ough tosues hc thereto eyo theodes ofthe Nai Tha
were enough Neverthe the quzton hs Io pafoud ety
Benjamins that the pole who doa oped we boca
shop marderer and eloguy, pene coma othr en iene
dhe reese marr fem whe ty mar
fs that the mensres of even soc neat edacaon wil hh
‘nds the reed roth Gotop murs batter o a
On tite Question: “What is
se who doit down below indeed wr sernnts though which hey prec
Sa thir on tervade and degrade themslves tu thee oe soe
agers ond Kad: agnnt hn, however econ and elighanmeat
cans manage aide someting
‘Whats Geman?*—I cannot ansver this
question diel Frnt neces teen upon the question ele
irencambered with thore compicet definitions ha prenme ht oka
secaly Geman i nat harry is German, but wht one weld
‘hei robe. The neal ast lero the dclation a shecr orm the
{aston reiyprofanestherevoae epee of th lat ede
[Reretes an stoners aleve en, Geaman whose dares
‘sae then tobe dternined. Th feration of rations elles,
Tete comma inthe detestable jargon of we tat speaks of the
Russi the Amen, surely al ofthe Geman, obey reying cor
Sours hate nolange ely ple of experience econ el
trthin press ove seseotyper tat thinking should diol ee
‘ree wheter something te the German asa person or German ae
‘Gouliy oranything sarin eter nation csr tal The Tve and
the Berri every people surely that which doe" etegrate sll
Into the colcve sabe and if posal rests The formation of
Eereoiypen on the ees hand. promotes collective nari. Thore
‘lies wih which one Kanter oneal. the ezenee of one's on
oup inperepiy become the good oll and he foreign grou, ve
‘thor, tT same hing then takes place in reverse, th the mage
the wer fave ofthe German. Yet afer the most abominable seers
perpetrated under Nasional Scslom by om ealogy the primacythecal setter of any anil. ide
edreroninGuomny garda ping tio
‘self-idolatrous nereonype oe
Tendencies have emerged in cn yes Tey ae
‘onjured up by the poe! queasone of reunion, ef the cee
Nail ine oo ty werd ned byte eager pe
tori offeed bya comply apne intra wos fe
‘Srman or o tow Sev ck at pts ato
‘ny woul ence sulnpeepy satonps ny
lng sap th dsaprover of eon hg met cary el
‘elereecton. One again one here te il-bvel prover ofthe ed
‘Hedin nx nr tine rue cou hed her
‘ves tendo bis fs fnherho od oper! Thre sees
than for qustons ohh aloe crerybech tees fon weg
vorher apo nconerion oh erence Shen
sitenon sly brome stnomos td cues he story of
{teal eae ha tantly prevents nt oy exes
‘heanorie boughs but the ough hemes Bersoe on
‘Sy German eneon e bee recann,t gle one
tends simply 0950 fee atonal te ove he mae
‘Sovounes and Utaly vege very detonate
Son tir ey to tego osreb vdeo pence
disso, tbl enaexsnen io wikh mean pe wal he
irene yg eects ee ouch ceneoamer sly
Sine Toscapethcerpeie dens weomect peach ones
tre hore and seal stanton inte meatal Seaton
Sign he eye nce pon peaely tom pple he
incoke the Geman talon tt of Fane hooped
hon the sn of oem the selena fhe reseing
inva oncd of upen os ind jeden id ce he
snceced spear of he nana Atrdng te Kan he aed
tran eats ol ony ne nl Wee waco ge ent
Is iphfl do he maroc ofthe Gaon aon toe is
‘oul ean tbe sgn Yo etunce ce chdee edo
Halu Indeed these who rt uly prt Ra, Gore of
Beaton ox Gear propery ee eye whebare est
tod with he one hs uthar wot Tey regs temo
Powesina wher what hse mcs ugh and fod peers
‘Nem toning rarformednosomehng thar en posed The
Geman talon vie by we who nse nec
toner thats nc bth adel od of no pene ese
Foleo ow nig the elgnion hen ne ee
(On the Question “What is German?”
idly sal with indignation whenever even on el word falls
tpn a gretoame they want cndsae and expat we» Geman
‘nd-ntme produc?
