Novel Sngle Phase ZCS

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4, JULY 1999


A Novel Single-Phase ZCS-PWM High-Power-Factor Boost Rectier

Carlos Alberto Canesin, Member, IEEE, and Ivo Barbi, Senior Member, IEEE
frequency can be increased to reduce the size of magnetic and capacitive components. In this way, many different zero-voltage switching (ZVS) techniques have been analyzed in several papers [4][8]. However, the choice of the soft-switching technique is taking into account the technology of the semiconductor devices used as power switches. The ZVS and zero-voltage transition (ZVT) techniques are naturally recommended for metaloxidesemiconductor eld-effect transistors (MOSFETs). However, for high-power applications (above 1 kW) insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are preferred to power MOSFETs, which have much higher conduction losses than IGBTs. Furthermore, the turnoff losses are still a major part of the total switching losses in IGBTs, and zero-current switching (ZCS) or zero-current transition (ZCT) operation is the most effective for IGBTs [9], [10]. Nevertheless, the ZCS technique presents severe voltage rings across the active switches, and the boost diode has to sustain voltage twice the output voltage [10]. It should be noted that in the last years, a number of soft-commutation techniques were proposed to nd an optimum soft-switching PWM technique. However, a desirable technique featuring soft commutation of the power semiconductor devices at ZC and ZV simultaneously, using the fewest number of auxiliary components and without additional drawbacks (voltage/current stresses and cost), was not achieved at this time. It should be noticed that an experimental analysis for ve different dc-to-dc boost topologies, including a new ZCSPWM technique, was presented in [11]. In that paper, the converters were designed with the same input and output data, switching frequency, and operating at the same main switch. Those experimental results demonstrate that the new ZCS-PWM cell proposed presents less average total power dissipation in the devices in comparison with the tested techniques. Therefore, in order to improve the efciency and reduce heat sink size, this paper presents a new principle to achieve ZCS at constant frequency in a power factor correction rectier with average current control, using IGBTs, based on the ZCS-PWM cell presented in [11] and [12]. II. THE NOVEL TOPOLOGY AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION
Manuscript received October 17, 1997; revised September 21, 1998. Recommended by Associate Editor, J. Thottuvelil. C. A. Canesin is with the UNESP-FEIS-DEE, Paulista State University, 15385-000 Ilha Solteira (SP), Brazil. I. Barbi is with the UFSC-INEP, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-970 Florian polis (SC), Brazil. o Publisher Item Identier S 0885-8993(99)05552-0.

AbstractThis paper presents a novel single-phase high-powerfactor (HPF) pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) boost rectier featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero current (ZC). It incorporates the most desirable properties of conventional PWM and soft-switching resonant techniques. The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control and continuous inductor current mode. This new PWM converter provides ZC turn on and turn off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high-power applications employing insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400-Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efciency and the power factor were 96.2% and 0.99%, respectively, with an input current total harmonic distortion (THD) equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage with THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load. Index Terms AC/DC converter, active power-factor correction, soft-commutation technique.

I. INTRODUCTION N THE LAST few years there have been increasing demands for high power factor (HPF) and reduced harmonic distortion in the current drawn from the utility, especially when forthcoming harmonic standards, such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 1000-3-2, must be satised. Therefore, in these applications, ac/dc converters featuring almost unity power factor have been required. A variety of circuit topologies are available for powerfactor correction, and among the ones usually employed in single-phase power supplies are the boost derived topologies. The constant switching frequency average current control is the most recommended control technique to achieve highinput power factor [1]. On the other hand, soft-commutation techniques have been of great interest for power quality in switching power supply applications. However, with few exceptions, circulating reactive energy that causes large conduction losses, and frequency modulation are two well-known drawbacks [2], [3]. The overall system efciency and performance of the pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) converters have been improved by soft-commutation techniques, which limit switching losses. Therefore, with the switching losses removed, the switching

Fig. 1 shows the new single-phase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier. The commutation cell of this new boost rectier is formed by one switch Sp (main switch) and one Sa (auxiliary switch), two diodes D1 and D2, two small resonant inductors and , and one resonant capacitor [12].

08858993/99$10.00 1999 IEEE



Fig. 1. The novel single-phase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier.



Fig. 2. (a) Topological stages. (b) Main ideal waveforms for the simplied ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier during a generic switching period.

