Solar Inverter

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Solar PV Inverters

Solar inverters, sometimes called PV inverters, are types of electrical

inverters which are developed to change a DC (direct current) voltage from
photovoltaic arrays into AC (alternating current) currents which in turn are
used to power home appliances and some utility grids. These solar inverters
are very popular nowadays as electricity costs continue to rise. Also, this
helps conserve energy for future use.

Functions of Solar Inverters

The engineering of these solar inverters and solar panels are designed like
pieces of puzzles which should fit together in order to function. Conclusively,
these solar inverters are programmed to hook up to a specific count of solar
boards. The cost of inverter is practically 10 percent of the total cost of the
solar board. We have to take note that these solar inverters do not have
useful lives equally long as that of solar panels. This means you have to
replace your solar inverters from time to time for you to use your solar
system for its remaining useful life. For a solar inverter to work efficiently it
should have adequate solar panels connected to it. Lesser or more panels
that are connected to it could cause it not to function properly. Consequently,
it should have at least 95 percent of panels hooked up to obtain optimum

1. The Stand Alone Solar Inverter

These stand alone solar inverters are called such because they do not need
to be hooked up into a solar panel. Instead, it draws its direct current (DC)
power from batteries which are charged by photovoltaic (PV) arrays or other
resources such as engine generators, hydro turbines and wind turbines.
There are a lot of these stand alone inverters which integrate vital battery
chargers to refill the battery coming from an alternating current (AC) source
whenever possible. Because these inverters are isolated from utility grids,
they do not require anti-islanding protection.

2. The Grid Tie Inverters

The grid tie inverters match the phase alongside a utility charged sine wave.
These grid tie inverters are also programmed to automatically turn itself of
during power losses to ensure safety. Hence, these inverters do not provide
emergency power during these times. It is recommended for a home which is
powered by a utility grid to use a grid tie inverter in their solar system for
them to take advantage of net metering. Grid tie inverters require their
system to be installed with anti-islanding protection. Islanding is a process
where grid tie inverters are fooled that a utility grid is still functioning even if
it has been turned of. It takes place due to load circuits that resonate in the
electrical system.

3. The Battery Backup Inverters

The battery backup inverters are extraordinary inverters which are
developed to get energy from batteries and manage the energy charge it got
from the battery through the onboard charger, and brings the surplus energy
to your utility grid. These battery backup inverters are able to supply
alternating current (AC) power to selected areas which require energy during
a power outage. They are required to be installed with an anti-islanding

There are two main types of solar inverters; string inverters and
micro inverters.
A string inverter is used when the solar panels are linked
together to form a string. A typical string can be made up of as

little as 3 solar panels or up to 20 or more panels. DC power is

brought down from the string into the inverter where it is
converted to AC power.
A microinverter is a very small inverter that is attached to the
back of a solar panel. A microinverter only converts the power of
one or two solar panels to AC so generally many microinverters
are required in a single system. Microinverters have several
advantages over string inverters including performance, safety
and monitoring, however the upfront cost can be significantly
greater. For more details about microinverters, check out
ourmicroinverters article.
Both micro and string solar inverters come in single phase and
three phase versions. Most residential homes in Australia use
single phase power, whereas many businesses and factories will
have three phase power. String inverters between 1-6kW are
usually single phase and greater than 6kW are usually three


The traditional of-grid solar system uses a simple battery inverter
that converters DC power from a battery bank to AC power to
supply your home or appliances, these systems need separate
battery chargers and regulators. There are more advanced
versions of these battery inverters with built in chargers known as
inverter/chargers. More recently very advanced inverters have
become available which are inverter/chargers with in-built

generator control systems, advanced monitoring capabilities and

other features, these are known as interactive inverters. They are
typically used in conjunction with a solar inverter to create what is
known as an AC coupled system. You can learn more about these
and other hybrid inverter types here.
A new type of solar and battery inverter is now also available,
known as an all-in-one hybrid inverter. It combines a solar inverter
and inverter/charger into one simple unit. These inverters are a
very economical way to enable what is known as self-use or 'load
shifting' of energy. Allowing us to store solar or of-peak energy to
be used during peak times. Although it is important to know that
some all-in-one inverters cannot function during a power outage
such as when there is a blackout. They also have limited
functionality and monitoring capabilities.
If you require a hybrid inverter which is capable of supplying your
entire home when the grid is down (Uninterruptible Power Supply
or UPS) then you may require an interactive inverter as
mentioned above.
Interactive inverters can function in hybrid and of-grid mode, but
of course this all comes at an extra cost. An interactive inverter
would also normally be required if you wished to add batteries to
your on-grid solar system. We will go into this and much more
detail about hybrid and of-grid system setups in an upcoming
video. For more information about diferent hybrid and solar
systems see our hybrid and of-grid inverters and what is hybrid
solar articles.

All the electricity produced by the solar panels is produced as direct current (DC), which
compares to the electricity that is distributed through the grid and we use in our homes,
which is alternating current (AC). For this reason most solar photovoltaic systems are
now connected up with some type of inverter, which changes the DC to AC, allowing the
individual to sell the electricity back to the grid (in grid tie systems) or to be used easily
in the homes.
There are 2 major types of inverter that can be installed in your solar photovoltaic

1. String inverters (also known as central inverters)

These are used in grid tied systems where the solar panels are wired together in series,
which is known as a string of panels. Each string of panels is connected to a string
inverter, which converts the DC current to AC for use in the home and selling back to
the grid. You can imagine each string as a mini power station, producing electricity.
This main issue with string inverters is that if one of the panels in the string fails or
produces less electricity (from things like shading), this impacts the output of all the
panels. They will operate at the output of the worst panel, so a small amount of shading
or debris on your solar array can disproportionally reduce the total output of your entire
solar photovoltaic system.
They also have relatively short lifespans when compared to micro inverters.
The benefits include simple wiring and that you can use thinner wires within your solar
PV system, so less copper is used which makes the system cheaper. Buying one string
inverter (which is normally the case of most home solar PV systems) is also
considerably cheaper than buying multiple micro inverters.

2. Micro inverters
These are a newer technology and service each solar panel individually, so each panel
requires its own micro inverter and acts as an individual power station. As a result,
micro Inverters do not suffer the same performance reduction as a result of shading
because any power reduction in a particular solar panel is handled by one micro
inverter, having little effect on the combined power output from the entire solar
photovoltaic system.

Micro inverters are much more expensive than the string inverters, however much of
this cost is offset by the increased performance (25% more power produced using micro
inverters) and the fact that they are more reliable than string inverters (warranties for
micro inverters are up to 25 ye

The solar inverter construction and types
A modern photovoltaic solar cell inverter converts DC voltage into AC voltage which can be fed into a
power grid. The general structure of a PV inverter consists of: a standard DC plate on the current
input side, with a maximum power point tracker connected to the front, and a control unit that
measures the points of maximum efficiency of current flow from the solar cell. The power input side
is controlled by a CPU. The power inverter feeds into a low or medium voltage network that is
synchronised with the output side.