“This snotty that che rteeotype az evo of any andl rath,
Real the mont famous foonuston of German salecve ncaam
Wigner tobe German means to 6 something Gris wn sakes Fc
sclsighteoumes of the eens sundeck iperiel overs
tee cnssting the pre wil of he evan hha eed pony
‘mercantile st that of the Angl-Seone in pataae Hwtr
Tein corre tht the exchange elton che peenton fal phere
ven tht of spt bythe commodity french » popula cle
‘omercilntion~in Germany n heer eghwenth nd inthe nine
teeth erry hod not ousted a idly ein the adsoncd epi
unsies Thi et rome pw eine at toatl re
Aken Iundertond tere aeingintenéntinerey bing or
Something or fovater norman objec of echange mel wes
tthe entrepreneur operating scoring the les fhe sare
father thei sranllling his duty tothe store thief,
been mphasindin ane In eh doctrine of action sane in-tall
‘found ts ont sigorus theoreti expression, One might len what
Jexruein thi stereotypy sadying the ee of Hotton Stewart Cham
‘erin whose nme tod developent ee inked to the mos disstous
‘specs of mde German Rio the solic and aot Semi Te
‘ul te rewarding to understand how heater pie funton of
‘Bis GemanisedEngichnan came sbut Wis nrepondence wit is
totkennle, Corina Wage oles the chen material or rch an
Ingury. Chamberlin origly we + sophtioned, delete man
‘otecly sexstive tothe nsdnsnen of commenced care He
‘revatrnctedto Germany in geet and Bayreuth ets bythe
Prods rejcion of snmmerale there That he cave» aca
Amsgogu neler theft of» natatlmalcourness or even ofa
Sree before the purnid, power hungry Corina but sober of
tate Wha Chactehin loved German tren compara wih
thefllydeeloped capa of hs hota he ook babu ny
ie heonw an immutable natal consiuon ot the veut of nay
‘Bove of Geist prt mind inlec), Moment (moment seme,
tsp nd Eula [expensing eeryhing wih which
they rsonein German spa for specie ceive guy ofthe
Geeman langue, Unquestionably the German Ingeage slo has ie:
topey for hs quite omripresent empower il
inane hat thenvanent endeney of Cran wards sy ore han
they actualy sy tes things eae and lease him fem the eign:
Son f tinkngand where posi of cial qalying shee
Instead of playa indulging in The reerring eng who hes ost
the mive relonshipo what ss owns ma ite tect innate
‘eltionshiptohisnatve angeage with afaging vigor agit ny
teal proms apie te hcl th et shal Heal
‘mraphyval exer of the Geman angge ne already puree
theeruth ofthe metaphysis sugges oof meaphyss i gener |
‘oul pesos amin his ote that alo forts feo ete
Inngow of Ahonty* econ ttt oe mich weight a
susp 2 « constituent of hgh st Wile von ut id the
‘Ecmen raon. last opan'adacpinc ny lenganpe also my
on heugh hat hackney dbcourte ony al to happy swede The
‘netphysal character of angung ie rvege One nt nox borrow
from che ie of prfuny that becomes cose the mare
stop 0 sella This esd othe concep ofthe Gea sol
tha whatever once may have meant was molly damaged when on
ukrconservav composer give thn tle ois Foran eee
‘ne work The one of pany fall st ot fnew
‘ure, mst ot be oe hse else Byporaticed. No one
‘tho wisn Geran ond ch ows hw mc hs thaghts rs
fate withthe Garman language shslé forget Niecaches ct of
{hi opere™ tn the wade scl-ngheous Geman round) wes
rinosl in acrd with sufesing and uoenon. or thereon
She Enlightenment nas denounced ar apes there il engin
-wofund that sno concent with he indy nclted tons teni the desuncntion of every dandetne agreement with the vnc
Yionsity of sullen Saldeity prohibit json Tee he
fhfsnes tothe ides thatthe way thing ac shoul tb the Bel
word—rather thn inthe pees attempt to dtermine fly nat =
Germat—hat the seve hs concept yl ase tobe nog
‘he mansion erat
Scientific Experiences of a
European Scholar in America
‘Ax American inition motivated me
note down some of my intellects expesences daring sy tine tee,
Perhaps the way fom an extreme pepsi» eight may be
fhe abo on what zllom given exposure, Ihave never denied that
have conered mel « European from the Sst to the lst! That |
‘woul maint cineca contin seem liens o mess
Filly reaiaed quickly eneagh in Americ’ Iai call the sock 1
sci during ou fot days im New Yok fom an emigrant» young
iy rm aso good fan whea she exlaind"Pepl red oes
{0 the philhormone nw they goto Rais iy" Ino spect di want
‘otelike her Bou y ata dirpostion ao any pst ue me aca
‘say uguited fradiustngie mater nteletand pst A mach
I recgnze that itll ndvieaiystecl can only develop
‘rough pocases of sjument and svloton. Isa conser the
chligation andthe proc! af iniriation har ranecends stent?
Bbymeans ofthe mechan of entftion wth eo elena
tion mast emanate fell rm iis very Henifaon The rlton
betwen autonomy and ajurmen war rola ely on by Feed
aninthe meant lns become asia Americ scl. When
necame there hity yeas ga however the wasnt tease Adio
ent wa l= mage word eel to srmeone sing pesenion
‘European rom whom twas expected that he woul prove hae in