IT Operations - Information Backup

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Document No.


IT Operations

Information Backup

1. Approval and Authorisation

Completion of the following signature blocks signifies the review and approval of this Process
(signed copy held in safe)

Authored by:-

Job Title



Technical Support Officer

Approved by:<Name>
Authorised by:<Name>

Information Security
Director of Finance & IT

2. Change History



Draft 1.0

First draft for comments

Draft 1.1

Amendments to Appendix 3

Version 1.0

First Version

Version 1.1

Amendments to tape back up record sheet

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Information Backup



Approval and Authorisation..................................................................................1-1


Change History ......................................................................................................1-1


Contents .................................................................................................................1-2


Introduction ............................................................................................................1-3


Data Backup Statement.........................................................................................1-3

I nformation Back-up Process .....1-3
7.1 Overview ...1-3
7.2 Storage.1-4
7.3 Safety.. 1-4
7.4 Tape Change Procedure...1-4
7.5 Back-up Procedure1-5
7.6 Back-up checking and verification....1-5

Appendix 1 - Machines that are backed up each week-day evening 2-1

Appendix 2 - Ground rules for working in the computer room.... 3-1
Appendix 3 - Computer room keys and extinguishant system.. 4-1
Appendix 4 - Loading and unloading tapes for the different types of drives..5-1
Appendix 5 - Rota of back-up tapes....6.1
Appendix 6: Tape Change Log (TCL)..7.1
Appendix 7: ENERGY backup..8.1
Appendix 8A: To run the daily checks on the (Example) DEC Alpha.....9-1
Appendix 8B: Daily Tasks Check List & Results (Example) DEC Alpha.10-1
Appendix 9: Back-up procedure11-1
Appendix 10: Syncronise procedure12-1

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Information Backup

5. Introduction
To allow data essential to the business of the Trust to be restored or recovered as quickly as
possible in the event of data loss or corruption on one or more of its computer systems.
In order to achieve this there must be set procedures to cover:
a) the copying of data to a medium which can then be stored in a secure place (back-up).
b) the retrieval of data from copy made on the medium in a) above (restore).
c) the secure storage of media containing the data copies made in a) above.
d) the recording of details about the media and what data it stores to facilitate the easy and
correct identification of a particular item of storage media when it is necessary to retrieve data
from it, as in b) above.
e) testing the quality of the back-ups made in a) above both by log checking, verification
techniques and by test retrieval of data from an item of storage media.

6. Data Backup Statement

It is the policy of the NHS TRUST that all central systems will have daily backup regimes
formalised in the appropriate job run manual. Such backups will have a minimum of five
days cycle before media is overwritten.
All networked PCs will use the designated drives on the server. Under no circumstances
should data be stored on the local drives of PCs which are connected to the network.
Floppy disks etc. must never be used to store data, but only for transferring data."

7. Information Back-up Process



These procedures only cover the centralised computer systems and servers controlled
by, and operated for the Trust's behalf, by the IT Operations department. The machines
that fall with these criteria (ie needing to be backed-up by the IT Operations department)
listed in Appendix 1.
It should be noted that these servers are the ONLY computers that are backed up by the
IT Operations department. Generally, all data and information on computers should be
saved only on the Cxxxx system - whose data is backed-up using the procedures
outlined in this document. Data stored anywhere else (eg on a PC's hard disk) will NOT
be backed-up by these procedures. IN SUCH A CASE ANY DATA NOT STORED ON
THE CXXXX SERVERS (or other servers backed up in these procedures) WILL BE

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(Homeworkers who dial-in to Cxxxx can use the "Syncronise" procedure to copy files on
their Trust-owned home computers to Cxxxx. These files, once copied to Cxxxx, will be
backed up as part of the overnight back-ups described in this document. Instructions on
using the "Syncronise" facility can be found in Appendix 10 of this document.)
There are five sections to ensure that the Trust's information and data systems on
computer are backed-up safely and correctly.



The tapes are kept in a locked fire safe in the underground car park of <Site 1>. One set
is kept in an off-site archive for security purposes.
The tapes must be stored upright (ie standing on one of the narrow sides) and not lying
The computer room is in the basement, the last door on the left when leaving the building
via the doors to the underground car park.

7. 3 Safety

For safety reasons nobody is to enter the computer room on their own, therefore tape

changing must always be carried out by 2 members of staff from the IT Operations

Department. Please see Appendix 2 - Ground rules for working in the new computer

All rules for staff safety are to be observed while working in the computer room.


Tape Change Procedure

The tapes are changed every normal working day (ie weekdays except Bank Holidays).
1 The keys to the fire-safe & the computer room are kept in the key box by the Helpdesk
Administrators desk in the IT Operations room. These are collected and signed for by
one of the people who are changing the tapes.
2 The tapes for the day are collected from the fire-safe (in a box so that the tapes do not
run the risk of damage by dropping them).
The fire extinguishant & alarm system must be disabled, using the appropriate keys, on
the control box on the wall outside the computer room. The keys for doing this are held
by Reception and they must be signed in & out by one of the staff changing the tapes.
See Appendix for procedures on operating the control box.
4 The computer room is unlocked (both the metal & inner wooden doors) and
the IT Operations personnel can then enter the computer room and change the tapes.
5 The tapes are unloaded. See Appendix 4 on how to unload the tapes for each of the
different types of drives.
6 Once unloaded the tapes in the machines (from the previous working day) are, in turn,

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removed and the current days tape (see Appendix 5 for rota of tapes to use) for that
machine is inserted and loaded. See Appendix 4 for how to load the tapes for the
different types of drives.
7 When all the tapes have been changed the computer room is locked and the fire
extinguishant and alarm system is reset using the control box see Appendix 3. The
keys to the extinguishant & alarm systems and the outer, steel door must be returned to
8 On Mondays to Thursdays the previous working days tapes are placed back in the
fire-safe and locked up. On Fridays, the Thursday night back up tapes are sent to off-site
storage see Appendix 5 for this procedure.
9 The keys are returned to the box in the Helpdesk Administrators desk and signed off
by one of the two people who changed the tapes.
10 Details of the tapes used for that day are entered in the tape change log (TCL) see
Appendix 5.

7.5 Back-up Procedure

For the majority of the Trusts systems the backing up procedure occurs automatically
and out-of-normal working hours. This is in order that there is minimal disruption to the
service offered to users and to ensure the integrity of the data and information being
All systems are backed up fully to tape ie the back-ups are not differential every file is
backed up every night.
Systems on xxxx xxxxx xxxx servers: ie xxx-2, xxx-4, xxxx-1, xxxx-2, xxxx-3, xxx-3,
xxxx-2 and xxxx-12
These servers are backed-up automatically using Arcserve software. The process starts
around 11.0 pm every week-day night.


This servers back-up starts around 1.10 am each week-day morning using a job entry in

the servers cron.

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The back-up for the Energy system is initiated manually by the IT Operations department
at a time when the is not too busy doing other operations. This is generally at some time
during each working days afternoon.
The initiation procedure is described in Appendix 7.