The two inverter types

PV inverters are divided into two categories. These are solar inverters with a transformer unit, and
those without. Models with a transformer are generally only used for converting DC to AC voltage
and usually have a single earthed pole; which in some countries is mandatory to avoid floating
potentials. This type of inverter takes over the role of the input transformer, resulting in a cost
reduction and increase in efficiency; although the optimal power range is reduced. The power input
and outputs are interconnected in PV inverters without a transformer. The absence of a transformer
means that a higher efficiency can be achieved, although alternative earthing is required due to the
removal of the electrical isolation. Transformer-less inverters were designed primarily for systems
that require particularly high efficiency rates.

The various solar inverter operational types

There are four different types of solar inverters. Firstly, there is the single-phase string inverter, which
combines the power input of one or more solar cells in a power grid. Then there is the module
inverter type, where each individual solar cell has its own single-phase inverter module. Usually
integrated into the power connectors of the solar cells, they are ideal for systems where several
different solar subfields are connected, such as vehicles. The other two varieties are the central
inverter and the multi-strand inverter. The former are mainly used in large electrical installations such
as switching cabinets, and are often modular to simplify maintenance. Central inverters are used
exclusively for high voltage systems. The multi-strand inverter type is a one to three phase solar
inverter that transfers the power from several solar modules into a power grid.

Operating mode and operation

Solar inverters are mainly, but not exclusively responsible for the performance of a photovoltaic
system. Following 2009 regulations medium-high voltage and since 2011 also low-voltage inverters
must provide accurate switching and control options, so that the performance of the inverter can be
controlled dynamically, or even throttled. Single-phase systems benefit from these settings, since
they can feed electricity into the power grid up to a level of 5kW. If the values are around this
threshold they can be easily regulated. This helps to guarantee electricity and grid stability, and
avoid dangerous current loads. In addition to these functions PV inverters must also be able to offer
remote diagnostic capabilities and digitally store comprehensive operating data in order to make
efficient maintenance and repairs possible.

Solar inverters, also called grid-tied inverters, convert the direct current (DC)
electricity produced by your solar PV panels to alternating current (AC) electricity
that can be used in your home and exported back to the grid. Solar invertors also:
ensure compliance with regulations about feeding electricity into the grid, for
example by immediately disconnecting if there is a power cut maximise electricity
production by constantly varying its resistance (load). Solar inverters are very
efficient, usually 9396 per cent depending on the make and model - never 100 per
cent because they use some of the input DC power to run, generally around 1025W. Their efficiency can be improved by an electronic technique known as
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). The point of maximum power output of a

solar PV cell is dictated by a combination of current or voltage. Where it is will vary

constantly according to light levels, shading, temperature and the characteristics of
the solar PV panel. A MPPT system continually searches for this point to extract the
maximum power available from the cell. Multiple MPPT systems can maximise yield
even if part of the array is shaded. Find out more about MPPT at the YouGen blog.
Inverter sizing There are many diferent makes and sizes of inverters on the market.
The key characteristics are: maximum amount of DC electricity (expressed as max
DC power in Watts) the maximum number of watts the inverter has been designed
to convert maximum input voltage this is the maximum voltage the inverter can
manage before its electronics are damaged initial input voltage (sometime called
start-up voltage) the minimum number of volts the solar PV panels need to
produce for the inverter to start working maximum power point (mpp) voltage
rang - the voltage range at which the inverter is working most efficiently. Many solar
PV systems in the UK have an inverter with a power rating that is smaller than the
array. For a 3kWp array, this equates to an inverter size of between 2.4kW and
3.3kW (often expressed in watts: 2400W to 3300W). This is because the panels are
not likely to be generating at their rated efficiency for long periods of time, and to
ensure that the initial input voltage and maximum power point voltage range are
reached as often as possible. Inverter manufacturers often provide guidance to
installers on solar inverter sizing, typically through providing system sizing software.
As each inverter is manufactured to cope with a pre-determined maximum input
voltage, the final choice of inverter will also be influenced by what is available on
the market, particularly if your installer prefers to work with a limited number of
makes. Types of solar inverter Grid-tied inverters can either be linked to a number of
solar PV panels (referred to as string or central inverters) or be linked to one or two
solar PV panels - these are called micro-inverters. Standard string inverter
warranties are usually between 5 and 10 years; as this is less than the warranties
on solar PV panels it would seem sensible to budget for at least one string inverter
replacement during the lifetime of your solar PV system. If you have micro-inverters
installed instead this may not be necessary. String invertors A string inverter works
most efficiently when all the solar PV panels have the same characteristics and are
operating under the same conditions. If it is known from the start that some of the
panels are not likely to be operating under the same conditions - for example, they
are not all orientated in the same direction or some of them will be shaded for a
part of the day - this would be a good reason to install two or more inverters as part
of the system. An alternative would be to install an inverter that has been designed
to cope with more than one string of solar PV panels operating in diferent
conditions. Micro-inverters Micro-inverters get around the need for all panels to
have the same characteristics and be operating under the same conditions by
having an inverter installed to the back of each panel. This means when the
performance of a panel is afected, for example by natural shading or from
obstructions from leaves or debris, it will not afect the overall performance of the
system, as would a string invertor particularly one without MPPT. Micro-inverters
also include MPPT which micro-inverter manufacturers claim works more efectively

than it does in string inverters where something as small as an antenna could

reduce the performance of the whole system. Test requirements This requirement to
test inverters in groups of 3-4kW is included in the latest version of G83. Benefits of
micro-inverters Benefits claimed for micro-inverters include: performance of the
solar PV array is optimised and reports claim the system could have improved
energy harvest of between 5 per cent and 20 per cent over the lifetime of the
system improved energy harvest should result in increased income the potential
for enhanced monitoring as the performance of each individual panel can be
monitored separately greater reliability - if one micro-inverter fails, it will not
afect the whole system installation of micro-inverters is cheaper and easier as
wiring is simpler and no high voltage DC equipment is required, which also makes
them safer to install. it may be easier to increase system size by adding new
panels. Increased lifetime the single most common cause of failure in a solar PV
system is the string invertor, which normally requires replacement at least once
over the lifetime of the array. The latest micro-inverters have fewer life-limited
components, and manufacturers claim a lifetime of 25 years to match the panels
the cost per watt is more for micro-inverters but is ofset by a simpler installation
and increased energy harvested. Drawbacks of micro-inverters The claimed
drawbacks of micro-inverters include: still a relatively new technology and there
are only a small number of manufacturers Solar inverters more expensive than
string invertors potentially costly to replace as roof access required only useful
in situations where shading is a significant issue lack of expertise should things go
wrong relatively small market thus reliance on small pool of installers and
manufacturers some DNOs are still not sure about them (see the test
requirements above). Energy Saving Trust recommends that you check with your
DNO before having micro-inverters installed

