the M.F. output in the
absence of noise be 2A and 0. Let the variance of Gaussian noise at the MF output be 2 .
a) Show that the P(Eb ) = (3/2)Q(A/).
b) What is the SNR penalty (for the same BER) compared to binary antipodal signalling with
the same average transmit power?
6) An i.i.d. binary data stream bn with equally-likely bits is to be communicated at 1/Tb bits/sec. A
rectangular pulse p1 (t) of amplitude
PA and duration 3 Tb is employed for partial-response signalling
i.e., the transmitted signal s1 (t)= bn p1 (t nTb Td ), where Td is independent and uniformly
distributed in [0,Tb ].
a) What are the amplitudes that s1 (t) takes at the symbol sampling instants?
b) Specify an appropriate pre-coder and receiver for bit-by-bit detection. Your pre-coder must be
in the form of a digital circuit.
c) Determine the bit-error probability in AWGN with PSD N0 /2 V 2 /Hz. Assume high signal-tonoise ratio to get a simple answer.
d) For the pre-coder of (b), show that the pre-coder output bit stream has equally-likely bits.
Show, further, that the pre-coder output is i.i.d.
e) Determine the PSD of s1 (t). Now consider a 4-PAM system for transmitting the same binary
stream bn . A rectangular pulse p2 (t) of amplitude A and duration 2Tb is employed.
f) Determine the bit-error probability in AWGN with PSD N0 /2 V 2 /Hz.
g) Determine the PSD of the PAM signal.
h) Compare the partial-response and 4-PAM systems in terms of receiver output constellation,
bit-error probability and PSD.
7) Consider a partial response signal with the signalling pulse p(t) =
binary-valued symbol stream be i.i.d. with equally likely bits. Show that the PAM signal
P can be
obtained equivalently by first passing the symbol stream through a digital filter A(z) = a(n)z n ,
and then forming the PAM signal
b(k)sinc(t kT ) with the output symbol streak {bk }.