In order to explain the operation of this new converter and quantify its behavior, the following conditions are assumed: 1) all components are ideal; 2) the converter is operating in ; 3) the input steady state at a xed switching frequency is a sine wave and the output voltage is voltage constant; and 4) the switching frequency is much higher than and the input lter is large the ac line frequency during enough to be approximated by a current source , where a generic switching period Absolute value of the instantaneous input current

A. Stages of Operation for the Simplied ZCS-PWM HPF Boost Rectier Fig. 2(a) shows the nine topological stages of the commutation for the simplied ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier, and Fig. 2(b) shows the main ideal waveforms, during a generic switching period. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the main switch Sp starts conductand the auxiliary switch Sa at , both in ing at ZCS. Both switches turn off simultaneously during the time in ZC and ZV switching. It should be interval



noticed that the diodes D1 and D2 are also softly commutated under ZVS, and from Fig. 2, it can be seen that only during the switching intervals do the ZCTs take place, and the ZCT time interval is a small fraction of the switching period. The depends on the resonant parameters and it time interval is independent of the output power. STAGE 1: Fig. 2(a) : Prior to the turn on of Sp, the ows through D1, D2, and At the instant , current rises linearly Sp is gated on to start stage 1. In this stage, while and fall toward zero. from zero up to , during the commutation from Thanks to the presence of D1 and D2 to Sp, there are no switching losses. : In this stage, the current STAGE 2: Fig. 2(a) remains owing through and Sp. The remaining semiconductors are in the off state. STAGE 3: Fig. 2(a) : At the instant , Sa is turned evolves in a resonant way through on. The current and Sa. Sp remains conducting the current Once Sa is turned on with no again, due to the presence of at switching losses. This stage ends when STAGE 4: Fig. 2(a) : At the instant , D1 also and change in a resonant starts conducting. way. and are connected in parallel. Stage 4 ends at when STAGE 5: Fig. 2(a) : During this stage, the current changes its direction and ows through the antiparallel at diode of Sp. This stage ends when STAGE 6: Fig. 2(a) : During this stage, the current ows through the antiparallel diode of Sa. This stage when reaches zero. During nishes at the instant this time interval, Sp and Sa are turned off at ZC and ZV. STAGE 7: Fig. 2(a) : In stage 7, a resonant current ows through the antiparallel diode of Sp. This stage ends at when STAGE 8: Fig. 2(a) : In this stage, the input curows through D1 and Therefore, decreases rent linearly toward zero, which is reached at instant STAGE 9: Fig. 2(a) : In this stage, the current ows through D1, D2, and load. This stage ends at when Sp is gated on to start the next operation period. III. ANALYSIS

and (4) where (5) (6) where peak input current value; nominal output power; minimum value of efciency; minimum rms input voltage value. The time interval to turn off the switches Sp and Sa simultaneously is governed by (7). So, the time interval for the control of the auxiliary switch is dened by (8) (7) (8) Thus (9) where (10) (11) At last, it should be noticed that the maximum value of duty cycle is limited by the resonant time interval However, the resonant time interval is a small fraction of the switching period. Therefore, the input current cross-over distortion, and discontinuous-current mode (DCM) operation during this time can be practically eliminated through a correct design procedure. IV. DESIGN PROCEDURE


In order to perform the analysis and derive equations independent of particular parameter values, the following parameters and are dened as follows: (1) (2) In order to achieve soft commutation at ZCS for both active switches (Sp and Sa), for the described operation mode, the following inequalities should be satised: (3)


The design procedure and example of the new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier is described as follows. Step 1: Input and output data specications: 220 V (nominal rms input voltage); V, V, and W; 0.95 (minimum value of efciency); 20 kHz. Step 2: Peak input current : The peak input current value is given by (6). With the parameters shown in Step 1, we obtain



Fig. 3. Implemented circuit of the new single-phase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier.

Step 3: Calculation of the resonant parameters: In order to minimize the inuence of the resonant parameters and to satisfy the constraints for this operation mode [(3) and (4)], we selected and where (12) Therefore, with these parameters and (3), (5), and (12), we can obtain the resonant parameters. Thus H H nF