Types of Inverters
Stand-alone Inverters
Stand-alone Inverters convert DC power stored in batteries to AC power that can be used as
needed. Selecting an inverter for your power system based on the maximum load you will be
powering, the maximum surge required, output voltage required, input battery voltage and optional
features needed. High quality stand-alone inverters are available in sizes from 100 watts, for
powering notebook computers and fax machines from your car, to 500,000 watts, for powering a
commercial operation. The size of an inverter is measured by its maximum continuous output in
watts. This rating must be larger than the total wattage of all of the AC loads you plan to run at one
time. The size of the inverter can be minimized if the number and size of the AC loads is kept under
control. Wattage of most AC loads can be determined from a tag or label on the appliance, usually
located near where the power cord enters, or from the owner's manual. If the inverter is expected to

run induction motors, like the ones found in automatic washers, dryers, dishwashers and large
power tools, it must be designed to surge, or deliver power many time sits rating for short periods of
time while these motors start.
Stand-alone inverters are available with three basic power output waveforms: square wave, modified
square wave (often called modified sine wave) and sine wave. Intertie inverters and utility companies
deliver a sine wave. Square wave inverters have the lowest cost and efficiency and are not sold in
this catalog. The price of the better quality inverters is low enough to make square wave inverters an
unattractive choice.
Trace UX series, DR series, U series inverters and Genius inverters have modified square wave
output with harmonic distortion of around 40%. They are an economical choice in power systems
where waveform is not critical. Their high surge capacity allows them to start large motors while their
high efficiency makes them economical with power when running small loads like a stereo or a small
light. They can power most lighting, televisions, appliances and computers very well. We do not
recommend them for computer systems with laser printers.
Unfortunately, this type of inverter may destroy some low cost rechargeable tools and flashlights,
and their waveform will not allow many laser printers, copiers, light dimmers and some variable
speed tools to operate. Equipment with silicon controlled rectifiers or SCRs will not operate. Some
audio equipment will have a background buzz that may be annoying to music connoisseurs.
Sine wave inverters have a slightly higher cost, but they can operate almost anything that can be
operated on utility power. Trace Sinewave inverters are available in sizes from 2500 watts to 5500
watts, and a pair of them can be synchronized to deliver up to 11,000 watts. They are an excellent
choice for a 'whole house" inverter. Exeltech sinewave inverters, available in sizes from 150 watts to
5000 watts, are an excellent choice for power systems running audio or telecommunications
equipment and other electronics that are waveform-sensitive. Larger Sinewave inverters are
available in sizes up to 500,000 watts that can run a small village.

Intertie Inverters
Intertie Inverters change DC power into AC power to be fed into the utility
grid. A power system with this type of inverter uses the utility company as
a storage battery. When the sun is shining, your electricity comes from
the PV array, via the inverter. If the PV array is making more power than
you are using, the excess is sold to the utility (power company) through
an electric meter. If you use more power than the PV array can supply,
the utility makes up the difference. This type of system makes the most sense if you have utility
power, because there are no batteries to maintain or replace, but it has a very long payback period
and may not be cost-effective at today's electric rates. The Trace SWPV, UT and microsine, AEI GC
and Omnion 2400 inverters are examples of an intertie inverter. Using a multifunction inverter allows
you to sell excess power to the utility, and also maintain a battery bank for standby power in the
event of a utility power failure.

Multifunction Inverters
Trace Engineering Company produces a line of sine wave inverters
called the SW line that can operate as a stand-alone inverter and as an
intertie inverter at the same time. In a typical installation, the Trace SW
inverter is connected to a battery bank, the utility power lines, a standby
generator and the house load center. When batteries are in a charged
condition, the SW inverter supplies AC power to the house from the
batteries. If the batteries become discharged, the inverter supplies the house loads from the utility

lines, while charging the batteries. If the batteries become fully charged by another power source,
such as photovoltaic modules or a wind or hydroelectric generator, excess power may be sold back
to the utility. If utility power fails, the inverter can still operate, supplying critical loads. If a standby
generator is started, it can also supply power to loads. The inverter will synchronize to the generator
and allow loads to be powered that are too large for either the generator or inverter to supply alone.
Multifunction inverters are not the most efficient intertie inverters because the system must have a
battery, but they allow system flexibility that intertie inverters do not.

Solar inverter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Internal view of a solar inverter. Note the many large capacitors (blue cylinders), used to store
energy briefly and improve the output waveform.
A solar inverter, or converter or PV inverter, converts the variable direct current (DC) output of
a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel into a utility frequency alternating current (AC) that can be fed into a
commercial electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network. It is a critical balance of
system (BOS)component in a photovoltaic system, allowing the use of ordinary AC-powered

equipment. Solar power inverters have special functions adapted for use with photovoltaic arrays,
including maximum power point tracking and anti-islanding protection.



2Maximum power point tracking

3Solar micro-inverters

4Grid tied solar inverters

5Solar charge controller

6Solar pumping inverters


8See also



Simplified schematics of a grid-connected residential photovoltaicpower system[1]

Solar inverters may be classified into three broad types: [citation needed]
1. Stand-alone inverters, used in isolated systems where the inverter draws its DC energy
from batteries charged by photovoltaic arrays. Many stand-alone inverters also incorporate
integral battery chargers to replenish the battery from an AC source, when available.
Normally these do not interface in any way with the utility grid, and as such, are not required
to have anti-islanding protection.

2. Grid-tie inverters, which match phase with a utility-supplied sine wave. Grid-tie inverters are
designed to shut down automatically upon loss of utility supply, for safety reasons. They do
not provide backup power during utility outages.
3. Battery backup inverters, are special inverters which are designed to draw energy from a
battery, manage the battery charge via an onboard charger, and export excess energy to the
utility grid. These inverters are capable of supplying AC energy to selected loads during a
utility outage, and are required to have anti-islanding protection.

Maximum power point tracking[edit]

Main article: Maximum power point tracker
Solar inverters use maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to get the maximum possible power from
the PV array.[2] Solar cells have a complex relationship between solar irradiation, temperature and
total resistance that produces a non-linear output efficiency known as the I-V curve. It is the purpose
of the MPPT system to sample the output of the cells and determine a resistance (load) to obtain
maximum power for any given environmental conditions.[3]
The fill factor, more commonly known by its abbreviation FF, is a parameter which, in conjunction
with the open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Isc) of the panel, determines the maximum
power from a solar cell. Fill factor is defined as the ratio of the maximum power from the solar cell to
the product of Voc and Isc.[4]
There are three main types of MPPT algorithms: perturb-and-observe, incremental conductance and
constant voltage.[5] The first two methods are often referred to as hill climbing methods; they rely on
the curve of power plotted against voltage rising to the left of the maximum power point, and falling
on the right.[6]

Solar micro-inverters[edit]
Main article: Solar micro-inverter

A solar micro-inverter in the process of being installed. The ground wire is attached to the lug and
the panel's DC connections are attached to the cables on the lower right. The AC parallel trunk cable
runs at the top (just visible).

