Lesson Plan 7 Math
Lesson Plan 7 Math
Lesson Plan 7 Math
Grade 7
Lesson Plan
15 September, 2016
Instructional Strategies:
- Reinforcing effort & providing
- Setting objectives & providing
- Cooperative learning.
- Summarizing and note taking.
E: came up with numbers
through a way to
communicate: different
civilizations used different
ways eg. knots in ropes.
M: why Egyptian system
order doesnt matter: use
base 10 use a new
Refer back to class
agreement if there are
classroom management
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Kacee Sommerfeldt
Grade 7
Self-Evaluation / Reflection:
Answering the exit slip question from last class the students seamed to enjoy.
Looking over homework, I need to specify how I want them to set it up: write title of homework with the questions at
top, then write down question number on left column, and answer beside so it is easier to follow. Show your work.
They like having homework on managebac so they know what is due on what day. It is tricky to follow up with
having a week to complete homework but going on to new material. I will track each homework assignment on my
attendance page in the order they are assigned with the date they are due. It is not good enough to have it on line,
need the hard copy for when the internet is not working.
A was having trouble with roman numerals. Need to break it down more. The start of class question was a good
review, but they need more practice. I ended up breaking down each roman numeral and writing what it means and
then they can add them up, but pay attention to groupings and place values. They seemed to have understood it
better as they went on. A hadnt finished homework because she didnt understand it, so I took some time
individually to work with her. She still has questions but ran out of time. E had a couple wrong, but is getting it
better now. M got them right, which she could have checked her answers in the back of the book. I am having them
make corrections on the ones they got wrong. I want them to understand how to do it, and not just write down an
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