Agnihotra e Book1
Agnihotra e Book1
Agnihotra e Book1
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Agnihotra
3. The Five Disciplines of Agnihotra
4. The Effect of Agnihotra
5. Procedure to perform Agnihotra
6. The Benefits of Agnihotra
7. Scientific Research & Results of Agnihotra
8. Agnihotra Version 1
Agnihotra Version 2
Things to Know About Performing Agnihotra The Fire Therapy Ritual
Agnihotra taught at Shivpuri is based on Ayurveda & teachings of Shri Swami Samarth
This book will take less than a few minutes to download and will teach everything you ever
wanted to learn about performing Agnihotra correctly to derive optimum benefits from the
ritual. Everything we teach here is based on Ayurveda and proven by science.
Agnihotra can be performed by anyone irrespective of country, cast, creed, age, color,
gender, preference, profession etc. However, abiding by the rules is of utmost importance
to avail of optimum benefits.
Agnihotra works on your body, mind and soul. It cleanses your body of ailments, your mind
of clutter, stress, and negativity; and purifies your soul. It strengthens your aura and thus
people who come in contact with you experience a positive and happy vibe.
Definition of Agnihotra
The process of offering two oblations of two pinch full of rice smeared with cows ghee into
fire prepared out of dried cow dung in a pyramid shaped copper vessel exactly at local sunrise
and sunset times alongside chanting of two specific Sanskrit mantras is called Agnihotra.
According to the ancient Vedic scripture Shraut Sutras, Agnihotra, is a healing fire
ritual that should be performed at every sunrise and sunset.
Kathak Samhita in praise of Agnihotra has said that Gods attained godhood and
swargaloka, the state of eternal bliss by practicing Agnihotra.
Shatapat Brahman compares Agnihotra with a boat that leads to Swarg, the eternal
bliss. It is referred to as Avinashi Yajnya which means, its relevance never fades.
To perform, practice, and experience the benefits of Agnihotra, we have to follow rules. When
the ritual is performed sincerely and without changing the basic rules it brings beneficial
O Healing Fire, we come (reach out?) to you daily at Sunrise and Sunset. - Rig-Veda
Agnihotra should be performed at the prescribed timings everyday during sunrise and sunset.
These two are the most significant circadian bio-rhythms.
The term "circadian" comes from the Latin terms "circa" - meaning around, and "diem" meaning day. The colloquial language for the circadian rhythm is `Biological Clock of the
body. This Circadian rhythm gets disturbed when changes take place in ones daily schedule.
Normal functioning of everything in the universe is linked with the rhythmic alignment of the
circadian rhythm. Any disturbance in this routine leads to chaos. When the normal schedule s
gets adversely affected, the routines begin to fall apart. The most common outcome of this
disturbance is the insomnia, sleeplessness symptom, which begins to show in humans.
Interlink the phrase Circadian Rhythm with explanation given at the bottom instead of
explaining it here. It breaks the sequence and distracts the reader. However if the reader
wants to know about it in detail all s/he has to do is click on Circadian Rhythm and he will
reach the bottom of the same page to get the same. Tell your ebook designer to do it for you.
Agnihotra time is referred to as Sandhya i.e. the transitional moment. It is neither day nor
night, neither light nor darkness. Veda describes this particular period as Tirtha the Passage
to Enlightenment.
(What about Agnihotra performed in the morning? Or is it also referred to as Sandhya?)
The Yogic science attaches special importance to this transitional moment. As per Yoga we
breathe either from the left or the right nostril from sunrise to sunset and the order is
reversed from sunset to sunrise. During sunsetto-sunrise period the Ida and Pingala Nadi,
the channels of flow of energy, that are part of our respiratory system and remains active in
During sunrise and sunset they (who?) are in the process of transition. Mind and body are in
perfect sync during this time band. And when performing of Agnihotra is synchronized with
this time, the beneficial effects get enhanced.
Agnihotra is ordained to be performed precisely on these vitally important transitional
Its during these moments that the changes take place in atmosphere causing vital impact on
all life forms and on the environment.
The precise time of Sunrise & Sunset is calculated using Vedic methodology. The Veda
considers a moment as sunset when half of the sun appears to have set below the horizon
and sunrise is counted as the moment when the sun is half visible over the horizon.
Offering is made in the fire while chanting two short Mantras. Two mantras in the
Agnihotra performed at sunrise, and two mantras in the evening performed at sunset
time. The mantras should be recited in clear voice and accurate pronunciation.
