David - 2009 - 5 Challenges in SC Ed
David - 2009 - 5 Challenges in SC Ed
David - 2009 - 5 Challenges in SC Ed
The launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957 triggered my nascent passion in tinkering into a fullfledged desire to become a scientist. My academic performance was spotty up until that time,
having been identified as mildly retarded by one well-intentioned counselor in the days
before ADD was recognized. But, with Sputnik, my apparent ADD vanished as I spent hours
thinking about what it would take and what it would be like to spend a career exploring new
frontiers of knowledge. For a fourteen-year-old growing up in Chicago, this was a great time
to be alive. We had a splendid museum of science and industry, a planetarium, an aquarium,
and a natural history museum. We were surrounded with resources to support any interest
that young people had in the sciences.
By November of that year, President Eisenhower announced that our public educational
system was in severe need of a complete overhaul if we were ever to produce enough scientists
and engineers to keep up with the Soviets. By the time I started high school, the PSSC science
curriculum was in place, and I found the educational climate needed to foster and develop my
skills. In some ways, those were the golden years of education for me.
Today we hear a lot about educational reform, but our quest for accountability has resulted in
many cases in the abandonment of quality educational practices and, in their place, we see
what appears to some as perpetual testing in the midst of a curriculum devoid of excitement
and the uncertainty of genuine exploration. But, as President Kennedy once said 1, Our
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problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he
wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.
Looking at our current economic challenges, coupled with the loss of creative scientific and
engineering work to other nations, it seems overdue to take a hard look at some of the
challenges facing science education in the US, and to suggest ways these challenges might be
addressed. As Intel's Craig Barrett says2, Anyone ... from the United States who says that the
Chinese or Indians are not entrepreneurial, not creative, that they don't want to rival the
United States in business startups has not been to India or China.
Five of these challenges will be explored in the rest of this short document. These challenges
are by no means the only ones facing us you can come up with many others but they
provide a good starting point for conversations around this truly important topic.
The Shortage of Qualified Teachers
One of the highlights of the much-maligned NCLB act is the mandate that each student will
have access to highly qualified teachers. And yet, in the areas of math and science, such
teachers seem to be in short supply. This challenge has become so severe that some districts
are importing qualified teachers from other nations for example, schools in Wichita, KS are
securing H1-B visas for Filipino teachers who come for three-year assignments (which can be
extended) 3 This experiment has worked well, but it is unclear if it has bought enough time for
the domestic teaching force to add enough qualified science teachers to the pool to meet the
needs of America's schools.
Much has been written on this topic. For example, the NAP report Rising Above the Gathering
Storm 4, explores this challenge in depth. The task is complex, but the penalty for inaction is to
have even more teachers working outside their specialties. The following table from this
report shows how big the challenge is:
Students Taught by Teachers with No Major or Certification in the Subject Taught, 1999-2000
Grades 58 Grades 912
Physical science
Biologylife sciences
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In a followup document, Rising Above the Gathering Storm Two Years Later2, the authors state
The strongest influence on the performance of students in a class is whether they have a
teacher with a bechelor's degree in the subject they teach.
Getting students through college in the sciences and engineering is a challenge that affects the
pool of qualified teachers. In the area of engineering, for example, it appears that up to 50% of
engineering undergrads in some schools change majors by the end of their sophomore year 5.
The number of US college graduates in physics in 1956, the last full year before the launch of
Sputnik, was twice the number of graduates in 2004. The need to encourage teachers to work
in the sciences must cut across all those interested in a future in education. No group can be
left out in our quest to address this challenge.
Going back to my own experience as a student, I was lucky enough to have science teachers in
high school who had their primary degrees in the sciences they taught and, in some cases, had
worked in the field for years before becoming educators.
Learning about science as a vibrant human activity
Years ago, in my presentations, I would ask teachers to tell me the names of scientists. In
general, the names they gave were of dead white men. Sometimes Madame Curie's name
would appear, and Watson and Crick would be mentioned as living examples of famous
scientists (at the time). But the idea of science being a vibrant field with participants of all
genders and heritage was not reflected in most of the answers I received. It is as if we taught
students about science without the scientists!
Also, I encountered many people who knew something about science, but not about why
anyone would choose to spend his or her life exploring questions in a field that might not yield
definitive answers in their lifetime. I even saw this in my own house when, shortly after my
marriage, my younger step-daughter (who was in high school at the time) came to breakfast
and saw a fractal pattern on my computer screen that was a result of a forecasting model I was
doing for a client. The graph was quite pretty, and she wondered what it was. I told her it was
a mathematical pattern. She has a strong artistic bent and shared that she never knew
mathematical expressions could be beautiful. To her math was just calculations not the
exploration of deep ideas.