V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Fig. 4 shows the photograph of the test unit for the new single-phase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier. Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows the commutation of the main switch Sp near and near , respectively, at full load. Fig. 5(c) and (d) shows the commutation of the auxiliary switch Sa near and near , respectively, at full load. Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows the voltages and currents through diodes D1 and D2, also at full load. It can be seen that the results shown in Figs. 5 and 6 are in agreement with the theoretical analysis. Furthermore, the results shown in Figs. 5 and 6 demonstrate that ZCS is achieved at constant frequency for both active switches (Sp and Sa), and the diodes D1 and D2 are also softly commutated under ZVS. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that only during the switching is intervals do the ZCTs take place and the time interval a small fraction of the switching period. Fig. 6 demonstrates that recovery problems do not exist due to diodes D1 and D2. So, the switching energy losses for this new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier are practically zero. Therefore, with the switching losses removed, for better practical applications, the switching frequency can be increased to reduce the size of the resonant parameters and and the boost inductor maintaining continuouscurrent mode (CCM) operation. It should be noted that using the 600-V fourth generation of IGBTs (switching frequency 200 kHz in resonant mode, low collector-to-emitter sat-

Step 4: Time interval : The time interval for the control of the auxiliary switch is given by (9). Thus s Step 5: The boost input inductance and output lter : capacitance With the parameters shown in the above steps, the boost and the output lter capacitance inductance value to achieve an output ripple voltage less than value 2% are specied as follows: mH F

Fig. 3 shows the implemented circuit of the new singlephase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier. It should be noted that this converter was designed to high-line voltage operation 15%]. [



Fig. 4. Test unit of the new single-phase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier.





V (t) = 0 and (d) near V (t) = Vp

Fig. 5. Voltage across Sp and current through Lr1 : (a) near Vin (t) = 0 and (b) near Vin (t) = Vp . Voltage across Sa and current through at full load. Voltage: 100 V/div; current: 5 A/div; and time scale: 10 s=div: in in


: (c) near

uration voltage , and with antiparallel ultrafast soft recovery diode) as power switches, the problems of the recovery currents (voltage stresses on Sp and Sa, which are seen in Fig. 5) due to external antiparallel diodes of Sp and Sa used in this paper, will be eliminated. The blocking voltage stress on diode D1 is imposed by the interaction between the junction capacitance of diode (D1)

and its reverse recovery current, as shown in Fig. 6(a). This problem can be minimized using the new generation of 600-V ultrafast diodes with low-recovered stored charge (such as MURH860CT), improving EMI/RFI noise. In the conventional ZCS technique, the boost diode has to sustain voltage twice the output voltage (in this case, 800 V). However, in this new ZCS operation proposed, the maximum





Fig. 6. (a) Voltage and current through D1. (b) Voltage and current through D2 at full load. Voltage: 100 V/div; current: 5 A/div; and time scale: 10 s=div:






= 220 V AND


= 1600 W

value of the blocking voltage stress on diode D2 is determined and In this design example, it is near by parameters 600 V, as shown in Fig. 6(b). On the other hand, the voltage stress increases indirectly the conduction losses in several high-voltage ultrafast diodes, which present high forward voltages. So, for better performance in practical applications, we suggested the device BYP100-Siemens (1000 V, low forward V C and 55-ns ultrafast soft voltage recovery) as diode D2. The input voltage and input current for the prototype operating at 1600 W are presented in Fig. 7. This result demonstrates that the power factor is practically near unity (0.99) for full load, and the input current total harmonic distortion (THD) is equal to 3.94% for an input voltage with THD equal to 3.8%. The measured experimental losses are summarized in Table I for the new ZCS-PWM HPF boost and the conventional hard-switching PWM HPF boost rectiers, both nominal input voltage and 1.6-kW operating at 220-V nominal output power. For the conventional PWM boost rectier, it can be seen that the major power dissipation comes from the switching losses. It should be noted that for the new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier, the additional power losses involved in the auxiliary components are only about 12 W, which is less than 0.8% of the nominal output power.

Fig. 7. Input voltage and current (voltage: 100 V/div; current: 10 A/div; and time scale: 2 ms/div).

Fig. 8 shows the measured efciency of the new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier proposed as a function of the output power in comparison with the conventional hard-switching PWM HPF boost rectiers efciency at the same data specications. The measured efciency from the new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier is equal to 96.2%, and from the conventional