Solar micro-inverter is an inverter designed to operate with a single PV module. The micro-inverter
converts the direct current output from each panel into alternating current. Its design allows parallel
connection of multiple, independent units in a modular way.[7]
Micro-inverter advantages include single panel power optimization, independent operation of each
panel, plug-and play installation, improved installation and fire safety, minimized costs with system
design and stock minimization.
A 2011 study at Appalachian State University reports that individual integrated inverter setup yielded
about 20% more power in unshaded conditions and 27% more power in shaded conditions
compared to string connected setup using one inverter. Both setups used identical solar panels. [8]

Grid tied solar inverters[edit]

See also: Grid-tie inverter
Solar grid-tie inverters are designed to quickly disconnect from the grid if the utility grid goes down.
This is an NEC requirement that ensures that in the event of a blackout, the grid tie inverter will shut
down to prevent the energy it produces from harming any line workers who are sent to fix the power
Grid-tie inverters that are available on the market today use a number of different technologies. The
inverters may use the newer high-frequency transformers, conventional low-frequency transformers,
or no transformer. Instead of converting direct current directly to 120 or 240 volts AC, high-frequency
transformers employ a computerized multi-step process that involves converting the power to highfrequency AC and then back to DC and then to the final AC output voltage. [9]
Historically, there have been concerns about having transformerless electrical systems feed into the
public utility grid. The concerns stem from the fact that there is a lack ofgalvanic isolation between
the DC and AC circuits, which could allow the passage of dangerous DC faults to the AC side.
Since 2005, the NFPA's NEC allows transformerless (or non-galvanically) inverters. The VDE
0126-1-1 and IEC 6210 also have been amended to allow and define the safety mechanisms
needed for such systems. Primarily, residual or ground current detection is used to detect possible
fault conditions. Also isolation tests are performed to insure DC to AC separation.
Many solar inverters are designed to be connected to a utility grid, and will not operate when they do
not detect the presence of the grid. They contain special circuitry to precisely match the
voltage, frequency and phase of the grid.

Solar charge controller[edit]

See also: Charge controller
A charge controller may be used to power DC equipment with solar panels. The charge controller
provides a regulated DC output and stores excess energy in a battery as well as monitoring the

battery voltage to prevent under/over charging. More expensive units will also perform maximum
power point tracking. An inverter can be connected to the output of a charge controller to drive AC

Solar pumping inverters[edit]

Advanced solar pumping inverters convert DC voltage from the solar array into AC voltage to
drive submersible pumps directly without the need for batteries or other energy storage devices. By
utilizing MPPT (maximum power point tracking), solar pumping inverters regulate output frequency to
control the speed of the pumps in order to save the pump motor from damage.
Solar pumping inverters usually have multiple ports to allow the input of DC current generated by PV
arrays, one port to allow the output of AC voltage, and a further port for input from a water-level

As of 2014, conversion efficiency for state-of-the-art solar converters reached more than 98 percent.
While string inverters are used in residential to medium-sized commercial PV systems, central
inverters cover the large commercial and utility-scale market. Market-share for central and string
inverters are about 50 percent and 48 percent, respectively, leaving less than 2 percent to microinverters.[11]

Inverter/converter market in 2014




up to
100 kW


100 kW







Cost(b) 0.15 per watt-peak. Easy to replace.



0.10 per watt-peak. High reliability. Often

sold along with a service contract.



0.40 per watt-peak. Ease of replacement










0.40 per watt-peak. Ease of replacement

concerns. Inverter is still needed. About
0.75 GWP installed in 2013.

Source: data by IHS 2014, remarks by Fraunhofer ISE 2014, from: Photovoltaics Report,
updated as per 8 September 2014, p. 35, PDF[11]
Notes: best efficiencies displayed, (b)market-share and cost per watt are
estimated, (c)kWp = kilowatt-peak

See also[edit]

Renewable energy portal

Energy portal

Inverter (electrical)



Jump up^ Solar Cells and their Applications Second Edition, Lewis Fraas, Larry
Partain, Wiley, 2010, ISBN 978-0-470-44633-1 , Section10.2.


Jump up^ "Invert your thinking: Squeezing more power out of your solar
panels". Retrieved 2011-06-09.


Jump up^ Comparison of Photovoltaic Array Maximum Power Point Tracking



Jump up^ Benanti, Travis L.; Venkataraman, D. (25 April 2005). "Organic Solar
Cells: An Overview Focusing on Active Layer Morphology" (PDF). Photosynthesis
Research. 87 (1): 77.doi:10.1007/s11120-005-6397-9. Retrieved 27 August 2013.


Jump up^ "Evaluation of Micro Controller Based Maximum Power Point

Tracking Methods Using dSPACE Platform" (PDF).

Solar Power Inverter - Types of Solar Panel Inverters

This article will provide you with all the details you will need to know about solar power
inverters; these include connection types, calculations and sample projects. Even
though there are no structural differences between normal power inverters and solar
power inverters, they are called solar power inverters because they are sold with that
name on the market and they are more often used in solar energy systems.


What Is a Solar Power Inverter?

Working Principle of Power Inverters. How Do Solar Inverters Work?
Types of Solar Panel Power Inverters
The difference between grid-tie inverter and stand alone inverter
Power Inverters Output Wave form Types
Solar Power Inverter Input and Output Voltages
Power Inverter Protection Systems
How to wire Solar Panels to Inverter?
Solar Power Inverter Circuit Diagrams
How to Choose the Right Power Inverter?
Power Inverters Monitoring Systems
Where to buy Solar Power Inverters?
Average Costs of a Solar Inverter
Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Solar Power Inverter?

In electrical systems, a current has two different descriptions.These are:

Direct Current (DC): In such electrical systems, current has the same value as
voltage. For example, a system that has 50V value constantly feeds on 50V voltage. In
the graphic below, you can see voltage-time graphic in detail. Here you can see how
voltage is constantly steady.

Alternating Current (AC): Today, all the devices that work through the grid, work
with AC systems. The most important feature of this system is that the voltage between
two tips constantly changes. In the graphic below, you can see how voltage changes
according to time.

The main function of solar power inverters is to change the DC system which is stored
in accumulators and batteries into AC system which is used by devices that work
through grid. In short, it provides the transformation from DC to AC. We will examine
solar power inverters that come with many different power and voltage options in detail

Working Principle of Power Inverters. How Do Solar Inverters Work?

There are two different connection points as input and output. By connecting the DC
system to input part, AC power is obtained from the output part. But, how do solar
power inverters carry out this transformation process? Solar inverters are composed of
two different units:
1.) Convert Unit: Here, the voltage comes as DC to the system and is converted into
AC by means of transistors and other electronic components. For example, if 10V DC
voltage comes into the system, unsynchronized MOSFET and BJT transistors or special
integrated circuits made specifically for this purpose, produce voltages changing
between -10V and +10V periodically.
How do solar power inverters convert DC to AC? In the picture below, you can see this
conversion process in detail.