7.6 Back-up checking and verification

xxx-2, xxx-4, xxxx-1, xxxx-2, xxxx-3, xxx-3, xxxx-2 and xxxx-12

Daily back-ups are checked by visual checking of the output logs by the

Network/Systems Supervisor.

Less frequently, verification that data is being correctly written to the back-up tapes is

made when a users files are restored to the systems.


A logging system is in place which can be used to look at detailed aspects of the

overnight back-up of both the National Database and the Unix system in general. This is

used to produce an exception report when various parameters, in the back-up, change.

This report is checked by the IT Operations Manager. Appendices HA & HB give details

of all checking and verification procedures for the xxx xxxxx when done manually and

indicate the types of check done when through the automatic system.

The back-up system for the DEC Alpha is at the Trusts <Site 2> site. From time to time

tests are made to ensure that a back-up on the <Site 1> xxxxxxxxx can be re-loaded onto

the <Site 2> xxx xxxxx server. See Appendix 9 for information about restores etc. (Note

the backup procedure in this document is no longer used, currency of all information

within Appendix 9 should be verified before use.)

Every day a visual check is made to make sure that the previous days back-up finished
OK. (Ie the session running the back-up has return to the Pick command prompt.)
Once a week a verification check is made to ensure that the back-up has written to the
tape correctly. The procedure for running the verify is given in Appendix 7 step 4.

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Information Backup

Appendix 1: Machines that are backed up

each week-day evening
The machines that currently need backing up to tape are as shown below in the Computer Room
diagram (as at 12th September, 2001 there are 10 machines):


Monitor 1


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Monitor 2

xxx xxxxx


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Appendix 2: Ground rules for working in the

computer room
These rules are not violatable by anyone except by the IT Operations Manager [or in his
absence] the Desktop Systems Development Manager) who can allow the procedures to be
violated. Any violation will be considered a severe disciplinary offence - these rules exist to
protect staff working in this area.
1. Only IT Operations or Systems department personnel can enter the room - all others must be
approved by the IT Operations Manager or the Desktop Systems Development Manager and
escorted by 2 IT Operations staff.
2. No-one is to enter the room alone only the IT Operations Manager or the Desktop Systems
Development Manager.
3. The fire suppression system must be disarmed when staff are in the room.
4. All tasks that can be done from remote consoles must be done from there.
5. Nobody will be forced to use this facility, however objections must be registered, in advance,
with the IT Operations Manager.
6. Cover rosters must include this information.
7. There MUST be TWO people capable of entering the computer room on duty between 9am
and 5pm.
8. Safety training will be given.
9. Any problems or concerns about the computer room should be reported to the IT Operations
Manager or the Desktop Systems Development Manager. Every concern will be investigated.

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Appendix 3: Computer Room Keys and

Extinguishant system
For information: The following documents give further information on the fire alarm &
extinguishant system should the need arise.
The current daily procedure is in Document 1.
Documents 2 & 3 are largely now obsolete and for information only.

Document 1 - Procedure for entering the Computer Room

1 Collect Computer Room key & safe key from the Helpdesk & sign them out.
2 Collect Outer Store & Fire Extinguishant keys from Reception and sign for them in the
Visitors Book.
3 Proceed to the Computer Room outer door.
4 Select the delta headed key and insert it in the Mode Select key hole on the front
panel of the Fire Extinguishant System panel (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

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5 Turn the key to the left so it points to Manual Only. A green light comes on. Remove
the key.
6 Use the appropriate keys to unlock the steel-faced outer door and the wooden inner
7 Change the tapes according to the relevant sections in this document.
8 Leave the computer room and lock the doors.
9 Insert the delta headed key in the Mode Select key hole on the front panel of the
Fire Extinguishant System panel. Turn key to Automatic & Manual. The orangey-yellow
light comes on (see Figure 1).
10 Return the Outer Store & Fire Extinguishant keys to Reception and sign them back-in
in the Visitors Book.
11 Return the Computer Room key & safe key to the Helpdesk & sign them in.

Should an emergency occur while staff are in the Computer Room

One of two safeguards are in place:
1 There is a panic button in the corner of the Computer Room adjacent to the DEC
Alpha. If an emergency arises while staff are in the Computer Room they should press
the panic button which will raise the alarm at the <Site 1> Reception desk who will
arrange the appropriate response.
2 If staff do not return the Outer Store & Fire Extinguishant keys within a short period of
collecting them the staff on Reception will arrange an appropriate response.

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Document 2:
This procedure is superseded by Document 1 above; this procedure is included for
further information that it may contain.




The Fire Suppression detection system is currently in a testing stage before hand over.
If the system should activate the siren within the Operations Room will sound and the
warning strobe light in Reception will activate.
The fire suppression gas will not be released, and the buildings main fire alarm will not
be activated.
If the suppression system activates one of the following personnel should be contacted
to re-set the system.
xxxxxxxxxx Facilities Manager Ext xxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx Assistant Facilities Manager Ext xxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx I.T. support xxxx

Insert key into left hand key switch.


Turn key anti-clockwise to ENABLE CONTROL.


Press silence alarm.


Enter the Facilities Store Room and Operations Room.


Check which detector(s) have activated and make a note. (detector will have
a small light illuminated).


Leave area and secure door


Press the button on the panel marked LAMP TEST & RESET


Turn key clockwise to NORMAL and remove key.

If the above procedure fails to silence the internal sounder Contact
xxxxxx PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. xxxxx-xxxxxx

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Document 3:
This procedure is superceded by Document 1 above; this procedure is included for
further information that it may contain.
If the alarm in the new computer room goes off
The only time someone will hear the alarm is if they pass the room. They will then alert
Reception who will alert IT to turn off alarm (if facilities management arent around).
The panel layout is:

1 Insert key & turn to Enable control

2 Press Silence Alarm.
3 Enter the Facilities Store Room and Operations Room.
4 Check which detector(s) have activated and make a note. (detector will have a small
light illuminated).
5 Leave area and secure door.
6 Press the button on the panel marked LAMP TEST & RESET
7 Turn key back to Normal.

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Appendix 4: Loading and unloading tapes for

the different types of drives
DLT: xxxx xxxxx xxxx machines: ie xxx-2, xxx-4, xxxx-1, xxxx-2,
xxxx-3, xxx-3 xxxx-2 AND xxxx-12

Figure 1.

1 Press the Tape unload button.

2 Wait until the green Unload tape light appears. ALL OTHER LIGHTS MUST BE OUT
BEFORE REMOVING TAPE (step 3 below).
3 Lift the tape release handle. The tape will move out slightly of the Tape aperture.
4 Take out the tape, place it in its box.
5 Put todays back up tape in the Tape aperture and push it Home.
6 Push the Tape release handle down to lock the tape in.
7 When Tape in use and the two yellow lights on the left hand side are lit the tape is
loaded correctly ready to start the back-ups.

