Interleaved Boost Converter With Intrinsic Voltage-Doubler Characteristic For Universal-Line PFC Front End
Interleaved Boost Converter With Intrinsic Voltage-Doubler Characteristic For Universal-Line PFC Front End
Interleaved Boost Converter With Intrinsic Voltage-Doubler Characteristic For Universal-Line PFC Front End
AbstractA novel, two-inductor, interleaved power-factorcorrected (PFC) boost converter that exhibits voltage-doubler
characteristic when it operates with a duty cycle greater than 0.5
is introduced. The voltage-doubler characteristic of the proposed
converter makes it quite suitable for universal-line (90264
PFC applications. Because the proposed PFC boost rectifier operates as a voltage doubler at low line, its low-line range efficiency is
greatly improved compared to that of its conventional counterpart.
The performance of the proposed PFC rectifier was evaluated on
an experimental 1.3-kW universal-line PFC prototype.
O comply with various worldwide specifications governing the harmonic limits of the line current in off-line
power supplies, the front-end power-factor-corrected (PFC)
boost converter has been used almost exclusively in off-line
power supplies for computer and telecom applications. How) PFC applications, the
ever, in universal-line (90264
boost converter exhibits a significant degradation of performance over the line-voltage range, [1]. Specifically, the low-line
) operation of the boost rectifier is much less efficient
) operation. As a result, the power
than high-line (264
density of acdc power supplies for universal-line applications
is usually limited by a relatively low full-load efficiency at
low line since the size of thermal management components is
determined by the operating point with the highest power loss.
Generally, an improvement of the low-line efficiency of the
conventional PFC boost rectifier can be obtained by configuring
the rectifier to work as a voltage doubler at low line. Several
boost voltage-doubler topologies have been introduced in [2]
and [3]. However, the topologies described in [2] are not suitable for PFC applications in universal-input computer/telecom
power supplies since they require the PFC stage output voltage
to be at least twice that of the maximum line voltage, i.e., approximately 800 V. This increased voltage at the output of the
PFC front end puts undue burden on the cost and performance of
Manuscript received May 11, 2006; revised October 16, 2006. Recommended
by Associate Editor S. Y. Hui.
The authors are with the Power Electronics Laboratory, DELTA Products
Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA (e-mail: ytjang@deltartp.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2007.900502
the downstream dc/dc converters. The boost PFC voltage-doubler circuit introduced in [3] can work in the entire universal-line
range with an output voltage slightly higher than the maximum
line voltage, i.e., around 400 V. However, the circuit requires
a number of range-select switches to reconfigure the converter
to the voltage doubler at low line. Generally, the employment
of mechanical range-select switches is not allowed in server applications and electronic range-select switches are not desirable
because of their detrimental effect on efficiency, as well as possible reliability issues and increased cost.
In high-power applications, interleaving of two boost converters is very often employed to improve performance and reduce size of the PFC front end. Namely, because interleaving
effectively doubles the switching frequency and also partially
cancels the input and output ripples, the size of the energystorage inductors and differential-mode electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter in interleaved implementations can be reduced [4][10].
This paper presents a two-inductor, interleaved, boost PFC
converter with voltage-doubler characteristic that does not
require any range-select switches and that can regulate the
output voltage at around 400 V in the entire universal-range
line voltage. The proposed interleaved boost converter exhibits
an improved low-line efficiency compared to that of its conventional counterpart because of the reduction of both conduction
and switching losses. The conduction losses of the boost
switches are reduced because at low line the converter operates
in the voltage-doubler mode for almost the entire line period,
which reduces the rms currents of the switches since the duty
cycles of the switches in the proposed interleaved converter
are larger compared to the duty cycles of the two conventionally interleaved converters. The switching losses of the boost
switches and reverse-recovery-related losses of boost rectifiers
are also significantly reduced because in the voltage-doubler
mode the switching voltages are reduced. In addition, the proposed converter features natural self balancing of the currents
through the two interleaved channels so that no current sharing
circuit and associated current sensing components are required,
which reduces the component count and further enhances the
power density. However, the proposed interleaved converter
exhibits a slightly lower high-line efficiency compared to its
conventional counterpart due to slightly increased conduction
losses that are brought about by the operation of the converter
in the conventional, non-doubler, mode for the most part of the
line period. The reduced high-line efficiency has no effect on
the performance of the converter since the thermal design and
control signals. It should be noted that during this mode of operacross blocking capacitor
is equal to the
ation, voltage
because the average voltages
average voltage across diode
across inductors
are zero. By simple observations
in Figs. 3 and 5, voltage
from the voltage across diode
across blocking capacitor
can be easily derived. Namely,
during the period when switch is off, the voltage across diode
is zero because diode
conducts the current of boost inis off, the voltage
ductor . During the period when switch
is output voltage
because diode
conacross diode
and switch
is on. Fiducts the current of boost inductor
nally, the voltage across diode
is equal to capacitor voltage
during the period when both switches
are on. Beand
are identical as shown
cause the off time of switches
is one-half
in Fig. 5, the voltage across blocking capacitor
of the output voltage, i.e.,
The topological stages in a switching cycle are shown in
Fig. 4. During the time interval when both switches are on, i.e.,
in Fig. 5, inductor currents
during the time interval
are increasing at the same rate. The rate of change of
can be calculated from Fig. 4(a), which represents
the equivalent circuit diagram of the converter during the time
. According to Fig. 4(a)
If both inductances have the same value
, it
as illustrated in Fig. 5.
The output is decoupled from the input when both switches
are reverse biased. As a result,
are on and rectifiers
during this stage the load current is supplied from the filter ca.