Now she had studied math in school, but she didn't realize that there were people who
explored deep mathematical ideas outside the classroom and that some of them did it just for
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By treating the sciences as abstract topics devoid of the incitement of human passion, we miss
the chance to engage students in ways that might get them thinking of the sciences as a
possible career path. In this regard, I was lucky. My father was (among other things) a
bacteriologist. He would spend hours with his eyes glued to his microscope, looking at the
pesky critters he'd found, and experiment with ways to knock them dead. There was a neverending stream of experiments to do, and new discoveries to be made. While I had no interest
in following in his footsteps, I respected the work he was doing in his own laboratory, and also
got to meet other scientists who were engaged in amazing work in a variety of fields.
Cutting back on hands-on science
Hands-on science education seems to be in short supply in our schools. The following figure
from the Lawrence Hall of Science 2000 study of elementary schools6 is sobering:
No time
60 minutes
or less
This chart shows the number of minutes per week spent on science education in K-5 schools in
the San Francisco Bay Area in the year 2000. The fact that 16% of the students receive no
science instruction at all in the heart of California's high technology enclave should be taken as
a serious wake-up call.
Even in classes where science is being taught, too much of it seems limited to lectures based on
textbooks. Now I admit to being one of those weird people who treats math as an
experimental, rather than theoretical, science, and enjoy building complex computer models to
explore topics as challenging as anticipating the emergence of new trends in technology. My
approach comes from tinkering, and from a solid grounding in lab-based science in high
school and college. I am saddened each time I walk the exhibit halls of a conference and see
software that supports computer animation of experiments that should be done with real
apparatus. Titrating a solution to neutrality is best done with a burette, not with a piece of
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explore new questions on their own falls outside most State standards, and thus gets left out of
the curriculum. I think this is a mistake. I'd rather see students use a foundational knowledge
of a field as a springboard to asking (and answering) their own questions. To start with, this is
what real scientists do they spend their lives answering questions that they ask of
themselves. This move to a more student-directed approach is not trivial for teachers to make.
To start with, there is still a need for basic knowledge to be shared. The challenge comes in
finding the place for teachers to stop lecturing and the open the class up to student designed
projects based on questions they ask themselves. To assist in this process, there is a rubric
students can apply to their own questions to evaluate if they are worth spending time on to
answer. (This rubric can be found in the inquiry handout on the Faculty page at www.tcsek12.org).
What kinds of questions are worthy of student inquiry? Well, let's take an example: We know
that we only see one side of the Moon from Earth our Moon rotates on its axis at the same
rate it revolves around the Earth. Why is that?
Rather than providing a canned answer, students will learn far more if they research this
question themselves. Of course, this is an example of a question that has a known answer. A
more complex question is based on the following two images:
The image on the left is the face of the Moon seen from Earth. That on the right is the far
side of the Moon. There are striking differences in these two images most notably the
virtual absence of mares on the far side. How did these differences come about?
It turns out that this is still an open question. While a teenager may not come up with a
definitive answer, this project provides a great deal of opportunity for research, and is sure to
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result in students learning far more about the Moon than they would in any textbook-driven
A major challenge in transforming science studies into the inquiry-driven project-based
learning domain is staff development. Our experience has shown that support needs to be
provided on a regular basis until the teachers and the students become comfortable with the
shift in methodology. The rewards, however, are amazing. Not only do students go beyond
the material provided in their textbooks, they also develop an appreciation for the kind of
work done by real scientists perhaps leading more of them into the field.
The importance of this shift is reflected in a study done at Ohio State University8 in which
students in China and the US were tested on science facts. The Chinese students
outperformed the US students. But when both groups of students were tested on scientific
reasoning, both groups failed. In other words, the knowledge of textbook delivered science
facts does nothing to develop the capacity for scientific reasoning.
Connecting science to other subjects
Innovative educators have always made connections between science and other topics. Some
science fiction provides a good starting point. Whether it involves reaching back to Jules
Verne, or exploring more contemporary authors like the (late) Philip K. Dick, or Neal
Stephenson, science fiction has always triggered some great what if? moments in our minds.
Expanding beyond science fiction, the fine arts provide alternate pathways to thinking about
science and many scientific phenomena are esthetically pleasing by themselves!
Today, for some very solid reasons, we are hearing more and more about the need for STEM
skills (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.) Unfortunately, much of the work in this
area treats these four topics as stovepipes, functioning independently from each other. I think
this is a mistake. As Kristina Johnson from Johns Hopkins University has said2, Today the
problems are more complex than they were in the 1950's, and more global. They'll require a
new educated workforce, one that is more open, collaborative, and cross-disciplinary.
Students should be provided opportunities for cross-disciplinary work before graduating from
high school.