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Other lights
1 The Write protect light shows if the tape is write protected (using a slider on the
spine of the tape). This means that the back-up will not work until the tape is un-writeprotected.
2 Use cleaning tape light indicates just that! A cleaning tape should be inserted in the
Tape aperture (as in steps 5& 6 above. The tape will go through a load process as it
runs the tape through the drive. It will then unload itself automatically. When the green
Unload tape light shows lift the Tape release handle and remove the cleaning tape.
Hopefully the Use cleaning tape light will have gone out and the normal back-up tape
can be placed into the Tape aperture as in steps 5 & 6 above.

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xxx xxxxx DLT

The DLT drive on the xxx xxxxx (which

holds the xxxxxx xxxxxxxx Database
and the xxxxx xxxxxx systems) is more
or less the same as the xxxx xxxxx
xxxxx (above) except it is mounted on
its side see Figure 2.

The xain operational difference

when changing tapes is that the
DLT tape is normally rewound when
the back-up has been completed.
This means that when the tape is
being changed the green Unload
tape light will already be lit. (If this
is not the case the IT Operations
Manager should be consulted
before proceeding.)
The steps to change the tape are:
1 Make sure that the green Unload tape
2 Lift the tape release handle and move it
from right to left (as opening a door). The
tape will move out slightly of the Tape
3 Take out the tape, place it in its box.
4 Put todays back up tape in the Tape
aperture and push it Home.
5 Push the Tape release handle to the
right (like closing a door) to lock the tape

6 When Tape in use and the two

yellow lights, on the bottom of the
drive, are lit the tape is loaded
correctly ready to start the backups.

Figure 2.

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The Energy system

This system uses a DAT tape drive (see Figure 3) which takes a 120m DAT tape.

Figure 3.

1 The Tape in drive indicator should be lit to show a tape is currently loaded.
2 Press the Tape release button the Activity indicator should light.
3 When the tape has rewound it is ejected at the Tape aperture. Both the
4 Remove the tape and place todays tape in the drive. Both the Activity indicator and
the Tape in drive indicator should now be out.
5 Gently push the tape in until the load mechanism is felt to engage (rather like a home
video tape machine). Both the Activity indicator and the Tape in drive indicator should
now be on.

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Appendix 5: Rota of back-up tapes

There are nine sets of tapes used in to back-up the Trusts various production systems
at <Site 1>, <Site 1>.
Currently (24th September, 2001) there are 10 tapes allocated for each day (Monday to
Wednesday and Friday). These are rotated on a weekly basis each set being
overwritten once a week on its allotted day.
There are four full sets of tapes for Thursdays each set being rotated on a four-weekly
cycle so that every fourth week it is overwritten. Thus a set of Thursday tapes is
overwritten every four weeks.
A tenth set of tapes is designated Special and is used to do back-ups in special
circumstances for instance, in periods where there are multiple bank holidays and no
staff are changing the tapes. (All DLT-tape using machines except the xxxxxx leave their
tapes loaded allowing the next back-ups to overwrite the ones already on them. The xxx
xxxxx unloads the tape so overwriting the tape on consecutive nights does not take
place.) The xxxxxx tape is not knowingly overwritten as its back-up process is manually
initiated when the tape is changed. However, for completeness, both the xxxxxx system
and the xxxxxxxxx are included in the Special set of tapes.
The tables below show the tapes changed for each day:
















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Off-site storage
Once a week a set of tapes is sent off-site in case a situation arises in which the
systems and their back-up tapes kept at <Site 1> are damaged, destroyed or otherwise
put beyond use.
The set of tapes that is sent off-site is the latest Thursday night set. They are collected
each Friday morning around 11am, when the previous weeks Thursday set of back-ups
are returned.
The member of staff who hands the tapes over and receives the set returning
must be a recognised signatory for the process. He or she must sign the form and
return it to the Helpdesk having written the number of the set sent off-site on it.
The returning set of tapes must be placed in the fire-safe with the other sets.
The company who provides off-site storage for the Trust is:






phone: xxxx xxx xxxx.

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Appendix 6: Tape Change Log (TCL)

As sample of the form is attached to, and is part of, this Appendix.

How to fill in the Tape Change Log (TCL).

1 On a day when all tapes put in for that nights back-up are the normal tapes just tick
the Full Set column for that day (this will be the usual occurrence).
2 On a day when a different tape to the normal tape is used in a machine tick the New
tape? column for that day (leaving the Full set column empty). In the column for the
tape concerned record the tapes name as on the label so that it can identified at a
later date if necessary). Tick each column for the tapes where normal tapes are used.
3 Thursday tapes are sent off-site on the Friday morning. In the Set number record the
number of the Thursday set used. In Comments & Notes tick Sent when sent to
Recall & (a week later) tick Back when that tape set is returned. The collector from
Recall must either sign one of their blue forms OR fill in the relevant part of TCL6 with
name, signature, date and details of cases sent and returned.
4 If the Special set is used, record this in the Comments & Notes column.
5 The entry for a day should be completed by one of the IT Operations staff who did the
change. They should record their initials in the Comments & Notes column.
6 Record the Monday date for each week in the Week commencing box at the top of
the form.
7 Record if air conditioning units are working (tick for OK X for not OK.)
8 Record any back-ups not run in Comments & Notes.
9 Any other relevant information should be recorded in the General Comments & Notes
10 If cleaning of the Computer Room & Video conference room take s place during a
particular week (usually the week with the 1st of the month in) the the relevant boxes
should be ticked.
11 The log forms should be kept for 1 year. A disposal session should be held at least
every 3 months to dispose of sheets over 1 year old.

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Appendix 6: Tape Change Log (TCL)

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Appendix 7: xxxxxx backup

(Note: To start MVTerm, if not running, click on the MVTerm icon;
from Session go to to mvBASE Server energy 1 inc 0
The above note may not be complete!)
To start backup
Use screen opposite door.
Click on mouse to wake up monitor.
If red Select light is not on 7 then use + or - to move red Select light to the Select light by 7.
This is the Energy machine.
On the terminal (in mvBASE Virtual Terminal):
1 Put the CAPS LOCK on.
2 At logon type:
SYSPROG [Return]
3 At prompt type the following commands:
T-SELECT 04 [Return]
T-ONLINE [Return]
T-ATT [Return]
FILE-SAVE [Return]
4 At prompts:
STATS REQUIRED? type N [Return]
LISTING ? type N [Return]
VERIFICATION ? On Monday to Thursdays type N [Return]
After 40 minutes (approx.) type Y
at prompt.
5 The backup is completed when the system logs off and requests the user to log on.
This is about 1 hour after it is started.
The tape for the next day can then be changed.

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Appendix 8A: To run the daily checks on the

xxx xxxxx
Check backup mail messages, type:
>su [Return]
>mail [Return]
Output is as shown (& highlighted) in Appendix 8A(3).

There is a script file in usr/users/pireland called start_checks.txt.