2.) Amplifier Unit: Transformers are electrical components that are used to increase
or decrease the AC values on the grid. Since they work with the magnetic current
principle they are definitely used in AC systems. For example, it is used to convert
1000V AC voltage into 220V or 110V AC voltage, or into a higher voltage such as
10000V or 35000V. The basic system here is increasing or decreasing the current value
while the power is the same.
For example, there is a system connected to the input of the transformer which is 200V,
but 1000V voltage is required from the output. What is the output current?
The answer is very easy. Since the power that goes in and out of the transformer will be
the same;
P (power) = I (current) x V (Voltage)
P-input = 200 x 4 = 800W
P-out = 1000 x (I-out)
800 = 1000 x (I-out)
I-out = 0.8A

If we go back to our main subject, transformers are used in power inverters in order to
increase the voltage. The necessary AC voltage required to make transformers work,
which is produced in the first unit, is transmitted to this area and here AC voltage is
converted into 110V or 220V which are the grid values. In the picture below, you can
see how a transformer unit works.

Types of Solar Panel Power Inverters

There are two different power inverter types according to the grid connections:
Stand Alone (Off-Grid) Inverters: They are the inverters that work separately from
the grid. Electronic devices are connected to the inverter output directly. The main
reason why they work separately from the grid is because there is no hardware that
would enable them to work synchronously with the grid.
Stand-Alone inverters have DC input and AC output units. Output wave doesn't
necessarily have to be full sine. They can have modified sine or true sine output
structures. We will go into detail on those wave types shortly.
Grid Tie (Synchronous) Inverters: These are the inverters that are connected to the
grid. The sine wave of the grid shows V-T (voltage-timing) compatibility. When the
voltage of the grid has pick value, the inverter output voltage is also the same.
Since grid tie power inverter systems are connected to the grid, they may keep on
working even though the electricity is on. There is no need to connect the devices to
the inverter output separately. Connecting the inverter output to the grid appropriately
will be sufficient. In the picture below you can see grid-tie power inverter connection.

The difference between grid-tie inverter and stand alone inverter

1.) While Grid-Tie works with the grid online, stand alone systems work separately from
the grid.
2.) While grid-tie inverter outputs are full sine, stand alone inverters can produce
outputs such as square, modified sine or true sine. Almost all electronic devices that
work with AC voltage can work with these wave outputs.
3.) Since grid tie inverters have more complex electronic systems, they are more
expensive than stand alone inverters which actually have the same features.
4.) You can find grid tie inverters in the market with more power and voltage options.
It is a more commonly used product.
5.) You can collect the electricity that you give to the grid with grid tie inverters, from
the government. There are many legal regulations and incentives in America, Britain,
France and many other countries regarding this issue.

Power Inverters Output Wave form Types

a.) Square Wave Power Inverters: This is the inverter type which gives square
output waves. This is the cheapest and easiest inverting process. Square wave output
can make almost all grid devices work between 50 60 Hz. But there is a possibility
that this inverter may harm these devices if used long-term. In the picture below, you
can see 110V AC square wave output.

b.) Modified Sine Wave power Inverters: Output wave is square but it undergoes a
special process to make it more similar to sine. Modified sine wave is a more commonly
used method than square wave. It can make all AC devices work. You can't connect
such devices to the grid online because grid voltage is pure sine. In the picture below,
you can see modified sine waveform.

c.) True Sine Wave power Inverters: These are the inverters whose output wave
type is pure sine. There is no difference between the grid voltage and this inverter
output. If they have the necessary electronic hardware, they can be connected to the
grid online. In all grid tie inverters, this wave technology is used. In the picture below,
you can see true sine waveform.

Solar Power Inverter Input and Output Voltages

We mentioned that solar power inverters make DC ->AC voltage conversion. Inverters'
output voltages are the same with the necessary input voltage values for the electronic
devices that are sold to work. Their intended use is to take the DC voltage which is
found in solar panels or batteries and convert it into AC voltage that these devices can
Power Inverter Output Voltages: City grid voltages have values such as 110V, 115V,
120V, 220V and 240V around the world. That's why the power inverters that are
produced have AC outputs which have these voltage values.
Power Inverter Input Voltages: Input voltages are DC and they differ a lot. There
are power inverters which have input voltages between 6V 9V. Below, you can see the
input and output values of solar power inverters of some brands and models:

Magnum Energy MS-4024 Inverter: 4000W, Input Voltage: 25V DC, Output
Voltage: 120V AC
Solar Edge SE3300US-ER: 3300W, Input Voltage: 36V DC, Output Voltage: 210240V AC
MorningstarSureSineSI-300-115V-UL: 300W, Input Voltage: 24V DC, Output
Voltage:115V AC
Xantrex Trace TR1512: 1500W, Input Voltage: 12V DC Output Voltage: 120V AC
AIMS Compact PWRINV500012W: 5000W, Input Voltage:10 - 15V DC, Output
Voltage:120V AC

Power Inverter Protection Systems

According to their production technologies, solar power inverters can include many
different protection systems. The most well known protection systems are;
Over temperature shutdown: They are also known as thermal protection systems.
When a power inverter converts power over the capacity it has or at values very close
to this capacity it may overheat and break down. Electronic parts generally start to
break down over 90oC. In order to prevent this from happening, heat sensitive sensors
are placed inside the power inverters, and this enables shutdowns at high temperatures
or decrease of the power transmitted. These parts called PTC or NTC send the
necessary temperature information to the central processing unit when high
temperatures are reached and this activates the protection.
Automatic Overload Protection: Overload protection which is another protection
system, works in order to prevent breakdowns caused by burns of the parts which are
caused by power load which exceeds the capacity of the device. For example, if an
inverter which has 4000W capacity is loaded with 4300W power, the protection system

is activated and gives the necessary warning to the user such as closing the device and
decreasing the transferred power.
Ground Fault Protection: In high capacity solar cell power inverters, grounding
systems are essential. In order to protect the devices that are connected to the system
and in order for the inverter to work more efficiently, the grounding should be done
properly. If a high capacity power inverter has not been grounded properly, by means of
the protection system that it has inside, it will warn the user and carry out the
necessary processes. If grounding is not done properly, ground, not short circuit
connection is carried out automatically and thus the system is protected.
Short Circuit Protection: By means of this protection system, the short circuit
problem which is caused by the output cables touching one another due to user misuse
is prevented. During short circuit, the device is immediately put on passive condition
and is shut down. Other names for this protection system are known as AC Overcurrent
protection and DC Overcurrent protection.

How to wire Solar Panels to Inverter?

We mentioned that solar power inverters have certain input values. For example, an
inverter which has 24V input value works properly between the 22 28 V range. In
order for solar panel blocks to be properly connected to inverters, the solar panel
output voltage should be compatible with the power inverter input voltage. We have
written other articles about solar panels and parallel and series connections of solar
cell systems.
Example: How can we wire 10 solar panels with 24V output capacity to a solar power
inverter which has a 48V input value?
Here the important point is to make the solar panel connections the same as the solar
power inverter input. That's why we have a solar panel block which has the power of
48V and 5I and is comprised of 5 X parallel and 2 X series connections, and this block is
wired to the inverter.

Solar Power Inverter Circuit Diagrams

There are sample solar power inverter pictures and illustrations below. We will publish
detailed articles and documents on this issue soon.