Agnihotra mantras are to be recited in a way that the effect of the sound created via
them vibrates in the entire household.
Following are the Sanskrit mantras along with their meaning for your understanding to be
chanted in the morning and evening respectively.
At sunrise:
Purport- O Sun, the giver of Energy, I salute you and offer unto you what is given to me by
you, that which is not mine but of the Universe.
Purport- O lord, the Creator, I salute you and offer unto you that what is given to me by you,
that which is not mine but of the Universe.
At sunset:
Purport- O Agni, the Primordial element, I salute you and offer unto you that what is given to
me by you, that which is not mine but of the Universe.
Purport- O lord, the Creator, I salute you and offer unto you that what is given to me by you,
that which is not mine but of the Universe.
1. If you are using the Vishwa/ISVS Agnihotra starter kit, open it and remove the
equipments one at a time.
2. It is better to sit on the floor for Agnihotra in a lotus position as mentioned in Yoga. If
its not possible to sit on the floor, one can perform Agnihotra by placing the Agnihotra
vessel on a table and sitting on a chair.
3. Ensure that the area where Agnihotra is being performed is clean and hygienic.
Agnihotra is a process of channelizing tremendous healing energies and must be done
in a clean place so as to avoid any kind of interference.
4. Make sure that there are no flammable objects in the surrounding area which can catch
fire due to the flames from the Agnihotra vessel.
5. Place the Agnihotra on a flat surface for optimum results. This helps to keep the axis of
the energy on the right plane. Use a stand/table with a flat surface if you are not
sitting on the ground. If you are going to place the stand on the ground, then make
sure that the area is flat. If you feel that the surface is not flat, place a stand on a
piece of flat stone, tile or a wooden plank.
6. Use the stand or an insulating surface like a flat wood or stone slab, if Agnihotra is
being done indoors, on a carpet, wooden floor etc to avoid any accidents or damage
caused due to the heat. You can place the stand on the floor if it is safe to do so and
there is no danger of anything getting damaged due to the fire or heat. Placed the
vessel on clean, dry ground, away from any flammable material such as dry twigs, etc
if Agnihotra is being done outdoors in a garden or a park.
7. Take the vessel and place it on the copper stand
provided as part of the Agnihotra kit.
8. Start with placing a piece of CDC big enough to cover the base, at the bottom of the
vessel. This helps in passing the air through and making the remaining pieces catch
fire fast and in a uniform manner.
9. Keep two small pieces along the 2 opposite walls or corners of the vessel.
10.Place two long pieces of CDC horizontally above the two pieces and perpendicular to
them with a gap between them at the center.
11.Two to four such layers can be placed one over the other depending on the space in
the area where Agnihotra is being performed.
12.Take a long piece of CDC with slightly sharp end and apply ghee to its tip.
13.Strike a match and ignite this piece. After the piece has been fully lit, insert it vertically
in the central opening. You are not permitted to use lighter or any other chemical or
petroleum products for lighting the Agnihotra Fire.
14.You can use Guggul (an aromatic resin of a tree with many medicinal properties) or
cotton wick duly soaked in cows ghee for igniting. If necessary use a fan to facilitate
air circulation in the vessel, so that all the CDC pieces are fully ablaze.
15.Take two pinches full of clean, unbroken uncooked rice grains (raw) on the palm of
your left hand or in a small dish. Smear these rice grains with a few drops of cows
pure ghee.
16.Divide the ghee smeared rice grains in two approximate half parts.
17.Check the local sunrise sunset timing on the time sheet/chart provided by ISVS. The
time charts of most cities and towns in the world are available for free download on the
Vishwa/ISVS website
18.Keep an eye on your watch or keep a stop watch if required, and at the exact sunrise
time, start uttering first Mantra Sooryaya Svaha. On the utterance of the word Svaha
offer one part of the rice grains to the fire and continuing the Mantra; complete the
first line uttering Sooryaya Idam Na Mama.
19.While chanting the other line of the Mantra offer other part of the rice grains to the fire
after saying Prajapataye Svaha. Again while uttering the word Svaha offer the
remaining second part of the offering in the Fire and complete the Mantra while
chanting Prajapataye Idam Na Mama.
20.Concentrate and meditate on the fire till the offerings get fully absorbed by the fire.
21.Try and focus on the movements of the Fire.