To run it, at prompt, type:
nhs_supplies > start_checks.txt [Return]
This will provide the following output (this has been annotated to show where it matches the
check form):

nhs_supplies > start_checks.txt

---------------usr_domain#usr 0 Fri Aug 13 01:38:46 1999

xxxxx_domain#xxxxx 0 Fri Aug 13 01:51:18 1999

root_domain#root 0 Fri Aug 13 02:35:53 1999

indexes_domain#indexes 0 Fri Aug 13 02:08:49 1999

xxxx_domain#datafiles 0 Fri Aug 13 01:15:03 1999

xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxx2 0 Fri Aug 13 02:13:53 1999

xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxx3 0 Fri Aug 13 02:24:29 1999

xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxx4 0 Fri Aug 13 02:36:28 1999

xxxxxxxx#xxxxxxxx 0 Fri Aug 13 01:29:06 1999

xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxx6 0 Fri Aug 13 02:47:51 1999

bfd_domain#bfd 0 Fri Aug 13 02:55:30 1999

xxxx_domain#SUN2 0 Fri Aug 13 03:37:07 1999

Dbshut log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log)

----------------------------------------------rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx7 dba
500 Aug 13 01:11 /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbg

No SQL*DBA or svrmgrl found in /u01/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4

Database "ACCM" shut down.

Xxxxx Server Manager Release - Production

Copyright (c) Xxxxx Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.

Xxxxx7 Server Release with the 64-bit option - Production

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With the distributed option

PL/SQL Release - Production

SVRMGR> Connected.

SVRMGR> Database closed.

Database dismounted.

XXXXX instance shut down.


Server Manager complete.

Database "stock" shut down.

Dbstart log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log)

-----------rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx7 dba

728 Aug 13 07:00 /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbg

Can't find init file for Database "ACCM".

Database "ACCM" NOT started.

Xxxxx Server Manager Release - Production

Copyright (c) Xxxxx Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.

Xxxxx7 Server Release with the 64-bit option - Production

With the distributed option

PL/SQL Release - Production

SVRMGR> Connected to an idle instance.

SVRMGR> XXXXX instance started.

Total System Global Area 188432192 bytes

Fixed Size
50832 bytes

Variable Size
57145520 bytes

Database Buffers
131072000 bytes

Redo Buffers
163840 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.


Server Manager complete.

Database "stock" warm started.

Xxxxx database alert

----------------------cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log
= /u01/oradata/stock/ctrl1stock.ctl, /u01/oradata/stl
= 163840
log_checkpoint_interval = 20481
= 99

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= r01, r02, r03, r04

sequence_cache_entries = 100

sequence_cache_hash_buckets= 89

= 35

remote_login_passwordfile= NONE

= stock





= 4194304

sort_area_retained_size = 4194304


= stock

= 255

= /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs/configstock.ora


session_cached_cursors = 150


= *, /tmp, /u01/home/xxxxx7/acceptance/tmp


background_core_dump = PARTIAL

background_dump_dest = /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

= /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

= /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs

PMON started

DBWR started

LGWR started

CKPT started

RECO started

Thu Aug 12 07:00:09 1999

alter database mount exclusive

Thu Aug 12 07:00:10 1999

Successful mount of redo thread 1.

Thu Aug 12 07:00:10 1999

Completed: alter database mount exclusive

Thu Aug 12 07:00:10 1999

alter database open

Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads

Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 3 Seq 32411 <Site 1> mem 0

Mem# 0 errs 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log3stock.dbf

Thu Aug 12 07:00:39 1999

Crash recovery completed successfully

Thu Aug 12 07:00:40 1999

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 32412

Current log# 4 seq# 32412 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log4stock.dbf

Thread 1 opened at log sequence 32412
Current log# 4 seq# 32412 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log4stock.dbf
Successful open of redo thread 1.

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Thu Aug 12 07:00:45 1999

SMON: enabling cache recovery

Thu Aug 12 07:00:48 1999

Completed: alter database open

Thu Aug 12 07:00:48 1999

SMON: enabling tx recovery

Thu Aug 12 13:56:07 1999

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 32413

Current log# 1 seq# 32413 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log1stock.dbf

Thu Aug 12 15:44:04 1999

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 32414

Current log# 2 seq# 32414 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log2stock.dbf

Thu Aug 12 16:48:59 1999

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 32415

Current log# 3 seq# 32415 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log3stock.dbf

Fri Aug 13 01:11:04 1999

Shutting down instance (normal)

License high water mark = 50

Fri Aug 13 01:11:08 1999


Fri Aug 13 01:11:14 1999

SMON: disabling tx recovery

SMON: disabling cache recovery

Fri Aug 13 01:11:31 1999

Thread 1 closed at log sequence 32415

Current log# 3 seq# 32415 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log3stock.dbf

Fri Aug 13 01:11:33 1999


Fri Aug 13 01:11:33 1999



Fri Aug 13 07:00:06 1999

Starting XXXXX instance (normal)




Starting up XXXXX RDBMS Version:

System parameters with non-default values:

= 200

= 10262 trace name context forever, level 2500

= 36000000

= /u01/oradata/stock/ctrl1stock.ctl, /u01/oradata/stl


= 163840

log_checkpoint_interval = 20481

= 99


= r01, r02, r03, r04

sequence_cache_entries = 100

sequence_cache_hash_buckets= 89

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= 35

remote_login_passwordfile= NONE

= stock





= 4194304

sort_area_retained_size = 4194304


= stock

= 255

= /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs/configstock.ora


session_cached_cursors = 150


= *, /tmp, /u01/home/xxxxx7/acceptance/tmp


background_core_dump = PARTIAL

background_dump_dest = /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

= /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

= /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs

PMON started

DBWR started

LGWR started

CKPT started

RECO started

Fri Aug 13 07:00:10 1999

alter database mount exclusive

Fri Aug 13 07:00:10 1999

Successful mount of redo thread 1.

Fri Aug 13 07:00:10 1999

Completed: alter database mount exclusive

Fri Aug 13 07:00:10 1999

alter database open

Fri Aug 13 07:00:19 1999

Thread 1 opened at log sequence 32415

Current log# 3 seq# 32415 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/stock/log3stock.dbf

Successful open of redo thread 1.