1000W DC-AC Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter Circuit Diagram

250 to 5000W - 220V Power Inverter
300W Simple Power Inverter

How to Choose the Right Power Inverter?

In order to make the right power inverter choice, you should specify the answers for the
following questions:
a.) How Much Power Do You Need? You have to specify where and how you will use
the inverter. For example, if you are going to use it at your house, you should know for
how long you are going to use the device and the power of this device. For example, if
you have 2000W washing machine, 1000W dishwasher, 200W television and 500W
lighting system, assuming that those devices work at the same time, you should get an
inverter with the power of 3700W. It would be more suitable to get an inverter that has
a power a little higher than this power however, for example 4000W.
b.) What is your Total Solar Panel System Power? The total power of the solar
panels that you have will be what determines the power inverter that you will require. If
you are providing the power that you obtain from the solar panels through the solar
inverter directly to the grid without storing it, the total inverter power should be close
to the value of the solar panel system power. For example, if you have 10KW solar
panel system power, it would be suitable for you to use an inverter with 10KW power. If
you are storing the power that is obtained from the solar panels in accumulators, you
can use an inverter with a lower power. Here the determining factor is the total power
need that is specified in a.
c.) Where to use the Solar Power Inverter? Solar power inverters can be used in
many areas. We mentioned that there are power inverters according to their output
wave form types. For devices that have high technology, it would be appropriate to use
an inverter which has pure sine output. Some of these products are;

Network Hardware
Medical Equipment
Laboratory Equipment
Washing Machines
If you the power inverter is going to be used on simpler electronic devices or lighting
systems, you should choose inverters with modified sine or pure sine output. You can
use this type of inverter in vehicles such as cars, boats or recreational vehicles.

Power Inverters Monitoring Systems

Some power inverters have special software which allows them to be monitored and
controlled remotely. Over the internet or broadband network and via computers or
smart phones, the data on the power inverter can be read and the inverter can be
controlled. Much data such as total power, input voltage, output voltage, working time,
malfunctions or faults can be monitored remotely. In the picture below, an inverter
monitoring system can be seen in detail.

Where to buy Solar Power Inverters?

You can purchase the solar power inverters you need from many different addresses
over the internet or in stores. Below, you can see the addresses of these stores, their
websites and phone numbers.
URL: Wholesale Solar
Address: 412 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd. Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
Phone: 1 (800) 472-1142
URL: Solar Electric Supply
Address: 2880 Research Park Dr. #100 - Soquel, CA 95073
Phone: 877-297-0014

URL: MR Solar
Address: 642 Ponte Villa South - Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone: 888.680.2427
URL: Xantrex Power Inverters
Address: 3700 Gilmore Way - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Phone: 1-800-670-0707
URL: The Inverter Store
Address: 9736 S. Virginia St. STE A - Reno, NV 89511
Phone: 1.888.417.8673
Before purchasing solar power inverters, calculate how much power you need and make
sure to pick the inverters that have the best price/performance values. Soon we will
publish the best solar power inverter article.
Where to buy used (Second Hand) Power Inverters? Addresses of some stores
where you can buy second hand and properly working power inverters are shown
- Ebay
- Amazon

Average Costs of a Solar Inverter

Power inverters have varied prices according to their power capacities, field of use, and
production technologies.
Sample price values are;

100W - 1000W: $50 to $1500

1000W - 5000W: $300 to $6000
5000W - 25KW: $2000 to $20.000
The most important factors that affect the prices are the manufacturing company and
the output wave form.

Q: What is Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)?
A: In some of the power inverters which are produced with new technology, MPPT
system is used. MPPT is a system that enables the power which is loaded from the
output according to the inverter's input current and voltage values, to be maximally

transmitted. In order to adjust the output power, it can automatically increase or

decrease the output current and voltage. The main purpose of the MPPT system is to
help the inverter work at the highest efficiency.
Q: What is a Solar Power High Frequency Inverter?
A: All the normal inverters produce output voltage with 50Hz/60Hz frequency. But high
frequency inverters can produce output voltage at frequencies such as 20 MHz for some
special devices. You can never power your electronic devices at your home with these
Q: What are Three Phase Power Inverters?
A: Power inverters are not just produced for residential use. Inverters produced for
commercial and industrial use have higher output capacities. The electronic devices
used in industry or some commercial fields work with RST system known as three
phase. That's why you should use 3 phase power inverters produced especially for
these devices. The output voltage of these inverters are AC 380V.
Q: Does an Inverter Store the Power?
A: Power inverters absolutely do not store electric power. The storing process uses
Q: Where do I find Grounding and Mounting Instructions?
A: The instructions on installation and grounding are inside the package of the power
inverter that you purchased. If you cannot find the manual explaining these processes,
you can get help from us by providing the brand and model information.
Q: Can I use the Normal Power inverter with Solar Panel Systems?
A: Yes. You can use normal power inverters with solar panel systems easily. The most
important thing is to make sure the solar panel system's output voltage is the same as
the power inverter's input voltage.
Q: What is the difference between solar inverter and normal power inverter?
A: There are no differences between these two groups. It's just that some companies
manufacture their products as solar power inverters. But the working structure and
functions of normal inverters and solar inverters are the same.
Q: How does Power Inverter convert DC to AC?
A: Above we provided a detailed explanation about this. DC voltage is converted into
AC voltage by means of transistors and integrated circuits.
Q: What are the most common Power Inverter electrical Input voltages?
A: The most commonly used input voltage values are: 12V, 24V, 25V, 36V, 48V, 64V,

72Vand 96V. Besides those, there are many different input voltage values but 90% of
the products in the market are produced according to this standard.
Q: How do I make a Solar Power Inverter?
A: You can find the sample projects and part lists in order to make a homemade solar
power inverter in the solar power section. We give you the prices of the parts and the
places that you can purchase them in detail.
Q: How can I find Solar Power Inverter Projects?
A: We will be publishing sample solar power inverter projects and their plans in our
renewable energy website soon. There will be detailed explanations in the project
articles with PDF and Doc appendices.
Q: What kind of wires or cables will I need to connect Solar Panel Bank to
Power Inverter?
A: The length and thickness of the cables differ depending on the power that you have
or require. For example, if you are going to have 70A current over a copper cable, you
will need at least 25mm2 of 4AWG model cable. Since the length of the cable that you
are going to use will cause power loss, you should use shorter and thicker cables.
The easiest way to decrease the current that goes through the cable is to choose a
power inverter that has a higher input voltage. For example, with an inverter that has
96V DC input instead of 12V, 70A, the current can be decreased down to 9A value. This
will help you lower your cable costs as well. Having the batteries that stores the energy
close to the solar power inverter will help you lower your installation costs and increase
efficiency as well.
We have mentioned a lot of issues on solar power inverters in this article. If you have
anything else that you want to know besides these or if you need help with your
projects, you can use the "comments" section below. Our experts will be happy to
answer your questions.

Related Posts:

Solar Panel System Components

Grid tie Solar Panel Systems
Solar Power Panels or Cells in Parallel Circuits
Making Your Solar Panel Plans Successful
How to Build a Solar Panel System?