Here's the challenge:
While math, science and (some) technology are taught as separate subjects in school, the power
of treating the STEM subjects in an integrated fashion strengthens the understanding of each
of them. This is essential because technology and engineering are more likely to be found in
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career academies than in purely academic high schools. The benefit of this approach is that,
when students see (and understand) the interconnectedness of these four fields, they may find
themselves more motivated to explore the individual subjects in deeper ways than they do
Consider the following chart:
At a high level, it is useful to think of science as the study of the found, and engineering is
the study of the made. Scientists concern themselves with the advancement of knowledge in
the realm of natural phenomena. Even the most abstract theoretical scientists are concerned (at
their core) with the explanation of natural phenomena that might be observed under the
proper conditions. Engineers, on the other hand, use scientific knowledge for another
purpose: the design and fabrication of objects for the advancement of mankind. Whether it is
the design of a new telescope, or crafting a more flexible space suit, engineers generally have a
specific goal in mind when they start their projects: a goal that relates to having something
fabricated (rather than discovered as naturally occurring).
At the core, science involves the scientific method, a process of hypothesis formulation and
verification that is taught to students at multiple grade levels. Engineering, on the other hand,
has at its core the more flexible notions of creativity and innovation attributes that are harder
to quantify and teach, but that are essential in the engineering domain nonetheless. The
creative process can be nurtured, but it takes a special effort and classroom climate to
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stimulate creativity. This does not mean that the scientific method is not of value to engineers,
nor that scientists can not benefit from creative insights. Links of this sort are legendary in both
fields. It is just that, at the core of these fields, each of these ideas has a strong role to play.
Science benefits from engineering, and engineering applies science the two are linked. In
fact, the linkages between these topics and the remaining STEM areas (technology and
mathematics) are dynamic, highly interconnected, and constantly evolving over time.
Math skills are essential for both scientists and engineers. By the same token, advances in
science and engineering can stimulate the development of new mathematical techniques. For
example, Newton's contributions to physics and the calculus are tightly linked. Calculus
provided the computational framework through which the laws of motion could be quantified
and applied. This has always been the case. Geometry, for example, literally derives from
measure the earth. While there are branches of mathematics that have yet to find application
in science and engineering, this does not mean that applications will not be found at some time
in the future.
To take a recent example, the foundations for chaos and fractal theory were laid at the end of
the 19th century when Peano showed it was possible to build a space-filling curve 9 (a task that
was previously thought to be impossible.) His thoughts were resurrected over a half-century
later as a consequence of the active development of chaos and complexity theory. These
branches of mathematics were helped along by the invention of the digital computer, and have
since found application in science and engineering, as well as fields as disparate as economics.
Unfortunately, many students don't see a strong connection between mathematics and the
other three STEM topics until they take advanced math classes in college. For many students,
this is too late without the requisite math courses under their belts in middle and high
school, college-bound students are blocked from studying STEM subjects, thus contributing to
the shortage of people in these fields.
The relationship with technology is similar. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is
a technology that has advanced our scientific understanding of the cosmos greatly. This
telescope was the result of a huge engineering effort that relied heavily on science, and is
providing new insights that not only advance science, but have had an impact on the
engineering of newer, more powerful, telescopes. In fact, the Hubble news coverage in 2002
represented 44% of all stories emerging from programs of the NASA Office of Space Science 10.
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The bulk of these stories related to scientific discoveries made with the HST technology
discoveries made possible by the tremendous applications of mathematics, and engineering
required to design, build and maintain this telescope.
A problem with traditional curricula that treat the STEM topics as separable and, in fact,
separate subjects is that powerful connections among the topics are easy to miss. Information
on curricular connections are sometimes seen as supplemental, rather than lying at the core of
the overall enterprise.
This brief paper set out to identify five challenges facing K-12 science education today. As you
look at these challenges, and identify more of your own, I hope you will think about ways to
address them in your own schools.
1. Quote Details: John F. Kennedy: Our problems are man-made,... - The Quotations Page. at
2. Rising Above the Gathering Storm Two Years Later: Accelerating Progress Toward a
Brighter Economic Future. Summary of a Convocation. at
3. Filipino teacher experiment a success | Wichita News - Kansas News | Kansas.com. at
4. Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter
Economic Future. at <http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11463>
5. STEM.pdf. at <http://www.purdue.edu/strategic_plan/whitepapers/STEM.pdf>
6. LHS | REA | Bay Area Study. at
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Rediscovering Things of Science. at <http://ecg.mit.edu/george/tos/#units>
Study: Learning Science Facts Doesn't Boost Science Reasoning. at
Space-filling curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. at
The Hubble-JWST Transition: A Policy Synopsis Papers per year | SpaceRef - Space News
as it Happens. at <http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=9910>
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