22.You are allowed to do your regular spiritual practice like Yoga, Meditation, etc. after the
performance of Agnihotra.
23.After the Fire is completely burnt out, keep the Agnihotra vessel aside in a safe, clean
and hygienic place.
24.If you are in a rush and cannot wait till the Fire is completely burnt out, then, make
sure to place the vessel with the fire still alive on a height or a platform to avoid any
accidents or injuries. Especially with small children around in the house, this works as a
practical option. Thus morning Agnihotra concludes here.
25.Evening Agnihotra
26.In the evening ahead of the Agnihotra remove the morning Agnihotra residue from the
vessel and put it in a bag or box specially assigned for it.
27.Repeating the morning process prepare a fresh fire from the cow dung cakes in the
28.Again prepare two equal parts of the cow ghee smeared rice grains for the two
29.Exactly at sunset time, accompanied by the chanting
of sunset Agnihotra Mantras Agnaye Svaha offer the
first part after saying Svaha and complete the Mantra
by saying Agnaye Idam Na Mama.
30.Similarly, reciting the second line of the Mantra offer other part of the rice grains to the
fire after saying Prajapataye Svaha and complete the Mantra uttering Prajapataye
Idam Na Mama.
31.Meditate and concentrate on the fire till the offerings are fully burnt. This concludes the
evening Agnihotra.
The hymn from the Atharvaveda says that the effect of the Agnihotra done at Sunrise will last
till the evening and the effect of the Agnihotra done at the Sunset will last till the morning.
The primary effect will be Saumanasya or tranquility of the mind. This state will be achieved
by the positive effects of the Agnihotra on the Prana and the Mind.
Helps in De-Addiction
Improved immunity
Agnihotra Version 1
Vishwa Foundations eBook on Agnihotra With 10 Minutes to Spare this e Book Can Change Your Life!
Agnihotra we teach is based on the Science of Ayurveda & Teachings of Swami Samarth....
Download Vishwa Foundations eBook on Agnihotra in a 25 (or 30 or 45...) Seconds
Agnihotra is a fire therapy, a process of emotional cleansing & becoming spiritual aware. It is
based on the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda and works inside out. The impact of
Agnihotra therapy is immediate and with regular practice, you can enjoy the benefits on a
permanent basis. Agnihotra benefits the one who performs it as well as those who attend it.
Anger, frustration, feeling low or negative, losing temper & patience, alcohol and drugs
abuse, getting embroiled in arguments & fights etc are all manifestations of a distressed
mind. If left unattended it can lead to an emotional breakdown, and can throw life out of
By performing Agnihotra you not only uplift the quality of your life but also improve your
aura, uplift the quality of your success, and wisdom. The fire therapy is simple to understand,
and easy to practice at home. Once you learn to practice it, youll start feeling more in
control, more sorted out and positive, and at peace with yourself.
Agnihotra is a sacred Vedic tradition that harmonizes the functioning of Prana (life energy). It
offers physical and emotional healing and helps you to get rid of wrong beliefs, negative
habits & thought patterns, and creating and manifesting good energies. It heals our
environment, brings peace, rearranges nature's energetic grids and helps us to connect with
the Divine.
Besides cleaning our aura Agnihotra also purifies our mind, and environment through
scientifically proven energised fire that has healing properties. The energies generated from
Agnihotra un-clutters your mind of negative thoughts that it might have accumulated over a
period of time which have adversely deteriorated impacted the quality of your life.
The person performing Agnihotra creates a positive pattern in his own life and in the lives of
people and environment around him. It purifies the atmosphere of pollutants and neutralizes
harmful radiation. The resultant atmosphere gives nourishment to humans and plant life.
The rules for performing Agnihotra are simple to follow. Except that waking up early for some
of you may not be easy, but itll be worth the effort.
The therapy can be performed by anyone at home, in the garden, balcony, prayer or
meditation room... etc. There is no restriction of caste, colour, gender, colour, age etc. Even
children can perform it, albeit under supervision. Women should avoid performing it during
their menstrual cycle.
The place where you are going to perform Agnihotra should be kept clean. Morning Agnihotra
should be performed after having a bath. If it is not possible to bathe before performing the
evening Agnihotra, it is okay to wash hands, feet and gargle before performing it. It is
advised that no lighter or electric instrument is used to light the Havana.
You should face east while performing the therapy. It should be practiced every day, twice
(?). or it can be practiced as convenient....?