Solar Components 101

The amount of solar energy that hits a square mile every year is equal to 4
million barrels of oil. So how does a photovoltaic system turn the planet's
most abundant source of energy into usable AC electricity?
Grouped together in a "solar array," solar panels collect electrons from the
sun's light. Still in the form of direct current (DC) electricity, these electrons
must be sent through an to be converted into AC electricity- the kind you use
on a daily basis

Contact us
today for

When you're producing more electricity than you're consuming, you're

sending electricity back into the utility grid. Your electric meter spins
backwards, saving you money on your electric bill.
When you're not using the solar energy that your system is harvesting during
the daytime, you're giving it back to the utility company as a credit towards
your electric bill.
The utility grid is kind of like your "battery," because you use electricity from
the utility company to power your home at night when it's dark.

Choosing Your Solar Panel

The overwhelming majority of solar panels are composed of cells made of
either monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon. Though there are subtle
differences between the two, neither one is necessary better than the other.



A monocrystalline solar cell is

Polycrystalline solar panels are

composed of a single crystal of

easily identified by their solar cells

silicon, a purity that can be identified

that have a textured look that

by a dark, even coloring.

resembles a granite countertop.

Monocrystalline solar panel panels

Because polycrystalline solar cells

will typically have higher efficiency

are composed of multiple silicon

rates (15-20%), converting energy

crystals, the manufacturing process

particularly well in low-light and lab

is more efficient and wastes less


silicon in the process.

Because monocrystalline solar cells

Because of this, poly solar panels

usually have higher efficiency, these

are more cost-effective than

solar panels will make good use of

mono solar panels because they

limited roof space.

are less expensive to manufacture

Because the output of

monocrystalline cells can be
significantly affected by shading and
soiling (i.e. dirt, dust), microinverters
often pair well with these solar
Monocrystalline is an older
technology, but these solar panels
are still usually more expensive than
polycrystalline solar panels.
High efficiency
Performs well in low-light
Usually more expensive
Sensitive to soiling and shade
More silicon is wasted in the
manufacturing process

When would I use

monocrystalline solar

than monocrystalline cells.

The silicon in polycrystalline solar
panels is technically lower in purity.
Efficiency rates are usually between
13% and 16%. Polycrystalline
performance has improved to the
point that monocrystalline is not
necessarily better.
Manufacturing produces less
Doesn't perform as well in lowlight conditions
Aesthetics? You can be the judge
of this.
Lower efficiency

When would I use

polycrystalline solar

Example: Youre located in an area
Example: You live in a location thats
prone to low-light conditions and you
have limited space to work with.

that doesnt have particularly lowlight conditions and you want the
most cost-effective PV system.

Which is better: poly or mono?

In the past, monocrystalline panels were considered better because they are
made from single crystals of silicon and theyve also traditionally had higher
peak efficiency. Polycrystalline technology has improved to the point that
monocrystalline cells do not necessarily mean a better solar panel.
The more important concern when choosing a solar panel for your
application is the quality of the manufacturer and the warranty offered on
the product.
The decision between poly and mono can hinge on a number of factors
including your geographical location and solar insolation. Talk with a
qualified solar installer about the best choice for your specific application.

Choosing Your Inverter

For every grid-tied solar system, the electricity produced by your solar panels
must be converted from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) by

a grid-tie inverter. The AC power that isnt used by your home is back-fed into
the utility grid.

String inverters are the
most common choice

Microinverters are mounted directly behind each
solar panel, turning the DC electricity from each
solar panel into usable AC electricity.

for residential solar


Because string
inverters have been for
decades, there is much
more field data that
has been collected.
It is for this reason that
string inverters are still
the most trusted
solution, regardless of

Because each this conversion is happening at the

modular level, you're maximizing the potential
output of your system. If one solar panel is
shaded by a tree, it won't affect the output of any
other solar panels because there is no single
point of failure.
Microinverters also eliminate potentially
hazardous high voltage DC wiring and make your
solar system much easier to expand.

the advantages

Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is a

microinverters hold.

technology used in microinverters that optimizes

A string inverter will

convert DC electricity

the electricity output by responding to the

varying levels of light every couple of minutes.

from multiple solar

Every microinverter also has its own IP address

panels into usable AC

so it can be monitored remotely with web-based

electricity at ground


level by your service

panel. Consequently,
central inverters will be
high voltage.
String inverters are
recommended for
larger photovoltaic
systems with no
shading concerns,
systems, and nonresidential

Easy design, installation, & scalability
Optimized for shading
Remote monitoring capability
More expensive
Relatively new technology

The down side to

string inverters is that
an entire string of solar

When would I use microinverters?

panels is affected if
one solar panel is
shaded. Fire hazard
and electrocution risk
is higher when you

Example: Youre designing a 2.5kW grid-tied system

for your home. At this point, youre not sure whether
youll want to expand the system later on.

have string-based

Without a large roof space to fit the entire solar

systems with no built-

array, the system will have to be segmented into 3

in power control within

smaller arrays on different parts of the roof and on

the array.

top of the garage.


There is also large oak tree next to the home, which

Proven Technology
Not optimized for
Difficult to expand
No monitoring

When would I use

a string inverter?

Example: Youre
designing an 8kW grid-

will occasionally cover part of one array.

tied solar system.

You either have the roof
space available to fit the
entire array or you will
install a groundmounted system.
You also have no
shading concerns and
you do not plan on
expanding this system.

Which is better: a string inverter or microinverters?

Different applications are going to determine whether it's best to use a string
inverter or microinverters. If you have any doubts, give us a call at (866) 7984435.

What about power maximizers?

Like microinverters, power optimizers are located at each panel. However,

instead of converting the DC electricity to AC electricity at the panel, they
optimize the DC electricity before sending it to a central inverter. This
approach results in higher overall efficiency levels than with a conventional
string inverter.
Get higher performance from your solar PV system by integrating a string
inverter with power optimizers like theSolarEdge System. Designed for
residential, commercial and utility scale photovoltaic solar arrays, the
SolarEdge system not only maximizes the power output of individual
modules, but it also allows for online monitoring feature that's most
commonly elusive to microinverter systems.

Learn more about the SolarEdge PV Optimizer system here.

Introduction to Solar Mounting and

How do solar panels stay on the roof?
Attaching solar panels to your roof is not as simple as buying a pack of nails
and hammering away until the panels feel secure.
No, solar panels are classified in the building code as Components &
Cladding, and consequently, must be fully integrated with the buildings
This means the products used to mount solar panels are attached to rafters
and are engineered to handle the same forces and environment as the roof.

Factors to consider in solar mounting

Over the last decade, a number of products have been designed to attach
solar panels to a building. But selecting the correct product is going to
depend on local and site-specific factors, such as weather and roof style.
For example, homeowners in coastal California do not need a solar array that
can handle snow loads or hurricane-force winds. However, they do need to
deal with the corrosive effects of sea salt in the air.
Conversely, people in the Northeast must account for both hurricane-force
winds and snow loads, as well as the corrosive effects of high humidity and
near-marine environments.