Fri Aug 13 07:00:19 1999

SMON: enabling cache recovery

Fri Aug 13 07:00:22 1999

Completed: alter database open

Fri Aug 13 07:00:22 1999

SMON: enabling tx recovery

Disk storage


Exemplar_Information Backup V1.1.rtf

Used Available Capacity Mounted on

63736 49% /


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Information Backup

0 100% /proc
59520 94% /usr
255600 11% /tmp
2055240 1771396
255600 88% /u01
212976 77% /indexes
2055240 1367228
673464 67% /datafiles
2095016 1155863
925864 56% /datafilese
xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxxxx 1684824 1433752
245600 86% /xxxxx2
xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxxxx 2055240 1483292
562048 73% /xxxxx3
xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxxxx 2055240 1894544
154792 93% /xxxxx4
xxxxxxx_domain#xxxxxxx 2055240 1509720
538296 74% /xxxxx6
6000000 2012736 3974912 34% /SUNACCTS
11782536 6458618 5287040 55% /bfd
Core/Null files
------------------LIVE FORMS - /bfd/production
----------------------------rw------- 1 jedwards users 3170304 Aug 12 13:08 core
-rw-r--r-- 1 rhodson system
0 Jul 28 16:29 null
LIVE REPORTS - /bfd/production/reports
-------------------------------------core not found
null not found
TEST FORMS - /bfd/test/forms
---------------------------core not found
null not found
TEST REPORTS - /bfd/test/reports
--------------------------------core not found
null not found
cd cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs
------------------------------------core not found
null not found
core directories
---------------total 101

-rw-r----- 1 root dba

-rw-r----- 1 root dba
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx7 dba
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dba
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx7 dba

Exemplar_Information Backup V1.1.rtf

819 Mar 27 15:28 configaccm.ora

930 Mar 27 15:28 configstock.ora

7530 Nov 17 1997 init.ora

4669 Mar 27 15:30 initACCM.ora

5460 Mar 30 09:28 initstock.bk


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1 xxxxx7 dba
1 xxxxx7 dba
1 xxxxx7 dba
1 xxxxx7 dba
1 xxxxx7 dba
1 xxxxx7 dba

5504 Jul 29 12:52 initstock.ora

0 Mar 28 08:57 lkACCM

0 Mar 27 17:24 lkSTOCK

784 Mar 28 10:46 sgadefACCM.dbf

784 Aug 13 07:00 sgadefstock.dbf

73535 Nov 17 1997 sql.bsq

Trace files

--------------cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

-rw-r----- 1 xxxxx7 dba

5319 Aug 12 06:58 ora_3890.trc

remember to do these commands under account su

as these cannot be run from the script

------------------------------------------------tail -40 /usr/var/adm/messages

/usr/users/pireland/dba: No such file or directory

nhs_supplies >

(To check whether d/b shutdown for copy [& re-started OK!] check that alert_stock.log

(above) has highlighted items present.)

To run unix messages (see last 5 lines above)

nhs_supplies > su


>tail -40 /usr/var/adm/messages [Return]

Enterprise Manager checks for tablespaces & performance

To check tablespaces & Performance Manager overview:

Logon to NT.

Start up Enterprise Manager. At password prompt type:

enterprise [TAB]



For Tablespace Manager:

From Main Screen select Tools from menu bar.

Select Tablespace Manager from popup.

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IT Operations

Information Backup

At password prompt type:

enterprise [TAB]
At main tree select tablespaces & note % free space.
Leave tablespace manager.
For Performance Manager Overview:
From Main Screen select Tools from menu bar.
Select Performance Manager from popup.
At password prompt type:
enterprise [TAB]
Select Display Overview and note items on form.
Exit Performance Manager & Enterprise Manager.

8A(1) Text of start_checks.txt the

daily checks routine
nhs_supplies > view start_checks.txt

"start_checks.txt" [Read only] 76 lines, 1823 characters

echo "vdumpdates"

echo "----------------"

cat /etc/vdumpdates


echo "Dbshut log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log)"

echo "----------------------------------------------"

ls -la /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log

cat /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log



echo "Dbstart log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log)"

echo "-----------"

ls -la /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log

cat /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log


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echo "xxxxxx database alert"

echo "-----------------------"

cd /bfd/app/xxxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

echo "cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log"

tail -150 alert_stock.log


echo "Disk storage"

echo "---------------"

df -kx


echo "Core/Null files"

echo "-------------------"


echo "LIVE FORMS - /bfd/production"

echo "----------------------------"

cd /bfd/production

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "LIVE REPORTS - /bfd/production/reports"

echo "--------------------------------------"

cd /bfd/production/reports

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "TEST FORMS - /bfd/test/forms"

echo "----------------------------"

cd /bfd/test/forms

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "TEST REPORTS - /bfd/test/reports"

echo "---------------------------------"

cd /bfd/test/reports

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "vdumpdates"

echo "----------------"

cat /etc/vdumpdates


echo "Dbshut log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log)"

echo "----------------------------------------------"

ls -la /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log

cat /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log



echo "Dbstart log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log)"

echo "-----------"

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ls -la /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log

cat /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log



echo "xxxxxx database alert"

echo "-----------------------"

cd /bfd/app/xxxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

echo "cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log"

tail -150 alert_stock.log


echo "Disk storage"


nhs_supplies > tail -200 start_checks.txt

echo "vdumpdates"

echo "----------------"

cat /etc/vdumpdates


echo "Dbshut log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log)"

echo "----------------------------------------------"

ls -la /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log

cat /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log



echo "Dbstart log (/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log)"

echo "-----------"

ls -la /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log

cat /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbstart.log



echo "Xxxxx database alert"

echo "-----------------------"

cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

echo "cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log"

tail -150 alert_stock.log


echo "Disk storage"

echo "---------------"

df -k


echo "Core/Null files"

echo "-------------------"


echo "LIVE FORMS - /bfd/production"

echo "----------------------------"

cd /bfd/production

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "LIVE REPORTS - /bfd/production/reports"

echo "--------------------------------------"

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cd /bfd/production/reports

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "TEST FORMS - /bfd/test/forms"

echo "----------------------------"

cd /bfd/test/forms

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "TEST REPORTS - /bfd/test/reports"

echo "---------------------------------"

cd /bfd/test/reports

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "cd cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs"

echo "-------------------------------------"

cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/dbs

ls -l core

ls -l null


echo "core directories"

echo "----------------"

ls -lR


echo "Trace files"

echo "---------------"

echo "cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log"

cd /bfd/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.4/rdbms/log

ls -lrt *.trc




echo "remember to do these commands under account su"

echo "as these cannot be run from the script"

echo "-------------------------------------------------"

echo "tail -40 /usr/var/adm/messages"

cd $HOME/dba

nhs_supplies >

8A(2) See also attached original list of checks for reference:

Everyday Tasks
Backup Procedure Checks
1 Logon as <user name>

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2 At prompt type:
> su [R]
>mail [R]
to read messages.
Count tape rewind messages (there should be four).
Check that each file domain has reached 100% backup.)
Backup is OK if messages are of type:
vdump: Dumped etc
all the way down.

To quit mail:
at ? prompt
# exit [R] (to leave superuser)
[Saturdays & Sundays there are 2 back-ups, one Saturday am & one Sunday am. To get to

mail about these press [RETURN] at ? prompt (in mail) to see previous messages. First

message is rm:/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/dbshut.log: No such file or directory. (This is OK.)

3rd message (between 2 back_up mail messages is:

find:bad_status -- /tmp/croutVEFaaaqEa is OK too!]

> cat /etc/vdumpdates[R]

3 Check Xxxxx d/b alert (check more than once a day)
> cd $XXXXX_HOME/../7.3.2/rdbms/log [R]

(maps to /u01/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.2/rdbms/log)

> tail -150 alert_stock.log [R]

[On Mondays use:

> tail -650 alert_stock.log[R]

to get back to Friday start (the value -650 may need to be changed if
cant be reached).]
Look for error or alert messages (eg ORA-1652)

Check for abnormal messages which we can do anything about.