, switch is turned off, inductor current
When at
is diverted from the switch to rectifier , as shown in Fig. 4(b),
and the energy stored in inductor
starts to discharge into
. During this stage, current
blocking capacitor
The rate of current decrease can be found from the equivalent
circuit shown in Fig. 4(b) as
D <1).
D <1).
, it follows:
During the topological stage shown in Fig. 4(b), current
charges blocking capacitor
When at
, switch
is turned on again and the circuit
enters the topological stage shown in Fig. 4(c), which is identical to the topological stage in Fig. 4(a). During this stage, both
switches are on and both inductor currents
at the same rate given by (2).
The converter enters the final topological stage shown in
when switch
is turned off and current
Fig. 4(d) at
is commutated from switch
into rectifier
. During
From (5), assuming
, it follows:
The rate of decrease of current
is equal to that of current
The circuit enters a new switching cycle at
when switch
is turned on again.
The voltage conversion ratio of the circuit can be calculated
from the voltsecond balance on the boost inductors. From
Fig. 5 and (2) and (4), the voltsecond balance equation for
both boost inductors
so that
As can be seen from (7) and (8), the proposed rectifier operates
as a boost converter with a voltage doubler when its duty cycle
is greater than 0.5. It should be noted that the duty cycle of
a universal line PFC boost rectifier is greater than 0.5 for the
most of line cycle when it operates from the minimum operating
voltage that is typically 85
Because the voltage step-up ratio of the proposed rectifier at
low line is twice as large as the step-up ratio of the conventional
interleaved PFC boost rectifier, the RMS switch current of the
proposed interleaved boost rectifier is smaller than that of the
conventional interleaved PFC boost rectifier. The ratio of the
RMS switch currents during a switching cycle is
, and
4. The switch conduction loss
4 is approximately 67% of
of the proposed rectifier at
the switch conduction loss of the conventional interleaved PFC
boost rectifier. Moreover, the blocking voltage of the switches
and diodes are only one-half of the output voltage. The turn-on
and turn-off losses of the switches and the reverse recovery
losses of the diodes in the proposed rectifier are much smaller
than those of the conventional interleaved PFC boost rectifier.
As a result, the proposed rectifier achieves the same advantages
of the conventional boost voltage doubler converter, such as low
conduction loss and smaller switching losses, at low line.
Fig. 6 shows the topological stages of the circuit in Fig. 3
during a switching cycle when the rectifier operates with a duty
cycle smaller than 0.5, whereas Fig. 7 shows its key waveforms.
By simple observations from the voltage across diode
across blocking capacitor
Figs. 3 and 7, voltage
be easily derived. In this mode of operation, the voltage across
is equal to output voltage
during the period when
is on, i.e.,
. The voltage across diode
is zero
during the period when switch
is off, i.e., (1-D)
. As a
across blocking capacitor
, which
result, voltage
, i.e.,
is equal to the average voltage across diode
During the time interval when both switches are off, i.e.,
in Fig. 7, inductor currents
during the time interval
are decreasing. The rate of change of
can be calculated from Fig. 6(a), which represents the equivalent circuit
. Acdiagram of the converter during the time interval
cording to Fig. 6(a)
D 0.5).
, it follows:
The rate of change of
According to Fig. 6(a)
From (10), assuming
When at
as indicated in Fig. 7. During this stage, current
continuously decreases with the slope given by (13).
, switch
is turned off again and the circuit
When at
enters the topological stage shown in Fig. 6(c), which is identical to the topological stage in Fig. 6(a). During this stage, both
switches are off and both inductor currents
at the rates given by (11) and (13), respectively.
The converter enters the final topological stage shown in
when switch
is turned on and current
Fig. 6(d) at
is commutated from diode
into switch . During this time
in Fig. 7, inductor currents
increasing. The rate of change of
can be calculated from
Fig. 6(d). According to Fig. 6(d)
From (16), assuming
, it follows:
D 0.5).
From (16), assuming
From (20) and (21), it should be noted that the minimum voltage
gain of the proposed rectifier is unity when the duty cycle is zero.
Because of this voltage gain characteristic, the proposed rectifier
can regulate its output voltage in the entire universal-line range
without using any range-select switches.
The voltage gain of the proposed rectifier is shown in Fig. 8.
Since the voltage gain is monotonically changed by the duty
cycle and is identical to those of the conventional boost converter at each minimum and maximum duty cycle, any commercially available PFC control IC can be employed for the
proposed rectifier. In fact, the proposed rectifier requires a PFC
control circuit and a gate drive circuit that are identical to those
of the conventional interleaved PFC rectifier. However, there is
an exception for the current sharing circuit. Because blocking
automatically balances the average currents of incapacitor
and , the proposed rectifier does not require an
active current sharing circuit that is required in the conventional
interleaved PFC boost rectifier.
= 1.2 kW and
= 1.2 kW and V =
Fig. 14. Measured waveforms of the proposed circuit when duty cycle is
smaller than 0.5. Time base: 2 s/div.
Fig. 13. Measured waveforms of the proposed circuit when duty cycle is
greater than 0.5. Time base: 2 s/div.
are close to output voltage
. The voltages across
are shown in Fig. 14(b).
It should be noted that at low line the proposed converter is
expected to show better common-mode EMI performance compared to that of the conventional interleaved converter because
as shown in Fig. 13 at low line all switches operate with lower
drain-to-source voltages.
A novel two-inductor, interleaved boost PFC converter that
exhibits voltage-doubler characteristic for duty cycles greater
than 0.5 has been introduced. The voltage-doubler characteristic of the proposed converter makes it quite suitable for uniPFC applications. The performance
versal-line (90264
of the proposed PFC rectifier was evaluated on an experimental
1.3-kW PFC prototype that was designed to operate from a universal-line input and deliver up to 3.25 A at a 400-V output.
The efficiency improvement at full load and low line is approximately 1.5%.
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