Whats in a mounting system?

Solar mounting systems are composed of three parts: (1) roof attachments,
(2) mounting rails, and (3) module clamps.
Each of these components can vary in size, weight, and material, so
manufacturers typically provide detailed information to aid in component
selection and system design.
Some manufacturers even offer free online design tools to help with

For every roof, theres an attachment

Roof attachments are the base or foundation of any solar array. There are a
number of different types and style of solar attachment, each designed for
specific roofing materials.
Composition asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material in the
US. A number of attachment products for composition shingle roofs are
designed to be both a structural anchor and a waterproof flashings. These
integrated products help reduce the time and cost associated with installing
roof attachments.
Tile and slate roofs, on the other hand, require more complex products with
more labor-intensive installation procedures. These challenges are
compounded by the fact that tiles are fragile and can crack if not handled
Homeowners with these roof types should expect to pay slightly higher costs
when receiving bids from solar installers. As well, its a good idea to discuss

ahead of time how the installer plans to avoid damage to the tiles or replace
them if damage does occur.

Rails of all shapes and colors

Solar mounting rails are typically made of aluminum. Aluminum is strong,
lightweight, and corrosion resistant, making it a great material for rooftop
Most rails have an anodized finish, which means they have a protective
layer on their surface to prevent damage or surface corrosion. This feature
ensures a clean appearance long into the future by preventing buildup of
oxides on the surface of the aluminum. Preventing this buildup is also key to
ensuring any future maintenance of the solar array is easy and hassle-free.
Anodization is available in clear (silver) or black, depending on the
customers aesthetic preferences. Rails with a mill finish are not anodized,
and are best suited for dry, non-marine, non-industrial regions, such as the
desert Southwest.
In addition to anodization options, manufacturers frequently offer more than
one size of mounting rail. Different sizes are engineered to handle different
wind and snow loads.
A large, heavy-duty rail will always provide sufficient structural strength, but
it may be more expensive than is necessary. Often, a mid-range or
lightweight rail is going to provide more than enough structural strength for
mild climates, while also minimizing the cost and weight of material on the

Clamps that bite, literally

The final component of the mounting system is the clamps.
Most clamps are known as top-down clamps because they secure the top
surface of the solar module to a slot in the mounting rail, which is supporting
the module from below. These clamps are very secure, while also being quick
to install and making any future maintenance easy to perform.
Newer designs of top-down clamps incorporate teeth that bite into the
module frame. These teeth are actually making a grounding connection to
the module, which provides an additional measure of electrical safety for the
solar installation.
Clamps with this capability are all certified to the Underwriters Laboratory
test standard 2703.
And luckily, the teeth are small and remain hidden beneath the clamp,
avoiding any unsightly bite marks.

Always select a trusted supplier

The final and most important component of any solar installation is trust.
Solar installations are designed to operate for decades without major repair.
This requires a high degree of confidence in the products and the
workmanship, backed by years of experience.
Often, the difference between a reputable company and a low-cost
competitor can be difficult to discern. Homeowners should discuss the
product and warranty options with their installer in detail. Warranties should
be at least ten years, and ideally twenty or more.

Also, make sure that the installer has experience working with the product
manufacturer. A trusted supplier will be one that has proven the value of
their warranty through years of collaborating with their installation partners.

One of the most important components of any solar unit is the solar power inverter, which converts the direct curren
that photovoltaic solar cells produce into alternating current (AC).

The electric grid and all devices which run on electricity use alternating current, therefore it is extremely imp
solar power being generated with an inverter. Although a small number of solar energy producing products are
power directly into devices, the majority of solar arrays and other units require a solar power inverter fo
transferred to the electrical grid.
Types of Solar Power Inverters

There are three distinct types of solar energy inverters, each of which serve a different function and are used fo
solar energy system, although each inverter still converts DC into AC:

Stand Alone Inverters

Grid tie Inverters

Dual Inverters

Stand alone inverters are used for off-grid solar arrays. In of-grid arrays, the solar panels ge
current energy which is then stored in rechargeable batteries. When energy is required, the direct
from the battery to the stand alone inverter and then converted into alternating current which can
power a home or for any other electricity needs.

Smaller stand alone inverters are used in a variety of products including solar battery chargers for laptops, ce
pumps, and even to charge a car battery. These inverters are necessary for locations where no local power gri
anyone who wishes to remain completely independent of energy companies.

With a stand alone system, you will be unaffected by power outages because your system will be completely in
power grid. You will be free to consume electricity whenever you wish, provided your batteries are charged or
currently producing electricity.

If you wish to run any large appliances or equipment off your stand alone solar system, then it is necessary
a surge compliant inverter. These inverters are also necessary for most any residential or commercial off-gri

Large electronics require a surge of energy when first being turned on, so therefore its necessary that your inver
this surge of electricity when required. Most larger off-grid inverters have this capability, although always be s
you make a purchase.

Grid tie inverters are for use in any situation where your solar array is connected d
power grid. These systems, known as grid tie solar systems, are more common in urban areas and are
stand alone or off-grid systems because of the lack of need for a battery. In grid tie solar systems, direct current
solar panels, which then send this DC energy to the grid tie inverter.

This energy is then converted into alternating current by the inverter, and finally sent directly into the local pow
of system, it is necessary to have your solar unit wired to your grid via your electricity meter, thus ensuring tha
from the power company for any energy you produce.

This type of system is best suited for smaller scale solar arrays, and offers no protection in case of power out
lack of a backup battery. In this type of system, some people argue that you are not technically consuming any o
you are producing, as it is sent directly back into the grid.

All grid tie systems are required to have a solar energy inverter with anti-islanding protection which forces th
case of power outages. Without anti-islanding protection, your solar system would continue to generate electri
amounts back into the electric grid during power outages. This energy would stay in the local power grid and
island. These islands can be extremely dangerous for utility workers who are trying to repair the gird during a po

Before purchasing a grid tie solar power inverter - especially if you are buying a use
make sure to check that the inverter has anti-islanding protection, as it is illegal and
dangerous to install a grid tie system without it. You probably wont find any grid t
market without it, but checking to make sure is still a great way to ensure you a
correct inverter for your particular solar system.

Dual inverters are also known as backup battery inver

a multi-function solar system. In this system, the direct current generated by the solar panels is first sent directly

The energy from the batteries is then sent to the inverter and converted to alternating current whenever ele
However, when the batteries are fully charged, any excess direct current electricity that is generated is sent dir
and is then sent into the local power grid. This system combines the other two systems into one self-reliant a
generating solar unit.

This type of solar energy inverter is obviously more expensive than the other two types because it contains all o
others. It allows you to produce, store, and consume any electricity that your solar system produces, while als
systems energy production by sending any extra energy into the local electrical grid which has the ability to gene

It also ensures that you will still be able to consume electricity even if your system isnt functioning, as your p
connected to the grid. The major benefit of this type of solar energy inverter is that you will still be unaffected b
long as your solar batteries are charged or your system is producing electricity.
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