4 Disk Storage

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Friday start

Document No.

IT Operations

Information Backup

Command: df -k
Under <user name> user type
> df -k
Lists unix filesystems on system & their sizes in megabyte blocks.
The two of interest are: /tmp (sorting data area etc) and /u01. u01 should be between 85% &
93% (if 100% then /tmp is likely to be 100% too - check too see if there are core dump files
and remove if any. Also check for null files and remove if large).
Core & null files are in:
>cd $ACCEPT (to /u01/home/xxxxx7/acceptance)
>ls -l core [R]
>ls -l null [R]

>cd $FORMS
>ls -l core[R]
>ls -l null [R]
>ls -l core[R]
>ls -l null [R]
>cd $XXXXX_HOME/../7.3.2/dbs
(to /u01/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.2/dbs)
>ls -l core [R]
>ls -l null [R]
[To remove core & null files (if found above):
>rm core[R]
>rm null[R]
> ls -lR[R]

(ie list core sub-directories too)

If core files are shown then:

>cd coreX (where X = no. of directories)
>rm <core file name>

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To remove core directories

>su [R] (to be superuser)
# rmdir core_* [R]

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Information Backup

Check _trace files

These are in /u01/app/xxxxx/product/../7.3.2/rdbms/log
> cd $XXXXX_HOME/7.3.2/rdbms/log [R]
(maps to /u01/app/xxxxx/product/7.3.2/rdbms/log)
> ls -lrt *.trc (gives list of trace files)
(To remove trace files:
#rm *.trc[R]


5 Check Unix System Messages file

>su [R]
# tail -40 /usr/var/adm/messages[R]
Check these a few times a day.
6 To use Enterprise Manager
To check tablespaces & Performance Manager overview:
Logon to NT.
Start up Enterprise Manager. At password prompt type:
enterprise [TAB]
For Tablespace Manager:
From Main Screen select Tools from menu bar.
Select Tablespace Manager from popup.
At password prompt type:

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Information Backup

enterprise [TAB]
At main tree select tablespaces & note % free space.
Leave tablespace manager.
For Performance Manager Overview:
From Main Screen select Tools from menu bar.
Select Performance Manager from popup.
At password prompt type:
enterprise [TAB]
Select Display Overview and note items on form.
Exit Performance Manager & Enterprise Manager.
8A(3) Backup mail messages example

From root Sat Aug 14 03:44:42 1999

Received: by id AA25902; Sat, 14 Aug 1999 03:44:41 +00

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 03:44:41 +0100

From: system PRIVILEGED account <root>

Message-Id: <>

Apparently-To: root

path : /datafiles

dev/fset : data_domain#datafiles

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x2ffbd2f0.00078180.2

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1399927296 bytes, 8 directories, 19 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:21:02 1999

vdump: Dumped 629190656 of 1399927296 bytes; 44.9% completed

vdump: Dumped 2 of 8 directories; 25.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 4 of 19 files; 21.1% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:26:39 1999

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vdump: Dumped 1295060820 of 1399927296 bytes; 92.5% completed

vdump: Dumped 7 of 8 directories; 87.5% completed

vdump: Dumped 15 of 19 files; 78.9% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:27:42 1999

vdump: Dumped 1399927296 of 1399927296 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 8 of 8 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 19 of 19 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 01:27:42 1999

path : /datafiles/britcave

dev/fset : xxxxxxxxxxxxx#xxxxxxxxxxxxx

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x33d39f49.000e1a70.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1163607867 bytes, 1784 directories, 6905 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:34:11 1999

vdump: Dumped 497299754 of 1163607867 bytes; 42.7% completed

vdump: Dumped 1704 of 1784 directories; 95.5% completed

vdump: Dumped 2083 of 6905 files; 30.2% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:38:55 1999

vdump: Dumped 1163607867 of 1163607867 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 1784 of 1784 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 6905 of 6905 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 01:38:55 1999

path : /usr

dev/fset : usr_domain#usr

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x2fa4f089.00085700.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 840861328 bytes, 1887 directories, 34362 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:45:38 1999

vdump: Dumped 477138138 of 840861328 bytes; 56.7% completed

vdump: Dumped 518 of 1887 directories; 27.5% completed

vdump: Dumped 10671 of 34362 files; 31.1% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:50:38 1999

vdump: Dumped 803268602 of 840861328 bytes; 95.5% completed

vdump: Dumped 1423 of 1887 directories; 75.4% completed

vdump: Dumped 31181 of 34362 files; 90.7% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:51:20 1999

vdump: Dumped 840861679 of 840861328 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 1887 of 1887 directories; 100.0% completed

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vdump: Dumped 34362 of 34362 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 01:51:20 1999

path : /u01

dev/fset : xxxxx_domain#xxxxx

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x2fb74077.000423e0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1976773597 bytes, 611 directories, 11991 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 01:57:04 1999

vdump: Dumped 777633946 of 1976773597 bytes; 39.3% completed

vdump: Dumped 323 of 611 directories; 52.9% completed

vdump: Dumped 3637 of 11991 files; 30.3% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:02:08 1999

vdump: Dumped 1419824738 of 1976773597 bytes; 71.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 531 of 611 directories; 86.9% completed

vdump: Dumped 7056 of 11991 files; 58.8% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:07:52 1999

vdump: Dumped 1903700511 of 1976773597 bytes; 96.3% completed

vdump: Dumped 593 of 611 directories; 97.1% completed

vdump: Dumped 11423 of 11991 files; 95.3% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:08:45 1999

vdump: Dumped 1976773597 of 1976773597 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 611 of 611 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 11991 of 11991 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:08:45 1999

path : /indexes

dev/fset : indexes_domain#indexes

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x2ffa70d1.000215c0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 692090880 bytes, 4 directories, 9 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:13:42 1999

vdump: Dumped 692090880 of 692090880 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 4 of 4 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 9 of 9 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:13:42 1999

path : /xxxxx2

dev/fset : xxxxx2_domain#xxxxx2

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x31d79440.00006ac0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