Therefore, this new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier combines the advantages of the PWM and ZCS techniques, improving the converter performance and maintaining high efciency. REFERENCES
[1] C. S. E. Silva, Power factor correction with the UC3854, Application Note U-125, Unitrode Corp., Apr. 1990, pp. 287296. [2] I. Barbi and S. A. O. da Silva, Sinusoidal line current rectication at unity power factor with boost quasiresonant converters, in Proc. IEEE APEC Rec., 1990, pp. 553562. [3] G. Hua and F. C. Lee, Soft-switching techniques in PWM converters, in Proc. IEEE IECON Rec., 1993, pp. 637643. [4] R. Streit and D. Tollik, High efciency telcom rectier using a novel soft-switched boost-based input current shaper, in Proc. INTELEC Rec., 1991, pp. 720726. [5] G. Hua, C. S. Leu, and F. C. Lee, Novel zero-voltage-transition PWM converters, in Proc. IEEE PESC Rec., 1992, pp. 5561. [6] J. Basset, New zero voltage switching, high frequency boost converter topology for power factor correction, in Proc. INTELEC Rec., 1995, pp. 813820. [7] C. M. C. Duarte and I. Barbi, A new family of ZVS-PWM activeclamping dc-to-dc boost converters: Analysis, design, and experimentation, in Proc. INTELEC Rec., 1996, pp. 305312. [8] M. M. Jovanovic, A technique for reducing rectier reverse-recoveryrelated losses in high-voltage, high-power boost converters, in Proc. IEEE APEC Rec., 1997, pp. 10001007. [9] G. C. Hua, E. X. Yang, Y. M. Jiang, and F. C. Lee, Novel zerocurrent-transition PWM converters, in Proc. IEEE PESC Rec., 1993, pp. 538544. [10] K. Wang, G. Hua, and F. C. Lee, Analysis, design, and experimental results of ZCS-PWM boost converters, in Proc. IEEJ IPEC Rec., 1995, pp. 11971202. [11] C. A. Canesin and I. Barbi, Comparison of experimental losses among six different topologies for a 1.6 kW boost converter, using IGBTs, in Proc. IEEE PESC Rec., 1995, pp. 12651271. , Novel zero-current-switching PWM converters, IEEE Trans. [12] Ind. Electron., vol. 44, pp. 372381, June 1997.

Fig. 8. Experimental efciency comparison of the new ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier and the conventional hard-switching PWM HPF boost rectier for nominal rms input voltage.

hard-switching PWM HPF boost rectier it is equal to 93.5% at rated load. Finally, the commutation energy for this ZCS-PWM cell proposed should be designed to attend the worst operation point (nominal load and low-rms input voltage), and it keeps (output voltage) is considconstant in this converter since ered regulated. So, the efciency for light load will not be high in this case. However, this drawback is present in almost all ZCS cells proposed in the literature, and the efciency at heavy load is usually more a concern than at light load. Therefore, the new ZCS-PWM technique signicantly improves the circuit efciency, providing a great reduction in the heat sinks size used.

VI. CONCLUSION This paper has presented a novel single-phase ZCS-PWM HPF boost rectier rated at 1600 W. Theoretical studies and experimental results for this new ZCS-PWM boost rectier allow us to draw the following conclusions. HPF is achieved through average current control for a wide load and wide input voltage range. The total harmonic distortion of the input current is very low and it is in agreement with IEC-555-2. Soft commutation (ZCS) is achieved for the active switches from nonload up to full load. The passive switches (D1 and D2) were also softly commutated (ZVS). The converter is regulated by the conventional PWM technique at constant frequency. Latching of IGBTs due to turn off never occurs. This relieves its reverse bias safe operating area (RBSOA) stresses. Low-conduction losses are veried in the devices in spite of an additional diode in series with the load. The converter is able to provide efciency above 96% for a wide load, thus providing a great reduction in the heat sinks size.

Carlos Alberto Canesin (S87M97) was born in Lavnia, S o Paulo, Brazil, in 1961. He received a the B.S. degree from Paulista State University, Ilha Solteira (SP), Brazil, in 1985 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florian polis (SC), Brazil, in 1990 and o 1996, respectively, all in electrical engineering. From June 1985 to early 1990, he was an Auxiliary Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, UNESP-FEIS, Paulista State University, and became an Assistant Professor in September 1990. He started the Power Electronics Laboratory (LEP) at the FEIS-DEE, Paulista State University, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His interests include soft-switching techniques, dc/dc converters, switching-power supply, and power-factor-correction techniques.

Ivo Barbi (M78SM90) was born in Gaspar, Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 1949. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florian polis o (SC), Brazil, in 1973 and 1976, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 1979. He founded the Brazilian Power Electronics Society and the Power Electronics Institute of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he is currently a Professor. Dr. Barbi has been an Associate Editor in the Power Converters Area of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS since 1992.

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