It should be remembered that even if the entire family is sitting around Agnihotra Havana
only one person should pour the offerings in the fire. Family members attending the ritual will
be automatically benefitted from it.
At Vishwa Foundation we teach Agnihotra the way it has been practiced for thousands of
years by our saints. It is based on the teachings of Swami Samarth & the science of Ayurved.
The impact of Agnihotra will be visible within a few sessions. You will experience an extended
state of restfulness and positivity around you, feel more energised and healthy....and more
To perform Agnihotra you require - a copper or gold (the two metals that have healing
properties) vessel of a particular size in pyramid shape, some brown rice, dried cow-dung,
and ghee. Agnihotra is performed at dawn/sunset amidst chanting of mantras. Sticking to
timings is important.
Fire is created inside the copper (or gold) vessel with dried cow dung and then brown rice and
ghee are poured into (by right hand, keeping left hand on the chest) this sacred fire. This
coming together of the entire combination comprising the timing, chanting of mantras, sacred
fire created out of cow dung, and ghee exudes healing energies from the Agnihotra pyramid.
Huge amount of energy gets created around the copper pyramid vessel while the process is
being performed. A sort of magnetic field gets created that defuses negative energies
replacing them with positive ones. This has been proved by science.
Items required for performing Agnihotra can be prepared at home or if for some reason you
arent able to do so, you can order it online.
Havana Preparation:
Preparing the havana kund that allows air to pass through is an important aspect of the
process. Havan kund can be small or big depending on your choice and need. Small Havana
vessel will have a small fire and will generate lesser energy as compared to a large havan
kund thatll have a bigger space for fire and other ingredients. Size depends on availability of
Pieces of cow dung (prepared from female progeny of cow)
should be arranged in a manner so that there is space
between each piece to enable oxygen to circulate through. It
will allow the fire to blaze freely. You should lightly brush ghee
on all the cow dung pieces.
Once arranged, a little ghee is poured over all the pieces and
then we ignite it. The fire has to be kept ready in time to pour
the ingredients into it. If you miss the timings you will miss
the effects.
Make sure that the fire is ablaze at the time that has been recommended so that you can
pour the entire whole grain raw brown rice and other ingredients as suggested, over chanting
of mantras Suryaya Svaha/ Prajapataye Svaha or Agneya Svaha/ Prajapataye Svaha into the
fire to generate the right energies.
While pouring the ingredients in the Havana kund the person performing Agnihotra should
focus on surrendering himself to the Almighty, try to look within and discard all other
After performing Agnihotra try to meditate near the Havana for as long as you can to absorb
all the energies created around the copper vessel. Dont move the Havana kund preferably till
the next time that you prepare for the next Agnihotra session. You should not try to
extinguish the fire artificially and let extinguish naturally. The cow dung pieces that are left in
the vessel should be washed and kept aside and be used next time.
Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708
Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627
Collect and keep the ash/residue in a copper container to retain all the energies, instead of a
glass or plastic container. It can be used as manure for plants or for preparing Ayurvedic
medicines at home. This residue is full of healing properties. Its also sometimes referred to
as powerful or miracle ash.
You are requested to contact us to know the best time to perform Agnihotra. We shall
calculate the timings based on your geographic location (based on latitude and longitude of
your town or city) where you are going to perform it and inform you of the same.
The timings of Agnihotra are set at a time when healing energies of the sun are in favour of
the person performing Agnihotra, and not when the sun rises. As calculated by experts the
difference between the two is approximately 4 minutes.
We also inform you about the timings when you should begin chanting the mantras and
ensure that all the ingredients are poured into the Havana-kund (copper vessel)
simultaneously. When the ingredients burn and releases energies during that period you
derive maximum benefits from it as that is the time when maximum healing energies are
upon you. To maintain timing and accuracy we advise disciples to keep a stop clock.
When you write in to us, we will be able to explain the exact procedure, with every detail a lot
more clearly keeping your specific situation in mind.
There are scientific evidences to prove that Agnihotra has medicinal properties. For example,
it renews cells of brain as well as skin, and purifies blood. People generally allergic to smoke
also experience a wave of healing when they attend or perform Agnihotra.
Besides in the smoke, the healing effects of Agnihotra are also found in the residual ash. You
can read about healing effects of Agnihotra residue or ash here
(Ref: People across the world have shared their
most wonderful experiences of healings (link to testimonial page) many ailments by using
Agnihotra ash.
Thank You