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vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1468055552 bytes, 6 directories, 14 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:18:50 1999

vdump: Dumped 1048614912 of 1468055552 bytes; 71.4% completed

vdump: Dumped 5 of 6 directories; 83.3% completed

vdump: Dumped 9 of 14 files; 64.3% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:20:47 1999

vdump: Dumped 1468055552 of 1468055552 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 6 of 6 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 14 of 14 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:20:47 1999

path : /xxxxx3

dev/fset : xxxxx3_domain#xxxxx3

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x33d39ba4.00033b50.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1513143534 bytes, 43 directories, 6251 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:26:02 1999

vdump: Dumped 859887616 of 1513143534 bytes; 56.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 2 of 43 directories; 4.7% completed

vdump: Dumped 9 of 6251 files; 0.1% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:30:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 1513143534 of 1513143534 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 43 of 43 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 6251 of 6251 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:30:26 1999

path : /

dev/fset : root_domain#root

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x36fb8e4a.000e8cd0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 62674389 bytes, 153 directories, 3102 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:31:01 1999

vdump: Dumped 62674389 of 62674389 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 153 of 153 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 3102 of 3102 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:31:01 1999

path : /xxxxx4

dev/fset : xxxxx4_domain#xxxxx4

type : advfs

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advfs id : 0x351cff66.0000e4c0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1939929088 bytes, 2 directories, 17 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:36:30 1999

vdump: Dumped 943761408 of 1939929088 bytes; 48.6% completed

vdump: Dumped 2 of 2 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 7 of 17 files; 41.2% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:41:48 1999

vdump: Dumped 1835069440 of 1939929088 bytes; 94.6% completed

vdump: Dumped 2 of 2 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 16 of 17 files; 94.1% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:42:23 1999

vdump: Dumped 1939929088 of 1939929088 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 2 of 2 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 17 of 17 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:42:23 1999

path : /xxxxx6

dev/fset : xxxxx6_domain#xxxxx6

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x348eb8c5.000d1360.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 1543032864 bytes, 125 directories, 2304 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:48:48 1999

vdump: Dumped 1302813715 of 1543032864 bytes; 84.4% completed

vdump: Dumped 21 of 125 directories; 16.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 1009 of 2304 files; 43.8% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:50:03 1999

vdump: Dumped 1543032864 of 1543032864 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 125 of 125 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 2304 of 2304 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 02:50:03 1999

path : /bfd

dev/fset : bfd_domain#bfd

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x36babf74.000a92e0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

vdump: Dumping 7120719786 bytes, 1154 directories, 51833 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 02:56:24 1999

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vdump: Dumped 1057271078 of 7120719786 bytes; 14.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 268 of 1154 directories; 23.2% completed

vdump: Dumped 23878 of 51833 files; 46.1% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:01:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 1765155101 of 7120719786 bytes; 24.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 674 of 1154 directories; 58.4% completed

vdump: Dumped 30183 of 51833 files; 58.2% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:06:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 2730139128 of 7120719786 bytes; 38.3% completed

vdump: Dumped 982 of 1154 directories; 85.1% completed

vdump: Dumped 34729 of 51833 files; 67.0% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:11:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 3545451543 of 7120719786 bytes; 49.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 1022 of 1154 directories; 88.6% completed

vdump: Dumped 36765 of 51833 files; 70.9% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:16:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 4596471904 of 7120719786 bytes; 64.6% completed

vdump: Dumped 1029 of 1154 directories; 89.2% completed

vdump: Dumped 38035 of 51833 files; 73.4% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:21:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 5578760531 of 7120719786 bytes; 78.3% completed

vdump: Dumped 1081 of 1154 directories; 93.7% completed

vdump: Dumped 40425 of 51833 files; 78.0% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:26:26 1999

vdump: Dumped 6277690674 of 7120719786 bytes; 88.2% completed

vdump: Dumped 1098 of 1154 directories; 95.1% completed

vdump: Dumped 46155 of 51833 files; 89.0% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:31:27 1999

vdump: Dumped 7104773230 of 7120719786 bytes; 99.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 1151 of 1154 directories; 99.7% completed

vdump: Dumped 51750 of 51833 files; 99.8% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:31:32 1999

vdump: Dumped 7120719786 of 7120719786 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 1154 of 1154 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 51833 of 51833 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 03:31:32 1999

path : /xxxxxxxx

dev/fset : xxxx_domain#SUN2

type : advfs

advfs id : 0x36babf6b.000053e0.1

vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch

vdump: Dumping directories

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vdump: Dumping 2052768908 bytes, 524 directories, 6485 files

vdump: Dumping regular files

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:36:48 1999

vdump: Dumped 953874259 of 2052768908 bytes; 46.5% completed

vdump: Dumped 39 of 524 directories; 7.4% completed

vdump: Dumped 2567 of 6485 files; 39.6% completed

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:41:50 1999

vdump: Dumped 1844398769 of 2052768908 bytes; 89.8% completed

vdump: Dumped 40 of 524 directories; 7.6% completed

vdump: Dumped 3120 of 6485 files; 48.1% completed

vdump: Rewinding and unloading tape

vdump: Status at Sat Aug 14 03:44:40 1999

vdump: Dumped 2052768908 of 2052768908 bytes; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 524 of 524 directories; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dumped 6485 of 6485 files; 100.0% completed

vdump: Dump completed at Sat Aug 14 03:44:40 1999

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Appendix 8B: Daily Tasks Check List & Results

xxx xxxxx
Check back-up
mail message OK? Y/N
If N note details here & continue overleaf:
datafiles usr
indexes xxxxx




Check alert_log file OK? Y/N

If N note details here & continue overleaf

Check Disk Storage OK? Y/N

xxxxx 2
xxxxx 3
xxxxx 4
xxxxx 6
Core files





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Check trace files None? Y/N

If N note details here & continue overleaf

Check Unix System Message File OK? Y/N

If N note details here & continue overleaf

Routine Checks through day

df -k
If not OK see notes overleaf





users logged on



memory allocation


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Daily Routine
Currently, the backups are looked after by the IT team at <Site 1> where the xxx
machine resides.
Four 120m DAT tapes are used for the backup. They are inserted into the tape
holder with tape 1 at the top and tape 4 at the bottom.
Each morning the tapes from the previous evenings backup are removed from the
xxx and placed in the safe.
Each evening the tapes for that evenings backup are placed in the xxx.
The tapes placed in the safe the previous day are removed from the safe and taken

Sets of tapes are rotated as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
These tapes are rotated on a weekly basis.
The tapes used on the last day of the month are taken off-site and kept for a month.
Their place in the weekly rotation is taken by the tapes kept from the end of the
previous month.
The time and date of the start of each filesystems backup is recorded in the file

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The following is a copy of the backup routine. This routine is stored in

/u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup and is run by the roots crontab.
/sbin/rm /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

echo Start of Backup > /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

echo Initialising Tape Deck >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/usr/bin/mcutil -I

/usr/bin/mcutil -e >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

echo Putting Tape 1 into Drive >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/usr/bin/mcutil -m s:0 d:0

/usr/bin/mcutil -e >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

echo Starting vdump >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /datafiles >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h /usr >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h /u01 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /indexes >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx2 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx3 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h / >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump/-0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx4 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/sbin/vdump/-0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx6 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

echo Removing Tape from drive >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

/usr/bin/mcutil -I

/usr/bin/mcutil -e >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

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NB: The N on some of the lines starting with /sbin/vdump tells the vdump program not to
rewind the mounted tape after backing up the directories. Lines without the N will rewind the
tape and move onto the next tape. Therefore, if we look at the archive part of the backup
crontab, it becomes clearer when the vdump program changes tapes.
Tape 1
/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /datafiles >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
/sbin/vdump -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h /usr >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
Tape 2
/sbin/vdump -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h /u01 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
Tape 3
/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /indexes >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx2 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
/sbin/vdump -0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx3 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
/sbin/vdump -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h / >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
Tape 4
/sbin/vdump/-0 -N -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx4 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log
/sbin/vdump/-0 -u -f /dev/rmt0h /xxxxx6 >> /u01/stockdata/BACKUPS/backup.log

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Tape 1:
Tape 2:
Tape 3:
Tape 4:

/datafiles and /usr


/indexes, /xxxxx2, /xxxxx3 and /

/xxxxx4 and /xxxxx6

To restore data from tapes with multiple filesets:

vrestore -t -f /dev/nrmt0h
will list all files in first fileset BUT will not rewind afterwards, thus a further:
vrestore -t -f /dev/nrmt0h
will list all files in second fileset etc.

If a tape or the last tape becomes full, there are two things which can be done
1. Delete any old or unused data from the relevant directories and disks. Also, make
sure that there are no large xxxxx core dumps which take up considerable space
2. The crontab behind the backup procedure sends mail messages to the superuser
account. By looking at the unix mail for superuser and by looking at the free disk
space on the drives (df -k), you may be able to move different directory backups onto
another tape or arrange them in another combination depending on how much space
is left on each tape and the size of the disks. If doing this, it is advisable to put all the
xxxxx datafile backup on the first set of tapes so as to avoid a backup of xxxxx
datafiles taking place whilst the database is coming back up between 6.45 and

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Appendix 10: Syncronise procedure

The Syncroniser
using syncronise to back-up and recover
your lap-top files

What is the Syncroniser?

The Syncroniser is a piece of software that allows files on your lap-top (or desk-top) pcs hard-disk
to be copied to or syncronised with Cxxxx and vice versa so that your files can be backed-up on Cxxxx
or retrieved from Cxxxx.

Some definitions
1 You can use the Syncroniser on your lap-top pc or your desk-top pc - for clarity these instructions will
refer only to your lap-top pc just substitute desk-top pc for lap-top pc if you want to use these
instructions on your desk-top pc.
2 You may know that the area where you store a collection of files in Cxxxx and on your lap-top/desktop pc by the Windows name of folder; other computer systems call this area a directory. In these
instructions and in the Syncroniser software a folder and a directory are the same thing and are used
3 The files and/or directories that you are copying (or syncronising) FROM will be called the source
files or directories.
4 The files and/or directories that you are copying (or syncronising) TO will be called the target files or

Whats the difference between Copying and Syncronising?

Copying a source directory to Cxxxx from your lap-top pc (or the other way round) will copy ALL files
in that directory to the target directory on Cxxxx. Similarly ALL files in a source directory on Cxxxx will
be copied to the target directory on your lap-top pc.

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Syncronising a source directory on your lap-top pc with a target directory on Cxxxx (or the other way
round) will make the contents of the target directory EXACTLY the same as the source directory
contents. That is, it will update the target directories files with the same versions as those in the source
directory, add files that are in the source directory but not in the target directory and DELETE files that
are in the target directory but not in the source directory. Therefore the Syncroniser should be used
with some caution as you may up-date files that you did not mean to OR YOU MAY LOSE FILES you
did not want to!

How to use the Syncroniser

Initial set-up
The first time you use the Syncroniser there will probably be a lot of work for Cxxxx and your lap-top to
do. To save you time and to save money on phone bills it is recommended that you do the initial
syncronisation of your files via a network link in <Site 1>, or <Site 2>. Subsequent syncronising
sessions should be quicker since Cxxxx and your lap-top pc will have done most of the hard-work in
the initial set-up session, thus you can use the Syncroniser by normal dial-up link to Cxxxx as it
SHOULDNT take too long.

Starting Syncroniser
From the Cxxxx desk-top click on the following route:
Start > Programs > Accessories > Syncronise. (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1.

The Syncroniser window looks like this:

Figure 2.

Exiting Syncroniser

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(top Right Hand corner of Syncroniser window).

Setting up the Syncroniser so that it works with the directories you want
(this is the start of either the Copying or Syncronising procedure [see below] and must be done each

time before Copying or Syncronising files or directories).

1 Start Syncroniser as above.

2 From the Syncroniser window click on the following route:

Options > Drives (see Figure 3)

Figure 3.

and you will presented with the Drive Options window (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

3 In the Drive Options window enter, as follows, the specifications for the Cxxxx & lap-top drives that
you are going to work with:
a) IN THE TOP BOX: the directory and path, on the lap-top pc that you want to copy to or
from the drives to choose from are C: , D: or E: .
The format for the drive & directory path is:
<drive>:\<path>\<directory to back-up or recover>

An example:

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C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

C = <drive>;
Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\
= <path> and
Startup = <directory to back-up>
b) IN THE BOTTOM BOX: the directory and path on Cxxxx that you want to copy from or to
the drives to choose from are U: , G: or S: . See paragraph 3a above for an example of
what a drive, path & directory entry for this box should look like.

button sets the both drive paths back to C:\syncron (lap-top) and
c) T
U:\syncron (Cxxxx) which can be used as designated areas on them for running the
If the target directory (on either the lap-top or Cxxxx) does not exist then the
Syncroniser will create the directory for you before placing files in it.

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d) Now perform the Copy or Syncronise operation that you wish see relevant section, below,
on how to perform these procedures.
1 Set up the drives that you wish to work with (see above section).

2 From the Syncronise window click on the

Figure 5).

by the top box to see the list of operations (see

Figure 5.

3 Choose from Copy from PC/Laptop to CXXXX (copies files which have changed or which are
new from lap-top to CXXXX; no files are deleted) or Copy from CXXXX to PC/Laptop (copies
files which are new from CXXXX to your lap-top; no files are deleted).

4 Click the


5 The copys progress is displayed in the box at the bottom of the window.
6 At the end of the copy the following message will appear:

Figure 7.

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7 Click OK to return to the front screen to perform further Syncroniser procedures or to exit.
1 Set up the drives that you wish to work with (see above section).
2 From the Syncronise window click on the
Figure 5).

by the top box to see the list of operations (see

Figure 8.

3 Choose from Syncronise using the PC/laptop as master (makes sure that the newest version of
existing files are maintained on both systems. Copies new files from your laptop to CXXXX and
prompts for the deletion of files which only exist on CXXXX.) or Syncronise using CXXXX as the
master (makes sure that the newest version of existing files are maintained on both systems. Copies
new files from CXXXX to your laptop and prompts for the deletion of files which only exist on your

4 Click the


5 The syncronisations progress is displayed in the box at the bottom of the window.
6 At the end of the syncronisation the following message will appear (as well as a summary of files

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Figure 9.

7 Click OK to return to the front screen to perform further Syncroniser procedures or to exit.

and remember - you are not alone! Getting help.

If you have any queries or problems with using the Syncroniser contact the IT Helpdesk on

(xxxxxxxxxx) xxxx xxxx or (xx) xxxx xxx xxxx.

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